#I don’t even know how coherent this is but I just !!!!! 🥺💕
kithtaehyung · 1 year
RYEN 😭 idk if it’s bc i’m in a sensitive mood or what but that group photo scene made me tear up 🥺 this whole chapter (drabble? one shot?) was brimming with nostalgia, which is arguably my favorite feeling tbh 😅 i just fucking love summer, and i miss all my friends at home and reading this was so comforting to me 💕
also this one really made me yearn for the day that they don’t have to keep each other a secret anymore. my heart ACHES FOR THEM!!! they love each other so much and i WILL NOT be convinced that it’s “””too early””” for that. they deserve to be happy, and so does their brother. yoongi is home for both of them and OH I’M JUST SO FUCKING SOFT RN.
also dom is ONCE AGAIN the realest one for chiming in about shiv when she knows the truth. just making sure folks don’t get suspicious. she’s always looking out 💅🏻
i’m glad you were able to get out of a slump and were inspired to write this! it warmed my lil sensitive heart. i’m excited to see what you have coming up (especially satsuma tbh 👀). and if you’re still asking if we wanna see the lollipop continuation, i actually just got out of a meeting with everyone on the subject. fists slammed on the table, and everyone was shouting over each other, but i got a unanimous yes, and i’m here to deliver the message. yes. we want it. need it, in fact.
i hope you’re having a lovely evening and week, as always! and that you’re still happy to be busy and that you’re taking care of yourself. stream face for emotional wellness and prepare for yoongi tour for emotional distress
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NICKI NOOOO😭 it's totally ok bc that scene made me a little teary-eyed, too. it's okay! the nostalgia was something i wanted to convey in this one bc everyone was together, just like the old days. i may have been a little reminiscent myself while writing, so the influence came from all those memories i hold close. i'm glad i was able to comfort you in some way<3 i'll be here to keep doing that for as long as i can.
THE ACHE I KNOWWW i feel it, too! trust me. i have to hold back bc of pacing and plot and all sorts of other things like reality T^T but trust when i say i yearn for that day, too. they all deserve so much happiness and my heart hurts even now when i think about them and their respective journeys.. ugh the fact that you included bro in here just made me :')))) STOPPP
dom is just a real one idk what else to say to that. lmfao.
THE SLUMP IS GONNNNNEEEE god i wanna punch and kick air like that's how fcking hype i am. it's been a rough few months so to be able to churn out Coherent Words and Phrases That I Am Proud Of again makes me gd elated. satsuma is on the backburner right now since 3tan10 is getting worked on, but i'm excited that you're ready for it! it's a fun one.
LMFAO glad the 3tan council all decided that lollipop was in order. i have spoken to pa!jimin and he is ready for us to get that draft done and posted in due time.
i'm doing quite well these days! busy but a good type of busy, and got to work on dope ass sHIT recently so it's been looking great! i hope you're doing well, too, and uhhhhhhh yeah. this tour is gonna end me lol i'm so fcking READY
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whoreiaki-kakyoin · 3 years
Go ahead share those Daddy Leone thoughts 👀🤲
Honestly, sometimes I manage to think of something coherent about Daddy Leone, but then sometimes it’s just me flustering myself with silly thoughts of Abbacchio calling you sweet pet names and bringing that soft daddy dom energy as he takes care of you, insists you be good and listen to him as he dotes on you because daddy knows best, doesn’t he? And he knows when you need some extra love and attention because you’re too stressed or going through a rough patch. Pulling you into his lap for cuddles as he murmurs soft praise and encouragement.
Also, in terms of literal daddy Abbacchio, like older, dilf-ier Abbacchio? I always imagine him having these little rectangular wire frame reading glasses when he gets older…. He doesn’t need them all the time, but he puts them on if he wants to read or see certain things close up, and he looks so good with them! The thought of him starting to get crow’s feet, too…. I don’t know why that gives me so many butterflies but it does 🥺🥴
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cable-knit-sweater · 2 years
Maya. I just read You Make My Dreams Come True and I -
I can't even-
I'm literally just
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...only I cried harder than this. I swear I started sobbing at the end of the first chapter and then cried my way through the next three. You should see my face right now because I am a M-E-S-S. It's a good thing that I'm alone right now because this was like full on ugly crying. I think I might start crying again now actually
UGH, I know this isn't a very good 'Hey I loved your fic!!' message and I'm sorry and I swear I'll leave a more coherent comment under the fic itself once I've composed myself but !!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope that everyone who loves Evanstan reads this fic because it's a MUST read. It's rendered me a crying, blotchy mess and it's absolutely amazing, as are you, Maya. I know generally speaking crying on your birthday isn't considered a good thing, but in this case it absolutely is.
GOD. I love this so much? I can't believe you took my silly prompt and turned it into this incredible thing?????? It's instantly one of my Evanstan faves and I'll be rereading it until eternity. I love our boys so damn much, and I love you. 💘
Minnie, my love 😭😭😭😭💖💖💖💖
I don’t even know where to begin, really. I sent you that DM because really, you’ve rendered me a little speechless, definitely NOT because you didn’t manage to get across how you felt about it 😭😭 And because it means SO SO SO damn much to me that you feel this way about this fic, so I’ll do my best to express it, even if that feels impossible right now🥺🥺💕
This literally everything I could ask or hope for. I had no idea your prompt would take me into this story either. To be honest, I was a little lost. Bless @forsureitslove 💛 for saying something about Seb leaving his jacket behind at Chris’s, and him being a sap about it - because as soon as she said that, I don’t think I could stop. The fact that it’s your prompt, from one of my favorite people, makes it even better that this whole story (and possibly universe) became what it did. I really should thank you for that 💛💛
I’m definitely proud of this one, but reading your wonderful comments makes it even more rewarding. And I get it, oh I get it honey. I made myself cry with this one a little bit, so the fact that it touched you so much it led to ugly crying… well, let’s say I agree that crying on your birthday isn’t normally a good thing, but this I’ll take with all the gratitude in the world 🥺🥺🥺
And I guess I write mostly for me, what I hope for and what I’d like to see. But it wasn’t just your prompt that got me to write it. I think half of the reasons I love them so much are because of you. And since I poured all my love for them into this fic, it’s kinda yours too. 💖💖💖
It’s really all I want for them, those beautiful idiot boys. They deserve everything, all the sappiness and sentimentality and romantic gestures, and I loved giving them some of that in this story 💖💖 And to share my love for them with you is the best thing to happen to me in a long long time. I love you to the moon and back, I really really do 💕💕💕
I really just hope I’ve managed to convey even a fraction of what this means to me, because I’m not always sure I know how to express it, and I probably forgot to tell you some of the things I want to say. But just in case, a gif of me right now:
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(Also bless @justconfettiandsomeddew for this gif it’s everything)
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zackmartin · 3 years
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Please ignore my banner, I got lazy and didn’t want to spend the time to make it actually look like. decent alskdjf.
I met and started talking to some really cool new people this year and I’d love to include you, but I have this weird anxiety of coming across as overzealous and clingy but just know if we had at least one conversation, I consider us friends and I hope we become even better friends in the new year and if it wouldn’t be like, weird to you, you can definitely include yourself in this alsdkfj 💗
If I forget anyone please understand that I have really extreme Brain Fog right now but it obviously has no bearing on my love for you, y’all know who you are 💕
Even though I can’t say it to each of you this year, I still want to say how much I love you all. This past year and the year before have been two of the most difficult years I’ve ever been through, both because of stuff happening in the world and just everything going on in my personal life/health wise, and I don’t think I would’ve made it through had it not been for this website bringing me to some of the most incredible people. 
To the ones that let me dump 6,000+ word essays in your DMs on a random idea I came up with, to letting me brainstorm and talk things out even though we all know it probably won’t turn into anything, to getting into something I adore and live-blogging in my inbox, to just random check-ins/asks, it all means the absolute world to me. And on that note, I want to thank you all for continuing to indulge me; I know i wouldn’t have seventeen different AUs for one random crossover I came up with almost three (!!!) years ago, nor would I have written 2k words today of my latest one if y’all didn’t at least pretend to care jsfjsj 😅😅 and I know Izzy and Felix wouldn’t exist and I wouldn’t be contemplating adding yet another sibling if you guys hadn’t been so supportive. 🥺 I also know I definitely would’ve quit gifmaking if you guys didn’t reblog all my stuff (even some of you when you aren’t in the fandom?? 🥺🥺 idk how to thank you for that) and leave little nice tags 💕💕 And I want to thank a lot of you for the opposite, to the ones that let me in on their ideas, and their universes and their OCs, I love it all so much, like just getting a glimpse into all that is a great source of joy for me, and I hope you all know that you can always come to me with ideas, you don’t even have to ask, because I want to hear it all 💖 
and honestly I just want to thank y’all for being you. I feel like I know some of the best the world has to offer. I know I sound like a broken record, but it really does give me so much joy to see y’all excitedly gushing about something on my dash, even if it’s something I know nothing about. And I love getting into new things through all of you, and I definitely plan to continue that in the new year. I love watching you all grow and change and experience new things. 2022 better be kind to you all of you, and that’s a threat.🔪😤 Anyway, my brain is getting cloudy so it’s gonna start getting difficult to form coherent sentences so I gotta stop here alsdfkj but just know that I love y’all with my whole heart and I feel so honored to know each and every one of you, and I feel so beyond thankful to call you friends 💕
If I forget anyone please know that has all to do with the Brain Fog, and nothing to do with my love for you.
Also, honorable mention to Ryker; even though you don’t have an account for me to tag anymore, you’re definitely included in this 💗
@taylorswiftrulestheworld @willexs @harts-on-friar @sunsetcurve @legendaryjohnmarston @bitchmilsky @neshatriumphs @perhapspearl @dashingmoonlight @symphonic-concert @mistyskiesrambles @owenjoyners @youngbloodthekilljoy @the-nerdy-fangirl @ciara-knightly @unsaid-emily @hoovii @cactus-con
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Are these show love to ryen's old fics hours? Like everyone else I am a simp for 3tan. Buuuut your seokjin fics the ex not missed and last November are some of my favs. My comfort fics if you will. I've read both multiple times! Loved how soft, funny and ultimate boyfriend ™ jin was in them. And though it's not really an old fic, don't even get me started on new guy!!!! That namjoon lives rent free in my mind. He was insanely hot
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DKSLSDK IM GONNA SOB😭😭😭 oh my god. Those two jin fics were vastly different in setting and writing process (tenm made me tear my hair out multiple times💀) but they both are dear to me. I wonder if I should make commentary?🤔
I’m glad they’re comfort fics, especially with Jinnie🥺 That’s what they’re meant to be, as with most of my work (Hush Yeah is just a big fight fest with Kim Taehyung lmfao nothing comforting just pure h*rny rage)
NEW GUY, TOO?? Oh god. I love you. That one was whipped up so quick I’m surprised it turned out coherent and readable🤣 I’m so flattered right now I don’t even know what to say.. Thank you so much what the heck😭💕
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