#I don’t even visit you because you’re just dust and formaldehyde in a box in the dirt. and a stone.
uneorange · 9 months
Things I’m missing about you today:
- when you would sing while cleaning the house
- the sound your bracelets made on the kitchen table when you would help me with my homework
- the way you would pet your goldfish on the head with one finger when he swam to the top of the tank to greet you
- your lipstick smudged on my cheek when you gave me a kiss to annoy me (I was never, ever annoyed)
- sitting between your legs while you braided my hair
- watching you paint your nails
- the way you knew which ultraman episodes would have the theme song in English and which would be in Japanese
- sitting next to you on the couch and watching inuyasha in the dark
- the fact that you let me be the weirdest version of myself that I could be and the only thing you ever said about it was “which character is your boyfriend in this show?”
- the smell of your perfume
- your very sparse grey hairs
- when you’d make up some arbitrary monetary value for every basic task (using your bathroom cost $5 dollars. I say this to my students, too. It makes them laugh like it made me laugh)
- when you would become a vampire and bite me on the cheek, not enough to hurt. Just enough to make me laugh and tell you to go away
- your collection of little trinkets. So many little glass trinkets
- so so so many episodes of gunsmoke and bonanza
- when you’d tell me no, I couldn’t keep a blue crab for a pet. Put it in the pot.
- the way you always tucked my blankets in way too tight
- unlacing your shoes for you because you swore you just couldn’t reach
- dancing in the living room with you
- you, before you weren’t you anymore
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