#adulthood is not as fun without a mommy I look for you everywhere and I can’t find you
uneorange · 9 months
Things I’m missing about you today:
- when you would sing while cleaning the house
- the sound your bracelets made on the kitchen table when you would help me with my homework
- the way you would pet your goldfish on the head with one finger when he swam to the top of the tank to greet you
- your lipstick smudged on my cheek when you gave me a kiss to annoy me (I was never, ever annoyed)
- sitting between your legs while you braided my hair
- watching you paint your nails
- the way you knew which ultraman episodes would have the theme song in English and which would be in Japanese
- sitting next to you on the couch and watching inuyasha in the dark
- the fact that you let me be the weirdest version of myself that I could be and the only thing you ever said about it was “which character is your boyfriend in this show?”
- the smell of your perfume
- your very sparse grey hairs
- when you’d make up some arbitrary monetary value for every basic task (using your bathroom cost $5 dollars. I say this to my students, too. It makes them laugh like it made me laugh)
- when you would become a vampire and bite me on the cheek, not enough to hurt. Just enough to make me laugh and tell you to go away
- your collection of little trinkets. So many little glass trinkets
- so so so many episodes of gunsmoke and bonanza
- when you’d tell me no, I couldn’t keep a blue crab for a pet. Put it in the pot.
- the way you always tucked my blankets in way too tight
- unlacing your shoes for you because you swore you just couldn’t reach
- dancing in the living room with you
- you, before you weren’t you anymore
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The Pen Pal Project (Chris Evans x Latina!OC)
Previously on The Pen Pal Project...
Warnings: Foul Language, mentions of sex and one night stands
Word count: 1,671
Chapter 2
Letter #2
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October 28th, 2017
Julie woke up to her alarm blaring, she groaned at the thought of starting the day. Pressing the snooze button she soon drifted off to sleep once more. 
“JUULLIIEEE!!!” She heard her roommate Irene yell throughout the hall. Julie groaned as she stuck her head further into her pillow, “ju got works to do!!” She could hear her roommate get closer to her room. 
“Julie isn’t here now go away!” Julie yelled as she covered her face with her blankets, the responsibility of adulthood was calling her name but she didn’t want to answer it. All she wanted to do was go back in time and smack her younger self for thinking adulthood would be great. What the hell was she thinking back then? 
“Julie, I swear to God! If you don’t get up this instant!” Irene said as she threw the door open. 
“Okay, okay, mom!” Julie said sarcastically, but she knew her roommate all too well. Once Irene had to come into her room to wake her, it was only one more warning until Irene had to do the worst thing possible. Ice. Cold. Water. 
Julie got up from her bed, “Happy?” 
“Nope,” Irene said as she crossed her arms, “not until I see your ass in that bathroom brushing your teeth and you out of your PJs, then I will be happy.” I groaned as I walked passed her and into the bathroom that was across the hall from my room, “and don’t call me mom, reminds me of that guy I dated with a mommy kink.” Irene shivers at the thought of it. 
Julie laughs, “that was a great week,” Julie thought of that week. How she kept calling Irene mommy, teasing her of the horrible date she went out, yet she still ended up in that guy's bed. 
“It wasn’t for me being horny I wouldn’t have gone through with that date,” Irene said with a small eye roll. 
“And that’s why you stay good friends with an ex that you can hit up whenever you’re horny,” Julie said with a smile. 
“Or in your case, become friends with benefits with an ex that still head over heels with you, by the way, there is a rose on the table for you.” 
Julie rolled her eyes as she began to brush her teeth, “I need to end things with him,” Julie muffled as her mouth was full of toothpaste and foam. 
“What?!” Irene exclaimed from her room, she made her way back over to the restroom, “bro, I can’t hear shit you say with your mouth full.” 
Julie groaned and finished brushing her teeth, “I said that I need to end things with him.” 
“Uh, no duh! Should’ve ended things from the start! Red flags everywhere!” Irene expressed. 
“I know,” Julie said with a sigh, “He’s just so....” 
“Controlling? Sensitive? Manipulative? Toxic?” Julie raised her eyebrows at Irene, “I’ve got more if you’re not going to stop me.” 
“Sensitive,” Julie stated, “he’s sensitives to these things.” 
“So? Rip it off like a bandaid, he can’t always be a whiny bitch.” 
“He hurt you and you being the dumbass that you are, let him. To top it off you let him in your no no square after everything he has done to you!” Irene sighs, “I’m just being honest, you know I don’t like Ruben and you know I hate seeing you get hurt. I just want what’s best for you.” Julie knew that her best friend was right but she was just so afraid of how the situation might go down. But it’s what she had to do. Sooner rather than later. 
“Anyway, I have to go to work now,” Irene stated as she sprayed some perfume on. 
Julie got ready for her day, placing on her work uniform that consisted of a black tee and some blue jeans. Once Julie was ready she locked the apartment door and got into the elevator, pressing the button for the parking garage. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Julie heard Irene yell from the parking garage
“I thought you left already,” Julie said as she walked over to her car in the parking garage. 
“I would have been if I didn’t have a flat tire!” Irene groaned as she hit the tire with her shoe. 
“Well, that’s unfortunate,” Julie said as she looked at the tire, she sighed, “get in,” Julie then said as she unlocked her own car, “I’ll take you to work.” 
“Thanks,” Irene said as she got into the car, “I’ll get the bus back if you can’t give me a ride home.” 
Julie just gave her a small nod. The sound of Julie’s text notification fulfilled the girl's ears, “is that an Ewok ringtone?” Irene asked. 
Julie blushed, “it was free, don’t judge!” 
“Not judging... just curious,” Irene said with a small chuckle. 
Julie rolled her eyes and checked the message, Irene, this is Dr. Hudson's receptionist, Becca. Dr. Hudson wanted me to inform you that you have a letter here and whenever you can to pick it up! Have a great day! 
Julie sighed and typed back a message, Thank you, I will see if I can pick it up before heading to work! “We have time to stop by my therapist's office, I have to pick up a letter.” Julie placed her phone in her bag and began to drive out of the parking garage. 
“A letter?” 
“Oh yeah,” Julie sighed, “my therapist wants me to do this new project, I basically am writing to some pen pal.” 
“oooooo, do you know anything about this person?” 
“No, I only sent one letter and surprisingly I got a reply already, kind of anxious to see what they wrote,” Julie said as she focused her attention on the road. 
“What if they’re your soulmate!? Oh my gosh! A sugar daddy!? The possibilities of what this person can be!” Irene exclaimed in excitement. 
“An ax murderer,” Julie whispered. 
“That too...” Irene said softly. “Hopefully not, though.... that would suck.” 
Julie laughed as she pulled up to her therapist's office, it was a short drive from the apartment without traffic... with traffic, it’s another story. 
“Wait for me here?” Julie asked as Irene just gave her a small nod. Julie got off the car and walked into the small building. “Good morning, I’m here to pick up a letter from my pen pal!” 
Becca chuckled, “She’s so gonna hate that you’re calling it that.” 
“Well, what is she calling it?” 
“The buddy system,” Becca said.
“The buddy system? That’s what I learned in kindergarten!” Julie rolled her eyes. Becca handed Julie her letter, “thank you very much!” 
“You’re welcome!” Becca said with a small smile. 
Julie walked back over to her car, getting in to see an eager Irene. “Open it!” 
“No,” Julie said with a small eyeroll, as much as Julie wanted to read the letter right then and there, she knew it was best to wait until after work. Give herself something to look forward to. 
“You’re no fun!” Irene said as she pouted. “Now hurry up or else I’ll be late for work!” 
Julie’s day went by like normal, once she got to her apartment she realized that Irene still wasn’t home. Julie sent a quick text to Irene notifying that she was home, something she started to do after an incident involving Irene bringing home a guy thinking that Julie wasn’t home. Julie got images of things she wishes to never see again. 
Julie laid down in her bed, remembering about her letter she excitedly got up and grabbed it from her purse. She opened the letter and began reading.  
Dear Julie,
My name is Chris. I’d give you my last name, but you didn’t give me one, to begin with so it’s only fair that you’d give me one first before I even tell you mine. Congratulations on giving this a try, it’s better to see how it went than to not do it and wonder what would’ve happened. Funny, I’ve always wanted a pen pal. 
“HA! Suck it, Dr. Hudson, he’s calling me his pen pal!” Julie exclaimed. 
Although they said this wasn’t that, I’d say it is.
“Me too, Chris, Me too,” Julie said with a grin as she kept reading the letter. 
 If that’s okay with you of course. Anyway, I’m rambling. Do you like working as a waitress? What do you mean by you don’t know? Have you thought of anything specific as a career? I know, lots of questions but I am curious. After all, we’ll be writing letters to each other, it’s a lot different than texting. I’ve got to make these letters worth it, you know? And you’re still young, you have your whole life ahead of you. I bet you heard that a bunch of times, but it’s true. Even though it may feel like you are running out of time, you’re not. Trust me.                                                                         
A little about me, I’m thirty-seven years old, I have a wonderful career in the arts, not married but I do have a dog named Dodger. He’s the best. Like a son, I might add. I too began therapy for my anxiety, although, I like to think I have it under control, I still need the help. I probably always will. Whatever comes from this project, I hope it’s the start of something amazing. Something that will probably help millions.
Your Pal, Chris. 
P.S. I personally like, ‘Toodles.’ But that’s my opinion. ‘Later Vader,’ is pretty lit, that’s what kids nowadays say right? Lit? Anyway, I am indeed a Star Wars fan so that saves you the trouble of having to ask to be reassigned to a different person.  
“ha, toodles,” Julie chuckled at the last part. She couldn’t help but wondered more about Chris. What was he like? What kind of things he was interested in? Julie had all these questions popping up in her head and she only had one way to get them to stop. “Time to get to writing,” Julie said as she got off her bed and walked over to her small desk. 
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