#I don’t know how to translate between metres/centimetres and feet/inches I just used the heights I can remember easier
fierykitten2 · 1 year
One reason I haven’t done much on chapter 2 of Temporal Boost is because I’ve been obsessing over Adventures in the Pokémon Universe, my other main fanfic at the moment. The other one is the fact that I reached a problem in writing it. Phoenix is supposed to bring Walking Wake to the hospital and there are two options with how to bring it there: 1 - carrying WW in his arms, 2 - bringing WW in the Rainbow Phoenix. The only problem is Walking Wake is too big to be carried in his arms but it’s also too big to ride in the Rainbow Phoenix. My solution: shrug shoulders accept defeat I’m just gonna roll with the idea of carrying it like it’s a very tall puppy only the very tall puppy is actually a 3 and a half metre tall dinosaur made to look like a leopard creature and the person carrying it is somewhere between 6 feet tall and 6 foot 8 which btw is the height of the puppy’s modern-day counterpart and given the fact that WW is a Past Paradox Pokémon it is considerably taller than 6’8”. Also in order for the rest of the chapter to make sense I feel like I either have to give Walking Wake worse injuries on the way to the hospital or to rewrite the entire chapter so far to set it in the hospital in the first place. The first option is more the kind of thing I would do but the second one makes more sense but would probably take more effort
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avillainousmagician · 8 years
I am, in general, metric system kind of person. I don't like the imperial system I find it imprecise and footery. (I also can't be doing with Fahrenheit, but I also have almost 0 understanding of that which is worse than I am with the differences I am going in to. This is regardless of living my whole life with my grampa who only uses Fahrenheit and we need my gran to translate. I think I have got that 100° is very very hot, up around 30° I think, which my gramps says is great and which kills little borderline-vampire-heat-is-a-sensory-nightmare-my-body-refuses-to-produce-extra-melanin-with-sun-exposure me.) However, when searching for heights on Google I would like the answers in feet and inches. In the UK, we give height as feet and inches, almost always (unless it's doctors who go in kg and cm to my knowledge) and so giving me the heights in metres and centimetres is annoying. For the most part I know what feet and inches heights match up to the metric measurements but practically no one else in know does so having the search in Britain be metric is silly and inconvenient to the general user. Essentially we have a severe mishmash of imperial and metric here and I wish Google could do some kind of combination of US search and Europe search for the UK. But then we are only one country so that's asking quite a lot. But Google.co.uk IS a thing so maybe not? Ramble ramble ramble, sorry. I think I use feet and inches and stone and pounds for people (though I can work with m/cm (like how I know I am five foot one but in my head I generally go with 155cm) and kg) and then miles for distance but kg and grams for non human weight and metres and centimetres for short distances. And always, with no exceptions, litres and millilitres (or centilitres for booze) for liquid. In primary school we were taught in both, with that sort of distinction between non human things and humans (imperial for humans, metric for everything else except long distance and speed) and so that just leads to a weird midway measurements understanding that doesn't quite work with either way.
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