#I don’t know what I’m gonna do when the lesbian flag survey comes out
flower-lesbienne · 6 years
What are your icon/header now?
My icon is still the lesbian flag by @qrowrito I just took the flowers out because I thought it looked too cluttered and my header is the lesbian flag @numonous made because both flags are great and I can’t decide which I like better so I’m using both
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5lazarus · 3 years
A random prompt for you: "It was a dark and stormy night"
I was at the party ranting about catabasis narratives, wine glass in hand, and somebody walked up to me and handed me a pomegranate. “Fuck you,” I said. But it did its job. I put down the wine glass, or handed it vaguely to someone, and headed to the kitchen. There I began abusing the pomegranate, to make it give up its secrets. “Nature’s treasure box,” I said happily. “Leave me to die in hell.”
Someone stirred: a man, washing his hands at the kitchen sink. I blinked. I was too drunk and not drunk enough to make small talk. “You okay?” he asked. I presented the pomegranate. “Ah, catabasis,” he said understandingly. “I’ll leave you to it.” A rush of love for humanity swept me as he left. The friend hosting the party was a recovered classicist and repentant Maoist. They had the most interesting friends. I took a handful of pomegranate seeds and stuffed them in my mouth. The juice ran red and a few missed my mouth, but still I chewed. Tangy-sweet: like all of life, all emotion is wrapped up in a mouthful of flavor. I knew that this didn't quite make sense but I was pleased with the wave of sentiment that swept me. “Catabasis,” I said, and wiped at my eyes. I surveyed the bloody juice staining the counter. “Iphigenia,” I pronounced, and left. Someone handed me a wad of clean toilet paper as I stumbled through the hallway towards another room; it clung to my hands. “Bruh, you’re super fucked up,” a kindly stranger said. “Drink this.” They pulled me into a circle, where a fervent discussion over the rights and wrongs of 1921 was being hashed out. “Iphigenia,” I added helpfully. “A sacrifice knowingly met.” I drank the water and passed the blunt and settled happily into the scene. Three members of the cadre sat around me. The kindly stranger had the classic bisexual haircut and the classic bisexual septum piercing, but was otherwise remarkable. They were the only one close to sober, and kept an eye on their phone. The others were arguing. One wore a moustache and goatee similar to Comrade Trotsky, and was dressed in all black--black t-shirt, black jeans, black Nikes. I wanted to ask where the rest of black bloc was, but only mumbles came out, which was good because the joke probably wouldn’t have gone over well. The other wore a green cap with a red star and was chewing the end of the blunt. “Tell me one example of an actually existing socialist government led by Trotskyists,” Red Star said. “Come on. I’ll wait.” “The USSR would not have survived World War Two without Trotsky heading up the Red Army,” Comrade said instead. Even I was aware this did not actually answer Red Star’s question. “You can say that any existing socialist government exists due to his contribution to the USSR--and with no thanks to fucking Stalin.” “Yooooooo,” I intoned. I was ignored. The Kindly Bisexual handed me a bowl of popcorn. I took a fistful and began to lap the popcorn up. They shifted away from me slightly. I really needed to sober up. “That doesn’t make any sense,” Red Star said. “So Trotsky made some military contributions--sure. We can’t deny that.” “Some?” Comrade said incredulously. “He fought a war on five fronts!” He put his hand in front of Red Star’s face. Clearly I was not the only one who needed to sober up. “One: the White Army. Two: the--” “Don’t you ever get tired of relitigating twentieth century debates?” Red Star asked. “And get your hand out of my fucking face.” “Comrades!” the Kindly Bisexual hurriedly interrupted. “Look, it’s raining!” We all turned to the window, and I smiled. I loved the rain, especially when I was crossfaded. Indeed, not only was it raining--it was pouring, beginning with a low rumble and rising into a lash against the glass. Lightning cracked suddenly across the sky, flashing us blue. Red Star jumped. “A dark and stormy night,” I exclaimed happily. I clasped my hands together joyously, crunching kernels between my palms. “Who even are you?” Comrade said. “Good fucking question,” I said. “I’m not sure.” I looked at the Kindly Bisexual, who I decided was responsible for my welfare tonight, because clearly they were the voice of reason in this room. “Let me ask my handler.” “Yo, what?” Red Star said. I giggled. “Nice try, FBI.” I made finger guns at them, pushed myself up to my feet unsteadily, and wandered off to the living room. The Catabasis Man was sitting on the couch, eating pomegranate seeds out of a bowl. A group of anonymous leftists sat at his feet, facing the television. They were watching The L Word. I slid next to him. “Out of the earth?” I asked. “I have been reborn,” he agreed. “You good?” “I don’t know who I am,” I said. “But the rain is a good sign.” “Right,” he said. “I think you should eat something.” He got up and headed towards the kitchen, leaving me morose. I wrapped my arms around my legs. “These are not my lesbians,” I said sadly. “Shut up,” said someone on the floor, so I did and walked off again, this time in search of more food. The pomegranates and the popcorn were sitting unsteadily in my stomach, and I needed a less buttery carb. I returned to the bedroom with the Kindly Bisexual and the twentieth-century Marxists. “Fuck you,” the Comrade was saying. “You think I’m a plant? This is clear revisionism.” “Yo,” the Kindly Bisexual said. “What?” Comrade pointed at Red Star. “This is clearly COINTELPRO tactics, with cheap talking points too. Try to sound a little less like an alt-right troll account, Comrade Stalin.” “I’m a Maoist,” Red Star snarled. Thunder rolled. I giggled nervously, and was ignored. “Fuck this shit, man! Stop this copjacketing bullshit.” Red Star turned to the Kindly Bisexual. “You see this shit? You see this shit? Callin’ me a plant? That’s cop shit.” “Uh,” the Kindly Bisexual said. “I think yall need to chill.” “Spiderman points at Spiderman,” I exclaimed happily. I could envision it so easily: just the Spiderman meme, but with one of them with a goatee photoshopped onto the mask, and the other wearing Mao’s red star. It was great. It was great to look at a real-life meme. Comrade crossed his arms. “I’m just saying, it’s not copjacketing when you’re actually a cop. How do we know you’re real? You probably got that hat off Amazon.” “There’s no ethical consumption under late capitalism,” Red Star growled. “Fuck off. You Trots are all the same. Trying to split the party--that’s the real reason why you crazies have never had a successful revolutionary front since 1917, you start the wild accusations and then there’s what! A cult of just two, handing out newspapers at Union Square. Then charging you a dollar when they shove it into your hand.” “Oof,” I said. “Yeah, yeah,” Comrade said. “How’s fundraising for the People’s War of Williamsburg going? I heard you got good turnout for your membership drive at the New School. Soon enough, you’ll have enough people to build yet another base in some swamp. And leave pig heads in front of libraries and some shit.” “We are not affiliated with Red Guard,” Red Star said testily. “And the pig head, well, things are different in Texas.” “Yeah yeah,” Comrade said. “We know all the pig heads were some cop shit. Like who else can end up that much of a parody of themselves?” “You grew the goatee on purpose?” Red Star asked. “Or just to fit in?” The Kindly Bisexual claimed their hands. “Right, okay. I think we’ve all demonstrated enough insider knowledge of the blessed disaster we call the US Left. No more calling each other cops, okay? Because yall are too fucked up, and when I told the SC that I’d be a community steward, this is not what I thought my first case would be.” I thought that sounded vaguely carceral, but at this point sobriety was creeping cold and clear, and kept my tongue fuzzily still. “Urgh,” I said instead. “Anyone got a cigarette?” We all went outside for a smoke. The rain stilled to a mild drizzle. Streetlights made the dirty pavements shine, and I scuffed my shoe against a patch of old gum that had probably been there since all these people moved to Brooklyn. The Kindly Bisexual had the cigarettes, but nobody else had a light, so I found an old lighter I had picked up the last time I was driving home to Tennessee, in a Waffle House outside Murfreesboro. I had forgotten it had a Confederate flag on it. “What the fuck,” the Kindly Bisexual said flatly. “No!” I protested. “Shit. No. I-I just, I’m from Tennessee. Stole it from some guy in a Waffle House.” I hadn’t, I had just swiped it from the counter after I paid, but they didn’t need to know that. “I ain’t--no. No.” “You’re faking that accent,” Comrade accused. Red Star nodded next to him. Was this truly how the New York Left would be united? I was vaguely proud of myself. “No, I just codeswitch around middle class leftists from the North,” I said, annoyed. Comrade made a considering face: fair point. “On account of yall think my accent means I’m stupid. But let me show you the truth. I stole this from a Waffle House, and now it shall be destroyed!” Everyone watched as I threw it on the pavement, hoping it would shatter. It bounced instead. Red Star started to laugh. “Nah, that’s just stupid. Smash it! Smash it!” I slammed my foot down and then howled, because I was wearing flipflops and that hurt. “Motherfucker!” I wept. “Shit.” “Aight, I’m gonna try,” Comrade said. He jumped on it and slipped on the slick pavement, busting his ass. We all howled with laughter, even the Kindly Bisexual, who wiped their eyes--carefully, so as not to smudge their eyeliner--before offering him a hand up. “We have to be strategic about this,” Red Star said. “Let’s use that tree branch.” She grabbed a sizeable bow that must have fallen in the storm. She wielded it, lamppost casting a mad glow to her eyes. “Solidarity, yall!” “Solidarity!” we all echoed. She smashed it down, and we screamed in drunken glee as the plastic went flying. Red Star brandished the branch, grinning. Then we heard the sirens. Up the block, we saw the cop car on the corner, whirling its sirens. Some pig said something incomprehensible but threatening over the loudspeaker. “Shit,” I said. “I’m out.” We ran for it, laughing but anxious, all the way to the train station. We split up after the turnstiles. The others all lived deeper in Brooklyn, but I needed to head to Queens. I climbed up the stairs to the platform and sat down on the wooden bench, pushing anxiety about bed bugs out of my head. I saw the three of them across the tracks and waved. They were all laughing. Red Star was mimicking how she had dealt the killing blow. I waved, and the Kindly Bisexual saw me and waved back. They all looked my way. Their train pulled in and I saw them, brilliantly fluorescent, pile into the Coney Island-bound train. Red Star and the Kindly Bisexual spread out on the empty seats; Comrade grabbed a pole. I waved again, feeling lonely now. Comrade glanced over his shoulder and saw me, and they all waved again. The train pulled away, leaving me in the deserted station, and I thought: well, shit. Back to catabasis again.
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oldguardaudio · 7 years
Rush Limbaugh identifies Cracks in the Anti-Trump Resistance
rush obama shadow government against trump at HoaxAndChange.com
Rush USA Flag at HoaxAndChange.com
rush-limbaugh @ Old Guard Audio
Feb 20, 2017
  RUSH: Look at this. TheHill.com: “Americans Brimming with Optimism on the Economy.” I saw the headline, I must tell you, even I, El Rushbo, just to show you how hard this is, even I was surprised. Because, look, we can’t escape the past month of media coverage. And one of the efforts the media’s been engaging in, is trying to present a picture of Americans unhappy they elected Trump. Unhappy they voted for Trump, now pulling their hair out, “Oh, no, what do we do now?” And that’s not an accurate picture of America. It’s a picture of the protests that we’ve been shown, but it’s not a picture of America. America is actually pretty optimistic. Trump’s supporters are as avidly for him as they have always been.
And this story is actually a poll from Harvard. (Gasp!) Yeah, the Harvard-Harris poll. “A strong majority of Americans say the U.S. economy is running strong, and most believe the upward trend will continue under President Trump, according to a Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively to The Hill. The survey found that 61% view the economy as strong, against 39% who say it is weak. A plurality, 42%, said they believe the economy is on the right track, versus 39% who said it is on the wrong track.”
That is such a stark contrast to even back in October/November when it was 73% thought we were on the wrong track with Obama.
Major, major reversal here!
Mark Penn, who’s a codirector of the Harvard-Harris poll — and he’s a Democrat pollster, by the way. He’s polled for the Clintons, hasn’t he? (interruption) Don’t frown at me like that. Don’t tell me this guy’s a Republican. Next you’re gonna tell me the Lord’s Prayer is not in the Bible, right? Am I wrong about Mark Penn? I think Mark Penn… I think he’s worked with the Clintons. Anyway, he did the poll. He said, “It’s really a surprising turnaround given how negative voters have been about the economy since 2009. But jobs remains the number one issue and a lot of the change in sentiment anticipates tax cuts and infrastructure programs.”
That means a lot of this optimism anticipates the Trump agenda. And, again, it is why I continue to urge the Trump administration to get going on it. I mean, look, it’s all fine and dandy to stop the TPP. It’s all fine and dandy to say you’re gonna continue to, say, do NAFTA. And it’s all fine and dandy to keep talking about the wall. That’s crucial. Immigration is. But, man, repealing Obamacare? And look at the differing… There’s a story that ran yesterday. It’s on Drudge. Let me find it. We’ll get it exactly.
“Prospects of Quick Obamacare Repeal Sinking Fast.” Drudge links to a story like that at least once a day. Different story. “Prospects of Obamacare Withering Away.” “Prospects for Obamacare Repeal and Replace Dwindling Rapidly.” Every day you get one of those, and then Paul Ryan calls a congressional press conferences and goes out there and says, “No, no, no, no, no! We’re on the case here. This is gonna happen in March. We’re gonna roll it out in March.”
Trump echoes it. Rand Paul comes out, “Damn right, we’re gonna get rid of this as quick as we can.” So what’s the truth? Well, where are these stories coming from that the prospects for repealing Obamacare are just dwindling away rapidly? Let me just… I haven’t done this yet. But let me click on the link here. Let’s see just exactly where this takes us. Ha-ha. It’s the Washington Post.
RUSH: Yeah, Mark Penn ran Hillary Clinton’s campaign for president in 2008. He was also her pollster. And guess what? She still owes him money. Hillary Clinton still owes Mark Penn money all the way back 2008. He was chief strategerist for her in her 2008 presidential campaign. I don’t know that he worked on this last campaign because she still hasn’t paid him from 2008 (when she lost, of course, to Barack Hussein O). Here’s another story, ladies and gentlemen. I told you there’s a little, tiny stack that’s starting to develop that’s showing cracks in the so-called resistance to El Trumpo, and it’s again from TheHill.com.com.
And it’s a poll, from the same poll, the Harvard-Harris poll that shows optimism on the economy. Get this: “Americans Want Democrats to Work with Trump — A strong majority of Americans say Democrats should look to cooperate with President Trump to strike deals, according to the inaugural Harvard-Harris poll provided exclusively by The Hill. The survey found that 73% of voters want to see Democrats work with the president, against only 27% who said Democrats should resist Trump’s every move.” Again, this is Mark Penn, a Hillary campaign pollster and operative (that she hasn’t paid).
That 73% number is almost the exact number of people who thought the country was headed in the wrong direction in the last months of the Barack Hussein O Regime. Now, this is striking. Once again, by the way, the streets of American cities just magically happen to have a bunch of Trump protesters out there today. Just magically! I mean, they’re just out there, and the pictures are from helicopters and it’s made to look like tens of thousands of Americans are out protesting Donald Trump over the supposed latest Trump outrage, whatever it might be.
And again, vast majority of this stuff is bought and paid for by — it’s not a cliche to say it; it sounds it. It’s George Soros and I’m sure Obama and his Organizing for Action, which is an uptake on organizing for. Obama has a community organizing group, 250 offices that are organizing all this! There is an attempt at sabotage and a shadow government made up of Obama embeds and Clinton embeds in the bureaucracy, and these Organizing for Action offices that are organizing all these protests with mass produced protest signs with fill-in-the-blank issues. And these people are paid. And they’re recruited.
We know this because it’s been admitted to by the people that run these operations.
RUSH: Ready for this? Headline says it all. It’s NBC News. Ready? “President Trump Officially Won’t Be the Shortest-Serving U.S. President.”
What does that tell you was on NBC’s mind? That maybe they were gonna be able to get rid of him? And let me be generous. That maybe Trump was going to destroy his own presidency in record time. But right there it is.
“This Presidents Day, as thousands prepare to swarm the streets for Not My President’s Day rallies –” by the way, who started those? Where did these Not My President’s Day rallies get started? Hello, Mr. Soros. Hello, Mr. Obama. Hello, Mrs. Clinton. As thousands swarm the streets for not my Presidents Day, the president will celebrate a milestone. He’s reached his 32nd day in office. That small victory means that despite the demands of his detractors, President Trump will not have the shortest term in the Oval Office.
So they’ve been counting. They’re a little bit frustrated here, I’m sure. You can probably throw a “damn it” at the end of the headline. The honor of president serving the shortest term is William Henry Harrison, the ninth president, died from pneumonia just 32 days into his presidency on April 4th, 1841. He’s also the first president to die in office. Not only. First president.
RUSH: You know, I said there was a small but expanding Stack in my show prep today of stories that indicate some of the pizzazz is beginning to wane, as it were, from the collective anti-Trump energy out there. And it is, and I’ve given you three examples so far today, and here’s the next. This is from our old buddies at Breitbart News, and the headline: “LGBT Anti-Trump Protest in D.C. Fizzles Bigly — Even on a beautiful day with temperatures in the high 60s, organizers could not muster a decent-sized protest turnout against President Donald Trump at an LGBT event on Sunday outside the Trump International Hotel, a few blocks from the White House.
“A group of little more than two dozen protesters …” Now, can you imagine this? Here the call goes out for a swarm, a throng of people to show up — and it supposedly shouldn’t take much because there’s so much hatred for Trump out there. There’s such animus for Trump out there that should have been just a snap of the fingers, and you’ll get thousands of people to show up. “A group of little more than [24] protesters danced, kissed, held signs, and played music as an almost equal number of photographers captured the spectacle of social justice warriors who lacked any coherent message except free-floating contempt for the president who took office less than one month ago.”
(crumbles up story) Now, I realize saying this could just stoke them to go out and, you know, reignite themselves and find more energy. But remember, all of this has a purpose, and the longer it goes without any objective being realized, then… Human nature is human nature. At some point some in the group will start saying, “What are we doing here? What are we accomplishing here?” By the way, I want to know something:
Can anybody tell me what has Donald Trump ever done to offend the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender crowd? What has he ever done? I mean, it was Obama who came out and was originally anti-gay marriage and then when it became politically expedient, flipped. But what’s Trump ever done? What has Trump ever done to homosexuals, other than maybe take a swipe at Rosie O’Donnell. (interruption) That’s right. She took the swipe at him first. So I don’t know.
Rush Limbaugh identifies Cracks in the Anti-Trump Resistance Rush Limbaugh identifies Cracks in the Anti-Trump Resistance Feb 20, 2017 RUSH: Look at this. TheHill.com: “
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