#I don’t think the ship is connected to the hive mind- cause otherwise Donnie would’ve been able to tell Prime was coming for him
its-wabby-stuff · 9 months
Am I the only one who thinks Donnie would actually WANT to attach to the technodrome again?
My dad convinced me of this after our watch of the movie together, my resident Donatello and technology expert, so here goes.
Obviously, I don’t think Donnie enjoyed being RIPPED from the technodrome, and the connection process isn’t the cleanest thing, but those are the only two downsides really.
Think of what you gain. Complete control of a massive spaceship with all its crazy technology. Control at a thought, not the press of a button or flip of the wrist, a thought. All you have to do is think something and the ship will MAKE IT HAPPEN!! Do you have any idea how impressive that technology is? How incredible that feeling would be? This is the PINNACLE of technology, a once in a lifetime experience that Donnie may spend his entire life trying to recreate. I’m sure Donnie would love to do it again.
It’s like- everything he’s ever wanted.
Ripping him out might’ve been the only way to get him out.
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