#but sure Donnie could have some hesitation but I still think he’d want to do it again
its-wabby-stuff · 9 months
Am I the only one who thinks Donnie would actually WANT to attach to the technodrome again?
My dad convinced me of this after our watch of the movie together, my resident Donatello and technology expert, so here goes.
Obviously, I don’t think Donnie enjoyed being RIPPED from the technodrome, and the connection process isn’t the cleanest thing, but those are the only two downsides really.
Think of what you gain. Complete control of a massive spaceship with all its crazy technology. Control at a thought, not the press of a button or flip of the wrist, a thought. All you have to do is think something and the ship will MAKE IT HAPPEN!! Do you have any idea how impressive that technology is? How incredible that feeling would be? This is the PINNACLE of technology, a once in a lifetime experience that Donnie may spend his entire life trying to recreate. I’m sure Donnie would love to do it again.
It’s like- everything he’s ever wanted.
Ripping him out might’ve been the only way to get him out.
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dandylovesturtles · 1 year
I said to myself, “I’m going to write a short little ficlet about April taking the boys’ pictures for Splinter, that will be cute,” and then the Donnie portion got so long that I was like “okay I’ll just write about that.” I’m sure later I will circle back to the other three, and April showing the pictures to Splinter.
Support 100 Feet and a World Away in the TMNT Separated AU competition if you wanna! I have no idea when my poll is coming…
“Okay, before we start planning today,” April pulls out her phone, turning on the camera, “I’m gonna take your picture!”
Donnie looks suspicious. She can’t blame him - he’s had to put a lot of trust in her, a person he barely knows. She’s sure there’s some part of him that still thinks she’s planning on turning him into some kind of freak show attraction. “Why?”
“I’m gonna show your dad.” She lifts the phone, frowning at the bad lighting. Too bad she can’t turn any more on… “He wants to see what you look like all grown up!”
That’s half of it. The other half, she’s sure, is that Splinter wants to know that she isn’t jerking him around - that she really has met the boys, that she can get to them. He’s having to put a lot of trust in her, too.
It’s a little overwhelming when she thinks about it too long, so she doesn’t. Just focus on getting the photos - that’s all she has to do.
“The man who claims to be my father, you mean,” says Donnie.
April swallows down an exasperated groan. “Donnie, he has baby pictures of you.”
“Are you telling me there’s no way of manipulating pictures?”
“What, you think they’re photoshopped?”
“Aha!” Donnie points at her dramatically. “So there is a way!”
She needs to change tacks here. “These would be hard to fake. He’d have to know what you look like - what all of you look like.” She gestures at him. “He’d have to know that you have markings on your arms and shoulders, your eye color, what your shell looks like… That your color is purple.”
Donnie still looks suspicious through her little speech, but at the last point, she can see something else break through. After all, that’s the one thing the scientists here don’t know.
He’s still not sold, she knows that, but she can’t blame him there, either. All the walls he’s built up are defensive, and they’ll take time to wear down.
“I wouldn’t show this to anyone I think would hurt you,” she says, hoping he believes her. “I’ll even delete it when I’m done, if you want.”
He hesitates a second longer, and when he moves back from the fence and lowers into the water she thinks he won’t agree. But then he surfaces again, a few feet back, and holds his arms straight out to the sides.
“Okay,” he says resolutely. “I’m ready.”
She stares at him. “Uh… why are you standing like that?”
“Is this not the normal protocol for taking pictures?”
She doesn’t want to ask, but she does, anyway. “Is that how those creeps make you stand?”
“Yes.” He twists at the waist. “Front and then back.”
Of course. Every day she learns some new, messed up thing.
She wishes she could have five minutes alone with these creepazoid scientists - just her, them, and her trusty baseball bat.
But Donnie doesn’t need her justifiable rage right now, so she breathes past it and focuses.
“No, it’s not… Most people don’t take pictures like that.” T-pose for dominance crosses her mind, but there’s absolutely no time for explaining memes right now. “You wanna look more… natural.”
“Natural. Okay.” He drops his arms, then fidgets with his hands. “How do I do that?”
“Just stand how you normally stand when you talk to me.”
He frowns, then wades closer. Sways a little, his eyes locked on her. It’s interesting, how it doesn’t scare her like it did at first. “Like this?”
He looks angry like this. His mouth is set in a line, eyes intense. April knows it as his resting face, but what will Splinter think?
Telling Donnie to smile feels weird, though, so she sucks in a breath and nods. “Yep, like that. Okay, I’ll take the pic - it’s gonna flash, okay?”
“Yeah, flash a bright light. Just for a second.”
He nods. “Okay.”
She holds up the phone, focuses, then takes the pic. Donnie doesn’t startle at the flash, and she’s glad she warned him about it.
The picture itself is… well, depressing is the only word she has for it. Donnie looks angry, standing alone in the dark, feet from the camera and behind a fence. The shadows from the chain link crisscross over his face and body, stark reminders of his captivity.
On one hand, it definitely shows the situation Donnie is in.
On the other, she can only imagine how it would feel to see this picture as a parent.
She kinda hates the idea of bringing Splinter only this… But what else can she do?
“Hmmm…” She taps the phone against the palm of her hand, thinking. Her eyes land on the slot in the fence they use to give Donnie food, and an idea forms.
“Is something wrong with it?” Donnie asks, and she shrugs.
“I was just thinking, the fence makes it hard to see your face.”
“I can’t leave the fence yet, though,” he reminds her, and she shakes her head.
“No, but I can give the phone to you.” She indicates the food slot.
Immediately his eyes light up. “You’re giving me the phone?” His voice pitches up in excitement.
“Hold your horses! We don’t have time for you to go down an internet search rabbit hole, okay?” He opens his mouth, and she shakes her head. “And you are not taking it apart.” He shuts his mouth again. “You’re just gonna take a selfie.”
“A selfie?”
“Yep!” She turns around, then lifts her phone so he can see the screen. He gets as close as he can without touching the fence, so close she can feel his breath as he exhales. His eyes are locked on the phone in fascination. “See this button? If you click that, it switches to the selfie camera.”
“There’s a camera on the front of the phone too!?” Donnie sounds delighted by this information. “Where are they hiding it!?”
“Uh, it’s up here… somewhere.” She gestures at the top of the phone, then shakes her head. “Anyway, once you’re ready, you click this button, and it takes the pic! And that’s called a selfie, because you took a picture of yourself.”
She shows him the picture they just took, of herself talking and Donnie leaning in close, watching with rapt attention. It’s definitely not her best picture, but Donnie looks so much more alive than he did in the last one, even still obscured by the fence.
She thinks she might keep that one, too.
“I see… a selfie.” Donnie says the word like he does all new ones, like he’s turning it around in his mouth to see how it feels. “And you want me to take one?”
She turns to the food slot, then hesitates. There’s always a chance Donnie will completely disregard what she just said and take the phone for himself - she can’t exactly get it back from him if she hands it over.
But he’s been putting a lot of trust in her, so she can give a little back.
“Here - don’t let it get wet.”
She slips it into the slot. Donnie shakes off his hands, then takes it between his fingers, looking at it with entirely too much reverence. If he ever gets a phone if his own, she thinks, they’ll never get him off it.
For a moment he looks extremely tempted to start rooting through the internet no matter the risks, but after she clears her throat (twice) he gets back on task.
“Right, okay… so I just hold it up like this…” He squints, then moves around in the enclosure, watching the screen. “…I can see myself better here,” he says after he stops.
“You have better lighting there,” April agrees - not that the lighting was ever going to be great with just the dimmed safety lights. “Look at you, you’re a natural!”
Donnie lights up at the praise, his face loosening if not quite smiling. He takes the picture, then ducks like he’s about to go under the water (“Donnie, not with the phone!”), before wading back to the fence.
“Is this okay?” he asks, showing her the screen.
He doesn’t look angry anymore, and the lighting is better - and without the fence, there’s a clear view of his face.
April grins. “It is. Hey, how about you take a few more, though, just to be on the safe side.”
“Ah, yes… to be on the safe side,” he repeats, before wading back to the same spot as before. He lifts the phone, and starts taking pictures, looking at them each time.
After the first two, his lips twitch up, and then his smile grows and grows. April watches as he takes ten more pictures, even starting to tilt his head and angle this way and that. Like a normal kid trying to get the best shot for his instagram.
Her heart warms over it.
She’d let him do this all night if she could, but she only has a few hours and she has to get to the other boys, so after a few minutes more she calls out, “Donnie, I think that’s enough.”
“Can I take a few more?” He glances back at her. “This is… fun.”
“I know, but I gotta take pictures of your brothers, too.” She smiles reassuringly. “Once you’re outta here, you can take all the selfies you want, okay?”
He holds the phone tight, considering… but then he comes back to the slot and gently pushes it back to her.
She takes the phone and opens the pictures, flipping through them in order. His smile in the pictures gets wider and wider, quickly taking on that manic, unhinged quality he gets when he gets really worked up about something.
April feels like she likes those selfies the best. He looks most alive. Most like himself. She can’t wait to show these to Splinter.
After all, if he can’t love this kid at his most weird, he doesn’t deserve to be Donnie’s dad.
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daboyau · 1 month
I was watching lilo and stitch and that “you can never belong” scene came on and I got this idea in my head for that, but with ROTTMNT. So since I don’t do edits or draw, I wrote it out instead. Don’t think too hard about the logistics. :)
It is cold, when Leo slips out of the lair. He can feel Mikey’s gaze on him as he leaves, raising goosebumps over his flesh. He can’t bear to turn back, knowing that his resolve would crumble immediately if he did. His footsteps are too loud in the loneliness of the sewers. His heartbeat pounds in his head. He keeps expecting to hear a voice calling out for him, or the soft sound of footsteps following him. 
But of course it never comes. Mikey had been so hurt. So sad. Of course he wouldn’t follow him. 
When Leo finds a portal into the Hidden City, he doesn’t hesitate to throw himself through it despite the danger it puts him in to be there. The sounds and the sights are familiar to him, yet nowhere calls to him as loudly as the lair had. It’s only been two weeks since he was first brought into their home. They hadn’t even wanted him there, and yet the urge to go crawling back is so strong. He had messed everything up from the moment he’d manipulated his way into their lives. Of course they wouldn’t want him. 
(Why don’t they want him?)
Leo wanders the back alleys and the side streets, letting his feet guide him to nowhere in particular. The picture he had swiped on his way out of the lair is stored safely in the pouch tied around his waist, and between steps he’ll reach in to slide his fingertips over the stiff paper. Just to make sure it’s still there. It soothes him.
He doesn’t stop walking until he’s far outside the city, tucked away in the scraggly rock forests that surround the Hidden City. The aching in his chest has turned into more of a twisting knife, the small knot of sadness becoming more like a gaping chasm. An open wound. A bottomless pit of longing and loneliness that he had never felt before he forced his way into the lives of the Hamatos. 
He hadn’t had anything to lose, before. He hadn’t known the kind of pain that loving something would bring. He wishes he could go back to not knowing. He wishes he could return to a life of never having to make the choice to walk away, to spare them all the pain his existence brings them. 
Leo settles on the ground, curling into himself, shoulders trembling under the weight of everything. When he closes his eyes, the image of Mikey’s face as Leo made his choice haunts him. Donnie’s quiet voice rings in his ears in the silence of the forest, you ruined everything, again and again. Raph’s soft squeeze on his shoulder lingers like a phantom. Leo trembles, tucking his knees to his chest. Then, he pulls the photo out. 
Raph, Donnie, and Mikey grin up at him. It’s almost mocking, how happy they look here. A reminder that they are better without him around. He hadn’t seen them smile like that since the first five minutes they’d found him, back before they learned the truth of how much of their lives he can ruin. 
He runs a careful finger over those smiles, then he squeezes his eyes shut and holds the photo against his chest. His throat burns, and the ache in his chest feels like a black hole that will swallow his body whole. He does his best to breathe through the pain and when he opens his eyes again, the light speckled ceiling overhead is blurry and indistinct. It reminds him of the stars they had taken him to see, wind tickling his skin as they sat on the rooftop of the tallest building of their strange human city and stared upwards at something beautiful.
“Lost,” he whispers to the open air, and he can almost imagine that single word floating upwards, towards the city and the sewers. Finding its way into the only place he’s ever found that might have one day held happiness. But only for him. Not for them. There was only danger if he stayed.
“I’m lost,” he repeats, words like some trouble confession, and hot tears roll down his cheeks.
Some small, selfish part of him hopes they’ll hear. He wants them to come for him, and to bring him back home. It is a stupid, foolish wish. It’s better for everyone that he stays gone. He can’t hurt them this way. 
He falls asleep with tears drying on his cheeks, and body curled tight around the only evidence he holds of a dream he knows can never be. 
When he wakes hours later, it’s to the sound of heavy footsteps over gravel. He jolts upright, heart pounding, eyes wide, and for one foolish, terrible moment he really believes that his family has come for him. 
But no. Of course not. When Draxum emerges with a weapon pointed at his head, Leo can’t find it within himself to feel surprised. He stares back blankly, shifting slowly to stand, halfway wishing that Draxum would just take the shot and get it over with. He doesn’t think he has the energy to raise a hand to defend himself. 
The gravel has left his legs peppered with indents and marks from where they’d pressed into his flesh as he slept. They sound like something breaking as they shift and crunch beneath his feet. Draxum’s eyes dart between those markings and Leo’s tear streaked face, before his expression twists into something complicated. Almost pitying. 
“Don’t run,” he says, voice low. If Leo hadn’t heard what true kindness sounds like these last couple weeks, he would have said that’s what he hears in Draxum’s tone. “Don’t make me hurt you. You were difficult to make. No need to ruin a perfectly acceptable specimen.”
Leo shuffles, eyes darting between Draxum and the stacked stones surrounding them. He makes a sound low in his throat, hurt and uncertain, but he does not bolt. Draxum smiles, already assured of his victory, and steps closer. Leo watches with wide eyes. 
“Yes. Yes, that’s it,” Draxum murmurs, careful and soft, like he’s trying to soothe a scared animal. “Come quietly.”
“I…I’m waiting,” Leo admits, and he watches Draxum’s brow crease. His head tips, curious. He’s not used to this side of his creation — quiet, yet resisting his orders. Leo shuffles a half step back, heart pounding so hard in his chest that he feels a little dizzy. 
“For what?”
“For…for my family.”
“Aahhh. There is no use in doing so. You don’t have one. I made you.” 
Leo shakes his head, hands trembling, photo creased from how tightly he is clutching it in his fist. The thought of ruining the only evidence he has hurts, but the fear of Draxum getting his hands on it, of him finding out about the others, it terrifies him in a way he’s never felt before. He can’t let Draxum know about them. 
“Maybe…maybe I could—“
“I don’t know what yokai fool you found, or what nonsense they’ve been filling your mind with, but banish the thought of family from your mind.” His voice has lost that careful, gentle farce. It is harsh and cutting now. A familiar sound that Leo had hoped he’d left behind forever when he ran away. “You are built to destroy. You can never belong. Now, come quietly and we can begin your reeducation once—no! No no, don’t run, don’t—!”
His voice fades as Leo darts through the towering stones, vines curling at his heels and snapping at his shell as Draxum tries to recapture him. The picture flutters from his fingertips as he trips, lost amongst the shadows of the stone forest. Leo sobs, but he does not turn back for it. It is better if it is lost; at least then, he may be able to move on. 
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tmntxthings · 2 years
A ‘How to’ Guide by Raphael
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author’s note: uhm yeah so take this and don’t hate me for leaving all those requests hanging :D I’ll get to them… eventually hehe
warnings: music inspired, guess the song, fluff, comfort, confessions, big brother advice, unedited
Raph didn’t have much on his plate, though he would consider himself busy when Donnie rushed into the weight room. He was in the middle of pushing up the weight bar, racked with five plates on each side. He was sweating and grunting and trying to push through because he knew he could do it! It had been a looong time since he hit a new rep max.
So all his hopes and concentration were dashed when Donnie bolted in with a loud “RAPH!” The weight came crashing down as his muscles jumped at the sound and he quickly moved out of the way before his plastron was caved in. “What?!” Raph exasperated, he had never heard Donnie sound so desperate before. Raph was up and giving his little brother a once over. He looked fine physically. But something was definitely on his mind, Raph watched as Donnie hesitated to say more.
His brow bones came together, just a few seconds ago it had been so important he was almost crushed by weights! “I- uh- well, okay,” Donnie took a deep breath then continued, “hypothetically what if you messed up real bad, with someone you really cared about? What would you do?” Raph’s eyes narrowed trying to figure out what to say to that very vague, hypothetical statement.
“Well, first, how about you give me a little more context of this uh- hypothetical situation?” Raph prompted. He turned to the dropped bar and started taking off the plates from the left end. He’d have to try for his max another time. Donnie groaned, he really didn’t want anyone, much less his older, super protective brother to know… but if he kept thing’s hypothetical then perhaps it would all work out.
Dee cleared his throat, “right, okay so let’s just call him Darwin! Darwin has been secretly meeting with a girl, they were super close friends, like really really close, Darwin thinks about this girl all the time..” Donnie takes a breath and Raph glances up nodding to his little brother for him to know he’s still listening. All the plates on the left side were picked up, he turned to start on those on the right side.
“But out of nowhere the girl confesses to Darwin, that she thinks they should be more than friends! And he.. ugh, he ran away! And now she’s not replying or anything—“ Raph held up his hand, signaling for Donnie to pause. “Okay I think I got it, so you want my advice to help out your buddy Darwin?” Raph knew Darwin meant Donnie but he’d play along for his little brother’s sake. “Well is such a situation fixable? Darwin’s screwed up pretty badly.” Donnie’s shoulders slumped, head hanging down to the floor.
With the weights picked up, the last thing was the bar. Raph easily picked it up now, putting it back on its holster. “Sure it’s fixable, if Darwin’s girl really did love him, and if Darwin feels the same way.” Raph watched as Donnie’s head slowly rose. He could see hope flicker in his brother’s eyes. “But it won’t be easy!” Raph said making his face stern and Donnie was nodding along.
“Alright, this is how yo- Darwin gets the girl.” Raph nearly fumbles but maintains the analogy as best he can. “He’s gotta go to her, and say exactly why he couldn’t say what he’s about to say now.” Donnie’s eyebrows scrunched up, “what’s he about to say now?”
“He’s about to confess his true feelings, that he loves her just as much she does. How he doesn’t want to lose her!” Raph ticks off these statements until he’s holding up three fingers. He continues on to the next hand, “Then y- he says ‘I want you for worse or for better and I would wait forever and ever’” (Sure he’s quoting someone else’s words but Raph figures Donnie’s too preoccupied to notice.) Donnie winces at the word ‘love’ but nods nonetheless. Raph pauses his finger count at five, “Does Darwin love her?”
Donatello is quiet and some moments pass. Raph approaches his purple brother and brings a hand to rest on Donnie’s shoulder. Donnie’s eyes snap up, he looks scared, he looks confused. “Well from what you told me, I think Darwin loves ‘em. He thinks about her all the time, is worried when she doesn’t respond..” Raph watches as realization hits Donnie with full force. “So.. Darwin has to go to her, and tell her how he really feels?”
Raph nods, he brings his hand to pat Dee’s head, “Yeah and he should try not to run this time around,” he says lightheartedly. Donnie smirks, “Alright, yeah!” He��s fired up now. Turning back to the weight room entrance. “I’ll pass the advice along, thanks Raph!” Donnie gives his older brother a nervous smile before he’s dashing out.
“Good luck!!” Raph calls out. He hopes he helped, he hopes things work out the way Donnie wants. He hopes he gets the girl.
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meeludrawz · 4 days
I can't
I've been writing this for a while now, I rewritten and rewritten it again and again But now, it is officially done And I love how it turned out!!
At the dojo with Leo, she began to warm up her muscles with his help. The warm-up only lasted a few minutes, but she was already running out of air. It seems she wasn't as fit as she thought. Still, this didn't bother her friend. In fact, he was more than happy that she asked him to train her to become stronger. Martial arts was a big part of the four turtles' lives and if Leo got to spend more time with Bulan then that was a bonus he wouldn't turn down. “It’s great you decided to train! Just don’t listen to the others, it’s not torture and with you, I’m sure it’ll be more fun” He smiled at her. “Really? It’s that fun to be around me?” She smiled back, amused. Leo’s face went a little red, but she didn’t notice it. “Well- You are fun to be around, but I meant that training with someone is more fun” Her smile faded a little at that, it wasn't the first time people told her they felt good around her. And yet, she had never kept a single friendship since her childhood. Most left after a year or less. Maybe it was them, maybe it was her, but each time she found herself believing that it was clearly her fault. She even began to believe that she would end up alone with an army of cats or dogs. But now that she was a snake… Even dogs and cats avoided her now. Of course, she didn’t want to ruin the mood with all that so she shook those thoughts out of her head and only thanked him. With a smile that hopefully hid her sadness. Seemed like it worked because he returned the smile. “Are you ready then?”
About twenty minutes later, they were practicing for combat. But she sucked. “Not like that, here like this” Yes, she knew. He didn't need to tell her. She observed him with great attention, but she couldn’t reproduce his movement. So Bulan tried again. “You need to be faster Bulan” She. Knew. It. But she couldn't do it, and she seriously started to believe that she wasn't good enough to do it. And the more he repeated it, the more she felt like she was worthless and that he would soon lose his patience. The minute her brain imagined him getting angry, the tears came. She could already imagine the look of disappointment crossing his face. Soon he was going to stop helping her because she was too weak, she sucked, and because she wasn't worth it. He asked her to try again, but she couldn't do it anymore. She collapsed on her knees. Bulan closed her fists and the tears fell on the floor. Leo froze, he didn’t understand what was going on. Was it the training? Was he too harsh?? He hoped not, or else he’d have to apologize to his brothers and ask his father for help so he could become nicer. Suddenly, the conversation he had with Donnie a few months ago came back to his mind.
Donnie had silently walked inside the dojo, Leo was always there somehow, when the blue masked turtle was meditating. “Hey Leo? I know you’re busy, and I really shouldn’t bother you, but it’s… About our new “roommate”…Bulan “ Leonardo's eyes shot open. He worriedly looked at Donnie. “What is it?” He asked as he stood up. The purple masked turtle crossed his arms and sighed with a little smile. “Well, I saw how you seemed “curious” about her” Donnie smirked a little. “But I also observed something else” Leo raised a brow, ignoring his younger brother’s smirk. “Which is?” “Well, you see, I was reading some psychological books at some point, and it ended up being more interesting than I actually thought. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is that I think you should be careful around her. I think she’s um, well…” The purple masked turtle hesitated. “She’s what?” Insisted the leader. “Unstable… And not in a crazy way… More like- Uh… I mean, she’s showing lots of signs of depression and anxiety” The blue turtle nodded, a finger to his chin as he thought. “Careful, noted” Donnie also put a finger to his chin. “I mean I could be wrong, which is rarely the case because I’m quite observant, but maybe it’s just because she recently mutated, and she isn’t used to all this yet"
Coming back to reality, he bent down next to Bulan and put a hand on her shoulder. Since that discussion with Donnie, Leo had been observing Bulan from afar. They were all making sure that she was okay, but it was mostly Leo, for totally not obvious reasons. With that, he actually learned a lot about her and in a way, it was kind of fun. It was like discovering new things about your favorite subject. Like how Donnie and Bulan were total astrology nerds. Like how Bulan and Raph looked a lot like each other but whenever he’d get angry, she’d avoid him at all costs. And how Bulan and Mikey shared this strange relationship that looked like an older sister with her younger brother. They hugged and cuddled a lot. Luckily, Mikey was head over heels for Elina or else Leo would have thought he had feelings for the snake lady. Which wasn’t bothering him at all, no. Him, the leader, jealous? Psh nah, that’s stupid. He looked at the snake lady as he patted her back. Maybe it was too overwhelming? It hasn’t been a year since her mutation, well almost, but still, his father one day told him that some people took more time to heal than others.
“I’m sorry I-” He blinked at the sudden sound of her voice. “For what?” “I- You’re- Because…” Leo sighed with a soft smile, knowing where she was going. “Let’s say you’re right, doesn’t that mean it includes you too?” “But I’m… I’m strong, I can do it” Her voice cracked again which made his heart sink, he didn’t like seeing her cry, but he gave her a comforting smile anyway. “I know you can, you ARE strong but no one ever said you had to do it alone” This time she couldn’t hide it, she couldn’t shut her mouth, she had to speak. “How do I know you’re not lying…? How do I know you won’t leave like all the other friends I had?” She hissed, but she was sadder than actually angry.
Leo turned his head away from her, he scratched the back of his neck before taking a deep breath. “I didn’t want to tell you that this soon or not even like this but… It has been what? 8 months since you’re with us now?” The snake woman looked at him with that kind of glance that made his heart melt. He wanted to hold her close and tell her anything that would make her feel safe with him. Because she was looking at him with a mix of fear and hope. “I-” He grabbed the side of her face and gently rubbed his thumb against her scales. How could he announce that? Man, at that moment he wished he had seen more episodes where a character confesses to another. Maybe he’d know what to say now. “I- I have feelings for you” Crap. “B-But more than friends! In a “I want to marry you” way! I mean not now- But maybe in a few years?” CRAP CRAP CRAP, WHAT THE SHELL WAS HE SAYING. HOW COULD HE BE SO STUPID?? HE NEVER SHOULD'VE HAD LAUGHED AT DONNIE ABOUT APRIL WHEN THEY WERE TEENS! “I mean- In a few years if we’re still together! Or if we’re even together to begin with-” She looked at him with such a confused expression. He sighed, man, he sucked at this. “Or we could just stay friends- I mean- I’d be okay with it. But I’d never leave you, friend or… uh more” Bulan didn’t answer, still shocked. Like what the hell was going on?? Her crush just revealed that he liked her too?? WAS SHE DREAMING?! If so, it was a horrible dream. She didn’t want to wake up. But staying in a dream wasn’t healthy, she’d had to go back to reality at some point. Which is why it was horrible because she’d wake up and realize it never happened. Leo’s anxiety rose as she stayed silent. He screwed up, didn’t he? MAN HOW HE WISHED HE COULD HIDE.
He opened his mouth. “I’m sorry I-” The snake lady jumped and hugged him tightly. The turtle let out a yelp of surprise and fell on his back, Bulan on top of him. “I- I love you too” Leo blushed hard at her response and hugged her back. Raph walked in the dojo when he stumbled upon that scene. His face became red and he quickly turned around. “GET YOURSELVES A GODDAMN ROOM OR SOMETHING” “W-Wait Raph that’s not-!” Leo laughed, letting his brother go. Oh, well. The new couple couldn’t wish for anything better than this. It was perfect.
Hope you enjoyed!!
pspspspspsppspsps @ackalice
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plothooksinc · 7 months
Assuming you don't have an excess of NRFTW prompts already, mayhaps a missing scene of Mikey confronting Leo about that "Don't kill yourself for a corpse" line? Because I just *know* he had a lot of feelings about that, diversion or no. 👀👀
Me: That should be pretty straightforward Me: ...only now I want to address some other stuff, so-- /17 pages later
The Jupiter Jim figurines that April had put on the bedside stand were gone, replaced by a tray of Mikey’s paints, and Draxum’s (lab? Secret lair? He insisted it wasn’t a castle--) place was dead silent.
They were moving today. Donnie had declared their new residence-to-be hygienically and structurally sound enough to begin the shift over, but Leo was still benched. And Mikey was also benched—unfairly, as far as he was concerned, but Draxum had pushed for him to stay out of the heavy lifting.
(“There’s being able to lift a pound or two, and there’s being able to shift furniture and boxes. It’s a world of difference,” the old goat had said patiently. “Yes, you’re doing much better, but don’t try your luck.”
“But I can use my chains, they won’t weigh—”
“Ahhh, yes. Your chains. With your mystic energy. And what have we said about using your mystic energy?”)
Donnie had told him outright to be thankful he had an excuse to sit this out. But it was Raph who mollified him by pointing out that leaving Leo here entirely on his own probably wouldn’t be the greatest of ideas. Both because he was still hurt and might need help, would be feeling kind of useless and in need of morale—and because a lonely and bored Leo was often a dumb Leo, and if he would listen to anyone and just stay put, it was gonna be Mikey.
And fair. Sometimes Leo definitely required a Delicate Touch.
Today, he’d apply one of a different kind.
Leo’s shell was a mess of fibreglass patches and newly sealed cracks still fragile in some places—Donnie had come up with a thin protective cover for the bulk of them, but the whole look wasn’t pretty and his brother was self-conscious about it. Not that he’d said as much, but the fact that he pulled the blanket right up over it even when it was warm spoke volumes.
Also, Mikey’s fingers itched every time he looked at it. He wanted to make it look awesome. Hence--
“Give me some suggestions?” Leo said. “You’re the artist.”
“Could do a cool dragon?”
“Mmm. Yeah.”
Well, that was noncommittal. He thought Leo would like a dragon. Mikey frowned. “You know I’ll paint whatever you want. I don’t care what it is.”
Leo chuckled. “Well, that’s way open to abuse.”
“I’m serious!”
And he was quiet again. This time, Mikey frowned at him. Was it time for morale boosts already? It seemed a bit early--
“Mmm, yeah, I’m thinking.”
“Thinking about what?”
“Thinking abooout… how I can abuse your mad painting skills?”
“Seriously, what if I got you to draw, like, a terrible cartoon of Barry falling off a roof or something.”
“You did say anything.”
Mikey narrowed his eyes suspiciously. “I mean sure, if that’s what you really want.” Though it was such a cheap shot he didn’t think Leo even tried with that one; it felt more like misdirection. “Didn’t know you were so obsessed with him you wanted a reminder painted on you, but—”
“Oh pizza supreme, ew.” Leo shuddered, mashing his face into the pillow. “When you put it like that—”
“So what are you thinking about?”
“Answer the question, Leon.”
“Ruder. No privacy. Maybe I’m thinking that I miss pizza.”
“You get some tomorrow.”
“What about now?” he whined.
“Do you not want me to paint your shell?” Leo hesitated, and Mikey squinted at him. “We don’t have to.”
“...it’s not that,” Leo muttered, muffled by the pillow. “I do, but…”
Time to pull out the big guns. He flopped onto the bed next to him, offering his best puppy eyes and trembling lip when Leo shifted to face him. “Do you think I’ll do a bad job?”
“What?” Leo pulled back a little, looking panicked. “Of course not! You’re amazing, I just—”
Mikey grinned at him cheerfully. And then stuck his tongue out for good measure.
“—who taught you how to weaponise that, seriously.”
“You did.”
Leo swallowed a laugh. “Okay, okay. Fine. Give me your hand.”
His brother held out a hand, beckoning, and Mikey obliged him by taking it. Leo instantly turned his hand over, pushing gently along the joints. “That hurt?”
...oh. That’s what was going on. It said a lot that Mikey hadn’t even thought about injury stress; his arms had been behaving themselves for days now. It was possible, he guessed.
On the other hand, he hadn’t painted in weeks. He missed it. And he wanted Leo to like his shell. So he pulled back, deliberately shaking his hands out and wiggling his fingers, smiling wryly as Leo winced. “Promise I’m good. In more ways than one, baby!”
“Yeah, but what if it starts hurting halfway through?” Leo made a face. “Then I’ll be stuck with half a dragon or something and probably, like, the lamer part. There’ll be a dragon’s ass on my shell and everyone’ll make fun of me.”
Mikey sighed, seeing the whining for the thinly disguised concern it was. It was touching, but he could feel the annoyance starting to bubble up. Of all of them, Leo was the one that generally didn’t baby him. He managed a smile. “We do that already.”
“Shh, let me live in denial. Anywhizzle--”
“I wouldn’t have offered if I wasn’t ready,” he said, sharper than he intended. (Probably because that wasn’t entirely true—okay, he hadn’t given any thought to it before this, but after reflection, he was pretty sure--)
“You sure about that?”
Leo said it...lightly. For the most part.
Maybe Mikey just imagined the strain underneath, or maybe it was because he was already riled, but the doubtful look on his brother’s face made him bristle defensively. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“What?” Leo paused. “Nothing, I’m just kidding around.”
“You sure about that?”
And this time Leo frowned at Mikey’s mocking tone and shifted gingerly to face him more directly, hugging a pillow to his chest. “Whoa, okay, I honestly didn’t mean anything by it, I’m just… making sure.”
“...you seriously have to ask?”
“Yeah, actually,” Mikey said flatly, fingers tapping a rhythm on the protective sheet. He just wanted to paint. “I’m more than okay. I’m fine, Leo.”
“Annnd you’ve said that before.”
“I—” He paused.
(“Fine! Just fine. You?”
“Fine. Just fine.”)
Again, oh.
(“You’re both liars and I don’t see why you bother.”)
Mikey let a breath out. Sure, okay. He still felt tetchy about this, but Leo had a point. But it took two to have that conversation, and if they were gonna talk about recklessness--
--and oh, for the third time. He got it now, why he was so hair-trigger irritated. There was a ninja damned elephant in the room.
One thing at a time.
“It’s just painting,” Mikey said finally, voice even. “It’s not like I’m using any kind of mystic mojo and I can stop any time it starts to hurt. I can paint something that can be done in pieces, no dragon asses necessary.”
Leo blinked at him, and then mustered up a lopsided smile. “I dunno. What if dragon asses are my thing?”
He could take that offer for what it was; Leo attempting to walk their conversation back from an edge. For a moment, Mikey was tempted. He just wanted to do something nice for his brother and artistic and prove he could still--
Still paint. He could. He had no trouble at dinner, no trouble lugging Dad’s casserole, and now Leo was making him second guess himself when Leo was absolutely the biggest hypocrite in the room for this kinda thing.
And man, now his brother wouldn’t even let him second guess himself in peace! Rude. He leaned forward to rummage through his paints, voice flat. “What.”
“...hey.” Hesitant and soft. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to, like, belittle you, that’s not what this is about.”
“That’s a big word for you.” As soon as he said it—heard the snap of his words leave his mouth—Mikey cringed. Especially as Leo stilled on the bed, then sank down into the pillows again, face blank. Okay, he didn’t deserve that. If Mikey didn’t want to be babied, he shouldn’t be a brat.
So he gave an overly long, dramatic Mermista-style groan and flopped back down on his back next to his brother. “I’m sorry, okay? I’m just… I’m frustrated. It’s been a while. And you were the last person I expected this from!”
“I get it,” Leo said quietly. “You got stuck here on babysitting duty, you’re already feeling left out.”
“That’s not it. Well, not all of it.” He hesitated, stretching his hands up to link behind his head, voice innocent. “Um… I was so caught up in the euphoria of being able to paint your shell that for a minute I lived in a world where mystic backlash didn’t exist…?”
There was a long moment of silence.
And then Mikey grinned a little as Leo raised his head to glare at him. “You did not just apple juice meme at me.”
“I sure did, Leon. Whatcha gonna do about it?”
“Ask you nicely to brain yourself with a pillow,” Leo said grumpily. “I’m keeping count, you know.”
“Oh, I bet.”
They lay there in companionable silence.
“I was looking forward to it, too.” Leo said after a while. “I mean, I even let you put the sheet down. It’s only after that we—look, we both forgot, okay? And then I panicked, because I’m not meant to forget that kind of thing. What if you get hurt because I encouraged you?”
“Hmm.” Okay, that was a fair, kind of dumb but standard Leo reaction. “I kind of get it, except for the part where you’re not responsible for my life choices.”
“Yeah, but I’m enabling them. Raph would—”
“Raph would get exasperated at me for pulling a dumb stunt! This isn’t like… being out fighting bad guys and for some reason your plan means I have to hurt myself painting.”
“Close enough,” Leo said, barely audible.
Mikey shifted up onto his elbows, looking at him in disbelief. “I’m sorry, what? Did I hear that correctly?”
“Mmf.” Leo dropped his face back into the pillow. “Sorry. Forget it, I’m just—”
“Oh no, we are not forgetting it, son.” Mikey sat back up again, folding his arms like a disapproving parent. “Seriously? Are we doing this now?”
“Can we go back to the part where you were going to paint, like, something easy and—”
“Hell no. Leo.” Mikey poked him in the shoulder-- the good one, because he wasn’t a complete jerk. “I don’t remember any point where you had a say in my portal choices. Oh, wait! Yes I do! And your say was dumb and I ignored it—”
Leo blinked at him, baffled. “You-- what? I never—”
“Aha!” Mikey pointed at him triumphantly. “You can’t have it both ways. Either you’re responsible or you’re not, which is it?”
“No, I’m seriously lost,” Leo said blankly. “Putting aside the whole responsibility or feeling guilt or whatever, I get it, we’ll come back to that (maybehopefullynever) but when did you ignore me? I don’t remember saying anything to you about portals.”
For a moment, Mikey was just. Speechless. Because he could infer two things from that, and he hated both of them. One, that Leo had absolutely talked about his portals, just not with him. And two…
“You don’t remember,” he said, irritation shifting into genuine anger. His voice rose with every word. “The warehouse? That cheap action hero line you threw at me while you were hanging like so much netted roadkill? ‘Doesn’t ring a bell?’ Seriously!?”
Recognition dawned on Leo’s face, and he mouthed something silently—a sentence that he recognised because it had been on Mikey’s mind, on and off, that he’d muttered to himself in the bathroom sometimes, that he couldn’t decide whether it was a cool line or something Leo needed to be slapped for, and that he’d decided to maybe just try and let it go until Leo--
--did this. Forgot it.
Like it didn’t matter.
Don’t kill yourself for a corpse.
“Mikey,” Leo said faintly, and a helpless, placating smile twitched at the corners of his mouth for a moment before it faded under Mikey’s glare. “That was just stalling.”
“Was it?”
“Yes!” he snapped. “That wasn’t a-- I thought you knew! Do you really think I’d just encourage you to throw my life away when help was very clearly gonna be on the way?”
Annnd there it was. Because yeah, actually. Leo had put his finger on it precisely without meaning to, and Mikey surged up off the bed. “You’ve done it before, Leo! Once is maybe stalling, but this is a pattern, and—”
“Whoa, whoa, whoa—”
“Don’t whoa whoa whoa me!” Mikey bared his teeth. And his next words were pitched high and dramatic, hand to forehead. “’Don’t kill yourself for a corpse!’ ‘Casey, when I get to the other side, close that door!’ Actually yeah, now that I think about it, if you hadn’t been such a dumbass, I—”
Oh, shit, way too far. Leo flinched as if struck, but he stayed staring at Mikey, eyes dark and shoulders hunched. Making himself small like he deserved it, when Mikey had been trying to point out his arms weren’t his responsibility. Good job, going the exact opposite direction.
“...fuck,” he whispered.
In a perfect world, Leo would blackmail him with threats to tell Raph about his swearing at this point. But his big brother said nothing, watching him in deathly silence.
Mikey covered his face. He was angry. He’d crossed a line. And for a long, yawning moment, he held still, hoping Leo would—snap back at him, or shove him off the bed, or be just as much a jerk back, like he’d been with Raph before the invasion, or that time at the pizzeria, or--
It was so quiet.
Oh, pizza supreme. “Leo,” he said, muffled into his hands. “I’m--”
Leo laughed, and Mikey snapped his head up in mix of confusion and dread, because that was not the correct response. But Leo’s giggling was brittle, and while he was lounging on the pillows like he was so entertained, he was staring past Mikey like he wasn’t there. Something curdled in his gut. “Leo…?”
“You can’t have it both ways, mi hermano,” Leo said, and his tone was so absolutely curated smartass that Mikey cringed. “Either I’m responsible or I’m not, which is it?”
“Don’t,” Mikey said tightly, “Throw my words back at me.”
“Why not? Seems to be a common thing today.”
“You know it’s not what I meant!”
“Seems we got a lot of that going around, too.”
Leo’s humour faded—what there was of it—and now he just looked tired. He shifted awkwardly onto his side to face away from Mikey. “Sorry,” he muttered. “You’re gonna have to tell Raph you weren’t the best choice for the whole morale thing. He’ll understand.”
Words chosen to hurt. They lost their bite when delivered so expressionlessly, and Mikey swallowed against a stupid, stupid desire to cry, because now he was angry and frustrated and guilty and a little heartbroken, and dammit, this was so important, he couldn’t let it slide, but he…
...kinda got why Raph and Leo were at each other’s throats all the time.
He wasn’t going to be the same.
“I have three doctorates,” he muttered.
And waited. For Leo to snort, to cut him down and say sure, and I have a medical degree. With stickers. Which makes it better than yours.
But Leo said nothing. After a moment, he hitched the blanket up to wrap over his shell again, and that felt more like a dismissal than anything else.
Mikey curled his hands into fists. Clenched them hard, just because he could. Because it didn’t hurt anymore, not like before. “I have three doctorates,” he repeated flatly, “And I probably should be taking my own advice, huh. You want more words thrown back at you? I’m not yelling at you because I’m mad. I’m—I’m freaking terrified, Leo! Because you nearly died like three times in the last couple weeks, and two of those times you just kind of… leaned right into it, and I don’t—don’t want there to be a fourth time—”
“You think I do?”
Leo’s response was barely audible, but his head had tilted back just enough for Mikey to know he was paying attention. And man, it was getting harder not to just burst into tears, but then Leo would probably either have to shift into comfort mode (and everything would get derailed) or he’d ignore Mikey entirely and that would feel worse. He compromised by flopping back onto the bed, curling up against Leo’s blankets, and found his voice again. He’d say what he had to say first.
“I don’t know,” he said softly. “That’s why, okay? I just—you just seem to keep going for the option that gets you dead lately. You can’t do that to us.”
“I mean, apparently I can,” Leo murmured bitterly. “Seeing as I’ve done it twice.”
He squeezed his eyes shut. “That’s not funny.”
“Yeah, well. I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“...I don’t know what I want you to say, either.” Nothing felt right.
“Okay, here’s a start,” Leo said flatly. “If you think I’m trying to throw my life away—”
“If you don’t think that, what exactly are you accusing me of?”
“I’m not! I’m—” His voice cracked, and Mikey bit off another curse under his breath. And then went fuck it and vanished into the cool dark of his shell, so he wouldn’t have to stare at Leo’s back any more. So Leo wouldn’t turn and catch his tears that were falling without his permission because he cried at the drop of a hat and--
“I’m just scared.”
There was a pause, and a creak of the bed. And a long silence.
Mikey sniffled as quietly as he could.
Another creak.
Then Leo’s voice sounded closer, a little more gentle.
“I had a nightmare about you.”
He blinked. That wasn’t what he expected.
“Uh-- I kind of know?” He remembered the details vividly enough-- the warehouse, Sister Krang snapping his neck, way awful. But this was after the warehouse, so--
“Raph told you?” Leo said in confusion. “I mean, I never gave him the details...”
--that wasn’t right. Mikey peered out from his shell to see Leo peering back, and his brother gave him a tiny smile. It didn’t quite reach his eyes, but it was encouraging. “No, I, um… remember how we mind melded at the warehouse? It kind of stuck around during all your fever dreams.”
“Oh.” Leo frowned. “I don’t really remember those.”
“Good,” Mikey said fervently. “Don’t. They’re awful.”
“Heh. Sorry.”
“Not your fault.” He sank back into his shell, but he felt a little better. Leo wasn’t being so cold. He hated it when Leo was cold. “So this was another dream…?”
“...yeah. It was a while ago, right after you showed me your arms that first time. Before… Raph.”
Oh, right. Before everything went to hell. (Again. Hah.)
“I dreamt about you opening the portal,” Leo went on quietly, “And you were trying to save me, and you kind of… just broke apart. Shattered to pieces. And I had to watch that, and the portal closed, and I-- I was stuck and you were—”
(If he had a nickel for every time he’d thought oh in the last ten minutes--)
“I didn’t want to be there, Mikey. I promise, I really, really enjoy, you know, being alive. I love you guys! I’m not secretly harbouring a death wish, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
He paused, and when he spoke again, his voice was a lot quieter.
“But that terror—it goes both ways, you know?”
He felt Leo lay hands on his shell and try to lift him into a hug.
Which was… very sweet until reality kicked in and he popped back out in alarm just in time to see his big brother go pale.
“Oh my god, Leo!” He scrambled out fully, wiping at his face before he helped Leo settle back, and he couldn’t help the faintly hysterical giggle. “You really are a dumbass.”
“...I did it on purpose to get you to come out…?” Leo’s voice was wheezy, and he gave Mikey a watery smile.
“Okay, you got me.” He wilted against the pillows. “But not about the important stuff, okay?”
“Idiot,” Mikey muttered without heat. He patted at Leo’s shoulder. “Need meds?”
“...nah. It’s actually not too bad, I just need a minute.”
“Okay.” He paused. Argument maybe averted, but… he wasn’t done. He could just do this a little less meanly. Especially if Leo was willing to talk to him.
“I do believe you,” he said after a moment, because that was important.
“Okay, good.”
“So… you did the whole heroic cool death wish line because you were scared I was gonna get hurt?”
Leo huffed in amusement, but his tiny smile faded. “Mostly, yeah. I was trying to buy you time. And my first attempt just got you hurt more, so… I went the rage route.”
Oh yeah. Leo asking for permission to treat his wounds. That had gone poorly, to say the least. Mikey smiled weakly. “Well, you picked a winner. I got so mad at you.” He still was, but it felt a little better, to pick at this.
“Yeah, well, the Bubblegum Bitch ran on murder and spite. I figured she’d love to see us screaming at each other. And…”
He hesitated.
“And?” Mikey prompted.
Leo closed his eyes. “I didn’t think I could handle watching you open a portal to... that place. Not with the damage it did the first time. Not ever again because of me. I’m not the only one who nearly died here, y’know.”
Mikey frowned. “I didn’t—”
“Don’t try that with me, Mikey.”
He shut his mouth with a snap. Took a deep breath, because he wasn’t going to yell again, and this was… a softer kind of hurt. He got it. He was starting to get Leo. So he had to continue.
“You think I could handle watching you die because I didn’t open one?” He was proud of how even his voice was. Hah. The doctor was back in session. “You said it yourself, terror goes both ways. Stalling can only go so far. By definition!”
“Okay, at this point we’re gonna end up going in circles,” Leo said dryly. “They’re both valid points, okay? But if you can understand why you risked your life in there, can you get why I’d do the same?”
“...because we’re both idiots?” he muttered.
Leo snorted a faint laugh. And Mikey finally grinned at him, before sobering. Because…
“What about before?”
Leo’s face shuttered blank so fast he almost regretted asking.
Especially as the look broke a moment later under a lazy smile, which set his teeth on edge. “You’re gonna have to narrow it down a bit, little bro.”
Okay. If he was gonna be like that.
“Mhm, mm-hmm.” Mikey nodded, shifting enough to sit cross-legged on the bed, and pretended to write into a notebook. “Patient very sensitive on this subject, a little too late on deflecting comment and accompanying I am full of shit smile…”
“Oh, for-- you can’t doctor me, you don’t have your stupid doctor glasses.”
“Patient deflecting more… by making… immersion-breaking jokes—” He broke off and mimed looking over a pair of imaginary glasses at Leo and grinned cheekily through the churning in his gut. Two could play at this game. “All our stuff is packed. You’re gonna have to pretend, bro.”
“I don’t want to,” Leo said flatly, smile gone. “I’m not in the mood for imaginary doctors today. Can’t you just be Mikey?”
“I don’t know, can I?” Mikey retorted, voice still even. Never mind he probably still had drying tear tracks on his face. “Because apparently you can’t talk to Mikey.”
“I can talk to you just fine!”
“Without babying me.”
“I’m not—”
“Or lying. You know exactly what ‘before’ I’m talking about! I mean, how often do you throw yourself through one way portals, anyway?”
“As Dee would say, approximately never, because I can honestly say I’ve never thrown myself through a one way portal in my—”
Mikey slammed his hand down on the bedside stand so hard his paint bottles shook, two of them outright teetering and falling off the edge. Leo flinched back, sentence unfinished, his expression frozen somewhere between jackass and terrified.
“Really?” he hissed. “You’re gonna deflect now by splitting hairs?”
Leo blinked, mouth still hanging open for a moment before he collected himself. “Very professional observation,” he said faintly, voice shaking. “You should write that down in your imaginary notebook! Also, I’m pretty sure therapists aren’t meant to terrify their patients. You could lose your imaginary license and then where would we be?”
Mikey stared at him, face dark and arms folded. “And now you’re deflecting by pissing me off.”
Leo held his stare for maybe three seconds before he broke and rolled away—gingerly, clearly painfully—to face the wall again. “’m sorry. I really just wanna… I don’t know. Get my shell painted. Can we talk about this some other day?”
Mikey sucked in a breath, loudly and obnoxiously, because he wanted Leo to know he was angry. Then he rolled to collect the bottles that had fallen to the floor. The red one hadn’t been closed properly and he winced at the flecks on Draxum’s carpet. Maybe they could claim it was blood. He’d probably be less outraged, all things considered.
He knew as well as Leo there would be no other day. If this didn’t get talked about now, he’d be looking forward to Leo making sure they weren’t in the same room alone together for weeks. He was angry enough he wondered spitefully for a moment if he should beat him to it and ignore his lying ass like a--
...like a wound up little brother who was easily riled by someone who knew exactly which buttons to press. Sure, Leo would feel like shit about it, but Leo would also be relieved. Dodged that therapist bullet, right? Enough time would pass it would be too hard to bring up again.
Until the next time he pulled this stunt. (Leo wasn’t a cat, he didn’t have nine freaking lives--)
“Was there really no other way?” he asked bluntly.
Leo hunched in on himself with a faint hiss, and Mikey sat there behind him, his arms full of paint, and wondered how far to push. He wanted to know. Leo had said there was no death wish, and Mikey believed him about his reasoning in the warehouse. If it wasn’t for how Leo shut him down immediately when he asked more directly, he’d have let this go. There was something he was missing.
He had to push the right way, though. Demanding answers from a traumatised person was, okay, maybe not the best strategy? And Leo was absolutely traumatised, no matter how many shit eating grins he’d thrown over the last few weeks while being half dead. (And then half dead again.) He’d come back out of Mikey’s portal a complete mess and hadn’t talked about it since. Krang Prime had been terrifying before his only target had been his brother.
And Leo had deliberately locked himself in with a murderous alien because…
Hero moves are totally your style.
...because that’s what heroes do?
“How’s your hand?”
Leo’s question took him by surprise—and hurt besides, with how colourless his tone was. Mikey frowned at him before he looked down at his hands, and—right. Probably losing his temper and hitting furniture wasn’t very, uh, wise. But he flexed his fingers, answering in a subdued voice. “Fine.”
...he had an idea. Take a page out of Leo’s book, lure him in with less threatening subjects. Mikey paused, biting his lip, knowing this could also backfire-- but if it did, it would be less devastating than the direct route. He could try again later.
So he sighed. “And… fine. I’ll let it go.”
“For now, huh.”
“...forever, if you need me to. I just—wanted to understand,” he said, turning away to start stacking the paint bottles neatly on the dresser again. “I know we weren’t there to help, and I’m sorry—”
“Do not apologise for that,” Leo cut in sharply. “You got slammed into free fall and nearly died. What kind of jerk do you think I am?”
“But Raph had to come after us and you were alone.” And that hurt to remember. His hands trembled. “And then you didn’t even warn us. You didn’t even say goodbye. You just jumped straight to—”
“There wasn’t time for anything else,” Leo whispered. “At least, I didn’t think there was. Okay?”
--that was progress. Mikey leaned forward eagerly, ready to push for more detail-- and then hesitated. He’d just said he would let it go.
So he made himself shut up and sit there quietly, hands in his lap, fingers curled inward so he didn’t fidget.
And waited.
“...Yeah, I keep thinking now about other stuff I might have been able to do,” Leo said finally. “And like, it’s all maybes and what ifs and maybe none of it would have worked and maybe some of it would have, but there wasn’t any time, and I’m not-- I mean, it’s easy to come up with stuff after. I still don’t know if I could have made a better choice. Okay? I just did… I did what I had to. It wasn’t some grand gesture or, like, ‘oh no, this is all my fault, I’ll throw my life away to fix it,’ it was-- we’d never get another chance, and I couldn’t live with what would happen if we lost.”
Right, so there was a lot to unpack there.
“You think the invasion is your fault?” he asked cautiously.
“Not… really,” Leo said, and Mikey wished he’d turn around again so he could see his brother’s face. “Like, you know, I get it. The Foot and the Krang are more to blame for this than me, but I was stupid. So there’s fault, and then there’s responsibility. If I hadn’t messed around and lost the key, maybe it wouldn’t have gotten this far. But I guess I don’t know that for sure?”
That sounded very much like someone had already had a go at him about this. His money would be on Donnie. What Mikey wanted to know, though, was whether Leo really meant it or whether he was just rattling off someone else’s argument.
“You also got the key back,” he pointed out, and Leo snorted.
“Yeah,” he said flatly. “At Raph’s expense.”
Mikey winced-- okay yeah, wrong tack to take. There was a lot he could say there about the fact that Raph was also capable of making his own choices, and he already knew Raph would prefer the whole temporary possession and scarred eye and shell over a dead brother. Just as he knew he would never, ever convince Leo of that, because they were all the same in that regard. It was hard, watching someone get hurt trying to protect you.
So hard. Mikey knew.
“Did you…” He paused, swallowed. Curled up on the bed itself, his shell to Leo’s, knees up to his chest. Maybe this was easier. “Did you think you had to make up for it? Is that why?”
He wasn’t sure if Leo’s soft huff of amusement was a good or a bad sign. “I already said. No death wishes.” His tone was more gentle than cutting, so that was hopeful. “Not on the alien ship, not in the warehouse. Just let it go.”
That wasn’t actually an answer to the question. Guilt could make you do so much stupid shit, and Leo still wanted him to drop it, which means there was more to this--
I couldn’t live with what would happen if we lost.
Mikey blinked.
“I need an oh jar,” he muttered.
“...yeah, because that makes sense.”
“Leo,” Mikey said evenly. “What did Casey say to you?”
There was a brief silence, and then Leo responded with genuine confusion. “Okay, that one you really are gonna have to narrow down—”
“About the future he came from.”
And from the way he heard Leo’s breath stutter to a halt, Mikey had his answer.
He waited. Long enough to hear Leo unfreeze, breathing slow with just the faintest hint of shakiness. Long enough that he finally evened out, and Mikey kept still while he did it, not even touching him, back to back. He wanted to-- wanted to kind of turn and latch onto Leo and hug him, but from this angle he’d end up hurting a whole lot more than he’d help, so… in the end, he just gave him space.
Somewhere down the hall, one of Draxum’s clocks chimed.
“Wanna talk about it?”
“Dumb question.”
“Hmm. Yeah, okay, I’ll give you that one. Will you please talk about it?”
“What’s the point?” Leo was barely audible. “It’s over now, not gonna happen. We just need to look after the one person it did happen for.”
“I think Casey’d disagree.”
“Casey has enough on his plate.”
“Well, he’s not here right now anyway. If there’s no point, why don’t you tell me?”
“Already covered that I don’t want to.”
The thing is, just by not telling him, Leo had basically confirmed for Mikey some pretty obvious key factors. This time he deliberately quashed the irritation at the thought of being babied. He got it. He did.
“So,” he said slowly, eventually, “I’m gonna assume you’re trying to protect me. Or us. From horrible, terrible, no good, bad future knowledge. Am I right?”
Leo’s silence was confirmation enough.
Mikey took a deep breath. Okay. He had it now. He hoped. (He also didn’t hope, because it was so bleak, but--)
“You know,” he said quietly, voice deliberately oh so casual, “When someone, like, drops in from some futuuure timeline—add reverb—to change the course of history, it kinda means that whichever future he came from is a lost cause. That much is obvious, you know?”
Mikey sat up, glancing down at the huddle that was his brother.
“I know Donnie dies,” he said, and watched Leo flinch. He knew how Donnie died. That part, he would leave out just in case. “Raph woulda died before all of us. April—”
He stopped. The point was made and he was being cruel enough already. “I know I was still there at the end. So were you. Because we were the ones who sent him here.”
“Yeah,” Leo said quietly. “You opened a portal through time. Pretty amazing, bro.”
He smiled at that, a little sadly. “I know, right?”
“Be more amazing if you’d survived doing it.”
He’d figured as much, but hearing it still sent a sliver of nausea through him. And if Leo had known that much, the nightmares about Mikey shattering would just have been icing on the cake. And--
“Everyone died,” he said, eyes wide. “Everyone. Except you.”
The way Leo tried to curl into himself at that could not be healthy for his injuries. This time Mikey did reach out, both hands patting at his brother’s shoulder tentatively before he latched on, trying to discourage the pretzeling. “Lee—”
“I know.”
“It didn’t happen!”
“I know!” Leo snapped. “Because I made sure it couldn’t!”
Mikey let go-- half startled by the outburst, half taken by surprise when Leo threw him off, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. Also not a good idea because Leo had barely managed standing earlier, so what the hell he thought he was doing-- but apparently he was content to sit on the edge of the mattress, using his good arm to keep himself propped up, his entire body curled away from his little brother.
Well. Too bad. Mikey crawled over the bed to sit next to him. And when Leo didn’t move away again, he huffed and wormed his way under that arm, offering a better support. Leo was rigid against him, but he didn’t flinch or try to push him away, so.
Win. Such as it was.
“I get it,” Mikey whispered.
“I didn’t want you to.”
“Yeah… I don’t get that part.”
“Because it’s—” Leo broke off, darting a look at him before he turned away. “It’s all I could think of. I made a big speech about how we could change the future after all, and then when you guys got knocked down, all I could think was that we’d tried so hard, and we still lost, and—and I thought-- I wasn’t thinking. I mean I was, but it was stupid and—”
He hadn’t heard Leo stammer around the point like this in a long time, and Mikey tipped his head against his shoulder, wrapping his arms around Leo’s. “s’not stupid, bro. Like—it’s a high stress situation, y’know? D’you think me or Donnie or Raph were coming up with super logical plans while we were raining into Staten Island? You know how that place drains your smarts away.”
That got a laugh out of Leo, at least, a half hiccupped one, and he shifted a little closer. He didn’t relax; Mikey could feel the tension practically vibrating through him, and he knew what was coming. He could probably cut to the chase now and sum it up for Leo in points so he didn’t have to.
He waited. It was better that way.
“I just...didn’t.” Leo said finally. “Didn’t—want to go through that. You know, I wasn’t being heroic or a martyr or whatever, I was being a coward, okay? Because Casey told me everyone died in the future—everyone—and I thought: if we lose here, I’m gonna have to live that future. You know, twenty years in a war we’re gonna lose so slowly, watching everyone die one by one until I’m the only one left, and I was terrified and I can’t—I can’t, Mikey, if it’s a choice between me and literally everyone else, you can’t ask me to watch everyone die—”
And his voice cracked and Leo shut up, and Mikey carefully shuffled up onto his knees and curled his arms around his brother’s neck and held on. Leo planted his face in the crook of Mikey’s neck, shoulders trembling.
But when he spoke, his voice was small, but very dry. “This is gonna be real painful in about thirty seconds, just warning—”
“Then shut the hell up and get back on the bed, idiot.”
Leo sniffled, voice even tinier. “Yes, Dr Therapist, sir.”
“Good boy.”
“Don’t tell the others?”
“Doctor patient confidentiality.”
“’kay. Good.”
Leo turned away, shuffling back onto the bed to collapse onto the pillows. Mikey hovered, not really sure what to do next. Did he leave him alone? Give him space? He’d normally just drape himself on Leo’s shell, but that wasn’t exactly a good idea, so--
The question was answered for him when Leo waved a hand in his general direction, looking for a limb to grab, and Mikey helpfully gave him an arm-- and was yanked down beside his brother who curled around him like he was a teddy bear, hiding his face again. Mikey wheezed, a faint mix of relief and amusement. “Oh, okay, it’s gonna be like this—”
“Shh,” Leo said, muffled and sodden-sounding. “Therapy’s over.”
The face against his neck was wet. Mikey held still for a moment, swallowing against his own tears, and then gave a small sigh, putting a hand on Leo’s head.
“Yeah,” he said softly. “I guess it is.”
They lay there for a while. Mikey was perfectly content to be used as a teddy bear and kept his mouth shut, letting Leo get it out of his system, running his thumb over the ridges of the blue mask as his brother shook apart so quietly. As if he were ashamed of letting go. Or maybe it was just the fact that he was crying on his little brother. Mikey supposed that was breaking some kind of sibling hierarchy or some shit. Whatever.
He hadn’t really meant for the afternoon to go this way—it was kind of the opposite of a morale boost—but if this was the weight that his brother had been carrying around, better to deal with it now. Especially when nobody else was around to overhear.
(...he wasn’t really sure the others shouldn’t know about this. But unless it became an issue, for now, he’d do as Leo asked.)
“You’re not a coward, you know,” he said, much later. He doubted it was hours. He’d only heard Barry’s clock once. But Leo had stopped his ninja stealth crying into the crook of Mikey’s neck, so it was time.
“Mmm, ‘kay.”
“Don’t mmm ’kay me.” Mikey poked him. “I’m serious. I mean, what do you think a hero’s motivations are, anyway? They’re not doing it for the sake of looking all fancy for the camera. Or if they are, they’re not really a hero. They’re like-- that guy from Megamind, what’shisface, the Nice Guy—”
“Hal Stewart.”
“Exactly. And they don’t run around thinking, like—” He let go of Leo for a moment to air quote, even though Leo hadn’t resurfaced, not really. “’Egads, what is the most noble thing I can do at this exact point in time?’ Real heroes aren’t like… comic book heroes.”
Leo huffed a little against him. “You’re lucky I’m emotionally vulnerable right now or I’d have to throw hands.”
Mikey grinned. There he was. “Better keep you emotionally vulnerable then.”
“A supervillain move if I ever heard one.”
“That’s me, baby! I’m so lucky I have all these moral brothers to guide me to the side of the light.”
“Plus Donnie.”
“Oh yeah, plus that guy. I guess.”
This time, the huff sounded more like a laugh. Mikey snuggled in closer, gave him a moment to relax, and then made his next point, as softly as he could.
“Why do you think Raph protected you?”
He felt the jolt go through Leo at that—felt a little guilty, it was kind of an ambush—but his brother was only rigid against him for a moment before relaxing again by degrees, and Mikey was relieved. Leo’s brain was online. And when Leo answered, he sounded more confused than upset.
“Because he’s a big brother? Because he saw me screw up and he didn’t want me getting hurt?”
“Mhm, mhm. Scared for you, right? Would rather take the fall than watch you get skewered?”
Oh, the guilt laden into that word. He couldn’t do much about that, except maybe push him and Raph together to talk it out at some point. “I see. So Raph’s a coward?”
“Wait, what?” Leo pulled back to stare at him in affront, eyes swollen and mask damp and not bothering to hide it in the least. “Raph’s the bravest one here, why would you—”
“My, my. Would you look at those double standards.” Mikey tsked at him, and waited for the penny to drop. And Leo was just as smart as Donnie, in his own way; it took him a bare second to frown and lean back, squinting at him, mouth half open like he was trying and failing to come up with an argument. “It’s not cowardly to protect the people you care about. It’s, like, the opposite. You did it in a really reckless way and yeah, maybe there was a better way, but if anyone tries to accuse you of cowardice, I’m gonna throw hands. That includes you, bee tee dubs.”
Leo blinked, and Mikey could practically see the calculation flashing across his expression. He wasn’t surprised when Leo all-out pouted at him. “Oh, I see how it is. Picking on an injured turtle when he’s down.”
Mikey gave him a flat look that said I know what you’re doing.
Leo’s pout turned into a sheepish smile. “Okay, okay,” he said. “I’ll keep any such thoughts of cowardice to myself then, wallow in them when your back is turned—”
Mikey swatted at him with a glare. “You won’t think them at all! Leonardo—” And paused as Leo’s smile sharpened into a grin, his reddened eyes bright with genuine humour. “Ohhh, someone’s feeling better! Good.” He smiled sweetly back, then pushed Leo’s face away from him with a hand. “But for serious, you might be kinda dumb sometimes, but you are like. The bravest coolest brother—”
“Mmm, I still think Raph is the bravest. I humbly accept coolest, though.”
“I’ll allow it.” He watched Leo another moment, then pulled away to scramble carefully over him for the bedside table, reasonably sure the crisis was over. “You still up to painting?”
There was a pause. Leo’s face screwed up hesitantly. “...you sure? I mean, not because of your hands, but—”
“We still got time.” He flipped a paintbrush up and deftly spun it between his fingers, giving Leo a pointed look. “And I hate not finishing an art piece once I start.”
“Have we started, though?” Leo said mildly. But he was already obediently shuffling back onto his stomach, propping the pillows up beneath his elbows.
“Therapy is art.”
“I’m not sure that’s correct.”
“I’m the one with the doctorates, shush now.”
“But you’re—”
“Uh-buh-buh-buh—” Mikey settled by Leo’s side, bonking his head gently with his brush. And time for one last ambush question. “Leo. If we’d still been up there with you at the end, do you think it might have gone differently?”
To his great relief, Leo didn’t even flinch at that one—he merely tilted his head, humming thoughtfully. Mikey gave him time, fishing through his bottles until he could find the right colours to make the mix he wanted.
If he was holding his breath a little, well… that wasn’t important. Turtles could hold their breath for a very long time.
“Hard to say,” Leo said softly. “But I’d like to think so. I mean, I could barely get him through the portal on my own. But the four of us definitely had him off balance for a while there, right? If we were all still up there… I mean. Let’s face it. We’re so much stronger together.”
Mikey sighed with relief. It wasn’t that he didn’t believe Leo about the death wish thing, but hearing it summed up like that made him feel a lot better. Especially when Leo frowned and twisted to catch his eye. “You better not feel guilty about that part, by the way.”
“Guilty? Nah.” He did a little, but Mikey also knew they’d done their best. “Bad that you got left on your own, yeah. We’re a team! It was hard...you know.” He smiled a little weakly. “Not being up there with you.”
“It was hard watching you fall.” Leo relaxed, letting his head drop onto the pillows. “Don’t tell him, but I was so glad when Raph got on the line, even if he was mad at me. It meant you guys had all got down safely.”
“He wasn’t mad,” Mikey pointed out.
“...I know. Bad choice of words.” Leo took a breath, sighed it out, sounding sleepy. “Scared.”
“Scary day.”
“Tell me about it. Wait, on second thought, don’t.” Leo waved a hand at him, not looking up. “Better idea. Tell me what you’re gonna paint instead.”
Yeah, time to change subject. Mikey hummed thoughtfully at him, leaning down off the bed to collect his tray. “I’m thinking… flowers.”
“Flowers, huh.”
“Yeah.” He traced dark edges of Leo’s repaired shell with the very tip of his brush, watching his brother carefully to see if it bothered him. When Leo didn’t move, he shifted back to mix paints. “They’ll be great at masking the damage, and if I have to stop for any reason, it won’t look weird. I’m thinking, hmm… marigolds, petunias… what’s a good red flower that isn’t a rose…”
Was that too pointed a comment? Probably. He grinned, counting the seconds until Leo lifted his head again, shifting to squint at him with suspicion.
“...red, orange, and purple?”
“Yeah,” he said innocently. “Great colour combo, don’t you think?”
“I feel you’re trying to tell me something.”
“Of course I am, dummy.” Mikey smiled at him. The sweetest, most sunshine smile he had at his disposal. “It’s a reminder that we’ve always got your back, no matter what.”
Leo stared back at him with an expression that was—just for a moment, probably against his will—fragile.
Then he turned sharply back away to stare at the wall, giving a snort. “More like you’re always on my back, you mush-dispenser.”
Mikey bit back his laugh at that. Leo could have that one; let him save some face, just this once. “It’s not too late for a dragon’s ass, you know.”
“You wouldn’t dare.”
“Barry could be riding on it!”
“And throwing you off it to your doom—”
“Oh my god, that’s low, you monster—”
“Actually I think it’s high, it wouldn’t be much of a doom otherwise, c’mon, Leo, keep up.”
“I’m gonna duct tape you inside your shell and play you like bongos for a week straight.”
“Looking forward to it! I’ll mark my calendar!” But Leo was shaking with laughter now. Mikey tapped the end of the brush on his shell in warning, and Leo obligingly tried to keep still, switching to a yawn instead. “I would never, don’t worry. Tired?”
“A little.”
“Then sleep. I’ll be here. I’ll wake you when it’s done.”
“...kay.” Leo snuggled into the pillows without arguing, and his next words were heavily muffled and more a tired mumble than anything else. “Lvvyou.”
Mikey paused. Then smiled a little, putting a hand on his shell for a moment. “Lvvyou too, bro.”
“Oh, shush.”
He cackled at that, but said nothing, listening to Leo’s breaths even out.
He knew Leo pretty well—enough to wonder how much Leo still hadn’t told him, diverting with jokes and sassy comments about wallowing in cowardice. But this was a start. And a relief. If nothing else, Leo had been genuine about his motivations, both at the warehouse and at the portal. Terror and love, nothing more, nothing less. Mikey flexed his hands out, testing them one last time, looking at the fading welts still criss-crossing up his arms.
He could relate.
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artistic-intrxvert · 1 year
The rottmnt turtles ( hopefully not too much) with this preteen (like 12?) reader who’s just sneaking around and watching them “defeat crime” and writing it down, basically describing them as “cool” and just wanting to be friends with them. With drawings of them and the turtles. Also they try really REALLY hard to not get caught because they seriously do not want them to see their “notes”. Also 2012 tmnt honestly brings me to tears sometimes so I’m gonna give rottmnt a chance-
Hello there! YOU ARE MY FIRST ROTTMNT ASK AAA IM SO EXCITED :D i have a serious hyper fixation on this show and i need help hahah- I had a lot of fun doing this and I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None! (Some swearing but i do that a lot so it's not really all that different lol)
Prompt: (PLATONIC!!)Rise!Donnie, Leo, Raph, and Mikey with a child!reader who admires them
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I feel like Donnie would be the first to notice, and at first he wouldn’t really care all that much
In fact I think he’d respect that, if one needs notes about something then one needs notes
Pretty cocky about it too, why wouldn’t one want to know about the glorious and most intelligent turtle Othello Von Ryan?
But at the same time he also is quite suspicious of you and makes sure to keep an eye out in case you try and tell anyone of the turtle brothers existence
Honestly takes too long debating whether or not to tell his brothers
One day they all spot you taking your notes, Donnie knew a little bit about it since he has his high grade tech (he has his goggles after all, he probably knows your writing down something)
Let’s say they tried to confront you, wondering why and how the heck you managed to get on the top of one of the buildings and if you were in any danger
Yeah let’s just say you got scared and fled the scene leaving your notes behind
Donnie was the one that took it, claiming he can read any hand writing and wanted to make sure it didn’t have any personal information that could be used against them
I’m reality, he was quite curious to see what you were writing down
Turns out, you were doodling the turtles and yourself all in a picture with the classic ✨sun in the corner✨ and at the top said “friends” but he could see that it was erased and rewritten a few different times, as if you were hesitating to write it
He flipped through the pages and were impressed with how much notes you got that were accurate considering the fact you've been watching from a distance
While one would find it creepy, he can’t really hold it against you, children have people they admire and look up to and it just so happens that he and his brothers are the ones you look up to
Definitely tried to return the notebook, successfully spotting you in your usual spot, searching for your beloved notes
He talks to you, asking about you and how he’s intrigued by your notes (he's very impressed but would never admit that out loud)
He asks if you would like to meet his brothers and maybe ask about some stuff to help your notes so that he can make sure you "have the right information"
He's still his cocky self, but I think he'd understand where your coming from
We don't don't about his obsession with atomic lass-
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When he saw you taking notes from a distance every time that he and his brothers went out to do patrolling, he'd notice you being around the first few times or so, assuming you lived around that area
But then he noticed that you always seemed to be wherever they were
At one point, it hit his skull that you were following them
Only difference is that if he somehow found out before Donnie (highly unlikely btw) he'd point it out almost immediately
He would just kinda be like, "is it just me, or does this kid seem to following us?"
The others would notice too and agree to try and see if you were following them
Upon being confronted you tried to explain something but we're too nervous and ran off, leaving your notebook behind
Donnie was about to snatch it when he did, claiming he was going to read it first before Donnie hogged it to himself
He flipped through the pages and saw the drawing you did
Honestly thought it was creepy at first but then realized that you just wanted to be friends and looked up to them
Leo is the greatest ninja the world has ever seen, so it would make sense why you would want to be friends with him and his sidekicks brothers IM SORRY I HAD TO QUOTE THE MOVIE AND I PROBABLY SHOULDN'T HAVE BUT I COULDN'T HELP IT-
I feel like at some point he'd confront you it would be the day after he found the notebook you left behind and he would give it back and ask you about what kind of hobbies you do and what inspired you to watch him and his brothers
I think that he would eventually start talking to you often and eventually invite you to the lair sometimes. You would basically be a really close to of his
I think overall he'd be very smug and cocky about it but would deep down be honored that you would choose them to be the ones you look up to
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Raph would probably be one of the ones that doesn't notice this until someone else points it out. I also think he could also be the one to see it first. It just depends
Raph would be so honored that you looked up to them, he'd notice you following them and would go out of his way to offer you a smile before they'd go back to the lair
One day you leave your notebook alone after an encounter and he notices you dropped it
He wouldn't go through it surprisingly
One of his brothers would get to it first and would go through it, meaning he'd had to try and get them to stop invading privacy
Once he gets a glance, however, he feels so touched at the drawing you did and the detailed notes you've written down
He may not be the best at understanding complicated notes, but he knew how much thought and accuracy went into writing them down
Raph would try his best to return the notebook to you the next time they went out to fight bad guys
When he does return it, he places his hand on your head and ruffles your hair (if you don't have very long hair [shaved or buzzed] or if you have no hair at all, he'd give you a head pat)
He'd encourage you to ask them anything if you had questions, but would lightly scold you about being out and about at night by yourself
As long as you were safe about it, you may have just found yourself a new friend AND a kind of parental figure
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LOVES. YOU. SO. MUCH. (Platonically, of course)
He wouldn't notice at all, it was definitely pointed out by one of his brothers
He'd be a little worries about you being alone in New York by yourself given how you look to be around 12 or so
He'd confront you after a few different times they'd notice you, advising you to not be out so late
You didn't listen like the little shit you are
Eventually, they all had noticed and tried to confront you about it since they were rather curious
The pressure of talking to the turtles you looked up to had to a little nervous and you took off before they could talk to you
You did, however leave your notebook behind
Mikey looked through the different notes and flipped until he saw the drawing
He thought it was the cutest thing ever! He loved drawing and art related things himself, so he was really excited to see that you liked to draw as well!
When he finally saw you again, he handed you the notebook and offered to lend you some art materials or to sometime draw with him
It would take time to get him to invite you to the lair, but it would eventually become a very frequent thing
Very flattered but also very excited about the drawing
Sorry that this was finished so late :( life has been annoying as hell and making me not have motivation or the time to write as much as i used to. Nonetheless, I am very slowly getting back into the swing of things. Hope you have an amazing rest of your day/night and remember to drink your water <3
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soft--dragon · 1 year
Some Things Never Change
Leo and Casey are such a good duo, I love them ^^
Word Count: 1,642
Warnings: None
This is a SFW tickle fic, if you don’t like that then don’t read :)
After spending years in a Krang infested apocalypse, Casey was having to adjust to living a much calmer life. The turtles were more than happy to let him stay with them, but April suggested it may be better for Casey to stay with her and her mother. It would at least give him some time to rehabilitate into normal society and April could teach him about the present timeline. 
Though hesitant, Casey ended up taking up the teenage girl’s offer, and to his surprise, he quite enjoyed the surface world. Sure, sometimes it could be loud, chaotic and overwhelming, but once Donnie made him some noise cancelling headphones as a “Welcome-To-Your-New-Future” present, he quite enjoyed exploring the surface in the comfort of music. All background noise was filtered out, and he was free to roam the hectic streets of New York city, anxieties settled.
Though, as nice as it was to not be fighting every two seconds for his life, Casey still felt the need to train and remain strong in case of any future attacks. Sure the Krang leader was gone, but who knows how long it would be before he found a way back from the prison dimension? Uncle Draxum was working out a way to destroy the key permanently, but until then, there was still a threat of battle. 
So, instead of signing up for a gym membership with money he simply did not have currently - his luck of finding a job was about as good as April’s ability to hold one - he used the training room the turtles had set up in the abandoned subway. The gear there was durable, and no one would give him an odd look for swinging a hockey stick at a punching dummy and doing martial arts moves that were way too brutal to simply disarm a person. 
Hey, it was either do or die in the future, and Casey would prefer living thank you very much.   
Casey breathed out as he finished the attack, brushing loose strands out of his eyes with the rest pulled back in a man bun for training. (April had been incredibly excited to teach him different ways of styling his ebony hair now that he had time to wash and condition it.) While preparing for another series of movements, Casey suddenly yelped when something ghosted over the back of his neck. He whipped around, a hand clapping over his neck protectively. Leo stood mere feet from him, looking far too pleased with himself.
Casey made a garbled noise at the sight of his friend, exclaiming in alarm. “Leo? What the- how long have you been standing there?” 
Leo flexed an eye ridge up with a smug grin, pleased he’d gone unnoticed by the teenager. “Long enough to know you could probably take Raph down if you wanted to. You gotta teach me those moves, Jones, I didn’t know you could fight like that.” 
Now over the initial surprise of Leo’s appearance, Casey gave a small laugh, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. “I learnt them from you actually, in the future that is.”
God, you could hear Leo’s ego getting bigger.
“I taught you?!” The blue coded turtle’s eyes widened and an excited grin hiked up his lips. “Oh, my future self was so badass! And talk about an ironic turn of events eh? The teacher taught the student only for the student to become the teacher to the teacher.”
Casey blinked owlishly, an exasperated yet amused look taking over his face. “I’ve spent too much time around you, I understood all of that.”
Leo barked a laugh, crossing his arms smugly. “You idolised me in the future, Case, only fair you know my unique way of speaking.”
“Yeah, ‘unique’ is certainly a word for it,” Casey mumbled, turning back to the punching dummy he had been mercilessly beating up. 
Leo gasped in a faux offence, pointing an accusatory finger at the teenage boy. “Are you making fun of me?”
“What? No, whatever would make you think that?” 
Leo rolled his eyes at the blatantly obvious sarcasm. “Careful Casey, your Donatello is showing.”
“Better Donatello than Leonardo.”
“Hey! I’m way cooler than my twin, I'll have you know. Don’t play favourites… unless it’s me.” 
Casey snorted. While he was much more used to an older, serious Leonardo, he couldn’t deny this version of his sensei was able to match his energy and riff off of him easily. It was refreshing, being able to joke around with the blue turtle without the fear of being heard by the enemy. Though the freedom to mess around did make him distracted an awful lot more.
Casey rolled his shoulders out, preparing to attack the dummy again. “Was there a reason you actually came in here? Or did you just want to mess with me?” 
“Well, messing with you is pretty fun, so if you’re offering to be my cure for boredom, I’ll gladly take it.”
Once more, there was a soft sensation skittering over the back of Casey’s neck, causing his shoulders to leap up to his ears and his palm clamped back over the area. 
He gave Leo a sharp side eye. “Oi! Quit that.”
“Why? Are you ticklish?”
The sudden comment made the hairs on the back of Casey’s neck rise, swinging around to fully face Leo who was grinning knowingly. Oh. Suddenly this wasn’t a safe space anymore.
“What? N-No, I’m not.” Yup, way to go Jones, that was real convincing.
“Aw, you sure?” Leo was moving forwards, hands outstretched and wiggling his fingers tauntingly. The warm flush in Casey’s face was building quickly from the playful action. 
“Sensei- Leo-” Training forgotten, Casey stumbled backwards, his own hands raising in defence towards the blue masked turtle.
“Oh ho ho, lookie here, someone is going red.”
“St-Stay away!”
“What happened to ‘I’m not ticklish’, huh?”
“I’m not!”
“Then you won’t mind if I test that claim?”
Casey was running before the sentence was finished. Clumsily, he sprinted past Leo and through the hallway into the abandoned subway, tripping over himself despite his usual agility. The butterflies in his stomach were making his limbs feel weak, though his chest was warm and bubbly. 
“Leheheo!” He gasped, giggles spilling into his plea without him realising. “Goho ahahway!”
He was running for a few more seconds before realising there were no footsteps behind him. Skidding to a stop, Casey looked back and to his surprise, Leo was nowhere in sight. Casey wasn’t sure why he felt disappointed. 
He spun in a slow circle, eyes on the roof of the subway station for any sign of a blue bandana. There was none in sight. Casey’s shoulders slumped slightly, his mirthful eyes being replaced for something sombre. It made sense he supposed, Leo was just messing around and teasing him, though he thought the teenager might follow through. Whenever Leonardo threatened to tickle him, he chased him around the base and hid until Casey thought he was safe, only to be tackled to the ground and wrecked by the older turtle when he least expected it. 
…Hang on.
He used to hide until Casey stopped running-
Arms suddenly encircled around his waist and brought him to the ground with a scream, his fight or flight nature going ballistic for a moment before he caught sight of the green arms holding him. His head swung back to see Leo grinning widely at him, back pinned to the turtle’s plastron. Leo barked a laugh, squeezing the boy to him for a moment before letting off the pressure.
“I’m shocked Case, honestly thought you would’ve seen that coming.”
Casey spluttered, hands coming up to grip Leo’s arms and staring at him in bewilderment. “I-I didn’t think- I thought you wouldn’t-”
“What? You really think I’d threaten to tickle ya and not follow through? Damn, my future self has really let me down then.”
Casey didn’t get the chance to reply before fingers were worming into his hoodie, targeting the softness of his sides that were wildly ticklish. He yelped loudly and immediately slumped into the teenager’s grasp, gripping onto Leo’s arms as he kicked out frantically. “LEHEHEheheheo!” He shrieked. 
“Oh wow! Someone is very sensitive indeed!” Leo snickered, “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you laugh this hard.”
Casey wriggled in Leo’s lap, trying desperately to squirm out of his arms but Leo simply scooped him back up and slipped a hand down to scratch around his stomach. “Uh uh uh, you can’t be this ticklish and expect me to just let you go Casey, that’s not how this works.”
“Leheheo dohohohon’t!” squealed Casey, his boots scuffling into the ground in an attempt to sit up.
Leo snickered. “Oi, whatcha doin’? Trying to dig a hole over there? You’ve already dug one by letting the information slip that you’re ticklish, Jones.”
The mention of the dreaded 'T' word only caused Casey’s ears to burn brighter, the red flush on his face contrasting his dark hair brightly. “Stohohop teheheasing!”
Leo raised an eyeridge in a playfully taunting fashion. “Stop teasing? I’m just making conversation, Casey, why are you laughing so hard?”
“Yohohou knohohow whihihiy!”
“I’m afraid I don’t. You see, you claimed you weren’t ticklish and yet you’re laughing so hard over me wiggling my fingers? So if you’re not ticklish, then what on earth is happening here?”
Casey smacked his arm out of flustered annoyance, giggling borderline hysterically. “Ahahalright! Alright! I’m tihihicklish Leheheo! Ihihi lihihihied!”
Leo gave a very overdramatic, shakespeare-would-be-proud, exaggerated gasp and stared at his student in mock horror. “You lied to me? How dare you Casey Jones Junior! Your punishment shall be severe!”
Leo’s fingers were then clawing at Casey’s ribs, and the turtle swore that both the surface world and the Hidden City heard the scream the teenager let out. 
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sketchnskribbles · 1 year
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Komorebi AU | Read Fic Here: AO3
[ Komorebi Art ]
[Reblogs welcome]
Excerpt Below:
"Good morning. I'd like to report that Leo is in good condition." Casey made sure to put on a gentle smile when he turned around. He leaned back against the counter, using a paper towel to wipe off his hands. "Well. As good as he can be currently. Nice job on the shell, Donnie. Couldn't have done it better myself."
The two had clearly not expected him to be here, based on their expressions. Though, the softshell's face quickly morphed into consideration and then realization. The tablet in his hand was promptly turned off and tucked under an arm.
"Ah. Clearly your "sensei" gave you medical training." At Donnie's words, Mikey couldn't help but smile and beam. It was so cool to think of his awesome, big brother as a teacher.
"That is correct. He taught me everything he knew and then some." Casey noted the slight slump of the softshell's shoulders. Like a portion of some invisible weight lifted off of them. Though there was a curious hesitance to his face when the turtle glanced carefully at his younger brother. His eyes lifted up to connect briefly but firmly with Casey's own. From his own experience, he figured Donnie wanted to talk without Mikey present. He gave the slightest inclination of his head, that he hoped managed to come across as his acknowledgement, before moving up to Mikey.
"If you're alright with it, I'd like to check over your arms." Casey considerately stayed calm and slow with his movements. He probably didn’t need to do so with Mikey but it was a habit from dealing with all sorts of trauma-ridden fellow survivors as his patients. There was always a certain pressure and intensity that the soldier always felt after asking about looking over injuries. One could never know the true mentality of another in the throes of distress. And unfortunately, being checked over and taken care of within the medbay seemed to fall into the “high stress” list for most. 
To his relief there didn’t seem to be any hesitation on the box turtle’s part. He went so far as to happily make his way over to the empty cot with a slight hop in his step, when prompted. Donnie had set about washing his hands while Casey placed on another pair of clean gloves.
“Alright. Now, first order of business: I’m going to begin unwrapping your arms. May I touch you?” He held out his hand and kept it still with the palm raised. Mikey gave him an odd look but complied. Carefully, he undid the clean, white bandaging. His stomach lurched and his chest felt restricted as the strange injuries came into view. He wanted to yell and scream at what could only be considered the direct mirror of what he’d seen from his Uncle Angelo. Except little Mikey didn’t burst and scatter into light. Somehow, he'd managed to evade getting evaporated by his inner power. How? Why did he survive but not his Uncle?
Casey blinked and outwardly showed nothing of what he was feeling. He was a professional. 
Instead, he held onto Mikey’s scarred hands as he rotated his arms to get a full look at the wounds. There was a high potential for scarring. He gave a short glance up, checking on the turtle’s expression. Neutral. No stress.
“Can you tell me if they are feeling any pain? Or numbness?” He asked. Slowly lowering their hands to Mikey’s lap but he didn’t let go, he kept his grip loose in case the turtle wasn’t comfortable with it. Their hands didn't move. In fact, the soldier felt the other's grip tighten the slightest bit.
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chickenscript · 3 years
Could you write a scenario for each of the turtles where they sneak into to a hospital through the window and visit the reader who is staying the night after they broke their arm?
A/N: i feel like i could've wrote this funnier but hope you enjoy!
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Least to say, you weren't expecting any visitors when you ended up bedridden in the hospital.
Well, it wasn't all that serious really. You got a bone fracture in your arm after a little skateboarding incident but, the doctors wanted to keep you overnight for observation and to help ease you through those first hours of sheer pain.
Back on topic though- you wondered why you didn't think that you wouldn't see any familiar faces pop by during your stay considering the company you kept.
And by that you meant they would 100% be the type to break into a hospital just to visit you.
Leo: - You honestly thought he would've tried to sneak in dressed as a nurse knowing Leo and his ideas.
- But no, this time around he had snuck in through your window and did so, so stealthily that he nearly gave you a heart attack when he cropped up right next to your face sudden.
- Thankfully you realized it was him before you could let out a scream that would've alerted a nurse or doctor.
- You laughed the fright off and he took a seat on your bed next to you.
- He started off idle chatter about how you were feeling and the specifics of how you ended up here, and you enjoyed the company as much as you knew he should've waited until you left tomorrow for his own sake.
- You couldn't not appreciate that he had come to check on you.
- You're not sure that you had known anyone before the turtles that would've found a way into your hospital room after visiting hours to make sure you were absolutely okay themselves.
- You made sure to let Leo know that too.
- He smiled sheepishly and ruffled your hair; he'd break into a hospital any day for you. You were one of his best friends after all. (Of which the turtles only had you and April).
- The sentiment made you snort and you smiled back at your goofy friend with a giggely thank you.
- You wouldn't have it any other way.
- Regardless, you had to admit that he probably should've left for the lair before the morning rolled in instead of staying so long into the night getting caught up in nighttime conversation with you that he wound up passing out like you did.
- He had to narrowly avoid being caught by the staff and you tried not to bust out laughing at his "timely escape".
- Which was Leo having to scramble out off the bottom of your bed where he'd sprawled out on so he could launch himself out the window when the nurse came to tell you that you were ready to be discharged.
- The sound of a yowling cat as he landed in the dumpster outside didn't help your case either.
- You...you weren't expecting the impromptu doctor costume.
- Or for him to immediately start out his sudden visit by prodding at your cast the second he was done clambering through your room window.
- Donnie insisted he just wanted to check on the sturdiness of it, but you still had to swat him away so he wouldn't fuss over it.
- With a sigh, you let your arm fall back across your stomach. You didn't have to ask to know why he was here because you had a good guess already.
- You invited the turtle to sit on your hospital bed and after hesitating for a moment, he plopped down.
- He cleared his throat and asked you how you were feeling.
- You smiled and told him that they were giving you plenty of painkillers, Dr. Dee. It wasn't a gnarly break, so you were lucky in that regard and didn't need any heavy duty treatment.
- Donnie nodded with closed eyes and folded arms.
- He told you everyone was worried about you and you poked his bicep, telling him to tell them that you definitely weren't dying or anything.
- Donnie looked down at you and poked you in the nose, telling you that a broken arm still wasn't anything to laugh about.
- You wriggled your nose with a puff. You knew that but you also knew that you would be able to recover just fine.
- Even though Donnie didn't show it like his brothers would've, you knew he had come all this way to make sure you were getting treated properly. (Even though you certainly were).
- After his fussing, you and Donnie played a few rounds of Mario Kart on his switch while chatting. You were sure he was going easy on you because of your arm but you didn't say anything about it because well, who could ever complain about winning?
- When you wrapped up, you let him sign his name in an almost obnoxious purple that glinted neon in the dark on your cast and he told you not to break anything else.
- You laughed and replied that you didn't plan on it.
- The answer seemed to be good enough for him as he left and after the nurse came to turn out your lights for you, you laid back in your bed and stared for a long while at the glow in the dark signature on your bum arm before falling asleep.
- You had to shush him the moment he launched onto your hospital bed.
- He was immediately poking and prodding at you, and asking about whether or not your arm still hurt.
- You laughed softly and shook your head. You reassured him you were doing much better compared to earlier.
- Mikey was happy to hear about that, settling down a bit and sitting down.
- He asked if he could touch your cast and you gave a nod.
- He touched it very gently, wrinkling his snout at the coarse feeling texture of it under his fingertips.
- Then he looked up at your face and asked the question you knew he was probably waiting to since he got there.
- You gave another soft laugh and said yes, he could sign your cast.
- With a wide smile he whipped out some markers he was carrying with him and got work scribbling on your cast.
- You quickly got the feeling that his "signature" was going to be much more elaborate than just that.
- And you weren't wrong as he spent the better part of an hour, chatting with you as he drew.
- Truthfully, you hadn't been able to get to bed at all before Mikey dropped by and having him here was nicer than tossing and turning, waiting to fall asleep.
- Eventually, he's done and you're amazed by the graffiti style doodle now on the corner of your cast.
- Mikey beamed at the look on your face and asked you what you thought. To which you were quick to say it looked amazing.
- You ended up having a chat about art and you two did some doodling in one of your notebooks before he had to go back to the lair so you could call it a night.
- He wished you a goodnight and you promised to be over the next day to spend some time with your favorite turtles, and when you let your head rest on your pillow, sleep found you much easier than you thought it would before Mikey got there.
- You were surprised a herd of staff didn't rush to your room as he had to all but force himself through the window and knocked over an IV pole and those little carts that held nurse supplies.
- Of course, a sweet little nurse did pop in to see if you were alright and you told her that a strong breeze must have done it all.
- She bought the story and Raph, who had ducked under your bed and raised it a good foot or two higher, crawled out.
- He asked you how you were doing and whatnot, and you waved off his worries.
- Still, he didn't seem very sated by the look on his face.
- You reached out with your good arm and gave him a pat on his. - In truth, Raph felt bad that he nor his brothers could've been there to prevent your injury; as stupid as that might sound.
- And he seemed to think you would laugh at him as he admitted that to you.
- You didn't think it sounded stupid in the slightest though. A lot of people feel that way when it comes to people they care about, you reassured him.
- You felt the same every time the turtles had altercations with the villainy lurking in New York.
- That seemed to work and you were glad to shake some worry off of Raph's big ole shoulders. He had enough of that while trying to lead the gaggle of turtle brothers.
- You patted the side of your bed and almost regretted the gesture when it groaned in agony at Raph's mass.
- You tried to laugh it off, hoping internally that the bed would turn out okay. You were just happy that it was holding up for now. But, you were surprised that Raph didn't notice the potential problem.
- You two spent a while just idly chatting and Raph recanted the brothers' recent encounter with some villains last night. You eagerly listened and enthused about it alongside the behemoth of a snapping turtle whose giddiness about things always reminded you he was truly a softie.
- After some hours, he got around to leaving once he signed your cast in big, blunt red letters and the hang out session made you feel like you really did have friends looking out for your more than you realized before.
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chiliiscereal · 3 years
Prompt idea: the turtles with a friend or s/o that sleep walks.
Turtles with and S/o that sleepwalks
So I based this off how my cousin sleep walks hope you don’t mind :)
-home boy freaked out the first time he saw you sleepwalk
-he was up at night getting some cake but when he saw you walking by HO HO BOY did he jump out of his skin
-no one else was awake and you practically materialized out of the shadows!
-he eventually calmed down enough to realize that you weren’t awake
-I mean, it wasn’t exactly obvious
-you sort of walked around aimlessly a while mumbling
-that wasn’t really something sleeping people did..
-“babe, what’re you doin’ up? It’s 1 in the morning!”
-“I gotta put the salami CD’s in the chicken coop”
-“umm.. what?”
-once it finally clicked he didn’t exactly know what he should do
-was it a myth that you weren’t supposed to wake up a sleepwalking person?
-was there some sort of side affect?
-instead of intervening he just sort of sat at the table and watched
-he didn’t want to accidentally do something wrong but he also didn’t want you to get hurt
-he found himself getting up a couple of times when he thought you were gonna run into a table, moving it out of the way at lightning speed
-Other than that you were fine
-you simply walked back into your room and shut the light off
-he asked about it the next morning and you told him you sleep walk if you’re really tired
-and, sadly, being in highschool meant that you were tired all the time
-apparently you’d done it since you were little and you were used to it by now
-Raph didnt exactly know what he should do about it
-you told him you were fine and that he should leave you be, but he didn’t want anything to happen to you
-he decided the best course of action was to help behind the scenes
-that meant making sure you didn’t stay up late
-if you slept walked when you were really tired then he’d stop you from that state of feeling
-he had an alarm set for when he’d start hinting that it was bedtime
-he’s unplug the WiFi if you didn’t get the message (subtly of course) and then he’d turn around and tell you that the WiFi always got spotty when it was late
-he’d even stay up a little later to see if you were going to sleep walk
-if not then he’d head straight to bed
-but sometimes you still did it
-he’d found the best option was to just pick you up and place you back in your room
-“but the salami CD’s...”
-“they’ll still be there in the morning.”
-he’d pull you close to him and let you snuggle in close, the two of you sitting on your
-he always left before you woke up though
-yet you knew he had been there
-it was hard not to know when you woke up with a huge dip in the other side of your bed
-the two of you had a system and it worked
-Donnies already up and working by the time you start walking around
-the thing is, he didn’t realize you weren’t awake for probably an hour
-you were just walking from room to room and occasionally picking things up
-he was used to you being up late in his defense
-but when you ignored him or started mumbling... yeah that ripped him off
-“babe can you pass me the screwdriver?”
-“no, the radishes aren’t condensed.”
-“...I’m sorry?”
“Are you even awake?”
“I gotta go condense the radishes before Mikey finds out.”
-this boy was educated on the sleepwalking in a matter of seconds via research
-he knew you needed the rest so he never woke you up
-instead, he would find wherever you were walking around and have you stay in his room while he worked
-you never broke anything and it was nice to not be alone in a way
-besides your sleepwalking never lasted for long
-often it ended with you wandering over to him and slumping against his shoulder
-that meant he got to hold you while the night was quiet and peaceful
-the next morning you always woke back up in your own bed
-Donnie denied that he ever had anything to do with your sleepwalking
-but all you had to do was test it out to find the truth
-you walked into his room without a word one night and he didn’t even seem surprised
-“you good babe?”
-you chose not to say anything, you just kept walking
-“how are those condensed radishes doing?”
-you didn’t know what that meant but you assumed it was something you said in your sleep
-“you’re awfully quiet tonight. Usually you don’t stop talking.”
-you sit down beside him and place your head on his shoulder
-boy doesn’t even hesitate in pulling you closer and going back to work
-you don’t bother telling him that you know
-it’s nice to have someone looking out for you
-oh he found out the first time you slept walked
-even brought it up casually the next morning
-he has insomnia so anything that happens after hours he’s already aware of it
-for the first few nights it was him joking about the cause being something supernatural
-he stopped when he thought you were getting offended though
-he diiiiid however say you were the sleep to his insomnia
-he can’t sleep at night and nothing can wake you up!
-you two balance each other out!
-and believe me, he has TRIED to wake you up to no avail
-doesn’t matter if it’s a loud noise or shaking your shoulder, nothing will wake you up
-unfortunately, since he’s always awake, he gets to see everything you do while wandering around
-AND he gets to see it while recording
-he’s got videos and videos of the random nonsense that comes out of your mouth
-and if he ever finds you cleaning in your sleep heaven knows he’s gonna find a way for you to take care of some of his chores to
-“come on, babe! You were already folding clothes! What’s a few extra?”
-he does find himself having to emergency portal you at times
-like the time you nearly walked off the skate ramp
-he portalled you into his arms as quick as he could
-“who decides to put a skate ramp right where people can fall down it?” He’s mumbling as he carries you back to his room
-having you there helps his insomnia very much
-in a way you’re both helping each other
-took the longest time to realize you sleepwalk
-if took him a whole two months
-usually you stayed in your own room
-he only realized when you walked into his room started picking up his art supplies while he was painting
-usually when he was painting you would plop down beside him and ask him questions (all during the day)
-but now you were picking up brushes and mumbling about how you needed to save the tomato’s before the bear ate them all
-poor baby ran to Donnie, thinking you were sick or delusional
-his older brother casually explained that it’s probably just sleep walking and he calmed down
-he was a little freaked out but grew used to it after a couple more night of it
-doesn’t really understand why you sometimes do normal things in your sleep like cleaning or fixing a sandwich
-still finds himself helping you out though
-he’ll be right next to you, folding clothes or passing you the mayo
-recently he found out he can ask you questions and get pretty funny answers
-“do you prefer hot dogs, hamburgers, or pizza?”
-“soggy bread.”
-“That doesn’t sound very appetizing.”
-always keeps you updated the next morning
-it embarrassed you to no end
-he didn’t need to hear all that stuff!
-one night he asked a less casual question
-“so how do you feel about Mikey?”
-“I would eat a thousand soggy breads for Mikey if he asked.”
-“of course. I love him!”
-that was the first time you openly said you loved him
-honestly his heart stopped for a few seconds
-he brought it up that next morning and no, you wouldn’t eat a thousand soggy breads if he asked
-but yes, you loved him to pieces
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moxfirefly · 3 years
I!! Have an request!! If you want, thats up to you! But how about the turtles have a friend (the reader) and no matter what they see hints of or how it seems she just doesnt seem to be in a relationship ever and then leo starts acting "odd" (in love) and one day michelangelo of all people catches leo and the reader in a romantic (or heated) moment! What do you think would happen? How would they handle their older brother in love? 😂 i just thought itd be a funny one-shot
Ok I’ve been wanting to tackle this for a while now and ima do my best for you friend, also I hope this reaches cause I know it’s been tough so I send you lots of love💕
Blue boi all in lovey dovey
Rated Mature (Romance but will a little sprinkle of smut) 18+ Only
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Raphael squinted his eyes.
For the past twenty-two minutes he’d been wondering what was wrong with this picture. His breakfast was getting cold and he’d even neglected to smack Mikey’s hand away when he stole a piece of bacon off his place.
Raphael took pride in his observation skills, often he noticed plenty of things in his environment but while Donatello ran commentary on it he usually kept the information to himself. He shared a room with his youngest brother so he knew any odd shift when it came to Mikey. He is very close with Donnie, spending a few sleepless nights by his side while the genius tinkered away at projects, even lending a hand here and there.
Leonardo for all of his hard headed ways and their personality clashes, he felt he knew him well enough too. The leader though, was much more guarded in his emotions which made for some difficult moments to completely gage his older brother.
You on the other hand were an open book, plenty of times he’d spent time with you, getting to know plenty of your ticks and thoughts. Raph considered you a close friend, a confidant he could turn to.
But as you all sat together for a late breakfast. Mikey inhaling his while Donnie’s overworked eyes looked into his coffee cup as if lifes answers laid there, Leo and you were just sitting there, suspiciously.
You were still in your sleep wear, Leo’s groggy movements mechanical as he ate on autopilot. You yawned reaching for a coffee refill and without command or hesitation Leo had pushed the creamer and sugar towards you, going so far to place the exact amount of both in your mug. You had given him a sweet smile, reaching a hand to thumb a crumb away from the corner of his mouth.
Raphael raised a brow ridge, well naturally that could translate to common kindness. You all knew each other, often April had in some form or shape probably done something similar. He poked a few pieces of eggs into his mouth, now he was intrigued.
He picked up a few more instances where his curiosities got the better of him.
For instance one afternoon while you were over he had decided to gather info. Raphael had kitchen duty and you had stuck around to help him out. “What’s up with you?” A common not so invasive question, you shrugged. “Same old, same old” You gathered plates to set the table. Raphael kept his gaze at the task at hand, cutting tomatoes for the sauce he was preparing. “Yeah but have you done anything? Gone out with friends? Maybe found your future husband?” He chuckled even more so when you nudged him with an elbow. “A forget you have a sense humor under all that angst” Raph smiled, the two of you often bickered Iike this.
Truth be told you had never mentioned a boyfriend or a girlfriend, the subject was never really breached. With the amount of time you spent in the sewers with them it never came up if you had some partner or if you even were dating. Raphael added the tomatoes into a pot, you joined his side ready to help with more cutting of condiments.
Then Leo arrived and he felt the air shift, he peaked a glance at you, a small smile playing on your lips. Leo in turn greeting the two of you before he made his way towards the fridge to retrieve something to drink. “Want something?” He asked from the fridge and honest to God Raph was very sure he wasn’t asking him. You nodded extending a hand for the soda he gave you, he leaned against the fridge and chatted you up as nonchalant as ever.
Nothing in the small chat raised any flags, Raph’s sauce almost burning from how intently he was concentrating of quite literally eavesdropping on you two. You laughed at something he mentioned, that was bizarre because Leo was seriously not even funny but he could be biased on that end.
“Your hair looks pretty that way” Leo spoke, a tad bit shyly. Raph stirred the sauce, brow ridges shooting up, ‘real smooth big bro’ he couldn’t help but think. Then again he had probably at some point told April the same thing, well they all had commented on April being pretty in all manners of ways.
But this felt just the taddest bit different?
He excused himself having to get back to whatever he was doing. Raph squatted to get something from the bottom cupboards, he didn’t miss the blush on your cheeks.
“Yer hair does look nice like that” He tested, you beamed brightly at him. “Thank you, you’re very sweet when you put your heart into it” She teased smacking a hand towel at him.
Inconclusive results.
For now.
This stupid notion continued to bother Raphael, curiosity would kill the turtle in this case. He wanted to know if truly something was amiss there and you both being friends he wondered why you just hadn’t flat out told him what was up. Nevertheless he couldn’t drop the bomb on you, you could be motorfide or maybe deny it to high hell. Asking Leonardo was out of the question, he sure as hell wouldn’t say a thing.
So Raphael kept his gaze glued as you parted ways for the night. You gave a hug and kiss to everybody, quite normal for your loving nature. He got his hug and kiss, so did Donnie, April and Mikey. Once you landed on Leo you did the same.
He could’ve sworn you lingered a little more, going so far as to whisper something to him because Leo gave a little huff of a laughter and smiled. He definitely slid his hand away from your lower back quite slowly.
Maybe, just maybe...
One patrol night he got stuck with Leo while Mikey and Donnie were doing rounds on the truck. They were scouting out a bank that was rumored to be hit soon by a group of robbers. Raph didn’t mention you, in fact he patiently waited for these robbers to possibly show up.
Something vibrated and his gaze landed on Leo who was reaching a hand into his pocket to pull out his phone. His concentrated and serious featured softening with whatever he read on the screen. He typed back something quick, shaking his head from whatever image or words or whatever had been provoked out of him. “Everything good?” Raphael asked, Leo nodded as if back to ‘normal’ and that absolutely was suspicious in his book.
That night didn’t yield any resolution and honestly it’s around this time that Raph regrets this little task that had occupied his time. He had originally decided to leave it as inconclusive, at some point You two dummies had to say or do something. He had been rummaging his room for his hand wraps, more than ready to get his nightly workout in order. When he had come up empty handed he exited towards Leo’s room, he always had them which annoyed the red banded brute.
His first mistake was not knocking or making his incoming presence known. A rookie mistake considering he lived with three young adult brothers.
His second mistake was just barging in like he owned the place. An annoyed “Jesus Leo quick taking my shit” spewing out of him.
If mistakes One and Two had been adverted he wouldn’t be standing here, wide eyed and frozen.
Because he really didn’t need to see his brother stark ass naked on top of his best friend who he basically considered a little sister, equally naked to boot. There was a solid fifteen seconds where Raphael didn’t know if he running out was the best option, mumbling a ‘shit my bad’ was better or if covering his eyes and screaming at his brother that he better be a gentlemen to you cause you’re a great gal.
Leonardo’s hands cupped your exposed breast for modesty sake, the need for the ground to dramatically open up and swallow him whole heavy in his mind. You had squeaked when Raph barged in, hands super glued to Leo’s rear and god why couldn’t you scream and let go and scream some more.
Raphael finally turned around, an embarrassed heat breaking over his body as he groaned in disgust. “Shit fuck, sorry sorry! I didn’t see shit!” Oh but he did and oh did he crave bleach. “Raph get out! This is why you knock!” Leo chucked a pillow at his brothers shell. You had finally let go of Leo’s rear, covering your face in mortification. “Hang a sock or something outside then!! I can’t read minds!” Raph bellowed.
Mistake number 3 happened because Raphael was a drama Queen through and through and the shouting only helped to alert his brothers towards the room.
“Can you two not fight for five whole minu-OH GOD SORRY!” Donatalleo had exited as quickly as he had approached the room. Mikey thankfully barely saw anything since Raph and Donnie yanked him out which Leo was thankful, he knew Mikey would never let this situation go.
A very quiet hour passed by.
Nobody wanting to say anything. Mikey had left for the tunnels to skateboard for a while. Donnie had thrown himself into truck repairs not even wanting to discuss what his eyes had briefly seen.
And Raphael had sat on the couch, every few minutes making a face whenever his brain decided to bring back the nights events. He heard movement from Leo’s room, the small pitter patter that belonged to your feet. Raph kept his gaze down, whatever playing on the tv long forgotten, he saw your feet when they tentatively approached the couch.
“Um Raph” Your tone was hushed.
“Didn’t see anything, matter of fact nothing happened” Raph grabbed the remote, you sat down and sighed. “Listen you weren’t the one with your tits out here” You crossed your arms grumbling, Raph almost chortled but then he remembered Leo and simply made a face.
“Why didn’t you tell me you and him were a thing? We’re friends, I mean you can do better but you know” He smiled when he felt your elbow smack his arm. “He’s really nice don’t be so mean” You sat back on the corner, Raph looked at you, you were wearing an oversized shirt clearly spending the night.
“Sorry for ah, not knocking” Raph spoke softly.
“Sorry for no telling you I had it bad for your brother” You smirked, enjoying Raph’s disgruntled expression.
You scooted close and hugged his massive arm, Raph smiled. “He better be good to ya... and well, don’t break his heart, he’s an ass but he’s my big brother” You nodded against his arm.
You had stayed for a little before returning back to Leo’s room, the leader was reading on his bed but quickly looked up when you came in. “Everything alright?” He asked tentatively. You nodded climbing into bed and in between his legs to lay on him. “We could’ve so gone a better way telling everybody, at least it’s out and we can just be ourselves” You rested against him, Leo’s chin a top your head.
He wrapped his arms tightly around you and smiled. “I’m never living this down but I’m happy we can just be ourselves” He poked your sides earning an earnest squeal from you.
Outside Raphael could hear the quiet giggling and laughter. He was happy for the two of you, it made sense.
Mikey walked in, board in hand and sweaty from skating for hours.
“So Leo loses his V card first, huh brah?”
Raphael groaned.
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another-tmnt-writer · 4 years
You Fell From the Sky - Part 2
Leonardo x Reader
Author: Admin Mo
Summary: After falling from the sky and landing literally in the arms of your favorite turtle, it takes some adjustment to live in another reality, but with the help of the leader in blue, you’re getting used to it.
Note: Let it be known that I wrote the first part of this before I knew reality shifting was a thing, but now that I know it is……let me tell you, I am tempted…
Warnings: None?
Word Count: 1.6k
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It had been three weeks. Three whole weeks living in the lair. You were over the moon. Honestly, it was spectacular. However, after three weeks without a phone charger (you’d been using it very, very sparingly and had it turned off most of the time) your phone was now at one percent. So, you popped into the lab, where Donnie was at the moment.
“Hey Donnie?” You asked tentatively, standing in the doorway.
“Oh, hey (Y/N)! Can I help you with something?” He asked, his voice friendly. He looked up at you, giving you his full attention from whatever he was working on.
“Um, do you have a phone charger I can use?”
“Of course!” He pulled open a drawer on his desk that was absolutely filled with charging chords of every time, meticulously organized with twist ties. “What kind do you need?”
“iPhone.” You said.
He reached into the drawer and handed you a ten-foot chord. “Here you go.”
“Thank you!” You smiled. “What are you working on, if you don’t mind me asking?”
“I don’t mind!” He scooted over to let you see his screen. “I’m working on figuring out how to open an interdimensional portal right now. Sorry it’s taking me so long.”
“Don’t be sorry. This is literally groundbreaking work. You’re a genius, but I definitely didn’t expect you to do it overnight.”
“Well that’s reassuring.” He chuckled. “I’ll keep you posted. Don’t want to keep you here any longer than we have to.”
You knew he was kidding about the last bit, but your heart sank a little when he said it. You liked being at the lair. You liked spending time with the guys. Sure, you wanted to go home at some point, but you wished it didn’t have to come so soon.
“Thank you, Donnie.”
You left the lab to find Leo lingering just outside. He looked concerned, his arms crossed, head tilted, blue, blue eyes focused on you. ���You okay?” he asked softly.
You nodded. “Yeah, I’m fine. Why?”
“No reason. You just seemed a little down.” He answered. He stared at you for a moment before remembering, “Oh, April is here. She brought you some more clothes.”
“Awesome. Thank you so much.”
“Don’t mention it.” He shrugged, leading you back out to the living room, where Mikey was ranting about something to April and Casey while Raph listened and shook his head.
You stared at each of them for a long moment, absorbing. Megan Fox and Stephen Amell were standing like twenty feet away from you. It was overwhelming to say the very least. “Holy shit…”
“Hi! You must be (Y/N). I’m April. This is Casey.”
“Hockey puck has got a bit of a chip on his shoulder, but he means well.” Raph elaborated.
“This is so insane.” You laughed, smiling at them. “It’s incredible to meet you. The boys…told you where I’m from, right?”
“Yeah, they did.” April nodded. “That must have been quite the jump.”
“It was. I’m still…getting used to it, I guess.”
“Well, take your time.” She nudged Raph playfully. “They take some getting used to.”
“Hey!” Raph scoffed, nudging her back. “Ya took some getting used to yourself, O’Neil.”
“I wouldn’t worry too much.” Leo said, his eyes sparkling. “I think you’re fitting in just fine.”
You ignored the way your heart raced when he said it, replying with a smirk, “I agree.”
It was later that night. You were in the kitchen, baking with Splinter’s permission. He was in his room drinking tea and the boys were out on patrol. That was the other thing. Every time they left, you felt empty. You knew they’d be fine, but there was always a little bit of worry nagging in the back of your brain. What if they…weren’t?
So: stress-baking. The recipe of the evening? Chocolate chip cookies. They were a classic you were sure the boys would like. Your hair was up in a messy bun and you had some tunes playing from your phone. You scooped out the balls of cookie dough, setting them in careful rows on the pan before sticking them into the hot oven.
You baked for a few hours, rotating trays until you had a batch big enough to feed four hungry mutant turtles, their father, and yourself.
You switched off the oven, and right as you did, you heard their voices echoing through the tunnels until finally, they entered the lair.
“Good night?” You asked hopefully.
“Better now, angelcakes.” Mikey winked and then stopped in his tracks when he saw the steaming pile of fresh-baked cookies. His eyes widened and he gasped excitedly. “Are these for us?”
“Wow, she bakes, too, Leo.” Raph teased, reaching for a cookie in time with Donnie.
“Thanks, (Y/N),” said the turtle in the purple bandana.
“Of course.”
Leo went in for one last, still reeling a bit from Raph’s comment, his cheeks rosier than usual. He said softly, “Thank you for doing this.”
“Thank you for letting me crash here. I honestly don’t know what I would have done without you guys finding me when you did.”
“It’s the least we could do.” Leo insisted.
“Alright, quit yer flirting. Let’s all go watch a movie or something.” Raph insisted, walking out towards the TV. The rest of you followed, and of course when you and Leo went to find seats, the only two that were left were right next to each other.
You settled in, blushing a bit. Raph had a smug smirk on his face.
“What?” You challenged, causing him to chuckle.
As it got later, it also got colder, and you soon found yourself shivering the slightest bit, wishing you’d thought to grab a blanket before the movie started like the rest of the guys had.
“Are you cold?” Leo asked.
Instead of telling him you weren’t like you wanted to, you nodded. Without hesitation, he pulled half of his large blue blanket onto your lap, letting you share his warmth. As if you weren’t blushing enough before, he just had to be a gentleman and fluster you even further.
“T-thanks.” You could have punched yourself for stuttering, but Leo didn’t seem to mind. He still kept a polite distance from you, his leg a good few inches from yours despite the blanket that was draped across you both.
You were quiet for the rest of the movie, and when it was over, Raph went to work out, Donnie retreated into his lab, and Mikey went to his room to scroll through TikToks on his phone. That left you and Leo sitting awkwardly under the large blue knitted blanket you were sure Raph had made. Maybe it had been a Christmas present or something. You weren’t sure.
“Not to give you déjà vu, but I’m sorry about Raph.” Leo chuckled. “I asked him to stop, so of course it only got worse.”
“I really don’t mind.” You told him, meeting his clear blue gaze. “That’s what brothers do, isn’t it?”
He laughed. “Yeah, I guess it is. Do you have any siblings?”
“No, unfortunately. I’m an only child. Grew up with my aunt because my parents couldn’t be bothered to actually parent.”
“Mmm.” Leo hummed, nodding.
“I guess that’s probably why I latched onto the idea of you guys so much as a kid. I liked the idea of a sibling bond like that. Working together as a team. Having a built-in group of friends to hang out with.”
“It’s not all sunshine and rainbows, but we do work well together.” Leo agreed. “When we’re not bickering, that is.”
You were quiet for a moment, mustering up courage before you said, “He’s right, though. Raph, I mean.”
Leo stared at you, his eyes widening in half-realization. “What…how…what do you mean?” His voice cracked when he asked it, his heart pounding.
“Well…Leo, I’ve had a crush on you since I was fifteen years old; I doubt it’s going away anytime soon.”
He looked at you in shock, pretty sure he’d hallucinated what you just said. All he could reply with was a shaky, “On me?”
You laughed. “Yes, Leo. On you. It’s okay if you don’t feel the same. I’m not even supposed to exist here.”
“I do. Feel the same.” He blurted. His statement was quick, but it was firm. Carefully, he took your hand in his large, green, three-fingered one and he was reminded just how different the two of you actually were. He was about to let go, but you squeezed his hand reassuringly. He laughed at himself, slightly embarrassed to be floundering in front of you, but it was out of his control. “I’m sorry, I’m new to this.”
“That’s okay.” You smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear.
“I promise I’ll do my best to make you happy. Just let me know if I’m doing something wrong. I’m learning, after all.” His thumb rubbed the back of your hand. “And I know that…at some point you’re going to have to go back. But…I’m willing to make the most of whatever time we have.”
“Me too.” You nodded. A yawn slipped from your lips. It was getting late. You wouldn’t be surprised if the sun was already up. “I think it’s about time I got to bed.” You told him, standing up and setting the blanket on the couch.
Since you’d been there, the boys had created you a makeshift room of your own in one of the giant pipes in the wall, a little one with your own mattress and some bedding Raph had whipped up for you.
Leo stood up too, towering over you as soon as he did. You stood on your toes and pressed a kiss to his cheek.
“Goodnight.” Leo replied, smiling at you like you’d put the moon and stars in the sky with your bare hands. “See you tomorrow.”
“See you tomorrow.” You echoed, walking off towards your pipe, a new kind of warmth swirling around in your chest.
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girlofprey7 · 3 years
Why Apritello works/doesn’t work:
a short analysis and essay about April and Donatello’s overall dynamic and development in the 2012 show.
Apritello as a pairing is a pretty damn controversial topic in the TMNT 2012 fandom, and with good reason. Some fans may dislike or be against April because of her apparent rudeness or ungrateful nature towards everyone’s favourite brainy turtle, and Donatello may be thrown under the bus for his questionable and quote on quote ‘creepy’ behaviour towards April in the earlier seasons. Because of these observations, it has lead many fans to believe that relationship is unhealthy, toxic, and even going as far to call it emotionally abusive.
Today, we’re going to be looking at WHY fans may come to that conclusion, while also trying to look at the positive and promising sides of their relationship, in order to work out if their relationship works or not. We’ll be going through the moments where both sides have shown signs of toxicity, as well as signs of respect, trust, and love.
Also I just wanna say that this is my personal opinion, and though I am trying to fully consider all points from both sides of the argument, if you don’t agree with my overall thoughts, that’s perfectly fine. Just please keep your anti posts out of the Apritello tag where us fans can’t see them.
First we’ll be starting off With the Crusher himself, Donatello.
Let’s look at his examples of his toxic behaviour first:
He did follow her around New York in Target:April O’Neil. I may love Donnie, but I’m not going to deny that this decision was wrong, nor am I going to make excuses for him. He should have given April time to come to terms with herself, instead of following her and pushing her further over the edge. This was not a good thing to do, and while I wouldnt call it whole heartedly toxic, it was highly disrespectful of April’s space.
He tried to close up on her face when he was watching her with Metal head on the roof top. This is also highly disrespectful of April’s space, and could also be considered quote on quote ‘creepy’. There’s not much to say about this scene since it was pretty short, but all I can say is that he didn’t attempt to do it again after April called him out, though it still wasn’t respectful of him to do.
He got really jealous whenever April got remotely close to Casey, or when Casey got close to April. This is only in season 2 and maybe early 3 as far as I can see, but Donnie really didn’t do well whenever Casey was around April. He tried to pull them apart aggressively from hugging in Chinatown ghost story, and would constantly childishly fight and bicker with him for April’s attention. This is definitely an example of possessive nature, but I wouldn’t call it controlling nature as well, as he never outright insulted her or judged her for hanging out with Casey, he just bickered and fought with him.
Ok, so currently that’s all the So called toxic behaviour I can think of that was in the show, but maybe I’ll be able to find more examples that people use once I watch more of the series again.
Now, let’s move on to April’s purely Toxic behaviour in the relationship:
She stopped any chances of Donnie communicating his feelings or their relationship to him. The main example being in the invasion when she silenced his confession, while nervously saying that it just makes things hurt more. While her motivation behind this behaviour is still up for debate, I won’t deny that she should have tried to listen to what he had to say first, as well as try to communicate her own emotions better with him too. This is an example of miscommunication, and bad communication between a pair.
She would often get annoyed at him when he tried to help her or protect her, like in the Kraang conspiracy when he told he he’d protect her in the fight, and she responded with, ‘protect yourself,’ in a frustrated tone. She could have told Donnie that she didn’t need his help and that she could take care of herself politely, but she made a bad choice with her words and tone. This is an example of lashing out, without thinking of the partners feelings first. But this not completely count as emotional abuse.
She yelled at him, blaming him for losing her Crystal in Bats in the Belfry. This WAS partially caused by the fact the Crystal was controlling part of her emotions and actions, but it was still a hurtful thing to do to Donnie, who was trying to be patient with her throughout. This is an example of ungratefulness towards your partner, as well as lashing out and not considering their feelings first. Again, this is a bad thing to do either way, but I’ll have to look at her other instances in order to determine whether it’s truly emotional abuse.
(I don’t know whether her not actually outright telling either Casey or Donnie how she felt should be considered totally toxic behaviour or not, so I’m just gonna leave it as a half point for her lack of responsibility with the triangle.)
She doesn’t always appreciate him, or show her appreciation when he does something nice for her. This may be connected to number 2, in which when he would attempt to protect her or help her with something, she would sometimes respond in a stubborn and annoyed manner, not being fully appreciative of his help.
Ok, so again, this is all the so called toxic behaviour that fans usually seem to bring up while talking about The relationship, but this is also all the instances I remember her displaying in the series, but if I think of any more examples that people use I’ll add them.
(Also the claim that she may have been making mixed messages is connected to number one if you were wondering.)
Now before we move on, I just want to say something real quick. I love Apritello. Yeah it’s got it’s flaws, but I mostly blame the writers for that, and not the actual characters themselves. Hell, even with the problems I think it was pretty well written for an action show overall.
Also, I’m not trying to decipher which one of the pair had the most toxic behaviour, or who was the problem in their relationship, since both April AND Donnie have done things that I don’t agree with. I’m just trying to figure out whether the good on both sides, outweighs the bad on both sides.
So now, we’ll be looking at the pairs examples of respect/support/love/and trust.
Starting with Donnie:
When he comforted April when she was infected with the gas in Fungus Humungous, he never tried to take advantage of her fearful state, and instead just wanted to make sure she was Ok. This is an example of respect and support towards a partner, and not attempting to further your chances of being with them. Though Donnie still has his undeniable love for her (yes and at this point I’m pretty sure it passed crush territory), he is still able to treat her as a friend and comfort her without the motivation of getting with her.
When he followed April in mutagen man, though it was undeniably a bad thing to do, when April chewed him out for it and said without hesitation, ‘I never want to see you again,’ he felt guilty and remorse for it, and stopped doing it after that. He didn’t follow her again, knowing she needed space after the incident with her dad. This is what separates him from being a stalker. A true stalker would know what they’re doing is wrong, feel absolutely no remorse or guilt for it, and continue doing it even when he is told to stop. Donnie felt guilty and bad about it, even though he didn’t necessarily know what he was doing could be considered wrong, and stopped doing it. This is why he isn’t a stalker, and also shows his respect for April’s space and feelings.
When he gave April a music box in A foot too big, (yeah you knew I was gonna talk about this episode eventually) she acted uncomfortable with his forward ness, as well as the fact that he said nothing the whole time and the box was another obvious ploy to start something between them, showed by the picture of him inside, as well as the heart on the front. After living with big foot, he realised his actions were uncomfortable to her, once again felt guilty and remorse for it, and apologised to her at the end of the episode. He respected what she felt, and was willing to sacrifice his happiness for her. He stopped his behaviour after that and became more chilled and subtle with his crush. Sure he still bickers with Casey like the episode after, but I think that’s just their dynamic/relationship more than it is them fighting for April. My point is, he improved as a person because of HER.
He trusts April to make her own choices and shape her own path and goals in life. An abusive or toxic partner wouldn’t approve of your goals or chosen path, and would instead attempt to steer you away from them in order to change who you are. Donnie however supported April on becoming a kunoiche, and becoming a capable fighter like him and his brothers. He wasn’t at all threatened by her improved growth or skill, nor did he feel the need to put her down or make her weaker just to make himself feel more important. Hell, he even laughed with pure happiness when she took out Tigerclaw with that badass kick, showing that he loves what she’s become, and loves the path she’s made for herself.
He always allows HER to make the moves of affection, and never forcibly kisses her or hugs her without knowing she’s ok with it first. Again, this shows he respects her personal space as well as her wants in the relationship.
He knows when she’s gone too far, and though he does call her out on it, he still does it respectfully. Like the arc with the Aeon crystal and was acting out. He knew the Crystal was making her act that way, and wanted to help her overcome it instead of pretending that it wasn’t a problem. I have more to say on this particular point later, but I’ll wait till I find more prominent examples.
In the Gauntlet, when she broke down after her dad got captured for (I think) the second time, when she went to him for comfort, he comforted her and promised her that they’d get him back. Just like with the first example, he wasn’t trying to take advantage of her state to get with her or anything, he just wanted to be there for her, and make sure she was ok. Not as a romantic, but a friend.
He helped calm her down when she was mad at Shinigami after being beaten, telling her to not let her get to her, therefore calming her down. This is a sign of support of the others feelings and trying to make them feel better.
(This is more of a good thing on both sides as well as just something I find funny and endearing) they both bicker with one another in a banter sort of way. Remember the ‘bait doesn’t talk back’ and the ‘real kunoiche on our side?’ . He may be crushing on her, but that still doesn’t mean he’s not gonna blurt sassy facts at her and bicker with her. He still aknowledges that she has flaws, but as we’ve constantly seen, he still loves her flaws and all.
He apologised and took responsibility for his mistake with the transmitter at the end of eyes of the chimera, trying to make April feel better by even bringing her a hot beverage after the fiasco. This is a sign of looking out for the other and owning up to your mistake that may have hurt them.
Now let’s move onto April:
She apologised to Donnie personally for holding the grudge, and thanked him for sticking by her even when she was mad at him. She wasn’t thanking him for following her or anything like people may think, just thanking him for still being patient and kind with her. Also, while she was holding the grudge, she remembered what he had told her in Target, ‘some things are just beyond our control’. Which may have had a partial role in helping her come to her senses again.
She ALWAYS calls Donnie whenever she’s in trouble or in danger. I’ve seen this labelled off as codependency or her taking advantage of his feelings, but I see it much differently. In my opinion, this shows how much trust she has in him to save her, and help her whenever she needs it.
It was her memories of Donnie that helped her break the control of the Crystal. Donnie unconsciously motivated her be strong enough to defeat Za Naron and break her corruption. She broke through it, and became better, because of him.
She tried her best to get through to him TWICE in the Dream beavers episode. She was gentle and careful with him all the while (well apart from when she was slapping him to wake up, but that was when she was desperate). She was almost always seen by his side, and was close to panicking when he stopped breathing. And as soon as she found out he was Ok, she kissed him. Not for gratitude, not because she needed to make him feel better, but because she was happy he was ok.
When Donnie got injured in Monkey Brains, she told the guys off for teasing him, and was the only one to help nurse him back to health, being gentle and kind with him throughout.
She calls him out on his behaviour when she knows he’s doing something wrong. A lot of people see it as a bad thing when she tells him off for his poor decisions and behaviour, but I see it as a thing their relationship needs. A toxic relationship would most likely have both partnered not aknowledging the bad things that either one has done, and pretending it didn’t happen, or just be uncertain with telling them off. April doesn’t do this with Donnie. She aknowledges when he’s doing something bad, and call him out for it. In Target, she did t sugar coat it or stay silent about Donnie following her. She told him that he was doing something wrong, regardless of his intentions, and that he had to stop and respect that she needed to be alone right now. And like I said, he backed off and never did it again. And again, he improved, because of her.
She got mad at Casey for laughing at Donnie when he was stung badly on Dreggs planet, and was the one to help him back to the ship to be healed. When she knew he was ok, she kissed him again like in In Dreams, simply because she was happy he was Ok.
In Of rats and men, when Donnie told her that they had this covered, she responded with, ‘you always do,’ while smiling warmly, and with him smiling back. Romantic or not, this again shows the amount of respect and trust they have for each other. April instead of insisting she help or stubbornly barge back in, simply showed a sign of trust with him, knowing that had faith in him, and his brothers. This scene alone just shows the trust they have in their friendship, romantic or not, and that’s one of the things that makes them work in my opinion.
In the end of eyes of the Chimera, when Donnie apologised to April for using the transmitter on her, she wasn’t upset with him at at all. She’s said she was glad that Donnie used the transmitter on her because it allowed her to access her powers and learn to use them more. She tried to see Donnies mistake in a positive light, and appreciated him for his help nevertheless. This is an example of appreciation towards a partner, and aknowledging that their intentions are good and seeing them in a positive light instead of being disappointed with them.
For my final words, I just want to put in what the most common definition of an abusive/toxic relationship is.
In my definition, it is any relationship between people who don’t support eachother, where there’s constant conflict, and one often seeks to undermine the other, where there’s competition and disrespect, and most importantly, degrade and become worse as people just by being with one another.
And as far as I can see within the examples I’ve listed, both Donnie and April support each other throughout everything bad that happens to them, any conflicts that befall them they manage to get through, and have never purposely sought to undermine or hurt the other.
I want you to look at that last sentence again, and ask yourself: did April and Donnie grow as people or become better with overcoming their problems by being with one another? Because in my opinion, that’s how you really separate a toxic relationship from a good one.
So as for the question, are Donnie and April toxic or healthy?
Well, in my opinion, they DO work together, and their relationship is NOT abusive or toxic in any way shape or form. Both Donnie and April, though they had their flaws in the beginning, unconsciously and consciously helped eachother become better versions of themselves by being there for eachother throughout the series, as I have illustrated with the majority of my points.
And that my friends, is pretty damn FAR from abusive. In fact, that’s pretty much the complete OPPOSITE of abusive.
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Business AU - Working Late, Part 7
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || Part 6
^^^^^ my actual thoughts after writing this.
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There was no denying that he was still thinking about that Saturday night. The feeling had been extraordinary. It’s been some time ever since he felt like this, but there was also something more. And he couldn’t quite place his finger on it.
First thing he did on Monday when getting to work was to lock himself in his office, his thoughts empty as he repeatedly drummed a pen against his desk, his gaze hardly focusing on anything. He did call for someone though at some point, taking this waiting time as an opportunity to collect his thoughts into something comprehensible.
Some knocks were heard at the door, a single “yes” escaping Donnie, an approval for the newcomer to come in. Next came into view another turtle adorning a red do-rag, this one much more massive when compared to the bespectacled mutant. It was none other than Raphael, the muscular terrapin a rare sight in the building as he was often more out to meet clients than stuck behind a desk.
“What’s up?” he started, closing the door behind him. “I’m on a tight schedule, so it better be important.”
Raph did frown a little as he noticed his brother’s composure, the purple clad mutant’s eyes speaking volumes.
“I, uhm... I need some advice,” finally said Donnie.
“What kind? A client’s giving you troubles?” added the other, taking a seat.
Donatello tsked, quickly waving that query away: “No, I know how to deal with those. ... It’s more of a personal matter. A... relationship one.”
Raph’s eyes widened a little, then relaxing his stance with an amused smirk.
“Well, well, well... back in business, I see? I thought that receptionist situation would keep you out of the market for quite some time.”
“Oh please, that girl was crazy. I’m just glad she moved out of the city. ... It’s been more than a year, I’ve moved on.”
“What’s the matter then?” added the red clad terrapin. “You forgot how to socialize or somethin’?”
Donnie quietly chuckled, leaning back in his chair, then thoughtful.
“Oh no, I’ve been socializing, alright... I just don’t want to fuck it up, you know? Things have been going so well now and on this last Saturday we took it a lil’ further-”
“How much further?”
“We kissed.”
“Bro, that’s nothin’.”
Tension was broken for a moment, both brothers snickering. That did help Donnie and calmed his thoughts a little.
“Who is it though?” next asked Raphael. “Someone working here or... ?”
“She’s a project manager for our creative team. She got here from Montréal a couple months back and we met one night by pure coincidence as we were both working late. Her name’s Véronique, but I call her Vee.”
“Oohh, already on a nickname basis, now that’s a feat,” teased the other.
“Please, she asked me to call her like that on the first night we met.”
“Ay, you know I’m just pokin’ some fun at you. ... What’s the matter, then? Why aren’t you talking about that to Leo or Mikey?”
“Because,” started Donnie. “Leo would try to dissuade me into pursuing this relationship, and Mikey well ... you know him. He’d say: ‘Invite her to my place and have her swim in the pool. Girls love pools!’,” mimicked the purple clad mutant. “... You know he’d only want that so he can have a look at her as well. I ain’t having none of that shit.”
Raph laughed once again, acknowledging those statements.
“And, to be frank,” added the bespectacled one. “I value your judgement. You get straight to the point and that’s what I need right now.” He leaned foward a little on his desk, hands joined. “So my concern is; what should I do next? We have interest for one another - we openly expressed as much. We obviously have a good chemistry together... but how do I know she’s the one? ... She feels different from anything, anyone, I’ve ever been with before, may it be in terms of relationships or not.”
“Easy,” shrugged Raph. “Have sex with her.”
“I’m serious! ... You wanna know if she’s the one? Show yourself vulnerable before her. If there’s something more between you two, it’ll click.”
Donnie sighed, closing his eyes and rubbing them in slight annoyance.
“Okay so what, I just have to sleep with her, no strings attached? I hope you’re not suggesting for me to force myself upon her.”
“Hell no, stupid. I said be vulnerable, not a psycho,” frowned the red clad mutant. “Look ... you wanted my opinion, there it is. I believe in deep connections, and if right now you’re already feeling something special between you two, I don’t see what’s bad about wanting to explore that and see if there’s truly something more. ... Also, people can fuck for the fun of it, I hope you know that?”
Donnie exhaled sharply, half of a smile next on his lips: “I suddenly regret asking for your opinion, but I do see your point.”
“I’m sure you can be a gentleman about all of that.”
“My brain turns to goo whenever I’m with her. I try not to show it, but damn... I don’t think she’d get to that point though, I don’t know...”
“As long as it naturally gets there, that’s what matters. ... Those things are felt, Donnie. I’m not saying to rush it, but rather to not be scared.”
The purple clad one conceeded, lowkey admiring his brother’s wisdom about the matter. He finally rose from his seat, inviting Raph to do the same.
“Alright, I won’t take more of your time. You’ve given me enough food for thought.”
“‘Bout time, I have to go Uptown, I’ll be late ‘cause of you,” Raph teased, playfully nudging his brother’s shoulder along the way.
“Har, har, very funny,” added the other, opening the door so both could exit the room.
As they were about to say their goodbyes, a voice rose, followed by the light clicking sound of hurried heels against the floor.
“Donnie, good timing!”
Both turtles turned their attention to a woman coming their way; Vee. She was holding a pile of documents, already taking some apart and then handing them to the tall terrapin when she was next to him.
“I’ll need you to sign some of these before Wednesday. Some designs for an upcoming project need an approval and I thought you’d be the best for that task. And I- ...” She stopped, finally noticing the other mutant. “Oh, I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”
“Absolutely not,” smiled Donnie, properly holding the documents now. “We had just finished our small meeting, actually.” He gestured the woman to his brother: “Raph, this is Vee, our newest project manager addition.”
The red clad turtle grinned, extending his hand to the human in a proper greeting.
“Ah yes, Donnie mentionned you a couple of times.”
“Oh dear, I hope it wasn’t in a bad way,” lightly laughed Vee, shaking Raph’s hand.
“I would never,” reassured Donnie gently, his free hand instinctively resting at the small of her back.
A faint blush appeared on the woman’s cheeks, next adjusting her hold on the documents as her handshake with Raph ended.
“Not to be a party pooper, but I’ve gotta run,” she said with a smile. “I have a lot of stuff to hand out. Have a good day you two!”
She made sure to cross Donnie’s gaze before walking away, wanting to express her small longing to him. As she was back on her way, Raph did not hesitate to follow her frame, judging her for a moment. He finally looked back at Donnie with a look of approval.
“... Brother, you got taste.”
Donnie only replied by hiding his face with the documents he was holding.
Raph had said to not be scared, but Donnie couldn’t help still feeling that way. A part of him wanted to spend every moments with Vee, but on the other hand he didn’t want to appear too clingy or demanding. Gotta savor it like a fine wine, he’d try to reason. ... But frankly he just wanted to chug the damn bottle.
It was a Thursday afternoon, and so far he had only exchanged some words with her on Monday, then Wedneseday when he handed her back the approved documents he reviewed. Then he’d retreat to his office and think. And think. And think.
A ping from his computer got him out of his reverie, noticing a direct message notification.
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His heart skipped a beat, his lips forming a thin line as he thought about what to answer.
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Hey, wanna bang? Gosh, he felt dirty thinking about that... Keep it natural, Donnie, you don’t have to think about that for now. See where things go from there, naturally.
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ABORT MISSION. ABORT MISSION. ABORT!!!! He felt so goddamn cheesy after sending that.
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If it were up to him 100%, he’d get on his feet right this instant and sweep her off to anywhere she’d want to go. But he tried to keep it cool:
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You’re the best one so far...
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More like I’ll be lying down on the floor, a blushing mess. He couldn’t erase his smile, rereading again and again this conversation. He’d definitely have to think of something!
Later in the afternoon, as people were finishing their day, Donnie had reclused himself back into his drawing room, continuing some work on the Lowline plans. He was so focused that he did not hear Vee come in, the woman calmly making her way to his position.
“Hey...” she started softly, leaving a hand on his shoulder.
Donnie gasped, his hand holding a pencil jerking and leaving a long mark on the paper. Both froze, eyes wide as they witnessed the horror.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you that much!” apologized Vee, already on the look out for an eraser. “Here, let me help you with that.”
“No it’s alright. I, uh...”
Donnie’s sentence died as the woman was now hunched close to him, already removing traces of that nasty mistake.
“I could’ve done it. I...”
His voice was hushed, having a hard time to keep focus on Vee’s movement, prefering to look at her features instead.
“I ... I could do it,” he added.
Vee slowed her movement, finally looking at Donnie.
“Do what?”
He paused, his heart drumming in his chest.
He delicately placed a finger under Vee’s chin, not even needing to move much in order to bring them both closer for a soft kiss. The woman was surprised at first, but she quickly melted, not even denying that she had been craving the feeling as well since that Saturday night... She dropped the eraser, her hands prefering to trail along the mutant’s scales. As they broke the kiss to breathe, Donnie brought her closer to his sitting position, Vee now standing inbetween his legs. No words needed to be said, this sudden electrifying feeling passing through them. The terrapin’s hands couldn’t get off of her, either lost in her hair or tracing her back. The more they joined in a kiss, the more they wanted to be closer. At some point the turtle acted on instinct as he rose up, his hold on the woman’s hips as he laid her against the inclined drafting board. The paper crinkled underneath, but he gave no care in the world about that. Their kiss was heating up, a low pleasured churr rumbling in Donnie’s chest as he stood close to Vee’s core, feeling her desire as strong as his.
The distant sound of people talking and laughing, still around and about to exit the building, brought them both to a stop - looking at the room’s entrance, as if afraid someone would pop in at any second.
Both were lightly panting, their smiles shy after what happened. Donnie took that moment of grace to study Vee’s features, gently brushing away some wild strands of hair off her face. He straightened his stance back up afterward, helping the woman back on her feet.
“Welp, and here I came only to wish you a good evening,” chuckled Vee, adjusting her clothes.
“I’m sorry,” added the mutant in a similar tone.
“Don’t be ... I liked that.”
She rested her hands on his chest, slowly rubbing the fabric of his shirt over his plastron.
“I can’t stay late tonight, but I won’t prevent you from doing so. ... Just don’t stay here too late though.”
“No promises.”
“Please, don’t overwork yourself,” softly pleaded Vee.
“Don’t worry...” he reassured with a smile, a hand cupping the other’s cheek.
They added one good evening kiss. Nothing more, nothing less. A pleasant omen for feelings to come...
((Part 8))
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
I’ve been rotating your TMNeglectedT AU in my brain and read all your posts about it so here’s a dogpile of thoughts and questions (you don’t have to answer/reply to all of them):
I don’t know if you’ve answered a question like this before but- do your versions of the turtles deal with the idea of “my parent was nice to me once so they can’t be that bad-“? Especially Donnie, i feel like Splinter could be polite to him (or just acknowledge him) once and then he’d be like “well now I’m horrible for thinking he’s bad because he’s been decent before-“
do you plan to make this into a story (whether a comic/fic/etc.) with a plot or just a world build in a way-? (Sorry if i don’t make any sense-)
Would you say that Mikey uses Maladaptive daydreaming to cope/has Maladaptive Daydreaming Disorder? In which his daydreams can often take over whatever he’s doing to such a degree that it effects him negatively- 
I hate Splinter for being so shaped, like i love his design but i VIOLENTLY hate him
Raph being afraid to cry/not letting himself cry is so me- you mentioned in a reply to an ask that he doesn’t cry for really long periods of time which is 🤝(i definitely think i experienced some form of emotional neglect when younger- and reading about this universe is confirming that to me)
You’ve mentioned Donnie having experiences with grooming, this adds another layer of trauma to him- Would he ever experience flashbacks/triggers to his uncomfortable experiences? For example if someone grabbed his arm a certain way would he experience panic from previous situations. How would him and/or his brothers react to that? (him being triggered and how he reacts because of/during the flashback) at this point i kin your Donnie and I might be projecting
Donnie 🤝 Me (intrusive thoughts)
If i were to make fan art and post it how should I tag it? Or should i tag you in the post?
Thanks for reading this long ask and again you don’t have to answer/reply to everything!
gonna answer these in order
yes, this is actually the hardest for Leo to deal with, since he was treated the "nicest." nobody wants to think their parents suck (unless you've gone full in on it like Mikey haha) so it's a rough road for everyone. it's like, he COULD'VE BEEN SO GOOD.
I plan to do a bunch of one of comics, and I'd like to either make one big fic or a bunch of smaller fics in the same universe. but right now I really only have time for posting on tumblr, since I've already got to deal with college and my ongoing personal comic that updates once a week.
I'm a little bit confused about what specifically maladaptive daydreaming is/looks like. I've watched a few videos on it but am still not sure what its actually like, so i hesitate to say yes, but he definitely spends a lot of his time in his head, sometimes to the detriment of himself/his brothers.
I also hate splinter <3 he's so The Worst
yea i actually cry really easy (or i used to before T) so that's something based off my oldest sister, who straight up could not cry for years hah. trauma's a bitch.
I think all of the turtles experience frequent flashbacks/triggers. they're all pretty heavily traumatized, so it just makes sense. Donnie is probably embarrassed about how his flashbacks/ptsd symptoms make him seem more "twitchy" than his brothers. but they all have ptsd/cptsd. he's just the one who's the worst at hiding his symptoms. that being said, the ways the brothers react really depends on the specific situation. sometimes they'll mock him, sometimes they wont even realize whats happening.
you can tag your post however you want but I'll only see it if you tag me, which I advise you do, cause I like seeing fanart :)
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