#I don't but Hokuto's is the day after mine
thistaleisabloodyone · 6 months
I feel like Likiya is a lot like Sekai in terms of being the leader that is more "behind the scenes". What would you recommend watching to see his interaction with members? (Either interaction eith one specific member *cough*Riku*cough* or more is welcome)
Oh, man, my brain is jumping 90,000 different places 😂 This is mostly going to come from CL Live's on demand programs (I am so sorry to anyone who doesn't have CL Live premium)
I would say Riku (we all know why) and Ryu are the members that will pop up the most in this list.
Bonus note - I genuinely wonder if Riku and Kenta have ADHD and I've noticed Likiya is really good at wrangling them. He seems to take their eccentricities with humor instead of getting frustrated at them, which after hearing a ex-JET teacher friend of mine talking about how his one ADHD student was treated, I greatly appreciate.
CL Live:
MA55IVE organizes surprises to make Takahide happy - Part One, Part Two [translated into English] Likiya's surprise for Takahide is so thoughtful and considerate. Also him forking up his own money to make Takahide happy, best leader 😭
Back to the Roots special - Series [translated into English] I can't think of any specific moments, but it's four episodes of Likiya being on a team with Riku, Makoto, Kenta, Kaisei and Shogo
2023 New Years' special - it's 6 parts and included as part of the Rampe Dorm series [all six parts are translated in English] Likiya spends most of the night cooking, but if I had to pick a specific favorite moment, it's "Kenta gets defiant like this sometimes" from Part 4. When I did the MA55IVE gif set where Kenta plays with Shohei's face, I almost called Kenta "Likiya's favorite problem child"
Competing in a video game for food - Part One, Part Two [translated into English] Likiya, Rui, Riku, Itsuki, and Takahide all struggle to play a video game, Likiya struggles the most, but even when Riku's Little Shit tendencies come out, he takes it well and in good humor.
Basically Everyone in RMPG Fails to Play Volleyball - Part of the Okinawa Project series, this is Part Three [translated into English] Likiya is on a team with Kaisei and Shohei and he's doing his best even with the Absolute Chaos Shohei unintentionally causes.
RAMPE Dorm Tasting Local Delicacies form Different Mbr's regions - Part One, Part Two [translated into English] Likiya features more in Part Two, but I really like how the members respond when he's picked for the food he gets to eat 😂 (bonus: Kazuma's reaction when he realizes what he gets to eat is So Cute)
2022 New Years Party BBQ - Video [finally translated into English, bless you, translation team 😭] This is one of the main Ryu/Likiya moments, where Likiya immediately picks Ryu as his assistant for cooking. During the 50 Questions series, Ryu said he'd want Likiya's cooking skills when asked what skill he'd want from another member, but Ryu can't cook and the translation says "my dad says I don't have what it takes to cook". Likiya picking Ryu as his assistant just feels like it means So Much with that context.
There's technically a whole series for the 2022 New Years Party, but the first several parts are more the members talking to the fans, so not including them here.
RAMP Card - Video [translated into English] Likiya, Zin, Kenta, Rui, Hokuto, Kaisei and Takuma play poker with the card set that was made. Likiya honestly takes losing with such good grace - there are days when I wonder if he loses on purpose in individual competitions, to be honest.
Kitchen Kingdom - Part 1 [untranslated] RMPG Black cooks against Gekidan Exile. It's untranslated, so I'm rolling with Vibes Alone and I've actually never finished watching the full thing, but I made it to the round where Likiya teaches Ryu how to chop green onions and, honestly, this means So Much with the same context as the BBQ party.
Six Game Lovers - Part 1, Part 2 [Part 1 is translated into English, Part 2 is not] Likiya, Ryu, Kazuma, Makoto, Takahide and Kaisei play games together. Likiya and Ryu are a team.
Zin Organizes Large Prank - Part 1 [untranslated] Once again, rolling with "Vibes, Loan Words and Whatever Subtitles Pop Up on Screen That I Get Translated" Alone. Likiya is technically in all of the parts, because once a member gets pranked, they're called in to hang out with Zin and watch the future pranks occur. Likiya's the first one pranked with Rui.
RMPG is Unleashed in an Amusement Park - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 [untranslated] RMPG gets to go to an amusement park and have a 2 day, 1 night trip. They're separated into the Routes, so Likiya spends most of the first two parts with Hokuto, Itsuki, Kenta, Ryu and Takahide. In Part 3, YamaSho and Kazuma organize early morning pranks and Likiya is one of the pranksters for Route A, which is greatly amusing to me. (bonus: Riku being the only one to pull off his prank without waking the victim up in advance)
Riku Wants to Make Shogo a Bento and Has Anxiety Over It - Part 1, Part 2 [untranslated] It's untranslated, so you know the drill - Vibes and Vibes Alone. I did translate a few of the in-video subtitles and discovered the Japanese word for 'Anxiety' could be translated literally as "Negative Relax". Likiya, Shohei and Zin help Riku make a bento for Shogo
RMPG Goes to the Zoo and Likiya Suffers - Part 1, Part 2, CL treats the best date competition as a different thing, but I do not, Part 3, Part 4 [untranslated] It's untranslated so I can't verify if Team Likiya got assigned to clean the lion habitat and elephant house as a punishment or not, but, man, does it feel like a punishment (especially compared to the PR team 🤣) Likiya's on a team with Riku, Itsuki, Shohei and YamaSho
Likiya Eats Spicy Ramen to Save His Boys - Technically a part of a series, but this is the only part I've watched Part 3 [untranslated] RMPG is split into 3 teams and they're all trying to eat two bowls of spicy ramen. Likiya Pulls Through for his boys so they are not last place.
EDIT: As I was eating dinner and watching an [untranslated 😭] Rampe Film video, I suddenly remembered another one!
Rampe Film - Shizuoka Ecopa Arena - Video [translated in English] Likiya gets a mission to list 5 things he likes about a member. He picks Takuma (because baby boy is Right There 😂) and it's honestly super endearing
Non CL Live:
Uhhh... I have two, but they are tiny moments from performances and one is very easily missed.
Likiya hands Riku a towel at Nippon Haku Bangkok - Link When I say it's small and easily missed, I legit missed it the first time I watched the video for this post. It just struck me as so kind, he makes sure Riku has a towel before grabbing his own.
GOTR - Likiya putting his arm around Riku's shoulders during the call and response in 100degrees - Link
Again, they are small, but live rent free in my brain 😂
@soundberr1es mentioned RampInGood in the replies and, if you can find it, it's so much fun. Likiya, Rui, Kenta and YamaSho are regulars and they have a bonus member every episode - I've only watched the Riku one (if you have not noticed, I have a problem 😂), but it was a lot of fun.
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nimue-hidden-lake · 11 months
Good day! Please forgive the intrusion, my name is ENA, crybaby-shaymin's wife!
I have a question for the three of you!
Do you believe in fate? Do you believe you were destined to meet your partner? Was it love at first sight~?
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(The usual) note: This version of my s/i is fine with any pronouns!
Color Coded: Hokuto, Ritsu, Rinne
"Good day to you too Miss ENA. It is quite alright. I admit, you certainly gave us an interesting question. Fate…"
"Ya serious?"
"Fufu, it's an interesting question~"
"Oh c'mon! Fate? Hah! Pff, ya gotta take your chance y'know! Ya snooze, ya lose!"
"What… Does that have to do with anything?"
"I think what Rinrin wants to say is that he asked Ann–Chan out on a whim."
"Ya bet'cha. Took a bit but won myself somethin' here! Or should I say someone? All 'cuz I took a chance! Kyahaha!"
"Yes yes, after begging on your knees to go out with you~"
"Wha– Seriously, how do you know all of that!?"
"She told me~"
"You gotta be kidding me…"
"Uhm… That–"
"Anyway, my turn~ Fate… I don't dislike the thought of it. Maybe Ann–Chan and I were meant to meet. Maybe I was meant to find Nyeli and encounter her. I'd not be opposed to 'meant to be'. But… Was it love at first sight? Hmm… Who knows~"
"That's yes or no?"
"You can figure it out. Do you have an answer yet Hoke–Kun?"
"I… Am not sure how to answer this. Fate... Was it?"
"My guy… Ya takin' this waaay too seriously! Loosen up already!"
"Questions like these shouldn't be answered willy nilly!"
"Fufu, Hoke–Kun is as serious as ever~ But I'm sure you can think of one answer."
"Ah– Well… Fate aside, it was not love at first sight I'm afraid."
"There we go~"
"Could've fooled me."
"It wasn't nor was falling for someone a top priority of mine… Idols should always be busy. And I can't waste too much time either."
"Hear, hear! Talk 'bout a workaholic!"
"Alright, that should answer it. Thank you very much for asking~"
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urfavstonr1 · 2 years
Burning Bright
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Chapter 10
Series- My Hero Academia
Pairings- Katsuki Bakugo/Original Female Charater. Eijiro Kirishima/Original Female Charater.
Current word count- 6561
Content Warnings- Graphic Depictions of Violence
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Hokuto walking into the abandoned warehouse in the dead of night, for a meeting of sorts. A man with short black hair sits in a metal chair nearby, taking deep drags off the cigarette in his mouth as he waits in silence. As his eyes meet Hokuto he smirks, “So you’re finally back from doing whatever the fuck you were doing.”
He gives a content sigh, “Yup, and it was quite successful I think.. meeting my little sister after all this time, excites me to no end. I can’t wait to bring despair on her face..” 
Dabi walking from the shadows wrapping an arm around him, “A guy with an amazing goal~ they say great minds think alike.” as he lets out a soft menacing chuckle.
The man’s smirk widens, “It’s always nice to be able to achieve your goals, hopefully I’ll get to mine soon.” He lets out a puff of smoke as he tilts his head back to look at the ceiling.
Toga skipping up to the guys, a wide grin on her face as she leans on the chair the man was sitting in, “I want us all to reach our goals! I can’t wait to live limitlessly with Deku.” The smile on her face is loving as she thinks of the green haired hero. 
Mr. Compress arrives and joins everyone, putting a hand on Toga’s shoulder. “That would be nice wouldn’t it.. with our conviction I can’t see why we won’t reach our goals.”
From the shadows a raspy voice reaches all their ears, “Now if we are done with the friendly chatter.. It’s almost time to set our plans in motion.”
The sun barely peeking in through the curtains, feeling a familiar warmth near her. “Mmmm warm..” snuggling into the massive block of heat, noticing the comforting smell she has grown so accustomed to. Her eyes shoot open seeing the sleeping Katsuki in her bed, ‘When did he get in here? Was I that out of it.. I don’t remember anything. I passed out hard last night’ Trying to piece together something she feels she forgot, Katsuki wrapping his arm around her pulling her in closer as he mumbles in his sleep. ‘ah, who cares..’ snuggling into him, not worrying about it anymore since it’s just too comfy to pass up and honestly gives this morning a pleasant surprise. 
Kaida rolls over on the floor, momentarily opening her eyes and seeing blond hair peeking over the bed. She closes her eyes again, prepared to go back asleep until her eyes snap open and she sits up to look at Bakugo sleeping in Yuka’s bed. “When the fuck did you get here?” She mumbles before standing with her blanket wrapped around herself, “I don’t care I’m going to Eiji’s room” she mumbles again with a yawn before waddling out of Yuka’s room. 
Yuka lets out a quiet chuckle as she snuggles back into Katsuki, ‘I have a feeling today is gonna be a good day.’
As Kaida opens Kirishima’s door she lets out another yawn, flopping herself into bed next to her boyfriend, snuggling up to him with a content sigh. Even in his sleep he instinctively wraps his arms around her. Just as she drifts back to sleep Kirishima’s alarm blares through the room to wake them up. With a frustrated groan she covers her head with the blanket that’s wrapped around her and closes her eyes tightly. 
“Turn it ooooooff.” She groans as Kirishima leans over her to turn the alarm off. A chuckle rumbles through his chest as he pulls the blanket back to look at Kaida’s pouting face, “I don’t want to get up yet.”
“But don’t you want to get up and get ready for our double date?” His smile is so warm as he looks down at her. She lets out another groan and frowns. 
“But I’m so tired~” Kaida whines and hides her face in her blanket. 
“Well, don't you want to see the surprise I have for you?” Kirishima chuckles
Kaida peeks from her blanket, “You got me a surprise?”
“Yea it was Yuka’s idea!” Kirishima giving a massive grin and a thumbs up. 
Kaida giggles and shakes her head as she sits up, “Fiiiine, I guess I’ll get up. But I left my clothes in Yuka’s room and Katsuki is sleeping in there.” She mumbles as she purses her lips thinking, “But they need to get up anyway.”
Katsuki yawns and stretches and scoots down to the edge of the bed, randomly feeling anchored to the bed and glancing down to see Yuka using her arms around his waist while still laying on her stomach. “Nuuuu.. you were so warm and comfy! Do we have to get up?” giving him a playful pout.
He puts a hand through her hair, his expression softening. “Sadly we do if you girls really wanted your double date idea.” 
A knock on the door alerts Katsuki and Yuka before a voice comes through the door, “Are you guys up yet? I need my clothes that I left in there.” Kaida’s voice comes through the door as she waits patiently on the other side. 
Yuka pouts as Katsuki gets up forcing her to let go and answers the door, “Yea we’re up, despite her struggles..” Rolling his eyes at Yuka.
“Shut up.. you were comfy dammit..” She mumbles to herself.
Kaida slowly opens the door and walks inside, “goodmorning, I’m gonna go get dressed, and see you guys soon?” 
“yeaaaaa.. “ Yuka lazily sits up, rubbing her eyes awake.
Kaida nods and walks out of the room closing the door behind her and heads towards the bathroom to get ready.
Katsuki boops her nose slightly aggressively, “You better get ready!” as he begins to walk away and points back at her, “And don’t go back to bed! I’m gonna get ready myself so don’t keep me waiting~!” He says with a slight chuckle.
“Yea yea..” Yuka says as she stretches and gets herself ready for their fun day together. 
About an hour has passed and the boys were already done getting ready and waiting and relaxing in the living room on the couches, 
Kaida finally walks into the common area with a confident smile on her face, “Hey guys! Everyone ready?” As Kirishima turns to look at her his jaw drops, a small blush comes to her cheeks at his reaction. She begins to fiddle with her fingers, her nails are painted a deep shade of maroon. Black lipstick covers her lips, enhancing her smile, as she walks closer to them he notices the ripped fishnets that cover her legs, a short black jean skirt reaches down her mid thigh and is secured around her waist with a black belt, She wears a plain black cropped hoodie, and she's holding a pair of black platform boots.
“Wow.” Kirishima stands from the couch he's sitting on and approaches her, “You look great, Pebble.”
Yuka steps out of the elevator, dressed in black ripped skinny jeans with chains hanging off the right side of her pants and black combat boots. A cropped purple hoodie hangs loosely on her body as she pulls on the sleeves, a black tank top peaks from underneath the hoodie. Walks up to Katsuki from behind and bends down and hugs his neck while he is still on the couch, “Today is gonna be a blast!” As she nuzzles into his hair. 
Katsuki lets out a quiet low chuckle at her, “then shall we get going then? If everyone is ready, that is?”  
Yuka resting her head on top of his, “I’m good to go!” With a big grin on her face. 
Kaida nods, “I’m ready if you guys are.” She looks up to Kirishima who hasn’t taken his eyes off her, “Eiji?”
“Huh? Oh yeah! I’m ready.” He smiles down at her then looks to Katsuki and Yuka, he gently messes with the rolled up sleeves of his red flannel before holding his hand out for Kaida to grab. She happily grabs his hand and walks toward the door.
Katsuki and Yuka followed behind and linked to his arm, both their shoes already on as they waited for their friends at the door. Kaida places her shoes on the floor to put them on, bending down to tie them only for Kirishima to beat her to it; carefully tying the laces for her. She giggles and rolls her eyes as he ties the laces on both of her boots securely. He presses a kiss to her thigh before standing up and smiling at her. “Kirishima, why?” Katsuki visibly cringes. 
“Why would my goddess have to tie her own shoes?” He looks at Katsuki as if the answer was obvious, “What kind of man would I be if I didn’t take care of my Pebble?”
“You’re spoiling her!” Denki yells from one of the couches.
Katsuki pokes her forehead, “This short stack, a goddess?” He says sarcastically while just poking fun. 
Kaida shrugs her shoulders with a smirk, “He seems to worship the ground I walk on, and I mean who am I to stop him?” She walks towards the door and opens it, “Let’s get going, I’m so excited.”
“Agreed! Def excited!” Pulling Katsuki by his arm out the door and they make their way to the movie theater. 
As they arrive at the theater Kaida’s eyes widen as she smiles, “I didn't even realize that movie came out! We have to see it!” She points at a poster for Blair Witch as she excitedly bounces.
“I’ve heard great things about it, we should definitely see this!” Yuka put her vote in, agreeing with Kaida. 
“I mean I’m down for whatever.. doesn’t really matter to me what we watch.” Katsuki shrugged nonchalantly.
“Yes!” Kaida looks up to Kirishima who has an uneasy look on his face, “You’ll be fine! It’s just a movie and you’re watching it with all of us!”
“You said it was just a movie when we watched the ring! And she came out of the TV screen!” Kirishima retorts.
Kaida sighs, “Ok but are you dead? Did you die in seven days? No. It’s just a movie.” 
“If we get cursed by a movie I’m blaming you.” He pouts as they walk towards the ticket stand.
“Blame me all you want, Eiji.”
Katsuki smacks Kisihima’s back, “come on~ the big manly man will be fine!” He laughs as he pays for his and Yuka’s tickets. 
“I’m still working on getting him to not be scared of horror movies, it will come with time.” Kaida giggles as Kirishima buys their tickets.
“I don’t understand how you enjoy them.” He mumbles as the group walks towards the snack stand.
“I just do, I can’t explain it.” Kaida shrugs.
“For me it just depends on the movie, so I understand but I’m sure this one will be fine. It's just VHS horror.” Yuka trying to help Kisihima relax a little. 
“You can squeeze my hand as hard as you want, and later you’ll get all the cuddles for sitting through this with us, ok?” Kaida squeezes his hand with a reassuring smile.
After getting the tickets Kirishima quickly buys himself and Kaida a medium popcorn to share; finding the theater and their seats going for the back middle seats. The boys in between the girls as they wait patiently for the movie to start, Kirishima looking more nervous. “you good bro?” 
Kirishima hesitantly nods his head, his eyes glued to the screen as he squeezes Kaida’s hand.
“Eijiro the movie hasn’t even started yet.”
The lights dim as the movie begins, Yuka laying her head against Katsuki and Kirishima squeezing Kaida’s hand as he jumps. Kaida squeezes back and wraps her arms around his, laying her head on his shoulder. As the movie continues Kaida lets out a deep breath and closes her eyes,her mind flooding with pleasant memories between herself and Kirishima. Kaida opens her eyes and pushes herself up in her seat to press a kiss to Kirishima’s cheek before relaxing against him again, feeling him slightly relax under her as she settles against him comfortably, a content sigh leaving her lips. While the movie continues playing she feels her eyes slowly droop, her mind is still running with thoughts of Kirishima, and as she drifts to sleep the memories begin to spread, slowly making their way into Kirishima’s head; making him relax even further.
Katsuki was already restless even though the movie just started, distracted looking down at Yuka snuggling into his arm. She glances up, feeling herself being stared at. Their eyes locked onto each other accidently forgetting about the movie as Katsuki’s and Yuka’s faces slowly got closer till their lips locked into a deep kiss. 
 As the movie continues on Kirishima grows more and more scared, his muscles tensed and he can't seem to keep his eyes off the screen. If Kaida hadn’t been in such a deep sleep in her seat she probably would have woken up from his shaking and subtle jumps throughout the movie. Even Katsuki and Yuka were too absorbed into each other to notice Kirishima’s jumps and shakes, the movie was even tuned out, their soft moans were overpowered by the movie so no one could hear them. When the credits begin to roll Kaida wakes with a yawn and looks up to the terrified Kirishima.
“Oh shit Eiji are you ok?” her eyes scan over his face as he slowly looks down at her.
Katsuki and Yuka begrudgingly pull away as they notice the movie ended, Katsuki patting the top of Kirishima’s shoulder, “See it wasn’t that scary!” Then realizing Kirishima looks as pale as a ghost, “hey you alright?” Both of them worried since he hasn’t answered anyone yet.
“I think he’s traumatized…” Kaida whispers and pokes his cheek, “Eiji, you ok buddy?”
Yuka gets up off her seat and crouches down in front of him, waving her hand in front of his face. “Kiiirisima, anybody home~?” 
Kaida nearly jumps as Kirishima abruptly stands from his seat, “I just want to leave please.” He says just above a whisper. 
Kaida stands quickly and nods, “we can leave, it’s ok.”
Yuka and Katsuki follow behind them quickly, making it out of the theater in a hurry. “I kinda feel bad..” Yuka looks at Kirishima worried, “Oh! I know! Why not we let him pick where we eat to make it up to him!?” Katsuki nods quietly in agreement. 
“Is there anything you’d like to eat?” Kaida looks up to Kirishima, gently holding his hand as they walk.
Kirishima looks down at Kaida with a small pout, “Can we get Korean BBQ?” Giving almost a puppy dog look at her. 
“Of course we can, we can do anything you want.” She smiles up at him.
While they make their way to the restaurant Kirishima looks down towards Kaida, “Also.. during the movie how did you do that by the way?” Very curious about the possible new development of Kaida’s quirk.
“Do what?” She looks up at him curiously, her head tilted to the side.
“It was like you were giving me some of our good memories? Like you were putting them in my head.” Kirishima thinks intently to try to explain.
“Oh, that’s new.” Kaida kinda shrugs as she thinks about it, “I was just thinking about us and I kinda like, tried to put that out? I guess? I don’t know if that makes sense.”
“Maybe it’s something we can try to train!” Kirishima smiles down at her.
Yuka looks over excited, “Your quirk is getting stronger! If there is anything I can do to help just let me know!” 
“Well, if this is a new extension of my quirk I don’t know anything about it, I’d like to train it but I’m not sure how we would go about it.” Kaida thinks out loud, bringing her hand to her chin as she thinks.
“I’m sure we will figure it out!” Yuka pumps her fist in confidence, finally making it to the restaurant and getting a table as they wait for the waiter and Katsuki and Kirishima go over the menu together. After all their food and drinks were ordered and the waiter brought everything to the table, Yuka and Katsuki started throwing meat on the grill for everyone. 
Kaida looks up to Kirishima with a soft smile, “How are you feeling? Any better?”
“I guess.. I wish you didn’t fall asleep in the movie” Kirishima says with a small pout as he grabs some of the meat off the grill. 
“I couldn’t help it! You were just so comfy~” She leans over and lays her head on his shoulder, “So comfy!”
Katsuki rolls his eyes at Kaida with a scoff, “I don’t get how people can sleep through movies like that especially with people screaming in the theater and loud music.”
Kaida gives him finger guns with a smile, “Sleep deprivation.” She chuckles before shrugging, “I don’t know, It happens a lot, I may have insomnia but I can also fall asleep anywhere when my body finally lets me.”
“That’s fair, I’ve been that way myself but it really depends on the situation though.. My brain loves to not be consistent” Yuka chuckles while eating as much as she can, “Kaida, you better hurry and grab some meat before it’s all gone~!” 
Kaida quickly moves to grab herself some of the food, shoving it onto her mouth, and eating it, “Tell me about it, inconsistency is all my brain does.”
Katsuki leaning back with his arms resting on the top of the booth, letting out a content sigh from feeling full. “I would say today was a good day.. minus Kirishima being scared shitless!” He lets out a cackle.
Kaida sends Katsuki a playful glare, “Maybe let's not bring up Kirishima’s trauma.” She chuckles as she leans back in her seat.
“I don’t want to think about that movie ever again.” Kirishima’s face looks traumatized, like he was experiencing flashbacks.
“Pfft it wasn’t that bad..” His chuckling quieting down.
Yuka laying her head against Katsuki’s shoulder, “poor Kirishima and scary movies just don’t mix~” Softly laughing.
“In the end all that matters is that the girls had fun.. this was more for them than it was for us” Katsuki tries to help reassure Kirishima in his own way. 
“That’s true..” Kirishima looks down towards Kaida, “you had fun.. right?” 
“I always have fun when I’m with you!” Kaida smiles up at him, beaming happily.
Kirishima smiles down at her in return, his toothy grin only causing a hearty giggle in Kaida. Yuka lightly poking Katsuki’s side, “Look at you helping Kirishima snap out of it~” as he avoids eye contact with everyone, feeling slightly embarrassed with it being pointed out. 
“Are you guys ready to go? I’m stuffed.” Kaida lets out a content sigh as she leans against Kirishima.
“I’d say I’m good..” As Katsuki pulls out his wallet and pays the bill this time and Yuka nods in agreement.
“I couldn’t eat another bite if I tried” Yuka giggles as her and Katuski get up from their seats and hanging off his arm as they get ready to head out.
As the group walks back to UA Kaida feels her phone go off, looking at the text and chuckling to herself, “I just got a text from Mina saying her and Denki are gonna have a study session and asked if I want to join them.”
“I mean I’m glad I don’t need to study anymore but I’m of course down to hang out and chill and help if needed” Yuka looks up to Katsuki excitedly.
“Fiiine.. I also don’t really need to study, but I’ll go since Yuka is..” pouting as he was plotting to try to get her alone later, he hopes he can think of a back up plan.
“If you guys want to do something else you can! You don’t have to come with, especially since neither of you really have to study.” Kaida rubs the back of her neck with a sigh, “I don’t need to either but I know Eiji needs to.”
“Nah, we want to hang out! Maybe we can-” 
Katsuki interrupts Yuka abruptly, “Hey, they say it's fine then it’s fine.. If they really end up needing our help they will know where to find us.” He says with a smug grin on his face.
“We’ll call if we need you! And If you feel like joining us later anyway we’ll be in Mina’s room” Kaida gives a thumbs up.
As they reached UA they split, Yuka and Katsuki heading into Katsuki’s dorm, and Kirishima and Kaida went to Mina’s room; Kaida knocking on the door, “We’re here!”
An excited Mina answers the door, “Hey guys!”
Denki popping up behind Mina with an arm wrapped around her, “What took you guys so long~!?”
“We were getting back from our double date with Yuka and Katsuki.” Before she can think, Mina's arms pull her in to look her over.
“Damn Babes I can tell, you look hot.” Mina’s words bring a blush to Kaida’s cheeks.
“I try, I learned from the best.” Kaida winks at Mina as she and Kirishima are pulled into Mina’s room. As the four sit themselves on the floor in a circle, Kaida looks around, “Where are your textbooks I thought we were studying?”
“Well, this is a session, but I wouldn’t say a study one.” Denki laughs as he shuffles through his backpack and pulls out a small bong with lighting stickers on it. Mina quietly whoops and reaches under her bed to grab a container full of weed.
“Where the fuck did you get that!?” Kaida whisper yells at Mina, almost sternly, “I don’t know about Kirishima but I’ve never done this.” Kirishima shakes his head and watches Denki pack some weed into the bowl of his bong.
“Mina I thought you said she would be cool about this.” Denki looks to Mina.
“I didn’t know! Kaida is always so chill I thought she would!” Mina retorts and looks at Kaida, “I’m sorry I assumed, you guys can leave if you're uncomfortable.”
“No no! It’s ok! I’ve just never thought about it, but I’m ok with it!” Kaida raises her hands in defense, “I’m down for whatever!”
“Kaida, are you sure about this?” Kirishima looks down to Kaida concerned.
“I don’t see why not? It’s just a little weed, nothing serious. Maybe it’ll help my quirk!” Kaida looks up to Kirishima confidently before Denki hands her the bong and a lighter.
“Then I guess the newbie gets the first hit!” Kaida takes the items and looks down at them confused.
“Here I can help.” Mina crawls closer to Kaida, “Hold it to your mouth and when I light it inhale until you can’t anymore ok?” Kaida nods and does as she's instructed while Mina takes the lighter from her, flicking the flame and holding it to the bowl as Kaida starts to inhale. After a moment of holding the flame to the bowl Mina removes it from the bong and lets Kaida inhale all the smoke, causing her to pull away, “Hold it! Just for a second!” Mina points at her as tears rise to her eyes, holding for a few moments before letting it out with coughs.
“Blow it all out, you’re ok.” Mina places the bong on the floor and reaches to grab a bottle of water, opening it and holding out to Kaida, who swiftly takes it and begins drinking it.
“That was kinda ass.” Kaida coughs out, her eyes already becoming bloodshot.
“You did fine! You’ll get used to it.” Mina pats her shoulder before taking her own hit off the bong, taking a deep hit, holding it, and blowing out a large cloud into the air. She hands the bong off to Denki who does the same and offers the bong to Kirishima.
“I don’t know..” Kirishima looks at the bong before Kaida snatches it into her hands.
Already feeling the buzz in her body, Kaida looks up to Kirishima, “I think I know how to help.” Kaida holds the bong to her mouth and takes a deep hit, holding it in as she leans up on her knees, grabbing Kirishima’s face in her hands and kissing him, blowing the smoke into his mouth as she does. His eyes widen as he’s forced to inhale the smoke. As Kaida pulls away he blows out the smoke, not breaking eye contact with Kaida, “See? Not that bad.” Kaida chuckles and sits back on the floor. He stares at Kaida stunned as Mina whistles at them.
After another round of the bong going around the circle, Kirishima looks at Kaida almost with puppy dog eyes, “Will you do that again?” He mumbles.
“Huh?” Kaida looks up to him, the bong in her hands.
“Will you do the weed thing again?” His voice is sheepish.
“He wants you to shotgun him again.” Mina giggles.
“I didn’t know It had a name.” Kaida nods and looks from the bong up to Kirishima before taking a hit from the bong, holding it and blowing it out, then taking another hit and pulling Kirishima into another kiss, blowing the smoking into his mouth again. Kirishima pulls back with a smile as he blows out the smoke.
“I fucking love you.” He says, as if he hadn’t even thought about it, the goofy smile on his face only makes Kaida giggle.
“I love fucking you. I mean I fucking love you. Yeah.” Kaida giggles at herself and leans back on her hands.
“Oh trust me we hear just how much you love fucking.” Denki groans and lays back on the floor.
“Bro, His dick is huuuuge.” Kaida motions with her hands how big Kirishima’s dick is, causing his face to burn up.
“Kaida!” His voice cracks as she gasps her name.
“It’s true! Be proud of it!” Kaida nods to herself then to Kirishima.
“Be proud of it if you have it! We all know Denki doesn’t.” Mina laughs as she gets a glare from Denki.
“How would you know!? You’ve never seen it!” He sits up, his face red as he glares at Mina.
“I mean, I can only imagine. You just don’t have BDE and I’m sorry.” Mina continues to laugh, Kaida nodding in agreement at Mina’s statement.
“Nah he’s got like, mid energy.” Kaida nods with Mina as she aggressively nods in agreement.
“Do y’all talk about this often?” Denki groans.
“I mean…. We had every guy in class A’s dick energy..” Mina confesses before letting out another laugh with Kaida.
“Yeahhh every guy has a rating. And it’s not just us, the other girls too.” Kaida says with a sigh, the smile never leaving her face.
“Can I know the ratings?” Denki leans forward towards Kaida who only blows a raspberry towards him.
“Of course not.”
“Whyyy nooot” He whines.
“Because you’re a boy, and you don't get the deets.” She sticks out her tongue at him. He only continues to whine.
“Do I get to know?” Kirishima whispers to Kaida. She brings her hand to her chin, rubbing it as she thinks.
“Maybe. It depends.” She kisses him again before perking up, “Oh. my. Gods. I wish Yuka was here!” Kaida stumbles off the floor and stands determined, “I shall return! With snacks! And more friends!!!” She waddles her way to the door and whips it open before toddling down the hallway, not bothering to close the door behind her.
Earlier when they split up, Katsuki and Yuka head to his room. Katsuki aggressively pins her to his door after shutting it behind them, pressing his lips to hers. She could feel him push his tongue together with hers and their moans muffled by their intense kiss. “Fuck.. I want you.. I don’t know how much longer.. I can hold back..” he says in between breaths for their lips to be quickly locked back together. 
They make their way to the bed, Yuka laying down while Katsuki hovers over top of her. Her fingers digging through his hair, their hips grinding against each other. He buries his face into the nape of her neck while slowly reaching up under her shirt and gently groping one of her breasts. Yuka gasps and moans to his touch, “Katsuki..” she tugs at his hair as she feels his teeth against her skin, leaving a mark as he bites and sucks on her neck. Both their breathing getting heavy and time melding together, absorbed into each other’s touch and the feeling of their lips clashing against each other desperately. 
“Can I-“ About to ask Yuka to take things a step further when interrupted by a knock at the door. 
Katsuki grits his teeth in frustration, “shouldn’t we answer it?” Yuka asks as she attempts to get up.
“But-“ as she knocks again and they could hear Kaida through the door calling for them while he lets out a heavy sigh, answering the door and seeing Kaida waiting on the other side. “What!? And what’s that smell?” The strong scent hit him after opening the door. 
Yuka pops up behind him, “Kaida!? What’s up?” She looks surprised especially with the strong smell coming off her and knowing what that means.
Kaida stands with bloodshot, hazy eyes as she smiles at them, “Hi! I just missed Yuka, uhm, we’re having fun and I think you might enjoy it? You don’t have to but I miss you.” Kaida looks up at Yuka, giving her puppy eyes, “Yuuukaaaaa, I missed you.” 
Yuka giggles at her pleading eyes, “Okies I’d be happy to join you~” as she pats Kaida’s head. 
Kaida giggles excitedly and stomps her feet at her energy, causing her to slightly hop, “Yess~! Let's go! But you have to deal with Denki.” Kaida grabs onto Yuka’s hand, “He’s mad cause I told him his dick is mid.”
Katsuki lets out a loud laugh, “that’s because he is”
“Then he got more mad cause I won’t tell him everyones dick energy.” Kaida dramatically rolls her eyes, still pulling Yuka along back to Mina’s room.
Yuka follows willingly with Katsuki just behind her, “I mean I don’t blame him for being curious, curiosity can get the best of us” she chuckles. 
“But he’s a boy! He’s not allowed to know! It’s against girl code.” Kaida gives Yuka a very serious look, “It’s very serious.”
“Pfft girl code..” Katsuki scoffs.
“I get it, guys will never understand~” Yuka says with a big smile while jokingly side-eyeing Katsuki as they arrive at Mina’s room. 
Kaida excitedly squeals as she jumps away from Yuka and into Kirishima’s awaiting arms, giggling excitedly as she wraps her arms around him, “I missed you so much.”
“This doesn’t exactly look like studying..” Katsuki says sternly as he leans in the doorway. 
“Shit I didn’t realize you were bringing Katsuki!” Denki moves quickly to try to hide the bong, Mina and Kaida laugh as they watch his high struggles.
Yuka lightly pats his arm, “I’d say this is better than studying!” Yuka perks up and sits at the table, “if I’m not imposing.. may I?” 
Katsuki sitting behind her with his legs around her, “Is that really a good idea?” He looks at her seriously.
“I mean I’ll be fine, I’ve done this before, but you don’t have to of course. I’d never force anything on you.” She smiles up at him.
“We’re having a great time Katsuki!!” Kaida smiles up at him as she wiggles her toes.
“This is great bro, I’ve never felt so, so, smooth? Chill?” Kirishima looks up at the ceiling as he continues to think of a word.
Yuka eyes Denki, “Can I.. or no? Unless you're still scared of me~” she laughs.
Denki hesitates as he swallows heavily and looks to Mina, “I-I don’t know..” 
“Dude, It’s fine, give her the fucking bong, as long as Kacchan isn’t a snitch.” Mina snickers and looks at Katsuki, “Don’t be a snitch man.” 
“I ain’t no fucking snitch! When have I ever snitched!?” Katsuki glares at them.
Yuka stares Denki down, “gib.. gib now..” with a smirk on her face.
“Gib her da bong ‘josh’” Kaida giggles to herself at what she thought was a hilarious reference.
Denki groans as he hands her the bong and lighter still having doubts, “fiiiine..”
“Yay” Yuka takes them enthusiastically.
Kaida looks up to Katsuki, a look of serious questioning on her face. When she opens her mouth to speak she closes it again and squints as she continues to think. She gently smacks the floor and makes eye contact with Katsuki, “I have a question, but I think you might get mad.”
“You won’t know until you ask..” he locks eyes on Kaida, “it’s your choice if you want to risk that.” He scoffs.
Kaida purses her lips as she thinks, “Can I. Touch your hair?” She blinks and begins to quickly speak, “not like in a weird way but I feel like your hair is just really soft and I want to touch it cause soft but If that's not ok that's fine!”
Katsuki groans and sighs while pinching the bridge of his nose, “Fine.. but this the only freebie you get..” mentally already regretting his decision. 
Kaida’s eyes light up as she gasps and gets a wide smile, “Really? Oh my gods yes, thank you.” She quickly scrambles out of Kirishima’s lap and crawls to Yuka and Katsuki, Her eyes staring in awe at Katsuki’s, assumably soft, hair.
Yuka chuckles as she feels Katsuki tense up, “His hair is quite soft, so I’d take this chance before he changes his mind.” 
Kaida carefully brings a hand to the top of Katsuki’s head gently running her fingers through his hair, her eyes widen, “So soft, oh my god.”
Katsuki fights back a growl the best he can while Yuka laughs at both their reactions. She finally takes her hit and French inhales the smoke while holding it a good while before breathing it out officially. “Mmmm man it’s been awhile.. the good stuff” leaning back onto Katsuki’s chest while placing the bong on the table.
Kaida makes her way back over to Kirishima and takes the bong and lighter into her possession, as she brings it to her mouth she pauses. She sets the lighter on the floor and very carefully brings a small flame to her finger tip and lights the weed inside the bowl, taking in a deep inhale before setting the bong on the floor. She brings her hands to Kirishima’s cheeks and pulls him into a kiss, shotgunning him for what felt like the 50th time that night.
Yuka smirks at them and then looks up at Katsuki, “You think maybe you would try it if I did that for you?” She watches his face get bright red.
“N-no I’m good for now.” He stammers on his words. 
Denki randomly chirps up and looks at Kaida seriously and points at Katsuki, “what's your opinion on him can I at least ask that!?” His curiosity from earlier driving him insane. 
Kaida coughs out the smoke as she gives Denki a dirty look, “What makes you think you have the right to know!?”
“I mean we are all friends here right!? I don’t see why not if it’s just us..” hoping his excuse is good enough. 
“Here's a test for you, what do you think his DE is?” Kaida smirks, waiting for his answer.
Katsuki glares between the two of them, “What are you two talking about!?” 
Denki feeling afraid to answer with Katsuki’s eyes piercing through him, Yuka cocking her head to the side confused. “I-I don’t know.. s-small?” Thinking he’s funny while still salty since he was considered mid. 
Kaida gives him a disgusted face, “You’re so wrong, so you don't get access to the knowledge.”
“What!?” Denki begins to whine, “I don’t see how I’m wrong..” he pouts, “Always feels like his loudness is overcompensating something..” 
Kaida rolls her eyes, “there are so many reasons that you're wrong.” She adjusts herself to sit up in Kirishima’s lap, “Yes he’s loud but that's like, on the surface, you gotta look under that. He’s confident, he's fit, and yeah he’s brash but the way he is with Yuka? Oh it screams BDE.” Kaida looks up to Yuka, feeling proud of herself and looking for praise, “Am I right?”
Yuka blushes as she clears her throat at the thought, “You have no idea..” 
Katsuki getting irritated and confused, “BDE? What does that even mean? You guys know I’m right here right!?” 
“Big Dick Energy Kacchan.” Mina speaks up matter of factly.
Yuka fidgeting her fingers, “And Kaida is more right than she realizes..” she nervously chuckles.
“Kaida is the DE master, she calls them and then we find out she was right and it’s immaculate.” Mina gives a chef's kiss and giggles.
Katsuki’s whole face goes bright red for only a moment as he then remembers what Denki said in the beginning, “You fucking think my shit is small” growling at him, “if you want I can show you what a real man’s dick looks like!” 
Denki’s eyes filled with fear, “I-I’m good man you don’t have to go that far!”
“And this is why you’re mid.” Kaida snickers.
Yuka lets out a massive laugh, “kinda feel bad for Jiro though~” Katsuki says mocking Denki some more since he started it. 
“Everyone always jokes about who everyone hears having sex in the dorm but you know who i never hear? Jirou, poor girl. He’s a mid and he doesn't know how to use it.” Kaida playfully tsks and leans back against Kirishima.
“Hopefully he can learn with practice” Yuka jests but also serious, picking up the bong and lighter, taking a big hit again and feels her body becoming more relaxed into Katsuki. 
Kaida gasps and claps her hands, “You’ll never guess what I caught Mineta doing.”
Katsuki squints his eyes at her, “do we wanna know..?” 
“No, dude, I saw him fucking vaping behind the dorm, like no one would notice.”
“I mean even if he got caught it’s Mineta.. no one treats him seriously!” Katsuki jokes and Yuka nods in agreement. 
Denki gets up, “I’ll be right back.. restroom..”
“Don’t fall in!” Kaida yells behind him as he leaves the room, he subtly flips Kaida off as he walks away. Kaida rolls her eyes and takes the bong again, taking in a deep hit and holding it in before blowing it out with a sigh.
“So much for studying~” Katsuki scoffs as he looks towards Kaida and Kirishima.
“I didn’t know this was gonna happen! It just did and who am I to break the vibe?” 
“This is a valid point!” Yuka pipes up agreeing, when they all feel their phones go off except Yuka’s and everyone’s eyes look on in shock at their phones.
“What the fuck..” Katsuki looks disgusted at his phone.
“Is everyth-.. oh my god my eyes!” Yuka covers her eyes and slumps back into his lap.
Kaida stares in horror at her phone, quickly shutting it off and throwing it to the floor.
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mainstoryarchive · 1 month
Kingdom - 84: Reality
Eichi: I got a little bit off topic. You might not understand the meaning of my words just yet, but I want you to think about it.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Location: Student Council Office
Eichi: I got a little bit off topic. You might not understand the meaning of my words just yet, but I want you to think about it.
I want you too to contribute for the sake of the idol business's future.
Hokuto: Are you telling us to become your soldiers… Emperor?
Eichi: Not mine, I want you to become the soldiers of our idol business. I'd even go as far as to say I want you to be its slaves.
Not just that though, I want you to serve with joy- I want you to become happy slaves.
I am thinking in long term, I am thinking about the system. I don't have an interest in who wins the individual matches.
I want the existence known as an idol to not just end as a boasted-about brawl in our country, I want it to properly take root as a greatly respected martial art, as a hero, as a culture, and leave its name in the history of mankind.
I will pull up the thing known as idol to become a culture on its own… No, I will make it into an even greater existence.
I want you to help me with that. You can do that. You have talent, you have potential. I'm sure you will bring great results.
It is because I have come to see you as such that I have called you here.
Hidaka-kun, I've already went through this with your parents. They seem to be cheering you on- if you doubt me, then feel free to confirm with them.
It's time to stop playing around and step foot on the real battlefield.
Hokuto: M-My parents don't have anything to do with it. I can understand that my parents, who also love systems, agree with your opinion.
I am performing as Trickstar because I didn't want to become a heartless cog.
Eichi: You're just in your rebellious phase. You have to let it go and become an adult, Hidaka-kun.
Youth is short, it's already too late when you start regretting after you're tired and unable to move anymore.
The competition has already begun- they do say that anyone left standing should use everything at their disposal, even their parents.
Even though you are blessed with a good environment, even though you have family that you can
make use of, turning your back to that is just you throwing a tantrum.
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Hokuto: … …
Eichi: Of course I will compensate you. I am asking you to use your precious youth, your young days for me, after all.
Let me prepare an amount that equals that. Let's see… how about 100 million yen per person?
Hokuto: Are you bribing us?
Eichi: It's an investment. Yes, I think that is an appropriate compensation for the labor.
No matter how many brawls you win, you'll only feel better for a bit. But soldiers make profits, and those gains in the end will come back to them: that's how it works.
Akehoshi-kun, if I remember correctly, you like money, right? If so, won't you agree with 100 million yen?
It might be a small salary for a top idol, but for a person who still isn't anything, it is a great reward.
I want you to accept it; my proof of the expectations I have for you, that is.
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Subaru: Stop joking around.
It's true that I like money, but your money doesn't shine.
Eichi: I don't understand what you mean. Should I pay you with coins, gold bullions or jewels?
Well, it's fine. I have shown you what your conditions will be. The ones who will make the decision to take my hand or not are you yourselves.
I'd be happy if you could feel my sincerity from the fact that I did not coerce you into anything even though that would be easy for me to do.
I want you to properly give it a thought.
That's right, my fine will be participating in a DreamFes after this.
I want you to watch, by all means. It's an unofficial stray match… in other words, a B1, so you can observe it without having to have a ticket.
I want you to choose whether to become my comrade… whether you will be choosing to think long term or to keep stubbornly struggling after seeing what I am capable of.
I also have a small announcement to make, so you won't lose anything from coming to watch.
I am counting on you, who are still no-names, to make a sound decision.
However, I won't wait very long. I've said this many times already, but youth is short, however in life you can't waste even a single second.
It would be a waste to just let things end with making a merry uproar.
This is the point in life you will always be looking back to. I want you to think deeply about this. The time has come to face not some kind of vague dream but the harsh reality.
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aki-chan2014 · 7 years
The SHSL Survivors' Society: Class 78 birthdays
I mentioned I would do this at the end of Scraps of the Past 10, so here it is. The numbers in brackets are the ages they were when they started at Hope's Peak-the ages I would have been given in the forms for each character. So, anyway, here it is:
Koutarou Ueda-20th April (17) Hibiki Kazama-6th June (17) Akira Kazama-6th June (17) Wakana Abe-21st June (17) Hokuto Nanto-7th July (17) Shiro Usami-23rd July (17) Hironori Nobunaga-28th July (18) Kimihiro Arata-3rd September (17) Erica Cain-31st October (17) Tyson De Guerre-11th November (17) Chieko Akamine-25th November (16) Hideki Inoue-19th December (17) Kanekatsu Iwafusa-21st December (17) Nobuyuki Oshiro-21st December (18) Daisuke Ueno-1st March (17) Yashiro Tsukishima-13th March (16) Noriko Edano-14th March (17) Masashi Kita-26th March (17)
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