#I don't generally take change with me when i go to the bathroom mid class
krash-8 · 9 months
ok so I get the schools football team is great and you can afford to spend thousands of dollars on signs that glow when they play and shit but can you go back to not charging kids for pads. or at least stocking the dispensers that do
#rant in tags sorry lol i hate it here#anyways#I don't generally take change with me when i go to the bathroom mid class#believe it or not#and half the time the dispensers are empty or broken anyway#“but then kids will just take them all” 1) how would anybody casually walk out of the restroom with 50 tampons#2) i think youd live#use that money you're always bragging on for something thats NOT showy sports gear or a fucking ten thousand dollar chandelier#hate rich schools because they have so much money they dont even bother spend it right#dont even get me started on the band#i like band !!! band is cool !!!! however my former high school had a great band#and they didn't BEG THEIR MEMBERS to sponsor THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EACH FOR#on top of what they already have#AND THEY HAVE A LOT.#tbh ive never met more spoiled kids than the band ones at my school in my life#“we didn't get to have 5 field trips to amusement parks this year. just four. of COURSE im upset; they dont fund band enough”#that kid got jumped on by three art kids and a teacher when that came out 😭😭😭#they just expect this shit#do they notice what its taking from everyone else#i have a teacher whos worked with this school for like 25 years. which is remarkable as this school isnt very old. or this town#compared to my other schools at least#and every day she goes on about How Much She Hates what theyre doing#but she wont leave because she likes to teach#shes watched the school slowly transfer more and more of its budget to showy extra things#and give less and less to necessities#more money does not help.#not only is there nothing more they can take from some families without driving us out‚ but they'll just keep wasting it.#theyre spoiled fucking rotten and you can't give them anything because itll never go where you want#out of tags but yeah i hate them and something needs to be done about the district#school problems
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20thcentury-kylo · 3 years
Tides Of Memory Chapter 1.5
hey there.. I'm gonna be honest this probably took more out of me than it should- i got a tad too ambitious and burnt myself out :p and i was so unsatisfied with it that most of the art got scrapped in the process, with that in mind i don't consider this a full chapter, I'm gonna take a step back and try a more manageable approach for the next one- (hopefully that wont take as long heheh)
Anywho i hope you enjoy what i have here even if its not much~
Eyes set adrift a sunlit room that morning. Echos of his dream still rang clearly in his thoughts. Kiome shifts from the dorm’s bed in a slow fluid motion. Standing to stretch, he revels in the subtle pops and cracks that surge through his body. Stray tears are wiped away as the sleep slowly fades from his eyes. He’s standing at the bathroom mirror- trying for once to remember the sights from his last dream, nothing comes to mind except flashes of red and pink hues. However what he remembers more than anything- and what he can't seem to shake from his mind; is the lullaby-like melody and the words playing over and over in soft loops.
“I knocked on your bedroom door~” The lyrics come to him so naturally that Kiome can't help but hum them as he brushes his teeth. Strangely enough it’s accompanied by faint strums of a guitar that isn't really there- all things he chooses to ignore. The poor boy's life is confusing enough already.
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It takes no more than an hour for Kiome to be ready and out of the dorm, checking his phone to ensure he isn't late for homeroom. Summer’s in full swing as the temperatures rise to the mid 80’s and the scent of blooming sunflowers once again grace the air. Kiome’s pace slows as he’s accompanied by Ryota, Kengo, and Shiro, with the latter two engaged in their usual morning banter. The swordsman falls behind a bit- still trapped by thoughts of his dreams. Something about the clouds wispy white puffs is strangely familiar, and he finds himself unable to contain the smile that forms in response. Ryota gives him a questioning look, yet with a smile from Kiome brushes it off as a sign that today would just be a good day.
First period is no slower than usual, Ziz moves her lesson along at a comfortable pace allowing Kiome time to daydream. His mind wanders again to the contents of his recurring dreams, something similar to a sad nostalgia seems to wash over him in the moment. He remembers… losing something- someone, but when he screams the question of who into the void- he gets no response, only the words he can't seem to get out of his head
“Darling, I love you~”
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The school day seems to blur by, a collection of laughs and sighing wistfully at the antics of his classmates. Kiome is packing up from his last class when he hears an intriguing rumor amongst his friends.
“Yeah, something about hearin’ strange music and coming back from hell-'' Kengo mutters in between bites of the treats Ryota had brought for them. His interest piqued- Kiome slid closer to the group, getting a rainbow bun from Ryota in the process. Morikata continues the story- telling them of how a group of transients attempted to salvage some sunken treasure- only to have their ship sunk by some mysterious sound wave. As the information kept coming in by each of his peers, he’d figured he knew where his next adventure was.
“Sounds like they got into some serious trouble for it, even if it is true we don't have much to go on '' Shiro's words of warning felt strangely directed at just him, but regardless this wasn't something the swordsman was just gonna let pass by. At another mention of Nakano by the others, the boy's mind shifts to some familiar faces. Knowing it was anything involving ships, Eita and the others especially Benten. Benten would definitely be there- He’d go on and check on them while he was there. The group all decides to hold a study session together for the upcoming exams, and while Kiome wouldn't mind attending- he had other matters to attend to.
“You’re headed for the station~” Toji approached him in the school's main courtyard, speaking it as more of a statement than a question. It didn't take long for him to get the gist of it.. Of why he had to go, what surprised Kiome further is when he offered to cover for him. Looking back on it the swordsman owed him one, big time. There was this strange sense of anticipation as he boarded the train, he felt this trip would be something… important. The train ride to Nakano was quiet enough, and he pretty much spent it lost in his own head, but once he arrived, the hustle and bustle of the ward itself was almost overwhelming, he had a slight idea of what he was looking for, but no clue where to even start. Seemingly lost, Kiome sighed in relief when his phone started to buzz. The familiar Buzz, and jingle that always came when lil Sal appeared.
“Ta-Dah! It’s your trusty Familiar Lil’ Salomon at your service.” The small familiars antics aside, it was good to see him, and give a few belly rubs while he was at it.
“Woah- what are we doing all the way in Nakano Master?” After relaying the information he’d heard from his friends, Lil Sal proceeded to go through the list of apparent hits his search had brung up. They're soon heading to the shopping complex looking for the largest crowd they could find. In the shopping districts center the crowd is overflowing- Kiome can barely weave through the torrent of passing bodies let alone focus enough to find anything. Yet among the clamoring voices of conversation he begins to hear a voice, a boy's voice.
“H-hello, are you interested in embarking on a wondrous adventure!” Kiome follows the sound of it, weeding through the lessening crowd to its source. The more he heard it, the more the swordsman felt he had heard it before.
“A Life changing Journey on the open seas, with undiscovered riches!” After a lot of pushing the crowds dispersed until Kiome found himself in a clearing. The voice was loud and clear yet as he turned about- he couldn’t find a figure to match said voice.
“Here's What I think of your stupid treasure hunt!!” The clear yells of a transient rang out- drawing the boys attention. It was a therian- dressed kind of like a generic video game mob- and in front of him was clearly the person he’d been looking for. He makes a bee line for them but before Kiome can reach the pink haired boy is shoved in his direction. Instinctually he goes to catch the poor victim, falling to the ground with a heavy thud. Flyers have scattered everywhere, and he can hear the snickering of those passing by.
“Oi- hey are you okay..” Kiome looks up as the words leave his mouth, only to meet a pair of silver- pink hued eyes..
And suddenly- his head hurts...
~As always comments and reviews are very appreciated~
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