#“but then kids will just take them all” 1) how would anybody casually walk out of the restroom with 50 tampons
krash-8 · 9 months
ok so I get the schools football team is great and you can afford to spend thousands of dollars on signs that glow when they play and shit but can you go back to not charging kids for pads. or at least stocking the dispensers that do
#rant in tags sorry lol i hate it here#anyways#I don't generally take change with me when i go to the bathroom mid class#believe it or not#and half the time the dispensers are empty or broken anyway#“but then kids will just take them all” 1) how would anybody casually walk out of the restroom with 50 tampons#2) i think youd live#use that money you're always bragging on for something thats NOT showy sports gear or a fucking ten thousand dollar chandelier#hate rich schools because they have so much money they dont even bother spend it right#dont even get me started on the band#i like band !!! band is cool !!!! however my former high school had a great band#and they didn't BEG THEIR MEMBERS to sponsor THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS EACH FOR#on top of what they already have#AND THEY HAVE A LOT.#tbh ive never met more spoiled kids than the band ones at my school in my life#“we didn't get to have 5 field trips to amusement parks this year. just four. of COURSE im upset; they dont fund band enough”#that kid got jumped on by three art kids and a teacher when that came out 😭😭😭#they just expect this shit#do they notice what its taking from everyone else#i have a teacher whos worked with this school for like 25 years. which is remarkable as this school isnt very old. or this town#compared to my other schools at least#and every day she goes on about How Much She Hates what theyre doing#but she wont leave because she likes to teach#shes watched the school slowly transfer more and more of its budget to showy extra things#and give less and less to necessities#more money does not help.#not only is there nothing more they can take from some families without driving us out‚ but they'll just keep wasting it.#theyre spoiled fucking rotten and you can't give them anything because itll never go where you want#out of tags but yeah i hate them and something needs to be done about the district#school problems
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nightswithkookmin · 1 year
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Okay this is more of a discussion. Feel free to join in.
Will keep it brief.
Jungkook is shy. That's not exactly groundbreaking news. What's groundbreaking to me is the why he gets shy and the context within which he acts shy.
Scenario 1: JK walks into a room full of board directors and his cheeks tingles. We can chalk it to his inner koo. Shy at heart from day one. Awkward kid who don't know what to do with himself in a crowd of people.
But I'd go a little further as to say it's his self awareness and self consciousness rearing it's head. Given the power dynamics between him and this crowd I'd say he's feeling a little judgemental of himself, worried because he has to impress these people while also trying not to say anything stupid or out of touch. He's literally reading the room and adjusting himself to it.
Now typically this is what I think goes on whith him when he has to perform infront of a crowd or in any situation that requires him to put himself up to be judged and to be the center of attraction.
Scenario 2. He walks into a room full screaming fans and he acts shy. Now this time the power dynamics is almost equal. Unless he has reason to believe not eveey one in the audience is a fan, he should feel more at ease perhaps a little nervous but he's not judging himself or worried if he slips he's gonna be judged in this space.
But then suddenly, his cheeks go pink and shy koo rears his head.
Usually I'd assume it's because he's thought of something silly or even naughty and while he finds that amusing his subconscious takes not of just how inappropriate or shameless his thoughts or actions are.
This is usually the case when he is filming an interview and he says something scandalous like preferring sexy outfits to casual fits or admitting he's into something very niched.
His shyness in such instances is usually as a result of him exposing a vulnerable aspect of himself perhaps unwillingly and feeling abit judged about that. He's showing us the real him, his desires no matter how questionable we think it is. Yet it's his truth.
Again this happens when he flirts with a certain member, gets lost in a moment, or when the member expose a truth about him.
So yea, while Koo is naturally a shy boy there's more to him and more to this shyness.
Take his recent shy moment at the premiere for example. It's easy to tell it was probably because he was self conscious about the way he was dressed and particularly that hair do. I wouldn't say he wasn't confident about it, more like he thought it all a big joke. Tae probably teased him about his looks on their way to to carpet and I'd bet he made a few jokes about it himself.
But then, like the goof ball that he is he decides it's not his problem. Yall will have to deal with it.
No biggie.
But I was particularly fascinated by Tae's interactions with him in that moment. I've seen edits of him bumping into Jk and JK asking him what- Korean style. And the interpretation is that kook is shy, Tae clocks that he's shy and bumps into him to check on him.
Now that's sweet and all cos if I had a friend I would want them to cater to me in a time like that. And certainly more so if I was with my girlfriend- I mean boyfriend, just in case Jimin is reading this. Sire for you I'm straight and perpetually single finger hearts.
Tae kook is an interesting duo. I like watching their interactions a lot because I learn more about Kook that way. I like seeing both him and Jimin interact with different people just to see how unique their bond is as a pair.
Plus, Tae kook are great visuals.
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As far as aesthetics go, I like seeing Tae with Jin, Tae with Kook and Tae with Jimin or some times Namjoon.
For Kook, I like seeing him with Jimin or Namjoon or Jin.
And for Jimin- honestly I like seeing him with anybody.
That's as far as looks go.
Chemistry wise however it's always going to be Jikook, vmin, minimoni, taejin, yoonmin, Sope, Jin-jimin. Chilee hopemin too💀
Jimin tends to be present with each member such that it renders each of his ships unique. Be it him being a friend and at times dongsaeng to Namjoon or a hyung to Jin.
And while the Maknae is always DEE Maknae of the group, it's interesting to watch him step up and dominate in certain ships.
And I get irritated sometimes when he's constantly babied and taken care of and not allowed to be JUNGKOOK- The man of many a teenagers dreams.
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The one who takes care of Bam and brushes his teeth, and takes him for a walk, and cooks for him and his friends and holds people's hands and leads them out of the airport.
The cook who puts people to bed and tuck them in and scolds them when they make mistakes and is caring and nurturing.
And it's obvious this side of him pops up more often in certain dynamics than others.
And I know I get ridiculed when I scream about Vmin- but yall just don't get it. One day you will. Jimin caters to Tae. He takes care of Tae and as strong and powerful as Tae is I actually enjoy watching him let his guard down and allowing another person take care of him😔
But I just don't see this in Tae kook. So it's really difficult for me to sing their praise sometimes. I want Jungkook to be his own man and I want Taehyung to be less guarded and broody. Yet Tae is always catering to Jk, babying him- which is not a bad thing really but it is frustrating to watch him give give give when sometimes Jungkook don't even want or care what he gives him.
We heard this man say on Soop how he offered Jk his friendship, for him to treat him like an equal yet Kook insisted on keeping his boundaries with him.
Someone bumps in to you to console you thinking you are feeling nervous and your response is Whuh??
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Are you kidding Me?
And their shippers are glamorizing this? Like yall should be concerned💀
It is nice that Jk was posting him on his IG, throwing out invites to members and having him go over to his place. It's nice to see them actively work on their relationship together and maybe as time goes on we will see Kook going to Tae's home, asking him to stay for a chat, cooking for him, checking up on him on the red carpet to make sure he's doing alright too, saying thank you and warming up to him when he takes care of him and not treat him like a bro and friend always taking things for granted and not being fully present with him.
Their dynamic feels awfully one sided. Even when things are going well with them it still feels that way. Tae puts in so much effort, feels open and willing to give. And I see why Tuktukkers tend to hate on Jungkook or why Tae stans don't like him.
Remember when they went nuts because Tae tried to hold his hands at kbs studio and Jk ignored it cos he was I think trying to catch up with Jimin? Brains foggy on the facts a bit but yea. That happened.
Why can't they just understand these two are just friends and Jungkook don't even like Tae like that? He's just not into him. Sorry. Not even a little bit.
This reminds me of the live they did when they were doing arts and crafts and Jungkook's whole body was turned away he was almost out of shot.
Listen, don't think he doesn't know sometimes he's paired with Tae just to please an audience. Don't think he don't know. In fact don't think none of them don't know when they are required to fan service it up.
Most times when he acts like he doesn't want to be there, it's because he doesn't want to be there💀
If all you have for proof of chemistry between them is how Tae acts towards Kook then boy or boy are you in for a rude awakening. Check in with both ship captains if you want to be sane.
Wont lie, as good as they look visually, their interactions can be painful to watch sometimes. And mind you, I'm not being biased here. There was a time I didn't want Jikook to hug each other at all cos it always pissed me off how awkward their hugs were.
Their interactions were so awkward sometimes, Jimin had to literally prompt Kook to act natural around him. Kook used to act as if Jimin was a ticking time bomb and would go off and expose them any minute. These days he is the ticking time bomb Jimin has to watch out for. Totally unhinged.
Kook is not good at faking his feelings. And you see that play out most times in his interactions with Namjoon, Jimin and Taehyung.
I like watching Namjoon nurture and mentor Tae, I like seeing Tae with Yoongi and I like seeing Jimin baby him.
Vmin is not real but at least their affections are mutually reciprocated- most times.
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Treasure Hunter AU
I binged watch the Mummy trilogy while i had no wifi/internet for a while and I had an idea for a treasure hunter Mari with Daminette.
Damian was bored.(age: 22-28 years old.)
At a gala party.
Meets Marinette who was equally bored.(abt the same age as D)
He finds out she was the finder of this famous artifact on display.
Damian tugged at his collar, scanning the crowd. His father needed a plus one to show up with and everyone else were busy.
He grabbed a champagne flute and made his way to the edge of the room.
He found a woman in a black evening gown, looking as bored as he felt. short dark hair. Blue eyes.( I suck at describing people after the third time doing it. It feels overrated)
"Hello, stranger. You bored with mingling in with the assholes on their high horses?"
"Should I be offended?"
"We will see. Depends on you."
"How about you? A beautiful lady like you not kissing up their asses to climb the social ladder. That is strange."
She made a face. "Trust me. I don't want to be here but my friend wanted family time so I came in his place. What about you? Why are you here?"
"I am pretty sure my father wanted someone to get him out if the vultures came too close."
"Vultures, adept descriptions. I am glad no one realized who I am yet or i would be in their claws."
"Who are you representing, anyways?"
"Myself but Adrien or Kagami usually comes in my place but tonight, they have their son's play to go to."
"Adrien and Kagami. Aren't they the Agreste-Tsrungi?"
"You are the Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Globe trotting Treasure hunter and also world-class designer, MDC."
"Now you know. What's your name, handsome stranger?"
"You don't know?"
"Hey. Like you said globetrotting treasure hunter. I am not up-to-date on the news front. And when I am in Paris to do designer stuff, i am too busy to look at the news."
He gave her his hand, "Damian Wayne. Son of Bruce Wayne who is a billionaire and owns Wayne Enterprise."
She shook it.
"Pleased to meet you."
She stills design but like sent her designs to Adrien at least once every month, who had rebranded Gabriel to Miraculous Designs.
Some ppl thinks he did it to spite his father, who is in jail. Adrien and Mari has a partnership thing.
Mari also makes clothes but for a few months. And the rest of the time is spent travelling.
Exclusive designs from MDC are rare but the designs hand made by her are rarer so they are like a really big deal. They have the most amazing details. Really expensive and limited edition.
The rest of the time Mari spends finding Miraculouses (Miraculi ?) lost in the world so if she happens to find a few priceless artifacts that aren't the Miraculous. She donates it.
Alix helps and sometimes go find them with her.
She has Tikki and Plagg and maybe Wyazz all the time to look for curses and counter it.
She has also met John Constantine. They have an arrangement of sorts. A few magical artifacts that doesn't have to Miraculous business are given to him in exchange for any miraculous stuff he has or found.
Adrien funds her trips.
He is married to Kagami.
Kagami goes with Mari and Alix for a few months sometimes. Adrien likes being a stay at home dad.
Their kid is named Marin/Martin because it was Mari who got them together.
The few trips Mari dragged him on was enough to make him stay behind and run the business.
(Back to the story) Damian fangirled a little because Mari had been doing stuff like this since she was 18.
It was an amazing reputation she has.
She invites him to her next trip after questioning his skill sets.
"Are you good with heights, dark scary places and adventuring into the unknown?"
"You any good with guns, swords, knives, booby traps and keeping calm under pressure?"
"Yes. I have many experiences with them."
"Can you keep a secret?"
"Yes. Why are you asking me this?"
"Wanna join me on my next trip to the jungle of China? There are myths about some hidden temple."
Damian was a little conflicted.
He hadn't have the chance to explore the world much. He had been somewhere else for a mission (for the League of Shadows or JL business) but never for pleasure.
Being a vigilante by night and working at Wayne Enterprise by day gets a little boring after some years.
His brothers had a chance to travel the world on their own for a while. Sure, for reasons other than sight-seeing and looking for something to break out of the rut he was in. But still.
This was an exciting opportunity but a tad suspicious.
"Why me?"
She looked surprised at that.
"Oh. Well, my friends enjoy coming with me on my adventures, treasure hunting and all that every now and then except Adrien but they have other things in their life to come with me all the time. I can mostly survive on my own most of the time but it gets lonely travelling on my own and it's nice if someone is there to watch my back. I understand if you don't want to come. It's just that I enjoy your company and you aren't like those assholes on their high horses. My gut feeling says I can trust you. You are not after the treasure or see it as one big game. You are looking for an escape. You would definitely catch me if I fall. As you know from my choice of friends, i have a bad habit of pulling rich kids from their stuffy lifestyle and take them on potentially life-threatening adventures." She joked. Then she lowered her voice, "Besides, it might be handy having a former assassin around."
She said in Arabic.
His hand went to his hidden knife and found it not there.
"Looking for this?" She said, holding it.
"How much do you know?" He hissed back in the same language.
"Relax," she gave back the knife, "my mother was one and I have accidentally came across a few in my adventures. I know one when i see one. I took a stab in the dark with your middle-eastern background. Speaking of, you know Talia Al Ghul by any chance."
He narrowed his eyes.
"She's my mother. Why?"
"You look like her. Met her a few times. Nice lady but scary. Mine's Sabine Cheng, goes by the Blue Reaper." She said it so casually like their parents weren't dangerous deadly assassins and had normal jobs.
"You aren't normal, are you?"
"What gave it away?"
"That you willingly gave away blackmail material to me."
"Normal people don't have assassins for mothers. And you and me aren't exactly meeting the minimum standards for normal. Besides, I just told you a family secret that you would have found out anyways with a through background search and a little digging. So far all I know about you is that your parents are Talia Al Ghul and Bruce Wayne-I wonder how an assassin got together with a billionaire-, you are a former League of Shadows assassin, you are great with weapons, keeping secrets and so far meeting the criteria for an adventure buddy. That's all I swear. And that you have some pets. A cat, maybe."
"How you know about my cat?!"
"Cat hair on your clothes." She was good. "If it will ease your mind about me, you can ask me 5 questions that I will truthfully answer. "
"So why are you doing this?"
"That's question 1. Well, I really want whatever this is between us to work. Partners, Friends, Companions, Comrades. Whatever you want to call it. Like I said, I get lonely sometimes and need some human interaction to at least keep myself sane. You looked like you want to be somewhere else and I thought this is perfect. I am not going to tell anyone about you or push you to join me. I swear on my mother's sword."
"Are we killing anybody?"
"Mostly I try to avoid that as much as possible. Sometimes I get into situations with no other alternative. " She looked away guiltily.
"Fair enough."
"Not judging me for that. That's a first for me."
"I am a former assassin and have killed before. I have no right to condemn you for your past."
"How much are you willing to tell me about this hidden temple?"
"That has to do with a secret. I would tell you more when there are less ears around. But this temple was said to hold a magic jewel that grants some powers and it is located really deep in the jungle. Getting there might take months."
"You forgot to mention that last one."
"Oh yeah. You think you can get away for some months. This kind of stuff usually takes a while. Like I said before, no pressure. Anyway, 2 questions left."
"What's my salary?"
"Aren't you a billionaire?"
"My father is. I have a trust fund and I get a salary for doing my job at the company. You are lucky that I just finished with most of my assigned projects so I might be able to come."
"I am so sorry about just assuming things about you. You can say no to the offer. The temple is said to hold some other treasures but I mainly want the jewel. We could auction off a few bits and pieces. I usually just donate them to museums and universities or sell them to those who really appreciate the history. I would also pay for the entire expenses for the trip."
"Can I think about this?"
"Sure. Here's my number. I leave on the 1st of next month. Gimme an answer a week before that so I can make the proper arrangements. It has been fun talking to you, Damian."
She walked away, going towards the buffet table.
Back in the car on the way home to the manor.
Bruce asked, "Who were you talking to for that long?"
"The one that gave you her number."
"Oh. MDC. She invited me to join her in China next month to find some hidden temple."
"She did?"
"Yes. Not only that she found out about mother and know what I did before I came here. She doesn't know about Batman, Robin or Crow. And she said she wasn't going to blackmail me but just wanted a companion to go with her. Ideally, it would be best to silence her before she digs any further into me but I trust her. I sincerely believe that she meant it when she said that she's not going to tell on me. And I am really tempted to take up on it."
"What do you want to do?"
"On one hand, i would be gone for months so there won't be Crow in Gotham for a while and I have a few projects I need to finish up. On the other hand. Father, I have been a vigilante for over 10 years now and I haven't really done much out besides that, school and now work. I have appreciated all you have done for me over the years. But I want to go with her. Do something that is not connected to Batman or Wayne or Al Ghul. Just a little something different for myself."
"You can go if you want. I am not going to stop you. I will make arrangements so the projects would be done by someone else. The others can cover your patrols. You are still young so it is understandable to want some fun every now and then."
"Thank you, Father."
Bruce put his hand on his shoulder.
"I am proud of you as Crow and as Damian Wayne. But if you want to go find some hidden temple in China just for a break from this life, to be just Damian, go for it. There are worse things you could do. Just tell me if you are going to go on any future trips like that." (I don't know DC much, sorry if that is a little OOC but I like good dad! Bruce.)
Damian dialed the number on the card.
"I accept your offer, miss MDC."
"Damian? Right, text me your email address. I will sent you things you would need to pack and flight details. And can you come by to the Gotham Rose Hotel tomorrow? I will give more details on the temple."
Damian comes by the hotel.
Marinette tells him of the kwamis and miraculous and makes him swear to not tell anyone unless they already know.
The hidden temple actually might have a miraculous.
Damian gets a little interested in the akuma situation she mentioned.
Mari doesn't say anything about it much.
When he got back, he goes to the Bat-computer and did some digging.
Ladybug looks a little familiar. Pulls up younger picture of Mari and look at that, she used to be a superhero.
Wonder Woman was kept informed of things and made sure no one goes to Paris without her knowing.
Zatanna helped capture the villain Hawkmoth and end his 2 year reign.
Fast forward, they are in Beijing now, sleeping off jetlag.
The next morning, They get out of the city somehow to the city limits and somewhere remote.
Mari uses Kalki and transports them to the jungle.
They set up camp. Cue Campfire stories.
"I thought getting here would take months."
"No actually, finding the temple would. According to my research and the map I copied through less than legal means, it is somewhere in this general area. There used to a city around here too and the king or emperor pissed off some powerful priest or wizard, take your pick. There was a curse. The city crumbled down and the temple is the only thing standing because the king went there and prayed to the gods for protection. The one who answered his prayers and protected the temple in doing so the king was pressed into service of the god. The king did everything the god said for a while but later, he started to hate it and began disobeying the orders. The god cursed him for his disobedience. The temple he was protected in became his tomb and he was tasked to protect the chest inside the temple for the rest of eternity. Anyone who opens the chest would gain the ultimate power to rule the earth. Thankfully, we are not after the chest. Some powerful crack-head with a misused miraculous tried to find it and open the chest for more power. But he never returned. My theory is that the miraculous is still in the temple. As long as we don't wake up the king or go for the chest, we would be okay."
"What are the guns for? And How did you get them past security?"
"In case of emergencies, an army of undead was mentioned and guns are surprisingly good repellent. Well, most of the time. It's useless if there is a no weapons can kill 'it' rule. Then, it's just a stress reliever. I kept them in a pocket dimension. Makes it easier to get around."
Damian vowed to never let Marinette meet Jason. Judging by the pile of guns and occasional knives and other weapons she took out of the brown satchel which apparently holds a pocket dimension, Jason would adopt her. He wondered if that was all that was inside in.
They packed up and started searching the jungle for hidden temple.
It was a month and a half before they found it.
They bonded a lot during that time.
They had a moment after drinking a little alcohol which Mari has in the pocket dimension. Or Drank a lot of alcohol and had sex.
It was awkward and they both agree to not talk about it again.
Soon after, they found the temple. But it is still a little far away.
But the temple is not the only thing they found. They also found a campsite with many people milling around. Some of them carried guns.
Somewhat rich bastard who overheard their conversation at the gala. Heard treasure and found out where Mari's next expedition is.
Had the help of some scholar who wants to be famous for the greatest find since King Tut.
They found the temple even though they had no magical help, they left 2 weeks before Mari did, so yeah.
Rich Bastard's name is 'Philip Anderson'(This sounds familiar to me for some reason and I can't find out why.) and Scholar is 'Harry Scott'
They have armed bodyguards and some 'hired' help to get the treasure.
Anderson is still rich but his company had been getting losses the past 2 years and this is a quick, easy get rich scheme.
Mari and Damian: "Rich asshole on his high horse."
Anderson doesn't know about the chest but Mari and Damian thinks he does and it was what he was after.
They set up camp a little further ahead of Anderson's
Unfortunately, they were found by Harry. Somehow.
I am going to continue this when I am more awake.
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stealforreal · 3 years
Midoriya Izuku - Future kids I
Midoriya Izuku's day just got turned upside down. MIdoriya is slightly ooc, and I'm dissapointed with the quality of this work. I lost inspiration sorry, but here you go anyways.
Midoriya Izuku x f!reader
Warnings: none, maybe slight cussing
It had been a normal day, so far. Class 1-b and 1-a had a joint training session, and everyone was giving it their all. Iida was using his recipico burst against their team's opponents, giving Midoriya time to think up a new plan now that they had been discovered. They had previously planned to use Aoyama's navel laser to lure their opponents to a specific spot, before using Iida to get him away so Midoriya and Todoroki could apprehend them. The plan had unfortunately backfired, since they had captured Aoyama before Iida could get to him. The solid air user from 1-b had gotten him in his hold, and only after Todoroki had gotten him back did they realise how much the rest of the plan would fail. So now Midoriya was tasked with coming up with a new plan.
Todoroki was occupied with holding the others at bay, and Iida was running out of fuel so they wouldn’t be much help. Aoyama was on the brink of his usual stomach ache that followed with overuse, so he was also pretty useless. Even if he wanted too Midoriya knew he was out matched, a 4 v 1 would not end well for him, besides he had to look out for Monoma and his copy quirk. He was so in his head planning that he didn’t see the Copycat sneaking up on him, not before it was too late. He should have felt an impact, Monoma had pointed one of Bakugou’s explosions towards him. But the impact never came, instead he felt himself float in the air hovering over the remaining smoke from the explosion. “Don’t you dare hurt my daddy” A loud girly voice proclaimed, effectively gaining everybody nearby attention.
Turning his attention towards the girly voice, he felt himself freeze up. In the middle of their training field stood a girl around the age of 10, if he had to take a guess. But that wasn’t what caused him to freeze up, no not the fact that this young girl had somehow managed to bypass UA’s security. Which should have been impossible, considering all the improvements that had been made to it after all the villain attacks that had happened. No, what caused him to freeze up was the fact that before him stood this girl, who looked like a carbon copy of him. It seemed that way from this distance. “Who is responsible for holding Midoriya in the air?” Aizawa’s gruff voice rang out. “Oh right, I forgot about that,” The curly green haired girl exclaimed, catching the attention of the slowly increasing crowd. Slowly Midoriya could feel himself being lowered to the ground again, once his feet hit the cement the quirk that had previously held him in the air deactivated making him feel 10 times heavier.
“Who the fuck disturbed the exercise, I’m gonna kill who ever did it” a familiar angry voice yelled out, making Bakugou’s presence noticeable. Everybody was a little on edge, they had enough experience with villains to not foolishly blindly trust anybody. It didn’t matter that it was a 10 year-old girl, or that she looked like a carbon copy of the resident green haired cinnamon roll. “Man, Uncle Katsu you really were loud back in the day” This statement from the green haired girl left everyone speechless. ‘Does she have a death wish’ was the thought on most of 1-A’s minds, nobody was so casual with Bakugou because it was a serious health hazard.
Well everyone except maybe his two best friends, Kirishima and y/n. It was common knowledge in class A that Bakugou had a soft spot for his two best friends, they had honestly been shocked the first time they met her. She had walked into the classroom, blank faced, walked over to Bakugou’s table, smacked him upside the head with a book before leaving it on his desk, and walked out the door with only a quick “don’t forget it next time, Idiot”. Miraculously she had lived, and Bakugou hadn’t even begun yelling. An impressive feat in itself. Not long after Midoriya had begun noticing you around school, and found out you were a part of the support course. He came to know you a bit, his observation skills made that almost too easy. Slowly but surely he began falling in love with you, the way your hair frames your face, your sharp tongue that never held back. How you would stand up for anybody, it didn’t matter if you knew them well or not if they were in trouble you would help them.
“Hah, what was that you brat?” Bakugou’s loud yelling and heavy footsteps approaching snapped him out of his thoughts, and back to the situation at hand. “ W-wait a minute Kacchan, I’m s-sure that there is a logical explanation” He found himself saying before he could even register what happened. Midoriya was hit with an immense feeling of protectiveness, similar to when they had rescued Eri, but stronger. Without knowing he had subconsciously stepped in front of the girl, pushing her behind his back. “Don’t worry dad I can handle myself, besides it’s only uncle Katsu” she spoke up behind the protective cinnamon roll. “Explain now” Aizawa cut in before they could get side tracked again. It was like the fact she hadn’t introduced herself, only hit her now.
“ Right, allow me to introduce myself” Bowing slightly she continued. “ My name is Midoriya Izumi, I am 10 years old and from the future” Aizawa sent her a raised eyebrow, wanting an elaborated answer. “ My friend was being teased by the others in class about how he was quirkless” Izuku tensed slightly but continued listening to Izumi “ Since my friend’s parents each has a quirk related to time, his mom could speed up herself for only a couple of minutes and his dad could slow down others a bit. This made it really hard for my friend to know if he had a quirk or not, so I helped him research and test different theories. Our last one must have worked, which is time travel by the way, but I have no idea how long his quirk will last” Izumi rambled slightly, reminding them of another curly green haired individual. Difference is Izumi talked loud enough for them to hear, and a bit slower making it understandable.
“Wait, you said your name was Midoriya Izumi. Does this mean that you are Midoriya’s daughter” The ever stoic, conspiracy theory thinking, dual haired boy pointed out. “ Yep, sure am uncle Sho, Don’t tell me you don’t see the resemblance.” She stood next to Izuku hugging his waist with one arm, before continuing” I’m dad's younger copy but female, mom always says there is more wholesomeness in him than there is in her. I remember her asking dad one time why his genes were so damn strong. Luckily for her Haru looks a lot more like her, he’s her younger copy but male” The people present looked between the two Midoriyas, it was true nobody could deny that she was her fathers daughter. The only thing that was different was her eyes, they had specks of y/e/c instead of being fully emerald like Izuku’s were. Also she talks a lot, just like their classmate. They shared the same green hair, both were curly in texture and the classic Midoriya freckles. Though it seemed that she had gotten more of her mothers personality, at least they assumed so. I mean she stood up to Bakugou, without even flinching at his tone.
“Oi, squirt what’s your quirk. And quit rambling like shitty Deku” Bakugou asked, interest evident in his tone. “ Right, my quirk is called Telekinesis, so I can move stuff with my mind. It was also how I was able to keep daddy in the air” Izumi responded, puffing her chest out comically in pride. “Huh so it skipped a generation, and your quirk is stronger than my mom’s. But you also have a different approach so maybe that helps. I wonder why yours is stronger, is it because of your mothers quirk. But then again my quirk is also powerful maybe an aspect of it ties to the genes maybe that’s why your quirk is stronger than moms” The older green haired individual began mumbling on, and he probably would have continued if he hadn’t been cut off by his lowly daughter hitting him in the head. “ Daddy stop mumbling,” Izumi stated sternly.
Bakugou grinned, he liked this kid's spunk and she seemed to have a strong quirk, even if she was shitty Deku’s kid. “Oi squirt fight me” He loudly proclaimed, earning all his classmates attention. Almost everyone began yelling over each other, what the hell dude and she just a kid another one was so not manly bro. Instead of being happy her dad’s old classmates were defending her, stopping her uncle from fighting her she got annoyed. So what if she was a child, this wouldn’t be her first time fighting her dad or her uncles. Before everyone could attack Bakugou even more a voice piqued up “ Sure, if that is alright with you sensei” she directed her attention towards Mr. Aizawa.
It wasn’t rational to challenge a child to a fight, but he couldn’t deny she had a great fighting spirit in her eyes. So he allowed it, he was curious himself to see how it would end. The control she displayed earlier was phenomenal, and she was only 10 but she had a lot of potential in his book. He shooed everuýone a bit away from the hothead and the young Midoriya, and so then created a ring of sorts acting a the line of confinement.
Bakugou charged straight in with his usual right hook, only to have it swiftly caught by Izumi. She grabbed his right hand, squatted down a bit, then swiftly pushed her shoulder into his rib. The momentum of that allowed her to, even with some difficulty, flip his much larger body over her shoulder and into the ground. There was a small second of silence where Bakugou just laid on the ground in shock, a girl over 5 years younger than him just flipped him over her shoulder like it wasn’t even that hard. However Izumi didn’t give him time to think as she sent metal bars towards him. They had been fried earlier, before her arrival. Bakugou used his explosions to evade the metal projectiles, sending another one straight towards her face. Die squirt die, his colorful vocabulary re-entered the scene. She used her Telekinesis to command the explosion to change course and hit Bakugou square in the face instead. Slightly dazed Bakugou didn’t have time to move before a heel connected to his temple, effectively knocking him out.
Everyone who bore witness to this fight was shell shocked, Bakugou lost. The fight lasted only around 8 minutes before the winner of the 1 years sports festival got knocked out by a 10 year old girl. “Huh, that was easier than expected,” the panting girl exclaimed. Izuku could feel his chest swell with pride, that was his daughter. Strong and smart just like her parents. She walked over to Izuku and slumped against him “ I’m tired daddy, carry me” She looked up at him with those doe green eyes, and how could he say no to his little warrior princess. Blushing, he picked her up, and she let out a sigh of contentment. Using her quirk to command things on a molecular level, like Bakugou’s explosions always took a toll on her.
“Midoriya take Izumi to the dorms to let her rest, the rest of you come with me for our next exercise” Mr. Aizawa commanded the frozen teens and teacher. Izuku then began making his way to the dorms, asking his sleepy daughter a tornado of questions. Do you know about my quirk, how does your quirk work, how old is Haru, am I a good dad, who is your mom? Even in her sleepy state Izumi answered his questions to the best of her abilities, though she refused to reveal who her mother was.
When they arrived at the dorms he put her on the living room couch, and went to leave to grab her some old All Might merch that could fit her. Before he could leave she grabbed his cheeks rather harshly, looking him straight in the eye she said “Don’t worry about who mom is, she loves you for you so it's gonna be fine. Also don’t screw this up so I’ll still be born.” Izuku sweat dropped nervously, before getting out of her hold to go find that old merch of his.
When he returned to the living room after finding what he was looking for, he looked around only to find that it was empty. He walked over to the couch and coffee table where he found a note, picking it up and sitting down on the couch to read it. Dearest daddy, I felt tingly so I think the quirk is gonna wear off now. I just wanted to say that you are awesome and the best daddy out there, I love you so much. I’ll see you again in the future - hugs Izumi Midoriya. Izuku’s heart fell, she had only just arrived an hour or so ago and now she was gone. He didn’t get to know his daughter better like he had hoped, and he didn’t get to see her adorably dressed up in his old All Might merch. He read the note over and over again, trying to satisfy his heart. He would see her again in the future, and then it clicked. his heart swelled, yeah he would see Izumu again some day.
Yeah he would see her again when he was married and happy. Yeah he could wait for that, as long as he has too.
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iaintyourbro · 4 years
The New Red Herrings: Biggs and Zack and How Avalanche Tells Us the LTD is Dead
Biggs and Zack are seemingly alive at the end of FFVII Remake Part 1 - so what does that mean? Will they live throughout the story? Maybe they’ll be like Wedge and escape death initially, only to be forced to face it shortly after?
There’s also interesting similarities on the death scenes of Biggs and Zack, A while ago I took screenshots of the “death” scene of Biggs and thought it was interesting how they had Biggs touch Cloud’s head and also made him promise something. 
And how are all these things connected to the LTD? 
Now, clearly, neither Biggs or Jessie had as dramatic of a death as Zack or Aerith. We actually see the initial injury or incident that causes each of them to die. Cloud comes upon Biggs while he’s already sitting down injured. Cloud and Tifa come to Jessie after she’s under the rubble and try to save her. 
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We know Cloud pretty much loses it when Zack dies. He collapses mentally. He’s already been through enough shit to fill a lifetime, and now his only friend, his best friend, and the guy who saved his life, dies trying to get them back to Midgar. 
Why Zack is Important to Cloud
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Relationship wise, Cloud obviously had a much deeper connection to Zack. At the point that Biggs dies, he doesn’t know any of that, but I think his death definitely triggers something in him. Biggs saw through Cloud’s front. We know Biggs dealt with the kids at the Leaf House, and most likely acted like a volunteer in the Big Brother program. He tells Cloud he’s got a lot in common with the kids at the Leaf House.
Zack had Cloud take on the responsibility to be his living legacy. Of course we all know he shuts down about five minutes later. Biggs had Cloud promise that this wouldn’t all be for nothing. In both cases, it doesn’t work out. He forgets what Zack told him and the Sector 7 plate still falls. 
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Zack’s death has a major impact on Cloud - it’s ultimately what breaks him. It also gives us these really sad moments of somebody who’s already been through so much and is breaking now. 
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Cloud is upset about Biggs. He was becoming his friend. The three Avalanche members really did accept Cloud and tried to be his friend. He was included with them - in most cases. Of course there’s the Avalanche party that he’s kicked out of (mind you - he does this to himself by acting like an ass to Barret and them) and then during Chapter 4, he’s separated to go steal Jessie’s dad’s ID. 
Ultimately, though, we know that Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie all like Cloud. They seem to see through the hard exterior pretty easily. So Cloud loses another person in his life.
The ending of FFVII Remake takes an interesting turn. Anybody who played OG or CC knows what is supposed to happen to Biggs and Zack.
But, Remake’s ending seems to imply that they survive the event that was supposed to take them out. 
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Did Zack survive the last stand? Is this a case of the Last Stand in CC being combined with OG where as they walk away, Zack ends up getting shot anyway? 
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So we also see Biggs.... wait, wrong picture.
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That’s the right one. We get a shot of Charlie Sheen Biggs waking up in a bed in what looks like some type of either infirmary or large room. In OG, we know that all three of the Avalanche members die during the Sector 7 plate fall. In Remake, the only one we get confirmation on is Jessie, and that’s only in the Chapter description. 
Wedge we know survives until the Shinra building, where the Whispers ultimately take him out since he defied fate. 
So, what will happen to Biggs?
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The biggest thing talked about seems to be the ending. Zack surviving created a lot of buzz. Is there a second timeline? Is he going to just simply walk another 10 feet and get shot in the back? Did her survive in the first place? Why does Stamp look different on that bootleg chip bag?
Will we have a beautiful Zerith reunion? 
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In the OG, the Love Triangle illusion was the red herring. This was mostly to trick and distract the player to focus on something, so later they can destroy you with major twists. It also was used to get the player to like Aerith so her death would be more impactful. In addition, it makes the whole Northern Crater confession from Cloud about Tifa’s opinion being the only one that matters a slam in your face of holy shit what is going on?!
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At this point, everybody and their mother knows Aerith dies. It’s not something that was kept a secret. It’s referenced in various materials. The one thing not openly referenced is what’s going on with Cloud. They never reference the Lifestream, the fake persona, or anything outside of the OG and Ultimanias. I think this is a shame since it’s such an important part of his character arc, but I get that they want to try and leave the element of surprise in play.
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I think everybody would agree that the moment you find out Cloud was just a grunt that was WITH Zack during the Nibelheim incident is super powerful. I still get chills all these years later. Letting this be a well known thing would take away the element of surprise from new fans. Of course, people can go online and read blogs like this one and know all of this, but for somebody - especially future generations - who may just be looking for a new game to play, you’d want this element of surprise to stay in tact. 
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We can’t use Aerith as the only red herring anymore, and we can’t use the love triangle. For many reasons. Everybody knows about it and the love triangle was a poor choice for something like this because some people missed the point completely.
Now, FFVII Twitter is always on fire. 
Also, even though the Lifestream and Cloud’s true identity are pretty well kept secrets in terms of printed media, most of the people who played FFVII Remake played the original game, they know what happens. People who were new and played Remake first most likely went and bought OG and played it. So now they know what happens. 
They knew this, or they probably wouldn’t have shown Cloud in this state, but even for those who don’t, the alternate timeline theory is born. Biggs enhances this theory because he’s alive too. How can Cloud walk past them AND be carried by Zack in some catatonic state?
It keeps us distracted. They want us to think that fate can be changed. In the case of Zack, they’re even saying that the past can be changed. 
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Ultimately, whatever they do, it’ll be shocking to most players. I do trust that the devs aren’t being deceitful when they say they are going to keep the major plot points the same and FFVII will be FFVII going forward. Part 1 keeps major plot points but adds substance to a lot of things. They took out unnecessary parts and enhanced others. They also removed a lot of the love triangle stuff. 
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Another striking thing with all of this is the Jessie factor. The Chapter screen tells us she died - it only says Biggs was seriously injured. That hasn’t stopped speculation.
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The ending shows gloves on the table next to Biggs’ bed and a lot people said oh it’s Jessie’s left glove! And it does appear that it is. There’s only one glove. To me, this seems like they recovered her body and were able to pull of some personal affects of hers to leave with Biggs. Both articles look damaged or faded. 
Faded could mean they’ve been sitting in the sun for a while. The incident happened a few days ago, though we don’t have a definitive time on when we’re shown Biggs. This could be a future look.
They also could simply be damaged and full of dust from the plate collapse. 
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It is implied in Chapter 4 if you listen to the conversation between Jessie’s mom and the gang that Biggs and Jessie have a different relationship than Wedge and Jessie. 
I have some thoughts on what this may mean:
Biggs is Jessie’s BFF and her mom likes him.
Jessie and Biggs dated at one point and decided to not tell her mom that they no longer are or that its casual.
Jessie’s mom was hounding Jessie about finding a man so she picked Biggs to be her pretend boyfriend and he agreed.
Biggs and Jessie are secretly dating and only her mom knows.
Which one do I think it is? Well, knowing Jessie, I can definitely see her doing #3. I can absolutely see her acting like Biggs is her boyfriend to get her mom off her back. I think #1 and #2 are also huge possibilities. #4 is far fetched, but they could cover it up by having Jessie flirt relentlessly with Cloud and appear to be single. 
Some people think that Jessie will end up at the Gold Saucer singing. Personally, I really hope not. If they keep a bunch of people alive (even if it’s for a short amount of time), it really takes away one of the major themes of FFVII which is death and moving on. In addition, I think it’s too many people they’d need to kill off later. Jessie is a very popular character, so I hope they don’t take that as an incentive to change that aspect of the story. 
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Aerith’s funeral and Jessie’s death are similar as well, so I think it is foreshadowing some things. 
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We get a princess style carry here. Aerith and Jessie both get these in Remake. Jessie’s second one ends in her death. Will Aerith get a second princess carry by Cloud? Will it be to take her to her final resting place?
Maybe she won’t even go to the lake - maybe to the sky?
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We know Tifa was super upset in OG, and they really don’t touch on it much. We only see her run away crying after this moment. You learn in Case of Tifa that she’s really upset about, but a lot of people don’t read Case of Tifa, so they only know this scene. 
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We know that she gets very upset over Jessie’s death.
I think Aerith’s death will be much worse. 
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It seems Jessie’s death is a reference to how Aerith’s death was handled in the OG.
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Will it be handled the same? Maybe. I think they’re going to make it seem like she’s going to be okay, and then boom.
So the ending gives us hope that we have two friends that are alive. It makes us think that we can save Aerith. I do think Wedge’s death towards the end and comments that Red XIII made in Chapter 17 may also be hinting towards the fact that you cannot change the past and you cannot change fate. 
Over on Discord, @anesuna​ brought up a good point about Wedge’s cats. Biggums survives the plate collapse along with Wedge. The other two cats - Reggie and Smalls - sadly perish (::cries a lot::). This could also be a reference that Biggs survived while Jessie and Wedge do not. 
So what about the LTD?
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I think this is a heavy reference to the old OG love triangle. Don’t fall for it! They’re warning players now instead of wanting them to fall for it. 
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Why do I say this? Aerith seemed to think the love triangle was fun. Thing is, Cloud wasn’t all there at this point, so it was just an illusion. Since players didn’t seem to get that the first time, they’re going to make it clear now. There were a lot of aspects they seemed to take from Aerith and give to Jessie. Overly flirty (with Jessie they added thirsty) and being overly childish at times. Aerith in remake is still somewhat childish, but not completely.
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Oblivious Cloud is Oblivious. Yeah, he was oblivious in OG that Aerith and Tifa had feelings for him. He has no idea what Wedge is talking about now. Earlier in this same conversation he thinks that Wedge is telling him not to come around because people will gossip about Jessie being in Avalanche, but the player knows really what he’s referring to...
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I think this is probably a reference to the Gold Saucer date because of the stage part. I take things at face value and don’t really dig too deep, but I think this exchange with Wedge is supposed to tell the player not to fall for these false loves early in the game.
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It’s brought up again during Aerith’s resolution scene.
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Earlier Wedge said not to fall for Jessie’s trick, because it was a game to her. It wasn’t real love. Aerith is now telling her that if Cloud thinks he falls in love with her, it’s not real. 
We have two separate instances in the game where they’re telling you to beware of the false love. It’s two times the word love is used. 
After all of this, the ending presents us with two guys who should be dead that appear to be alive. One of them is directly connected to Aerith.
This was their way of trying to shut down the LTD and replace it with different red herrings. Will it work as well as the LTD? Well, it seems that the majority of FFVII Remake fans have talked about the ending.
Yes, a lot of people talk about the LTD, but I think the majority of players are more interested overall in what happens next and what’s up with Zack. I think the majority of the fandom is also ready for the LTD to officially be dead so we can actually focus on everything else and stop the madness. 
It’ll never fully stop, but at least it’ll be clear for anybody who plays the game and alleviate the bulk of the chaos. 
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Say hello to your new red herrings: Biggs and Zack. 
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Say bye to the LTD.
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
The Arrangement Ch. 15
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Story summary: Desperately in need of money, you answered the questionable ad. AKA-Arranged marriage AU featuring Y/N and Yoongi.
Chapter Summary: Your attempt to help your brother move result in Yoongi meeting your family -_- 
Previous Chapter here 
TW: as previously mentioned, YN and her brother were abused by their dad. It is mentioned by her brother. Trigger will be labeled before and after by **  ** Yoongi’ song “The Last” is also referenced at the very end, which implies thoughts about self-harm/suicide attempt. But it’s a good, long chapter! There is fluff and humor in it too!
Late last night you received an email from your brother’s school informing you a dorm space had opened up and he could move in as soon as possible. You wanted to check and make sure there wasn’t anything else you should be doing today before you rented a van.  
You put on your robe and headed out to the main living area. Half the coffee pot was already gone and you heard light movements from upstairs. You wondered if Yoongi was prone to hangovers or not.  You poured yourself a cup of coffee and heard Yoongi pad down the stairs. 
“How are you feeling today?” You asked without looking up from your steaming mug.
“A little dehydrated but fine.” He passed you as he headed over to the sink for water. “Really? We’re just wearing robes around the house now?” 
You waited, slowly savoring the taste of the hot bean water in your mouth. You swallowed. “You were in your underwear the other day. I think the robe is fine.” You turned dramatically and looked at him.  “Unless you prefer just underwear?” 
“Aish, don't remind me.” He waved in your direction as though he could dissipate the memory with his hand. It was too early for flirting.
You laughed. “Hey, if it's OK, I'd like to go help my brother move today. A dorm space opened up for him and I'd like to get him settled in before school starts again tomorrow.”
Yoongi leaned against the counter, “Yeah, that's fine. You should do that.” 
“Great,  thanks!” You turned and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. 
When you returned to the main area Yoongi was gone, you didn’t bother checking by the door as you grabbed your purse and slipped on some shoes. You texted your brother to remind him what time you would arrive and then hopped on the train to the car rental place.
Fifteen minutes later you walked in, produced your driver’s license and payment and were then declined. 
“What do you mean? I already prepaid online.” You asked the attendant. 
“It’s not the payment, it’s your license. You rented the cargo van. You don’t have a license to drive that vehicle, it’s level one.” The man explained, gesturing to a garage full of vehicles as though that explained anything.
“Isn’t it just like a regular van but big?”
“No ma’am it’s more like a box truck. I can get you a regular van but I can’t refund your rental of the cargo van because it was a day-of rental.”
“I had to enter my license to rent the van. Why does it authorize licenses if they aren’t the correct type?” You asked, annoyed. It wasn’t his fault, probably, but that definitely seemed like a crappy thing for the website to allow.
“I understand that ma’am but the website will allow anybody to pay for the van and the driver’s license check is very basic and checks to see if you have one, not the level. Now, would you like to rent a regular van?”
You stood there for a minute weighing your options. “Give me a minute.” You walked over to the waiting area and took out your phone. You opened the BigHit employee portal and scrolled through the services. There were so many options: food delivery, laundry pick up, chauffeur, pet walking, but nothing about hiring a driver for other vehicles. You groaned and dialed Yoongi’s number. Normally you would text but you felt like there was too much to say. The phone rang a few times.
“Hello?” It was surprising to you how deep his voice sounded on the phone.
“Hey...I'm sorry to bother you. Does anybody at the company have a Level 1 driver's license that I can like request via the app? I didn't realize the one I rented is for a license I don't have.” You paused. “This is so embarrassing.” Silence extended from the other side, making you feel awful, like you had probably interrupted something important.  You began again, " I can maybe just do it next weekend. I can find somebody by then I'm sure. It’s fine. What’s one more week.”
"I can drive it." 
You felt awkward having Yoongi do it."Noooo. Don't worry about it. I can do it next week. I’m sure I can find somebody.” 
“Aish send me the address. I'll do it.” He replied, starting to sound irritated.
“Were you busy? You don't have to.”
“You know the company phones have GPS trackers in them? But it will be a hell of a lot faster if you just send me the address.”
You sighed, “Ok. Thank you.”
“See you soon.”  
You awkwardly waited at the rental agency, kicking your feet in your chair like a little kid waiting for their parents. After about half an hour you heard the door ding and saw Yoongi walk in. He had traded his sweats for jeans, but otherwise had the same casual shirt and expression. 
“Hello sir,” the desk attendant greeted Yoongi. “How may I help you today?”
“I’ve been told I’m here to drive a van.” Yoongi looked your way.
"Oh, are you here for that one?" the guy at the counter gestured at you.
Yoongi smirked, “Yep. That one’s mine.”
Your jaw almost dropped. Fucking brat. You walked over. "It's a good thing you're being so helpful darling." You gritted between your teeth. You watched as Yoongi handed over his license and had it scanned without any issues. 
“Here you go Mr. Min.” The attendant handed him the keys. You heard him laugh as he took them.  He started to walk out to the rental garage with you following. 
"’Thanks for coming. I do appreciate it."
"It’s no problem. I mean. You, once again, will owe me dinner. But other than that. It's nothing." He clicked the remote to find the right van. "Why are you renting such a big ass van?" 
"Because my family doesn't own a car and I'm an idiot. The website didn't make it look that big. I put in my license and it let me rent it. Don’t you think it should deny it if it knows you can’t drive it?"  The two of you stopped in front of the cargo van. It was big. But not that big, you scowled.
"Oh man. I used to drive so much music equipment around in my shit van. This brings back memories." He climbed into the driver's seat. You walked around to the passenger side and stepped up as well. "And lucky for you, I came prepared today." He popped in a CD he'd been stowing in his coat pocket. 
"Oh my God. You are the cutest." You said, somewhat accidentally, out loud. 
Yoongi paused, and looked over at you. "I am not cute." 
You smiled and pinched your fingers together. "A little bit." 
He shook his head and put his hand on the gear shift. "Nope. Cue up the GPS." 
"The tiniest cute." You typed in the address. 
"Feared rapper and music producer. Ice King. Loner. It's in the lyrics, you should listen." He turned the car audio on.
"OK cutie, I know you have stuffed animals in the loft area." 
He held a finger up to his lips. "Quiet woman, I'm driving." 
You laughed and relaxed into the seat. "I fell asleep on track 5."
He pushed some buttons and you settled in for the car ride. 
Yoongi was thankful for the excuse of looking at the road so he couldn’t see your expressions as you listened. He put so much of himself in his lyrics, it was like taking his heart and mind out of his body and showing it to other people. Which for some reason felt fine when it was complete strangers, but felt so weird with someone he knew. He tried to play it cool. He knew he was two songs away from his most personal track.
“Ok, turn in here. We can park here for up to two hours without a permit.” You guided him near an alleyway next to your Aunt’s apartment. You sent a text telling them you were here. “Thanks. You can wait here if you want. I don't know how much packing there is left to do. Sorry. I just got the email this morning. There are also some coffee shops around here or some restaurants. I’m not sure what---” 
Yoongi unbuckled his seatbelt and cut you off. “Hey. You don't have to do this by yourself. OK?” He opened the door and got out before you could respond.
You took a few deep breaths and exited the van, walking around to the front to lead the way to the apartment. “Ok thanks. Also I apologize in advance for my Aunt.”
“She won’t be the first Auntie I've met,” Yoongi smirked. “Don't worry, Aunties and Grannies love me.”
“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about. Also sorry in advance for my brother. He seems rude, but it’s just because our family life was so fucked up. He’s a good kid.”
“Hey, I can relate,” Yoongi opened the door for you. “It’s fine. Really.” 
“Ack, I don’t think I can do this.” You turned and faced him.
“Do what?” Yoongi asked, perplexed.
“Have you meet my family. It’s. We’re all weirdos. The apartment is so small. It’s embarrassing. I already feel bad that you came and helped me.” You spew out everything at once, your anxiety levels suddenly spiking.
Yoongi sighed and put his hands in his pockets. “Hey. It’s fine. I was going to meet them eventually anyways right? Might as well be before the wedding,” He teased you.
You were surprised. This was the first time he had mentioned anything about the other part of your contract. It had always been you teasing him about it.
“I guess so.” You took a deep breath. “Ok. Just...please...Remember. We’ve been through a lot.” You suddenly felt so vulnerable as you pushed the elevator button. You led the way to your old apartment and unlocked the door.
“Aunt Vi, I’m here.” You yelled from the foyer as the two of you slipped your shoes off.
“Oh finally, I was getting worried, you’re over an hour late and you're usually so prompt and hello young man.” Aunt Vi stopped dead in her tracks as she arrived in front of the two of you.
“Hello. Min Yoongi, nice to meet you.” He bowed.
Your Aunt gaped like a fish for a moment and eyed you. “Yes of course, I’m Vi.. And this is…?”
“My boss, Auntie. He drove the van today. Apparently giant ass vans need a special license.” You smiled sheepishly.
“Do not use such language in front of your boss, young lady.” She scolded. 
Yoongi cleared his throat to hide a laugh. It was unusual seeing someone boss you around for a change. 
“Yes of course, sorry Auntie. I’m very sorry, Mr. Min.” 
“That’s better. Now come in. You, help Jihoon pack, Mr. Min come join me for tea.”
She turned around and you gave Yoongi a stank look while he silently laughed at you. You flipped him the middle finger while he acted offended.
Auntie Vi turned around, “That is of course if he wants some.”
The two of you pretended to be perfect angels once again, “That would be lovely Aunt Vi.” He responded, sounding like a boy scout. You rolled your eyes at him the minute your aunt turned her back. You left the two of them as they headed to the kitchen and you went to the living room.
Your brother was packing up some books into one of the boxes when you walked over.
“Hey. Make sure the books go into a few small boxes instead of one big one, or they’ll be too heavy to carry.” You said as you grabbed another empty box and started to pack some things.
“Yeah ,ok. Those other two boxes are books as well. There should be a bookcase in the dorm. I think all my friend’s rooms have one.”
“Ok great, I’ll label them.” You walked into the kitchen to grab a sharpie and briefly overheard Vi and Yoongi. Yep. She was in love, you smirked and headed back to help your brother.
You were surprised when you walked past the hallway and saw two blankets on the floor, slowly moving. You smiled and paused, “Huh. What strange moving blankets.” You heard a set of giggles and continued on your way.
Your brother and you continued to put items into boxes and the blankets continued to slowly wriggle down the hallway until they made it to the corner. Your sister and niece sat up and pressed their tiny bodies against the wall, straining to see who the mysterious voice belonged to. You looked over and smiled. 
Aunt Vi paused for a second and heard the faint sound of giggles and “shhhh”
“There better not be any little girls eavesdropping,” She said. Everyone in the apartment heard the sounds of stomping and running down the hallway, followed by a door shutting. Vi sighed and Yoongi laughed. 
You set down the roll of tape and walked back to the bedroom. "Come on out girls." You led the way for them down the hallway. They nervously stood in the kitchen in front of Yoongi and your Aunt.
“Mr. Min, this is my sister, Hayoon, and my niece, Sooah.” You introduced them as they bowed deeply, as though they had been preparing for this moment for their whole lives.
Yoongi smiled warmly at them, “It’s a pleasure to meet you ladies.” You could see your niece already blushing. These girls were boy crazy already and you were sure they would relive this moment over and over again. They managed to squeak out a “you too.” Before they looked around awkwardly about what to do next.
“Alright girls, either help move boxes or git.” You prompted them. They looked at each other and then scrambled back to the bedroom, giggling the whole way. You sighed and went back to packing. Fortunately since your brother was living on the couch, he didn’t have a lot to pack. In retrospect you probably didn’t need the van. Oh well. Better to be over prepared than underprepared, you mused. 
You walked into the kitchen, “Excuse me, may I have the keys please? It’s time to start loading.”
Yoongi stood up, “Yeah sure, let’s go.”
You looked at him, “Oh no sir. I could not expect you to carry the boxes. Keys please.” You held out your hand.
Yooongi scoffed, “I can carry boxes.”
Aunt Vi quietly cleared her throat, “That would be too much surely. Won’t you please sit down and I’ll make you some lunch.”
Ah the intersectionality of age and class rank here were making your head spin, but you knew that he couldn’t turn down lunch from your Aunt, even as she turned around and he placed the keys in your hand while making a very strange face you couldn’t quite identify. You raised your eyebrows. Taking the keys, you pulled out your phone. 
YN: She’s a good cook, don’t worry. Sorry this is taking so long.
You and your brother each grabbed some boxes and started to move them out by the elevators. After about fifteen minutes you checked your phone.
YG: I feel weird not helping 
YN: You did help, you drove the van
YG: That doesn’t count
YN: Yes it does
You returned to the apartment where you saw Yoongi had somehow inserted himself into the kitchen and was cooking alongside Aunt Vi. That’s it, you thought, she’s never going to not mention him again. You sighed. Grabbing the last few boxes you and Jihoon began to fill the elevator and slowly move the items closer and closer to the van. An hour later it was all packed up.
“How was your soup?” You asked as you came back into the apartment, ripping off your sweatshirt. You had started off cold, but were now glistening with sweat.
“Really good, thanks again Auntie,” Yoongi looked over to Vi.
“Oh please, he’s the one who ended up doing most of the cooking. Are you single Mr. Min? Are you allowed to date your employees?--------”
Oh God it was happening, you were shocked it had taken this long honestly.
“Because even though YN isn’t much to look at, she’s a very hardworking girl.”
“We gotta go. Time to leave. Is there any leftover soup for Jihoon?” You asked as you cut her off and started scrambling around the kitchen for a takeaway container.
“There’s plenty of soup, grab some for Jihoon. Not for you though, you don’t need the calories.”
Oh God she was going full blown Auntie on your ass. Help. You looked over to Yoongi, mortified, but he was just standing there, the tiniest smile playing on his lips. He briefly flicked his eyes in your direction, causing you to feel flustered.
“Anyways, you should keep her in mind. Our family is unlucky, but we do try to make up for it.”
“I have the Soup, can we please leave now?  We have to return the van.” You grabbed your purse, sweater, soup, and coat.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Yoongi said calmly. “Thank you for your hospitality Auntie. I hope to see you again soon :] .” He walked over near the door, put on his coat and took the soup from you.
“Put your coat on.” He chided
“I’m sweaty.” You responded
“You won’t be when you get back outside.”
You huffed but complied anyways. The poor man had suffered through an hour and a half of your family, you weren’t about to argue with him.
Your brother was waiting in the van with his headphones on listening to music. You climbed into the middle seat.
“Oh my God I am so sorry.” You said the minute the door closed.
“It’s fine. Like I said, not my first Auntie. She’s nice.”
“She called me ugly and told me not to eat.” You whined. “Hey...speaking of you called me ugly too the first time we met.”
Your brother took off his headphones; apparently interested in this conversation.
Yoongi rubbed the back of his neck. “Did I say that to you? That doesn't seem like something I would say.”
“Well, no. But you didn’t disagree with me when I said it.” You side eyed him.
He laughed, “I think you know you’re not ugly. You don’t need me to tell you that.” He pulled out onto the main street.
“I don’t know. Having heard it every day of her life growing up, it might not be a bad thing to not say to her.” You heard Jihoon say from next to you.
You tensed up briefly. “Jihoon, it’s a joke. Everyone else at the interview was literally a supermodel. Everyone.” 
“Sorry. People calling my sister ugly doesn’t seem very funny to me.” He said and moodily turned to face the window.
This was the kind of awkward you were worried about. “Sorry. Jihoon is a little protective. Also he doesn’t understand jokes.”  You tried to lighten the mood by teasing. It did not work.
“Jokes are supposed to be funny. I understand that.” He said snidely from the passenger’s seat.
You sighed, “Anyways, thanks again for driving. You’ll turn right here and then there should be signs for the school in about 4 kilometers.”
Yoongi was very quiet. He didn’t want to piss your brother off again. You pushed play on the audio, welcoming a change of pace from the quiet. To your shock, he hit the pause button. “Let’s listen to it later.” He said quietly to you. He didn’t think the lyrics would put your brother in a better mood and he also didn’t particularly feel like sharing the vulnerable side of himself at the moment.
“Is it normal to tell someone they can’t listen to music in a car? Asking for a friend.”
“Stop being an asshole Jihoon. Mr. Min was nice enough to drive the van for us today to move you into the dorm. And to give me a job to pay for the dorm. You need to be more respectful.”  The phrase came out of your mouth before you could even stop it. It was a triggering phrase for both of you and you instantly regretted it.
“Right.” Your brother said, his voice dripping with sarcasm.  “Be more respectful. Just because someone’s older than you they deserve your respect no matter what. That’s what dad always said while he was beating us, remember?”
You rolled your eyes, unable to keep your cool. “Oh my God. You’re supposed to be working through this shit in therapy not in a fucking moving van with me and my boss. I am so sorry.” You said to Yoongi who was trying very hard to pretend he wasn’t in the van at that exact moment.
“I didn’t ask to be in a moving van with you and your boss and I didn’t ask to be moved into the dorms today.” He argued back. 
“You’d rather still be on the couch at Aunt Vi’s? I can unload all this shit and cancel your room. I can totally do that right now.” You snapped at him.
Jihoon huffed angrily. Such a moody teen. 
“I’ll take that as a “no”,” you responded. “Yoongi, I am so sorry.”
“For the record, does your boss know our dad's a fucking psycho?” Your brother said in English. You had done terribly in English and hadn’t touched it since High School. You understood the word Fuck though and were getting ready to scold you brother 
Yoongi didn't want to overstep his bounds, but at the same time, your brother was being a rude little shit. The whole reason you had agreed to marry a guy you didn’t know was to take care of this ungrateful child. Before he could help himself, he responded in perfect English, “Yeah, I heard you dad was an asshole. And I'm sorry that happened to you. It shouldn’t have and it really sucks. But your sister works her ass off for you.”
Yoongi was pissed. You could tell that much by the tone. You understood sister and that was about it. Or maybe he said sweater. But it was probably sister. 
Your brother was clearly surprised by whatever he heard and also mildly irritated. “What do you know about any of that?”
“I know that in her job interview all she talked about was you and your little sister and how she worries about the two of you and that’s why she took a job where she is on call 24/7 and why she’s worked 2 jobs for the past 7 years.”
You understood the number 2. That was it. This was a passionate discussion on Yoongi’s part. You were getting ready to speak after several seconds of silence filled the van. 
Your brother twisted his body and looked at Yoongi. “---Do you….do you like my sister?””
More silence. What the hell were they talking about?
Yoongi cleared his throat and shifted uncomfortably, continuing to look straight ahead at the road. “I do. And we’re being rude by having a conversation that she can’t understand. So please stop it.”
Your brother paused for a moment before replying in Korean ”… Yes, hyung.” 
“If he's being rude let me know and I'll take his lunch money. I will literally untransfer funds.” You said, eyeing the two of them suspiciously. “I know how to say “fuck” in English and I definitely heard it.”
“It’s fine. It’s fine.” Yoongi replied. “Here, we can also listen to the word ‘fuck’ some more.” he turned the music back on. Since everyone else was having free therapy in the van, why not join? One song played before you all arrived at the dorms. 
“Go round up some strapping young men to carry these boxes. I have to find your RA.” You told your brother as Yoongi parked the van. He hopped out quickly, all too eager to escape. You rested your head against the headrest and pushed your hands against your eyes. “I am so sorry. Today has been a total nightmare. Worse than I even imagined.” You said, feeling like you might cry.
Yoongi sat there for a few seconds, reliving the afternoon. It had actually been mostly fun for him. “I had a good time. I got to meet your family and I got free soup.”
You looked over at him slightly bewildered. “We need to raise your standards for what a good day should look like Yoongi, because this was a total shit show.” 
“Hey, don’t cry. I hate it when people cry. Your brother has been through a lot. It’s fine. Really. I too was an angry rude teenager and I didn’t have nearly as good of a reason. Come on, let’s finish this shit and get the van back.” He unbuckled his seatbelt. 
You followed suit and entered the dormitory, following the signs. You introduced yourself to the RA, got the keys, and found your brother and two other guys standing outside the van. You recognized the one kid.
“Hey Noona,” He waved. You liked that one. 
Yoongi had apparently started unloading the boxes while you were meeting with the RA. You picked up one of the smaller boxes and headed up to the dorm. With the 5 of you, it didn’t take long to move all the boxes into the dorm.  You placed the soup into the mini-fridge. You sighed and looked around at the mountains of boxes, “Ok. Do you want me to stick around for the unpacking or….?” 
"No. We'll get it." Jihoon responded and walked with you out into the hallway. Yoongi was leaning against the wall near the elevators, scrolling through his phone. 
"Thanks. And I'm sorry about earlier." He said looking down. 
"It's OK, come here." You pulled him in for a hug. He was taller than you. When did that happen?  You squeezed extra tight and then pulled away, "Make sure to answer my texts or else I'll show up here. And I have your RA’s number. Got it?” 
"Yeah yeah." he looked around. 
You looked up at him and brushed some invisible dirt off his shoulder, "OK. I love you. "
" I love you too. "
With that you turned and joined Yoongi by the elevators." Let today end please. " You said, crossing your arms in front of your body. 
"Nope. Not yet. You still owe me dinner," he commented as the two of you entered the elevator. 
You sulked , "You got soup."
"You haven't eaten yet."
You shrugged. It was true. But you were upset and when you were upset you either wanted to eat everything or nothing. Today you felt like nothing. 
The two of you climbed into the van one last time. You rested your head against the window and listened to the music. Yoongi gripped the steering wheel tightly as ‘The Last’ began to play. 
He glanced a look over at you. Your jaw was firmly set and he saw tears rolling down your cheeks. Shit. This was not a good day for this. He paused the music. 
"Sorry, that's pretty heavy for today isn't it?" The car came to a stop at a light and the silence was palpable. 
You breathed out, trying to keep it level. "Sorry, just. You and my brother have that in common." You wiped your eyes as you tried not to cry. You took pride in generally being pretty stoic and good-natured. 
The light turned green. "I guess we're all just fucked up, huh?" 
You sniffled. "Yeah. It just hurts my heart to think about a world where you or my brother don't exist." 
Yoongi felt like someone had hit him with a ton of bricks. He swallowed through the lump forming in his throat as he managed a response, "Well, we're still here. That's what matters. Right?” He tried to sound positive.
“Yeah. I’m glad for that. Turn left.” NEXT CHAPTER @lidda  @anpanman-sonyeondan   @firefairy1  @cuteipat  @sugaslittlekookies  @janeelizabeth1216 @deeepvibes @gxldenhunny @livelyjay @niniita-ah​
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asmo-ds · 4 years
(1) i tried to think of a belphie one so here it is, sorry if it kinda bad👉🏻👈🏻 mc has been begging belphie to go to the human realm for xmas tgt but he isn't very sure about it since he did try to kill mc. since mc knows how much he used to love the human realm and humans he probably also loved xmas, they thought he would be excited to go.
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How to Love Christmas Again
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Belphegor x gn!MC
Word Count: 4295
Genre: Fluff
Summary: As the holiday season rolls around, MC requests to go back home and spend Christmas at their apartment in the human world. Diavolo agrees on the condition they bring a brother to protect them since they have pact marks yet no knowledge of how to use them. Who better to bring then their sleepy boyfriend, Belphegor, even if it means they have to avoid all other humans the whole week!
“Oh right, I almost forgot that was today,” A young Belphegor reaches under his bed to pull out the gift boxes Lucifer had helped him wrap for his twin and the young girl. Beel runs to his own bed bringing out his own gifts for his siblings.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Did you wrap these yourself, Lilith?” Beel giggles as he observes the horror show of wrapping paper around his gift from her.
“Well… I tried to but had trouble, so I asked Mammon and Leviathan for help - but then Leviathan got wrapped up in tape and it just turned into a mess,” she giggles with a blinding smile. “Anyways open your gifts!”
Belphegor watches as Beel unwraps the gift from their baby sister, revealing a box of freshly baked cookies she had made that morning. Beelzebub gave her a hug thanking her before he moved to watch Belphegor open his gift from Lilith.
He unwrapped the gift and saw a soft pillow covered in the pattern sported by cows. He smiles wide and wraps his arms around her in a tight embrace. 
“I sewed it myself, I hope it is soft enough,” she smiles at him. 
After they opened their gifts from Beel, a new blanket for Belphegor, and a new dress for Lilith, they moved on to Belphegor’s gifts.
“Don’t call me cheesy, okay?” He blushes as they pull out the shiny golden necklaces. Beelzebub held a necklace with a charm shaped like a sun and Lilith’s sporting a star. Belphie reached down his shirt and pulled out the necklace he had gotten for himself, a moon-shaped charm resting on the chain. 
“Belphie these are beautiful!” Lilith exclaims as Belphegor puts it around her neck.
“Think of these as a promise. A promise that we’ll always protect each other.”
The three sat in the circle agreeing and swearing to protect each other no matter the cost.
The Celestial war was the last time he saw those stars. He watched as the necklace flew off of her chest, blood splatter landing on it as the arrow penetrated her wing. He watched as the chain snapped from the force of Lilith’s body flying backward. He watched as he broke his promise to protect her-
Belphie sat straight up, breathing heavily as he woke up from the flashback. He stared straight ahead as he tried to refocus his breathing. Despite the darkness of the attic - he could see the outline of a person next to him. He glanced down at MC as he turned on a lamp. He grabbed their face and checked their pulse, letting out a sigh of relief as they stirred, blinking away the sleep from their tired eyes. 
“Belphie? You ok?” MC reaches up to wipe a tear he hadn’t even realized fell from his violet eyes.
He couldn’t respond, his mouth open as nothing but a choked sob came out. MC sat up and pulled him against their chest, rubbing his back soothingly.
“Another nightmare?” they ask, receiving a shaky nod in return. Belphegor looks at the digital clock that rested beside his bed and reads the numbers.
It was 2:03 AM on December 20th.
The next morning, MC and Belphie arrived at breakfast. “MC, the human world holiday season has arrived, Diavolo wants you to be prepared to talk to him this morning about how we can incorporate these human world festivities into our home to make you more comfortable during your stay,” Lucifer announces as MC helps him clean the dishes. 
“Actually… I was wondering if perhaps I could go home. Just for a week or so to see family and be in my own home. Christmas is special for me and I don’t really want to spend it in Hell.” 
Lucifer looks surprised at their request and opens his mouth, most likely to protest the idea saying it would be a hazard to send MC out to the human world, but he is interrupted by another voice, one belonging to the demon prince himself.
“Of course you can go home for the holidays! Though it may be riskier for you seeing as you now have pacts with all seven demon brothers yet have no idea how to use them. So I will allow you to go home but you will have to take a brother with you,” Diavolo states, causing Lucifer to turn around in surprise.
“I will go with them Diavolo I am the only one who can be trusted-”
“No Lucifer, this is a special holiday and I want you to allow MC to choose for themselves for once.”
MC’s mind immediately goes to Belphie. They thank Diavolo with a big hug due to their excitement and run up towards the attic in search of their sleepy boyfriend. 
“Belphie! Belphie!” They jump on the pile of blankets that hid his body beneath them.
“What?” He groans.
“Diavolo said I could go home for a week to celebrate Christmas!” They exclaim and he gives them a half-assed smile.
“Cool. Have fun,” He turns over intending to go back to sleep and not wake up until after the season has passed.
“He said I have to take a brother with me though, so I figured, you used to love the human world so why don’t you join me?” They smile sweetly at him.
He tenses and looks at the ground, avoiding their pleading eyes. “I can’t.”
“But why?!” They whine.
“Because… because I don’t want anybody to get hurt.” He turns to look at MC and they see the fear in his eyes, “what if I get angry again? What if I kill an innocent human while we’re there. MC I can’t go, I don’t want to hurt anybody-”
“Well then we’ll just have to stay inside, no big deal,” they shrug as if they hadn’t a care in the world. “I’ll go food shopping the first day so that we can eat, then we’ll hide out in my apartment all week watching Christmas movies and drinking hot cocoa and all that jazz.”
Belphegor looks at them with hope in his eyes as he contemplates whether or not to join them on their journey. 
“You pinky promise we won’t leave the apartment?” He looks at them with a very serious look, and they lean forward, lightly bonking their forehead against his. 
“I swear on my soul.” They state before leaning their head down to kiss him softly.
As they prepared to depart for their trip, Lucifer would not stop nagging Belphegor like a mom sending their kid off to summer camp.
“Don’t talk to any humans you don’t know, do you have mittens?! You can’t go without mittens, Belphegor, demons aren’t built for the cold you have to bundle up or else you’ll-” he is interrupted by Belphegor loudly saying his goodbye as he and MC stepped through the portal, landing in front of the apartment building where MC resided. The portal closed behind them and MC grabbed his hand, leading him into their apartment carrying his luggage.
“MC! Long time no see!” the security guard at the front desk smiles widely at them, “you on break from your exchange program in Sweden- or wherever it was you went- for the holidays?” He stands up and walks around the desk to talk more casually to the human.
“George! Yes I’m back, and this is my boyfriend, Belphie, I met him in the exchange program,” MC wraps themselves around Belphegor’s arm as he looks down shyly, afraid to look at any human other than MC.
“Nice to meet ya, Belphie. I’m George, you’ll probably see me a lot since I'm the head of security in this building,” the man reaches his hand out to shake Belphegor’s. Belphie nervously looks at MC who takes the hint and pipes up.
“Sorry about him! He’s Swedish, so he doesn’t really understand, plus he’s a germaphobe so he doesn’t shake hands,” they smile apologetically at the security guard who lowers his hand and gives a nod. 
“Tell him I said to enjoy his stay,” George says before walking off.
“Hey Belphie, George says to-”
“Yea I heard him, stupid,” he pokes MC’s cheek before they lead him to the elevator.
As MC reaches their front door and turns the keys they can see Belphie fidget, clearly nervous that they have yet to enter the privacy of MC’s home. 
MC uses one hand to push the door open and the other to rub their thumb soothingly over the demon’s knuckles. As soon as they shut the door it feels as if a thousand pounds had been lifted from his shoulders and he lets out a sigh.
“Ok, now that we’re here… do you want a tour?” MC chuckles, grabbing their boyfriend’s hand once more, leading him through the apartment and announcing the rooms as if they were a safari guide.
“Over here you see the bedroom. The natural habitat of an MC. The MC sleeps in this room and nearly never leaves it. This room is where things such as the mating season take place,” MC wiggles their eyebrows suggestively before giving an exaggerated wink, causing Belphegor to snort from how hard he was laughing.
“Your home is very cute, MC,” he compliments.
After picking up their room a bit and placing Belphie’s luggage in the bedroom, MC decides to set up their bed as a nest for them to cuddle in. Belphie and MC lay in the makeshift nest watching horribly hallmark Christmas movies and making fun of their plots before they eventually fall asleep, ending their first day in the human realm.
“Hey, be careful you three!” The white haired angel yells at three teens who run through a town decorated for Christmas.
“Woah! Belphie look!” Lilith grabs his shoulder and they look over to see a giant tree, all lit up (i know light bulbs probably didn’t exist in the era before Lilith died BUT we’re gonna pretend it do :D ) and covered in ornaments. 
“Oh, I think they’re gonna put the star on top now,” he, Lilith and Beel all push their way to the front of the crowd, ignoring Mammon calling for them to stay close to him.
“It’s so pretty!” Belphie looks at the young woman and his twin, smiling softly as they stare in awe at the shimmer lights as snow falls all around them in small soft flakes they melt on their skin. 
“I wish Lucifer, Asmo, and Leviathan weren’t so busy today-” Lilith frowns. “I know they really just didn’t want to come stand in the cold but… I really think if we could’ve convinced them to come they would have loved this.” Lilith smiles gently and looks back up at the twinkling lights of the star atop the giant pine tree before them, “I hope one day we can all see these lights together.”
“I doubt you’ll be able to get those guys down ‘ere, but ya guys got me!” Mammon catches up to them and smiles.
“Hey Mammon! Can we take a tree from the human world and decorate it at home?!” Lilith asks with a wide smile.
“Well it's a bit late this year, but next Christmas I pinky promise,” He raised his pinky towards her and they locked pinkies, bringing smiles to their faces.
But next Christmas never arrived for Lilith. It was on this trip that she met the human man who she fell for. It was mere months later that he fell ill and they were all cast down from the heavens. Bringing the death of Lilith and the birth of Satan.
Belphie slowly blinked as he winced away from the bright sunlight he wasn’t used to. He raised his nose to the air and smelled something good, so he stood and followed the scent to the kitchen. There he found MC in their pajamas, holding a pan with eggs over a plate that already had bacon and toast on it.
“Belphie!” They place down the pan and run to him, jumping onto him as he catches their thighs, wrapping themself around him as he holds them up, tightly embracing their small form and swinging back and forth playfully.
“Someone seems hyper this morning,” he lets go of MC and they climb down with a laugh.
 “I know you were nervous about coming here so I wanted to thank you for joining me with breakfast in bed… so go back to bed and let me surprise you!” Belphie rolls his eyes and climbs back into the bed, moments later MC enters holding the plate he had previously seen them preparing. “Tada! A traditional human world breakfast!”
They eat their breakfast and watch the news, Belphie accidentally laughing at some tragic events due to his demonic nature.
They spend some time decorating with some supplies MC had hidden away in the deepest depths of their closet. They hang a wreath on the inside of the front door and MC pulls out a fake mistletoe, hanging it on a ceiling lamp Belphie was underneath as he strung some lights around the room.
“What’s that thing?” He tilts his head upwards to look at it more closely.
“It’s a human world tradition, wanna try it out?” MC asks innocently.
“Sure why not, what do I have to do-” he’s interrupted by MC pulling his face down to his for a sweet kiss.
“It’s mistletoe, if you and someone else stand under it you have to kiss!” Belphie smiles and gives them one more kiss before looking back down into the box of decorations and spotting a star.
“Oh, this goes on top of the tree, right?” he asks and MC gives a small smile. 
“Yea but I don’t know if I’m going to be able to get a tree up here by myself, so we might have to skip that part-”
“We have to have a tree! That's the best part!” Belphie suddenly bursts out, immediately blushing embarrassed by his sudden enthusiasm. “Lilith used to love the trees.”
“Oh, then I’m sure we can find a way!” MC suddenly whips out their D.D.D, pressing a few buttons before raising it to their ear. “Hey Diavolo! I need a favor-”
“Here you two are, have fun decorating,” Diavolo says as they finish screwing a tree he and Lucifer had hauled up to MC’s apartment.
“Honestly, I don’t think you should have called us for this,” Lucifer shakes his head with annoyance.
“Yea you shouldn’t have come to the human world for a Christmas tree, you never could do it for Lilith when she begged-” Belphie scoffs, making Lucifer shoot a glare his way.
“Lucifer and Belphie please behave yourselves, you are representing the Devildom here in MC’s apartment,” Diavolo places a hand on Lucifer’s shoulder.
(from here to the dash mark is a tiny itty bitty bit of Dialuci fluff as a small little bonus)
The three men suddenly hear some snickering as MC looks above Diavolo and Lucifer, causing everyone else to look up in return. They all looked up at the mistletoe that hung above them and MC and Belphie looked at each other with mischief in their eyes.
“Oh yea, Lord Diavolo MC taught me a fun human world tradition, would you two like to give it a try,” Belphie gives an evil smirk.
“Of course, Lucifer you join too!”
As Belphegor explained the tradition Lucifer grew extremely flustered and tried to argue his way out of it, losing in the end as the demon prince was too enthusiastic to participate in human culture and kissed him on the lips with little to no hesitation.
The men left, one beaming with excitement and the other sulking but blushing.
MC wrapped the lights around the tree, occasionally tripping over the long tangled wire. Belphie grabbed some tinsel, tossing it around the tree as MC finished the lights.
MC pulled out the normal ornaments first, handing some to Belphie to hang alongside them.
Then they got to the ones with meaning behind them.
“Baby’s first Christmas?” Belphie reads off the ornament shaped like a cradle.
“Oh yea, that’s from my first Christmas! It has my birthstone in there as well, see!”
As they dig through the ornaments and MC tells stories behind them all he can’t help but smile as he gets to know his lover deeper than he had before.
After hours of this, they finish and star at the star that had yet to be placed on top of the tree.
“Do you want put it on, Belphie?” MC smiles up at him.
“Me? Are you sure?”
“Of course this is your first time decorating for Christmas you said so you should get the full experience!” MC hands him the star and he looks at it, a bit nervous before feeling MC’s lips on his cheek, a silent cheer of encouragement.
He climbs the step ladder MC had placed next to the tree and places the star on, plugging it into the wall as it lit up with white lights.
MC runs to turn off the lights so they can see the Christmas light better and Belphie takes a step back, a big smile on his normally sleepy face.
They stand and stare at the tree happily for a few moments before MC excuses themselves to go make dinner. Belphie lays down on the bed and decides to take a power nap while MC cooks. 
“Ah, I’m so sorry sir!” Lilith exclaimed as she accidentally bumped into the shoulder of a young man. 
“No worries, having a lady as breath-taking as yourself bump into me must be my Christmas gift,” the man compliments the Angel before introducing himself.
“Lilith!” Belphegor calls after having searched for them for half an hour, he finally spotted them blushing as they chatted with a human man. Her three brothers watched from afar to ensure her safety, but allowed them to hang out together for a few more minutes.
“Lilith, we need to head back home now,” Mammon interrupted the pair, bringing a frown to his baby sister’s face. He walks away to let them say their goodbyes.
“Oh, uh, sir, I would love to see you again sometime, could we perhaps meet here in the center of town in three days time?” She asks with hope in her eyes and rosy cheeks. 
“Of course, I will wait here for you to return.” Belphie overheard their goodbyes and got slight chills, happy that his sister seemed excited, but fearful because he knew that love between Angel and human was something not taken lightly.
When they got home, Belphegor and Beelzebub sat and listened to their sister speak of the man and how they were going to return and see him soon. So every three days, the four of them travelled down to the human world, creating a new tradition. One day Lilith started going by herself, more frequently and sometimes spending days in the human world, staying with her new lover.
Belphegor was so happy to see his sister happy and he thanked Christmas for existing as he knew that if it didn’t she would never have met the person who gave her so much life. But now he couldn’t help but curse the wretched holiday as it caused her to meet the person she would give her life trying to heal.
Belphegor woke up the next morning with MC still in bed, sleeping next to him.
He smiled down at the human and thought to himself how hypocritical he was. He had been so mad at Lilith’s lover for her death and claimed loving humans if you were not human was wrong, but here he was staring with pure adoration at a human he was proud to call his.
MC stirred and looked up into sleepy violet eyes before slightly sitting up for a kiss.
They both got ready for the day, brushing their teeth, changing into new clothes and eventually arriving in the kitchen for breakfast.
“Ok, funny story,” MC laughs nervously as they open the cabinets, meeting nothing but air, “we are out of food and I’m going to have to go shopping. So you can either stay here alone or join me. It’s completely up to you.”
Belphegor weighs his options before a small voice in the back of his head tells him to join his significant other in public and protect them from witches or other supernatural creatures that may see the pact marks that adorned their skin.
They unplug the tree to avoid a fire and bundle up to avoid hypothermia. 
MC holds his hand the whole way, soothing any nerves he had. They tried to crack some jokes to make him feel less awkward but they eventually stopped as it didn’t seem to help him. 
As they shopped Belphie’s vice grip on MC’s hand loosened to a casual hold instead of a fearful one. 
“This is actually… kind of nice,” he mumbled as he looked around at the humans shopping, some kids horsing around as their mother tried to reign them in, an old couple slowly making their way down the aisle, a father trying to make his infant laugh at his funny faces.
“See, I told you it wouldn’t be so bad,” MC smiles at him sweetly.
They finished up their shopping and paid for their groceries before leaving. On the way home Belphegor made MC stop so they could look at a snow covered park where parents sat and watched their children and he saw some dogs run after frisbees and snowballs their owners had thrown.
The whole way home Belphie couldn’t stop smiling as he watched humans enjoy their lives despite theirs being so short compared to his own.
Then he saw a young lady bump into a man, apologizing before they struck up a conversation. He saw Lilith and her lover for half a second before blinking and seeing the strangers once more. 
When they arrived home and got settled in, putting away the groceries and getting back into their PJs, they sat in front of the TV, watching some show MC wanted to catch up on while they were home where it aired.
A commercial came on that Belphie had seen the night before. It was a Christmas movie that was apparently a “remake” of a story about some green man in the mountains stealing a holiday. He saw on the screen it was apparently ‘in theaters now’, so he turned to the human beside him.
“Hey MC… do you think maybe we could go see that tonight?” he smiled shyly and MC sat up and gave him a soft kiss.
“Of course! I’m glad to see you finally feel good about going outside.”
“I mean… movie theaters are just dark rooms you sit in watching a giant screen for a bit,” he shrugs, clearly still a bit nervous about being around other humans.
“Ok, it is still a start though!” MC hugs him before going onto their phone and looking for movie times.
At the end of the movie MC and Belphie walked out hand in hand, him acting much more natural than when they had first arrived.
They returned to the apartment building and were once again greeted by the security guard, George. 
“MC! MC’s boyfriend! Have a nice date?” he smiles at the pair.
“Yes! We saw a movie!” Belphie tries to put on his best Swedish accent and watches as the security guard looks surprised. 
“Very nice!” George smiles at him, talking very slowly to ensure Belphie could understand him.
Belphie continued to communicate in short and simple sentences in his god awful attempt at an accent. After they left the lobby, MC and Belphie broke into laughter.
“That was awful” MC laughs out, clutching their stomach.
“I only knew how the accent sounded from that show you were watching last night,” he responds, also laughing very hard.
The rest of the night, Belphie and MC make plans for the remainder of their time in the human world. 
The next day they went Ice Skating, Belphie falling over a lot before finally getting the hang of it. Though, by the time he got it, he was exhausted and falling asleep on the ice. MC had to hurry home so he didn’t knock out on the sidewalk.
The day after that was Christmas, and Belphie was grateful he hadn’t had any dreams to upset him the past few days.
He had bought MC a gift before they left the Devildom and MC had left to go get him one yesterday when he fell asleep. They both handed each other gifts and unwrapped them at the same time.
“A blanket that matches my pillow!” Belphie exclaims with a big smile, holding the cow print cloth up to get a better view of it. He wraps it around himself as MC finishes getting the wrapping off of his gift to them.
“Oh wow… Belphie this is beautiful,” they lift the necklace up and place the star shaped charm in their palm.
“I had it custom made,” he pulls his own necklace out from under his shirt, “Beel has one too, the third one, that is shaped like stars too, is on Lilith’s tomb under the house. You came and changed me, MC. I want you to know I don’t see you as Lilith, but you are still a piece of my family, and I promise to protect you forever.”
Belphie was certain he would never see the blood on those stars again, he would protect MC with his life and never let them get hurt by anyone or anything.
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misslilli · 3 years
Felix Felicis
MSR. AU. PG-13. | tagging @today-in-fic | AO3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
Chapter 14 - Last Chance For Spotting A Rainbow
If you know you know ;)
[ FM ]
The second Friday in school marks the end of the grace period for the first-grade parents where they can accompany their kids all the way to the classroom. From now on, we wait for them in front of the school with the other parents.
It also ends the grace period where I can “casually” bump into Miss Scully in front of her classroom and I’m a little disappointed, to say the least.
This morning though, I get lucky because when we enter the school, we run into her on the way from the teacher’s lounge to the classroom, a stack of books in her arms and a cup of coffee perched perilously on top of them.
Felix is ecstatic. “Good morning, Miss Scully!,” he yells from across the front hall and tugs me towards her.
She stops and waits for us, her coffee cup wobbling. “Good morning, Felix! Mr. Mulder!”
“Good morning! Do you need help with that?” I gesture towards her books but the shakes her head no.
“No, no, I’m fine, thanks. So Felix, you got any big plans for this weekend?” They’re walking in front of me and I’m proud of myself that I steal a glance at her ass only once. Okay and one at her legs. ‘Those heels, oh boy. Another pair to add to my inappropriate fantasies, in most of which she always wears heels. And nothing else.’
“Yeah, we’re going to the farmer’s market tomorrow! Have you ever been there Miss Scully?” Felix swigs his schoolbag along, his gaze never leaving her.
“Actually, me and my friends go there every Saturday, so maybe we’ll run into you guys there!” I somehow get the feeling that if Felix gets any say in this, we’ll be spending the whole day there until we run into her.
When we reach the classrooms, she finally lets me help her out. “Could you get my keys please? They’re in my back pocket. Just pull on the lanyard.” ‘Oh Lord. They’re in the freaking back pocket of her jeans. Of course they are. I just can’t seem to catch a break.’
Biting back a dirty joke – which I’m 100% positive she wouldn’t appreciate – I do as told and tug on the lanyard, unlocking her classroom door and opening the door for her. I briefly wonder if I should just put the keys back where they were, but the thought alone almost gives me a heart attack, so instead, I loop the lanyard with her keys around her neck and she smiles thankfully.
“Thanks. Have a good weekend, Mulder boys!”
After school, I don’t see her again because they’re, as Felix informs me, in the gym already. But I’m treated to a story about her in recess in the car.
“So I was sitting on the teacher’s bench again today and Miss Scully was talking to Miss Anderson and you know how they’re kind of weird and only ever use the first letters of their names? Miss Anderson always calls her “D” and I’ve been wondering forever what it stands for.” Yes I do know, I had to get him the book of first names from our library’s top shelf. Also, a kid’s definition of forever will never cease to amaze me. It’s been a few days, tops. I wait for him to continue.
“… and then, Miss Anderson said it, dad! She said: ‘Dana, I’m not sure this is gonna work!’ Now I finally know! …Dana.”
I nod, but on the inside, I sincerely hope that he hasn’t made the obvious connection, that her name is almost eerily similar to his mother’s first name. Just one letter.
[ DS ]
That night, we order Chinese takeout, none of us particularly interested in cooking and we gather around the kitchen table. Sarah passes out the chopsticks while Holly opens a bottle of Shiraz, our classes clinking together for a toast. “Two weeks down! So girls, how was your week? Any juicy stories?,” Sarah asks, looking around at us expectantly.
“Well… I could tell you about that really awful date I had this week with Mark the banker, on which he made a move 10 minutes into the conversation buuuut I get the feeling someone else might have more interesting stories.” Holly points her chopsticks at me and grins, waggling her eyebrows. My own chopsticks pause halfway to my mouth.
“Me? Why?” I ask innocently, stuffing a piece of spring roll into my mouth.
“Very funny! You wanna tell me why I saw a very handsome dad leave your classroom all smiley faced on Tuesday?” ‘Busted.’
“What?! Mr. Mulder? How did I miss this?” Sarah looks at the both of us incredulously.
“Because your classroom isn’t across from D’s and you didn’t happen to look out through the window to see Dopey McSmileypants leave! So D, spill it, and don’t leave anything out!” I shrug nonchalantly.
“I asked a mom to help with read-alouds but her kid was sick, so since Mr. Mulder happened to stand there, I asked him if he could do it. Of course, the kids were all over him with questions, who are you, what are you doing here, you know how curious they are. He was a big hit with them, though, they absolutely loved him.” ‘They’re not the only ones though’
“Bet they weren’t the only ones who loved him, huh?” Damn Sarah for reading my mind! I laugh uncomfortably, shifting in my seat, but I nod. It was really nice to have him in my classroom. To cover for the fact that I’m not telling them the whole story, I help myself to some Kung-Pao Chicken. Sarah catches on anyway, of course she does.
“Wow, that’s mighty nice of him, to take an hour out of his workday to help you out! But I get the feeling that there’s more to the story, what aren’t you telling us, D?”
“Well… after he left, the kids had even more questions, they practically fell over each other, why are your cheeks so red Miss Scully, is he my boyfriend, or is he my husband? And… I caught myself thinking ‘Ya, I wish!’ …” I trail off, a little embarrassed at my admission.
“Man this is some serious Romeo and Juliet shit that’s going on here, D. So we’ve established that you like him, we suspect that he likes you too, judging by the glazed over look on his face when you walk by and he thinks no-one is watching. What’s the hold-up then?”
“Please don’t tell me we’re still hung up on the people talk – good reputation bs!” If I had hoped that the conversation would not take this turn, Holly quickly extinguishes it.
“I don’t know, guys… it’s not complete bs though, you know how I hate when people gossip about me behind my back, and dating the new guy in town puts me in a spotlight that I’m not particularly comfortable being in. I guess what’s worse however is that I’m scared. Like, terrified, of putting my heart out there again after that 2 year on-again-off-again shitshow with Steve last year.”
“That narcissistic asshole…,” Holly mutters under her breath and the others nod, remembering when I had finally hit emotional rock-bottom last year, after I realized that he’d gaslighted me over and over again, resulting in me having a mental breakdown curled up on the cold bathroom floor.
“My anxiety has been badever since, it’s getting better with therapy, but still… I just know I’ll screw it up. I’m damaged goods.” Alex, who hasn’t said anything yet, listening intently, finally speaks up.
“That’s not true, D. You’re getting help and you know we’re always there for you.” – “Yeah, we’ll kick anybody’s ass who dares to hurt you!” – “Don’t interrupt me, S. If he’d ask you out on a date, do you think you’ll say yes?” I consider this for a moment.
“I’m not sure. I don’t really know anything about him except that he seems to be a great dad and that he believes in aliens…” Holly bursts out laughing at the last part.
“What? Aliens?” I tell them the story that took place with the PTA parents in front of the school and the others join Holly’s laughter and I’m grateful that the conversation has taken a lighter turn.
“That’s too funny... You know, he could really learn a thing or two from his son, he asked us to his and his dad’s birthday party today at recess! It was so sweet, guys, I can’t even… We’re all invited, by the way – I think it’s going to be quite the event!” Felix had come up to Sarah and me today, holding out an official invitation and one that he had made himself, just for us.
“Yay, a party, I love me a good party! So, are we going to go?” Holly looks at us questioningly. Sarah only scoffs, rolling her eyes.
“Are you kidding? Of course we’re going to go!”
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twokinkybeans · 4 years
Hello! I absolutely love all of your stories! I have a request, can you do a Starker story where Peter and his class go on a field trip to stark tower? I don’t really mind what happens there I just really want to see the ship. If you can thanks so much 💗
Tower Excursions - Chapter 1: Science Rules
(Read it on AO3)
Summary: Peter is 9 years old. Parents still alive. Still friends with Flash. They go on an excursion to Stark Industries, right before the events of Iron Man 2. Side note: Tony is not romantically/sexually interested in Peter until chapter 3, when they are in an established relationship. Warnings: Even though Peter and Flash are still friends in this chapter, Flash is already bullying him. Other than that, not much, tbh?
Rating: Mature (just to be sure for later on lol).
I hope you enjoy! -Lien
“Mister Thompson, you’re old enough to know you shouldn’t stand in a driving bus, please take a seat,” the young teacher sighs while tightening the pony tail on her head. They’re nearly at Stark Tower now, so obviously it was difficult for most students to keep their cool. They all showed it in their own way. Flash got even more talkative and jumpy, something Peter never understood. They’re best friends, have been since kindergarten, and they know each other inside and out. When excitement hit Peter, he turned more inward, like a star waiting to implode, as opposed to Flash’s bomb waiting to explode. They were opposites, yet it fit. Obviously, the school wanted to go to Stark Tower to get them interested in science and technology, something both Flash and Peter already kind of were. However, anybody who cared even the slightest, was more excited to get a glimpse of Tony Stark. Of Iron Man. The metal hero. Even though the chances were slim, they couldn’t help but bounce on the bus seats. Because, what if… The class was going to go and do some kind of interactive walk through the building’s public spaces, with one special look inside a child-friendly lab. Erica had quietly asked how they would be able to get inside a dog and Mrs. Marie had to calmly explain that a laboratory and a Labrador are two very different things. … About two hours after they arrived, they’re in the child-friendly lab. During the tour of the building, nearly everyone forgot about Tony Stark. The place itself is wonderous and gigantic. It’s filled with moving gadgets and displays of future technology. The famous Arc Reactor gets promoted on pretty much every banner they pass. The students were allowed way more than they were at Oscorp two weeks earlier. Stark Industries sure sparked the kids’ interest in science and technology, as was the goal of this trip. Most of the other students were involved in the interactive tests, but Peter had seen all of that fairly quickly. He wanted to know more about the science behind it- he didn’t just want to watch it happen. Peter was all over the place. He’s wearing his dad’s favorite “Science Rules” cap – he was allowed to borrow it for the day – and bounces from desk to desk, asking endless questions that the pedagogically trained scientists answered accordingly. Some seemed surprised by Peter’s brightness, but the young boy didn’t really notice as he was usually quickly distracted by the next shiny project someone else was working on. With a short: “Thank you, bye!” he made his way to the other scientists in the room. “Peter, check this out!” Peter rushes towards Flash, who called for him. The boy has his face pressed against a glass balustrade that looks out over four levels of open space. “What is it?” Peter asks as he mimics Flash’s pose, pressing his open palms and his nose on the surface. “Are you blind?!” Flash exclaims, nodding at the ground floor, two floors below them. Peter follows his friend’s gaze and gasps when he spots him. “Tony Stark!” Both kids immediately waddle their feet in their place, not daring to look away from the legend who is having a casual chat with a red-haired woman. Peter and Flash giggle with delight, but eventually fall silent. “We should go say hi,” Flash whispers. “We- We can go say hi!” “As if! I’m not going down there,” Peter replies, not taking his eyes off Tony. “He’s probably super busy.” Peter is startled when he notices Flash reaching out for him. The boy grabs Peter’s father’s cap from his head and swiftly tosses it over the balustrade. “Flash! No!” Peter shouts as he stands up straight to reach over the fence in an attempt to grasp the cap. When he fails, all both kids can do is watch the hat fall and fall and fall and it seems to take forever before… Thunk. Flash’s face pales and he runs off, leaving Peter – who is frozen in fear – behind. The boy is stuck, clutching the balustrade with both hands as he stares wide-eyed at how Tony Stark picks up the cap that hit his shoulder on the way down. He reads the words that are on it and then looks up, making eye contact with Peter. The boy is so caught up that he barely notices security freaking out around Tony for what happened, but the man dampens the situation by raising the cap above his head and pointing at it with his free hand, nodding up at Peter. “This yours?” … Peter took the blame. He didn’t want Flash to get in trouble and so, both he and Mrs. Marie get taken to a separate room by security. The woman chuckles nervously, certain that she screwed up for losing track of Peter, and that she’ll never be allowed back in Stark Industries. Peter just feels massive guilt for inconveniencing so many people. After a minute of scared silence, the door opens. “But, sir-“ “It’s alright.” Peter perks up at the voice he has heard on TV so much. He turns, jaw slack, as he looks up in awe at Tony Stark, wearing his cap. The man’s attention turns from the security guard to Peter. “Mister Stark, I am so sorry-“ Mrs. Marie stands up and squeezes her hands together, bowing her head in shame. “Don’t worry about it. If I didn’t want things like this to happen I wouldn’t have opened my labs to youngsters.” Something about Tony’s words seems off, like he was frustrated that she distracted him from why he was here. “You can go, I wanna talk to the boy. Alone.” “Tha- sir, that’s highly unorthodox-“ Mrs. Marie protests, but one stern look has her press her lips together. “Just wanna talk about the cap.” Tony shows a tight smile and gestures at the door. “Besides, I believe you still have three hours left to keep an eye on your other students during this excursion.” Mrs. Marie rushes out after quickly thanking Tony for not being in trouble. He leaves the door open and sits down in the desk chair opposite Peter. “Richard Parker?” Tony says casually as he places his feet on top of the desk and cocking his head. He takes off the cap and shows the little label with the handwritten name inside of it. “Tha- ehm…” Peter stutters. “My dad,” he pushes out quickly. “Huh,” Tony says with a curt nod, turning the cap to look at the front again. “Smart guy. Had a couple chats with him a while back.” Peter’s eyes widen in shock. “You know my dad?” “I mean, he’s not in my phone’s contact list, but we’ve had some talks at conventions before.” Tony puts his feet down and leans forward. His elbows rest on the desk. Peter frowns slightly when he sees some dark lines in Tony’s neck. Are those his veins? “Which has me wonder if you’re bright as he is.” “I’m nine,” Peter retorts without thinking. Tony snorts surprised and can’t help a chuckle. “You sure are.” The man seems to ponder for a bit and then he tosses the cap on the desk. “Tell you what, kid.” Peter swallows, scared that this is the hour of reckoning. As much as Tony doesn’t seem angry, Peter is still afraid that he will get punished for what happened. “You get to ask me one question.” The boy frowns again, so Tony quickly continues. “If it’s a good one, you get your cap back and you can go.” Peter opens his mouth, immediately knowing what to say, but Tony raises his index finger, stopping the kid from talking with just a gesture. “If it’s a great one, I’ll give you a tour of the place myself.” Peter immediately wants to ask what the difference between a good and a great question is, but realizes that would be an immediate throwaway of the one question he is allowed to ask. The stakes are high, he can’t screw this up. He licks his lips and takes a breath. His head bows down to look at his fiddling fingers and then back up, noticing the faint glow coming through Tony’s dress shirt. “I read somewhere that the arc reactor uses cool fusion to regulate temperature…” Tony’s eyebrows shoot up surprised. “But I- when we went to Oscorp two weeks ago, we talked about nuclear energy and there someone said the most ideal element to use for cool fusion is palladium.” Peter swallows. “If that is in your body… How do you keep it from poisoning you?” The man’s jaw tightens and his expression sterns. “Still working on that,” he mumbles, nearly quiet enough for it to go past Peter. Peter blinks. Once. Twice. Did he just ask a question even Tony Stark himself has no answer to? No sound is made for a full minute. Peter can hear his heartbeat thump between his ears, though his breathing is slow. “How old did you say you are?” Utter disbelief seeps from Tony’s words. “Nine, sir.” “Jesus Christ.” “Does that mean it was a great question?” This time, it’s Tony who blinks. Once. Twice. “Yes, kid.”
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tropicsunflower · 4 years
Another daily dose of casual conversations between me and Emily @emiijemii
Emily- Y/n
Me- The Darkling
Y/n: Hello world I’m your wild girl-
*The Darkling raises an eyebrow in annoyance*
Y/n: -I’m your ch-ch-ch-ch-cherrybomb
(She slightly shimmies her shoulders with the “ch-ch-ch-“)
Darkling: Y/N sit down and be quiet before I feed you to the Volcra on our next trip across the fold.
Y/n: 👀-
Y/n: Bet
D: Excuse me?
Y/n: At least they’ll appreciate me for the delicious snack that I am
Ivan: *chokes*
D: *smirking* If you truly want to be fed to the Volcra I’m sure I can arrange that on our next trip across the fold. I don’t really care either way.
Y/n: *shrugs* I don’t want anything, but if that’s what you’re gonna do then it is what it is
D: Are you not afraid to die?
Y/n: Have you met my generation?
D: *rolls eyes* Yes I’m training them. They’re stupid.
Y/n: No, we just really don’t care
D: At least it makes you good soldiers
Y/n: *mumbles*...great, good for you 😑
D: *smirks because he knows he won the argument* It is. Now sit down and shut up before I follow through with that plan.
Y/n: You should be careful... You have a bunch of kids with advanced abilities- and I don’t know about them, but me personally? Where I’m from, we were raised on the Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, Harry Potter- Oh, and have gone through school shootings like it’s normal, during school we live with the same amount of stress psych ward patients had about 60-70 years ago, and have dealt with a global pandemic...If you think backwards looking dragon who’s afraid of daylight is going to scare me, you’re hilarious 😁
D: *raises an eyebrow* challenge accepted
Y/n: Oh come on, like you would actually waste an entire trip to the fold just on one little person. Unlike everyone else here, you don’t scare me, Shadow Man. *turns and walks towards the doors*
D: *Shrugs* your right but I could just toss you into the dungeons until the next trip across the fold or I could cut you in two.
Y/n: *can’t help but giggle as she reaches the doors* I love how this started from me absentmindedly singing *shakes her head*
D: I prefer silence when I’m working.
Y/n: I didn’t even realize I was doing it- okay, fine- Yes Bwana, yes *bows twice* *spins around trying to get around the guards at the door*
D: Maybe I was wrong about your generation. You can’t even address me properly *rolls eyes*
Y/n: Ooo, strike one! *turns to face him placing her hands behind her back*
Y/n, adds: Keep trying. You might actually hit the ball this time. *grins*
D: What are you going on about now?
Y/n: *gives a soft chuckle* Nothing...just having a little fun *smiles, glancing at the floor for a moment* There’s your answer, by the way.
D: *rolls eyes* get out before I kill you.
Y/n: *smiles softly* Yes, Bwana. *steps between the guards trying to leave*
D: *to Ivan* I’m going to kill her one of these days I swear
Y/n, walking down the corridor: *smiles, overhearing him* You enjoy it and you know it!
*calls over her shoulder, her voice carrying through the corridor, slightly echoing*
D: Doesn’t mean I won’t kill you
Y/n: *whirls around in the middle of the corridor* So you do like me!
D: *signing a document* I don’t like anybody. Now shoo, you’re being a pest.
*Y/n stays put out in the corridor*
Y/n, in a sing-song voice: You’re lyinggg *grins, thoroughly enjoying this as her words softly echo into his study*
D: I thought I told you to go away? Ivan remove the pest
Y/n: I am removed! I’m out in the corridor *spins around once, her black kefta flowing around her* Last time I checked, the corridor was fair game.
*Y/n takes full notice of how he didn’t deny that he was lying*
D: Pest. Ivan take her to visit Baghra. Maybe the old woman can straighten her out.
Y/n: Baby. I’ve already seen her once today!
D: So go visit her again.
Y/n: No!
*steps backwards as Ivan steps out of the study and into the corridor so Y/n throws out her hands casting ice at Ivan’s feet freezing them to where he stands mid stride outside the doorway*
Y/n: You just had to kill the moment didn't you
D: I gave you an order. Now follow it.
Y/n: Alright...but if I leave, how will you know if I actually went to go see Baghra? I could’ve gone to the kitchens or my room or to hang out with the children in their class out by the lake!
Y/n adds, jokingly, to poke fun: I think it would be so much more fun if you made me.
D: *growls* and I think it would be more fun to let Ivan kill you.
Y/n: Honey, he’s frozen to the floor. *glances over at Ivan with a smile, watching my try to pull himself out of the ice with no avail*
Y/n: I’d love to see how that goes.
D: *rolls eyes* He’s a Heartrender you imbecile. All he needs are use of his hands
Y/n: Oh yes, thank you for reminding me- *she throws out her hands, opening her palm, casting more ice at Ivan, creating a frozen cocoon around him from the waist down, locking his arms in the ice by his sides*
*Y/n smiles, beaming at D, completely ignoring Ivan’s frustrated groaning*
*Y/n giggles scrunching her nose*
D: *Growls storming into the hall* Let’s go. *grabs her by the arm* I’ve had enough of you
Y/n: Bye Ivan!
Ivan: W-What?
Y/n: *bites her lip trying not to giggle anymore as D pulls her down the hall*
D: *over his shoulder to another Oprichniki* Have an Inferni melt the ice and a healer tend to him. I’ll be back in a bit.
D: *to Y/n* you’re turning out to be more trouble than you’re worth.
*Y/n stops, yanking her arm from his grip*
Y/n: I’m only playing and teasing, Shadow Man. When was the last time someone wasn’t utterly terrified of you and cracked a joke around you?- And besides, I never expected you to be one to back down from a challenge.
D: I’m not but you’re grating on my last nerve.
Y/n: So sue me, I enjoy it *she raises her arm for him to grab again*
D: *looks at her arm, then back at her* let’s just go. I have important work to do.
Y/n: Where are we going?
D: I’m bringing you to your room.
Y/n: Are you grounding me? *tries not to smile*
D: Putting you on house arrest.
Y/n: So, you are grounding me. *Y/n feels his grip on her arm tighten as he drags her through the little castle*
Y/n, mumbles to herself with a smile: I’m gonna love the peace and quiet…
D: that makes two of us
*Y/n laughs heartily, almost tripping as she tries to keep up with D*
Y/n: Oh you’ll miss me. I’m the only one in this castle that talks to you like a normal person.
Y/n: I may drive you crazy sometimes, but you like it.
D: If that’s what you think then you’re clearly delusional
Y/n: Am I? *giggles* Not 5 minutes ago, you inadvertently admitted that you enjoy our little arguments and banter and you didn’t deny it when I called you a liar for saying you don’t like anyone!
D: I didn’t say I did either. You still have a lot to learn little girl
Y/n: I’m not trying to say you have feelings for me if that's what you think.
D: I wasn’t thinking that. Where did you even get that idea?
Y/n: I’m only clarifying, just in case.
*Y/n notices the stares of other grishas watching The Darkling personally drag her up the stairs*
Y/n mutters this quietly, thinking it’s in her head: Does raise a question, though…
D: what?
*Y/n snaps her attention to D as they reach the top of the first staircase*
Y/n: Pardon?
D: Nothing. Ignore them. They don’t know how to mind their own business
Y/n: Can’t really blame them. I’d probably stare too, seeing you personally drag somebody around the castle instead of a pair of your Oprichniki dragging them.
D: Considering you froze one of them in the middle of the hallway and refused to listen when I told you to go away. A personal escort was needed
Y/n: You’re just so much fun to mess with. *bites her lip trying to contain herself*
D: *mutters* You’re generation really is stupid. *opens door to room and shove her inside* stay here until your lesson with Baghra tomorrow. Until then this door stays shut.
Y/n: Yes Bwana, yes.
*Y/n interrupts him before he could respond*
Y/n: by the way, it’s not my generation it’s just me. Because I am the only one who behaves like this around you. Everyone else is either too busy being afraid or trying to impress you.
D: *smiling the tiniest bit* Brave choice. Still a stupid one. Good night Y/n
Y/n: *smiles* Goodnight D...enjoy your peace and quiet.
D: I plan too. *closes door*
Y/n calls through the door: I hope the boot-licking, suck-up’s don’t give you too much of a big head!
Y/n, to herself: If they do, I’ll pop him like a balloon when I get out of here…
D: Good luck trying little girl!
Y/n: How did you even hear that last part?! Are you standing right outside my door?- thats creeeepy!
D: *walking away* I hear everything!
Y/n: You WERE!
D: Believe what you want, good night pest!
Y/n: So are you, but you’re such a baby
*Y/n bites her lip, successfully not giggling to herself as she waits for his reaction*
D: *smirking* Funny coming from a child centuries younger than me
*Y/n smiles and pulls the door open more, leaning against the doorframe*
Y/n: 1. You’re a man so it’s a give-in, 2. You can’t handle someone absentmindedly singing, or trying to playing with you, tease you, you tattle on me to Ivan- you’re whiney little baby.
D: *keeps walking over his shoulder* Maybe I do enjoy it but don’t want anyone to know
*Y/n smiles then catches her bottom lip between her teeth to hide it even though he’s not looking*
Y/n: I know...maybe I enjoy making it harder for you
D: I know you do. Doesn’t make it any less annoying
*Y/n giggles*
Y/n, calls after him: Yes, but Saints, you’re so entertaining when you’re all worked up.
D: *smirks and looks back at her* ya know that’s usually what someone says to a person they have feelings for. See you in a few days Y/n. Enjoy the peace and quiet. *disappears around a corner*
*Y/n stares wide eyed at the corner he disappeared around, her face flushed*
Y/n: Oh, bite me. *she grumbled, in case he’s still listening around the corner and goes back into her room*
D: *smirks as he walks back into his office*
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sombreboy · 4 years
Dare | yandere!jjk
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▎ sfw ▎ xtremity; 1 ▎ pairing: jjk x female reader ▎ word count: 1.6k 
Y/N kisses Jungkook for a dare, but he takes it seriously.
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''I dare you to kiss Jungkook.''
You laugh dismissively at the comment, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear,
''Seriously, Taehyung? Why would I do that?''
Your roommate smiles at you with a shit eating grin, he's always up to no good with his stupid dares. This has been a game that the two of you have kept at for years for shits and giggles, and with time they became more and more ridiculous.
More and more interesting.
''Because, Y/N,'' He pauses as he takes a bite from his burger, a food he'd never be able to have enough of apparently. How he hasn't suffered from a heart attack yet is an enigma to you, considering all the grease he consumed on a daily basis, ''It'll be the most hilarious dare.''
You scrunch your nose at him, looking at him for a moment. The two of you remain eyecontact for mere seconds before breaking out into a fit of laughter, and he continues,
''Seriously, I dare you to kiss him. On the lips and everything! He's your best friend, isn't he? He can take a joke!''
You ponder no longer, nodding with a mischievious smile now pulling at your own lips,
''Challenge accepted, then.''
Later that evening you went out with all of your friends, including Jungkook, to some random college party that seems to be happening more often than not. This time, Jimin had suggested for everyone to come as this was gonna be at one of the wealthier kids' grand apartment. Most likely paid for by the parents, no one else our age would've been able to afford something like this.
Jimin and Hoseok lead the group, followed by you with Jungkook & Taehyung on each side. Behind you, keeping a certain distance were Namjoon, Seokjin & Yoongi.
While finally inside, the group slowly disbanded to find drinks and mingle in their own way, and you idly stood by a wall in the living room, still between Jungkook and Taehyung.
''Remind me once more, why we're here again.'' Jungkook whines as he glances over at you with his arms crossed over his chest.
You smile, feeling the nudge of Taehyung's elbow in your side,
''Because Jimin didn't want to go alone.''
Jungkook scoffs, ''He needed all seven of us for that?... You know what, Jimin probably would, huh...''
Taehyung chimes in with a deep laugh of his own, placing a hand on your shoulder as he looks at the two of you,
''I'm gonna go get us some drinks. Any requests?''
You shrug, ''Surprise me.''
Jungkook mirrors your shrug, ''I don't really care. Beer?''
Taehyung nods, squeezing your shoulder once before raising his eyebrows up and down, and in the same moment he turns on his heels and strides towards the kitchen.
Jungkook clenched his jaw. He definitely noticed the way Taehyung had kept close to you the whole way here. Too close. And now he touched you so casually. He couldn't help but feel like something was going on. Now, you weren't anybody's... technically, but that doesn't mean it doesn't bother Jungkook immensely.
While Jungkook is in his own thoughts, tongue rolling on the inside of his cheek as he taps his shoe against the floor as a way of releasing pent up energy, you glance over at Taehyung who's standing in the kitchen, keeping an eye on you and JK.
Taehyung lifts his palm up before kissing it, a gesture pointed towards you to go through with the dare from earlier. A big, boxy smile on his lips as he sees the way your lips pull up in mischief.
You calling out his name snaps him out of his thoughts, turning his head to look at you. He wasn't even able to register the next few seconds as you closed the distance between the two of you, standing on your tiptoes to place your lips on his in a soft kiss. Your lips lingered longer than you'd intended before withdrawing.
Jungkook stood still, completely frozen in place with his eyes blown wide. You noticed his reaction, and quickly placed your hands on his shoulder,
''Jungkook? Are you alright?''
He locks eyes with you, his expression softening slightly at your voice before licking his lips nervously,
''Y-yes, I just... Uh... Why..Why...uh–''
You shake your head and smile widely, Taehyung quickly coming back with your drinks as he hands them out to the two of you,
''A kissing party, huh?''
You grab your drink as you giggle with Taehyung,
''And you're not invited!''
Jungkook shifted his weight on his feet, eyes flickering between you and his drink before drinking it way too quickly. He wanted to ask again about the kiss, but he couldn't. The group slowly came back together, and he thought nobody saw. Maybe you didn't want to talk about it. Was it all a reaction of the moment?
Maybe she likes me?
Of course, she must like me, or she wouldn't have kissed me.
Jungkook stayed within his thoughts throughout the night, keeping his eyes fixed on you. From time to time you'd smile at him, and after the kiss, it made his heart race a hundred times faster than it had ever done around you. A feeling within him he didn't know he was capable of feeling erupted within his chest.
Is this what falling in love is like?
This incredible urge to protect you. Be Close to you. Be yours.
But with it, came another new emotion.
Jealousy. Jealousy? Perhaps.
All he knew was, that he loved when you smiled at him, and absolutely despised when that smile was directed at anybody else.
The night was young, and everyone was drunk. It was a typical weekend night, and everyone was having a great time
Except Jungkook. He was still tormented by his immense emotions, it was all so strong. But as you became more intoxicated, you also became easier to deal with.
''Jungkook-iiiieee~'' You found him sitting down in the living-room couch, quickly seating yourself next to him and leaning against him. He tensed up for a second before relaxing again, thanking the alcohol in his system.
''Y/N, h-hey.''
''Are you having fun, Kookie? I'm getting tired, we should leave soon.''
He looks down at you with a smile, ''Want me to take you home? I'm sure the others will be fine.''
You nod, ''Let me check with Taetae if he wants to come with.''
You got up, strolling over to your roommate to talk to him. Jungkook's eye twitched at the sight, clenching his jaw. What do you mean 'Taetae'? Why'd you want him to come with? He's a grown man, you don't have to care about him.
''I'm gonna go home, Jungkook's gonna take me. Do you wanna come with?''
Taehyung cocks an eyebrow at you, ''Do you want me to?''
His suggestive question had you blushing slightly, shaking your head,
''In your Dreams. Seriously, though, I'm leaving, so....''
''Do you think JK is okay?''
You look up at Tae again, tilting your head to the side, ''What do you mean?''
Taehyung sighs, ''Ever since you kissed him he seems a little off, honestly. I'm surprised you didn't notice.''
You shrug, ''He seems fine.''
Tae gives you a light slap on your ass to urge you to walk back to Jungkook,
''If you say so, Y/N.''
You stop by the door to your apartment before turning to Jungkook, a small smile on your lips.
''Thank you for walking me home, Kookie.''
Jungkook looks down at the floor for a moment with a shy smile on his lips. This felt just like a Movie to him. His heart was swelling with the way you said his nickname... Kookie.
''It's no problem...'' He whispers out when he fixes his gaze on you.
He wants you.
He takes a step closer to you, and you furrow your eyebrows.
Before you could speak any further, he'd placed one hand on your waist to pull you in, and the other behind your neck. He crashed his lips against yours, this time on his own accord.
Your eyes widen at the sudden momentum, just now registering that he's kissing you. But you don't pull away.
You kissed him back.
This time for real.
But he was never aware that the first time was simply a dare.
He pulls away from the kiss, hands still on you as he gazes down at you with blown out pupils,
''Y/N, I love you.''
''W-wait, wait, what?''
Jungkook doesn't hear you, simply smiles as the grip on your waist tightens,
''I knew you loved me too. Now we can finally be together.''
''Jungkook, what are you talking about?''
He tilts his head to the side, ''What do you mean?''
''Why do you think that I love you?''
He laughed, as if offended, ''Are you serious? You kissed me...''
Without thinking, you spat out the truth,
''It was a dare...''
His eye twitched, not quite registering your Words,
''I don't understand.''
You reach up to smooth your palm over Jungkook's cheek,
''Taehyung dared me to kiss you, it was just for fun. You get that, don't you?''
You smiled, but he didn't.
''I don't believe you. You wouldn't have accepted it if you didn't want to do it.''
You frown, now stepping away from him to open your door. Before walking in, you look back at him,
''Goodnight, Kookie. Thank you for walking me home.''
As the door clicked shut, Jungkook stood frozen in place once more. The muscles in his arms flexed underneath the fabrics, his tongue prodding the inside of his cheek.
''You love me, Y/N..''
He turned on his heels to walk back home, thoughts whirling in his head as he kept whispering to himself,
''You love me, or you wouldn't have kissed me.''
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© sombreboy 2020. Do not repost, edit or translate.
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pricklybulbasaur · 3 years
Universe: My Hero Academia
Day: 1 winning teddy for the other
Warnings: pg 13 as a precaution, some angst, possible cheeesiness, OC/Todoroki ship
Summer break was now upon the Heroes in Training at AU and everyone was looking forward to getting back home for the holidays except for one.
Aurora Cortez was currently spending her summer with the Todoroki family as the first day back at her family home was not a pleasant one. Todoroki was escorting Cortez home when he noticed she was getting quieter and quieter and was getting more nervous. At first, he thought it was just the after exam nerves as she was 2nd in the 1-A class, but that thought was blown to smithereens when after a few moments the mint-haired teen entered the door and Todoroki was walking away he had to run back to the home when he heard yelling and screams from inside the household. He broke open the door and saw her bastard father beating her up with anything that would do her harm. Todoroki eventually saw red and froze the man and the surrounding living room with ice.
Endeavor was there 5 minutes after the police arrived when he received a call that his son was involved in domestic violence at this location. He was shocked to see the entire inside of the house was encased in ice and a man was yelling incoherently at the dual-haired boy, which in turn gave him a look of deepest loathing. The same looke he had previously had with his own father a while ago. He was about to scold him for using his Quirk at a civilian when he realized Todoroki did it to protect one of his classmates from further harm. He should have known better, Todoroki is not the kind of person who would do that without real cause.
When Endeavor looked at the girl in the ambulance he noticed she had bruises and dicolorations on her arms and face and even more gruesome wounds all over her back and wings from apparent torture. That rubbed the No. 1 hero the wrong way, knowing a child was being abused to that extent, not to mention the flashbacks with his kids. The girl would have to be sent back to the dorms, however, she will be alone for the summer with Aizawa, the homeroom teacher.
That is how she got to live with Todoroki and the rest of the family, plus if Endeavor refused he would lose whatever bridge he was trying to mend with his children and he would not hear the end of it from his only daughter Fuyumi. The No. 1 hero of all of Japan, defeated by his children. If only the agency could see him now.
A week later Cortez still had casts on her arms and the rest from the elbow up were wrapped in fresh bandages. She had to get help from Fuyumi with her outfit today as for the first time since that incident she was going outside with her classmate Shoto. She had a tank top that buttoned in the back, blue jean shorts, and laceless shoes.
“There,” Fuyumi said and took a step back after fastening Cortez’s right arm in a sling. “You should be good to go to the Lavender Festival with Todoroki, I will also provide you a bag to hold your stuff for easier movement. “I also took a look at your wings, they are growing nicely and they are starting to show the pale purple coloration.
“Thank you, Fuyumi-chan.” Cortez said, bowing in gratitude after taking a look at her wings, they still look horrible but when they are damaged to a certain extent they will take time to regrow. “Also, thank you for letting me stay for the summer.”
“Don’t worry about it.” Fuyumi said, waving her hands in a good gesture. “Besides, you are also Shoto’s friend. It would not have sat right with him after knowing what happened.”
“Right.” Cortez agreed and turned towards the door when her nose twitched, detecting that someone was behind the door.
“Are you ready to go?” Shoto said when he opened the door. He saw his schoolmate nodding her head and walked out of the room with him.
“See you later, Fuyumi-chan.” Cortez said in a slight smile. Fuyumi noticed she was trying to hide her pain, but she could see a mask when there was one on.
“We might be home late, Nee-san.” Todoroki said casually, and both he and his schoolmate walked out of the house and took the taxi to the Festival. Fuyumi waved them both off and once they got far enough, she had a slight smirk on her face, knowing that if anybody would try to heal her, it would be her little brother. They might not see it right away but she could tell that Todoroki was becoming more open with her around.
They arrived at the Festival and the location was so full of lavender scent that when Cortez got out of the taxi she had inhaled deeply and the scent was immediately calming her nerves. She smiled even wider when behind the festival were miles of the same herb in different colors appearing in all its beauty. Breathing out she released a cold breath and looked at Todoroki who was looking at the area with a stoic expression. To the normal eye, everyone else would think he is not impressed but he had a slight spark in his eye that defied that.
“What should we do first?” Todoroki asked, and Cortez’s stomach growled in massive rage. He saw her face turn a bright red, squeaking and he smiled slightly at her shy reaction. “I guess food is the first thing.”
He grabbed the girl’s left hand gently and pulled her towards the food stalls to see what would be both delicious and easier for Cortez to hold. They got a variety of foods on a stick like corn dogs and grilled veggies, and Cortez was having a blast with a unique combination of pumpkin and lavender ice cream in a cup. The strange combination tasted great to Cortez, but Todoroki just shuddered at the abomination.
After that, they went to a section where they can play games to win toys or animals and in one stall they saw Midoriya and Bakugou racing each other in the water shoot for the grand prize.
“How much do you want to bet that Midoriya wins.” Todoroki said casually and Cortez just giggled and shook her head.
“I’m not betting anything, because it is always the case.” She replied and sure enough, Midoriya won the grand prize and Bakugou was yelling obscenities for being a sore loser. “See.” She then got distracted from a particular stall of ring toss and her eyes lit up at a Teddy Bear holding a Lavender Sachet.
“This thing caught your fancy?” A man in charge of the stall looked at her and smiled. “Smells like lavender too.”
“What do I need to do to get the bear?” Cortez asked while Todoroki was looking at her with a slight blush. It has been a while since he last saw her energetic smile.
“Ring toss, my dear.” The man said and pointed to rows and rows of close-knit bottles. One round, if you land 2 or more out of 5 rings you will get the bear. Hitting one with a gold ring around the neck is an instant win.”
She smiled widely then it faltered a bit when she realized something. She looked at her arms and then looked at the man. “May I see the ring? I may not be able to toss or hold them correctly.”
He looked at her arms and nodded, pulling out one of the rings and handed it to her. It was as she thought, due to her casts she would not be able to hold them properly. Her face dropped and the light in her eyes started to disappear.
Todoroki was not having it, the light that just returned to her, he refused to let it go out. So he grabbed the ring from her hand. “I would like to play, for the bear.” He said, causing Cortez to go red in the face.
“N-no you don’t have to..” She started but stopped when he gave her a look that he had never shown before. A look of...admiring determination?
“You’re right, I don’t have to.” He said, then handed the guy the money. “I want to. I want to see your smile, hear your laughter and take away your sorrow.”
Cortez blushed some more as she realized the truth. He liked her, and at the same time, she felt the same way with him. So, with silence and a warm smile, she watched Todoroki toss rings into the bottles, and 1 of the 4 was ringed and he was down to the last ring.
Todoroki was getting nervous. The requirement was 2 rings or a gold bottle, and he has only one ring. He was not going to give up, if he failed he would try again. So, with a deep breath and frost leaving from his mouth, he tossed the last ring and for a second it bounced off one bottle, and for a brief second of disbelief, it landed perfectly on another bottle.
He had done it, he was able to win the bear for his friend, or was it now girlfriend? That sounded better, he thought and he turned to see Cortez jumping for joy and her beautiful smile once again.
“You did it, Todoroki!” Cortez said and her green dragon-eyes shone brightly when he handed her the bear. “Gracias.”
Todoroki rubbed his right hand gently over her face causing a small chill up her spine. She looked up at him and for the first time, Cortez saw the purest, genuine smile adorn his face. “Never lose that smile.”
Cortez smiled even wider and gave Todoroki a peck on the cheek. “I’ll never let it leave again, Canelo.”
Gracias:thank you
Canelo: cinnamon
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strawberry-sanrio · 4 years
10k x reader
warnings: angst
word count: 2.5k
description: i was mostly inspired by the bridge of this song for this oneshot. anyways basically the reader is murphy’s niece who they had found along the way in season one. reader fell into a one sided love with 10k and he never looked her way ever, not until now (takes place in the beginning of season 3).
·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙   .·͙*̩̩͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩̥͙ ✩ *̩̩̥͙˚̩̥̩̥*̩̩͙‧͙ .
None of them had expected to find somebody related to their least favorite member of the group, and they hadn’t. In fact, you had found them thanks to Citizen Z who had willingly led you to them knowing you were very much still alive. That was one thing, but the thing they had least expected was you as a person. You were absolutely nothing like Murphy, not even in the slightest way. Your personalities, mannerisms, and even looks were different in every way possible. Even so, there was no doubt that you two were related- not with the way Murphy treated you.
The strange hybrid had a soft spot for you, he always had since you were born. His older sister had you when he was about twenty-five and from the moment he saw you in the hospital room, he just knew you were a little bottle of sunshine. Although he was always grumpy and acted tough, the man would take you out for ice cream and buy you gifts. Even when he entered prison for postal fraud, you visited him with your mother at every chance you could. The last time he saw you was when you were thirteen. Not knowing whether or not you were still alive was something that often kept him up at night, more than most things did at least.
So when you met again and you joined their mission, it was only normal that the man would be overprotective of you in every and all situations, including those of first loves…. Needless to say, Murphy, just like the rest of the group, had seen it coming.
You and 10k were around the same age and had both been exposed to the cruelty of the world far too young compared to the rest of the members. You were a pretty girl, and he was a handsome young man- both strong and kind, always up for helping others at any cost. You would never forget the smile he gave you the day you met, and the way your heart sped. It was inevitable…. for you.
Tommy had not felt the same way. Sure, he loved you in more ways than one, but he was not in love with you. You made his heart race, sometimes, just like other girls did. You were beautiful, but so were other girls. He felt protective over you, just like he felt with the rest of his teammates. There was nothing different, or so he had thought.
You knew this. How could you not notice the lingering stares he gave Cassandra as she looked out the car window. Or when he gave the first prize rifle from the shooting contest to Brittany, a pretty girl he had only briefly met. Even Red, a random girl dressed in all red that mingled with Tommy quite well. Really, how he seemed to accept and return any attention given to him by any female near his age.
Taking all of this into consideration, you shouldn’t have been hurt when the blue-eyed beauty painfully rejected your feelings for him. But you were.
“Y/N,” he whispered, clearly distraught by your sudden confession. It wasn’t like he hadn’t seen it coming, Doc had noted it to him long ago. “I… I don’t think right now is the right time.”
“You mean… For me, right?”
You looked over to Cassandra, who was sleeping on the floor on a blanket they had found along the way. Even sleeping, without having showered in quite some time, and stained with blood- she was pretty. Prettier than you, you had thought.
Before the clearly conflicted boy could answer, you shook your head- your beady eyes becoming even shinier in the pale moonlight. You gulped.
“It’s whatever, please just forget it,” you told 10k, giving him a reassuring smile that probably wouldn’t have fooled anybody but him. Maybe it didn’t even fool him, but he took it anyways.
A part of you had wished that he wouldn’t forget it and maybe feel awkward around you, so that you would know that your feelings sincerely reached him, but he didn’t. In fact, he acted so casually- it began to hurt. You knew that you should’ve stopped feeling for him and given up then and there, and you did… for a while. For a while you thought about nothing but taking out your feelings by killing zombies and completing the tasks needed for the mission, but as you buried your feelings deeper- they only grew by tenfold.
When Cassandra died and came back as a strange hybrid thanks to your uncle, having to see 10k suffer because of her only made things worse. The pain only grew and he began to distance himself from everyone around him. Even through this, you remained by his side. You left your uncle to follow him, and you pushed through the agony. The little moments you shared with him- chatting underneath the stars in the back of the pick up truck and him teaching you how to fish.
After she actually died, at his hands, you helped him heal as much as you could and he let you. You and Tommy were practically attached at the hip, even when you slept- he would stay beside you and take watch. Perhaps it was because he had already lost so many people, if he lost you- he probably wouldn’t be able to live with himself.
Needless to say, Murphy was not happy about any of it. He had never liked 10k in the first place, even less when he killed Cassandra, but the fact that you were helplessly in love with him and would defy your own uncle for a boy… It was infuriating, to say the least. Deep down he knew that 10k was a good person, much better than anybody else out there, but even so he couldn’t accept it. Not even when you were on the floor crying for him as he got shot thanks to a team of bounty hunters who were after the one and only blue hybrid man.
“10k,” you croaked out, tears daring to escape your beautiful e/c eyes that seemed even more majestic to him as everything was a bit hazy. “They’re going to take you to the submarine where there will be doctors, uncle Murphy will be there too- don’t worry.”
Despite having been shot, your words were as clear as daylight to him, after all, Tommy had always focused in on your voice.
“But- but what about you, Y/N?”
You shook your head, sniffling lightly in worry for the boy who you loved so much. The sight before him now reminded him of the day he rejected you… He regretted it. Now having to go alone with only Murphy made him realize how weak he was without you and how hard it would be. He had taken you for granted.
“No,” 10k refused, trying to get up, ignoring the agonizing pain coming from his abdomen. “I’m not going without you, Y/N.”
“Shhhh you’re right when you come back when you’re all healed up you will not be going anywhere without me, but for now you have to go okay? When you get back you can tell us all about it. I’ll be waiting for you, all of us will.”
The other members nodded in agreement and gave the ravenette encouraging smiles that told him to go on. Hesitantly, he nodded back and let you help him up.
“I’ll be back,” the boy affirmed, staring deep into your orbs. “I promise.”
You smiled, giving him a friendly kiss on the temple before handing him off to the guards and turning to your uncle who was awaiting your goodbye.
Believing you probably weren’t going to be seeing him for a very long time (if ever), you gave him a tight hug, the tears finally escaping your eyes as you hugged goodbye your only living family member.
“Please be safe, uncle Murphy,” you told him, hugging him even tighter. “And… Please keep him safe. Keep 10k safe, for me, please.”
The blue man hugged you back, almost tearing up as well. He had always been attached to you, but the apocalypse somehow managed to tighten your relationship even more than ever before.
“Don’t worry, kid. Lover boy will be fine.”
The two of you pulled away, both wiping away the tears that had unwillingly fallen.
“Stay out of trouble, uncle Murphy.”
And that was the last time you had seen either of the men you loved. Even after the submarine had sunk, apparently your uncle had come back for you and the others when you were out using the bathroom at a somewhat inconvenient time. According to Roberta and the others, 10k was not with the blue man. When they told you that, your whole body froze. There was no way 10k could’ve died- there was no way Murphy would let that happen, now when he knew how much his niece adored him. It was pretty much impossible, but it made no sense. If he was alive, where was he? And why hadn’t he come back to her as promised?
You decided not to follow after your Uncle. If it was true that the boy you were in love with was dead because of your uncle, you couldn’t bear the thought of being with him. You were much better off with Roberta and Addy- who both knew the feeling of losing the men they loved. And Doc, who cared for 10k almost as much as you did.
You had hope that Murphy would give up there, but he didn’t. No, in fact, he returned for you.
“My dear niece, Y/N,” he called out, coming out of nowhere with his arms wide open.
You hugged him, obviously excited to see your only relative, but also eager to hear from him what really happened to 10k. There was no way he was dead.
Once you pulled away, you gave him a ear-to-ear grin— finally asking the question you had on your mind.
“So where’s 10k?”
Murphy stopped smiling.
“He’s fine, honey. Just come with me and I’ll explain everything. We will build a new world with doctor merch and you and him can live happily ever after! It will be great,” he explained, pulling you along as he walked God knows where.
“W-wait what?” You stuttered, your eyes widened at his strange words. “I... Heard somebody with very precise aim shot at Warren’s feet. Was it 10k?”
Murphy was silenced by your question, not knowing what to say next. He could lie to anyone, anyone but you. He had done enough of that to his whole family and it ruined his life before the apocalypse had even started. The only relationship he managed to salvage were those of his sister and mother. Now... What would happen?
The relationship’s demise was coming soon, either way. If he lied, there was no point— she would find out soon enough and it would be even worse.
“Yes.... and no.”
You furrowed your eyebrows, subconsciously backing up as this confirmation of the information you had obtained processed.
The blue hybrid knew he wouldn’t have to explain. You were a bright girl, it wasn’t long before the realization seeped into your features— later coming the denial.
“No,” you denied, shaking your head furiously. “You didn’t.”
“Sunshine, I had no other choice.”
You shook your head even more, tears slipping out of your pained orbs.
“Tell me you didn’t bite him. Murphy, tell me you didn’t.”
He didn’t say anything.
You pushed forward hitting him on the chest as hard as you could, punch after punch as you cried— angrily shaking your head.
“You didn’t!”
Your cries became even louder, and your punches even stronger— actually beginning to hurt the blue man.
“Y/N that’s enough.”
“No, no, no, no!”
You pushed him to the ground, getting on top of him and continuing to punch his chest in utter and pure resentment.
“You did not bite 10k!”
“I had no choice.”
His words seemed to set something off deep inside you that only made you even angrier, giving you more strength to actually seriously injure him— and it didn’t go unnoticed by him. He was worried for himself.
“You has no choice?! That’s bullshit! Utter bullshit! You may be able to miraculously fool everybody else with your pathetic excuses but not me Uncle Murphy!” You shook your head. “Not when I’ve been hearing them my whole life!”
Oh boy. That was not the correct choice of words. They stabbed him far further than any injection ever had and they reached something nothing else ever had— his heart. He did not like that. Without even thinking about it, he internally called for help— summoning just the person you were arguing over. Except... it wasn’t him. Not really.
Tackling you to your side, 10k held a knife to your neck— pinning you down so you would be unable to hurt your uncle, his master, any more.
You looked up at him. It wasn’t him. You knew that. You knew that there was no way in hell that the 10k you loved and knew would ever hold a weapon up to you, not even in a life or death situation. Even before his emotionless icy blue eyes you could sense the struggle between his will and newfound impulsive nature that only told him to serve Murphy. And even though it hurt you, you knew that deep down it was hurting him by tenfold. To know that he had become exactly what he had seen in Cassandra, you were sure that the disgust and needless guilt would submerge him fully under soon enough.
“10k, it’s okay,” you told him, smiling despite your shaking body. Anybody would be a fool not fear him, even more so now that he was under a certain cynical blue man’s control.
“It’s okay. If you hurt me it’s okay, I’ll let you. I’ll forgive you no matter what.”
Even in the state of mind he was in, frenetic with the side effects of Murphy’s bite, your words reached the back of his head where his thoughts were only as loud as a whisper— and his heart swelled at your gentle words. Even though it had only been a few days since he last saw you, you seemed so much more beautiful than before. Your voice seemed sweeter and your eyes, deeper. He wondered if you had always looked that way and he was just a blind idiot. More notably, he wondered if anybody else had seen you the way he was seeing you. The thought of it made him uncomfortable, and even a bit upset.
Before he had the time to think next about what you were doing, you somehow managed to flip him over and get on top of him, now hovering over him— letting any tears that were left drip onto his abnormally pale face.
“Y/N?” His voice croaked out, looking up at you— torn.
“I’ll come back for you, I promise.”
Before he could say anything more or think about the words you had spoken, you jumped off of him and went running back to where Warren and the others were waiting for you. You didn’t say anything to them, you couldn’t. You were still in shock.
There were a lot of questions you needed answers to, and you were not going to settle until all of them were answered.
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raineydaywrites · 4 years
working on from then til now (part 3 of 5)
link to part 1 (x), part 2 (x), ao3 (x)
As more and more days passed with no sign that Angus had said anything to the Director about what Taako had told him, he started to relax a little, wondering if the kid maybe had chosen not to say anything at all.
Taako didn't understand that, but he wasn't going to question it when that might prompt Angus to reconsider. Maybe the kid had decided not to break up the Reclaimer team. Sure, Magnus and Merle could get the relics too, but the three of them worked well together and all, so it might be too much of a pain to replace him now.
Maybe the kid even decided to spare him because he liked Taako? He'd asked for more magic lessons after the first, and Taako had agreed, because he was still bored, and that first magic lesson had proven surprisingly fun, and Angus had talent. He was hard on himself, but Taako knew how to pick up on genuine talent when he saw it.
He really hoped it was one of those first explanations, and not the one that sometimes snuck into his mind late at night, when the worst thoughts always arrived.
He really hoped that Angus wasn't scared of him. He might be. Had a right to be. Taako had killed a lot of people, and he was a powerful fucking wizard, and he'd even threatened him- jokingly- about what he'd do if Angus ever surpassed him in wizardly talents.
Not to mention the fact that his Umbra Staff had randomly blasted Ango's macarons with fire for no apparent reason. Angus seemed to believe Taako when he said that the Staff had been acting on its own- but what if he didn't?
It was an irrational fear. Angus wouldn't have asked for more magic lessons if he was afraid of him. He'd just avoid him, right?
But irrationality never stopped anxious thoughts from plaguing anybody.
Angus didn't know what to do. He liked Taako. He enjoyed spending time with him, and he was really happy that Taako had agreed to keep teaching him magic.
He wanted it to be as simple as that.
But he couldn't forget who Taako was. He couldn't stop thinking that it was a betrayal to his parents to like their killer so much.
He couldn't stop thinking of Taako fondly.
The more time he spent with Taako, the weirder he felt about all of it. The more he found himself loving Taako. The more he found himself hating himself for the betrayal.
He needed to confront Taako, but instead he was befriending him. What was he thinking?
As he let his thoughts stew, he was embarrassed to realize that the Director was speaking to him. Probably had been for a bit, judging by the tone of her voice when she said his name.
"I- I'm so sorry, ma'am, I got distracted. Could you repeat that?" Angus said, blushing.
"I was asking if you're okay, Angus," the Director said, brows furrowed together in concern as she watched him.
"Yes, ma'am, I'm fine!" Angus said.
"Really?" The Director did not seem to believe that at all.
"Well- no- I mean- I'm having a personal issue. But it won't interfere with my work, I promise!" Angus assured.
"I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything I can do to help?" the Director said, and she hesitated before sitting down next to Angus on the little bench he'd been on for- he wasn't sure how long.
"Not really," Angus sighed. He wished that she could. It would be so nice if he could tell her everything and have her present a neat solution, but it couldn't happen.
"Do you want to talk about it?" she asked.
Angus did. But if he told her, then it would only make things more complicated. If he told her, then she'd have to decide if Taako's abilities outweighed the fact that he'd been responsible for such a tragedy as the Glamour Springs disaster. She was a really good person, and Angus didn't think that such a decision would weigh easy on her mind. He didn't want to make things harder for her.
Maybe he'd tell her, if he thought she could actually fix everything, but he didn't. He was having a conflict of emotions and morals, and he had to figure it out for himself. No one else could do it for him.
Besides which, it felt like a betrayal to Taako to share something like that, that Taako had shared with him in confidence. He didn't want to get Taako in trouble when he still hadn't even figured out how he felt about all of this.
"I don't think- that I can. It's not my story to tell," Angus said, finally.
"I understand," the Director said. "But if you ever need to talk, please know that I will listen."
She stood then, but didn't walk away quite yet.
"But I urge you to talk to someone about it. Perhaps the individual whose story it is. It's important to communicate about your struggles. Sometimes you can't, I know," she said, and her voice took on a very sad, longing tone, and Angus wondered again what her life had been like before this. "But- through all the difficulties I've had, I've found that it's better when you have people at your side. There will always be problems that you cannot be open about, but that makes it all the more important to be open when you can."
There was a sincerity and a weight to her voice that made Angus want to listen to her advice.
"Thank you ma'am. I'll- see what I can do," Angus offered, giving a bright smile to thank her for her words. She so clearly meant them, and it meant a lot to Angus that she wanted to help.
"Good. I hope that your issue eases up soon. You deserve- I only want what's best for everyone," she smiled back at him, and Angus found himself feeling a little lighter.
She was right, much as he hated the thought of airing out everything.
He would never get past this if he didn't communicate about it.
He had to speak with Taako.
When Angus had asked to speak in private, Taako had immediately gone tense. This could only be about one thing.
He'd hoped that Angus wouldn't feel the need to talk about the situation ever again. It wasn't exactly something that Taako liked to relive.
But what was he supposed to do? The kid deserved to be heard out. He deserved to deal with the kid's reaction. And anyway, Angus had a sword hanging over Taako's head in the form of knowing Taako's biggest secret.
Taako didn't think that Angus wanted to blackmail him, but he also knew that Angus could and would under the right circumstances.
So he agreed, and found himself in Angus' dorm room, waiting for judgement.
Angus' room was kind of adorable, Taako hated to admit. It was small, and his bed had a bunk that no one used- the moon base had a limited amount of real estate, and clearly the Director had struggled with finding a space that was appropriate for a kid to live in. Angus needed his own room since he was, like, a child and couldn't bunk with an adult stranger, but the single bed rooms were mostly suites, with kitchens and sometimes other bedrooms, which Angus didn't need.
Kid had limited cooking experience, as evidenced by the sugar-less macarons, and he was too short for adult-human sized appliances and too tall for a gnome or dwarf sized kitchen to be very comfortable either.
It looked like she'd settled on taking a bunkbed out of one of the initiate-type dorm rooms, leaving Angus with a little more space and privacy. There was a desk against one wall, and Taako wasn't surprised to see that it was very neat, but the little stuffed toys lining the back of it were a cute surprise. They were clearly decorative, and Taako was sure that the kid would rather be caught dead than playing with them, but it was adorable anyway.
He had a bookshelf, half lined with colorful kids' chapter books, mostly Caleb Cleveland novels, and half with thick tomes in dark colors.
Taako tried to keep the grin on his face from becoming too soppy. It was cute yeah, but he was a stone-cold motherfucker, and he wouldn't be caught turning into mush over a dumb kid.
"So, what's up bubeleh?" Taako asked, dropping into the chair at the desk and leaning it back on two legs, trying to keep it casual.
"I need to talk to you about what happened at Glamour Springs," Angus said, his face drawn and serious.
Taako stopped rocking the chair, but didn't look over at Angus. So that confirmed that Angus knew everything. Must have done his research if he now knew where it had gone down.
"Shoot," Taako said.
"You killed forty people at Glamour Springs because you made a mistake with magic you weren't familiar with," Angus said.
Taako winced at the words like they were a physical blow, but they were certainly true.
Angus paused, but Taako didn't know what to say. What was there to say? He couldn't justify it any more than he already had.
"Two of them were Sam and Dianne McDonald," Angus said, voice wavering and thick. "My parents."
Taako felt his blood go cold and his mind go dark. No. Fuck. Gods, what had he done?
It had been a long time since Taako let himself think of his victims. He tried to avoid it most of the time. But here was a reminder, standing right in front of him, tears in his eyes. He found his mind casting back to that horrible moment all over again, trying to visualize them. Trying to pick them out from the crowd.
But he'd spent so long trying to forget that day, the crowd had just turned into a blur of horrified faces and dying people.
He'd always felt so bad about them that he'd rarely had much guilt to spare for the other victims- the families of everyone he'd killed. The parents and sibling and friends- the children that he had orphaned.
Whatever happened now, he wouldn't protest. His past had finally caught up to him, and he had no right to avoid it.
"Aren't you going to say anything?" Angus said, and his voice cracked, and Taako felt a stabbing pain in his chest over it.
"What can I say?" Taako asked, and it was a genuine question. He wanted to say something that would help, but no words would undo what he'd done. "I'm sorry, Angus. I'm so fucking sorry."
Angus just sobbed at that. Taako always hated it when people cried, but he still found himself wanting to comfort the kid. He wanted to hug him and soothe him, which was a big difference from his usual tactic of running from emotions as fast as possible. But would his comfort even be welcome?
"I know you're sorry," Angus finally mumbled.
He brought up his hands to scrub tears from his eyes, pushing his glasses roughly out of the way in the process. He looked so little. He'd been even littler when he'd lost his parents.
Taako had expected anger if he ever met someone who loved any of his victims. Who wouldn't be angry at something like that?
But this was worse. It was so much worse than anger ever could have been. It broke his heart. He hated seeing Angus like this. He just wanted to make it better.
"Babe, come here," Taako said, reaching for Angus. It was instinctive, an offer without any conscious thought behind it. He wasn't good at comfort, but it seemed that his subconscious at least had some idea of how to do it.
He didn't expect Angus to listen. He hadn't expected the kid to immediately dart into his arms and start to cry into his shirt. He let it happen anyway. This was the least he could do after what he'd taken from the kid.
He held Angus close as the kid cried, offering soft comforting noises intermittently, feeling more helpless than he could remember ever feeling before.
Angus managed to cry himself into a state of exhaustion, and fell asleep right there in Taako's lap. Taako had never felt so guilty as he did then, realizing that the kid trusted him anyway. Realizing that he valued the kid's trust. Realizing that he never would have met this kid if he hadn't messed up so bad at Glamour Springs.
How dare he gain any happiness from that? It was selfish to be happy to have Angus in his life when it came at the cost of Angus losing his parents, and his parents and so many others losing their lives. He had no right to love Angus, let alone to be loved back.
Taako had long ago accepted that he was a selfish person, but this went so far beyond that. He couldn't seem to stop it though. And what was he supposed to do? Leave the kid to grieve alone, avoid facing responsibility for what he'd done? Surely that was worse.
Taako picked Angus up, gently, settling him onto the bed. He took off the kid's shoes and his glasses, setting them by the side of the bed for when Angus woke.
He didn't notice his own tears until one fell onto Angus' face as he was pulling the blanket over him, and then, having noticed, it was all he could do to keep his crying silent so as to not wake Angus.
He couldn't walk back to his room like this. He probably shouldn't leave Angus alone either.
Taako sat down on the wall farthest from Angus' bed, and clapped a hand over his mouth to hold back the urge to sob.
part 4 (x), part 5 (x)
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official-weasley · 4 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 1, Ch. 5
PART 1: WHERE IT ALL BEGAN Chapter 5 - Saving a Weasley
I felt so bad for Penny having to stay behind and clean the slugs that were without a doubt brought to the classroom by Tonks when she went to the bathroom and were the jelly things hitting the floor.
I wanted to find Tulip and Tonks as soon as possible as I couldn't help but be a bit angry with them, my head still hurting.
I was almost at the Great Hall when I heard someone calling me.
“Nova, over here!” I turned around and saw Tonks and Tulip waving at me.
“Where's Penny?” Asked Tulip, oblivious.
“She got detention because of your slugs!” I said, trying to control my voice. Tonks had to bit her lip no to burst out laughing as I continued.
“I stood up and stepped on one of them and fell flat on my back. Snape, of course, noticed at once and since the slugs made their way under our table and Penny and I were the only ones left in the classroom, he blamed her, took 20 points from Hufflepuff, and made her clean the mess all by herself! I tried defending her but Snape threatened me with detention as well so Penny nudged me to leave.” Seeing that I was angry, massaging the bump on my head, Tulip and Tonks' faces changed.
“Blimey Nova, I'm sorry.” Tonks said sincerely. “Are you going to be okay or should we go to the Hospital Wing just in case?” She added.
“I'll be fine. And it should be Penny you should apologize to because I don't want to know how mad she is at you! Not only is Potions her favorite subject and she asked you not to pull any pranks on the first day, but you also got her in detention on the first day of school!”
“Tonks, I think Nova is right. Why don't we go back to the Dungeons and tell Snape the truth.” I could see Tulip felt really bad, just for thinking slugs in the Potions classroom were funny.
“Alright, alright. You girls will make me a better person if this continues!” She groaned but Tulip and I knew she liked that we made her responsible for her actions.
“Are you coming with, Nova?” Tulip asked me as I was about to head in the other direction.
“Are you kidding? I don't want to be anywhere near Snape until our next lesson on Thursday!” I exclaimed. “I think I am going to the Courtyard to draw. Meet you at dinner?”
“See you later!” They both said and ran towards the Dungeons.
It was weird going somewhere alone. I know I have only been at Hogwarts for 3 days but I always had at least one of the girls with me. I was debating between the Owlery or the Courtyard to relax and draw. I decided to go to the Owlery to check if Pip was sleeping.
It didn't surprise me that the second I stepped in, he was already on my shoulder, hooting happily and nibbling my ear, probably to thank me for the visit.
“What do you say we go to the Courtyard and I draw you, you beautiful bird?” Pip hooted ever so loudly, moved from my shoulder to my arm and we made our way down the stairs.
I was happy it wasn't as full with students as I thought it would be since there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
I sat down on one of the stone benches, putting Pip and my bag down and taking out my drawing book.
“Oh, how I've missed you!” I whispered to the notebook and hugged it slightly. I haven't drawn for about 4 days and I was angry at myself for it.
I sat on the grass next to the bench rather than on it because it was easier for me to use the bench for a table and Pip positioned himself so well as if he was posing.
“Good boy, Pip! Now stay still so that I can at least make a good sketch.” Pip hooted at me and returned to his posing. I chuckled as I took out my brand new pencils, bought by my dad as a 'you're going to Hogwarts and I am proud of you' gift.
It felt like ages to complete the sketch as Pip constantly wanted to peek and see if his portrait was done yet. “I told you to stand still. The more you act like a statue the quicker I can draw you.” I explained to which he replied with a single 'hoot'.
As I started to draw details on the feathers, I heard a rather mean laugh a little away to my left. At first, I didn't put any attention to it.
“Oh, look at that. What a loser!” I couldn't help to overhear a girl say. I tried to mind my own business and went back to drawing.
“What are you doing? Are you reading?” The girl continued, in a baby type of tone.
“And look how old his book is, it's going to fall apart any second now, ha!” A boy spoke this time.
“What's the matter, Weasley? Can't afford a new book and you have to reread an old one?” As the third voice spoke I turned around to see what was going on. I saw 3 Slytherin students that looked at least 2 years older than me standing in front of a boy with a frightened look on his face, clutching the book that I assumed they were mocking him for.
The one on the left was probably shorter than me. She had long black hair, made into a braid on each side. She had an upward crooked nose so that I could see her non-existent brain. The one on the other side was the only boy in the group. He looked fairly normal except for the fact that he was so large that if someone pushed him right at that moment, he would've rolled straight out of the Courtyard. The one in the middle, for which I assumed was the one who started to mock the boy was tall, slim, with thin rat-colored hair that was so greasy that if the wind blew, it wouldn't even move. She had pimples all over her face; one so big that it could easily be mistaken for a boil.
Then I looked harder at the boy. He was the freckled Gryffindor that's in my year! He looked so uncomfortable, looking around to see how he could escape the trio that now surrounded him. He kept pressing his book to his stomach and I could see he would do anything so that they wouldn't take it.
“What, not going to say anything?” The fat boy asked.
“Your parents aren't able to buy you a new one? Are they too poor, Weasley?” Mocked the greasy-haired girl.
“Leave him alone!” Before I realized that the voice came from my mouth I was already on my way towards them. Raising my hand at Pip to make him stay on the bench.
“A First Year defending a First Year. See this Shmeasley, this is your protection!” The greaseball said as all three of them burst out laughing, holding their stomachs.
“That's right, I am a First Year!” I almost shouted at them now, coming even closer. I put my hand in my pocket, trying to grab my wand as I saw their faces get even angrier for disturbing their bullying but I reached for an empty pocket as I put the wand in my bag that stayed with Pip. But that didn't stop me from talking more. “Maybe you should pick on someone your own size, or better yet, your own age!” They laughed at me even more now.
“What are you five? You're sure acting like it.” I continued. Apparently, this was the last straw, as their faces frowned so much from anger that I thought one of the pimples from the girl in the middle was going to burst straight in my face.
“Zip it Ravenclaw! What are you going to do to us? We are smarter than you AND you are outnumbered!” Yelled the boy now as they simultaneously pulled out their wands.
“Flipendo!” Yelled one of the girls. I couldn't see as I closed my eyes but nothing happened. I opened them slowly and all I could see was an emerald cloak in front of me. It was Professor McGonagall and she had to block the spell from hitting me. I stepped on her left side, still hiding a little behind her cloak.
The freckled boy was now staring at her with an opened mouth.
“Miss Bellgrim, Miss Tailbottom, and Mister Morgan, what do you think you are doing!?” She yelled at them, her eyes filled with such fury that I thought I could see little lightning bolts shoot from them. Both the Gryffindor boy and I chuckled when Professor McGonagall said 'Tailbottom'. “Attacking a First Year without their wand! Explain yourself!” She shouted further.
“I...we...well.” The pimpled girl wasn't so loud now.
“I thought you had no explanation for such act of foolishness. 30 points will be taken from Slytherin and I will make sure your Head of House picks good and long detentions for you!” Said Professor McGonagall.
“30 points?” Exasperated the boy, the Professor called Mister Morgan.
“Each!” Professor said, moving her hand to indicate that they should get out of her sight. The trio nodded and hurried from the Courtyard. She then turned to me.
“Are you okay, Miss Blackwood? Why were they trying to duel you?” She asked, concerned.
“They were being rude to him,” I said and nudged my head to the freckled boy, “and I wanted to help. They were really mean to him, Professor.” Her expression softened.
“You stood up to three Four Years to help a fellow First Year?” She asked gently. “The Sorting Hat was right thinking to put you in Gryffindor, you are as brave as you are foolish, Miss Blackwood.” She added.
“If I haven't blocked that spell in time you would've been in the Hospital Wing right about now.” She continued, worry in her voice.
“50 points to Ravenclaw for such braveness and the will to help a fellow student. She then turned to the redhead boy. “Are you alright, Mr. Weasley?” The boy just nodded. She examined us both from head to toe. “Please be careful, Miss Blackwood, Mr. Weasely. And if this happens again, come straight to me. That means you too.” She looked at me again and walked away.
The boy with red hair finally closed his mouth as he realized it was all over. He looked at me, still sitting on the ground, holding his book. “Thank you so much for that. I thought they were going to take my book this time.” He said sadly.
“This time? This wasn't the first time?” I asked puzzled.
“No,” the boy said, lowering his head, “it happened on the train too. I was alone in a compartment, you know reading about Dragons,” he said casually as all anybody ever really does is read about Dragons, “and they came in and started picking on me. Thank Merlin that my brother Bill came to see me and he shooed them away. He then stayed with me just to be sure that they wouldn't come back.” He said and smiled a bit, reminiscing on the memory.
Pip decided that I have left him alone for far too long and he flew on my shoulder and hooted loudly in my ear.
“Is he yours?” The boy asked excitedly.
“Yes, would you like him on your arm?” I asked and sat next to him. I then nudged Pip from my shoulder and tapped on the boy's arm to indicate that he should sit there.
“Wow, she is beautiful. We have a family owl, Errol, but she is more clumsy than my younger brother Ron.” He said as he stared at Pip with amazement.
“It's a he actually and his name is Pip.” I smiled.
“Such a cool name!” He finally looked at me. “I'm Charlie by the way. And in case you haven't heard those Slytherins shout my last name before, it's Weasley. Charlie Weasley.” He extended his hand to me with a look of embarrassment on his face due to what happened earlier.
“I'm Nova Blackwood.” I shook his hand. Pip suddenly flew from Charlie's arm, back to the bench where all my stuff was still laying around. He flew back with everything in my bag and dropped it right in front of us. My drawing notebook flew out of the bag as it hit the floor and opened several pages in, revealing a drawing inspired by my Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Thembook.
“Woah, that's the Common Welsh Green!” Charlie said in awe. “Did you draw this?”
“Yes.” I said proudly.
“Wow, you are really talented. Would you mind?” He asked, shaking my book, indicating if he could go through my drawings. I nodded.
I loved how careful he was while turning the pages. Sometimes he murmured something to himself. He gasped and let out a little squeak every time there was a drawing of a Dragon.
When he was done, he gently closed the notebook, turned to me and gave it back. “Thank you for this. You standing up to those bullies and letting me see all these beautiful creatures you've drawn is the best thing that happened to me so far at school.”
“But the year has just begun.” I said, smiling.
“Unless I see a real Dragon at Hogwarts, nothing can top this.” He smiled back. “Want to see my book?” He offered. “It's about Dragons but it's very old.” Of course, it's about Dragons, I thought.
“I don't mind. The older the book the better the smell and more valuable it is.” I said genuinely.
“I forgot you're a Ravenclaw.” He chuckled and opened the book.
He showed me so many different Dragon species that I haven't even heard of. The illustrations in the book were so beautiful that I couldn't stop admiring them. I don't know what holes those Slytherins had in their brains but to me, this was the best book I have ever come upon.
He then told me that his dream is to work with Dragons and that, even though very ambitious, would like to get a job in the Romanian Dragon Sanctuary. He told me that he has 6 siblings, about which I gasped and said that he is the second child in the family.
“My favorite Dragon is the Hebridean Black. What's yours?” He said, excited. “Oh, don't answer that, I can't expect everyone has a favorite Dragon like me.” He lowered his head.
“Chinese Fireball.” I said before he could say another word. “Has been since I first saw it in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. My dad bought me the book. He was hoping it would shut me up about wanting to own a Chimera and a Fire Salamander.” I chuckled.
“You wanted to have a Chimera?” He laughed but I could see he was imagining having one too.
Before we could go back to his book, a voice called for Charlie.
“Charlie?! Charl... there you are! I was worried sick. Why aren't you at dinner? You know that I promised mum I would look after you!” The boy with longish red hair said after finding us, still in the same spot as before. From what Charlie told me, I assumed that was his older brother Bill, who was currently in his Third Year.
“I'm sorry, Bill!” Apologized Charlie. “I was showing Nova my book after she saved me from those Slytherins again.” Charlie said thankfully.
“Those Slyth...again? Charlie, we have to tell Professor McGonagall now!” Bill was furious.
“Oh, I don't think that will be necessary.” Grinned Charlie as he told his brother how I intervened, how McGonagall saved me from the Knockback Jinx, and how they lost the Slytherins House 90 points and I gained Ravenclaw 50.
“What is your name?” He looked at me astonished that I stood up to 3 Slytherins much older than me just to help his brother.
“My name is Nova Blackwood.” I said as I shook his hand.
“Thank you Nova for saving my brother. I don't even want to imagine what they could do to him if you weren't around.” He said with a worried face.
“Bill!” Said Charlie, obviously embarrassed as the pink hue between his freckles started to show. “You are starting to sound like mum.” He mocked him to take attention off himself.
“You know what mum would have done to me if something ought to happen to you. I would receive a Howler and then the whole school would know I'm a bad brother.” Bill defended himself.
“Get off it Bill, you're the best brother!” Charlie said and smiled at him. Bill smiled back and ruffled Charlie's hair.
“Now, as much as I like that you are making friends Charlie, I would like for you two to go to the Great Hall and get some dinner before it's too late.” Bill said, helping us get up.
I turned to Pip and told him to go get some rest in the Owlery. Bill accompanied me and Charlie to the Great Hall. There he thanked me again for helping his little brother. “See you around, Nova. Was nice to meet you!” He ruffled Charlie's hair again and went towards the Gryffindor Tower.
Charlie and I entered the Great Hall together, which by now was half empty since dinner time was almost over. Charlie was called over to the Gryffindor Table by that boy who could barely see through his thick black hair. He turned to me.
“Nova, thank you again. I had so much fun with you!” He said and to my surprise gave me a hug. “We'll see each other around, we have a lot of classes together, we can hang out then.” He said, rather excited and hurried to the Gryffindor Table.
I looked around and saw a blond, pink, and redhead at the Ravenclaw Table. I hurried to the girls and sat down.
“Blimey Nova, where have you been?” Tonks said.
“We got worried that you had to go to the Hospital Wing because of your fall.” Added Penny.
“I almost ended up at the Hospital Wing, but not because of the fall.” I said and they gasped.
I then told them all about how those Slytherins attacked Charlie and how I forgot my wand in my bag, to which Tulip commented that it can happen to anyone. I told them how McGonagal protected me from the Knockback Jinx to which they stared at me with opened mouths. I then told them all about Charlie and how he is as excited about Care of Magical Creatures as I am. Tonks murmured something about how we are all too excited for school and we laughed at her comment.
When I finished my story Penny told me that Tonks and Tulip apologized to her and that they wanted to take full responsibility for what happened in Potions class but Snape wouldn't let them. To my surprise, Tulip said that Penny thanked them both as her detention with Snape enabled her to show him her knowledge of potions and that he gave Hufflepuff 5 points for knowing all the potions she had to sort.
Of course, she is confident that she will never receive such detention again as Snape soon realized that it wasn't a punishment for her at all.
While lying in bed that night, I couldn't believe the day I had. The year has hardly started and I was having so much fun. I would even dare to say that I have made a new friend and I couldn't believe how much we had in common. Nobody I knew loved animals as much as I did, not even my aunt who was breeding Abraxans. Nobody, until I've met Charlie.
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olliedollie1204 · 4 years
everything fits (3/8)- the next day
Single father Patton is utterly devoted to his son Virgil. Recently divorced Logan is utterly devoted to his twin sons Remus and Roman. The pieces come together.
Pairings: Romantic Logicality
Word Count: 4,522
Previous Chapters: 1 2 
woohoo chapter 3! and the last of my ‘mostly pre-written, just needs some final touches’ chapters for this fic lol. this chapter also has the first taglist for this series! if you want to be added to/remove from the taglist, lmk!
(Read it on AO3!)
“And then, Rem, you’ll never believe it— he waved at Logan!” Patton exclaimed, leaning against the counter he was only halfway finished with wiping down.
If anybody else had been his manager, Patton imagined that he would’ve gotten written up for how little work he had done today.
Lucky for him, as the sole founder and proprietor of the Sandman Cafe, Remy Dormer didn’t give a fuck if his best friend since childhood took a break from peddling overpriced coffee to brag about his son.
“No shit?” Remy asked, his eyebrows raised so high they disappeared behind his carefully styled bangs. “Didn’t know Lil’ Hart had it in him.”
Patton grinned, nodding enthusiastically. “I mean it, I’d be late to work every single day if it meant I got to see him smile like that.”
“How late were you?”
Patton pursed his lips. “About an hour,” he admitted. “My supervisor wasn’t too happy, but we were short staffed, so she didn’t write me up or anything.”
Remy sighed. “I can’t wait until you get out of that shithole.”
“It’s really not so bad,” Patton defended, although he didn’t really know why he was bothering. “I mean, I pick up some boxes, I put ‘em in a truck. Rinse and repeat!”
Remy still looked unhappy. “At least when you bartend, you get tips. All you get there is back pain and calluses.” As he spoke, he suddenly jumped up from the stool he was perched on, pushing it over to Patton. “Sit down, Pops.”
Patton snorted. “You’re six months older than me,” he protested, but he did take advantage of getting off his feet for a bit.
“Besides, I like doing hands-on work like that,” Patton continued, speaking in truth. “It makes me feel good about myself. Like I’m doing everything I can to provide for my family.”
Remy snorted. “You sound like such a dad.”
“Well, I am one, aren’t I?” Patton replied. Remy raised his hands in defeat.
“No complaints from me. Virgil’s the best kid I know.”
“And how many kids do you know, exactly?”
Remy waved his hand dismissively. “Unimportant. Point is, you bust your ass for your kid, and I love that about you.”
Patton couldn’t help the ‘aw’ that escaped from his lips. “I love you too, Rem!”
Remy smirked back. “Course ya do, babes,” he replied as he moved to count the money in the register. “I’m a delight.”
Patton laughed, settling back comfortably, letting the familiar banter between the old friends fall away into a companionable silence. 
“It really was a wonderful morning,” he murmured.
“And it’s all thanks to that tall, dark stranger, huh?” Remy teased.
Patton was grateful that Remy’s back was to him, so he couldn’t see the shit-eating grin his friend was definitely giving him right now. “Remy—” 
“I mean, Patty, be real: he was cute, right?”
“Remy!” Patton laughed, feeling himself getting flustered. “It— he— it wasn’t—”
Remy threw his head back in laughter, shoulders shaking.
“Calm down, Papa Bear, don’t have a heart attack.”
Patton didn’t answer, just crossed his arms and tried to not embarrass himself further.
“Besides, if he made Virgil smile, I don’t give a shit what he looked like. He’s a hero in my book,” Remy continued with a tone of finality.
Patton shook his head in wonder, thinking back to the little wave Logan gave him right before Virgil ushered them both out of the office. “I swear, I’ve never seen Virgil so happy to talk to a stranger before.”
He paused.
“Not that I encourage my child to talk to strangers!” he stated a little louder, eyes darting around to reassure any eavesdroppers that there was no need to call Child Protective Services.
“Honey, we’re so dead right now, I’m about to call a mortician to see what’s up,” Remy said flippantly, gesturing to the empty tables and chairs in front of him. “Say whatever the hell you want.”
He wasn’t wrong: at the moment there were only a handful of regulars scattered throughout the trendy cafe, but Patton knew enough about working service industry jobs to know not to be naive. The rhythm of customers ebbed and flowed, and at any moment there could be a rush of business that would keep Patton and Remy busy for hours.
Patton leaned backwards slightly to check on his son. Virgil was sitting in the back room with a pair of noise-cancelling headphones over his head, his sketch pads and crayons scattered on the table before him. Patton watched as he stuck his tongue out, carefully tracing seemingly random shapes onto the paper with a blue crayon before switching to fill them in with a purple one.
Satisfied, Patton turned back to the conversation.
“And you know, when we finally did make it to his class, he wasn’t even worried about being late anymore,” Patton continued. “I mean, he still didn’t say anything to the other kids, just went straight over to Kai, but he was still smiling by the time I had finished explaining everything to Dr. Picani, so…” 
Patton didn’t miss the way Remy paused in counting the money in the register for just a moment, before returning to the task with a forced air.
“Oh, how is the Doc doing?” he asked casually, not making eye contact with his best friend.
“Pretty good, I think,” Patton replied. “We did talk about his recent trip to Hawaii, I think he said it was his honeymoon—”
Patton jumped as Remy dropped the handful of quarters he had been rolling.
“What?” he asked, looking at Patton with such a look of panic that he couldn’t help but burst into laughter.
Remy flushed. “Oh, you— you motherfucker—”
He continued to hurl baseless insults at Patton as the two squatted down to pick up the coins.
“Gotta say, Rem,” Patton teased, relishing in the blush that covered his typically unshakeable friend’s face, “You’ve seemed very invested in the goings on of Dr. Picani lately.”
He shifted backwards to sit criss-cross applesauce on the floor behind the counter, resting his hand on his chin and smirking.
“Is there anything you wanna share with the class?”
Remy scoffed, still picking up the coins one by one.
“I’m just… curious about the guy, okay?” he replied defensively. “I mean, Lord knows we never had a teacher who seemed to give a shit about his students, and this guy… does.”
He faltered for a moment, before blustering on, “Whatever. I don’t even know him. I don’t care what he does.”
Remy stood up, dusting off his pants as he continued sorting the money. Patton looked up at him with an expression of barely-contained amusement.
“... So have you picked out the outfit you’re gonna wear when we see him on Monday?” 
Remy scoffed again. “Of course, I’m not an animal.”
Patton heard the bell above the front door ring, and saw Remy’s eyes shift from the register to the door.
“Can you take this one?” he asked, looking down at Patton. “I gotta run to the back for some change.”
He turned and walked away before Patton could answer, leaving him to scramble above the counter just as the customer arrived.
“Welcome to the Sandman, what can I get for ya?” Patton asked chipperly, slipping into his customer service voice with a practiced ease as he slid on a pair of rubber gloves.
He looked up just in time to see the customer’s eyes widen in shock at his sudden appearance.
“Wow, how long have you been hiding back there?” he asked, eyeing Patton up and down.
Patton gave a polite laugh. “Just waiting for you to walk in!”
… Okay. That wasn’t great. Patton had meant ‘you’ in a general way, as in ‘a customer that Patton was getting paid to talk to’ kind of way, but from the way the man’s smile spread, Patton couldn’t help but feel there had been a teensy tiny misunderstanding.
“Well, I hope I’m worth the wait,” he replied smoothly. Patton gave him a tightlipped smile.
“What can I get you?”
Thank gosh, the man didn’t push it, ordering a large iced chai latte to go. Patton busied himself with making the drink, his hands shaking just a little bit. He forced them to stop, taking a deep breath before turning around with a smile plastered on his face.
“That’ll be five bucks even,” he stated, sliding the cup across the counter as the man opened his wallet.
He handed Patton a five, then made a show of placing another five in the tip jar.
“Tip, tip, hooray!” Patton cheered lightly. Remy told him that chant was the dorkiest thing he’d ever heard, and under no circumstances was Patton allowed to utter that phrase within the walls of his chic coffee shop. Patton generally ignored him on that one.
He looked away to place the money in the register, but when his gaze rose he saw the man still standing there, sipping the drink while making… slightly uncomfortable eye contact with Patton.
He paused. “Is there anything else I can get you?”
The man hummed. “A couple things,” he said, loudly swirling the ice in his drink. “Your name, maybe. And your phone number.”
It didn’t sound like a request. Patton felt himself grimace before he smoothed his expression into something more customer friendly.
“I’d prefer not to give out my personal information to a stranger,” he replied, willing his voice to come out clearly despite the tremble he felt in his throat.
The man shrugged. “If we get to know each other, we won’t be strangers.”
He leaned over the counter, dripping tea onto the surface that Patton had just wiped down.
“So what’s a pretty guy like you doing in a place like this?”
And that set off all sorts of alarm bells in Patton’s head. He couldn’t stop the way his face contorted at the man’s tone, his words, his body language, the way he called him ‘pretty’, like he was some kind of— 
Patton shut that thought down immediately.
“Working, actually,” he snapped instead, watching the man’s smile slide off of his face.
“And if you’ll excuse me,” he continued, voice raised a little bit in an attempt to get Remy’s attention, “I need you to get off the counter.”
The man sneered, opening his mouth again, and Patton tensed— 
“He’s right,” Remy announced, coming out of nowhere to lean over the counter and look the man dead in the face. “We sell drinks, not dates. Maybe go get a personality and you won’t have to drop a fiver just to get someone to talk to you.”
The man glowered back in a weak attempt at intimidation, but the glare Remy was leveling him with was not leaving any room for discussion. He scoffed, standing upright and shooting Patton a dirty look before walking away, slamming the door on his way out and causing every patron in the place to jump.
Remy swiped the dishrag from Patton’s apron pocket, wiping away the drips of tea like they personally offended him.
“Fuckin’... I hate assholes like that,” he muttered, not looking at Patton. Patton watched him clench and unclench his jaw for a moment.
“Rem,” Patton said softly, “I’m okay.” He placed his hand on the other man’s shoulder, who leaned into the touch subconsciously.
“Daddy? Remy?”
The two turned to the small voice coming from the back room. Virgil’s head was just barely visible peeking out from behind the door frame, his hood pulled so far over his head he had to lean backwards to see the two men from underneath it.
Patton’s face broke into a genuine smile at the cute sight before he even realized it. “Yeah, kiddo?”
“Um, um, I, um—” Virgil started, twisting his body a little as he stared nervously out into the cafe. He fell silent, gnawing on his lower lip, and looked at Patton with worried eyes.
“Go help your stormcloud, Daddy,” Remy said with his usual flippancy, reaching a hand to Patton’s on his shoulder and squeezing it lightly. “I’ll man the counter.”
Patton squeezed his shoulder in return, and quickly moved to the back room. Upon confirming that Patton was coming to join him, Virgil took a few shuffling steps forward and held his arms out to be picked up.
“Upsy daisy!” Patton said as he reached his son, hoisting Virgil onto his hip as he took them both into the break room. He moved to put Virgil down on the small couch they kept in the back for emergency naps, but Virgil gripped Patton’s shirtsleeves tight and wordlessly shook his head.
“Oh, you want snuggles, kiddo?” Patton asked. Virgil hesitated for a few moments before nodding, burying his head into the crook of Patton’s neck.
“Alrighty then,” Patton said, gingerly sitting on the couch without disrupting his son’s position against his chest. One hand rubbed Virgil’s back slowly yet firmly, while the other pulled down Virgil’s hood to toy with his hair.
“Vibe check, kiddo?”
He felt Virgil breath deeply against his shoulder.
“I, um, I, um— he, he was mean,” Virgil said, his voice muffled through the fabric.
Patton froze, then deflated a little. “You saw me talking to that man, huh, stormcloud?”
Virgil nodded. “He was not nice,” he emphasized. Patton smiled a little.
“I don’t know what kind of person he is, but you’re right. The way he was acting just now was not very nice.”
Patton figured the guy was just as much of a douche in the rest of his life as he was a few minutes ago, but it was important for Virgil to know the difference between ‘doing something bad’ and ‘being a bad person’.
“Well, don’t worry,” he continued, making his voice sound confident. “Remy told him to run away and never, ever come back.”
Virgil pulled back to look up at Patton. “Not even for a hundred years?”
Patton grinned. “Not even for a hundred, hundred years.”
Virgil gasped, eyes widening as he tried to picture a number that big.
“Not even, not even for a hundred, hundred, hundred years?” he asked, jaw dropped.
“Not even for a hundred, hundred, hundred, hundred—” Patton leaned his face closer to Virgil’s, pressing their foreheads together as he finished, “—hundred years!”
The two burst into giggles, Virgil wiggling at the feeling of Patton leaning his head on his. “Daddy!”
Patton laughed, pulling his head back and letting Virgil lean back against his chest.
“Two minutes or five?”
Virgil chewed on his lip as he thought. “Five, please, thank you.”
Patton nodded. “Five minute snuggles, it is.”
As he leaned back into the couch, Patton thought back to the rude customer.
He was attractive, Patton supposed, but his personality was an obvious deal breaker. And if Virgil could tell he was mean without even talking to him? Oh, there was no question in Patton’s mind that he did the right thing by turning him down.
Still, he sighed, curling his arms tighter around his son.
He wasn’t… opposed to the idea of dating. Despite the struggles of his day-to-day life, he was generally happy. He had so much to be happy about! Virgil, and Remy, and his jobs, and the fact that he had come so much farther than he’d ever thought he could. His life wasn’t perfect, but he wouldn’t trade it for anything.
He just wished he had someone to share that life with. Romantically.
Over the sound of his troubled thoughts, he heard Virgil inhale deeply, shoving his head into his chest and rubbing his little cheek against the fabric of his shirt. Patton grinned, reaching up to brush some of Virgil’s hair back behind his ear.
“Love you, kiddo,” he murmured. Virgil made a muffled sound into his chest that Patton knew was his son returning the sentiment.
He sighed a little, rubbing Virgil’s back in soothing circles. Virgil was his number one, his little stormcloud. As long as he knew Virgil was happy, healthy, and safe, that’s all Patton needed to worry about. Save the dating for later. Hopefully.
“... And out of nowhere, he looked me right in the face and said, ‘Larry, I just can’t with you right now!’”
The jovial man could barely get the words out before breaking into loud laughter. “Logan, when I tell you I almost peed my pants—”
“I’ll have another talk with Remus about referring to his teachers by their last names only,” Logan stated, skimming the pamphlet they had gotten at the meeting.
“Only because I don’t want everyone to start doing it,” Larry replied with what seemed like genuine regret. “Don’t punish the kid for being a comedic genius.”
A banging at the door of the classroom made the two men jump.
“Sorry!” called Dot, entering with two bags of takeout in her arms. “The darn bags are slipping, so unless you guys want to eat your dinner off the floor—”
Larry was already rushing to help his wife. Emile followed her into the classroom, carrying a bottle of Coke and a pack of red solo cups.
“We’re borrowing these from the teacher’s lounge,” he chirped, placing them on the table where Dot and Larry deposited the food.
Larry raised an eyebrow. “Wow, a whole two liter? Emile, you criminal!”
Emile shrugged, smiling innocently as he poured each of them a cup. “What? I didn’t steal anything; they were in the teacher’s lounge, and we’re teachers, so technically—” 
“Technically, we’re trespassing,” Logan interjected as he began sorting through and passing out the food. “Even though Dot has the key to her classroom, the school itself is private property, and therefore should we be caught here after hours by law enforcement, there would most likely be legal repercussions—”
“Fuck cops!” Larry cut Logan off, raising his solo cup in the air with a defiant attitude.
“Fuck cops!” Dot and Emile echoed, the three of them tapping their cups of wine together before downing them like they were doing tequila shots at a college party.
Logan smiled. “I'm glad we're all teaching our children the important lessons.”
“Speaking of teaching children…” Emile said as the four began to dig into their food with gusto, “who’s ready for the meet and greet on Monday?”
His chipper tone of voice was met with three groans, causing his jaw to drop. “Oh, come on, it’s not that bad!”
“I just don’t get why they had to schedule the seminar and the meet and greet on the same darn week!” Dot replied. Larry nodded in agreement.
“And like, what do they even want us to say? It’s only been a couple weeks— I’ve barely gotten to know some of my students!”
“It’s merely the school encouraging us to form more personal connections with the students’ families, in order to ensure more funding from their respective donations,” Logan replied without thinking, much more focused on his burger than the conversation.
“No kidding,” Emile said, scowling at his burrito like it personally offended him. “I just wish we could really get to know our students, and their families, too.”
Visions of a man in a blue polo shirt flashed through Logan’s mind.
“Itinerary check for Monday,” he announced suddenly, flipping open his notebook and turning to the proper page despite his friends’ groans. “The doors to the auditorium open at five. At six, the principal gives the welcome speech and PTA information about the upcoming year, and given how they tend to ramble—”
“More like they just love the sound of their own voice,” Dot muttered.
“We should be ready to begin speed meetings by seven,” Logan finished. “Dot, you’ll have about eight minutes to talk to the guardians of each student. Larry, five, and Emile, unfortunately it looks like you’re down to three and a half minutes per student.”
He pulled out the spreadsheet he had made the night before, sliding it across the table with the math he’d done to get those calculations.
Larry snorted. “Wow, someone had a lot of free time on their hands.”
Logan felt his chest tighten just slightly, but he pushed past it to finish, “If this all goes according to plan, we should be packing up our tables by eight at the latest. Then Emile will be home in time to feed his cats, Dot and Larry will be home in time for The Bachelor, and—”
“And you’ll be home with plenty of time to spare before the good night call,” Emile finished. He smiled softly and reached over to pat Logan’s hand in appreciation. “I’ll help you pack your table when we inevitably aren’t out of there by eight.”
Logan bristled. “Well, that won’t be necessary, since we will be out of there by eight. My timeline clearly shows—”
“Has your timeline factored the amount of chatty PTA parents, shy or stubborn students, and overall incompetence of our administration?” Larry asked blithely, grinning when he made Dot snort behind her solo cup.
Logan’s mouth opened and shut for a moment before he looked back at his spreadsheet.
“It’s not my fault I prioritize punctuality,” he grumbled slightly. Emile laughed, reaching over again to jostle Logan’s arm, and he had to bite the inside of his cheek to keep from smiling along.
Dot pulled the spreadsheet closer, peering at it over her glasses. “Wow, you really put a lot of thought into this, L. You think we can really get the whole gym set up in less than twenty minutes?
Logan shrugged. “We’re a highly competent bunch. Not to mention the PTA volunteers will be there to assist.”
“You know, it’s really nice to know there are people who would come in on their day off to put out hundreds of folding chairs before sitting through an hour long assembly,” Larry said. Dot nodded, chewing vigorously and pointing at Larry.
“And the decorations!” she added after swallowing. “I mean, gosh, the streamers, the banners, the snack table—”
At the mention of the snack table, Emile made an appreciative noise. “Oh my goodness, do you remember that babka someone brought in for the last assembly? With the cinnamon?”
Both Larry and Dot nodded enthusiastically. Logan didn’t remember it; he didn’t usually go for the complimentary food brought in by the parent volunteers. He shrugged, eyes back on his food as the others continued to talk.
“Gosh, that was good,” Emile continued. “I want that recipe so bad! Do we remember who brought it in?”
“Hm, not sure. Dee, wasn’t it a kid from your class? That’s why we got first dibs on it.”
“Oh, yeah… was it Virgil?”
Logan froze.
“Yes!” Emile said, snapping and nodding. “Yes, it was Virgil’s daddy— oh gosh, what’s his name…” 
“Patton?” The word slipped out before Logan had even fully processed what he was saying.
The other three looked at him.
“Yes, that’s it,” Dot replied in surprise. “Patton Hart. How did you know that?”
“We met yesterday morning,” Logan replied, eyes on his food again. “I gave him access to the building, and we had a conversation. He was exceedingly pleasant—” 
“Oh!” Emile cut off Logan with a gasp as he whirled on Dot. “Oh, Dot, I can’t believe I forgot— Virgil really came out of his shell yesterday!”
Dot perked up, sitting forward; Logan assumed she must have been Virgil’s teacher the year before. “Really?”
He nodded quickly. “Oh my God, Dot, you should’ve seen it. I mean, Virgil was glowing when he came in!” Emile waved his hands wildly, his excitement for his student shining out of him. “And you’ll never believe this— we were making things out of clay at art time, and when I asked if anyone wanted to talk about their work, he raised his hand!”
Dot gasped, bringing her hand to her mouth. “Are you kidding me?” She turned to her husband, batting at his chest. “Larry!”
“Ow, ow, ow, I heard! I heard!” he responded, grabbing for his wife’s hands to stop her from attacking him out of joy.
Emile sat back in his chair. “And Patton, I guess they’d been running late that morning, but he told me Virgil had… gotten a compliment on his hoodie…”
His eyes widened slightly as he shifted to look at Logan; Dot and Larry followed his gaze.
“Wait,” Emile said, voice full of surprise but no less joy, “was that you?”
Logan felt a strange shyness; he shrugged, replying, “I told him I liked his hoodie, yes. I didn’t realize it would have such an impact.”
“How is that even possible?” Dot added. “I mean, he’s the sweetest little thing, but I don’t think he said five words the entire time he was in my class. All he wanted to do was sit at his table all day and draw," she finished, pointing her thumb over her shoulder to the wall of art from her current and past students.
He followed Dot’s gesture to one picture in particular: two stick figures, one short and one tall, holding hands. It was surprisingly well drawn for a kindergarten art project, and although the handwriting was not as clear, he could tell that the large block letters across the page read ‘I Love You Daddy— Love, Virgil'
"Aw," Logan said, feeling himself soften at the evident care Virgil had put into the card. However, another look at the wall the drawing was stuck on revealed a significant difference in Virgil’s card: where his was clearly for his father, every single other card on the wall specifically included the words ‘Happy Mothers’ Day’.
Dot seemed to follow his train of thought just as quickly as he had it, and when he turned to her with a questioning glance she gave him a somewhat sad smile. 
“Virgil’s mother is… no longer in the picture,” Dot finished slowly. “I don’t know all the details—” 
“That’s quite alright,” Logan interjected quickly. The memory of his brief interaction with the Harts was still fresh in his mind, and now he was faced with the prospect of seeing them, seeing Patton, again. The thought filled him with— something. Something good. So he would prefer to not learn the more private details of Patton’s life through second-hand sources.
… Well. There was… one specific detail Logan was, admittedly, curious to know.
“Is there another adult figure in Virgil’s life?” he asked casually. “Patton’s girlfriend, maybe, or— or boyfriend…”
A beat, and then the other three broke into laughter.
“No, boyfriend is definitely right,” Dot eventually answered, giving Logan a knowing smile.
Logan flushed. “Ah, yes. I had… suspected, as much.”
Emile giggled. “I forgot your gaydar is permanently broken, Logan.”
“I’ve only ever had one partner before!” Logan defended, his face growing hotter.
“Same with me and Dot, but our bifi works just fine,” Larry replied smugly. Dot held out her hand and the two high fived without looking at each other.
Logan sighed, collecting his trash from his food and pushing back his chair. “You’re all bullies.”
@patton-cake, @irritating-lady-knight, @i-cant-find-a-good-username
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