#I don't get angry very easily at all and my normal strategy when faced with anything unpleasant is to try and leave by all means necessary
zaxmsstuff · 2 days
Yoo tell more about Nathan, I just rarely see people whose oc is Pearce's child too (yea I have my own lmao)xd
Hello, sorry for the late response. I felt bad. For days, but just when you asked me the question I felt worse and couldn't think clearly, but luckily here I am.
I'll give you a... description? I don't know what the hell this is called, say what you want but my teenage mind doesn't work very well.
Name: Nathan Pearce (formerly Nathan Lille)
Age: 15 years
Nationality: Canadian-American
born: July 11, 2014
born in: canada, ???
residence: Unknown
Nicknames: Natan, outlaw.
Profession: Street fighter, pickpocket, thief.
parents: Clara Lille (mother) Aiden Pearce (father)
status: alive
Nathan is a boy with semi-pale skin, green eyes, brown hair, and no facial hair. Measures 1.69cm. Nathan is wearing a green jacket, a gray t-shirt, jeans with blood stains that I can't remove, and at the end a pair of black converse. Nathan wears an optik near his right ear.
Nathan is someone who tends to get angry easily, is aggressive, intolerant, rude to everyone, even authority, and insults anything. For all this, Nathan had a criminal record, the ones he committed and continues to commit the most are physical violence. Despite being very aggressive and violent, he has a protective instinct like his father's, he overprotects his mother too much, to the point of almost beating a boy to death just because he made an off-color comment to his mother.
Combat Skills
Nathan has surprising strength and speed when it comes to fighting. His blows are strong and direct, even knocking him out with a single blow.
High Intelligence
When it comes to fighting, Nathan doesn't just fight, in his mind he creates strategies to finish faster. Although he is also intelligent in other things that he normally does not use to his advantage.
Athletic Skills
In addition to street fights, Nathan dedicated himself to stealing in all kinds of situations, so he had to escape in all of them. He is a skilled runner, he can run long distances without getting tired and without interruptions.
Pain resistance
It can withstand all types of blows, burns, shots and cuts. In their fights they usually hit him very hard against a wall or the floor, but despite this he always wins the fights as if it didn't hurt him. He withstood gunshots that managed to hit him while he was escaping after robbing.
Nathan has been through a lot in his life. From physical abuse to the point where he almost died for good. They'll probably say: But we want to know how Aiden and Nathan met.
Well, it is not easy for me (also due to the fact that I have to translate it into English) to do all this but I will try to explain it. As you know, Nathan is a problem. (even with the face of an angel he has) Well, in Canada he got involved with people he shouldn't have, in short with gangs and mafias, that's why they wanted to kill him, so Clara decided that she should look for Aiden. Not only to protect Nathan, Clara thought it was time for them to meet even if she didn't want to. Aiden agreed to protect Nathan on the condition that he could educate him and try to help Nathan improve as a person.
Nathan thought about why he was free of that problem, and yes, for a few months, but despite that he would have to deal with Aiden. And with the gangs and mafias that went after him to try to kill him, although Aiden solved it... well... not completely...
The relationship between Aiden and Nathan was not very pleasant. Nathan used to insult him and Aiden used to scold him and sometimes even slap him. But as they got to know each other, going through tense and even embarrassing moments, they began to get along very well. Nothing was easy, especially due to the fact that Nathan had a history full of crimes so no school wanted him, or at least until he met Aiden and cleared his record, only for Nathan to be expelled from several schools for fighting. .
We had said that Aiden had solved his problem with gangs and mafias, right? well, not entirely. There was only one mafia left that was quite powerful where Nathan previously lived. Which uncovered absolutely EVERYTHING, and sent not only fixers after Nathan, but also more allied mafias to kill him. Then Aiden and Nathan would have to figure out how to end it all once and for all.
Well, I'll leave it here. Look, I know it's not the best but... I honestly can't do better, I'm a useless thirteen-year-old Mexican who barely learns English😭 I hope you liked this and I'm sorry if you didn't understand some things.
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These Fanfics of Shin and Carla of nice and all...but we want the story on how Carla Tsukinami stoke your ham sandwich! The greedy bast*rd he is...
Anon, this is one of my favourite asks ever and I love you. Thank you so much for giving me an opportunity to shamelessly insert myself into the world of DL I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it :)
I wrote myself as a nameless herione (because I don’t think most of you know my name) which also means you can treat it as a reader insert if you want to, but bare in mind this is based on how I would react in this situation and there are some details that are a bit specific to me.
“Hm, I wonder if I’m allowed up here?” The girl glanced back at the door to the rooftop of Ryoutei Academy, trying to spot any sort of kanji that could translate to “Keep Out” but found none. Shrugging to herself she concluded that if anyone caught her up here when she wasn’t supposed to be, then she would have to play the confused foreign student card and hope for the best.
A mild scolding seemed better than going back to the cafeteria anyway.
She looked down at the slightly sorry looking lunchbox in her hands and loosed a sigh. It was only her second day at her new school and already she felt herself desperately missing her friends and the familiarity of her old school. 
The other students had all been pleasant enough- aside from the boy with glasses in her class, who she’d caught eyeing the hemline of her skirt with obvious disapproval, as though it was somehow her fault that whoever made the school uniform had not done so with five foot nine female transfer students in mind- but the thought of trying to navigate getting food when almost all of the signs were in kanji she didn’t recognize made her gut roll with anxiety.
Besides at least the rooftop was pretty, with troughs of well kept roses lining the space and a perfect view of Kaminashi town, just beyond the iron railing, the lights from the small shopping district a warm glow against the midnight blue sky.
The girl walked over to the edge of the rooftop, intent on giving herself a moment to admire the townscape when a nearby rose caught her eye. It’s petals were such a dark red, they looked almost black in the modest illumination provided by the few lights lining the roof. She crouched down on the balls of her feet and set her lunchbox carefully to the side. Something about the scene, the dark flower with the night sky behind it, made her fingers itch with the urge to sketch it. 
“I don’t think I could do the dark colors justice with my watercolors and I can’t do realism with markers so maybe colored pencils would be best?” She muttered to herself she tried to find the perfect angle for some reference photos she could use later, while reaching into her pocket for her phone. “Acrylics could work I guess but I don’t have any canvas here and I-”
“What are you doing?” A low voice came from right beside her ear. The girl let out a high-pitched shriek and jolted in surprise, barely catching her balance in time.
She loosed a breath before turning her head in the direction of whoever had spoken, but before she could, they spoke again.
“Hahh, that’s no good… Hmph!” A rough shove sent her sprawling into the roses. Thorns scratched at her skin and she cursed as her hands plunged in the damp mulch, just barely stopping her from face-planting into the dirt. The rest of her however, was not so lucky, and she knew from the way her torso had landed in the soil that her skirt’s hemline had just become the least of her worries as far as her uniform was concerned.
A cruel laugh came from behind her and she turned to look up, filled with some mixture of anger and embarrassment. 
But whatever had been brewing petered out the moment she laid eyes on the culprit. He was quite possibly the most beautiful boy she’d ever seen; short choppy, strawberry blonde hair framed pale face with an eye the most incredible shade of gold. 
He was utterly stunning.
The effect was promptly ruined however, when he opened his mouth, face twisting into a sneer.
“Haha, how pathetic, crawling around in the dirt.” He continued to chuckle as she pushed herself up onto her hands and knees, wincing slightly at the way they stung where they’d scraped against the ground. 
“Heehhh, aren’t you going to say something?” The boy asked, the humor in his expression dying down as he regarded her as one might a spot of mould on a piece of bread. “Or is it that you’re so stupid, you can’t understand what I’m saying?”
The girl froze slightly, unsure how to navigate whatever was going on. Was this guy a bully? Her strategy for dealing with bullies until now had generally been to avoid them or ignore them, neither of which seemed like a good idea here.
“Oiii Miss idiot, are you going to keep ignoring me until I do something like this?” Before she could react the boy placed a heavy black boot on her hand and started to put his weight onto it.
“What do you want from me?” She blurted out, praying silently that she hadn’t messed up the Japanese grammar, which really shouldn’t have been a concern given this encounter could feasibly end with a broken hand.
The pressure stopped briefly and she took the chance to tug her hand out from her under his shoe and get to her feet. The girl was a little surprised to find that the boy was no taller than she was, although his general aura of menace certainly made him intimidating enough without needing any extra height. 
“Ah, so you can talk. As for what I want… why don’t we start with an apology for shrieking in my ear earlier? It hurt you know?” He made a show of obnoxiously cleaning out his ear with his finger and the girl found herself completely lost for words. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, there were a lot of words swirling in her brain, all of them English and not to be used amongst polite company.
Biting back the urge to tell him to fuck off, she reminded herself that she was currently alone with this guy on a rooftop and angering him further probably would not end well. “I apologize for shouting in your ear, you surprised me. I’ll be going now.” Lunch forgotten, she went to make a hasty retreat to the rooftop door but was stopped short when the male put himself directly into her path. 
“Not so fast, you haven’t answered my question yet. What were you doing up here, sticking your head into the roses like some kind of animal?” The girl tried to keep her breathing even, as she felt panic rise in her veins.
“I wanted to take pictures as drawing references, I didn’t realize that-” an arsehole like you would show up “-someone else was already here, forgive me, I’ll be on my way.” She went to take a step around him, when the boy took a step towards her, forcing her to take one back. Soon her back was pressed up against the railing and she internally cursed.
“You just wanted to draw some pictures of the flowers? Isn’t that a bit childish? Well, I guess you still wear kid’s underwear so I shouldn’t be surprised.” The girl spluttered and instinctively went to yank down her skirt, a slightly ridiculous action, considering he must have seen everything when he pushed her earlier. 
“That-that doesn’t have anything to do with it,” she said, eyes on the ground as her face burned with shame. “Please, just let me leave.”
“You know, you still sound pretty demanding for someone who’s shaking and is covered in mud. Also,” he paused, sniffing the air briefly before glancing down at her knees, “ah I wondered where that awful scent was coming from, geez human blood really isn’t appealing at all.” The girl looked at her legs and caught sight of red liquid staining her knees, but that wasn’t what made her pause.
“Human blood? What are you-” A cold dread spread through her as she looked back up at the boy and the inhuman color of his iris. This had to be some sort of awful prank right?
“Oh, maybe I spoke too much, but that reaction isn’t bad, haha. Hey, what do you think I am?” He asked her, opening his mouth just wide enough to reveal a pair of gleaming white fangs.
“That’s… There’s no way… You can’t…” The girl struggled to process the image in front of her, trying to find some sensible sounding explanation. He had to be a nutjob with fake fangs right? A nutjob who liked to terrorize girls on rooftops and happened to go to a night school.
“Ah how boring. Shouldn’t most girls be crying with fear by now? I don’t want to but, would you react a bit more if I pierced you with these fangs?” He lowered his face and panic surged through her. Lunatic or something else, she had no intention of being bitten by him. The girl went to shove him away from her, but before she could blink he had her arms pinned above her head.
“It seems you still haven’t learned that I’m not the sort of person you should fight back against. Hey, how much would it take to make you cry?” His grip on her wrists tightened and she winced at the strength in his grip. “Your wrists are pretty thin, I’d barely have to use any of my strength to snap your bones.”
“Please stop!” She begged, as she silently prayed for someone, anyone to intervene.
“Oi Shin, what are you doing?” An incredibly deep voice came from the entrance to the rooftop and the girl said a silent word of thanks.
“Huh,” Shin looked over his shoulder, allowing the girl a glance at her savior. He was tall, with long white hair, that appeared dyed pink at the tips. A dark scarf covered the lower half of his face, while above it were a pair of piercing golden eyes. 
A shudder ran down her spine as her gaze locked with his for a moment, suddenly feeling a lot less safe than she had just a moment ago.
“Ah brother, I was just having a bit of fun.” The girl wasn’t sure which part of this statement horrified her more. That her so called savoir was actually related to the demonic pile of steaming garbage in front of her or that this was Shin’s version of fun. 
“That’s enough, we have matters to discuss.” The man walked over from the door to the roof, his footsteps stopping just behind Shin.
“Tch,” Shin let go of her arms, only to grip hold of her chin, moving his face uncomfortably close to hers. “Hey, if you tell anyone about what happened here, I’ll rip your tongue out, got it?” His fangs caught the light as he spoke, and the girl felt very close to tears as she muttered a soft yes. 
Shin flashed her that nasty smile of his before letting go. “Well then, get out of here!” 
Needing no further prompting, she hastily got away from him, pausing only to grab her school bag. As she did so, she caught sight of her lunchbox in the older boys hands and faltered. 
“Go!” Shin yelled and the girl concluded that the ham sandwich and peanut butter flavored chocolate bar contained in the hundred yen tupperware were not worth her life as she borderline ran to the rooftop door, slamming it shut behind her. 
Carla watched the girl flee from the rooftop with a dispassionate expression. 
“What exactly did you do?” He asked, more concerned with trying to keep their low profile as they furthered their objective than anything else.
“Nothing much, I just toyed with her a bit. She’s only a human so it doesn’t really matter does it? More importantly, why did you keep hold of that?” Shin nodded towards the plastic container in Carla’s hands. 
Carla said nothing as he opened up the box and pulled out a modest sandwich wrapped neatly in clingfilm. Removing some of the wrap, he sniffed it briefly before muttering.
“I thought so.”
Shin took a deep breath through his nose. “Ah, I see, a dry cured ham sandwich huh?”
“Normally I would never eat something prepared by human hands but to take away the taste of that polluted blood, it can’t be helped.” Carla lowered his scarf and took a bite of the sandwich, chewing a few times as he deemed it to be palatable before swallowing. “Oi Shin, take this.” He threw a plastic wrapped bar at his brother and Shin caught it without effort.
He turned it over in his hands before spotting the reason why his brother had given it to him. “Peanut butter huh? Well at least it seems that girl’s good for something.”
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Trapped and Forgotten Part 2
Part 1 here
Warnings: torture mention, arguing, bullying, hurting animals (scorpian), stab-like wound, blood, pain, manhandling and restraining, hunting fish, poison, force feeding, implied character paralysis and death, nightmare (not that creepy)
Well that wasn't exactly expected.
Hero assumed that Supervillain had a plan of torture that had something to do with whips, starvation, isolation, drowning or whatever evil scheme went through the pea brain.
Well that "pea brain" definitely had other ideas about what to with their newest additon to their prison.
The prisoners could barely resist as Supervillain's men attached heavy chains to their ankles and wrists that restricted any quick movement. They couldn't resist as they were dragged to a beating airplane and strapped in. Hero didn't really mind it. They were a hero after all. In about a week, the government would send people to rescue them and Sidekick, arrest the twins, and all would be back to normal. No stinky cells, no Supervillain, just Hero and their freedom. All they had to do was stay calm.
Calm and all would be all would get better.
It did not get better.
After a horrible plane ride with Villain rambling on and half-drunk pilots, they were mercilessly dropped (and when Hero means dropped, they mean thrown out of the plane and tumulting eleven feet onto the ground). If it wasn't for Sidekick's burly body as a cushion, Hero was sure they would've broken half the bones in their body.
Villain and Henchman were luckily dropped into water, but Hero still flinched when they heard the sharp splash of ocean as they hit it stomach first.
"Oh my gosh," Sidekick muttered and heavef themselves off the ground. Hero noticed their shaky limbs and helped them to their feet. They gave Hero, also known as the one who got away with just a bruised funny bone, a smile of gratitude.
Hero and Sidekick made themselves comfortable on the beach and allowed the sun to soak into their chilly bodies. Supervillain, for some apparent reason that was beyond Hero's cognitive skills, kept the plane at a freezing temperature.
Henchman collasped on the ground next to Sidekick. Villain stayed back. Hero could tell that they were exhausted from the swim, but they refused to show any sign of weakness. Not that it mattered. First, Hero saw them practically paralysized and just lying there after being shocked, and second, they had bigger things to worry about.
Like, where the heck were they? And why?
"Let's go Henchman," Villain growled and stormed back to the group. Hero raised their eyebrows, what exactly did they mean by that?
Henchman let out a groan and gave their twin a look. The two regarded each other carefully until Villain broke eye contact.
"Look," they glanced at Hero. "We are stuck here. You hear me? There is no way out and I personally do not want to be within a two mile radius from dumb and dumber." They looked at Sidekick and "dumb" and Hero at "dumber".
Before Hero could say something or throw a very pathetic insult back at them, Sidekick spoke up,
"Us dumb? Villain, you were the one who got us into this mess."
"Me?" Villain stepped forward and pointed at themselves. "Me dumb? Are you seriously saying that I, Villain, is dumb? I, I repeat," they pointed at themselves vigorously here, "I am not dumb. Not like you. I-i."
After a slipt second to recompose themselves, Villain snarled, "I am the smart being here. Henchman, let's go and leave these two to sulk in their lack of intelligence."
Henchman didn't move. They blinked at Villain very slowly, then looked at Hero. Hero couldn't help but chuckle lightly. Even Villain's twin sibling did not think they were using their thinking cap.
"Now Henchman!" Villain yelled and grabbed their sibling's arm. They pulled, but Henchman curled up in a ball and rolled uselessly to their sides.
"Knock it off!" Villain screamed and clenched their teeth.
Sidekick nudged Hero and twirled their finger by their ear. They let out a whistle, "Wee woo."
Hero bawled out laughing and smacked their friend lightly on the shoulder which added to Villain's anger. They clenched their teeth even harder and shoved their finger in Hero's face.
"Listen," they growled. "Knock that smile off your face or I will do it for you." The murderous look in Villain's eyes actually made them want to believe them for a second, but Hero could see the fight dying in there somewhere. Maybe they were finally coming to their senses.
"Hear me!" Villain hollered and grabbed Hero's shoulders. This was the last straw for Sidekick who stood up and grabbed the collar of Villain's leather jacket.
"Stop this Villain," Sidekick said in a near whisper. "You are out of line."
"Me?" Villain shot back. They might've intended it to be full of confidence, but Hero could hear the slight break in their voice.
"Yes you," Sidekick replied calmly. "Now settle down before you attract all sorts of creatures."
Villain struggled against the stronger's unyielding grip, only to fail and give up. Sidekick placed the defeated mess next to their sibling.
Sidekick sat back down next to Hero with a sigh. In sinc, they both looked at the villains. Henchman put their arm around Villain's shoulder, hiding their face and holding them dearly.
"Sibling love," Hero murmured to Sidekick. Now that the angry Villain scenario was over with, they took in the situation. Villain was right about one thing, they were stuck there... with each other which was not the most ideal thing ever, but with the current conditions, they would be forced to work with it. Unless, of course, Villain and Henchman left. 'That's not a bad idea,' Hero realized, thinking of the tad of freedom they would get if they did not have to babysit Hormonal Teenager and their killing counterpart.
"Those two are running," Sidekick said suddenly. Hero looked up to see the twins sprinting across the sand.
"Should we run too?" Hero asked. They really just wanted to take a long, warm, peaceful nap in the sun contemplating what to do than have a P.E. class on the beach.
"That would be a good choice," Sidekick yawned and heaved themselves to their feet. Hero did the same, and immediately regretted their life choices... again.
They could feel a presence right behind them and when they turned, they half expected to wake up from a horrid nightmare.
Because they were staring eye to eye with an enlarged scorpian.
Villain thought of themselves as the sneakiest bastard in the history of bastards. They saw the scorpian thing the second Sidekick very rudely set them on the ground like a toddler.
Maybe they weren't acting their age, maybe, but a tussle with a creepy, disgusting, ginormous bug that was most likely lethal would be a great way to get back at them.
Awesome payback. Villain almost called it their best plan ever if it wasn't for the fact that there was two.
Yes, two scorpians.
Henchman and Villain skidded to a stop. Even if they were far from a genius (which Villain denied with a passion in their hopes to be the best), Villain excelled at fighting. The scorpions seemed to have a strategy which was an an immpossible idea.
'Scorpians don't have enough brain to attack with a seemingly planned strategy,' Villain told themselves over and over as the enormous bug crept closer.
Maybe bigger bugs had bigger thinkers? Villain glanced at Henchman who was also coincidentally looking at their twin. Both knew what they were going to have to do.
They would have to fight.
Villain waited for the scorpian to come to them. It walked as if it had many tricks up its sleeve, or endoskeleton.
Or was it exoskeleton?
"Hey Henchman," Villain said as the scorpian made its first move. A swift attack with its tail that Villain easily dodged.
"Kinda busy at the moment. What do you need?" Henchman asked smoothly as they pushed away one of the scorpian's claws.
"What's the definition of an 'exoskeleton'?" Villain asked.
"Outer protective covering like what you find on crustaceans and insects," Henchman replied. "Why?"
"Just wondering," Villain grunted and dodged another attack. "Define crustacean."
"Like crabs or lobsters."
"A scorpian?" Villain asked.
"A scorpian is an arachnid," Henchman answered without a moment's hesitation.
"So it is incorrect to call them a bug?" Villain asked.
"Shut up."
"Okay." Villain missed the casual conversation after a few seconds of fighting in silence. The twins fought blow for blow as if it was automatic. Which it was in a way. Villain sort of wished that Hero was watching them. They could just imagine the awestruck look on their face, but they knew that they were busy fighting their own crustacean, or arachnid... or whatever.
Whether it was scientifically correct or not Villain decided that "bug" was the easiest the say.
"How did you pass biology?" Henchman asked suddenly as a huge claw nearly smacked them in the face.
"I cheated," Villain answered and shot their twin a smug look.
"Off who?"
"How didn't I know this?" Henchman asked in an exasperated tone.
"Don't know actually," Villain laughed, kicking at the scorpian's fangs. "I also stole the answers from the teacher."
"All those times-"
"Yes," Villain interrupted. The two continued to fight in silence until they drove the scorpian into the water. They kicked, punched, tackled, did everything they could until it was half-drowned. They stepped back and gave each other a brisk high five.
Strangled grunts interrupted their victory. Villain turned around to see Hero and Sidekick fighting their scorpian about five yards away. They couldn't help but feel satisfied that the scorpian was winning.
The scorpian flung Sidekick into the water, leaving Hero to fend for themselves. The scorpian and the hero fought like they were old enemies and knew each other's tricks which was another impossibility that Villain felt that they had to overcome.
The scorpian got the upper hand and started shoving Hero down into the ground.
Something unexpected clicked in Villain. They ran to Hero and pushed them out of the way, shielding them as the sharp stinger at the end of the tail stabbed them.
Only it didn't hit Hero. It hit Villain instead, right in the shoulder. They bit back a cry of pain and grabbed the scorpian's head. It thrashed and tried to get out of Villain's iron grasp, but Villain kneed it in the face. They could feel fresh blood pouring out if the wound, but they ignored it.
Henchman and Hero joined Villain on the other side. All together, they dragged it into the water and left it by its injured buddy.
"You idiot!" Hero yelled after they caught their breath. "Your childish yelling drew them here. It's your fault."
Villain gave a wobbly smile as they staggered backwards into Henchman's arms.
"What the heck is wrong with you! You-" Hero stopped scolding when they noticed the crimson liquid staining Villain's shirt. "Oh gosh are you bleeding?"
Henchman delicately laid Villain on the warm sand. Hero and Sidekick rushed to Villain's side and examined the wound.
"Stop!" Villain screamed when Sidekick poked it. They withered around and scooted next to Henchman on their feet.
"Lay back down Villain," Sidekick sneered. "It's your own fault that you were so careless."
"Stop backtalking," Hero ordered and grabbed Villain's wrist. "You are gonna bleed out and I don't want that on my hands."
Villain pulled their hand back and cowered next to Henchman. They didn't care that they looked like a child scared of a spider, but neither did Hero. They grabbed Villain viciously and shoved them onto the ground.
"Hero be gentle," Henchman warned and put a hand out to block Hero from pulling Villain around even more.
Villain whimpered and grabbed onto their twin like they usually did when they were hurt. Pain pulsed through their body like being hit with a whip in the same spot over and over again. It wasn't that being whipped was too unbearable for Villain (personallly, they would rather be whipped than shocked), but it quite obnoxiously annoying and painful.
Henchman put their forearm on their chest as Hero pulled their arm through the sleeve to expose the wound. 'Please stop,' Villain wanted to plead as another wave of white pain overcame them, but they bit their tongue.
Villain allowed their head to loll towards the side. They could the pressure from a hand on their cheek, making sure they wouldn't move. Not that Villain would, they just allowed everything to happen to them without their sarcastic complaints.
"Hey," a soft voice murmured. "Sleep okay?"
Yeah no, not happening.
Villain squirmed and shot the owner of the voice a sharp glare, but only got a light chuckle in response.
Pain engulfed Villain again and they jerked upwards, finally crying out. Someone shoved them back on the ground again, not as kind as what they would ideally want.
"Sorry," a sarcastic voice sounded. Sidekick. Villain clenched their teeth. How dare they take advantage of them when they were like this?
Hero held Villain down quickly the second they began to whimper. Sidekick already tied a tourniquet to halt the poison flow. Or the assumed poison flow.
After it was all done and Villain remained still, Hero finally relaxed. Their hands were covered in blood and so was their face. 'Gosh is Villain tough', Hero realized admirably.
"We are gonna have to get that posion out somehow," Sidekick said and gave Hero a long look. Both knew what it meant, but neither had the courage to say it.
"Yeah," Hero agreed. The two sat in silence and watched as Henchman comforted their twin with hushes and strokes.
A twig snapped and Hero looked around. They were way too exposed on the beach, but moving Villain would cause an uproar.
They studied the woods that were lined next to the beach as far as the eye could see. Oaks and elms mostly, with the occasional pine. As Hero observed, they could see squirrels and curious deer watching them.
"Hero," Henchman said suddenly. "We need food."
Yeah, no kidding.
Hero stood up and joined Henchman next to Villain who was getting paler by the second. Their face was contorted with pain and they wouldn't make eye contact as they lost focus. Hero could tell they were losing the fight to remain aware and awake.
"Stay awake," Henchman murmured and nudged their twin. Hero gave them a quizzical look. Wouldn't it be better if they slept off the sickness?
"When Supervillain was close to us," Henchman gestured at the half-conscious Villain. "They spoke of this... animal. Actually, come to think of it, it was a scorpian. Anyway, they said that the posion got worse as the victim slept because it caused drowsiness. Villain knows this." Both looked down at Villain who was staring at the tree line, silent apart from the pained whimper that escaped their lips every now and then.
"So we take shifts?" Hero asked, thinking about how tired they were going to get if they had to do it alone. No, they erased that thought. Not everything was about them, Villain would be sicker in the morning. Especially since they weren't able to clean the nasty wound. Hero peered at it. They could see the gnarled flesh that was ripped up as the barbed tail yanked itself out of Villain. The shoulder bone was likely hit and caused multiple chips. Not to mention the torn ligaments and tendons...
Hero looked away. The more they thought about it, the worse it seemed to get.
Henchman cupped their hand around Villain's other shoulder and sighed. "I know what you are thinking Hero," they looked at them with teary eyes. "They may not make it."
Hero gulped. That thought had indeed entered their mind once or twice. It was hard not to expect Villain losing their battle. Even though the injury literally just happened twenty minutes ago, they had to realize that there was no medical care on the island, probably more bizzare creatures that Villain could not run away from, and other environmental factors that made everything more and more difficult.
As night neared, Sidekick went into the ocean to try and catch some fish. They succeeded with a large salmon that the quartet shared. Even Villain ate a couple morsels, or more realistically, Henchman stuffed it down their throat.
They decided on a shift with four hour intervals. Sidekick's smartwatch still worked, so they used that.
Hero took the fourth watch. Their "savior instincts" told them to stay up all night long, but Sidekick convinced them that it wouldn't help Villain being exhausted in the morning. So, Hero consented and fell into an uneasy sleep.
Villain was standing still. A silhouette against the setting sun. It was a gorgeous sight. The sky was a bright orange with red and yellow highlights. There was even pink and purple streaks throughout the sky. The sun was huge as it dipped behind the city's skyscrapers.
It would be beautiful if it wasn't for the fact that Villain used canes. Two canes for each arm, but it didn't help them. They couldn't walk, couldn't talk, couldn't function as a normal human being.
Their body wouldn't work for them, so when they turned to walk back where a car was waiting for them, they tripped and fell.
Hero woke with a jolt, shaking. They glanced upwards and saw Henchman tenderly shaking them.
"Your turn," Henchman yawned and laid across from Sidekick's snoring form. Hero groaned and crawled over to Villain. With the moon reflecting in their wide eyes, Hero couldn't help but admire their courage. After all, they did protect Hero whether either admitted it or not.
Hero gently shook Villain as their eyelids began to droop. They did this almost every minute. The whole time they couldn't stop thinking about their nightmare.
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casarolltroll · 5 years
Trollhunters Crew human S/O pairings. Trolls:
Vendal: You, like him are older in your years. Your sweet and kind hearted nature balances out his often grumpy and cranky personality. You offer comfort and solidarity to the old troll, and the two of you enjoy each others company. He will not say this directly but you make him feel young, he remembers a better time when in your presence.
Blinky: The two of you bond over your love for a good conspiracy. You are more level headed than he is at times, you balance out his naturally chaotic good nature. You, to most people are a rather plan looking person, but to him you are the most perfect being that could have ever exsisted. He admit that at first he was turned off by his own minds idea for a relationship, but when the two of you spent more time togeather you both grew on eachother. He loves reading to you and you love to listen to his voice, it calms you. On the off occasions you will sing for him and he cherishes the sound of your lovely voice. You both love reading and are extremely nerdy, but if anyone tries to harm you his gentle nature is taken over by his more aggressive trollish instinct, you actually find it kinda cute. He will smack a bitch with a book for you, no doubt about it!
Arrrgh: You like him are a pacifists by choice, however if anyone tries to hurt those you love you gonna pass a fist throught someones face. He fell for you because of your childish nature. You see all that is good in the world and remind him that his past dose not set who he is in stone. One of his favorite things to do with you is have you lay on his chest and the two of you watch the stars in the sky. You have various scars on your body, all of which Arrrgh has taken an intrest and concern in. In the days where you feel comfortable talking about your past he sits and listens. The two of you were brought together by your less than marvelous pasts. But are held togeather by bright future you both see ahead.
Draal: He was attracted to you the moment he you punched his lights out. Not only were you able to punch him, a fully grown troll, but you were able to knock him off his feet with that punch. He respects your no B.s taking attitude and gives you all the respect you deserve and more. Your blue dreadlocks and buff form is something he finds physically attractive, he tells you if you were a troll he would certainly have more competition to keep you with him, the fact that a human can come so close to the strength of a troll is the main point of his fascination toward you. You are into poetry and have roped him into liking it too. Although he won't admit it, when he is alone he dose read the poetry books you brought him. His favorite moments with you are when the two of you spar, being human you have a bit of a challenge keeping up but he makes sure not to go to hard on you.
Bular: Your fearlessness is what makes him respect you, and attracts him to you. The way you stood up too him when you knew you stood no chance supprised him. While in battle one day he manages to corner you and capture you. You put up a hell of a fight, but it is your fighting spirit that makes him wnat to keep you alive. At first you hate him because you thinnk he only sees you as a play thing. But as time goes on you two get to know eachother more, you find out that behind the brute is a man(troll) with complex feeling and a brain. The two of you discuss philosophy, politics, and battle strategy. The fact that your combat savey excites him. He could easily overpower you if he wanted, but what fun would that be. Your both hard headed, but you let your softer sides out around eachother. Don't expect the " you make me a better person for knowing you" because he wont say it. But he does shows it through his action.
When the two of you are alone he enjoys cuddles and tends to let out deep throated purrs when he is very relaxed.
Gunmar: He is not a very affectionate being and neither are you. He is rough with you, but never oversteps his boundaries. You both respect each other, and your relationship is based off of that respect, you take care of my needs and I take care of yours. Simple as that. He think your foolish for staying with him but silently appreciates your company. You stay with him because he is the slice of danger in your life you were looking for.
Dictasius: You find his snarky attitude amusing, and he find your quick wit equal tantalizing. He respects your incredibly high intelligence and your humorous outlook on life. He dose not care for how you look because he can't see. For this fact you let him get away with being a little handsy and he has pleanty of them to get handsy with. You were born with a genetic mutation giving you two horns on your head. They are not very large so you oftwn hide them with bandanas and head wraps, but in the rare occasion you take those off and allow him to feel them. He knows that you are sensitive to the topics of your horns and tells you they make you seem more mysterious and there is beuaty in mysteries. He's very fond of you and you have found he has many insecurities. With his first love using and then completely rejecting him( not gonna say it was Gunmar...but it was Gunmar) it leaves some pretty nasty scars. You assure him you would never leave him and those night ussually end with the two of you fast asleep in eachothers arms with a book left open to the side of one of you. You are so committed to him that you fight with Blinky when he takes passes at his brother and have done everything with in your power to repair their relationship, as Dictasous has let it slip a time or two that it is one of his biggest regreats. Eventually you manage to get the two on good term and form a friendship with Blinky. He teaches you to read and write Trollsih and eventually you get good enough to start translating his books to brail so he can read them. He might be blind, but he dose not need to see to know you are the only one for him.
AngorRot: You two share the unspoken code of an Assassin. He has taken lives and so have you. You were brought up in the old ways and staand as a living relic to the old days of assassin's and templar. Dispite being human the two of you are equally matched in skill, even when he has his shadow staff you still managed to hold your ground. He choose to stay by your side after you save him from being destroyed by Morgana. In the years you two spend togeather, he grows on you and eventually you fall for his advances. He is never affectionate around others, but you don't mind because when the two of you are alone he makes a point show you exactly how much you mean to him. He dose not coddle you, and if he dose you get annoyed. He has learned that you respect equal responsibility. You take care of him and he takes care of you, there is no one above the other. In the starts of your relationship he treated you more like a master than a partner and you shut that down quick. You assured him he owes nothing to you, you simply did what was right and there is no need to repay you for it. You help him to slowly repair the years of damage and trauma he had to endure. He owes you everything, but you never hang that over his head. He was broken and you fixed him, and togeather you both can lead a somewhat normal life and happy life. He is your angry rock and you love him.
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askanautistic · 8 years
Hi I'm allistic but I work with a young autistic boy. I'm a private aide for him during the school day. I want to help teach him coping skills and self-management to understand when he needs sensory input or a break from the activity, and I don't want to use ABA b/c I've seen that it can be so harmful. However, when he gets mad, frustrated, or overwhelmed he tends to punch and kick, and it's usually me. His anger escalates quickly and I don't usually have time to talk him through coping (1/2)
(2/2 about allistic with autistic student) coping and calming strategies and he begins to scream, punch, and kick. When I ask other teachers and my supervisors for input, they tell me it’s all for attention. Anyways, can you give me any ideas about potential coping and self-management skills for kids who get angry quickly and can’t or don’t verbalized it? And when to work on it so that it can become a habit when he starts to get angry/frustrated? Thanks in advance!- Try to work out if there’s a pattern. Particular tasks that frustrate him, a particular time of day when he starts to get more prone to anger, or even if it’s potentially something he’s eating, as some children are more sensitive to additives in food and it has a dramatic effect on their behaviour.- Find alternative ways for him to communicate (even if he’s usually verbal or has communication methods in place). It might be that he’s losing the ability to communicate before he’s losing his temper, without anyone noticing. So having alternatives and encouraging their use will mean he’s less likely to lose that ability and grow frustrated (if that is the case).- Encourage breaks and the use of sensory toys/input consistently, rather than as a last resort to help calm him. Perhaps utilising these things throughout the day will help prevent his frustration/anger from escalating.- Try to model some self-evaluation/coping skills, as this will demonstrate coping skills and also take some of the focus off of him (instead of everything being about how he feels and what he needs, which can be quite a lot of pressure and overwhelming focus, you could say, “I’m getting a bit sleepy, I just need to get up and stretch,” or if you can see he’s stuck, “I’m finding this a bit confusing and I’m getting a bit annoyed at myself, so can we take a break?” Or depending on how he communicates, you could use the same method (showing him a card, pointing to a picture, something that demonstrates how you feel and/or what you need).- Give him breaks from you. It’s quite intense having to spend the whole day with a single person, or constantly having adults with you (even if you get on with that person). You might need to just supervise from a distance sometimes, or get other staff members to spend time with him sometimes. I work with kids and the majority of the kids in my class could get away with doing things like talking when they should be working or have some opportunity to slack off a bit or be silly without someone noticing, and kids aren’t always going to be focused or perfectly behaved (neither are adults for that matter!) but kids who are constantly 1:1 don’t have that freedom. So it’s good to be mindful of that. - If he’s able to/has a reliable communication method that he does use at the moment, discuss his anger with him when he’s calm. Find out whether there’s anything you can do that would help (for example, if he starts to show signs of getting angry, would it be better if you moved away from him to give him space). Try to come up with agreed was of him managing and then put up reminders.  Perhaps then when he gets angry he’ll know he can take himself off to a different area to calm down (and the agreement would be that you understand that he needs to go and will let him without trying to talk to him about it until he’s returned). Or there might be a cushion or even an actual punching bag that he can use (and having a reminder of that and knowing that that item has that purpose might help him direct his aggression towards that instead of you).- Create activities to help you come up with ways for him to tell you what bothers him and what he needs when he is angry. You could talk about it and write lists or you could use pictures and cut and paste options. For example make up mood boards with cut and paste or the option to stick on options for ways to cope (for example on an ‘anger’ board, the option to shout into a pillow, to go to a quiet space, to punch a punching bag, to run around, to be alone or to be with a different member of staff, and let him choose which things he would like to do when he gets angry). You could also try the same thing to give him a way to show you what kind of things make him angry. Rather than singling him out if this makes him uncomfortable, you could make one for yourself to model, or you could ask other children to make them too.- Simplify communication as much as possible for times when he’s already past the point of being able to communicate as he usually would. For example, having a colour chart or a few faces where he works will give him the opportunity to just stick a marker on the appropriate emotion/colour, so that he can very quickly and easily show you that he’s angry. You could encourage him to use it throughout the day, and even have your own one to model with.- Sometimes it helps to acknowledge that feeling that way is horrible for the child/person themselves. Being angry and out of control os scary, and having other people reacting to you can make you feel even worse. For a kid, realising that they’re not the only one and it’s normal to get angry can (in some cases) help alleviate some of that stress so that they can better manage things.- It can make a huge difference to model things yourself and to make the effort to relate. It might not work in all situations but I’ve frequently had children exhibit better coping skills through copying me (for example, children who would get upset at the sound of the alarm seeing me covering my ears and then doing that themselves and also seeming to be reassured by the fact that I don’t like the noise either). I’ve also had children with anger problems recover quicker from the post-rage downer when I’ve explained that I get angry too and I know it’s horrible when you get angry and then other people get angry and upset with you and everything just gets worse and worse. - Try to get other staff on board with any methods you are using. This means that they won’t question him (or you in front of him), make any remarks, or comment on his behaviour when he is angry as any negative comments are likely to fuel it. Positive feedback when he has calmed down might be okay (he might not like to be reminded, but he might respond well to being praised for using coping skills).-  Angry outbursts are basically meltdowns (assuming he is incapable of calming down rather than that he calms down as soon as he gets his own way - those are tantrums) so by that point he has lost some cognitive ability so talking to him or touching him might exacerbate matters. - Meltdowns are also not about the attention, meaning having attention can cause more embarrassment and distress and exacerbate things. So it might help having everyone ignore him, and giving him a private space to retreat to (even if it’s a tent or just a small area that’s sectioned off from view).- Make sure he is getting some kind of exercise. Some children who are often supervised 1:1 end up not really having the opportunity to run around and play properly (depending on who is responsible for them during those times, or the layout of the school, and some children might have motor difficulties that make it difficult to play in the ways that the other children generally play. Engaging with him, or finding alternative ways for him to get rid of any anxious energy or frustration might help (if he doesn’t really run or understand or enjoy games like tag, for example, and struggles to run for or catch balls, find out if there are other things you can do like use trampolines, or a bike, or climbing frame - even if these items are not in his regular play area perhaps he can have some time to engage in these activities).
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