mydumbideas · 6 months
What do you call it when you make a D&D character that is an anthromorphic cat that is good at accounting?
A Taxtabby
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mydumbideas · 6 months
Critical Role C3 Ep 89
Part way through the episode, I had an idea.
What if they go on the assassination mission and instead of killing the target, they polymorph her into a llama?
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mydumbideas · 6 months
Critical Role
If Vax were a gnome, instead of running tika-tika-tika like Chetney, he would run dagga-dagga-dagga. Gives more of a muffled, stealthy vibe
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mydumbideas · 2 years
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Wanted to compile all my 1 hour teacup painting studies together ☕
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mydumbideas · 2 years
When russia finally gets the legal smack down, I want to see Stephen Colbert announce it like punishments from a game show.
But wait! Russia is allowed a consolation prize.
Tell 'em what they won!
Is potato.
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mydumbideas · 3 years
Boromir: One does not simply walk into Mordor.
Gomez Addams: Correct! They tango!
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mydumbideas · 3 years
Has anyone else thought like this?
Me: Hmmm. My favorite fic hasn't updated in a while. Maybe if I re-read it the author will update. Like how the waiter brings the food when you go to the restroom.
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mydumbideas · 3 years
So I saw this wicked badass dragon guitar and wanted a badass dragon instrument of my own.
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So I improvised…
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Mine’s better. Dragon guitar:  http://www.emeraldguitars.com/the-art-of-guitar/draco/
Dragon Bros: http://floccinaucinihilipilificationa.tumblr.com/
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mydumbideas · 3 years
How do we not have a platypus Pokémon yet?
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mydumbideas · 3 years
The fluff has been cataloged.
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mydumbideas · 3 years
I'm a level 2 adult and I had half a pint of Ben & Jerry's for dinner. So yeah, you all are doing fine.
So apparently getting a good evening laugh means checking on your friends by asking what they (as adults) are having for dinner and sending a pic of my plain chicken and pickles on a paper plate to find out one of them had a fruit soda and a rice crispy and another plain buttered noodles. Someone cooked real food but the casserole was a little scorched on the edges and they requested backup.
We're doing alright.
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mydumbideas · 3 years
Critical Role EXU:
How old is Fy'ra Rai? I need to know for some time line calculations..
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mydumbideas · 3 years
Narrative Telephone Prompts:
(Because I've been binge listening to them while working on other stuff.)
A party coordinated through the Message spell
Campaign 2 from the bandit's perspective
Adventures of Kingsley the Pirate
Fjord's father (figure) meets Jester's parents
A day in the life of Luke
A day in the life of Nugget
A day in the life of Kiri
Caleb teaching a transmutation class
Cadeuses explaining how to choose which tea plants to go with what corpse
A member of Vox Machina tailing a honey heist campaign
Gelidon lamenting the lack of available bachelors
Devexian exploring the ruins of Aeor
Allura Vysoren looking past the veil of reality (fourth wall) and seeing the connection between VM and MN
The Moorbounder breeding goblin
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mydumbideas · 4 years
The Mighty Nein discussing Trent Ikathon, but constantly, intentionally, saying his name wrong.
Wet Itchy-thong
Spent Bitchy-song
Bent Lich's-dong
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mydumbideas · 4 years
Crack The Mandalorian theory. He' Duchess Satine's nephew, Korkie.
I told you it was a crack theory.
Know this: I have not actually SEEN the show yet. I am very behind on all things Star Wars. What I know is through bits and pieces flung at me be the whirlwind that is the internet.
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mydumbideas · 4 years
Critical role:
The Mighty Nein should offer to help Vilya by contacting Allura about the formerly missing people being bamfed back to Taldori.
Allura asks her main druid contact if she knows who Vilya is.
Instead of Matt acting out Allura acting out how Keyleth responded, he just plays a recording of Marisha's reaction to the revelation.
Edit: I had Exandria instead of Taldori.
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mydumbideas · 4 years
If the Mighty Nein crossed over into a Ravenloft campaign and found out the history between Strahd and Tatiana, they would spend the campaign nope-ing from one place to the other while trying to convince Strahd that his best chance is to woo Tatiana with romantic gestures. Through Jester casting message. Everyday.
"You should totally, like, write her poetry amd stuff."
"Have you read Tusk Love?"
"Do vampires poop?"
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