#I don't know man the idea of Eren trying to keep Jean's soulmate alive and getting extremely frustrated over being unable to do it
twpsyn-who · 7 months
A little bit of a cracky one- Soulmate AU in which when you die your soulmate dies too. Of course there are some rules, otherwise AoT would end dramatically fast, but we ain't talking about those yet.
The idea is that Eren needs Jean to stay alive. He straight up can't do his plan without Jean. That guy must survive at all cost, which sucks.
The problem? No matter what Eren does, Marco always overhears Berthold and Reiner talk and fucking dies. ALWAYS. Is like that scene is some canon event or some shit. It must happen. Is written in the stars for Marco Bodt to die at Reiner's hands (not necessarily in Trost, but is always because of Reiner.)
Cue to Eren going through multiple memories trying to somehow keep Marco alive AND still make Jean join the Survey Corps AND somehow trigger all the events in the right order to get the desired ending. Is a nightmare.
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