#I don't know what my voice sounds like instinctually anymore and i think its throwing me off
sharkneto · 7 months
Playing around with the idea of making an audio for one of my fics so I can relearn what I sound like with my lower voice - that a thing people would be interested in me sharing if I did it? Requests for which fic I do, if so (limiting to the one shots, I'm not committing to the entirety of HIT lol)?
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genshxn · 2 years
*emerges from damp cave, throws this at you and disappears again*
you should be addicted to shutting the fuck up
as inspired by the fact that dottore is very likely wearing a harness or some shit under his shirt 👍
(calling dottore a manwhore (half-jokingly); yanking that mfer around or smth idk; also not beta read lmao) this is a leel bit spicy???? i think? i have no idea anymore lmao
he certainly seemed to love talking. did he just love the sound of his own voice that much? with a loud sigh, you leaned your head on your wrist, barely processing anything he was saying. you heard the words, but they mostly just glazed over you.
something something clones... fancy-biology term you've heard maybe once... more clone bullshit... more words flew over your head. so instead, your attention instead wandered to his attire. that was a fancy new look he had, you thought. it was about as pompous as he was with the feathers and glowing accents.
what caught your attention the most was the harness he had on. it's such an expected choice of wardrobe for him, almost laughably so. you silently wondered what would happen if you pulled on it? of course, you weren't going to try such a thing. yet.
your eyes continued to wander over him slowly. he paced around in front of his desk, occasionally stopping to lean on it, or make some sort of exaggerated gesture.
"so i thought that sort of technology would maybe work for some sort of clone, but without him actually here, it's a bit hard to recreate it, y'know... are you even paying attention?" dottore sat back against his desk with his hands behind him, propping himself up. you couldn't see his eyes hidden by his mask, but you knew he was staring right at you with near-tangible annoyance.
"yep." no you weren't.
"really now? then do tell me what i was just talking about."
"i don't know, but i was paying attention to you. what's up with that new outfit?"
"i've been talking to... perhaps more at you for the past two hours and you only notice my clothes now?" dottore's head tilted in perplexity. you were barely paying him any attention of any sort, so yeah, it took you a little bit.
you could understand everything he was saying perfectly fine now, you were just actively choosing to ignore him. "what's up with that choker, huh?"
you couldn't see the expression his eyes were making, but you knew that his slightly agape jaw was a look of complete disbelief. you got up from your seated position across from him and approached him in front of his desk. you leaned in just enough that you could feel faint warmth radiating off him, but still without contact. he instinctually backed up just a tiny bit from you. "...what?"
"oh, look at that. looks like it connects to something under that shirt." you slipped two fingers underneath his choker and pulled them towards the connecting ring in the middle.
"oh my archons, what do you want?" dottore's voice sounded even and impatient, but his quickly preceding swallow suggested otherwise. it was getting easier to read him. (at least this clone)
"to see where this leads, you manwhore." you pulled his head down to your level to mutter into his ear.
"EXCUSE M—" dottore pulled back indignantly, but he was quickly interrupted by your succinct movements. you flicked his beak-like mask upwards, revealing the rest of his face and his bright red eyes beneath. then you yanked the ring of the choker again with greater force and slammed your lips against his.
you leaned into him, bearing more of your weight on him as he began to falter. he wanted to put his hands on you, but he was only going to fall over if he moved them anywhere. he would be even further at your disposal if he was lying on the desk. but he didn't quite want to risk that right now.
your free hand found its way into his mint-coloured hair. it's exceptionally soft under your fingers as you practically manhandled him. your strong grip was admittedly the only thing keeping him upright.
your other hand had begun to work its way down the middle strap of the choker, only to be interrupted by his done-up collar. but that wouldn't stop you, not now, and not before. you undid the blue cravat with one hand and slipped it off him, then moved to singlehandedly undo the top few buttons. you were quite good with your hands, being part of the fatui. being dottore's 'assistant' also helped.
his legs began to feel weak. he was slipping, knuckles turning white from their grip on the desk. he was trying so hard not to fall back.
breath be damned, you thought as you pulled back with a gasp of air. both of you panted, pupils blown wide. his pale face was dusted in a blush. his collar was a mess, by your handiwork. but your suspicions were confirmed. it definitely seemed like he had some sort of harness on, as the middle still continued down over his sternum and further below.
"sorry, i kinda just wanted to make you shut up," you said as you finally caught your breath again. "you talk way too much."
now it was dottore's turn to ignore what you were saying. "hah, who would have thought that a simple change in wardrobe would make you act this way?"
"you say that like it was intentional?" you raised your eyebrow at him.
"who knows, maybe it was?" he shrugged.
"my lord, you really are a manwhore," you quickly said before shoving him down onto the desk, this time working his bound-up coat off.
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