#I don't know what possessed me to doodle and write this in the middle of the night but CC is going through it again
kukkakisu · 2 months
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Something about horrors beyond your comprehension laying dormant under the mask, until it wakes, hissing and stirring-- demanding to be let out. Reaching as far as it can go. Sinking its teeth as deep as it can. Not to eat. Not to play. Lashing out. Overwhelmed. Hurt. Scared. Angry.
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paper-starz · 11 months
after so many hours, days, months.... ITS BACK!
And now, after careful observations, I present to you fine fellows a few theories and observations. THIS WILL BE VERY LONG AND IT WILL CONTAIN SPOILERS FOR THE UPDATE!!
OK to start off, lets debunk a theory thats been bugging me: THE WELCOME HOME NEIGHBORS ARE DEAD THEORY!
yeah.... has been debunked. Look no further than the guestbook! PG 2 SPECIFICALLY!
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Image reads: idonotknowwhatclownis_iaskedfrank_hesaidbarnaby_hereisbarnaby.png
So, Wally was able to ask Frank what a clown was during the time of this ask, therefore, none of the puppets are dead (yet)
"But Paperstar!" I hear you cry. "The neighborhood descriptions were in past tense, while Wally's and Home's neighborhood descriptions were in present tense!"
And for that, I have a simple answer: The puppets aren't aware. Since they aren't aware, they still think that they are living during the 70s. To us, the 70s have already past! And since Wally and Home are aware that they aren't living in the 70s anymore, they use present tense. NOW ONTO THEORY NUMBER 1
As we all know, when we look into the website, doodles (presumably made by Wally) are littering the website and sending us into secret links!
While these doodles are fun, creepy, and cool to look at... have we ever stopped and wondered how exactly Wally is doodling onto the website?
By doodling onto a book.
Throughout the website, we see few instances of Wally doodling. Where was he doodling on specifically?
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On a red book. But I can take it FURTHER.
I believe the book that Wally is doodling on is THIS ONE
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All 3 things connected to Wally. (Lord knows Wally loves drawing swirls and eyes, especially in this update) "But PAPER!!!" I hear you scream. "THIS BOOK IS IN REALITY! HOW CAN WALLY GET THIS BOOK IF HE'S STUCK IN WELCOME HOME?" Ah, patience, dear viewer! This is called the Red BOOKS theory, not the Red BOOK theory. It's simple, there's two books, one in Welcome Home, and one IRL. As above, so below
Whatever happens above, also happens below!
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And it seems like the Question Answerer is in possession of this book as well.
Which brings me to my next theory!
Specifically Wally (pretty much confirmed) and the Question Answerer.
If the Red Books theory is (hypothetically) true then the IRL book SHOULD be able to doodle onto the site as well! But how do we know this?
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Pay close attention to these doodles of Barnaby. Notice one that's... Different from the others?
As you see, the right one is scraggly, rushed, not coloring in the lines at all!
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Yeah, so it appears to me that Wally draws neater, while the 2nd doodler seems to draw messier and they don't even color the full drawing in most of the time! (For all I know this info could be vice versa. With Wally being the messier drawer and the 2nd doodler being neater.) BUTTTTTT IF YOU WEREN'T CONVINCED OF THESE DOODLES, I HAVE MORE EVIDENCE TO PROVE MY THEORY OF TOO DOODLERS
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And yet, there are hearts littered not only in the Guest Book page, but all across the website as well. And unless Eddie is helping Wally draw hearts every time he needs to draw one, then I doubt that Wally is the one doodling these hearts.
And for the last piece of evidence saying that there IS a second person, look no further than the HANDWRITING.
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Say it with me kids! "One of these things is not like the other!"
It's all lowercase, while Wally usually writes in all UPPERCASE, and in red.
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Even his signature supports this statement as well!
Therefore, dear viewers, I believe we need to pay closer attention to the doodles. Who is the one ACTUALLY writing to us?
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irisintheafterglow · 6 days
friends can i hs journalist!reader x bachira brain rot on main real quick because i really need to get this idea out of my head
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it's no secret that bachira meguru did not have friends. elementary school into middle school was essentially spent in solitude, and only when he reached high school did he attempt to connect with others.
luck, he figured, placed you two at the same lab table for a science class whose concepts he's long forgotten. you were uncharacteristically warm to him and possessed the patience of a seasoned kindergarten teacher, letting him doodle in the top right corner of your notebook and worksheets. you were always ready to build on whatever joke he muttered, but equally as quick to steer him onto the right task. you countered him so easily that it unnerved him. he found you perplexing, listening to him rattle on about soccer with an interest that only his mother had shown him. there was a monster inside of him, he'd revealed after a few months of knowing you, and you nodded in understanding like you could see it too.
"i feel the same way when i'm photographing a game. it's hyper-focus, right? like someone is whispering in your ear what the best shot is, though i guess 'shot' means different things to each of us," you added, barely glancing up from your notebook. you picked out a yellow highlighter from your pencil case and carefully ran it over a vocabulary word, only stopping when you saw bachira staring at you. "what is it?"
"you're in yearbook?"
"yearbook and journalism class, yeah. i write for the school paper, but it's mostly the sports columns," you say with a nonchalant shrug.
"oh, so do you do, like the-" he holds his hands in the shape of two L's, wiggling the top joint of his pointer finger like he was pressing the shoot button on a camera. "the this thing?"
"mhmm. i take photos at the games and i also write about the result afterward. it's pretty cool, especially during nationals season." another highlighter is chosen meticulously from your bag, the same shade of blue that he liked to draw raindrops with. bachira could probably match a doodle to every writing material you owned, if he tried.
"huh, i bet. why've i never seen you at a game, hmm?"
"they usually assign the same people for each sport, and i've been covering the basketball and volleyball teams for a few years." orange, you pick, for something about homeostasis. "why?" he catches a mischievous sparkle in your eye, like you were teasing him. "you want me to go to your games?"
"absolutely," bachira replies without hesitation. "you don't even have to ask."
so, you do go to the next game. not as a school journalist, but just as a spectator in the stands. you find a seat next to a very passionate mother cheering for the other team, somewhere in the middle of the bleachers. it's close enough that you can spot bachira as soon as he's on the field, and he spots you too. he raises his hand in an excited wave, mimicking the same 'shooting a camera' gesture that got you into this situation. during the game itself, you realize bachira's talent is impossible to ignore, especially when he's finding you after every goal and assist and doing the camera movement like it was your own private joke. you find yourself in the stands again and again, catching his eyes and finding that he's already looking at you.
"i can't believe they actually let you switch," he said, breathless after he sprinted across the field to find you during half-time of your first game as acting journalist. "what'd you say to convince them?" you shrugged, a small smile playing on your lips.
"i just told them the truth," you murmur so that only you two could hear, "that i like watching you play."
"right," he stutters, unsure of what to say. "yeah. well, i'm glad i look cool to you!" he considers it one of the biggest mistakes of his life, leaving whatever was there between you two unsaid. he didn't respond how he wanted to, truthfully, because you'd caught him off guard. bachira meguru wasn't used to having friends, nor was he used to the airy feeling in his forehead and the lightness in his stomach. bachira meguru was not good at being in love.
when he left for blue lock, he felt like he'd left a part of himself with you.
"you're-you're leaving?" he knew you were trying to keep your composure, but it was slipping. he explained the implications of being a certified athlete again and you nodded, your mind anywhere but present. "i see. do you know when you'll be back?" bachira shakes his head. "i see."
"but it'll be good! it'll probably make me a better player and get me one step closer to my dream!"
"right. i'm excited for you, meguru." there was something off in your tone that he couldn't place. the monster was telling him he was...hurting you.
"i'll send you letters or something like we're in shakespeare!" you crack a pained grin, forcing out a laugh that was no more than a nicety. most of the characters die or hate each other in shakespeare. "and i promise i'll come right back to you when i'm done." it seems to be the wrong thing to say since he spots the tremble of your bottom lip as you swallow thickly. what was he doing to you?
"i hope it's everything and more," is the last thing you say to him before he leaves for blue lock. when you're completely removed from his life, he finds his mind drifting to you as a safety net when he had trouble sleeping or hits a low during training. it is everything and more, being at blue lock, but his fingers want to become the shape of a camera every time he makes a goal.
"'mock press day' my ass," raichi declared during a training day before the u-20 match. according to ego, the five-on-five scrimmages would be observed by various reporters to increase interest in the blue lock vs u-20 game. "they just want an excuse to gawk at us."
"the existence of this program is riding on that game," isagi points out. "they're probably trying to prep us for the other scrutiny that comes with being in the public eye." raichi's eye twitches, his grip tightening on the laces of his cleats.
"they can shove all their eyes up my-"
"what kind of press do you think they'll be?" chigiri's question unconsciously catches bachira's attention. "news channels? maybe interviews?"
"don't be thinking they care about what we're doing here," rin deadpans from across the locker room. "it'll be yelling and flashes and that's it, so ignore them and move on." from a dark corner of his brain solely focused on preparing for a match, a childish hope consisting of two words popped into the back of bachira's mind. what if?
when the kickoff whistle is blown, the other players don't understand why he keeps looking toward the spectators as if he's trying to find someone. the even more perplexing bit?
why bachira apologizes in advance for 'needing to show off' before pulling the nastiest dribbling the program has seen since its conception.
there's a buzz in the visiting group of reporters when the match you observe ends, compliments and awe revolving around the striker with the outlandishly good dribbling skills. he was really fired up, they comment. and he's only your age, they say to you with wonderstruck faces. can you believe the talent of that striker? i'm not sure what he was doing with his hands after each goal, though. was he taking a picture of us instead? while they continue to recount their favorite plays, you smile and wait for him to come and find you, your star player and his favorite photographer.
later heard in the locker room: "why the fuck was bachira kissing one of the press people after the match?"
"call it unfinished business," bachira replies with a satisfied smirk, "you better be scared of me, next time that reporter is in the stands. i have a lot of time to make up for."
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if you enjoy my writing and would like to support me, you can buy me a coffee on my ko-fi! you can also check out my full masterlist here :)
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kuumara · 1 year
Will's possessed again. Don't even wanna call him that but whatever-he's locked in the bathroom. Screaming, yelling at him to let him out. Being generally violent. He's supervising him (on the other side of locked doors) because when he's like this for too long he starts hurting himself.
Sometimes in the middle of these episodes the real Will wakes up and takes control, but only for a moment. Mike hears him calm down, he's back.
He takes out his chewed up pencil and a little notebook; he still loves to write whenever he can, it makes him feel like everything is okay.
You okay, he writes on a piece of paper. It's more of an attempt of comfort than a question. Folds it up and pushes the pen and it through a hole in the wall. It was made by bullets from Nancy's shotgun when a demodog somehow got in this safe house. That was more than a year ago, probably- Will could still listen to and participate in their plans to find and kill Vecna while he was still weak. Then Vecna regained a lot of his powers and it got progressively worse, from these episodes happening once every 5 months to happening almost every 2 days.
Murray had said, "He's not allowed to listen anymore. We never know when he's just Will and when he's Spy-Will." That was half a year ago, but now they can kind of tell when he's possessed. He doesn't start being violent the second he gets possessed, he just gets this look on his face, an uncanny and unnatural look, wanting to get as much information as it can about their plans to stop Vecna. Then they of course lock him in a room, to prevent spying. Even Joyce didn't object, she just goes in a different building when this stuff is happening. Mike hates treating Will like this, he knows he's still in there while he's possessed, but Will isnt a frail 11 year-old anymore, when he's like that he can hurt others pretty badly. He almost broke Murray's legs once.
Mike wishes he could help. This wouldn't be happening if only he didn't let Will go that time in 1983. And 1984. And 1986-
Great even. Why?
The paper falls back through the hole. Mike smiles at Will's note. He enjoys talking to him, or just being close to him.
Do you think if Vecna gets cancer he's just gonna die and we dont have to kill him? He slides the paper and the pencil back. He hears a small laugh and laughs himself.
Maybe. I'll ask when he invades my mind again
Then he would get angry he would be like "why do you all want me dead" :(
Will doodles Vecna as a middle schooler getting bullied. They're both laughing now.
I enjoy talking to you Mike writes. He wants to write so much more and let Will know how much he appreciates and loves him, but after considering just straight up writing I love you he pushes the paper back.
Let me out then is what comes back. Mike's smile fades; Will's gone yet again.
After minutes of Mike not responding Will is knocking on the door between them, then pounding, then yelling at Mike for being a bad friend. All Mike can do is cover his ears and cry hopelessly.
Ok this wasnt intended to turn into a fanfiction but lowkey slay
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skyllion-uwu · 1 year
all right i read ur pinned again to decide on a chat for the ask game and came upon ur ocs
Jaxon has a neat name, can ya do the ask thing for him?
favorite thing about them
Xe's one of the first OCs I made that wasn't a fan OC so xe's got a special place in my heart. Xir design hasn't even changed very much because it's so iconic to me, so that's one of my favorite things. I also like that xe's very caring and kind to others
least favorite thing about them
Jaxon can hyperfocus a lot and miss the big picture. For example, xe keeps focusing on trying to make things perfect which contributes to the existence of the timeloops and xe doesn't notice how everyone else is being affected
favorite line
This is an old quote from when I was originally writing xir story as a series of short stories, "Jaxon woke up in a world on fire, eyes burning with smoke and tears." This was usually the opening line of each story AND it was the concluding line of "Loop 0". "Loop 0" was basically a prologue that would've been published towards the end of the series so it ending with that signifies the start of the loops
In terms of spoken lines, there's this exchange from the same story. Charles is no longer British so it wouldn't go exactly like this. It's the first time Jaxon speaks up against Charles instead of going with everything so it's a very important moment for xim but xe doesn't even remember it
Charles jumped up. "What in the bloody hell are you doing?!"
Jaxon stared Charles in the eye. "Starting over.”
Bailey and Jaxon!! Bailey's the only other survivor Jaxon found in the town xe originally woke up, and while she initially doesn't go off with xim, over a few loops she starts to remember who xe is subconsciously and begins to trust xim enough to start leaving town with xim at the beginning
Not really a pairing because there's three of them, but Jaxon is canonically in a polyam triad with Robin and Holmes! Depending on the loop xe only dates one or the other, but the definitive end result is they're a triad
Charles and Jaxon. Okay they are definitely implied to be a thing in the past but Jaxon's become a very different person than xe used to be and Charles is extremely possessive and I know if this story ever got popular people would ship them but they're not supposed to be together IT'S ABOUT MOVING ON FROM MISTAKES AND LEARNING TO BE IMPERFECT BECAUSE IF YOU STAY FOCUSED ON WHAT COULD HAVE BEEN YOU'LL NEVER LIVE LIFE TO ITS FULLEST IF JAXON AND CHARLES GOT BACK TOGETHER THE MESSAGE WOULD BE LOST DO YOU GET WHAT I'M SAYI-
random headcanon
I guess it's not really a headcanon since xe's my character but Jaxon's favorite food is cookie dough because it's the first thing xe ever ate
unpopular opinion
I don't know if I can answer this one since xe's my OC and I haven't heard any opinions on xim that I can disagree with
song i associate with them
I have a whole playlist for xim teehee But "Dream Sweet in Sea Major" and "Dirty Imbecile" are probably the songs I most associate with xim
favorite picture of them
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This doodle of xim and xir partners. Xe's in the middle with Robin on the left and Holmes on the right!
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