#I don't think I'm in the right headspace to take on larger projects than that
djosephqueery · 1 year
I've linked my ko-fi in my profile, in case anyone is interested. It's not very exciting, and doesn't have a header image yet (working on it), but it's there!
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What do you think of Taylor getting all the hate? I think this is the first time in a long time an album announcement wasn't received well. People are usually neutral towards her even if they don't like her music. Maybe it's because she has been oversaturated she has been constantly releasing albums since 2022, and then the eras tour and break up drama what do you think?
I ended up writing a weird, tangential ramble, so in short, to answer your question: I think it is just oversaturation. She's sort of becoming a lightning rod for people to express all their frustrations with the world, which might be legitimate grievances and might even be fairly related to her (like say jet emissions), but her presence in pop culture just leads to her continuously being the vehicle to have these serious conversations, if that makes sense. Like, I wish she switched to renewable kerosene (which is a thing, look it up! though I imagine it may not be available at most airports) but it serves no one to center a single rich singer-songwriter in the discussion surrounding climate change and the energy transition. (and also people continuously dismiss her security concerns when her houses are like REGULARLY broken into.)
It's difficult not to read most of the backlash as a kneejerk reaction (and to be clear there IS valid criticism), which is also why I try not to give it too much headspace. It's not what I'm here for.
My additonal rambling below the cut (please don't expect more of these lol):
(there's some repetition here cause I actually wrote this bit first)
I have opinions on most Taylor-related news stories, but I find interacting with the haters as well as the fandom tiring in anything larger than small doses (I only follow a handful of swifties and most of them are mutuals).
That being said: I actually really understand the general "Taylor-fatigue" — as you said, she is everywhere these days — and I also think there are things that are totally fair to criticize about her (even hate her for I guess, I can't choose how people feel). But it's also hard to ignore the dehumanization she's subjected to on the daily (like the idea that her using her jet too much gives people the right to create an app to track her current location – as if her location is relevant to the amount of emissions she's caused). But I guess that's just the price you pay for the type of success she's gained. I also think one can't totally blame her. Yes, she's touring a lot and putting out tons of music but that's her job!! And I love these things and WANT more of them!! It doesn't to me seem reasonable to expect her not to attend football games to support her boyfriend just because people can't stop filming her. Being annoyed by how she's everywhere is normal, but projecting all that annoyance back onto her, leading to disproportionate criticism of everything she does: that's on everyone. I don't know if it's avoidable at this point, I just wish people interacted with her in a more self-aware way.
Also, regarding people finding the vibe of the next album cringe: again, I don't have an influence on how people feel about art lol, but I do find that some of the criticism seems to be assuming it is entirely serious, without a hint of irony, and frankly I find that silly, given Taylor's entire body of work. (There was a time when people took Look What You Made Me Do 100% at face value and made fun of it for that! but oh well, bunch of people missed the nuance of Anti-Hero. Anyways.)
Sorry, I don't actually want to get into a discussion about the minutiae of everything everyone says about her. Like, I don't want to feel obligated to provide my take on every single thing that she does or happens to her, whether I support her or don't support her in that particular instance. That is too much work in such an active fandom.
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