#I dont even know where it is I just find the earthquakes annoying
chisatowo · 1 year
Dst farming is just farming happily with no worries in the world and then the horrors (carrotpocalypse)
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equalseleventhirds · 4 years
i get why we dont see any other ways of categorizing fears in the podcast, but out of curiosity, what do you think other fear taxonomy's might be like?
i have actually given this very little thought bcos i am on that fear soup train and am coming up with stuff on the fly (if someone else has more thoughts PLEASE share i would LOVE it)
i do think that the development of ppl’s definitions of the fears would have, in most cases, happened organically (like folklore and mythology develop naturally over time). given the existence of........... certain philosophers, though, i’m sure there have been, if not scientific taxonomies (altho those too), then rly awful philosophical categorizations.
...aristotle. i’m saying aristotle made a REALLY BAD taxonomy based on not one iota of research, just his own fucking opinions. do i hate aristotle a lot YES OBVIOUSLY have you SEEN the garbage he came up with, he said that women must have fewer teeth than men bcos they’re ‘incomplete’ and i’m p sure one of the reasons he never checked is that any woman would have bitten him.
now as for like, fears that might be in other ppl’s fear lists (i am not going to make a full fear list, just some examples of what might be out there!)
i’ve talked before abt how fear of being othered (not encountering the Other, being the other, and experiencing the hatred of others bcos of that) and fear of powerlessness (not just being manipulated by an unseen force, altho that can be there too, but like of being forced into things by a force u very much can see as well) SHOULD be things, so like, those.
spiral and stranger overlap too much in smirke’s whole thing; yes, ‘uncanny valley’ fear is different from ‘your brain is wrong’ fear, but so much of the stranger has developed into ‘can’t believe your senses’ and so much of the spiral has turned into ‘things are Wrong’ that i think a lot of ppl would just. put em together. maybe there’s a list out there that’s a lot stricter abt separating uncanny valley out from the madness stuff, but also even that’s a bit difficult, when u get down to it.
slaughter and hunt? fuck it, violence. just violence. like yeah ok i will say that ‘war’ as portrayed by some of the more hardcore This Is War slaughter statements feels different from the very personal violence of the hunt (largely bcos those focus more on the horror of being forced to do violence when you don’t want to, or the horror of the results of war on a much larger scale), but the smaller-scale sudden violence of like, melanie when she had the bullet, or grifter’s bone? those did not feel radically different from like, murder club, or daisy. the large-scale horrors of war can maybe be separate in some taxonomies, but also not every culture through history would have experienced war on such a HUGE level.
(i think hunt would’ve been more interesting/easily separated from slaughter if it wasn’t entirely violence based? like, the fear of being chased is what should separate it out, but that’s not often the POINT. it’s sometimes the point. but other times it’s just fucking violence. did julia and trevor chase down max mustermann? no, they just attacked him. where is the LINE. there is no line it’s soup.)
just to annoy ol bobby smirke i think every other list should separate out bugs and disease. fuck it.
it’s been pointed out before by someone altho i cannot FIND it rn that vast and buried, while supposedly opposites, actually often feel very similar. i think the fear of being overwhelmed and made small, particularly by a force of nature... that could be just one thing, for some ppl. (yes there’s also buried of just being in rly small spaces but that also feels different than some of the buried statements that are About The Earth? hmmm.)
also i think nobody else uses spiders for manipulation. surely some ppl would lump spiders in with other bugs; some ppl would lump spiders in with being preyed upon; but the association with spiders and manipulation is weird! spiders are so much cooler than that AND ALSO none of the arachnophobes i have known (and i have known... a lot actually) were afraid of spiders manipulating them. what the fuck robert. what the fuck JONNY. mistreatment of spiders...
it’d also be fun to have like. a whole mythology of the fears that’s just demons. looking at you diego molina and ur ‘asag’. 
speaking of desolation, yeah i know that in canon we always get fear of loss/destruction with the fire imagery? but i think that’s just bcos we’re so often dealing with ppl with the same influences. i think it’d be fun for other cultures to have a different symbol of destruction. like, somewhere that sees a lot of monsoons or hurricanes? their destruction fear is water/storm based. somewhere with a lot of earthquakes? earth based. somewhere that just got through a massive plague? disease based (fuck arthur nolan specifically).
...speaking of destruction, is there a fear that ppl will come and take things from you, not to destroy them, just to take them? is there a fear based around that? i do not think there is and surely some culture must have one. like, ok, i guess there’s the rich person fear of that, but also for ppl in small, poor communities who were pillaged a lot or overtaxed by a corrupt ruler? i guess that falls under powerlessness but for a culture that didn’t develop a taxonomy with all of powerlessness lumped under one fear... this might either flavor their destruction/loss fear in a very different way than desolation, or define a new fear for them.
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dulharpa · 4 years
this is for hayley! @whistlingwillows a dear friend <3333
it’s meant to be a birthday present haha. i just want to shower you in love;;; so thought maybe i could go through as many of your fics and comment on them :^)))
(TO EVERYONE ELSE: please go to @whistlingwillows blog and read her fics!!! they are SO FCKIN GOOD AND AMAZING AND UGH HER MIND (it’s a lot of mcu and her bucky and steve fics are a*. i DEFINITELY RECOMMEND))
i wish you a VERY happy birthday and i hope we stay friends for many more years <3333333333 
i’m going through your masterlist heehee ;)))
ah first off, nice theme! i never could rlly see it before because i’m always on mobile heehee. also sorry for not reviewing them before??? i don’t usually read fics on tumblr as you’ve probably guessed;;
far from home -  bucky x stark sister!reader
firstly, i like how youre introducing the reader from buckys pov, like you can sort of already gather what shes like from them
‘Bucky can hear Tony’s soft inhale, feel the intensity of the man’s glare directed at Steve. He shouldn’t be eavesdropping, but a twitch of muscle would be enough to alert both men that he’s here. With the amount of tension crackling in the air, a brush against the wall would be equivalent to a thousand cymbals crashing in cacophony.’
IM CRYING ALREADY. the imagery in here is GLORIOUS. your tone here is so fitting! oo and the alliteration here is perfecto
ooooooo!! the backstory coming in  👀👀
‘despite what some people think that Steve and Captain America are two different personas, there will always be parts of Steve in the Avenger, and parts of the Avenger in Steve. They both want to believe in something good. They are, after all, one in the same.// Just as how Bucky and the Winter Soldier are the same man despite everything. HYDRA simply amplified the hate, fertilized the seeds of rage, curated the quiet thunder within his soul, within James Buchanan Barnes so that the Winter Soldier could thrive.’
yIKES! lol this is very character study like! nICE. it hurts tho, my poor children, i love you both 
oo ‘starlight eyes’ that is a very nice way of describing them
‘“Then what was London?” The protesters. “São Paulo?” The earthquake. “Vancouver?” Freezing cold water.//“Look, I care if Stark’s gonna run us over trying to find her. I care enough because she’s part of our team. Come off it, Steve. I know she can take care of herself. I’m gonna take a nap. Dr. Cho said no partying post-Singapore and what do you know, we throw the biggest party ever.’
ooo singapore uwu and london? (coincidence? haha jkjk) and the hints abt reader and buckys background are so good?? but so annoying??? like i just wanna KNOW yknow?? 
‘The water runs copper and the sting bites at his palm as he tries not to think. Tries to focus on the numbing cold that runs over his skin.’ 
your imagery is so vivid?? im actually in awe??? i am so regretful i havent kept reading your fics. like i know they are amazing, i just keep putting them off??? idk man. hopefully this makes up for it (gd tho, im still not done with commenting on one fic. this is what im doing with my motivation teehee ;)
‘ He feels weak. Tired. He wants to go back to bed but he also wants to stay out in the sun for a few hours more. The sun kisses his skin through the windows and he squints against the blue sky, wondering ‘
mood during this quarantine lol
‘“Oh, right.” Your voice is flat, uninterested, cold, as you stare at him. “You killed my parents.”Shit.‘
ooo robin as a nickname noice. very much gives me batman vibes lol
oh! and the way of doing the ‘flashback’ is neat! very original. it both tells us what happened AND buckys reaction to it again. he can re-analyse himself and reader. very cool
‘If you walk away now, don’t bother coming back!” Silence. Bucky can hear his own strained breathing, your soft sigh as you soaked in his ultimatum.’
👀👀 yikes that ultimatum. :// not good bucky. tbf theyre both trying to hurt each other but Yikes
eyy!!! readers pov!! finally! and the switch after we find out the outsiders pov? brilliant
oh no :(( more angst
‘When’s the last time you saw your therapist?”“Don’t have one. I’m perfectly capable of taking care of myself.”’ they BOTH need therapists;;;;
very good fic!!! :DD they rlly do hate each other! i definitely like how you went back and forth with the timeline! it gave me a v strong idea on what yn was like even before we rlly got introduced. i am now very curious on where reader is? i love your characterisations! 
i will read the 10k+ fics but heck the last one took me ages lolol (i will comment in the future tho!! i promise <3 ) (that took me over an hour jjhghgdjh)
slipping away- amnesiac modern bucky x reader
‘ Put your fucking seatbelt on’
oh no, istg theyre going to have a car crash arent they (’ doesn’t put the seatbelt on to spite you.’ NO PLEASE PUT IT ON U DUMBASS)
ok,,,,, at LEAST he put it on before he got hit, thank heck. but still. youre so cruel to your poor characters lmaoo
oh gosh
‘You fall apart slowly, like pieces of you peeling away until you’re nothing more than your broken heart. The sobs that wrack your body are relentless and you shove your forearm into your mouth to muffle your cries. You want to bite into your skin. You want to distract yourself from the agony tearing you to shreds. You want to feel anything but the pain.///Tears sweep into your hair, cloud your vision and your whole face floods with heat as you try to breathe through the pain. You’re cleaved into pieces on that bed, eyes squeezed shut as the tears keep flowing, and your throat burns’
this hurts damn, it is so vivid?? i can really feel it 
i am so glad you got into writing yk?? so glad
NO PLS, TELL HIM. TELL HIM :((( ‘shes nice once you get to know her?? shes known nat for years now!! years!!
oh god ‘he looks younger without the burden of your time together’ this is so angsty omg
‘Well, he was stumbling through his apology and I just let him finish.” Your body fills with warmth as you remember his embarrassed smile, the way he shoved his baseball cap farther down his head, chin tucked to his chest, trying to hide that face. “When he was done, I opened my mouth to say something polite but what came out was ‘You look like someone I’d very much like to kiss’.”
this is so soft i stg im crying in the club
OH SHITTTTTTTTTTT , you left it off like that!!! thats so cruel!!!! i can’t!!! how dare you!!!! :””””””((( im typing this with tears in my eyes ill have u know!!
anyway!!! very good fic!! you could honestly make that into a longfic very easily lol. i felt too many emotions :(( 
i was just about to say where is the fluff!! where is it!! when i saw the next one and yay :))) pls i cant have more angsty stuff rn
cookies and rings and things bucky and reader
‘how much do you love me?’ ‘count the snowflakes, multiply by a million’
did you have to start the fic off with such a SOFT line? its so soft! so TENDER 
‘He wonders what kinda insane person wears socks without any clothes on, but then decides that it’s the kind of person who’s fallen in love with him.’  jesus, the soft moments filled with love are the greatest <3
you can write fluff so well, whyd you have to pain me with all that angst ;””””) (1/10 hurt, 9/10 comfort is the way to go lolol) (jkjk ill read the angsty ones too when i have the spoons) (gonna reread that hydra steve one and ik thatll fuck me UP)
‘ Then, he can feel the cold metal of the ring she slid onto her own finger less than twenty-four hours ago and realizes that he had thought a lot of things shouldn’t be possible, and yet they still are. ‘
you literally brought me to tears reading this softness, you have truly found my weakness
‘ She’s so damn gorgeous with flour on her face and eye bags beneath her eyes that he’s sure she will inevitably make his heart burst ‘
he already likes her so much! i can’t believe this is affecting me so much :’)
‘Bucky is quite sure Sam is in love with his girlfriend in the fact that he’s in love with the fact that his girlfriend is possibly in love with Bucky’
this is so soft??? sam loves reader bc reader loves bucky sm. pls my hear <3333
you do fluff SO WELL DAMN 
‘F.R.I.D.A.Y.’s voice echoes in his small little perch and he still thinks it’s weird without having the side effect of Stark in his suit chasing after him to hear the A.I. but he shoves that uncomfortable feeling of the dead man out of his head. That is too much regret to unpack right now on a mission. ‘
yike bringing back that reminder oof
but thats so soft??? (i am def overusing soft but,,,,, i love it and the vibe) she sent him cookies! god i can feel the love  
‘She expresses her feelings through cooking, which Bucky has learnt the hard way. One time, they got into an argument over something stupid—he can’t even remember what started it—and came to the kitchen at 2AM to see her sitting at the kitchen island crying her eyes out and surrounded by baskets of muffins.’
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 my hEART
you show how much they love each other in so many ways??? i am dying
“Alright, I like it.” Rolling his eyes, he pecks her forehead and she smiles victoriously. It’s so adorable that Bucky, with less than three hours of sleep, adds, “God, I want to marry you.//”“What?”//Oh.Shit.
oh my god! i am literally tearing up!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!
oh shit o am literally crying
your fluff got me crying harder than your angst i hope youre happy
I really hope you enjoy reading this?? i keep forgetting to like text you but i wanted to do something for your birthday. especially in quarantine when everythings gone crazy. one year i swear ill do something REALLY good for you. not making promises bc i hate if i dont. but ill like, learn how to podfic because you D E S E R V E  I T 
ive spent like three hours doing this lolol 
thank you so much for everything hayley!
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ick25 · 6 years
Rockman.EXE Episode 24 Review.
Nothing like a nice father-son talk after a long time.
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“Can’t talk, eating”
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We open the episode with Commander Beef explaining what happend last time.
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We begin in Netto’s house where he and his friends are listening to his father about the programs in their PETs being Rockman’s memory data, and that all they need now is the “frame” in order to restore Rockman, which is the body.
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Netto asks where the frame is and his dad tells him that it is back in the SciLab aka Science Labs where he created Rockman. However, because Pharohman is now living there, it won’t be easy to access the network.
Dr. Hikari aka Yuichiro Hikari, tells them that there is a way to enter.
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After hearing this, Yaito’s forhead shines and quickly tells him that she can provide them with everything they need, since she is rich!
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So this time it’s up to the Loser Squad and Roll, huh?
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That useless woman is finally gonna be useful?!
We then see a shot of the Science Labs (that will become a recurring place in Axess) where a group of scientists outside are trying to get back in, since Pharohman kicked them out in the last episode.
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“I know this because it says no in the screen”
Aren’t they like computer programers? Don’t they know how to hack?
We also cut to the World Three lair where we are reminded that Wily is sending his army of Bombmen and Stonemen to capture Pharohman at Scilab, and after this, we return to Netto’s house.
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“Quiet boy! I have one job in this anime and I am not gonna let you ruin it, now go sit down!”
As they wait for the spaghetti to be ready, Netto’s dad and Meiru are seen talking in the background.
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Well that’s a weird conversation!
Meiru -”Netto has been depressed.”
Dr. Hikari -”Do you like dogs?”
Meiru -”Yes.”
Dr. Hikari -”Give me your PET.”
Meiru -”OK.” *Hands over PET*
After this weird exchange we cut to Higureya where Higure-san is polishing his chips, when he is interrupted by Commander Beef who breaks in and shows him his Net Agent ID.
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What’s with that picture? That’s not a legit ID.
Anyway, the Commander asks Higure if he can help him access the Dark Net, is that like the Under Net? Does that mean Higure is a hacker?
Higure says that its hard work to access the Dark Net and denies to help Beef until a disguised Saloma and Miyuki enter the shop as well.
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Come on Miyuki, you’re not even trying.
Higure is still reluctant to help them, but luckily the Commander knows how to convince him.
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“I told you we didn’t need money to bribe this guy”
Let’s see...  A Dream Aura, super rare, a Pop up, kinda rare, and... a Quake? Quakes aren’t rare! Not that color anyway.
After some father-son “bonding” over meat ball spaghetti, we see them in the van Yaito got them along with the equipment heading to the Science Labs, where Netto asks a very good question.
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After this... answer, the Navis sense a virus near by.
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It turns out to be a “Mole” virus from the Pop Up chip we saw earlier, and despite the name, it is actually a little dog who digs holes. Roll quickly takes a liking to the virus, but Gutsman gets jealous and tries to chase it away.
The tiny virus dissapears into a hole teasing Gutsman, the hole dissapears but then reapears in a very weird place.
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The dub didn’t find this shot weird at all? Gutsman tries to punch the virus but it dissapears making Gutsman punch himself in the stomach, or should I say, the gut?
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Meiru -”You put a virus in my PET?”
Dr. Hikari -“Yes, I also named him after my favorite band”
They finally arrive at Scilab where the scientists from before recognize profesor Hikari and gladly help him prepare everything for their plan to enter the network.
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They plug-in the Navis and Dr. Hikari begins to guide them through various security gates in order to get to the network safely.
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I’m pretty sure this is a graphic interpretation of how hacking a computer works.
The Navis enter the Scilab network where they discover that it has been transformed into a desert. After falling on Roll.
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Probably because Pharohman wants to feel like he lives in ancient Egypt.
After commercials, we return to our heroes walking through the desert where Rush decides to tag along, making me wonder where he was during the security doors scene.
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Meanwhile, Higure manages to access the Dark Net for the Net agents to plug-in their Navis, where they are gonna have to fight some viruses to get through.
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I don’t remember the Commander and Saloma having matching capes.
Back to the Loser Squad plus Roll, it seems Pharohman sent out some Piranha viruses to attack them, Piranha viruses that can dig.
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Gutsman uses his Guts Hammer to force them out of the sand and Glyde shoots them with his cannon.
Their next challenge comes in the form of a sand storm created by a group of Typhoon viruses.
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Netto’s friends are unable to see or comunicate with their Navis during the sand storm. We cut back to the Net agents where their Navis have made an entrance to the Scilab network through the Dark Net.
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The Net agents plan is to infiltrate the Scilab network to cut off the power to the main computer, since Pharohman controls all networks from there, shutting down the main server will weaken him.
We return to our heroes unable to move due to the sand storm, until Rush reveals a new ability.
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Since Rush is a virus, he is able to communicate with certain types of viruses like Metools. Rush uses his holes to appear behind the Typhoon viruses and commands an army of metools to take them out, making the sand storm stop.
After this, they walk down an undergroud path where they come across a metal door.
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Once Glyde opens the door, a bright light covers the Navis and they are transported to a room where Rockman’s frame is building itself.
Netto’s dad tells him to send Rockman’s memory there by plugging in, just in time for the frame to be compleated.
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However, Rockman isn’t waking up, Dr. Hikari says that a server migth have shut down and it might take longer for Rockman’s Navi mark to reach the frame.
The Navis wait, but Pharohman shows his face, literally, to confront them. He begins to destroy the room with an earthquake causing Rockman’s container to fall and break. The ground between Rockman and his friends is torn apart, Roll tries to save him but Gutsman stops her.
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Rockman’s body falls into the abyss, the earthquake gets worse, and Roll tries to cover herself from the falling ceilling, she opens her eyes to discover that Gutsman stopped a giant boulder from crushing her, allowing Glyde and Iceman to escape taking Roll with them. The weight of the boulder is too much for Gutsman and the whole place caves in.
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Gutsman seems to have been deleted as Dekao cries for him after this. Roll, Glyde and Iceman manage to escape, but they encounter Pharohman soon after. Just then, Pharohman is ambushed by the army of Bombmen and Stonemen.
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It’s a stand off between everyone, ending the episode with Rockman’s body still falling.
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Except for the close up, his body is CGI for some reason.
My thoughts?
This episode is a little boring without Rockman, his friends are not the strongest Navis, but they’re doing their best to save him.
It’s frustrating for Netto not being able to do anything, but in this episode he learns that he should have faith in his friends, which I guess is what his father was trying to tell him when he asked about Rockman’s memories appearing in their PETs.
Netto’s dad was introduced at the end of the last episode, in the first episode Netto mentioned that he travels the world due to his job, meaning that he is rarely at home. He was mostly absent in the game too, he usually worked late at the Scilab and was ocasionally called to other contries. Yuichiro is one of the top Net scientists in Japan, so his work is very important, he was the one who created Rockman based on his father’s research. Thankfully, the anime doesn’t follow the game’s storyline about Rockman’s true origin, but I’ll explain that in the next review.
We also see the Net Agents taking action in trying to stop Pharohman by accessing the Scilab network through the Dark Net. In the dub, this was changed to them asking Higure to hack into the Scilab computers, I dont know why they changed it since hacking directly into a private sever is worst than using a short cut through the bad part of the internet. The dub version also added data bits after the boulder crushes Gutsman, it wasn’t confirmed if he was deleted when the room caved in, but I dont know why the dub decided to kill him off.
The episode introduces Rush, based on the classic Megaman’s robot dog and partner, only in this version he is a virus and actually belongs to Roll. The Mole virus is a weak and harmless virus that can be found in the undernet in the first game and pays homage to the Wack-a-mole game, where in order to get the Pop Up chip you have to guess the hole it’ll come out from and shoot it ten times, if you fail to do so, it will flee.
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I’m a dog person, but I personally don’t like Rush, he starts out as a puppy in this episode, but later on he becomes more of a Snoopy clone. He is annoying and selfish and I think he just hangs around with Roll because she is a pretty girl. He is more of a comic relief, but he gains a rare ability in a future episode that just makes me hate him even more.
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blckdtd · 3 years
i had a crush on a college friend for like three years already... maybe longer than that. im writing this post because ive dreamt about him this morning. i tried to sleep again as i still want to continue that crazy dream since it was a bit beautiful. we were happy in that dream. but im not sure if because we are together as a couple or as something else.
i actually really like seeing him smile most of the time, thats why whenever we go home together i try to talk to him and make him laugh or smile as much as possible. but, being a funny person was not my best asset, so its always... awkward. it also fascinates me whenever we dont talk at all, or when his face is blank with unreadable emotion, though sometimes im having anxious thoughts that maybe he was annoyed on why do i kept talking and talking when he is clearly not interested. those moments taught me to shut my mouth most of the times.
but how did everything started? ill try to recall everything dont worry.
it was summer, and we were still freshman in college, group chats for sections in our department were already made and people were already having some clicks and groups. i also found our class' group chats, and while scrolling on the member's list, he was the first person i added on facebook since i noticed he was quite good looking (young me dumb me. always lookinh for the face. apologies). but i never messaged him personally on facebook.
first day came in, he was the first person i talked to actually since he was the person i first recognized. but, during freshman year, he was not my seasonal crush. had a crush on two person on different sememsters, one for each sememsters, but i dont think theres a need to elaborate on that i guess. maybe another time.
sophomore year is starting to come in. summer after fresh man year, i found out that the four of us will be in the same section, me, him, T, and A. the thing is, we actually belong in the same group of friends, we also have the gc (group chat). when i found out that the four of us are in the same class, i started to have some panic or thinking, that "oh shit. he is my classmate. this year. he ll be on the long list of my seasonal mandatory crush (i know. it sucks to have this mentality, like i cannot move forward to my life without having a crush on anyone or anything). i tried to avoid the feelings because he is quite a nice person. but it happened after that event.
swimming class, this was the first day i guess??? i cant remember. but i know it was the swimming class. the four of us were kinda huddled together since we dont rrally get alonv with everyone yet, and the instructor said to group ourselves in to two. to be honest, during the time, i quite sure o dont have the feelings for him yet. so me and him like automatically paired ourselves, since t and a automatically paired themselves. then he said "lets go there". then we grabbed each others hand, under the water. i can still remember that time because after that day, i did not exactly have it in mind, but the longer the time passes, the more i can remember, and im pretty sure he dont even remembered that day.
we hold hands under water and he lead the way. it was not the romantic type holding hands, the one where people actually intertwined their hands, it was just simple holding hands. then we let go, and started the routines we need to do.
being that im the fat one, i did feel how his hands are kinds bony since hes quite thin. and he is also lighter, i even believed that i could piggy back him if he ask me too. i know that he is lighter when our instructor ask us to do a simple floating where we simply lay flat on the water surface. it was fun knowing that he actually cant do that given that he is a really good swimmer and he is lighter too, but i can, a non good swimmer even if it could save my life. i almost like carried him in my arms to guide him how to float, thats how i found out he is light, but thats okay, i also liked that about him.
then one day, i woke up, i said to my self. "shit. im having a crush on him. this is not good". what i hate about this, is because i have the constant need to show off or have his attention or be in the same grouos or anything with him... like? we are already going home together cause we take tge same train or something, im so greedy, attention seeker, obsessed, annoying. i also chat him on facebook most of the time, like i always need to find a reason to talk to him or something. almost the whole year of second year college was me being a bother to him or something, and i just fully realized it now. and if ever for some reason you read this, yes, this is about you, and im really sorry for bothering you all these years thinking that you might, well, "reciprocate" the feelings, in short, sorry for being immature.
til this day, some parts of my heart, wished that there are times where he did enjoy our small talks on the train, or if he did enjoy having me as a "friend".
i can still remember how we talked about the girl you almost become girlfriend, about how you felt when one of our classmate gave you something on valentines day, how i fucked up and confessed of having feelings for you, and how we somehow remained as friends even after that day. i know you told our other friends that i confessed my feelings for you, thats why they started teasing me about it.
i missed you needing me to go somewhere sometimes because youre not much of a streetsmart or always forgets how to go some certain place. i remember how i said that you can rest your head on my shoulder when we were on the train on our way to one of our friends house to make a costume, how i lend my earphones to you so you can listen to some music even though i actually love listening to music, how you waited for me on train station even though i was late. we had a meet up.that day because you want to buy something that we found while looking for some naterials to make the costume, well you waited because you barely remember how to get there in the first place. not gonna lie, i was kinda happy how you waited for me on that station.
i can also remember how we talked throughout our jeepney ride on our way to the station, im sorry to say this, but during that day, i somehow had a hunch that you were just talking to me because i kinda led our way on how the two of us will get home, because you dont always talk to me in first place, ever since that day you knew, which i did understood, but i dont know why i still.stood my ground on seeking yoir attention. ha! but yes i can still remember how i take you to your station on your way home because you dont know your way, i got off of the train even though i could have just stayed and have my way home. it was fun though, and so foolish of me.
why am i even head over heels on you even after all this years? yes until now.
third year college, i promised my self that ill try to stop having feelings for you. but i didnt. but we were on that level where we just accepted that yeah i know that you know thatbinhave feelings for you but we will just be civil about it. we were kind of a pair tbh, you can use my phone whenever you want since that was the time when yiu dont have your own phone. you actually have more photos on that phone than me lol. we were in a civil state to the point we even became automatic pairs on an activity in botany class. we even became thesis groupmates. you probably had the most contribution on that thesis so i still thank you even till this day.
i also remembered when you asked me to come with you to get your birth certificate since you actually dont know how to get one, not gonna lie again, i was kinda having a moment back there since we were in the middle of thesis day, more like finishing it up, but you asked me to come with you. we travelled like for almost an hour for that, fell in line just to have your id photocopied, then i instructed you on which line you should take next, how to get this and that, then i waited for you, again. so we can also go back to the university. i had some realizations that day. on the lengths that my feelings for you drove me.
i also remembered how we went home together like we usually do after that earthquake since the station had a bit of crack on its foundation. but we went to separate ways you rode a jeepney on your way. i walked to mine.
one of the things that touched me was when you asked me about my favorite band, why did i liked them, and you somehow, had some small history, that you listened to them before or something.
but there are also those days where we dont even talked about anythibg at all. we just stayed silent. and bid our goodbyes and take cares. maybe those were your favorite days, just kidding.
im not trying to paint you as bad guy for not reciprocating or anything. im just remembering things, and i need to let them out.
it kinda sucks when i didnt saw you on the last day where we need to return our graduation gowns because i need to leave early that day because of an emergency family trip to the beach. just a celebration because i just graduated.
im sorry i still havent picked up your drawings that i said i will buy just to help you. because i had a job that time and you still havent because youre supposed to go to a medical school.
our company had a job opening but i was too shy to send the invite to you, idk why. i did tried to talk to you again just like a normal friend but, i know i cant. even while writing this, i can attest that im still not in the best condition to talk to you because i still... cant move on. this sucks.
there are parts of me that wished i didnt approached you on the first day of class. or maybe i shouldnt held your hand under water. or maybe... i shouldnt have just let this.feelings swallowed me.
i dreamed of you last night. but dont worry, nothinh sexual. i dreamed of holding your hand again. and seeing your smile. softly playing your hands until they were intertwined. it was a good dream. i wish i didnt woke up. but i need to.
your smile was so beautiful, i rarely saw them actually even after hundreds of train trips we had together. i loved the sound of your laugh actually that will soon give your smilling face. i can even remember your eyelashes they were so beautiful, though i hope you werent freaked out when i looked at you.
youre a beautiful person, your smart, you sometimes dark humor, you being lowkey gentleman, your creativity and artistry. everything about you.
to end this, i hope you know that it is not late to pursue your artistic passion or to go to a medical school. youre a brilliant person Eli, i hope you know that also. and i loved you, as person, as a friend, as someone who i went head over heels. right now, i do wish we meet again, but in a different time, but now, i only wish you happiness and success. thank you for being part of my life as a simple college student.
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anomalagous · 7 years
lc’s ongoing long-ass list of what the fuck, teen wolf, and other sundry E606:Ghosted edition.
scott getting a little tiny bit snarly at the sheriff for not believing~~ in stiles gives me life
this old-ass map not only puts beacon hills on top of a real life place called scotty place which still makes me laugh, but also substantially more north and eastward than i originally estimated.
why the fuck didnt naziwolf just get the fuck outta bh?
why did he choose to stay and teach high school of all things?
california requires an 18 month accreditation course and a certain GPA of teachers who do not have an education degree, i know this from direct experience. its been three months since naziwolf busted out of his bacta tank, so what the fuck
if he forged his credentials, how
when did he actually learn all of the post WW2 physics and electromagnetics things he clearly genuinely knows and has a genuine interest in?
did the dread doctors read him bedtime stories from their science journals?
if so, what the fuck
i guess if youre an alpha werewolf you can sleep in the backseat with no seatbelt and its not a big deal if you crash
good job on malia being the driver and not crashing them im proud of her
reading the date of the canaan abduction in the standard american way it was april 8th, 1987, which cant be a coincidence given that’s stiles birthday (albeit pre-stiles)
if canaan has been abandoned for 30 years, who has been cutting these obviously not overgrown lawns and trimming these obviously not overgrown accent shubberies
why isnt that flag beat up or torn in any way?
kudos on giving that convertible the old 80s style california plates but why arent any of the windows on any of the cars busted out? no flat tires? no rust or missing doors?
also that shot of the ‘town’ where there was more substantial damage looked fake as hell and the crosswalk was proceeding at the wrong angle and i cant unsee it.
why is there still power running to these street lamps?
for that matter who has their street lamps scheduled to turn on in the middle of the day?
was that block party banner over the street lettered on both sides? it reads properly no matter what side youre looking at, which seems weird.
why is there blood on the carousel? was that explained? we’ve never seen the ghost riders’ gun draw blood that i can recall
im not even sure we’ve really seen their whips draw blood per se and certainly it wouldn’t have caused that kind of blood stain
also why is the blood still wet and red 30 years later? why wasn’t that newspaper rotted out? either time impacted this town to make it shitty as hell or it didn’t, pick one, you cannot have both. it still rains enough in california to totally disintegrate a newspaper in thirty years.
how the fuck did that carousel function even that tiny bit after 30 years in the elements?
why did melissa have to sneak chris argent around, couldnt he have just declined the operation against medical advice?
also good to see scott got his utter inability to lie from his mom
even if malia isnt wearing 100% stiles’ void-hoodie how could the costume department have thought for a minute we wouldnt have thought that was the void hoodie?
malia having a hallucination of theo in the same episode he comes back in for real seemed both rushed and entirely unnecessary.
in fact these hallucinations seemed wholesale unnecessary and neither scott nor malia deserved that nonsense
were all of these dead leaves already on location or did some poor asshole have to ship them in and then ship them out again
come to think of it, at first i was really excited to see coral/eucalyptus trees as they are actually trees that are in california (as opposed to the type of oak the nemeton is, which is distinctly Not a type of tree in california) but then i realized those are Southern California Trees and if beacon hills (and canaan) are that far north and close to the oregon border, the trees should be way more pines and evergreens and not coral or eucalyptus or ... any deserty tree, really.
seriously were these hallucinations just to show malia can feel sad too?
malia was wearing really subtle gold eyeshadow earlier. now it’s dark shadowing up to her browbone. does being a werecoyote also mean being able to shift your makeup at will? cause thats cool
do little girls seriously still play with baby dolls while hitting their first strides of puberty? im beginning to think i was never actually a little girl.
how much younger than malia was kylie supposed to be? bc she looks like 12 here but malia was like... 10 when the desert wolf murdered her family, right? was SHE the younger sister??
teen wolf shamelessly reusing shots with new filters on them like never before. this ain’t even the fifth time i’ve caught them doing this, this season, and i’ve literally never seen them do it in any of the other seasons.
im not sure anybody told kylie’s actress she wasnt gonna get to make out with shelley
how do werecreatures get piercings? or were her ears pierced first before the change?
why does anyone let liam make any decisions, ever?
i do not get why everyone finds naziwolf so hot
seriously i have a little tree-bush exactly like this right outside my door/garage and that shit is wild and untamed in just a month of no trimming in 30 years it would not have that nice slender shape anymore
also trees being choked to death by kudzu or whatever all these vines are dont look that healthy
is there even kudzu in california??? ive never seen so many vines in all my 10 years of living here.
the first house scott goes in theres like no tv in the living room but there is one chair (with no dining table) all alone in the dining room area, which just looks sad.
oh sorry two chairs set up in what was clearly the worlds most melancholy staring contest.
my dentist used to have that exact sailboat wallpaper trim around the top of his exam rooms.
scotts bullying a door.
have melissa and chris argent actually told the pack about the head-biting yet bc i feel like they should know
i think more people have asked scott if he’s okay in this episode than in the last three seasons, which is sad bc it’s basically just lydia and malia that do it.
that one house has some brutal earthquake damage in its exterior wall.
poseys microexpressions are so woefully underrated, he really is brilliant.
i have more grey hair than jr bourne and that makes me really angry
i like that they’re doing alchemy with druidic compounds/hedgemagic/whatever you want to call it more than i could possibly express.
why is there a porch loveseat on the step up to this one house but that FLAG IS ENTIRELY INTACT?
how convenient that all three of them were looking at that window when lenore decided to fuck with the drapery.
that said scott’s resultant HOLY SHIT?!?? face is amazing
how has lenore been surviving in this town, does she not need water, electric, heat, groceries? where did the lemons for the lemonade come from?
all this wood paneling is the most 70s thing i have ever seen in my life
i appreciate the little cast iron redwood decoration with the ‘m’ on the bottom of it.
everything!! in!! this!! house!! is!! brown!!
that piano as a busted af bass key there.
i feel like i’ve seen that other metal flower/leaf decor before. the new version of the stilinski house, maybe?
lenore has an intimidatingly large smile and i feel like that as an intentional casting choice
how come malia and scott couldnt hear her heartbeat after scott explicitly called out that there were no heartbeats? or for that matter not hear that caleb also didn’t have one? (presumably.)
im not 100% sure but i think malia is holding scott’s hand when they enter the dining room area of lenore’s house, which is adorable so i accept no other reality now.
i honestly feel really bad for lenore.
i would say the fisheye lens is s6′s slo mo but the slo mo didnt go anywhere
i dont know if its supposed to be fancy or artisinal or whatever you called that in the 80s but dont put green shit in your lemonade, green shit does not belong in your lemonade. lemons. sugar. water. it isn’t hard.
malia like chugs a good half of her glass at once, but when she sets it back down it is more full than any of the other glasses. i prefer to think she just faked drinking it to try and gain lenore’s trust than it’s a continuity error from the props department.
when lenore starts using her banshee powers to shake the house, it also magically converts the lemonade into water.
lenore has a pair of decorative ducks on her wall but they appear to be two male mallard ducks, so. gay duck decor.
so when does lydia get to have telekinesis?
i dont think im a very big fan of how angela harvey handles scott.
malia did NOT make a fist like she was really committing to trying to punch out that window.
seriously scotts the alpha he doesnt need lydia to give him permission to do things scott thinks need to be done
that being said scott going into the basement with a creepy kid when youre obviously in some kind of horror movie trope was stupid
the cameras they used for the senior pack team were super blurry anytime anyone moved even the littlest bit, its so annoying.
scott barely being tall enough to reach this tiny-ass basement window is endearing to me
there is no way a vhs tape that wet would run. i remember vhs tapes. they were not sturdy.
i feel like we used to have the same VCR in my parents’ room tho
also what the hell camcorder did they record this on that put it straight on VCR, camcorders in the 80s had weird little small VCR tapes you had to put in a converter. that was just a standard VCR tape.
also why are there jumpcuts in the home video? did somebody cut the original footage and THEN put it on a standard VCR tape?  how much fucking work was THAT??
caleb goes from 0 to 100 on the creepy poltergeist scale real quick
well okay maybe from like 40 to 100
banshee duel yessssss
literally why would noshiko do this after she saw what happened with the nogitsune
not that i necessarily think theo is as dangerous as the nogitsune but he is well bad enough
look at this worthless white boy doing this shit against all the advice of the woc around him
why does the sword do this, i thought the power was in kira and not the sword
if the power is in the sword why couldnt noshiko fix her own damn blade
look at this other worthless white boy even more worthless than the first
that looks like melissa is putting like grout on chris’ injury that does not look comfortable
oh look hes screaming imma guess it was not in fact comfortable
gratuitous jr bourne fanservice
awwww theyre holding haaaaands again
how did this kid get on the stairs the last time we saw him he was by the tv, why did scott and malia let him herd him like this
i appreciate malia’s willingness to beat up a kid poltergeist immensely
of the pictures on caleb’s walls, many are pictures of insects. one is a blue crab. one says ‘guten’ on it, which somehow entertains me a lot.
this is the second time this episode has tried to make me scared of carousel horses
the vhs footage loops while no one is attending to it which is not how vhs tapes work
malia is such a treasure
that being said having nearly drowned twice in my childhood this whole drowning-on-dry-land conceit is not super great for me
screencapping this is so gross
i love lydia’s fierce banshee scream face
so the blood was on the carousel before the wild hunt attack, as we see in lydia’s vision. SO WHY IS IT THERE??
poor skateboard bro couldnt even take his skateboard like rude wild hunt
i feel like there’s a lot more ghost riders here than there are in beacon hills. maybe the ghost riders just come for particular towns and the ones in bh are actually like... cora isaac and danny.
its amazing how much younger a good foundation can maybe somebody look
did liam SERIOUSLY just tell theo he can kill whoever he wants? did i hear that right? bc that is a TERRIBLE thing to tell theo, who has ALREADY KILLED A LOT OF PEOPLE, even if what you meant was ‘dont kill us you need us’.
i cant believe we got this cheap knockoff as an excuse to not have kira and then they didnt even let him have the powers he needed to do the job
otoh watching his ass get blasted back into the tunnels was satisfying
literally nobody cares if youre okay theo you murderous fuck
i wonder how many times scott had someone steadying him telling HIM he has to breathe like hes doing for malia right here
i should really keep a tally of how many times scott does stiles’ lizard tongue thing while stiles is gone
this is gross of me to think while the character is basically drowning but hey now i know what scott looks like with his bottom lip all wet and covered in somewhat translucent stretchy goo--jizz. okay. it looks like jizz.
scott mccall nearly drowns on dry land after a lifetime of severe asthma and the first thing he does after is ask if malia is ok
luckily THIS time she asks if HES okay to but jeez
he looks so shocked and confused to be asked extra jeez
more scolia handholding, this time while fleeing danger
i was literally three in 1987 and i still have more grey hair than lenore who was demonstrably an adult in 1987 I AM VERY ANGRY
that being said i realized why caleb here’s clothing was bothering me so much. nobody had shorts that long in the 80s. everybody wore short as hell shorts in the 80s. it was thighs everywhere.
these stupid motherfuckers taking theo to scott’s HOME and putting him in scott’s SAFE SPACE without even WARNING HIM oh my GOD
those better not also be scott’s CLOTHES
ok but WHY are the wild hunt trapped? did they BRING the northern lights or is the northern lights related to what’s trapping them?
excuse me but WHEN did lydia see anything related to what happens to people after the wild hunt takes them and why didnt we get to see it too?
seriously its like if scott is thinking of stiles then lizard blep
im so mad at liam for bringing theo back and putting him in scotts house i cant even see straight
and i just know that this anger that scott is being allowed will be it
and in a week or two itll be working with theo like nothing ever happened
im honestly shocked he even got this much
he even got undercut there by malias (also justified) rage
cool that the morrigan got a namedrop but i dont trust them with that story eitherrrrr
man let me tell you if this was martin and not scott and somehow he had been murdered and resurrected and was then confronted with his murderer in his pack house that murderer would not fucking leave alive
im still kind of mad that this season brought claudia back to life just to make her so sketch and make me kind of hate her, i didnt want to hate her
oh okay its a different weird leaf decor piece than the other one
oh yeah noah OKAY NOW youre starting to believe BUDDY you have faith issues
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Insurance info on changing them.?
"Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
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Hello I am completing my motorcycle course this week and will be obtaining my m2 license, I was considering buying a motorcycle. I am a 18 year old male and was wondering if anyone could give me advice or some help for insurance in ontario?. I am aware it will be costly but was wondering if someone had any motorcycle suggestions that would be cheap on insurance or even insurance companies. Recent personal experiences would be nice. Thanks for the help!""
Where do I look for Health Insurance?
In a month I'll be 18. I don't smoke and I'm enrolled in college. I want to find something affordable and simple, but mostly affordable. Who do I talk to and how will I know its a good deal? Another question is when I go to a hospital, do I have to pay it all upfront or can I make payments over time? (In two weeks I'll be getting the Implanon and its been set for about four months and my mother never bothered to tell me we lost out insurance. And the implant can be $400-$800 and I dont know the cost of a visit to a OBGYN at a hospital.) What else do I need to know about insurance?""
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I am planning to enroll my new car. I want a complete coverage but at a reasonable cost. I don't wanna be spending too much just for my car insurance. Help please...Thanks a lot.
How do you pay an insurance deductible?
Well i sadly wrecked my car today i have full coverage because i have a loan from a bank and im still making payments on it. I let the insurance company know. But my deductible is $1,000.00 and i dont have a thousand dollars. Can you like make cheap payments on that or do you need it all upfront? Or do i not have to pay it right away?""
Will one accident and citation make ur car insurance go up?If so how much?
Im a 23 yr old guy and ive only been insured for a month, will my insurance rate go up immediantly?If so,how much?""
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I need to get health insurance. What is the best affordable insurance.?
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Which company is better out of Elephant and Admiral for car insurance. They have both given the same quote but I don't know anything about the customer services or anything
Homeowners Insurance Policy Rate increases $220?
I bought a home in 2006. Had a policy for $550.00. Next bill 200+ more (nothing in policy changed). switched company Got AAA policy $ 512.00 (same policy coverage) Next bill $734.00 - Only change here was $29 dollars for Earthquake and House is covered for 1,000 dollars more. (Keep in mind my house is less than $100,000 and in good shape for being 40-60yrs old) Is there some unwritten law that states after providing insurance to homeowners for 6 months you have the right to jack up the price $200 every year? Should I get new insurance company again? If so, what guarantees that they don't tack on an extra 200 like the last company. This pattern is discouraging at this rate I will run out of insurance companies before I pay off the house. My insurance is paid through an escrow account so taxes already went up and insurance goes up - Monthly Mortgage Payment goes way up! Something none of us need. Please offer any of your experiences and advice.""
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i live in California and i about 2 months ago crashed my car and was cited for a failure to yield ticket, because i am only 16 i got a restricted license and i have to attend traffic school as well as getting a point, i was wonder if i could get that point taken off?""
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Car Insurance?
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My father pays car insurance but I'm moving will the payment go to me once I move with my car? How can I switch to my name
Best place for car insurance for a 17 year old...?
I have a 1.1 litre Citroen C2, where's the best place to find cheap car insurance. Anything that isn't I-kube or anything like that... They;'re cheaper but only marginally...""
Does changing the alloys to black affect insurance?
Just bought a lovely BMW 320D... It is a black colour with a tint of navy... I want to change the alloys to black... But i don't know if it will affect my insurance price as it is a modification... (I have heard that only performance modifications affect insurance not cosmetic....? But i need to know for sure...)
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how do I get quotes on things such as insurance, utility cost, and building remodling when I'm writing a business plan? We finally have found a great location for a bar and grill we have wanted to open and a business plan requires a lot of estimating costs and I want to find the most accurate figures so that I can set myself up for success.""
""Which car for a 18yrs old driver, for cheap car insurance?""
Hi, I'm a 18yrs old french girl, who have my full english driving license since January. I would like to buy a car, but I would like to know which one have cheap car insurance. I already know that the car shouldnt be higher than 1.6L. I have some idea for my car like Fiat 500, Nissan Micra, but the insurance is expensive. Thank You""
Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
What will insurance pay?
If my car is totaled, which amount on the Kelly Blue Book will the insurance base payment on.""
Car insurance please help me out?
Oh right lol my query is as follows .. In July 2012 my daughter took out a pay monthly insurance policy with close premium 139 per month which was paid from my bank account every month on time for 12 months. When due for renewal August 2013 the insurance company sent her a quote saying payments were 168 per month! In view of this she decided not to insure her car and didn't use it. Shortly afterwards she receives a letter from close premium saying Hastings insurance could cover her for 100 per month but she never accepted this offer. In September 2013 Hastings took payment from my account so I contacted bank and recalled the payment. She now has a recovery agency acting on behalf of Hastings claiming she owes 400 . I can't see how she owes this money ? Do we have to pay this when we never accepted the policy and close premium passed on my bank details without my knowledge ? ( hope this makes sense)
On average how much would it cost for an independent living 15 year old girl to get good health insurance.?
On average how much would it cost for an independent living 15 year old girl to get good health insurance.?
Cheapest car insurance?
who is the cheapest car insurance provider in the uk?I only have one year no claims bonus and I just purchased a vw bora 2.0 and the insurence quotes are pretty high so far
How much would i expect to pay insurance on a chevy nova?
I might be getting chevy nova from a guy in town but i need to know how much insurance will b or else i cant get it.... i know there are a lot of variables it is rwd(obviously lol) and has 350cid engine.... i believe we have nationwide insurance so ya... i would use it as a an everyday car too...
What to do if he doesnt have car insurance covered ?
i got a car accident on 2/09/10 around 11:45pm, and when i got the police report, it says 00:05am 2/10/10, it really doesnt matter to me at the first moment when i got the report. I tried to claim the insurance, but the agent told me that the other guy has no insurance covered, it's either expired or dont have it. And few days later, i got a letter from The Hartford , stating that: we received your claim request for a loss on 02/09/2010. According to our records, this policy was cancelled effective 2/9/10 for non-payment. We are unable to honor this cliam because the loss occurred after the policy was cancelled. I was so ****** up, i mean, can they do it on purpose ? just because they dont want to pay me ? If so what can i do ? How am i gonna claim my loss ? my car is totaled. I went to do a body checkup...everything is fine, and my health insurance covered that, but can i claim the bill with my car too ? I asked my agent, and it seems like she doesnt help, knows nothing about how to do and doesnt even help, worst agent ever. She suggests me to go to Small Amount Claim Court to file a complaint, because she cant claim the loss from the other guy. So, my questions is, what should i do ? go to the court and file a compalint ? or any advice ? (i consulted with a lawyer, and he said that since i dont have body injuries, it's hard to sue, and they dont accept the case, bacause the amount is too less to claim)""
How much will car insurance be?uk?
i am 16 andd saving for a car for when im 17. I hope to spend about 900 on the car. Can anyone tell me an aprox amount pleease :)
Adding new auto insurance to my existing policy?
I live in Oklahoma, my wifes parents just cancelled all the kids auto insurance, I'm going to get my wifes insurance on my policy but I was wondering if we could add her brothers and sister to ours as well? They're young and are having a hard time paying bills the way it is. I thought if I put them on ours then they would get a little discount. They don't live with us. Is that a requirement? Any help would be appreciated, thanks.""
How much would i pay for car Insurance?
How much would i pay for car Insurance for cheap car that cost me honda accord 2000,I am 28 Years old, never been in any accident,I got my license 8 years ago""
Unemployment insurance in california?
Last year I was unemployed. To make a long story short, i took a job and was there for less than 2 weeks. I was forced to pray, and listen to scripture that was muslim. I am very understanding in all religions, but do not practice myself. I was very uncomfortable and left. EDD decided that i left without cause and that i did not deserve insurance. they made me pay back what they paid me and 30% more. I did so even though I didn't agree. Now that I am laid off again, I filled out a claim and got a response saying that I was eligible, and they gave me the forms to fill out for the first two weeks, the standard claim forn. I filled it out, and now got back letters saying that i am not eligible for benefits until i have filed a claim for each of the 5 weeks in which i am otherwise eligible for benefits. I haven't received new claim forms. I am assuming that I will get these, and I will fill them out for 5 weeks, and then they will pay me? So I am looking for clarification, after claiming 5 weeks they will give me my benefits? Thanks for your help, to anyone that has gone through this. It is so unfair! I paid them so much, for something I felt I was justified doing, and now I am still being punished! I would rather be working and not have to worry about this, but it is so hard to find a job :( not a great holiday.""
Will an Illinois speeding ticket put points on my Michigan license and raise my insurance?
I am from Michigan and got a speeding ticket in Chicago IL. Will this put points on my Michigan license? Will this cause my Allstate insurance rate to go up? Thanks for the help!
Question about auto insurance?
I've never had a car before so this is new for me. I don't have auto insurance yet and I'm going to check out a car today. In order to drive it home I will need auto insurance but I'm not sure if I'm getting the car yet. I already have my quotes set up and if I decide to get the car I can call and set it up right there but the policy doesn't go into effect until tomorrow. Can I still drive the car home?
Fast Car Low Insurance Group?
Hi, i am looking for a car that can do 0-60 in under 10 sec, but is in as low an insurance group as possible. Atm i want a Mitsubishi Galant 2.0, but that is group 13, if anyone can find anything under group 10 i'd be grateful. P.S. I have no intention of frauding any insurance company so don't mention that. Also no i am not a boy racer so no moral lectures please. Rest of you Thanks :)""
Cheapest van insurance?
Hi, I have a transit van [smiley or S reg] Its about 220 road tax for the year, and then a S**tload for insurance. I have one Speeding offence, and no no claims - as I havn't ever been insured on a vehicle long enough to build them. I'm 25, and usually get quotes about 1500...That is stupid...Is there any company that does a reasonable price on a van for someone like me. Or should I just give up now. Thanks""
What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors?
I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance""
Will this be covered by insurance? i damaged the radiator didn't realize it kept driving and engine overheate?
A little over a week ago i bought a 2006 honda civic from a honda dealership. While driving i hit a rather large pothole that i guess put a hole in the radiator. I got out to check for damage didn't see anything no smells, didn't see anything leaking figured i would continue to drive home. While on my way the car was driving completely normal but stalled out. Apparently the engine overheated and now when the car starts it sounds horrible and stalls if you put it in drive. The car is under the most protection the insurance company offers but someone said that they wont cover the engine because I continued driving on it even though I didn't know that there was something wrong. After further examination The radiator actually got dented and hit one of the fans for the engine but theres no way to tell that unless you lift the car looking at it with the car being normal you cant tell it ever hit anything.""
Can I drive another car with my fully comprehensive insurance?
I have fully comprehensive car insurance on a car, I heard you can drive another car with the owners permission because you're insurance is fully comprehensive. (So if there is a crash my insurance will cover the costs 3rd party) Here's the tricky bit, I am on my friends fully comprehensive car insurence as a named driver. Can I (Being a named driver on his fully comprehensive insurence) drive someone else's car with there permission? Thanks in advance""
Can we also get free car insurance? Obamacare?
we are very poor,,, and quality for free health care with this new plan that tax payers are so nice to pay for,,, can tax payers also pay for my car insurance?""
Do you need boating insurance in California?
Do you need boating insurance in California?
""Where is best for cheap car insurance for a new driver, curfew insurance?""
I am just turning 17 and want to know the cheapest insurance companies out there. I know Quinn direct is good, but are there any better ones. I also know that there are curfew insurance companies that stop you going out after 11 and before 5 in the morning, but what are the companies called? Thanks""
Switching car insurance from old to new car?
Forgive me if this is a stupid question.. I currently have insurance coverage on a 2004 car and just purchased a 2013 car. I am going today to switch over my insurance (if possible) and would like to know what to expect before I go. I automatically assumed my insurance would go up because of the year difference, but a friend of mine recently switched her policy over from a 2000 to a 2007 and her policy did not go up, so now i'm questioning if mine would go up and what would cause it to vary. Thanks!""
Insurance companies taking advantage?
is there a chance that insurance companies are taking advantage of obama-care and increasing costs more than they really needed? looks like a % of insured are getting hit but what is the % of uninsured or insurance denials that are now covered? any good stories?
Why do parents have life insurance policies on children?/?
I thought life insurance was supposed to be for parents or a major breadwinner in the family, so if something were to happen to them the family would be ok, not lose a house etc. Whats the purpose of it for children, just to cover the cost of buriel then? If you don't have enough money, god forbid to bury your child in case the person must have low income/no savings at alll, how are they affording the monthly premium then, although low. I think im missing something please enlighten me! Thank u""
First car - Cheap insurance?
NOT a tiny one, such as a corsa, fiesta, polo or golf. I'm looking to pay between xx- 2000. I'd like something sort of saloony, in black. I WAS looking at a Hyundai Coupe. So something like that if possible. I do choose best answers!""
""Friend hit my car, wont give his insurance information, what to do?""
Two years ago, I was sitting in a parking space waiting for my friend. He pulled in on the left side, and his right front fender crashed into my rear left quarter panel, causing some ugly damage. Long story short, I didn't get his insurance information. He said he would give it to me later. It has been two years, and the past few weeks I've really gotten on his case to get the information or for him to fix the damage. It has been excuse after excuse, and he now wont answer phone calls. I can get his license number, name and address, so I'm wondering if I need to call my insurance company or the police to get this fixed. I don't need friends like this but I'm wondering if the statute of limitations in california has run out, or if I won't have any luck calling the police. I just want the car fixed, and the damage is estimated at 500 dollars. Any ideas?""
Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
DWI SR-22 and Insurance?
I recently got a dwi in Texas and I have heard about a lot of times that your insurance company won't notice your dwi on your record for a while or that it will never end up on your driving record because of lack of communication between the court and dps. What i am wondering is does Texas make you get a sr-22 form so that your insurance company does find out? if so with state farm and a otherwise clean driving record how much will a dwi effect my insurance cost?
Can someone obtain car insurance in CA with no drivers license?
I have a friend who will be a first time driver at age 30 (she had no need for driving where she previously lived). She has the opportunity to buy a car, but cannot register it until she has car insurance. Now, normally, she could just wait to buy the car when she finally gets licensed, but she's been offered an amazing deal and would have to buy now. Is there any insurance company that will cover an unlicensed driver or even someone with a permit? Thanks!""
The average price of car insurance for VA drivers?
I'm planning on getting my license very soon. I've been planning ahead by saving up car money and figuring out what type of car I want. However, my dad often mentions how insurance is gonna bite you in the ***. so I would like to know what the average price of car insurance is for young or new Virginia drivers. please and thank you. (I've heard rumors that sometimes it helps if you have a beige or gray car. true?)""
Should I Get a Motorcycle or Moped?
Me and my parents are having an argument about what i should get. There is a motorcycle that i can buy for 750 dollars and it is a 93 Honda Shadow or i can get a new moped. The only thing that i need for the motorcycle is a new batter and i know this is true b/c i took it to a trusted shop and have them inspect and clean everything out (the owner payed for that) and it came back clean. I think that the motorcycle would be the better buy but my parents say that a moped would b/c i wouldnt have to pay insurance (the state i live in doesnt require insurance for mopeds). I was just wondering if the cost for a moped would be more upfront than the motorcycle would be and if it would be a better buy. And yes i do have a motorcycle license.
Temporary car auto insurance in California?
Hi guys, I thought of using my friend's car for a month and half since he will be out of station. I was wondering what would it take or rather how to address the insurance issue. Is it possible to get a temporary insurance for a month or is it possible to add my name on to his insurance for a short term? Either ways, how much would it cost ! Also would be great if you guys can enlighten me on some of the providers here.""
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
Is there some affordable health insurance plan in the U.S. that doesnt have a huge deductible?
Car insurance question?
What is the normal price range for monthly payments on car insurance? I'm 23, female, with no prior accidents.""
What insurance companies are in massachusetts?
I believe that insurance in mass is horrible, but I don't know if there are even other insurance companies here where can I find out?""
Looking for Best Term Insurance provider online...?
Hello Every1, I am looking for a Term Insurance online provider, I have few in my mind but i would like to see your feedback for any specific Insurance Company online in USA, if you have ever tried. Thanks in Advance.""
How much would insurance be on a Nissan 350z?
Hi guys!! Ok so I'm soon to get a 2003-2006 Nissan 350z Touring or Enthusiast. Maybe around 9000$ to 15000. I'm almost 18 and what would insurance be like for me??? Allstate, State Farm, ect. I just need a basic monthly quote! Thanks!!""
Best car insurance for new drivers?
My fiance and I pay about $200 for car insurance and thats just ppl. I just got my license, im eighteen. He has had his license for two years and he is twenty. We are paying car payments on a 2000 ford explorer and we need full coverage but its really not affordable. What is a really good car insurance company? Please and thank you!""
Insurance for a mustang?
All the insurance sites I have seen require me to register, and add my personal details before get a quote, and i do not want to do that. so i will ask for your opinion. I am 25, just got my drivers license, and have a 1997 mustang. I am in Louisiana. How much would the basic insurance be? I have never been in an accident, and the mustang is just the basic model. I need the cheapest coverage, and do not plan to use full coverage, because the car is not worth that much.""
Life Insurance company inactive and I have a policy?
Federal Life and Casualty in Battle Creek, MI is now inactive. My dad had a 5k life insurance policy and has passed on. He has a fully paid policy on file. Is this a situation where the family is out of luck?""
State farm wont stop calling me about a car insurance quote?
I did this stupid offer on the web about some car insurance quotes and I didnt think that anybody would call me or anything but I was wrong. I had calls from Allstate, State Farm, Progressive, you name it! I didnt answer them because I would have no clue what i was talking about because Im not good when it comes to car insurance knowledge or any of that stuff, Im only 16! Most of them had stopped calling me except State Farm and Allstate, mainly just to talk about the car insurance quote that I requested . Do they eventually stop calling you or will they just keep bugging you for life until you change your phone number or whatever? They are really beginning to get annoying, especially State Farm!!""
How much should we ask the insurance company for when settling a car accident claim?
My boyfriend was recently in an accident. His chiropractor told him that when settling his claim, he should ask for three times the amount of all his total expenses. My aunt was also told the same thing by her doctor. I was wondering if anyone knew if this was a law or something?""
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
What cars are best to have for the lowest insurance?
I am 21, and I am rather sick of catching the bus everywhere lol, especially this past winter. I know my insurance is going to be high, It's also pretty hard to keep a job since many buses stop running around 9pm. My friend told me any time after May is a good time to buy a car because most people already got their refunds. I am willing to take out a loan if a new/newer car is the best to go with since I have pretty decent credit (724 Experian). If I have a car I could work and go to school more easily. What year, make, model, etc. I also want to save on gas. For the new cars, I would like the Chevy Volt, the Ford Fiesta, Honda Civic (hybrid if possible), or the toyota prius (hybrid maybe). For used, I am not sure since I don't know what year to look in, but I was looking at the Honda civic, toyota prius, and the mazda mazda6. I also don't know if foreign cars would raise the premium. I read that if you are getting a car around 10 years old, only buy honda or toyota cars. Also should I look into mechanical breakdown insurance and/or should I get a warranty for the car along with the auto insurance? How much do they cost? Thanks.""
Can I afford to get pregnant?
My husband and I are both in school and working part time. We currently don't have health insurance because we can't get it through our jobs and can't afford any outside insurance. We really want to have a baby, but are worried about paying for all of the pre/postnatal care. Is there a way to get help without putting us in tons of debt?""
What is the best state to get cheap/free medical care for adult? Any states have insurance?
Do any states have health insurance? Or better funding or access for adult care?
How much is one months car insurance on average?
Driving a slightly older car (87 Tbird), newer driver; no faults fines or tickets. Resident of BC.""
What effect does a minor ticket out of state have on insurance rates.?
A few months ago I got a ticket in Maryland, where I go to school, for going the wrong way down a one way street. The ticket was only a small fine and I don't think any point were given. Recently I just got another ticket for making a wrong left turn in New Jersey, where my permanent address is. Normally, my insurance company, geico , would let one ticket slide but I'm not sure if they would even know about the Maryland ticket. I would appreciate any information.""
Insurance rate for 2000 ford escort?
it has 143k miles for a female i just need an estimate, it is for a class assignment thanks""
How can I buy home insurance if I use one room for my business?
Hello there! I am a freelance web publisher so basically I work from home using my laptop. My husband and I just bought our first home. The other day I was shopping around for home insurance when an agent told me if I run my home business many carriers will mark me as not eligible for home insurance. Is this true? How do I get around that? What's the best home insurance company?
Driving with an expired insurance in kentucky?
I got pulled over by police for speeding but my insurance were expired that time. What should I do? I just renewed my insurance after that. The police said that I need to go to court. Do I need to contact traffic attorney? and What about my license problem?
Do you need car insurance to borrow someone's car?
Like if I were to borrow someone's car, would I personally need car insurance (like from my own car), or only if the owner of the car had insurance would that be okay if I drove it? I live in Illinois if that makes any difference.""
Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
I don't have dental insurance.?
I don't have dental insurance and I haven't been to the dentist in years. Anyone know of any good dental discounts or insurance. I really want to go and get a cleaning and check up. I think i'll need some work done considering my jaw hurts and the gap in my teeth seems to be getting wider. Anyone else not have dental insurance? Thanks for the help
Why do men pay more for car insurance than women?
This fact is surely sexism based on pure stereotypes rather than relevant information such as the driver's history. Doesn't this just portray the stereotype that men are more irresponsible or 'risk takers' when it comes to driving? Why not base car insurance on ethnicity?
What is cheaper in car insurance...?
An old fiat punto or a new fiat punto
Question about auto insurance?
I've never had a car before so this is new for me. I don't have auto insurance yet and I'm going to check out a car today. In order to drive it home I will need auto insurance but I'm not sure if I'm getting the car yet. I already have my quotes set up and if I decide to get the car I can call and set it up right there but the policy doesn't go into effect until tomorrow. Can I still drive the car home?
Insurance Raise after Car Accident?
Does your insurance rates actually go up after an accident? If yes, how many accidents can you have before it increase? OR is it depending on how much the accident is in order for your payments to increase?""
How much is full coverage car insurance under the general?
Im 16, drive a 2005 kia spectra, get good grades and live in az oh and the car isn't red.""
Car insurance for a 1993 Toyota Celica? ?
How much would car insurance be for a 1993 Toyota Celica? I will be 21 in August, have a clean driving record, no accidents, married with a child. I am a full time college student with a 3.2 GPA. How much should I expect for car insurance per month? The car has 160,000 miles on it. Please, no advertising websites, just real answers. Thanks!""
What effect does not being at fault in an automobile collision have on your insurance premium?
Doesn't the cost go up any way?
Suspended liscense and car insurance?
So in two more months my license suspension will be over from a dui. First of all the type of dui that I got from what I've been told isn't as bad as the real one seeing as I got a dui for blowing a 0.3 but being under 21 makes it illegal at any alcohol level. My dui is considered and infraction so no criminal record but still not sure if this goes in my driving record. When I get my license back and look for car insurance will I have to pay extra for insurance for having a dui infraction?
Math question about cars and insurance?
I make 10 dollars an hour, full time job, 80+ hour checks with about 100 dollars in commission monthly. (1700 a month before taxes). I have to pay my rent, 325, my electric, 200 a month, and my phone bill- 40 dollars a month. My internet is 15 a month. How much do you think I could pay for a car, and insurance for a car without going broke? As in, what kind of price brackets should I stay in? I've been driving a car that's paid off since I was 16, now that car is falling apart. I need help, I've never done this before! :) Thanks!""
How much will it cost to insure a new amusement park?
How much will it cost to insure a new amusement park?
Obamacare: What if you cant afford health care insurance? What if your not employed.?
Obamacare: What if you cant afford health care insurance? What if your not employed.?
Insurance when moving to america?
I am a 30 year old woman moving to the united states what kind of insurance cover do i require any companies recommended ?
What is average cost for insurance on a 2013 Kia optimum comp and collision?
What is average cost for insurance on a 2013 Kia optimum comp and collision?
Average 125 motorbike insurance ?
can anyone give me an idea how much insurance would cost me on a 125 motorbike i am 41 and would be driving on a full driving licence.
Insurance Rates?
What's the best I can expect to pay for insurance monthly if I have a reckless driving ticket (-2 points) for speeding in California and am 20 years old? I have no accidents or other tickets. Any other 20 year olds out there in a similar situation what is your insurance premium?
Isn't it patriotic to want all Americans to have access to affordable healthcare?
Isn't it patriotic to want all Americans to have access to affordable healthcare?
Would you ever commit insurance fraud?
Would you ever commit insurance fraud?
Rough price for motorcylce insurance?
I'm 17, the bike im hoping to get is 2005 Honda CBR 125 How much would it be roughly for basic insurance""
Question about Car insurance?
Ok, My husband has a 2000 Ford Ranger and the back drivers side rear window got busted out by a baseball(it was an accident) and he has insurance through Geico, well it says on his comprehension coverage that he has a $500 deductable, so what does that mean? Will we have to pay $500 to get it fixed?""
Mazda rx8 or 350z insurance ?
Id assume the 8 might have cheaper insurance to certain companies due to it having four doors lol But my question is I'm 19 and been looking at progressive and I have to pay $1200 every 6 months for one of these cars! I have a clean record and took the safety course too. Now if I was under my parent's insurance would that be possibly cheaper? Were doing that with the lexus I'm driving right now (theirs) but I need to build credit and whatnot... no need to worry bout college cause its paid off
Health insurance for 1099?
I am forming a corporation that will bring on several 1099 contractors as consultants, almost like a consortium of consultants. I'd like to offer them group health insurance. is this possible given that they are all 1099 contractors?""
Can a woman add a man to her health insurance?
Im about to graduate college and hope to become a teacher in August...my fiance wants to open a tattoo shop and therefore will not have insurance coverage... so my question is: Once we're officially married, and i am employed as a full time teacher...will I be able to add him (and my 2 kids) to my insurance? The reason im asking is bc im unsure (embarassingly) if a woman can add her husband to the insurance..bc i know men add there wives and stuff all the time? Does my teacher insurance cover all of us, including my husband and 2 kids?""
How much is car insurance in nyc?
Im 23 years this is my first car ever a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted to now how much car insurance im looking at.
Why is the US government forcing health insurance on me?
My hate for the US government is growing by the day.
Insurance info on changing them.?
my dad has a certain insurance and i want to switch to another insurance. what is involved switching to a new insurance because i found a nice new place but they don't take his current insurance. i really want to do move because this new place is great.
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