#I dont knwo why Tumblr formats so weird
questwithambition · 1 year
Digital Minimalism - some thoughts
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(I took zero photos of me reading the book so here a couple of the library). Back in January I picked up Digital Minimalism by Cal Newport, and as I read it I decided to implement some of the changes for at least a month to see what impact they would had. And oh my, has it been positive! A few takeaways:
I took an entire month off all social media, including Tumblr and Pinterest. I already didn’t have the Instagram and Facebook apps on my phone, but here I wasn’t able to access them on my laptop / browser either. This was a great break, as it really encouraged me to reconsider every time I picked up my phone. Since there was nothing to do on my phone I ended up reading more and doing other activities like painting and calling friends etc. It freed up not only time but the nagging compulsion to pick up my phone.
One of the biggest changes was spending time doing nothing, and also taking walks without headphones. I used to always listen to music / a podcast on my walk to and from uni / elsewhere but following the book recommendation, I stopped doing so. I was sceptic at first but I have so much space in my brain? These walks give my brain time to work through issues and worries, appreciate the world around me, or even just focus on putting one foot in front of the other. This calm has spread to other areas of my life: I was waiting at the dentist this morning for 10 minutes, and instead of reading or looking at my phone I just basked in the sunlight coming through the window, listening with half an ear to the receptionists chatting in the background and enjoyed a serene moment. If I could recommend a change it would be this one: on part of a commute, remove the headphones. Try sitting or walking in silence.
A final change was reducing notifications and availability: I implemented a “personal” mode on my phone where between the hours of 8:30pm and 9am only my family and a best friend will pop up in my notifications which immensely reduces the pressure to reply / think about it in the evening, and gives me a solid couple of hours work in the morning. I’ve taken it further and have removed notifications from a lot of apps such as snapchat and messenger etc: the people who need to urgently contact me have my number, and I’ll check the other socials throughout the day when I have time and space.
So would definitely recommend giving the book a read (I borrowed it from my library because libraries are amazing and so many of them have audiobooks / ebooks so please look them up! Also excellent places to read as pictured above). You obviously have to adapt what is said to your lifestyle, and some sections can drag on a bit, but I appreciated all the examples of how different people implemented steps in their lives.
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memoriashell · 6 years
to you, who i write for
Characters / Pairing: Soriku; though it really just reads as Riku angst / pining. 
crossposted on ao3
Notes: This was the first thing I wrote post KH3 and I think I’m okay with putting it out at this point. So yes, warning for KH3 spoilers.
The formatting of this fic is a little weird quite frankly, because it’s a ( mostly ) texting based fic. I used strikethrough at points to indicate messages that were deleted / unsent, but since I know strikethrough can be finicky on some devices ( tumblr mobile ), so I’ve gone ahead and also italicized those parts as well.
There are also some obvious typos! Mostly for a touch of realism because Riku absolutely accidentally typos shit. There are other reasons that I hope are obvious when reading it!
Summary: Riku keeps sending messages because he doesn’t know how else to cope.
( somehow, i hope these words reach you )
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry I haven’t texted back in a while.
[ Text : Sora ] We’ve been busy. Not that that’s any excuse.
I’m sure you’ve been too busy to notice.
[ Text : Sora ] Mickey said to tell you he sends his best wishes.
Let me knwo if you need anything.
It’s an admittedly bad habit he’s gotten into, writing up messages that he won’t send. Riku means to cut off the urge before it become a habit, but here he is, still typing up messages for him and him alone.
It’s kind of therapeutic, to write up the things that he can’t really find the words to say aloud— and one would say he should invest in a journal before he accidentally sends a text he does not mean to, but he doesn’t think it’d be quite the same. Doesn’t simulate the same kind of conversation, even if that means a few things that he doesn’t mean to say slip through.
( If it were just anyone he was sending these messages to, Riku knows he might have more than a few reservations— but it’s Sora, who never judges him, even if there are more than a few things he would like to keep secret for him ).
So he continues typing up messages to get things off his chest, and if Sora finds it annoying that he spends more time typing up theoretical conversations than actually having them, he never says anything about it. Probably because Sora only understands how to use their gummiphones half the time to begin with.
Of course, he does send actual messages too, even if perhaps less frequently. Short little blurbs when he can tell that by the increasing frequency in his messages that Sora is worried ( and as bad as Riku is at saying what he wants, he can at least make sure he isn’t worrying for no good reason ).
Notifications of social media updates, text messages that were a litany of errors between them; the buildup of numbers bring some form of comfort.
Until they don’t.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s not like it’s nothing new. Being separated from you two.
We’ve done it before in worse circumstances.
[ Text : Sora ] It hurts?
Is this what it was like for you?
I think I understand your pain now. Srry.
[ Text : Sora ] Are you coming home soon?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s still weird to not wake up to you clogging up my notifications.
[ Text : Sora ] I guess I can return that favor for once.
I’ll try to keep you updated on hwo everyone’s doing.
If he had been dependent on his phone before, then it was most certainly his lifeline afterwards.
Old notifications are left alone, a flashing number remains constant—as if the moment Riku checks it, it will disappear ( and some of the hope that he clings onto will go with it ).
He sends messages when he needs someone to talk to, so, nothing has really changed in that regard. He thinks about it a little more like writing letters than a journal. Sora will see them eventually, he hopes—thinks he would laugh at how many messages he sends and what kind of things Riku chooses to talk about.
It’s better than thinking of the alternative—
( The illusion is jarring and broken more quickly than he would like to admit because Sora has almost always been quick to check his messages, regardless of situation, the fact that the device will remind him of the fact that his messages continue to go unread is jarring and hard to get used to.
He willingly clings to the hope that something might change )
[ Text : Kairi ] Why.
[ Text : Kairi ] Why was it you?
Why was it him?
[ Text : Kairi ] Was it all pointless?
I think it’s my fault.
[ Text : Kairi ] For not doing something.
[ Text : Kairi ] It should have been me, not you.
[ Text : Kairi ] I want to see you two come back.
[ Text : Kairi ] We should talk when you both are safe again.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s weird.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it feels like you two are dead or something.
I mean.
You kind of are?
[ Text : Sora ] But you promised. You’d come bcak.
I’m holding you to that.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it just.
Feels like we can’t talk about you for some reason.
Guess everyone’s still hurting.
[ Text : Sora ] They miss you, though. I can tell.
They miss both of you.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you both.
[ Text : Sora ] Come home soon.
[ Text : Sora ] You promised.
[ Text : Sora ] If I called, would you answer?
[ Text : Sora ] I guess not.
There are some miracles evn you can’t pull off.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m trying to act like it’s okay.
[ Text : Sora ] You can probably tell otherwise though. You’ve always been good at that.
Even if you can’t pick up on other things.
[ Text : Sora ] Srory.
About everything.
I’ll try harder.
[ Text : Sora ] I know you’d want me to.
[ Text : Sora ] I can’t
I haven’t been seleep?
[ Text : Sora ] I keep.
[ Text : Sora ] Dreaming.
[ Text : Sora ] About yyou? I think?
Thats not really somehting new, though.
[ Text : Sora ] But it’s dffrnet this time?
I think
I know?
I’m seeing hwat you’re doing?
[ Text : Sora ] Im.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m nnot sure?
[ Text : Sora ] I’m worr
[ Text : Sora ] Im scared.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m scared for yuou.
[ Text : Sora ] I haven’t mentioned it too anyone.
I’ll have to eventually because I’m not sleeping enough
Can barely make sense of what I’m writing.
Pretty sure Aqua’s going to start casting sheep spells on me soon.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sure you would agree with her.
Probably would have beeen the one to fall asleep instead.
[ Text : Sora ] But.
I can’t tell them?
Not yet,
[ Text : Sora ] I don’t wwant them to have to hurt more.
[ Text : Sora ] I know you’d want me to rely on them but.
Trust me on htis one?
[ Text : Sora ] I 
I think
I know Im asking too much
[ Text : Sora ] I’m being selfish agian?
[ Text : Sora ] Pleaes come back soon.
[ Text : Kairi ] I hate you.
[ Text : Kairi ] No.
I don’t.
[ Text : Kairi ] I hate me.
I think you knew that already, though.
I’m sorry.
[ Text : Kairi ] I wish you were here.
I think you’d know how to handle thsi better than I do.
I miss being able to talk to you.
Both of you.
[ Text : Kairi ] I’ll make it up to you both.
[ Text : Kairi ] I promise.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] You two have been gone for a year now.
It’s weird.
I guess we can officially hold a funeral?
[ Text : Sora ] I’m joking. Kind of.
It was a serious consideration, I think. By someone.
[ Text : Sora ] Probably Lea.
[ Text : Sora ] Still having dreams but.
Less frequently lately.
I’m worried. Is everything okay?
[ Text : Sora ] Before, I could always tell you were alright.
Just a feeling in my heart that told me so.
I’m starting to wonder if I can actually tell that you’re alive still
Or if I’m just being hopefull.
[ Text : Sora ] We miss you.
[ Text : Sora ] We haven’t given up on you two.
[ Text : Sora ] So you better come back.
I think they’ll cry if you don’t.
[ Text : Sora ] Because you.
[ Text : Sora ] For them.
[ Text : Sora ] We just.
[ Text : Sora ] Aynways.
[ Text : Sora ] Just hang on a little longer. Please.
[ Text : Sora ] I sthis my fault for not doing anything.
[ Text : Sora ] For not saying anything?
[ Text : Sora ] Im
It’s too late now, I guess.
[ Text : Sora ] I wish I could hcange things.
[ Text : Sora ] It wasn’t supposed to be you.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] I miss you.
I wish I didnt.
I know it’s not weak to feel like this but.
[ Text : Sora ] I wish I ccould be stronger. For both of you.
[ Text : Sora ] Srory
[ Text : Sora ] Sorry
[ Text : Sora ] I love you.
[ Text : Sora ] It’s kind of weird.
Scary weird.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes it feels like everyone else has forgotten about you two.
[ Text : Sora ] I guess they’ve started moving on and I haven’t.
I always hold onto things too long.
[ Text : Sora ] Somehow it doesn’t feel that simple.
[ Text : Sora ] Don’t tell them, but
I’m scared they’re forgetting?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s happened before. Not tht you remember.
[ Text : Sora ] That’s why I have to keep sending you messages.
Even on the bad days. When I can’t
Dont know what to say.
[ Text : Sora ] So I won’t forget.
[ Text : Sora ] Sometimes I think I’m being irrational, though.
[ Text : Sora ] I know they still remember you.
[ Text : Sora ] They have to.
[ Text : Sora ] You haven’t forgotten about us either, right?
[ Text : Sora ] I can’t
[ Text : Sora ] Im trying
[ Text : Sora ] It’s.
[ Text : Sora ] Bad.
Feels bbad. Brken.
[ Text : Sora ] Haven’t written in a hwile.
[ Text : Sora ] Cant figure out what I want to say.
[ Text : Sora ] Trying to be better.
[ Text : Sora ] Cloud be worse?
[ Text : Sora ] That’s not. Saying mcuh.
[ Text : Sora ] Sorry.
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll try to ttalk to you again soon.
[ Text : Sora ] Kairi came home today.
[ Text : Sora ] I’m sure you knew that.
[ Text : Sora ] We talked for a bit.
She couldn’t talk about you.
Can’t blame her.
[ Text : Sora ] You’re worrying me again.
What happened?
[ Text : Sora ] I think it’s been almost two years now?
Not srue.
Stopped keeping track.
Days keep blurring together.
[ Text : Sora ] I did a year before
So this shouldn’t be that much worse.
But it’s so much harder ths time?
[ Text : Sora ] Probably because I at least knew you were safe last time.
[ Text : Sora ] We’re trying.
[ Text : Sora ] Im try
We want you back home. Safe.
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll try harder.
[ Text : Sora ] Are you waiting for me?
[ Text : Sora ] I hpoe you’re just slaking off again.
[ Text : Sora ] Sora, I 
It’s so bad without uyou.
[ Text : Sora ] Please.
[ Text : Sora ] Come home.
[ Text : Sora ] We ccan’t.
[ Text : Sora ] I cant
Do this? Without you
[ Text : Sora ] We’re all still waiting on you.
His phone has become a definitive lifeline to keeping himself sane. Which isn’t saying much when he is haunted by another lifetime in his dreams, but—
He’s never cared for conventional, healthy methods, anyways. He takes too much care into making sure nothing happens to his phone because, well ( he doesn’t want to imagine what would happened if something happened— but he clings to the hope of a sign, anyways ).
The feeling of something distant in his soul, something missing— something rips at his soul and in the same moment something comes up on his phone—
He must have voiced some sort of anguish because he’s distantly aware of someone asking if he’s okay, but—
He can’t respond, eyes focused on the pop-up on his phone
[ Text : Sora ] I guess these aren’t getting to you?
[ Text : Sora ] That’s fine.
It was foolish for me to hope any of these messages could reach you.
[ Text : Sora ] I still haven’t looked at any of your old messages.
[ Text : Sora ] I like to think you were answering my messages.
Silly, but it helped sometimes.
[ Text : Sora ] Bfeore I could feel you. Knew you were okay.
But not today. What happened?
I know you can’t tell me but.
Wish you could.
[ Text : Sora ] Is this why Kairi couldn’t tell us?
[ Text : Sora ] I think the others can tell too.
That something is different.
[ Text : Sora ] I know I can’t call you, but can you call me?
[ Text : Sora ] It’s important.
[ Text : Sora ] Because I know
If you call, I’ll be able to find you.
[ Text : Sora ] Nothing could stop me from finding you.
[ Text : Sora ] So call for me?
[ Text : Sora ] I’ll see you soon, Sora
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