#I dunno if this counts as meta whoops
tomas-adriah · 4 years
did anyone else notice that hawks was a little...tame in the anime?
I just finished watching season 4 of the anime, and I couldn’t help but feel like the anime is a pale comparison of the manga, in terms of hawks’s character.
listen, I love hawks animated. its his facial features that I feel like was a little lacking.
hawks in the manga is animated (uh, was that a pun? idk); he’s expressive, almost to the point of cartoonish, and why he’s such a meme.
hawks in the anime? a bit subdued, despite the colors, despite the animation. I know he’s laid back, but he was very subdued; isn’t as expressive. 
I know the anime tends to foreshadow stuff, dropping hints of what’s happening in the manga (they set up hawks differently in the anime then they did in the manga - in the manga, he was just kind of...dropped out of nowhere tbh). but I also can’t help but point out how disappointing it was to see hawks in the anime, lacking most of his expressive/funny expressions, because it makes him more less of a threat than he actually is...making his fighting against the nomus just more...badass.
kind of like the expression, “don’t judge a book by its cover.”
hawks embodies that clearly, and its because people don’t treat him seriously that makes him dangerous. 
i’m also very tired, and I want to build this idea more, later on, but rn, i’m not sure if its just me, or what, but I wanted to know if anyone else may have felt the same way?? or have already covered it?
because i’d look at the anime (of what little there is of hawks anyways in the anime), then i’d look at the fanarts or the manga of the earlier chapters itself, and...its like looking at two different kind of hawks.
i’m interested as to how season 5 is going to depict hawks; however, i’m also like...scared, lol. listen, being in fandoms where adaptions, especially later-on adaptions of the source material, tends to go...downwards, lmao, makes me scared and weary of adaptions in general. I was skeptical of how they were going to adapt hawks, but I love his colorization, his voice actors (both English and Japanese), the animated hawks fight scenes are just OOF *chefs kiss*, it’s just...the expressions, omg. I know i’m being nitpicky, but listen, the manga panels of hawks is just priceless, and hawks expressions are good sources of laughter and ease, when there’s a lot of just...angst in general (I mean...we are dealing with a lot of heavy topics, so its understandable - yet to deal with heavy topics, we need a good breather every now and then - as seen with the cultural festival arc after omfg the overhaul arc). Hawks provides the ultimate breather and ease, just with his expression alone. he’s similar to the all might smile, putting people at ease; yet its also different because while all might’s smile is meant to calm and reassure, hawks is to ease up the tension, make you laugh, and also put your guard down. *COUGH*
afdja;fdkddl for now, i’m going to end it here, I have so much ideas, but yeah, please like let me know what you guys think? I can’t be the only one like feeling this right?
if not, well, excuse me while I - 
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zehecatl · 3 years
rec post for @f-eef that got too long for its own good, and is now just. a general rec post i guess
(as of writing, today is the steam summer sale! writing this before that goes live, so no guarantee everything on here is on sale, but! most of these are older games, so it’s likely. keep them in mind~)
- Iconoclasts my absolute favourite game, ever (along with OFF, but shh), if you check out one game from this list, let it be this one. it’s a genuinely almost flawless package, with gorgeous pixel art, fun gameplay, a really good story, and a cast of characters i just. adore. it’s so so so good, and three years later, i’m still not over it
- The Binding of Isaac so there’s this genre called roguelikes, wherein the whole gimmick is that, when you die, you gotta start from the Very Beginning; and the ‘point’ is getting better and better at the game, until you win! it’s super easy to just, play a few runs (they generally don’t last that long!), and then go on with your day, so it’s a really fun game to just waste time in, if you just wanna chill with some game. and, in my personal opinion, Isaac is the best roguelike game, with so much stuff to unlock, a whole slew of items to play with, and so much content it’s kind of unreal. i definitely think the DLCs are worth picking up, but it’s mostly for more content than like. actually being necessary
- Terraria it’s minecraft, but 2D. unlike MC, it’s got a bit of guidance, which i personally prefer, with bosses to fight and such. an absolutely BLAST with other people too
- A Hat in Time a 3D platformer, ala Mario, that’s just. super charming. it’s also really fun to play. i haven’t actually played the DLC’s, since i played it way back, but i’ve heard good things about Nyakuza Metro, which does look super slick, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Slime Rancher you are a slime rancher. you ranch slimes. it’s honestly just wholesome as hell, and just exudes happy vibes. mostly for running around and collecting slimes, ngl
- The Messenger really funky retro game, wherein you play a ninja on a mission. it’s primary draw is definitely in its gameplay, but there’s a surprising amount of story for this kind of genre? i honestly really just like this one. it’s neat
- Underhero you play as a cute minion, who kind of like. managed to kill the hero. and whoops, guess you’re doing his job now? it’s got that undertale vibe, though i’d say it’s less polished than it. HOWEVER, it’s absolutely lovely and it’s climax is REALLY good
- Hatoful Boyfriend bird dating sim. trust me. the ‘secret’ finale route is just. *chef’s kiss* fantastic
- Night in the Woods if you don’t mind having a very poignant sad time, oh my god, i could not recommend NITW more. it perfectly captures that period when you’re done with school, and suddenly your whole life is stretching before you, and you feel so so fucking lost, and overwhelmed and pained with it. it’s just. so good. a sadness worth experiencing 
- Shovel Knight another retro game! this one is, pretty much, the king of the genre, and for very good reasons. the first one (shovel of hope) doesn’t have much story, but the latter ones really add on it. they’re honestly just, really solid games! with funky knight characters!!!
- Hyper Light Drifter man, it’s just a masterpiece. everything about it is perfect. it’s been like, five years, and it’s still one of the very best indie games
- Tell Me Why it’s currently free for june! and it’s a story game! plus, if you like the genre, the devs got the ‘Life Is Strange’ serie(s) to delve into!
- Cat Quest honestly, i just really like this little game. the gameplay is SO much fun, and everything else is just. really charming :’)
- Yoku’s Island Express metroidvania, where you play as a dung-beetle post officer, and the gimmick is that it’s pinball-y! it’s really fun, and very cute and just an all around good time :)
- Owlboy you play as an owl boy! named Otus! and you can fly around, and there’s GORGEOUS pixel graphics, and a neat story, and just. the BEST cast of characters. it’s delightful
- Yuppie Psycho + Count Lucanor just gonna bundle these two together, because they’re both REALLY GOOD. YP is the newer one, and is therefore probably ‘the better one’, but i like them both a ton! they’re 2D horror, but i wouldn’t say they’re that spooky? though that might just be because they’re pixel games! you explore spooky place, and weird stuff happens around you. just a really fun time :)
- Angels of Death my FAVOURITE rpgmaker game, it’s main draw is, a 100%, the main characters and the relationship that develops between them. i just love it a whole lot, and it’s got that lil’ tinge of horror that i, personally, fucking adore. there’s actually an anime based on this, but i haven’t seen it myself!
- Celeste curve ball! it’s a 2D platformer! it’s really good, got a ton of accessibility features, and has like. the tightest gameplay- and, on top of that, surprisingly emotional story! 
- Bastion putting Bastion here, because it’s actually the only one i’ve properly played, but you could probably buy any of the Supergiant Games, and come out satisfied. Bastion is the oldest of the bunch, and is definitely a bit less polished for it, but i personally adore it; the gameplay probably hasn’t aged that well, but i think the story and presentation more than makes up for it
- The Darkside Detective funny point and click adventure, with great wit, and a pair of characters i kind of simply adore. it’s main draw is definitely its humour
- Littlewood very wholesome and chill farming game, that feels more like an RPG than something like stardew valley- i’d not recommend it over SV, but if you want more of SV, Littlewood might scratch that itch!
- Pony Island + The Hex absolutely adore both of these, though if i had to rec only one, it’d probably be Pony Island? they’ve both got that undertale-off vibe, though Pony Island definitely leans harder into it. very interesting plays, both of them
- Oxenfree another horror-ish game! primarily story-focused, but oh boy, what a story! i’m a BIG fan of this game, and the sequel was recently announced too! definitely worth a look if you like ghost shenanigans
- Creature in the Well wasn’t a 100% sure if i should rec this, but beside the finale boss, i really enjoyed my time with this! it’s this weird pinball inspired hack and slash, with some amazing vibes
- Kindergarten 1 + 2 they’re just fun little games okay. the 2nd is much more fleshed out, but the 1st one is really fun too
- the Henry Stickmin collection I JUST... LIKE THESE GAMES A LOT... i think you can find the old versions somewhere on the internet, if you wanna check them out first? idk, they’re fun!
- LIMBO + INSIDE personally, i like INSIDE more, but both of these are classics, and also they’re made by a danish team, and i like them a WHOLE LOT
- The Final Station i could not tell you why i like this game as much as i do, but oh my god. i love this game? it’s got a dying world, neat pixel graphics, big zombie apocalypse vibes, and a weird little story
- Year Walk i love Year Walk :)
- Smile For Me if you liked undertale’s lovely cast of characters, oh boy, you’d likely LOVE this game! it’s really, really, fantastic, and the epilogue (not in the actual game lol) hit me right in the feels
- Pikuniku just a fun little game! there’s not really much there, in the grand scheme of things, but it’s a wonderful little play, one of those games that just sets out to give you a good time, and absolutely success. i like it a lot :’)
- A Short Hike wonderful game, where it’s more about exploring the island than actively finishing the game. it’s real wonderful
- ULTRAKILL ANOTHER CURVEBALL! no idea if you like FPS, but oh my god. ULTRAKILL is so fucking good. just an absolute blast to play. there’s a demo to check out, and i’d definitely recommend it, because if it’s a genre you might like, you’ll love this one (OH also it’s in early access, which means it’s not finished yet! personally, i don’t mind that, especially considering this is more gameplay focused, but ya’ know!)
- My Friend Pedro it’s honestly just really fun to play, and sometimes i still think about the implied lore, and go all !!!!
- Little Misfortune another point and click! this one is pretty short, and is set within the same universe as their other game, Fran Bow, which is much bigger, but idk. i like this one. it’s dark cute
- This Strange Realm of Mine i honestly dunno how to explain this one, because it’s kind of weird and a bit odd, but i really like it, in all its weird poetic glory. it’s neat!
- Donut County you’re a terrible racoon who’s ruined the whole city with holes. it’s great and i love it
- OneShot another ‘gives me undertale vibes’, though this one was in development before UT, if i recall correctly! it’s so good, and it’s got some fantastic meta bits, and i love Niko. i love Niko so much
- Inmost gorgeous vaguely spooky game with a neat story... my favourite genre
- Sayonara Wild Hearts i’d call this more of a spectacle than anything else, but oh my god. what a spectacle it is! the OST is amazing, everything about it just hits right, and even if you suck at the gameplay (which i did), it really doesn’t matter, in my opinion? it’s just great all around!
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~hello~ !! For the meta asks!: 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, and 25 :))
Hello!! Thank you for sending these; I was really excited to see that ask game and I was hoping somebody would send some in. It still took me a while to actually answer them though, and for that I apologise. But without further ado! Some meta answers (under the cut because they ended up being fairly long, whoops):
3. What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (Consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway.)
I thought of a few examples, but they could basically be grouped together under a common theme: whumpy/angsty scenes that were self-indulgent as all heck. The whole self-indulgent aspect often required the characters to be just the teeniest, tiniest bit OOC and/or necessitated rather unrealistic plot circumstances. So it was simply easier to keep such scenes as maladaptive daydreams, rather than trying to think of explanations for the character/plot issues…or exposing myself to judgement for them LOL.
Receiving permission to write/share one such scene anyway is an opportunity I can’t let slip by though. It might be because I’m writing this while running on zero (0) hours of sleep—let’s hear it for insomnia, y’all!—but I suddenly couldn’t remember any of my newer ideas under this category. However, I did recall a one-shot I had started writing a couple of months ago that sort of counts? “Sort of” because I could actually be arsed to write it since I was, ya know, writing it. Only got about six hundred words down though.
…should I share those six hundred words…?
………nahhh. I don’t think I’m quite ready for that yet.
But here’s the gist of it: Coulson and May (because of course it’s Philinda) were married for quite some time before the Attack on New York. But then Coulson DiedTM and then got ResurrectedTM. But gasp of horror, he had to lose his memories of his romantic relationship with May because reasons. (I actually did have some ideas for those reasons but sshhhh this is about me yeeting context and setup.)
The first half of S1 still happens as normal (except MayWard doesn’t happen because??? Vows) and it’s now post-E20 “Nothing Personal”. The morning after (or a morning soon after, whatever) the T.A.H.I.T.I. reveal! May’s mom—who doesn’t know about GH.325 and whom May fed a cover story about Coulson divorcing her or something equally as oof, IDK—shows up at the hotel and starts ripping into Coulson for breaking her daughter’s heart, then dragging her back into the field with her ex-husband (him), then accusing her of terrible things and forcing her away again.
Poor guy’s confused as heck, and so is the team, and soon enough so is Lian. The only one who understands what’s going on is May, and she’s freaking dying off to the side like why is this happening to me and eventually everybody’s like! Explain??? (Was thinking about including something from Coulson like, “Are you still keeping things from me?” Just for that extra smidge of angst, yay!)
So yeah then May gives a, like, two-sentence debriefing that elicits more questions than answers. Coulson decides to take May aside and they have a heart-to-heart. Lots of feelings and angst and hurt/comfort and at some point plenty of kissing too. Just! May hiding her feelings for Coulson’s sake but really magnified, plus some actual apologies and consideration of the grief May’s been through on Coulson’s part.
And uhh yeah that’s basically it I dunno hdsjncjshd. I warned y’all it’s OOC, plot-bendy, and very self-indulgent!
6. What character do you have the most fun writing?
I don’t think I could name a single character for this. I get different things out of taking on different voices, you know? I guess recently I’ve found myself gravitating towards more taciturn and introspective points of view, like JQ from my original novel Rosewood or M. Yisbon from my…other original novel Temple.
Generally, however, I like tackling stories from an outsider’s perspective. That’s why I so rarely write my more “substantial” (serious? demanding? for lack of better words?) projects from the PoV of my “preferred” character. This usually means writing from their love interest’s perspective, but not always. With shorter fanfic, using a more removed/unconventional/niche PoV can be really fun. Like, I once wrote a canon compliant ficlet purely(-ish) about Philinda from Tony Stark’s perspective. That isn’t always sustainable with stories that demand more character development or closer character studies, however, which is why it’s a good thing I like writing drabbles!
9. Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?
My word counts tend to run long, but I usually only write one-shots for fanfic. If I’m even inspired with a novella- or novel-length story idea for a fandom, you already know I’m in deep with them. And if I actually find the motivation to plan and execute that idea? Dangg. That’s only ever happened…twice, maybe thrice, and I’m in a lot of fandoms.
At times, I wish I could go for more of a middle ground ’cause, like, you know what I love to see? An AO3 dashboard with several completed novellas for my ship/character of choice. I mean yes, I hecking love >90k fics, but sometimes I’m in the mood for quick reads…and what am I supposed to do when I burn through all the drabbles and 2k one-shots? (Besides despair and/or reread my faves desperately.) Novellas are basically always safe for me LOL, and I’d hope to be able to give as much as I take.
Ultimately though, I think I’m okay with where I am with regards to that. I wish I could write more in general, but I’d be okay with “writing more” just meaning “writing more one-shots”, ya know? More than okay, really. I have mad respect for fic writers who have, like, a hundred or more one-shots under their belt for this one ship. The fandom ecosystem would be incomplete without them (as well as every other type of writer, but sshhh that’s the type of writer I’m closest to being right now).
I’m definitely a plotter, and I definitely prefer it that way. It’s cool having such a detailed record of my process. I like feeling like a frazzled genius on the brink of a major discovery with all of my different outlines and colour coding and many drafts and various websites.
12. Do you want your writing to be famous?
Not exactly. It might be cool if my original works were recognisable in the world, but I don’t think I’d want to be recognisable. As for fanfic, I’d low-key enjoy gaining a place in that fandom’s community as a fic writer. Like someone who gave and got fic gifts from fic writer friends, who participated in challenges and GCs, who received writing prompts on Tumblr, whose name was known for doing a certain trope/genre a bunch of times… Ya know what I mean?
Unlikely to happen when I’m so hecking hesitant to publicly (i.e., outside of AO3) claim credit for my writing, but fjnskfsjhfjs. A writer can dream, right?
15. Which is harder: titles or summaries (or tags)?
Of those three, tags are the easiest for me, for I have a reliable system for figuring out those.
Next easiest would probably be titles. For fanfiction, I like to use titles that are a quote from the source material. You should have seen all of my old Hamilton fanfic… I was really proud of some of those titles. And I don’t mean, like, whole lines—usually only two to five words. It’s a unique type of wordplay that I just love dabbling in.
And lastly, summaries. Sometimes inspiration strikes me and a snappy and intriguing synopsis just jumps out—one that I’m quietly pleased with—but most of the time I’ll spend way too long trying to think of such a synopsis and eventually just go with whatever I’d come up with so far. And live with my quiet dissatisfaction for the rest of time.
18. Do any of your stories have alternative versions? (Plotlines that you abandoned, AUs of your own work, different characterisations...?) Tell us about them!
Typically, no. If I have deleted scenes, I save and publish them separately, but that’s about it. I sometimes think of AUs for my own work and might talk about them in my author’s notes—might even talk about writing them—but I never really do anything with them.
It’s not uncommon for me to decide a plotline isn’t working for a certain story or to think of an interesting but undoable arc for a certain character, but what I’ll do is make a whole new story for those ideas. Once I’m done developing the original idea and the branched-off one, you probably wouldn’t be able to tell they grew from the same roots. Does that count?
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well as (film, webcomic, animated series, etc.)?
That depends on the story. I’ve actually written stories in other mediums—movie screenplay, musical stageplay, poetry, TV show scripts, play scripts, roleplay—but the novel does tend to be my comfort zone. Sometimes, if I have an idea that I think could work, or would even work better, as another medium, I’ll label it as such in my folder of ideas and decide not to write it as a novel.
Most of the time, my non-book projects are collaborations. I’m working with five different people on six different story ideas: two webcomics, one stage musical, one anime, and two animated TV shows. Little concrete progress has been made in any of those, mind you, but they’re still fun to discuss!
24. Would you say your writing has changed over time?
Absolutely. But I’ve been writing stories since I was five years old, so we would hope so, huh?
I wouldn’t say my writing’s changed completely, though maybe that’s just my insider’s perspective.
25. What part of writing is the most fun?
Oh gosh, I can’t believe you’d make me choose. Writing is just such a wonderful experience for me; I love just about everything to do with it. Admittedly, not all the time, but. Since that barely qualifies as an answer, however, I’ll give you this—
The endings. Not only that intense feeling of rightness when you wrap up that last sentence, but also the moments before. The adrenaline of knowing you’re almost there but you gotta push just a bit more to actually get there. And also the part right after—the real wrap-up, honestly: the revision and the editing. Heavens, I love revising and editing my work.
Which is not to say I don’t like writing it out for the first time, too—there’s nothing quite like seeing your cursor scroll to the next page, like going from a blank expanse to a Oh man, how many more lines are even going to fit on this page?, like watching that page counter tick up another number. However, there’s something cathartic about finally ironing out those problems I had to force myself to stop worrying about earlier because “just finish the first draft dangit”.
I guess that’s not really the end of the writing process, but whatever. Close enough (as fic writers are wont to say).
Another thank-you for these asks, and feel free to come back with more at any time! ;P
Send in fun meta asks for your friendly neighbourhood writer!
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in-tua-deep · 5 years
Hi! Ok so I'm totally taking you up on your offer and gonna send in some stuff! So, I did a rewatch recently and took a few notes (mostly following 5 bc his concept and interactions are just so fascinating to me) and I noticed some stuff! 1] none if the kids have practically ANY physical interaction unless it's a fight or Allison and Vanya. Idk about you, but to me, that implies an oddly formal relationship even tho they're family and makes 5 and the handler that much stranger (1/?)
(2/?) And gives it that much of a contrast. I think someone on here counted that she touches him like 20 times or something? Idk BUT 2) there is such a clear divide between the “older” and “younger” siblings bar Diego and Klaus that it almost feels like 2 different families at times and it’s really interesting! 3) only 3 siblings have canon PTSD flashbacks/visions if we exclude Vanya during her breakdown: 5 and Klaus obviously, but also Allison, which is really interesting and plays into how
(3/3) Her growth bc of Claire. 4) 5 had to see his dead siblings, we know this, but he was also the one holding the cloth over Allison’s neck when Vanya attacked her, which is a horrifying detail but I love it. 5) there were 2 extra seats at the dining table in the flashback of all the kids! It’s probably not important, but with the shows attention to detail I can’t help but wonder. Also I’m sorry I just completely dumped on you but I wanted to know your thoughts 😅😅 that and I love your metas
yeAH my sister pointed out to me at one point that the Hargreeves familiarity with violence was alarming in that a lot of their physical interactions with one another were… violent. Diego fighting with Luther at the funeral. Klaus smacking Five across the face at the eyeball place. Luther choking Klaus. Luther choking Vanya. Ben punching Klaus. Like genuinely a concerning amount of their interactions with one another involve some form of violence oof and none of them really apologize for any of it either. It’s accepted and made to seem almost normal which says all manner of bad things about their family dynamic rip
BUT they also have interactions I feel are at odds with that - Vanya taking care of Five’s arm, Diego tying up Klaus to detox, Klaus attempting to comfort Luther even after literally just being smacked around by him, Diego with Klaus at the vet bar, Klaus and Five’s conversation on the steps of MeriTech where Five tells Klaus about Dolores - just these soft in between moments where they look after or confide in one another
and all of those moments are private, they’re one on one whereas in a group they tend to fight and put up walls and argue which says to me that collectively the family wasn’t allowed to show weakness (thanks Reggie) and so they fight in order to protect their weak points before anyone can attack them
there’s like, the four A’s of how people handle conflict and one of those is aggression. It’s attacking because you feel like if you aren’t on the attack then you’re the one being attacked. It’s raising your voice and being the aggressor and starting conflict because you’re trying to protect yourself, because you’ve learned that it’s kill-or-be-killed and if you aren’t on the offense then you’re being hurt (i know there’s avoid and appease and i can’t remember the other one off the top of my head whoops)
so what i’m saying is that when there’s witnesses, when there’s a group, they’re on the offensive from the start. But alone, there’s a little more wiggle room for weakness. Alone is at night when there’s no training left in the relative safety of their own rooms. Alone with one other person is private, and privacy is safety in a house like that.
So there’s this paradoxical roughness and softness with one another, they were in competition with each other no doubt but they’re also family. Reginald pitted them against one another, but there’s no possible way to keep walls up ALL the time, you know?
but yeah i have a lot of feelings about the kids interactions with one another to say the least u picked a topic i like to ramble about as is clear from all this text and i didn’t even talk about the handler and how i feel like her touch was with the primary motivation to make Five uncomfortable and to punish him for his rebellion
okay there is more to this ask and this response is going to get so long I can already tell sorry in advance
and yeah the divide between the siblings with ‘older’ and ‘younger’ siblings is interesting!! Luther-Diego-Allison are one-two-three and are sort of purposefully portrayed as the older siblings. I definitely think Luther and Allison were off in their own little world as kids and they were definitely the golden children, the good kids, the ones who didn’t really question their father and avoided a lot of punishments. They were set apart from the rest of the family - and I think a lot of that was on purpose.
Because Reginald Hargreeves pitted these children against one another, in a move that honestly was smart even as it speaks to the fact that he’s a horrifying human being: because if there is discord among the ranks and rivalries and pettiness then the kids aren’t banding together against the true threat in the household - they’re going at one another’s throats instead of Reginald’s. The rivalry between Luther and Diego is probably the clearest portrayed tbh but Five was clearly also held up as someone to beat, someone who was competition (”he ADAPTED”)
so it’s almost like there are three groups really - the ‘good’ kids, the middle kids, and the disappointments. You have Luther and Allison at the top, Diego and Five and maybe Ben in the middle (and Five is only in there because he’s too headstrong, too willful to be at the top because Reggie doesn’t appreciate those that can think for themselves), and then you have Klaus and Vanya way down at the bottom. And there’s crossover relationships between the tiers (Diego and Luther’s rivalry, Five and Vanya’s solidarity, Klaus and Ben being bros etc.) but they were divided up on purpose tbh
alright moving on i could yell about how reginald fucked up a bunch of perfectly good kids all day lmao but
Allison is such an interesting character in general??? like she’s not even in my top three for the show but damn if tua doesn’t have some seriously interesting characters in the show hot damn like her journey from petulant and manipulative child familiar and comfortable with violence to an adult trying desperately to piece her family back together and prove to herself that she can be the good mother she desperately wants to be to Claire
i feel like i yell an awful lot about luther and allison for someone who has them towards the bottom of their list of favs tbh whoops
also GOD how dare you remind me of Five’s Extra Trauma regarding that scene holy heck like is wasn’t enough he had to find his siblings dead bodies in the apocalypse he also has to press his hands to his sister’s throat and literally see the life fade from her eyes as they rush to save her?? like shit man and that’s a concept that i haven’t seen anyone really do anything about as well like actually @ authors who aren’t me bc i have a dozen other aus to write on top of my various ideas, someone please address this
also do you think that’s the reason that Five initially agrees to killing Vanya at the bowling alley?? because he’s thinking about Allison’s blood hot against his hands and he missed the entirety of the apology/Vanya freaking out scene???? I mean even though I yell about Five’s motivation being his family I don’t think it was out of character for him to turn on Vanya because in his mind stopping the apocalypse has become so entwined with saving his family that they might as well be the same goal
if it helps though i don’t think five would ever actually kill Vanya even if he did okay the plan like look the boy could have jumped behind vanya himself and snapped her neck like did you WATCH the fight scene in Griddy’s holy shit but he does Not do that because he doesn’t want his sister to die and he especially doesn’t want to be the one to kill her and that’s the tea on that
alright where was i
HMMM i dunno if there was any significance to the bigass table other that i mean,, technically there are two other family members?? There’s Grace and Pogo if you count them, but i mean otherwise I think it’s just a feature of a mansion to have a bigass dining room table that can’t possibly fit the entire family
so maybe it was a statement about Reginald not considering Grace and Pogo to be members of the family and excluding them
or maybe it’s just a rich people table lmao
but i really enjoyed all your thoughts and observations 10/10 feels free to yell at me again ;3c
I will admit that i’m a bit of sham because i’ve only seen the series like,, one and a half times?? like once all the way through and then watching the first few episodes again and then jumping around the random points to fact check or other things oops but i do plan on rewatching sometime when i actually have free time to spare!! only a few weeks until the end of the school year oof
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Love and Sacrifice: Will Graham and the Great Red Dragon
So, there’s a common (not universal, but common) fanon and fanfic trope, that after the Fall, despite Will’s apparent attempt to kill both Hannibal and himself, that after surviving he won’t really try again--that whatever happens with him and Hannibal post series, it won’t involve us worrying that Will’s gonna try to off Hannibal again, and that they’re sort of done with that.  And I’m going to talk about why I don’t think that’s a crazy conclusion to come to or merely a product of wishful shippy thinking.  I mean, it’s definitely somewhat motivated by wishful shippy thinking, but I also think the audience is picking up on something actually present in the text, that something has to do with with Francis Dolarhyde, the Great Red Dragon, and Reba McClane. 
This got long y’all, so be warned. 
Recently I made a bit of an offhanded post about the parallels evident opening and closing of the series finale episode, The Wrath of the Lamb: we open seeing Dolarhyde attempt to burn Reba alive and blow his head off with a fiream (not really, but that’s what we see), and we close on Will plunging both himself and Hannibal into the Atlantic.  Two apparent murder/suicides, the first in fire, the second in water.  It’s a neat little bookmark, a nice bit of artistic symmetry.  But, practically speaking, what it ends up doing is subliminally linking Francis/Reba and Will/Hannibal, and since the Francis/Reba/Fire stuff happens first, it serves as a kind of set up, foreshadowing, and, in a way, a blueprint of sorts for the Will/Hannibal stuff that happens later.  For instance, both Reba and Francis survive their murder/suicide scene, and, presumably, so do Hannibal and Will.    
Which brings me to my first rhetorical question: was anybody worried that after Reba got out and survived the fire, that Francis would come after her again?  No?  Me neither.  If that concern is ever mentioned on the show, it’s very underplayed and not at all the focus.  Will doesn’t seem worried about that.  Jack’s not worried about that.  Hell, Reba doesn’t even seem worried about that.  Now, sequentially of course, they think that Francis is dead initially, but that gets disproved almost immediately (and who in the audience was really buying that anyway?), and we never get a scene really following up or addressing that.  I mean, when Jack is told by Team Sassy Science that the corpse isn’t Dolarhyde, he doesn’t go, “Oh shit, better call Ms. McClane, better put a guard on her, she was his last target and he might come back to finish the job.”  Naw.  Nothin’.  They’re all fully on to the Hannibal Bait plan.  And this isn’t framed as them being irresponsible either, cause there’s never any adverse consequences to that.  Like, say, Will sets up his whole plan, they’re all ready to kill Dolarhyde, but WHOOPS, he actually throws them for a loop and goes after Reba instead!  Oh, the woeful tragedy!  Oh, their terrible short sighted hubris!  I mean, it would’ve been an entirely different story, is my point, one that we’ve seen before, and likely may have been expecting if the show didn’t work so very effectively to put even the possibility of it out of our minds.    
Instead, as an audience, we are told in every bit of narrative and cinematic language that, while she might be emotionally scarred or traumatized by what happened, Reba is safe.  That we don’t need to worry about it..  And, so, we don’t.  In fact,  we’re not even really worried that Dolarhyde might go after her later, if he succeeded in killing Will and Hannibal and surviving (that could’ve been played up as an element of tension, to raise the stakes in that final battle even higher, but again, nope.  Different story).  Because this story has somehow conveyed to us, subliminally but unequivocally, that Dolarhyde will not try again.  That his danger, to Reba specifically, is over.  And, so, because of the parallel that’s been set up, when Will and Hannibal act out a similar script, we instinctively take some cues from that script to inform our presumptions of how it turns out, simply based on our familiarity with narrative foreshadowing and the human tendency toward pattern recognition.
But let’s delve a little deeper: why won’t Dolarhyde try again?  We could take it simply as a plot and narrative device to keep the episode moving and keep the audience focused on the the main story (which...yeah, it is) but I think an argument can be made on an in universe, Watsonian, purely character based level as well.  
Follow me on this:
First of all, he doesn’t remotely try to kill Reba the way he does his other victims-- he doesn’t shoot her, which of course he could do easily.  Heck, there are, like, a dozen simpler, more effective ways Francis could have gone for other than setting the damn house on fire.  So why do that in the first place?  Well, clearly, he doesn’t want to kill her, and as Will even says later, in the end he couldn’t.  But then why do the whole fire thing at all?  Just to fake his own death?  Seems a bit much.  PLUS, if he genuinely really wanted Reba to not die, then that’s putting her in a huge amount of risk just to cover up his own fake death, which then gets disproved almost immediately anyway.  So, we could conclude that maybe he just doesn’t really care about Reba that much, but that’s clearly untrue.  So what’s going on here?  
Well, Francis doesn’t want to kill Reba...but it’s clear the Dragon does.  That’s something set up in earlier scenes--chilling moments where Francis is fighting against the voice inside him that wants, nay, demands that she die, and that he be the one to kill her.  So, I think, the fire was a sacrifice, and a bargain, with the Dragon.  It’s Francis saying, “Okay Dragon, I’m gonna kill her, I’m gonna go for it, I’m gonna lock her in a room and set it on fire.  But.  If she makes it out...then that’s it.  Okay?  We don’t go after her again.  She’s off limits.”  In essence, he’s giving it the old college try so to speak, in order to satisfy the demands of the Dragon, but he’s not just shooting her in the spine because he wants to leave a chance--no matter how small--that she’ll somehow survive and make it out.  Because he’s made a deal with the voices in his head that if she does, well, then she’s earned her life, earned her immunity from the Dragon’s violence.  The fire is a way to have her face the Dragon, but maybe, just maybe, come out alive.  
And that, laddies and gentlegams, is exactly what I think is happening with Will and Hannibal too.  The parallel set up between Francis and Reba with Will and Hannibal can allow us to reasonably infer that certain conclusions can be drawn about the latter, based on the former--particularly where their apparent murder/suicides are concerned.  Will, like Dolarhyde, also has a voice in his head telling him to kill the one he loves.  You can call that voice, I dunno...Justice, Morality, Society, God even, whatever.  The point is, he is being pulled in two different directions by the part of himself that loves Hannibal, and the part of himself that wants to, nay, demands that Hannibal die...and that he be the one to kill him.  And so, he does the exact same thing Dolarhhyde does: he makes a sacrifice, complete with all the spectacle and ritual that old school sacrifices to primal gods used to demand.  And like with Dolarhyde, I think it serves a similar purpose--it’s him making a bargain with that voice: this is it.  this is the last time.  If he makes it through this--bleeding and battered, if he can fall from this height into the freezing ocean and not die, if he can make it through that gauntlet, that trial of blood and ice--then that’s it.  I don’t owe you any more than that.  He’s earned his life.  And so have I.                      
Anyway, there’s a LOT of parallels with Dolarhyde to talk about on the show, this is just one, itty bitty layer, so I may make another post to try and cover some more stuff later if anyone’s interested.  I heard something about “Meta Monday”, and I dunno if that’s really I thing, but I’m gonna try and do something in that vein for every week I don’t write fic.  It still counts as writing right?  lol.  It might just be the mad ravings of a mild manic-depressive but hey.  Whatever.    
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