#I encourage y'all to read this cuz I am losing my mind over this ridiculous idea I had
hollowsart · 11 months
I can't and refuse to draw architecture, but I would love to scribble up some concept ideas for this stupid little thought I had that I didn't expect to get so invested in. BUT:
Spider-Man AU, but they're buildings.
Think "The Little House" but also consider the Parker business is the little humble house and it is the only one that is truly semi-sentient. Big corporate buildings are popping up nearby.. these are the rogues. The Parker business has a spider in its logo/sign.
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Full detail on the story/plot:
The spider-man building is a humble little-bit-of-everything family owned business that deals in as the name says, a little bit of everything. They deal in stuff that is consistently good quality. if something goes wrong, they will take care of it and take responsibility with pride.
"Uncle Ben" was the original owner of the business, but when he passed, his wife, "Aunt May" was the one left with it. She wasn't sure if she could keep it going, it's her home, but she started to feel as though it would be best if she simply sold it and found a new home without a business, but somehow the building.. through odd means, "convinced" her to remain and keep the business going. using what she knew and what her husband taught her, kept her business running even despite all the "bigger and better" businesses that specialized in one aspect that her business dealt in already.
She works up the courage to talk to those in charge of the businesses and fight back against their campaigns to buy up her business and take her out as "competition".
Each Rogue/Villain business building has its own theme and focus that somehow relates to the Spider-Man/Hero business. They've lost their way since their own business started. The owners eventually opening up and listening to what May has to say. It's not easy and takes awhile, putting stress and anxiety on the Parker residence. However, again. Through odd means, the building manages to attract business, leading the right people over to help May out with whatever challenge there is against whichever new evil corporate business has shown up to take them out.
Perhaps the Parker business is sentient to some degree, but no one really knows. Anything that happens is seen more as a divine sign or in May's case, as a sign from Ben to help her to keep going and keep the business running.
imagine a cute holiday image of all the company CEO's and Aunt May all gathered inside the Parker residence sharing a feast, all happy and reformed from their ways and trying to live a more honest way of life with their businesses.
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