#I feel like Zelgius is kind of an instance of Edelgard too in which they made him all villainy
dmclemblems Β· 3 years
#but then when it can't justify her her retorts devolve into no u and while it's basically a meme it's also totally spot on?
Hahaha i laughed because it's totally that. During the "parley" with Dimitri? She doesn't know how to answer so she talks about something else.
I think her silver medal is with Rhea though, in the same "no u" map. Earlier she told Billy Rhea manipulated humans to put dragons on top, and then in their battle quote Rhea is all "your ancestor saved and protected me. I'm so sad I have to fight his descendant" but Edel, instead of reconsidering all of her "sekrit" knowledge and how maybe if Wilhelm had just be a pawn Rhea wouldn't be so sad, answers with "lol i'm not going to die to you".
CF is the beast route because it's peak comedy.
Localization/translation discussion... πŸ‘€
Yeah, I noticed that as well in AM. The only times she directly responded to him, he always had a comeback and she didn't really justify herself so much as explain what she was doing. When she tried, like I said, he had a proper comeback and it got to the point that he gave up because she just wasn't listening.
The thing that frustrates me most about that conversation is precisely that though - she doesn't listen when faced with the truth. She can't accept that what she's doing isn't good and that she's hurting people. She could easily admit she messed up and made mistakes but that it's too late to go back now, yadda yadda, but when she's cornered in a conversation she changes the topic or talks about something else that sounds similar.
A way of telling if someone is like this and the true villain of a story (not to say TWS aren't also the true villains, hence why I also wish CF had you working with them as playable characters and whatnot) is the way they never admit their wrongs. All the lords (again, including Yuri bc I do count him as one) and Rhea admit when they fucked up and apologize for it. Claude's wrongs are on a lesser scale, but he does admit to using and manipulating people for his own ends. It IS for a better world but of course he isn't using that as an excuse when it comes to admitting he's been pulling some strings. Sometimes he's pushy and rude (very much mainly pre-ts), but he isn't blind to or refusing to see that he's doing that. Dimitri is a more obvious one via his arc and same with Rhea in SS/VW, and Yuri admits he does what he does to protect his own people and he has no shame in that. He's willing to get his hands dirty, he knows he's doing that, and he doesn't shy away from it, and I appreciate that he's up front about it and that he knows he can use questionable tactics (same with Claude - he knows he's questionable sometimes).
I think for me at least personally, it's frustrating that people argue morals when they technically weren't supposed to be there. As you know, as someone who has been involved in translation/manga scanlation for a long time now, it hits heavy for me when context is lost or warped. That's part of why I don't like Edelgard even as a character (versus liking her as a person, because while I don't, I also find that her writing - mainly her localization - is a contradictory issue). When working on the projects I do, my aim is to keep context as close as possible and not lose the original meaning even if we have to alter text to make it sound right in English or because something had to be changed due to it being that it just wouldn't make sense in translation.
Things like this, all the confusion surrounding her character and real intentions, is exactly why I don't like translation alterations. It also pulls me out of the game when a character can't really back themselves up due to the writing being confusing and just... bad. Not to say the entire localization is bad, because sometimes it's really good, but for CF I found that a lot of the time I didn't like the route because something about it always felt off to me... come to find out later that it was a translation issue.
Tbh I'd love to play the game in JP and I really should honestly. The voice acting in English is what's kept from doing that because the voice acting is so good. I much prefer it over the JP for this game, and of course it helps that the voice actors (many of them, honestly) interact with the fandom and do streams of various games and are so welcoming.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Tales franchise, but Tales of Hearts R had a similar issue with localization, though the fans actually recognized the slip ups and problems with it because the audio is JP only and there's no English audio and only English text. Hearing the audio and seeing the text was... something else, ngl lol. The localization is pretty infamous for being too much of an attempt at being quirky and goofy, and it came out sounding really dumb most of the time. There were instances where they'd have entire lines of dialogue for a very small comment or vice versa. I LOVE Hearts R no question, but dealing with the localized text is pretty painful. I'm at least grateful I can hear the real story through audio, though of course I'm not fluent in JP and I can always stand to learn more so sometimes there are instances where I can't make out a whole piece of dialogue and have to rely on the awkward goofy localization.
There were definitely some instances where I found Rhea's localization to be okay, like the part you mention here. Sometimes her actual character does shine through, but then of course Edelgard's responses are off topic. I'm not sure how many times that was the localization doing that and how many times it was actually like that since I haven't looked particularly deeply into CF's localization (mainly because as we're discussing, it just doesn't sit right with me), but it's still causing a lot to be desired. I don't really have that issue with other routes in terms of context.
Tl;dr translation is very important to how a story is consumed by people who aren't playing in the original language and it can completely change perceptions and opinions. Me no likey bad changes. Me likey understandable, reasonable changes that don't try to glorify characters that were not glorified in the original context.
Imagine if we glorified Ashnard. Oh wait, we did... through Edelgard. Because they're basically the same person LUL. Except Ashnard is a way cooler villain and he owns it like a boss.
Like no, literally, Edelgard is just female Ashnard written really badly and that's all there is to it. Ashnard out here like no dragons in power pls, just want to use their power for myself (re: Edelgard hates Crests but has no problem using Aymr) and make an empire where the strong dominate the weak and the strong rule everything, gaining power and climbing the ranks for being strong.
Like damn, at least ya boi knows he ain't righteous (and look, he's not a hot woman so he's not as popular!). also he's racist to laguz and edelgard is the same way with dragons so uh. yeah.
also yes the tags devolve into me hollering about zelgius so that's where we at
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