#at least we have Ashnard
eroguron0nsense · 4 months
Soren and Rajaion
I think sometimes about how Soren's entire identity and all of his insecurities stem from being abandoned and unwanted, and while that's generally associated with his subaltern branded status and the violent oppression that comes along with it/need for secrecy and consequent self hatred, there's also a lot to be said about how he fixates on the constant cruelty and denial of his childhood; in his B support, he expresses some envy over Ike having had loving parents, and repeatedly mentions how the people who raised him either resented having him or kept him around solely because of the false impression he was a spirit charmer rather than any kind of actual affection. His entire life up until he meets Ike is one of rejection and lovelessness, and he preemptively pushes anyone else away and keeps himself distant from anyone else at LEAST until the end of RD. We see him healing through his and Ike's friendship/love, him trying to come to terms with himself and opening up to people to some extent, and quite possibly trying to confront the violent internalized racism and rejection his life has been defined by, but he's still in many ways figuring himself as someone fundamentally unacceptable in his society and who's only able to trust a tiny number or arguably one single person with that identity, which is–unfortunately–true. There are a great many people in PoR/RD who would find him fundamentally unloveable and unacceptable if they clocked him and his very existence opens him up to anything from severe marginalization/exclusion to straight-up "honour killings". Ike isn't just the first friend and (arguably) the only friend Soren's ever had, he's the first person who hasn't immediately considered Soren unloveable and who continues to love him while affirming that the identity he's most ashamed of isn't going to put him in danger of yet another violent rejection
This makes it all the more heartbreaking when we realize that Soren was loved–deeply, in fact–by a family member, who willingly sacrificed his life and personhood in an uncertain bargain with Ashnard to save his infant nephew. Soren's life, which up until this point is regarded as entirely loveless, was regarded as precious enough by Rajaion so that he was willing not only to die for, but to subject himself to unspeakable torture and degradation, and his continued existence was only possible at all due to love and sacrifice that Soren himself will never know about, or realize that people found him worthy of
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arkus-rhapsode · 1 year
I guess this is still a controversial opinion in 2023, but… I think Micaiah is a good character. Like yeah I understand there are a lot of newer FE fans who are getting introduced to her through stuff like Engage and Heroes, but if you’ve been around as long as me you know that Micaiah probably was the “love or hate her” character of FE pre Edelgard/Rhea discourse.
I’m probably not gonna sway anyone who has already picked what side they fall on. I’m just gonna give you my opinion as one guy on the internet who has lived through a lot of discourse and what he thinks.
I think there are three primary complaints that people still pull out with her: She’s a Mary Sue, she’s dumb, and she’s a bad unit.
Now look, I’ll give you the bad unit. She’s a lord character that doesn’t have a lord build. She’s a light mage. Now Radiant Dawn is infamous for its difficulty and stat variation, so pairing an interesting idea of a lord who’s not a combative unit is an interesting idea on paper. But in execution it’s just really hard to play. So I get why people don’t like her as a unit.
The Mary Sue argument I’ve never been a fan of however. Yes, she has special healing powers, future sight, and all the apostle powers. But like… That’s kinda just what a lot of FE lord characters get? They get a special weapon only they can use, they have a magic blood that gives them power, they are secretly the descendant of some ultra important person or god and they’re destined for something. Like it’s kinda always just been there with FE lord characters. Hell, even non lord avatar characters like Robin and Byleth are just secretly reincarnations of gods. I think with Micaiah the issue comes in that she’s in the same game as Ike. Who was bucking the trend as a playable character that wasn’t a lord, wasn’t magically destined for anything, and isn’t secretly a child of some Uber royal. So Micaiah does feel like an oddity, but I’d argue this does create an interesting conflict of a traditional MC vs a non traditional one.
And finally the “she’s dumb” argument. So I understand that games are an interactive medium. And people value being able to make their own choices. But in the intersection of narrative and gameplay focused games, there are characters and events we don’t have control of. Micaiah makes a choice to liberate her homeland but doesn’t want to be its ruler. When Pelleas the son of Ashnard comes along and seems like a good guy, she gives it to him. This makes sense from Micaiah’s perspective-despite loving her country she doesn’t want to rule it. So when a seemingly good individual with recognized lineage comes in, she’s willing to give it up. But we the audience can see this is flawed, Sothe in game mentions this. And ultimately Micaiah’s choice is what brings Daein under Begnion. Where now she has to do things she doesn’t like in a desperate war.
I feel like in media there’s a criticism of “why don’t these characters do the logical thing that I would’ve done in this situation.” And I think games as an interactive medium enhance that as they want to make their own choices. But in a narrative a character doesn’t always need to make logical sense. A character can exist independent of what the player wants and takes actions that the viewer may disagree with. But an action a character takes that they may disagree with isn’t inherently a sign of bad writing. I personally believe that if it makes sense for the character within the context of the story, they are capable of making mistakes. And often times these flaws are what facilitates character development/introspection.
So when Micaiah makes her choice to not be ruler, it makes sense from the perspective of someone not interested in ruling. However, her choice has consequences, ultimately forcing her to do more of the things she was trying to avoid. And even if Pelleas lives or dies, Micaiah by the end of the story is now queen out of obligation rather than personal interest. The game at least seems self aware of audience would react to a flawed decision by having Sothe be the voice of obvious concern. But let’s for a moment think if she did the logical thing. Had Micaiah just held onto power at first and did nothing, there really wouldn’t be a plot for Daein or a journey for Micaiah. And it probably be a much more dull story.
Characters are allowed to be flawed and make mistakes. Make choices we don’t personally agree with. But the important thing is that flawed actions have actual consequences to them. And basically all of Daein suffering from someone who made a bad choice and is now living through it and ultimately has to rise to the position that she denied in the first place is a suitable consequence.
I think actual bad choices in narratives tend to be actions that have no real conflict as the plot needs to bend to make that choice make sense or justify a bad choice. Rather than an action having a tangible consequence that needs to be dealt with internally or externally.
So yes, Micaiah made a dumb call in Radiant Dawn. And it led to an interesting story and character development.
Now I do have issues with Micaiah: I don’t like that Yune ultimately takes over for most of part 4. I don’t like that there are no supports in RD so I had to wait till Engage to see how she may feel about certain characters. Yes, I think that she is ultimately eclipsed by the true MC of the game Ike. And yes, I don’t like her future sight. I have never liked precognition as a storytelling concept. I’m just not a fan of its inclusion.
That said, I don’t dislike Micaiah. I do actually find her an interesting character who was allowed to be flawed and not fall into the newer FE game trap of trying make her more likeable/actually secretly in the right the whole time. And maybe it’s weird that something like this discourse is still kinda around. But with stuff like Engage and talks FE4 reboot and just a general Tellius conversation still existing I felt like I might as well say where I stand on who used to be the most controversial FE character.
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In case I delete my damn Twitter (I really should), I want to preserve the only tweets I ever made that I liked. Which, unfortunately, was rating every Fire Emblem Final Boss on their fuckability (remixed).
I'm sorry.
(Note: I confess that I am not a monsterfucker, yes yes leave your angry comments below, and I will be ranking every boss on their most anthropomorphized form to even the playing field)
(Edited on 2/17/2024)
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Oh boy here comes the most generic villain ready to offer me the most generic sex possible. How could I ever contain my excitement
VERDICT: Look tumblr likes to make evil sex with your evil spouse look de facto exciting but even the spark can go out of villain sex. If he's a boring villain in the streets he'll be a boring villain in the sheets.
DUMA (FE2, FE15)
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Man I am so glad that the remake gave Duma a human form and I don't have to be talking about ~~Duma's wiggles~~
VERDICT: I will confess to not being particularly attracted to him, but.... Not to spoil anything but he's going to be one of the better picks on this list.
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He is a child.
VERDICT: He is a child.
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Oh boy, you KNOW he fucks with the same enthusiasm of a disgruntled middle manager fitting in a quickie between reruns of Home Improvement with a wife that he's a decade past loving.
VERDICT: I mean there are worse choices on this list but love yourself.
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Even putting her somewhat... neotenous features aside, the whole free will removal kinda makes the idea of sex with her pretty unethical at best.
VERDICT: And even if we ignore all that she got one rounded by Roy. Total turn off.
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There is no anthropomorphized form. It's just a dragon.
VERDICT: I have concerns about size differentials here.
LYON (as possessed by FORMORTIIS) (FE8)
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Ok, ok, I acknowledge this one is kind of a stretch as those two are separate entities and the Formortiis you fight is NOT in the shell of Lyon but like. Give me a break. I know you horny fuckers want Formortiis to become intimate with your intestines. I'm terribly sorry this stupid post isn't for you.
VERDICT: Let's be real. Unless you're Eirika or Ephraim (or willing to put on some cosplay) he won't be bringing his A-game. If you are, though... oooh. Boy. The emotion would run high. There would be crying. I'll leave it up to you as to whether this is a plus or minus.
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Unlike some other options on this list, it is at least 100% proven that he has had sex, if only as a means to an end. I honestly doubt whether he would fuck for any other reason to be honest
VERDICT: If, for some reason, being used as a genetic experiment isn't a turn off, he's absolutely going to ask if he can turn a family member of yours into a mindless war beast, probably immediately after the sex. If for some reason this still isn't a turn off, uhhhhh I hope y'all are happy together.
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While I could imagine most of the other characters in this list being open to the idea of sex, I really couldn't see Ashera being DTF. But...
VERDICT: She's hot in a scary Drakengard way, so I'd say it's worth at least shooting your shot. She'd probably turn you to stone, but that's the risk you take for love.
ROBIN (As possessed by GRIMA) (FE13)
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Fell Robin is a great example of the effects of evil on human attractiveness. On their own, Robin is human tofu. They are a perfect 5/10. Being possessed raises their score to at least 6/10.
VERDICT: 6/10 is better than average. Why not.
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As far as I know, he doesn't have an official age, but I see this character and I think "that's baby"
VERDICT: All I want to do is give him butterscotch candies and ask him how he's doing in school.
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Like Ashnard, at least you can say he definitely fucked. Quite a bit, considering the excess of children he has (discounting his propensity for picking them up off the streets) So, uh, he's got one thing going for him?
VERDICT: He has this expression the entire time.
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man who fucking cares
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He's the only final boss in Three Houses that doesn't turn into a big ol' monster so he's got that going for him (or against him, depending on your point of view.) Unfortunately, he is, however, a zombie, which I would rate as worse.
VERDICT: One certainly can't say he's slacking on the gym routine but... zombie. Does he smell? Ew.
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It's everyone favorite problematic waifu! What is there to say about her that hasn't been said before.
VERDICT: No, I mean really. Uh... if you like her I said she was stinky and if you hate her Edelgard come step on me uwu. Everyone can be mad at me. It's fun for the whole family.
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Rhea is a scary, scary woman and fucking her would ruin your life
VERDICT: Rhea can totally get it.
EDIT: As of this writing (2/17/2024) I have beaten Fire Emblem Engage, and have edited this section accordingly.
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Like Garon, Sombron canonically fucks. A LOT. This does not mean he's necessarily any good at it, mind, but he's got to at least... know... stuff, right? He was able to turn the yaoification beam on Hyacinth so he's clearly not completely lacking in sexual appeal. He will NOT wear a condom tho, although who on this list would?
VERDICT: I feel like you'd need to have some very specific fetishes for this to be a good idea, but if you do... have fun?
As for Heroes, I will confess that I only played Heroes very briefly; I don't know shit about the story and will have to rely on the wiki. So if I get some stuff wrong, apologies that I didn't play a shitty gacha. I was too busy... uhhhh having sex with your mom (NOTE TO SELF DELETE LATER)
BRUNO (Heroes, Book 1)
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This bitch loses shirts like a Yakuza character. His abs have more screentime than his face. He pops on screen and Yusuke Kozaki manifests behind you and whispers in your ear "don't you just HUNGER for his dick????"
VERDICT: Oh come on.
SURTR (Heroes, Book 2)
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Uh... he was pretty good on my team for the brief moment that I played. Uh... shit let's consult the wiki
VERDICT: ...oh. He's not very nice at all. Yeah don't fuck him.
HEL (Heroes, Book 3)
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Ok. Look. Listen. Ok. Ok. Look. Ok. Ok. Listen. Ok. Listen. Listen. Listen. Ok. Look. Ok. Look. Listen. Listen. Look.
FREYJA (Heroes, Book 4)
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Ok, she's cute, but... I don't know. I just don't vibe with her design. It screams "designed for lonely dudes" and I'm a lonely GAL thank you.
VERDICT: Bring back the goth milfs.
EITRI (Heroes, Book 5)
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EMBLA (Heroes Book 6 oh my god how many fucking books are there)
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Oooh, she looks deranged! I like that; I'm a big supporter for women's wrongs.
VERDICT: ...Admittedly, she has more "wet drowned rat" appeal than sex appeal.
Book 7 isn't actually done yet (I think) as of time of this writing so I'm DONE. NO MORE.
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elluia · 9 months
My 2023 fanfic recs [1/5]
This is a multi-part series, with a countdown to the New Year!
The best of Ike x Soren fanfics YOU ARE HERE
The best of Fire Emblem fanfics (Genealogy, Three Houses, Engage, Heroes)
The best of misc. series (Omori, Long Live The Queen, Stardew Valley)
The Spicy™ best-of (bonk)
My 2023 works recap (Fódlan and Tellius)
Let’s start with the best of Ike x Soren fanfics! To everyone’s surprise, FE blessed us with a lot of Soren content this year (an alt in January in Heroes, a DLC Emblem in Engage, and we finally won CYL!), and I am SO PROUD of the fandom for all the beautiful fanworks and projects I’ve seen come of it 💙 (I’ve finally received my copy of The Devoted zine 🥰)
A long list below the cut (with links!), and that's far from everything ✨ My eternal respect and gratitude to all the creators who made my year 💖
📚 Fanfics
Daylight by Traincat
This is peak shipping. Their entire journey, told through meals as they grow closer. 10/10, would cry again.
Prince of Shadowed Winds by Theia_Eos
An absolutely incredible Prince of Daein!Soren AU. Amazing use of the lore, perfect understanding of the characters, and still very close and respectful of canon. I can’t wait for the retelling of Radiant Dawn! (I’ll admit, I can’t bring myself to read the last two chapters and “end” for now T_T)
Radiance in Elyos by Azure_Aeraki
Incredible plot and storytelling from Emblem Soren’s perspective, and his hope to meet the Emblem Ike of the world he suddenly found himself in. And incredibly engaging story, get it?
Birdhouse in Your Soul by Aisene
The first fanfic I read in this fandom was from Aisene, is it really a surprise that I love her latest work? In this story, Bird!Yune follows Soren instead of Micaiah, and their bond is both hilarious and heartwarming at once.
Flowers Fall by Measured
Happy ending Hanahaki disease in 2023? Yes, please!
My life for yours by emblem_oracle
Also one of my long-time favourite writers for this ship. Soren takes what could have been a mortal blow for Ike, and this leads to… read it and find out?
Lonely Nightmare by SuperDuperStarry
Add Ranulf for the most wholesome of relationships? Don’t let the title fool you, it ends up really sweet!
And the story's all over you by Toothpaste_Fresh
Last but not least, a short angsty fic, and I won’t spoil it for you.
🎬 Video
I had to. It's perfection.
📝 My contributions
I’ll count them here rather than the FE part of this recap, because the ship is very much implied, they’re just not together yet 😉
A Cutting Truth
In the long summer spent in Begnion, the newly formed Crimea Liberation Army hones its skill before marching on Daein. Among them, the staff officer of the Greil Mercenaries makes a baffling choice. To be promoted as sage, Soren picks up a knife.
A look into Soren’s psyche through the second half of Path of Radiance.
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The Strong Survive
A (canon-compliant) retelling of PoR’s Endgame, where Mad King Ashnard touches the medallion, and recognizes Soren. And what better way to make up for lost time than a duel to the death? After all… Only one Daein royal may survive.
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Stay tuned for the FE fic recs tomorrow!
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pryings · 21 days
TOA Anniversary Munday
thank you neffi for this template!!!
Celebrating TOA and the people who contribute to make our group what it is.
Repost, don't reblog. Only fill in what you feel comfortable sharing!
Happy anniversary, TOA! Here's to many more years spent together.
Name: ruaidhrí (said pretty much like the english name rory and if you want to spell it that way that's fine too, ik irish names throw people off)
Pronouns: he/him
Birthday (no year): 25th of october!
Where are you from? What is your time zone? i live in colorado and my timezone is MST
How long is your roleplay experience? i don't know exactly how many years since i sometimes have years where h don't rp but i've been rping on and off since i was 11-12.
How were you introduced to roleplaying as a whole? oh gosh, so ff.net used to have (maybe still has, i literally have not been on that site in ages) these like... forums? and i joined one for elder scrolls rp a little after oblivion came out. i was far and away the youngest one there but everyone was so nice in helping me turn my character into a proper oc with like... backstory, a real personality, etc. after that, i spent a lot of time using it to try and grow my creative writing skills.
How were you introduced to TOA? honestly i just stumbled across it randomly! i had just replayed a few fe games and was looking through some tags and thought it might be fun to try fire emblem rp (i'd done some on indie tumblr back in the day, as well as in an mfrp a little bit, but never fire emblem exclusive rp) so i sent arden to check it out and, well, here we still are.
Do you have any pets? simon (mini poodle), john hancock (tabby cat), and tim & geeb (fluffy black cats)
What is your favorite time of year and why? (Season, holiday, general period) early spring! i also like late fall for its temperature, but i dislike snow/sleet/wet socks so spring is preferable because it's not very snowy here!
What is your IRL occupation? blessedly unemployed (health issues have prevented me from working aha)... i used to work IT though!
Some interests and things you like/enjoy? i like birdwatching, reading academic articles about ancient civilizations, and making espresso drinks
What non-Fire Emblem games do you play? currently enjoying bg3 + doing a dragon age replay (in preparation for veilguard). outside current, i really like most single-player rpg type games (esp. with customizable character), stealth games (dishonored favorite), and Identity V is the first asymmetrical horror mobile game developed by NetEase for
Favorite Pokemon type & Pokemon: my favorite pokemon ever is alakazam (and its whole line) i've loved alakazam foreverrrrr! favorite type is steel, though! apart from my psychic baby most of my other favs tend to be steel types
Tell us some funfacts and trivia about yourself! oh gosh i'm so bad at fun facts...
- i can put both my feet behind my head but i can't touch my toes - my favorite non-ancient empire to read about is austria-hungary - my cat tim was rescued from Outside
How did you get into Fire Emblem? friend's cool older brother was playing a bunch of the games in a seemingly random order. when i'd hang out at that friend's house sometimes we'd sit and watch. i asked him to lend me some and he did!
What Fire Emblem games have you played? i have now played all of them! (last year when i answered this i hadn't technically played them all, but i'd seen playthroughs and watched let's plays of all of them at the very least)
First & Favorite Fire Emblem games: a bad translation of fe4 was first, por is still my favorite—but tbh there's not really one i dislike
List your 5 favorite Fire Emblem characters across the series! - KNOLL (promoted to number one he's my special guy) - reyson - canas - ashnard - pandreo
Who was the first character ever to make you go “ooh I like this one in particular” and why? Can be any context and reason! QUAN—i have such a distinct memory of seeing him come in but i don't remember my initial thought, only that he would have my heart forever
Any Fire Emblem crushes? 😳 vander. duessel. hardin.
If you’ve played (or are familiar with) the following games, who was your first S support? Who would you S support nowadays? - Awakening: first was sumia! i don't have a set nowadays because i've done a different one on each playthrough - Fates: first was xander, would probably still do xander if i were to replay - Three Houses: first was seteth, if i replay i'll go for hanneman - Engage: first was pandreo! next time i plan to do ivy though
Favorite Fire Emblem class? i like shapeshifter classes! beasts, dragons, laguz, etc. i just think they're fun to play with
If you were a Fire Emblem character, what would be your class and stats? Would you be playable? oh gosh, i'd be an infantry axe unit probably. middling starting stats but high growths if you really work at making me good (there would be heated debates over whether the necessary time investment would be worth it)
If you were a Three Houses character, what would be your affiliation? black eagles!
If you were an Officers Academy student, what would be your boons, banes and potential budding talent? axe boon, heavy armor bane, budding talent in faith magic (could be classed into an fe:a style war cleric and it would be my suggested goal)
If you were an Engage character, which nation would you originate from? i want to say brodia!
How do you pronounce TOA? 🤔 toh-ah
Current TOA muses: just knoll <3
Past TOA muses? robin, niles, almedha, reyson, hardin, iago, perceval, lachesis (i think that's all?)
Who was your first TOA muse? If you no longer have them, can you see yourself picking them up again? my first muse was m!robin and thankfully i am spared any temptation on picking him up as he is currently being written.
Do you believe you have a type of character you gravitate towards writing? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) i'm kind of all over the place, aren't i? i like characters where i can poke at hidden depths but ones who aren't too closely guarded. i like characters who are shy, withdrawn, standoffish, guarded, etc. in some way but who open up when spoken to. i don't think this has changed since last year, i've been writing for a long time and kind of know my comfort zone.
Do you have characters or types of characters you don’t think you can handle writing, but wish you could? boisterous/loud and over the top characters always challenge me, but i've never really managed to make them work, which is a shame because i tend to enjoy lively characters!
What kind of scenes, situations etc do you believe you enjoy writing the most? (If you filled this out last year, has this changed in any way?) -i love writing threads where setting/scenery is a focus, where i get to sort of use the landscape as a bit more than set-dressing - i enjoy throwing my muse at characters who mistrust him for whatever reason, and like to explore the kind of slow, mutual understanding that comes from two people getting to know one another - i really just like putting him in situations in general, forcing him to socialize—he's a very withdrawn character so any excuse to have him meet new people is very enjoyable
Do you have any scenario in mind for your muse(s) that gets you thinking “man I hope I get to write this one day”? nothing specific! i have kind of an arc for him but it's loosely-defined right now
Favorite TOA-related memories? HAPPYLAND WAS SO MUCH FUN. sincerely i loved the interactions he had there <3
Present or past tense? i default to present, but adapt to what my partner prefers on this!
Normal size text, small text, no preference? small text, bolded dialogue. just easier for my eyes to take it in that way.
Got any potential muse delusions to share? 😉 oh gosh. i recently had to go down to just one muse because my health is not so good, but i will admit i already have a few delusions. if i can get myself back to a spot where i feel like i can write a second, someone may return.
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randomnameless · 1 year
The phrase “we have been aware of the high levels of competency from KT's writers, especially with their work for 3H” is worrying; i'm not going to shit-talk them just for thinking that 3H has a good story, especially when someone's standards for what makes a story good or not is subjective and could be different from ours, but KT's story-telling skills are never going to improve if people keep only telling them that Three Houses' deeply-flawed story was actually a narrative masterpiece, instead of a self-contradicting mess with plot points it introduces solely as gotchas and has no intention of ever following up on in any meaningful way, characters getting assassinated left and right to try and argue that female Ashnard might actually be right and not so different from them in terms of morality and goals (while they're in the middle of fighting for their lives and watching their friends die in battle because she decided to invade their home unprovoked and solely for a landgrab), and an over-powered villain group that should have ended the story long before it even started because the writers decided to give them a stockpile of magic nukes they can launch at anywhere in the world, which was also introduced solely for shock value and without them realizing how much of the story is ruined by making it so that the villains who want to kill everyone and take over the world can just nuke anyone they want (that isn't inside Garreg Mach when they launch it) with no consequences.
I just don't like what it means for the future of FE stories if the worst story in the series keeps getting praised as one of the best, even by separate developers, is all.
Wait and see anon!
For what it's worth, while Engage's sales are apparently not as stellar as Houses in the same timeframe (like House after month 1 and Engage after month 1?), Nopes totally crashed.
Amazon isn't the only market in the world, but in some places in the world (tfw not for amazon.fr) Nopes is now sold at around 15 bucks, which is ridiculous considering older games released on consoles still being in circulation are more expensive than this thing that is barely 1 year old(even the first FEW?).
Also, Engage was supposed to have been released earlier but Covid and Houses being released later than planned meant it was delayed, but Engage was supposed to be Fodlan's antithesis, at least writing wise - you'd think IS would have tried to retrofit more Fodlan themes (maybe more uwu maybe some villains aren't BaD and earl grey because they luf u) but they didn't.
Imo, fwiw, while KT apparently loved how Fodlan was received, IS is aghast and doesn't want to touch it within a 10 meters radius, only if it means selling units in FEH and even there, they sometimes retcon Fodlan units (hello F!Billy/Sothis) or challenge them in various FB (Brave!Supreme Leader, but also in the most recent one, Sylvain harping on his Crust being BaD...) clearly showing how they don't really want to follow KT's direction regarding those units - at times, it's almost as if the CoS receives more development in Heroes than in both Fodlan games!
So I'd like to see what IS has in store for the next FE games (or the next non remake FE game), even if in my opinion, given how Heroes has to retcon/finish the writing (Mercedes reveals more about her Adrestian family in FEH than in two of her games!) for characters just to sell them in the gacha game ffs, speaks volumes on what they think of Fodlan's writing.
On top of that, FE16 was the first game where people received surveys/mails from Nintendo/IS asking them if they understood the game... - so despite Fodlan selling well (better than expected?), imo it's clear the writing isn't to praise, at least for IS, and they don't want anything to do with it (Nopes' DLC was scrapped, when shiny!Rhea's sprite was datamined, so either they made an useless sprite, either this sprite might have been used in a future DLC?)
They can still butcher a future remake (plz no jugdral) by adding pointless supports between units and trying to uwu more than needed the red emperor - or add an OC waifu du jour who will sell merchs and try to uwu her if she is on the side of the red emperor - but I feel like we will see where they will go with a brand new game (since Heroes's writing is... as consistent as a fog and basically circles around "women sad'n'lonely*, men evyl", female playable OC simps after the avatar and is useless in the resolution of the plot because Alfonse will finally find a mc guffin way to defeat the villain of the year).
*i truly hope Vero isn't any indication to what the writing of the future games will be, like heavy retcons from her first apparition to "i was brainwashed and akshually everyone supports me from my home even if i send them to death against askr because the voice in my head told me to do it" because that'd suck, but vero is a young woman, thus she could be monetised for alts, figurines and even DLC content in a main game!
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gascon-en-exil · 8 months
2, 3, 8, 25 for Hubert?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
That he's a murderer, and a patricide at that.
In past FEs and especially in Genealogy, voluntary kinslaying is presented as pretty much the worst crime you can commit, and a shorthand indicating that a character is an irredeemable monster who needs to die (ex. Chagall, Andrey). There are multiple conversations to that effect in FE4, and it crops up in a few other games as well; it's why the big Gaiden/Echoes twist is meant to hit as hard as it does, or why Ashnard has zero redeeming qualities when his backstory essentially amounts to "removing" his entire family.
And meanwhile Hubert's over here casually killing his father offscreen in two separate continuities for no greater reason than political expedience, and sometimes even getting away with it. Koei-Tecmo doesn't appear to place the same moral weight on kinslaying, since Dimitri, Claude, and...Ferdinand all perform such an act onscreen in Hopes (hmm, I wonder if the reason Edelgard is the only house leader excluded here has anything to do with the topic of my latest video...?), but I don't think that detracts from Hubert committing Obvious Villain Act #1 and giving not one single solitary fuck about it.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
Mostly his Lysithea supports in Hopes, which try to spin him as loving his mother and younger sister in spite of the aforementioned gleeful kinslaying. You can't tell me he wouldn't murder his other relatives if he believed they somehow posed a threat to Edelgard's reign. Like a few of his other Hopes supports, it's a conspicuously cutesy spin on a character who otherwise escapes the generally ridiculous ways that the writing of both games attempts to make Edelgard and Jeritza sympathetic. (She draws pictures of her teacher! He likes kittens and ice cream!)
8. What’s something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
Related to the above, any attempt at softening Hubert. He's a calculating, ruthless murderer who would do literally anything if he thought it would further Edelgard's rule even if it's behind her back or she expressly forbids it, because he - in that standard incel vein - thinks he knows what a woman wants better than she does. That characterization has the potential for so much black comedy, especially when thrown up against the guileless and indefatigable Ferdinand.
Why anyone would want to throw that away and replace it with an angsty emo who's not really a bad guy once you get to know him is beyond me. If you want an angsty guy with a massive guilty complex, Dimitri's right there and even gayer.
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
When we first got his character intro in spring 2019: "He looks like Iago. He's going to push Edelgard into evil, or betray her halfway through the story...but still be playable, probably?"
Now, he's every bit as ugly and evil as I expected, and then some. Carries the constantly-faltering tone of Crimson Flower on his bony shoulders, a badass dark mage and a playable patricide, and to top it all off he's bisexual in a way that none of the bi-for-Byleth options can even touch, and unlike Dimitri fandom at large has turned Ferdibert into his most popular ship. One of the mostly unexpectedly good characters to have come out of FE16, considering that at the end of the day he still pretty much is "but what if we made Iago playable?"
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enbyleighlines · 8 months
Leigh plays Tellius prt 29
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Gosh, I love this image. It's so unnecessarily sinister. Plus that whole "my master" shit? I feel like I've been calling everyone in Tellius fruity but c'mon. Ugh. Love these two.
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And I was riding that high until I got to this part.
And I stopped. And I stared. And I stared some more.
New's flash: I screwed up! Hard!! I thought I only needed one clear file saved to the game in order to unlock all NG+ stuff. Turns out I have to start a new file OVER the clear file.
Which I did not do. Because I am an idiot who misread the directions.
So all that work I did?? Training up Heather so she could steal the meteor tome? Stranding Soren in a lake surrounded by wyvern riders so he could attack Micaiah?? Ensuring that Ike fought the Black Knight and lived???
All for nothing. Nada. All that time and effort... WASTED.
When I reached this point, I seriously considered just... deleting my file and starting from scratch. Or maybe taking a break from Radiant Dawn entirely. I was so distressed.
However, I eventually sucked it up. And I murdered Pelleas.
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Sweet dreams, my beloved spineless noodle. I vow to save you on my next playthrough.
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And then after dealing with that heartbreak, I had to go through this map. Thank Ashera that Ike doesn't start moving until the second to last turn. And that Soren doesn't move at all.
My Dawn Babies were not prepared to fight this many laguz. However, I did manage to survive.
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This is such a cool cutscene, but knowing how weak Kurthnaga is as a unit (at least when you first recruit him) kind of ruins this one for me, at least in retrospect. You're telling me that he can topple a watchtower with one breath? This man can barely deal damage to bishops.
Yes, I am exaggerating for effect. But it's really not that far off from the truth.
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Aww!!! Another Rafiel and Micaiah hug! My heart? Warm. My crops? Watered. This is too dang cute.
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*insert obligatory "they said the thing" joke here*
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I feel like we don't talk enough about how fucked up Almedha is. Like, sure, she's a super hot milf with a tragic backstory and we all love her design and story. I'm not denying any of that; it's true. But man, she might not have loved Ashnard, but her views certainly did line up with his in a lot of areas.
And that's it for this post. All I have left of part 3 is the epic epilogue. Despite the lingering disappointment of not being able to unlock the secret ikesoren conversation, I am highly anticipating the absolute hype of part 4.
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vellatra · 1 year
Behold Thy Mother
Started off wanting to do this up as a comic, but decided I didn't have the "oomph". Maybe I'll do an illustration later though ;)
Spoilers for Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn
I had tried my best to forget all the terrible things that had happened, and the people who had done them. The last twenty years would never truly be forgotten – and how could they be? – but, as much as I could, I pushed them into the back of my mind, tried to bury them under the minutia of now – tending my garden, doing embroidery, quietly helping the poor as I could. I never wanted to look back and see those memories again, and, for the most part, my efforts were successful.
Then this horrid man had to turn up on my doorstep and bring it all back.
Just the sight of him – and remembering all he stood for – made me want to vomit. I nearly slammed the door in his face, but I'd been raised to be civil, no matter what. “I never thought I'd see you again,” I said, fighting the wrinkle that stole over my nose. With his sallow skin, his wicked smile, and his dark hair practically wet with grease, my visitor was even more repulsive than I'd recalled.
“Oh, don't shoo me off just yet, milady,” said Izuka, a strange friendliness in his tone, which I didn't like. “I came to see you, because I've found something. Someone, actually, who you'll be very happy to see, I'll wager!” he added, eagerly rubbing his hands together.
“Who could I possibly want to see?” I laughed, bitterly. My husband was dead – not that I'd want to see him if he weren't. I was estranged from my family. I had no friends. And I certainly didn't want to see anyone who kept company with this wicked madman.
“Your son, perhaps?” said Izuka, licking his thin, dry lips which were curling into a smug smile.
“My son,” I half-laughed. “You haven't found him.”
“Oh but I have!” Izuka cried, puffing out his chest. “He's got that mark on his forehead and everything! He was living on the streets when I found him, but I've cleaned him up a bit now. Thought you might like to educate him in the ways of royalty, before we help him take back the throne that is rightfully his.” He tilted his head expectantly at me, an eager gleam in his one good eye.
Izuka was a lunatic. There was no way he'd just stumbled across my long-lost baby. He'd been taken from me at such a tender age. Who was to say he'd even survived this long? Where could he have gone, with the heritage he had and no mother to protect him?
And yet... if there was but a slight chance... how could I refuse, to at least give this street urchin a passing glance?
“You must be mistaken,” I grunted. “But let's have a look at him.”
Izuka smiled wide, revealing yellowed teeth. “Excellent!” He looked over his shoulder at a shabby carriage that was waiting at the end of my footpath, and waved excitedly. “Come along, then, your highness!” A slender form came out of the carriage and shuffled timidly up the path.
It wasn't my boy, I knew that immediately. Perhaps I'd only known my son as an infant, and only for a very short time, but I would never forget what he looked like. He'd had hair so dark, you'd think it was black at first glance, but it was really green, like mine. This boy had hair like Ashnard's – a deep, handsome blue – and when he got closer, I saw that his eyes were the wrong color too.
What big, sad eyes he had. He stopped at the bottom of the steps, hanging a few feet behind Izuka, looking nervously up at me. “...Mother?” he finally asked, sweetly, softly, as if he hardly dared believe it either.
No, this was not my son... but in a lot of ways, he was just like him. Izuka said he'd lived on the street. He had no family, was apparently an outcast... and I saw it now. He did have a strange marking on his forehead, not quite the same, but very much like my son's. With a marking like that, I had no doubt he'd been an outcast his whole life, persecuted for something that was no fault of his own.
Something made me hurry down the stairs to this boy. I gently rested my hands on his bony young shoulders. “What's your name, child?”
“Pelleas, my lady.”
I wrapped my arms about him. “My poor boy,” I said tenderly. “Oh, my poor Pelleas.... Welcome home.”
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shreedle · 1 year
Hey friend! Besides seasonal themes we already have in game, what would be your top five most wanted seasonal banners in FEH? 👀
(For those unaware, FEH is referring to Fire Emblem Heroes. <3)
Thank you for the Ask! I took some time to think about it because while I immediately decided on the first three, the latter two definitely took a bit more time for me to come up with.
1) Redeemed Heroes
This would be a reverse of the Fallen Heroes theme that FEH does each year -- instead of having "evil" versions of "good" characters, we would have the "good" versions of characters portrayed as "evil" in Fire Emblem (so we would have good Garon, good Ashnard, good Anankos, etc.).
2) Musicians
Refresher banner with musical instruments. This really seems more like an offshoot of the Dancer banners that we've had, but honestly, I really want a Brady alt that plays his violin as a refresher unit. I would honestly, also, REALLY like a higher tier inheritable version of Dance/Sing/Play that varies depending on which one was the base skill.
3) Father's/Mother's Day
…I think we all want a version of our favorite child units with our favorite parent combinations confirmed for them, hair color and skills and dialogue and everything, don't we? For example, Arthur or Coipre on this banner could wield the Forseti tome, or kids like Inigo/Cynthia/Morgan with Chrom's blue hair. Until then, I will just stare at my fics that gently puts them all into one giant universe and has them just accepting that fate.
4) Harvest Festival
I don't THINK we have one that is a harvest festival, do we? At least not that falls around that time, because I know we have the Halloween banner and the Christmas banner, but this would fall in between. It'd be another food-oriented banner, but I rather like the aesthetics of the food-oriented banners.
5) In the Future
This is basically the opposite of the Child banners that we get. Instead of pulling kid versions of adult Heroes, we'd pull older versions of younger characters (like, for example, an older, post-Awakening Lucina or a post-Fates Shigure).
Bonus: Valla-Themed (Dream Redux)
Didn't include this as one of the five since we already had a Dream banner, but I absolutely adored the aesthetics and the concept and really wish that there had been more, with characters such as Arete, Shigure, Kana, Anankos, the Awakening Trio, the other Hoshidan/Nohrian siblings.
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lumeha · 9 months
More than that I dread the "villain was right and everything they did was justified" trend that's going to seep into FE. Not just Arvis, but we're probably going to see people try to justify Ashnard, Walhart, Hilda (FE4) and any of the villains that come later who have sad backstories but still commit crimes. It already started with some franchises tbh.
... Honestly, anyone who tries to justify Ashnard out of all the villains of the Fire Emblem franchise has some things to ask themselves. As much as the Tellius games are praised for their writings, I think there is something just deeply hilarious about the fact that they have the least nuanced villain of all time as one of their main villains in the first game.
It's good. I actually love Ashnard. But he's so fucking unrepentant. I wish I could say it's unrealistic but I fear that I can't say it. It's just... how do you even want to justify that.
... And yeah I am now thinking about a future in which we might get Hilda discourse with a FE4 remake and I don't really. I. Hm. The lady is interesting, but she's probably one of those kinda realistic awful (in a way) that I really hope people will not try to justify and argue as right because that would hurt. I think she's great, I like that she is a more "realistic" kind of abusive asshole....
I feel like, up to Edelgard, we mostly avoided people really arguing that the different villains of the gamee are right & justified, but yeah, I do hope that we aren't going to see more people argue that past villains actually were right and justified because in a lot of cases, even when they started from good intentions (Lyon ily but dude. Also. Zelgius. ily but. dude.), there is just... a lot of wrongs done in the name of "right", and often that "right" is more "might" than "right"
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freedomarrow · 2 years
The simple celebrations of birth Garreg Mach put so much emphasis on was just one of the many blessings the monastery had provided Micaiah. When it comes time to celebrate Leonardo’s namesday, Micaiah is only all too delighted to drop off his gift, in person no less! It may not be a tradition she can continue as Queen, at least not in public, but in her heart she very much wants it to be.
(She realizes, coming from a wealthy family, Leonardo may indeed have had such celebrations before. Perhaps one day they can talk of it. She would very much like that, if it was not too painful for him of course.)
Most of the things Micaiah thinks to get for Leonardo he already has – a bag for his quivers, a blade for sharpening the teeth of his arrows, even a pouch for rations; they were equally practical the two of them, and it made thinking of a gift quite difficult.
At least until she decided to splurge. It’s from her own money doing side jobs with the florist and baker in town so he has no reason to object, surely.
The spyglass she hands him is not as large as she would like it to be but it is clearly made from well-formed brass, and able to fit into one of his larger pouches when folded. Added to the top is an ornamental blue gem that Micaiah thought resembled the shade of his eyes.
“Happy birthday, Leonardo! I thought you might find something like this useful? Not just for academy related activities, either… I was thinking maybe we could go bird watching some time, if you’re at all interested. I just saw a small bird that looked so much like Yune the other day!”
Placing the gift wrapped box in his hands, Micaiah lingers a moment to feel the warmth there. “Thank you for everything, Leonardo. I hope to celebrate like this for many years to come.”
It is something new, Leonardo thinks, for him to get used to. Well, not entirely new, perhaps; he does, after all, still have the vibrant memories of his birthday celebrations in the form of lavish parties thrown by his father, with guests, feasts and presents galore. With the boy deprived of his mother since his early days, father did his best to fill in for both parents however he could. Back then, Leonardo loved it.
It was not until father and big brother had to answer the call to Ashnard's army, that he understood just how much he took it all for granted, and how alone he really was. For his thirteenth birthday, there truly was no one by his side; as it turned out, his friends did not remember about his birthday if there was no feast for them to attend in return. All there was was a satchel of gold, sent to him by father from the war front, "for my dear son to spend as he pleases in a celebration of his own."
In a stroke of prudence largely born of anxiety over everything that was happening, he saved most of it, only spending some on a new bow and quiver - which would later become the only things that survived the faithful night along with him.
Then, of course, came the days of the Dawn Brigade, where birthday celebrations were far from grand things - occasions to rejoice that one made it through another year more than anything. Whatever gifts they got for one another, if any at all, were usually small and practical: a new weapon, a piece of clothing, the works. Something to help them continue getting by. But Leonardo grew to appreciate it, just as much if not more than those parties of childhood.
All that is to say, celebrating his birthday in a time of peace, and yet not in a form he would nowadays consider unnecessarily overblown, is something of a novelty for the archer, but he finds himself looking forward to it
Although, the first face to approach him is a familiar one. "Oh, Micaiah!" Leonardo's face lights up at the sight of the well-known features, a sign of safety and hope for him and their family. Their hands meet as she hands him the gift, and he cannot help but wonder which part of this interaction he enjoys more.
"Oh, that is lovely. Thank you. Birdwatching sounds nice," he nods with a bright smile, something of a rarity from him even in times of peace - though a little more frequent in presence of someone like Micaiah. "I hope you'll let me invite you and others to do it together someday, then? It would be more enjoyable with friends, I think."
He finds that perhaps, the best present he can receive is the knowledge and reassurance that he is no longer alone.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 2 years
Emblem Edelgard. Yeah IS, keep pretending Dimitri and Claude’s routes weren’t the ones that got shit done. There’s a reason AM/VW merge fics are popular. Them teaming up made too much sense and had to be written out of each other’s stories to prevent a golden ending. They couldn’t do that again in 3Hopes so they made Claude OOC instead. I don’t even like Engage and this shit pisses me off. I could ignore the fans, but devs playing favorites in 4 games is too much. I resent her now.
The Emblem is called Edelgard (with Dimitri and Claude), like... lmao really??? Why couldn't they just call it the Houses Emblem or something? Even if it was Dimitri (with Edelgard and Claude) I wouldn't prefer that over something simple that's totally obvious with what the Emblem is for.
Well, them teaming up is canon in both of Dimitri's routes. Something I loved in Hopes is that Claude is actually there with you on the map fighting with your army. I appreciate getting to use Failnaught in AM, but it's just special to have him hanging around with you as an ally, too.
Just imo, AM is basically a golden ending for me anyway? I mean, TWS got wrecked without even being able to reveal who they were so l e l, Thales ended up dying in his fckn disguise lol. Hapi's solo ending just deals with the remnants of them. Edelgard is defeated which obviously she was the one who started the war and let TWS' people run amok in Faerghus. I just personally can't see Edelgard surviving after everything she did as a golden ending. That to me just would be like what the did with her in Hopes, letting her survive every route despite being the aggressor. Then of course we have Claude who got to go home and presumably achieved his goals, and Rhea stepped down but at least survived. The only people who died in AM were the villains, so I guess for me it's a pretty perfect ending.
Yeah, I get that. Personally I don't resent Lyn for example, but it's obvious the devs favor her over Eliwood and Hector despite Eliwood being the main character of FE7 and Lyn not really being all that important after her tutorial story (i.e. the purpose of her story is just to get the player used to the game and it can literally be skipped/ignored after you beat the game once, since you can just go right into Eliwood or Hector's stories). As a character she's okay, but I get so sick of the favoritism... They do it with Lucina still and often ignore Chrom despite Chrom actually being the main character and Lucina not being the main character.
My happy, peaceful suggestion to you is... if you haven't played PoR, play it! If you have played it... play it again! Play the "try not to think of that Shinon loving lady every time he shows up on screen" challenge (disclaimer: challenge does not exist, it was simply created on the spot at this moment)! Play the "Oscar decimates everyone" route (note: this is not a challenge, it is simply a way of life)! Play the "every time Ashnard is a better character than Edelgard" drinking game (note: if you're under the legal drinking age in your area, drink juice or something)!
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ajentmm · 8 months
Feb ‘24 Refine Review
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Reginn’s not getting the movement buffs or Canto I expected. Instead, she’s getting more stuff than the B slot has. Atk/Spd penalty neutralize is in Flow Push. She gets full NFU. Instead of a conditional true damage based on Spd, it’s fixed at 20%, which is still a lot. It makes up for the lack of DR piercing (at least on a F2P). She also got the DR buff that effects Brave Attacks.
I was close with Triandra. No Exposure but damage after combat like Pain staff is what I had, just not 10 damage, but 7. She is also inflicting penalties during combat rather than receiving buffs during combat. The Def/Res-5 to foes is still in cardinal direction, not 3 columns and row centered.
Mini! Caeda is still only effective against colorless bows, not colored bows, ha. Along with that is NFU, a 90% Vantage, Canto(2) (which was something I had on my early draft, grr), and a bonus to Atk/Spd = to allies within 3 spaces (rather than my “penalty on foes = her visible Spd), and that same DR that Reginn has, plus +8 to all stats. A worthy upgrade to make up for a bad perf b-slot. Still, you can ask PheonixMaster1 or your preferred FEH-tuber what to replace it with.
Bernadetta’s refine is great. She got the 1 damage to herself and allies at the start of turn, like her seasonal alts, but also got Special cooldown count-1, a pre-charge. She then gets Special cooldown charge +1 during combat. This is a good replacement to Accelerate Special Trigger. But then, she gets, what is effectively, Atk/Spd Brazen but incrementally. It’s odd, because it requires her to have lost 5 HP at the start of the turn to get the max of 20 Atk/Spd in total during combat. In her first encounter, because of the 1 point in damage, she gets 12 Atk/Spd. Then, because of Atk/Spd Push 4, she gets the 5 points of damage, and then gets the Max for the rest of the game. If she’s attacking twice in a row and triggering a 3 charge Special (like Deadeye) on the second hit, that’s going to be a lot of damage. Additionally, she doesn't have NFU, just a guaranteed follow-up, to bypass prevented follow-ups. Now, if Brave! Bernadetta gets proper Vengeance, be that like Owain’s weapon or a new inheritable buffed up Vengeance, then were taking.
Rinkah is doing good as well. Her gimmick is countering like Hans, powering up her next attack by the damage she absorbs from DR. The trick here is that the weapon has two forms of DR, the 40% on first attack(s) and 15% of her Def, also on first attack(s), along with any other DR she can inherit. She has 50 Def with her weapon and 41 base Def. 15% is 7.5.  If the foe is dealing 40 damage, you subtract 7, multiply by 40%, add back the 7, and she will deal 20 additional damage on the follow up. I guess she is supposed to defeat the foe on the boosted Bonfire (Or No Quarter) before they follow-up. Oh, and the 7 HP healing on hit is great too.
Alright, what does Fiora do? +8 to all stat, NFU, Dragon Wall(?), Tempo, what’s this? “If unit’s attack can trigger unit’s Special and unit’s Spd + Res > foe’s Spd+Res-5 during combat (excluding effects from [Phantom])-oh okay, we are now removing the effects of Phantom Spd and Phantom Res in weapons now, great, it was a mistake to give it to tier 4 Dodge skills, it should have just worked like the above condition, “If unit’s Spd > foe’s Spd –7, reduces damage by percentage = (unit’s Spd + 7 – foe’s Spd) x 5 (max 50%)” Okay, tangent over, what happens when she wins that condition? OH! Special Cooldown –2 before unit’s first attack, a Special Jump?! So, she can trigger Moonbow when she initiates combat, or trigger Iceberg on her follow-up, thanks to NFU + Tempo. She could do Glacier when the foe initiates combat, since Dragon Wall + Pegasus Flight can cover you. Oh, she gets 7 HP healing after combat, to counter the Fury in her kit. Yeah, she is worth her 4-star special rate now.
Finally, ASHNARD! Remember how I said, “They can’t just make his Rein effect have Guard in it, that’s a mythic thing.” WRONG! And there’s more! His Rein is now a 4-tile radius, now inflicting Atk/Def-5, Special cooldown charge –1, neutralize Atk/Def bonuses, and prevent follow-up attacks. Not only is all of this unconditional to Ashnard; the dude just gives his allies the kit of an Arcane weapon. The second part is pitiful in comparison, but you can still use it. It’s like  Atk/Def - 10/13 on foe and 30% DR during combat. So, yeah, incredible supportive, and a flying tank to boot.
Well, that's it. . . . . Bye.
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veworpe · 2 years
Fire emblem radiant dawn iso stuttering
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After a couple of lockups, I dug up the info online and found out that replacement discs were offered to fix the problem. However, I ran into the same transfer glitch that's well known at this point - it occurs if you have any form of EASY save data on your GC Memory card. I had actually finished PoR prior and noticed the transfer option when I went to start a new game. Discover and play also the titles you didnt knew Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn. Quote from: Shecky on July 07, 2009, 01:28:27 PM So I finally got around to trying this game back when I picked it up a long time ago.
I'll update this post if I ever find a local with an updated disk. I'd imagine it probably makes no difference which version of the game you use after that. Three Houses v120 DLC NSP Download Fire Emblem.
Radiant Dawn game is available to play online and download for free only at Romsget. With war having previously gripped the land of Tellius with Ashnards defeat bringing a tentative peace, the country of Daein now suffers under Begnion oppres.
I suppose in theory, you would only need to borrow the working game briefly in order to start a new game and import the data. Download Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance ROM for GameCube and Play Fire Emblem Path Of Radiance Video Game on your PC Mac Android or iOS device. There is one thought I had that may work if you know someone that has a working or repaired version of Radiant Dawn. However, he was at least cool enough to take off the denial hat and noted that Nintendo may simply not offer the disks any longer given that it's over a year old and the title in question wasn't that big of a seller.Īnyone coming across this thread who is in my same situation, sounds like we are out of luck. This game was categorized as Role Playing on. Download the Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn ROM now and enjoy playing this game on your computer or phone. This is the USA version of the game and can be played using any of the Nintendo Wii emulators available on our website. He wasn't aware of the replacement option either. Have fun playing the amazing Fire Emblem - Radiant Dawn game for Nintendo Wii. Jason, a Nintendo tech support manager, called me back after I asked the normal reps to look into it. The total denial is what troubled me the most in this situation. Well both the initial phone support and then email responses from Nintendo disavow ever having a replacement disk, even though I pointed them to numerous sources on the web and thread on their own site that had proof to the contrary. I had actually finished PoR prior and noticed the transfer option when I went to start a new game. So I finally got around to trying this game back when I picked it up a long time ago.
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randomnameless · 6 months
Typing about the best wildlife scholar made me realise something -
We know Dheginsea's extremist isolationist and non-interventionist policies were motivated by his wish to stop the propagation of wars, or at least, not to create a situation where the entire continent would be engulfed in War, else Ashera would wake up and erase the population.
Which is what he ultimately believes happened - that's why we fight against him in FE10, because the plot is stupid and cannot have Yune tell him "hi! We were woken by Galdr, Ashera mistakingly believes the inverse!" before his ultimate defeat.
But thinking more about it -
The Three Heroes (tfw Lehran's not part of the gang) made a pact with the Goddesses : they had to ensure 1k years of peace else they would stone Humanity. If they wake up in 1k years and the world is in chaos, they would stone it. If not, then kumbaya.
If they wake up before those 1k years due to war, the world is stone. If they are awoken by Galdr, they should, uh, talk to each other to decide what to do.
To Dheginsea, the only person who could sing the Galdr of Release, Lehran, lost the power to do so when he lost his abilities as a Laguz : ergo, without any possibility to wake the Goddesses up with Galdr, the only way to avoid Ashera's judgment was to avoid wars for 1000 years, even if it means... well, ignoring people suffering and letting them die at your doorstep.
So, Dheginsea, if he revealed the truth about Lehran, would have started a war against Beorcs (there's no way Laguz who know the truth will accept the status quo that if they live too closely with Beorcs they die), and without Galdr : Ashera wakes up "with war" and stones everyone.
If he intervened like Lehran wanted, and had Goldoa stomp Begnion/Beorcs who enslaves Laguz? Ashera wakes up "with war" and stones everyone, since she can't be waken up with Galdr anymore.
Hell, if Dheginsea terminated Ashnard and Daein as he planned too after losing Rajaion and Almedha (what FE10 tells us... but can we seriously believe this when in FE9 he dgaf about the situation?), again we have the same situation : Ashera wakes up due to war and stones everyone.
The only reason why the cast "won" and Tellius isn't stoned anymore is because unbestknown to Lehran, Dheginsea and well, everyone in Tellius, Lehran's branded descendants (who conveniently weren't all wiped out!) can actually sing the Galdr of Release and release Yune, who can circumvent the "Ashera wakes up with war and stone everyone".
-> When Lehran lost his powers and couldn't act as an alarm anymore, the only way to "wake the goddesses before 1k years happen" is with war and their judgment would be to kill everyone.
So Dheginsea had to grit his teeth and accept every fucked up thing that happened in Tellius because Lehran - due to this world's crappy mechanics - cannot "wake up the Goddesses" earlier and ask them to withold their judgment : if there is a war they will kill everyone - they must endure for 1k years, else Tellius is doomed.
Tl;Dr : TFW "make love not war" backfired in Lehran's case, and completely fucked up the covenant they had with the goddesses and if Miccy chocked on a pretzel, Lehran's love for Altina (aka him losing his powers) would have led to Tellius being wiped out even without his own participation.
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