arc-misadventures · 3 months
MFK with Jaune: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, and Selina Kyle
Jaune: MFK XII
Nora: Oh Jaune-Jaune~?
Jaune: No, you can’t have your grenades back.
Nora: But, that’s not…?!
Jaune: You aren’t allowed to test peoples bone density with your war hammer.
Nora: But, it’s only, Cardin… Wait! No, that’s not what I want…??
Jaune: You can’t have another, McSchneer Lumberjack Burger. They banned you after you demanded more maple syrup bacon strips, and subsequently destroyed the counter when they said no.
Nora: That’s not what I wanted to ask!
Jaune: It’s not; Then what is it?
Nora: MFK~!
Jaune: Naww fuck…
Nora: Harley Quinn, Pamela Isley, or Selina Kyle~?
Jaune: The ladies of, Batman’s Rouge Gallery? Why them?
Nora: Why not them?
Jaune: …
Jaune: Fair enough… Okay… I would kill, Poison Ivy.
Nora: Aww… but, I thought you liked us red heads~?
Jaune: I do, but it’s more of personality/mind set kind of thing. I understand why she wants to save the environment, and all that. But, considering her powers she could make plants that absorb the pollution, and cleanse the environment like nature currently does. I mean, we’ve got algae springing up the can digest plastics, and there are mushrooms capable of absorbing nuclear radiation. I mean come on! Poison Ivy could easily do that, and make something ten times better at doing that! But, no let’s kill all the corrupt businessmen, politicians, and everyone on the whole god damn planet to save the environment! That’s sounds lovely~!
Nora: Okay… that sounded personal…
Jaune: Sorry, but environmentalists annoy the hell out of me! I mean come on! Let’s stop using all fossil fuels, and natural gas to prevent the world from ending in the next five years, a notion that they have said a dozen times in the last three decades! Not to mention that idea would kill millions in a matter of weeks if implemented?!
Nora: …?!
Nora: So…
Nora: Who ya gonna fuck…?
Jaune: Harely Quinn.
Nora: Oh really, you got a thing for clowns~?
Jaune: No. I have to pick, and of the two I would like to sleep with, Harely Quinn. I’m curious about how flexible she would be, among other things…
Nora: Nice~!
Jaune: And, lastly I would marry, Selina Kyle.
Nora: Why her?
Jaune: Admittedly I like, Catwoman the most out of the trio. I like her mature elegance, that femme fatale, and saucy air about her. Plus, I read the comics, she a romantic at heart with, Bruce Wayne. Granted unless written as so, Selina never overcomes, Bruce’s obsession with being, Batman. But, in the stories they do get together, they form a strong lasting pair who grow up to have a loving family together with.
Jaune: I want that too…
Jaune: You happy, Nora, have you got your answer.
Nora: I’m ecstatic, Fearless Leader~! I’ll see you later~!
Jaune: …
Jaune: Somethings off with that smile of hers… I don’t like it…
Nora: Alright ladies, have you made your decision?
Cinder: Perfectly! I will be going as, Catwoman. I already have a catsuit that I know, Jaune will absolutely drool all over~!
Nora: Oh, nice! It really shows of your phat ass! He better give that a nice hard slap when he sees it!
Cinder: I’ll give him plenty of reasons to do just that~! Now, Neo will be using her semblance to dress as, Harley Quinn. She is also flexible enough to play the part~!
Nora: I’m sure, Jaune will love that~! Don’t pull a muscle out there , Neo!
Neo: 😁
Nora: No, I’m being serious, he will pull some muscles when he’s done with you!
Neo: 🤕🥴
Nora: Oh~? Kinky, I like it~!
Cinder: And, lastly, Emerald will be using her semblance to appear as, Poison Ivy!
Emerald: Are you sure this will work? He hates, Poison Ivy.
Nora: That means he’ll hate fuck you to get rid of that pent up rage~!
Emerald: Oh…? Oh~? Oh that sounds like fun~!
Cinder: Alright girl, let’s head out! Let’s show, Jaune what’s it’s like to be embrace by a trio of femme fetale’s~!
Emerald: Thanks, Nora, we really appreciate your help!
Nora: No problem ladies! And, good luck!
Nora: Cause… you’ll need it… oh boy you’ll need it…
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I said I wasn't going to get started on the topic of Aveline ruining Carver's chances with the guard but I lied okay, it's Carver Hawke defense hours.
Here's the thing; it doesn't matter if you believe Carver was or wasn't fit for the guard. That's a different debate that I'll get to. What matters is Aveline's in no position to tell the guard not to accept his application. Why does she think that's her right to judge whether or not he's fit?
Carver should've had the chance to prove himself one way or another. If it turns out he's not a good fit, then let him fail. Let him learn from it.
"Oh but failure could mean lost lives-"
Aveline doesn't get to talk shit about failure and the people. Plenty have died on her watch yet she still believes she's a good guard and Guard-Captain.
"maybe Aveline's protecting him, Carver could die while on patrol-"
Carver could die working in the Bone Pit, or serving as a templar, or when he's running around with Hawke. Carver could trip and fall down a set of stairs and die. In fact, he can die in the Deep Roads, somewhere he wouldn't have to go if the Hawke's weren't desperate.
Either Carver fails as a guard, or more likely, he succeeds and proves himself worthy of it.
But let's be real, Carver probably kept getting rejected due to being a Fereldan with a past of smuggling/mercenary work and Aveline only reaffirmed the decision, either because they asked her what she thought or she stuck her nose in unprompted.
But what irritates me is that she admits to telling them not to accept his application, and then has the balls to call Carver too proud to take up a trade or find another line of work.
Carver tells her, "And who would take on a Fereldan apprentice? Maybe in another year I could work my way up to pissboy." He has a good point here. Aside from the guard, the only other place Carver could work and use his skillset is with the Templars. Or go back to mercenary/smuggling work.
And Aveline doesn't even have a real answer for him. No suggestions, no encouragement, nothing. Just "Fine, let's crawl down some holes. Good bloody luck for your sake."
Also, if you do the Mark of the Assassin DLC in Act 1-
Aveline: You should see if any of the noblemen are looking for new men-at-arms. Carver: Are you trying to get rid of me? Aveline: It's a role with some autonomy. A good fit with your training and... tendencies. Carver: After serving King Cailan? You want me to suffer some poncy git who needs two servants to wipe his own ass? I'll find my own way, thanks. Aveline: I wish you would.
You wish he would?? Aveline, he was trying to find his way into the guard, a position he'd make a good fit for, and you helped deny him of it because YOU didn't think he would be good enough, I just-
If I haven't made it clear yet, I firmly believe that Carver would've made a great guard. He wants to help people, to be a protector. He's loyal, and despite what Aveline claims, he can follow orders and take his duty seriously. We see him do incredibly well with the Grey Wardens, after all. If he were a guard, he wouldn't have to go down into the Deep Roads with Hawke, and I think he would've been okay with that! He's so hurt and bitter when you leave him behind because that effectively tells him, "I don't need you." Carver's spent the whole first act telling you he wants to go on the expedition aka that he wants to be needed.
But if he were a guard, he would be needed elsewhere. He'd be in training as a recruit. He'd look after Leandra while you go. He wouldn't be backed into a corner with no income and only the templars left as his chance at forging his own path and providing for his family.
He doesn't get that opportunity, though.
By the way, if he becomes a warden, you can get this banter:
Aveline: I'm glad you found a place with the Wardens. Carver: Well, it's not the city guard, but it'll do. Aveline: Carver... it wasn't the place for you. Carver: No, it's all right. It is. It cost a lot, but I get it. I really was a bit of a tit those days, wasn't I? Aveline: Well...
This banter makes me want to scream.
Aveline's just... she's so insistent that she's right. She's someone who will double down rather than entertain the idea that she's wrong and it's not just with Carver and the guard, it's with everything. The "my beef with Aveline" list gets longer and longer every time I replay da2, I swear.
Say what you will about Carver, whether you think he would've been a good fit or if Aveline's right and it wasn't for him, he was denied a chance and it cost him so much in the end. He either dies, or he joins the templars where he deals with Chantry's bullshit trying to brainwash him with "mages aren't people" and "magic is a cancer in this world", or he's infected with the blight and becomes a Grey Warden, forced to serve the rest of his life fighting darkspawn, tormented by voices and nightmares.
I will never not be bitter about this.
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firstkanaphans · 11 months
Oh the lengths I'd go to see the bts of the apartment fight scene 😭😭😭😭😭 that must've been so tough on FirstKhao but JFC???!?!?!??? THEIR TALENT???????? I'm still in shock, I'll need the whole week to recover
Judging by the five (5!) asks I have in my inbox, y’all really want to talk about the apartment scene 😂 So let’s do it!
First, just a little background on me. I work with addicts on a daily basis and although it’s not alcohol addiction I’m dealing with, the psychology of it is the same. I’ve seen a few people be critical of Ray choosing to change for someone other than himself, but—and I cannot stress this enough—if someone wants to change at all, I don’t really give a fuck what their reason is. Do you know how hard it is to make people want to change?
In my experience, most people want to change for someone else because most people with an addiction have already been so beaten down by the addiction itself that they no longer think they’re worth saving. Someone genuinely wanting to change for themself comes later. At the beginning, people are usually motivated by their family. 
The danger of this, of course, is that if you lose your reason to change, you also lose your motivation to change, and this is what we see happen between Sand and Ray in the apartment scene.
Ray spends the majority of this episode very blasé about rehab. He still doesn’t think he has a problem and is essentially just going through the motions to please Sand. He’s throwing away his wine bottles, but not in a way that’s permanent. He doesn’t pour them out. He doesn’t even get rid of all of them and he’s sipping on a glass of whiskey as he does it. He’s doing it for show. So when he learns that Sand isn’t just asking him to go to rehab out of the goodness of his heart—that he’s getting paid to do it—Ray finally has what he has wanted all along: an excuse not to go.
I think something people don’t talk about enough when it comes to addiction is how comforting the addiction is to the person who’s addicted. It’s their security blanket. It’s the thing that helps them get through the day. Often, it’s the only thing that makes them want to be alive even as it’s slowly killing them. Any normal person is going to be resistant to that change. So Ray gives Sand what he thinks is an impossible ultimatum: You tell your father who you are (something you have spent the past twenty-two years not doing) and I will go to rehab. 
Only Sand cares about him so much that he actually does it.
I truly believe that even in the absence of Ray’s father paying Sand, their blow-up in the apartment would have happened anyway. Ray would have found something to sever ties with Sand over because without Sand, he has no obligation to go to rehab. Addicts will do anything—and hurt anyone—to keep the source of their addiction close. And I also think that there’s still a part of Ray that wants to save Sand from himself. He said it to Mew early on: “You deserve a nice guy.” Ray thinks Sand deserves someone better.
Khaotung acted his ass off this whole episode, but what I really loved was the nuance First brought to Sand’s character. He lets Ray yell because he knows he’s done wrong, but he also understands that they aren’t just yelling about the money. He knows Ray doesn’t actually believe what he’s saying. Sand has always refused any money Ray gave him. He’s been nothing but caring. Nothing but kind. He knows that Ray’s trying to push him away and he has no choice but to let him. No choice but to continue letting Ray hurt himself.
And then, after the fight, we see Ray drinking again, no longer even trying to pretend, and my favorite part of the entire episode is the fact that what makes Ray finally choose to get help is the knowledge that he has hurt Sand. The realization of how much pain he has caused him. The acknowledgement that this relationship is the most important thing to him and he’s willing to do absolutely anything he can to save it.
My dad got sober for me and my sister. My best friend got sober for her unborn child. That is the kind of love we're working with here. The kind of love that makes you want to be a better person.
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qyburnsghost · 4 months
If you had the chance to change something about the dance of the dragons (TV show or book), what would it be? For example, how a character dies, which team a house is on,or an entire character personally. How would you change it to make the story better, in your opinion?♥️🖤💙💚
wow i almost missed this question! book wise i'm kinda okay with everything although i would say some people deserved to die more brutally than what they got ..
on the show however i would change so much… i would keep most of the book plot. if we have to do the rhaelicent friendship i would make it more in depth but keep it as toxic as it is. i would keep the book part where laena and rhaenyra are very close and possibly lovers. . it would be a good contrast to show the difference between real friendship and toxic friendship. i would give rhaneyra and alicent more conviction and agency. alot of times they are going back and forth instead of making decisions they want or for themselves. i would keep daemon more like book daemon, yes hes mercurial and hot tempered but he loves his family and various women, on the show it seems he only loves himself, not even his own kids. i would have kept how he got laena which was killing her fiance to have her, i'd show how much he loved her instead of treating her like shit and i would keep rhaenyra and laenor frequent visits to her and daemon and how she flied her personal maester to try to save her, and i would get rid of her stupid death scene, and keep the book version where he carries her to her dragon and him and rhaenyra stayed vigil over her body, that way when they fuck at her funeral it can be in grief instead of the most disrespectful shit ever, maybe then their kids wont look so fucking dejected at their wedding. oh yea i would make it seem like daemon actually loves his daughters instead of walking away from them after their mom dies and ignoring them after they got punched and pushed by a boy instead of smiling in the corner like a jackass... wait why am i rewriting everything?
i would have kept the scene where younger rhaenyra plays with baby aegon, i would have rhaenyra and aegon actually interact at least ONCE before they decide to go to war with each other. id have rhae actually have a moment or two with harwin so ppl won't be shocked she has 3 kids by him without even a kiss.i would like aemond to actually interact with helaena!
i would have like to known how cripsy was able to kill a guest at a wedding IN FRONT OF EVERYONE
i would have alicent smother viserys in his sleep, sorry.. or perhaps poisoning him this whole time, not this OOPS i heard a prophecy wrong
also fuck that prophecy, its worthless in the end, since arya fucking stark kills the NK she never knew or met before, truly aegon,viserys and rhaenyra are following a prophecy that ENDS HOUSE TARGARYEN, why the fuck would they even keep it in the show. my ass itches everytime they mention it
i would like to know how jace and luke feel being bastards , i would actually like to get to know them and the dragon twins. id let the older dragon twins actually have LINES instead of cutting them or nothing at all. also how stupid to cut baela scene, because when rhaenys joins you have no fucking idea why cause she was jjust like 'bye bitch this not my problem' after coming out the fucking ground after doing a terrorist attack
I would like to know why the velaryons are such fucking doormats for targaryens, corlys brother died and hes like WHOOPS. bitch your daughter is dead and you think they killed your son, what you mean oops.
i would have kept or had laena claiming of vhagar to see how its different than aemond. since they want him to be making mistakes and shit and having statements like we don't control dragons or not to be played with, well we see laena use her dragon for playing and fun even shooting fire and the dragon does eventually obey her and kill her (stupid shit) so we may as know why she had a better hold on vhagar. i wouldn't have made storms end a complete accident but rather a crime of passion.. so like the book he meant to kill him but once its over, 'what have i done?' its a Pyrrhic victory, he's drawn first blood and everyone will pay.. 'what did i do?'
season 2, no way i would merge rhaena with nettles, they have nothing AND I MEAN NOTHING in common .. a rich privileged timid girl whose already entitled to dragon and doesn't really need to pavlov dog a dragon vs a poor orphan who has nothing, possibly not even blood..just intelligence... can you imagine rhaena grabbing a sheep and slaughtering it ? i'm not even royalty or rich and i can't imagine grabbing one and bringing it anywhere for any purpose even if its a gain. and if shes getting shepherds help, even more boring. it doesn't hit the same but nice to know that just because addam and rhaena are black in the show, they are some how interchangeable with her, also cutting her has alot of consequences for battle scenes, for motivations,for changes in characters personality, for questions about blood and magic of targaryens and what she later becomes for the future which appears in later game of thrones books.
so for the long rant perhaps this was too much..
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chiimeramanticore · 1 month
Part of the Band - Chapter 19 - The Beast
Chapter summary: Dook and Beach Bear visit the family. Dook tries a new food. Beach Bear confronts his past. A/N:
this chapter's title has a double meaning- it's a metaphor for beach bear's family, and also a metaphor for how fucking hard it was to get this chapter out (and also a metaphor for how LONG IT IS??? 5K WORDS???????) i haven't updated in a while, so i missed the actual anniversary, but potb has officially been ongoing for a year! what a ride it's been lol. i've definitely changed and improved as a writer since i started, and i'm very happy to not only have a work that you can really see me grow through, but also to have one that has had such a nice response to it! i wouldn't have written nearly as much of this fic as i have if i didn't have people reading and commenting on it. if you've enjoyed any part of this fic (and god I hope you do if you've made it to chapter 19) thank you, from the bottom of my heart! this has been my favorite thing to make for the RAE fandom (but don't tell the video essay fans that lmao) OK ACTUAL TRIGGER WARNING TIME FOR THE CHAPTER this whole chapter is about beach bear's transphobic ass family! i mentioned it in the last chapter but they are going to consistently deadname and misgender him, and also just generally be kinda shitty parents and people. part of the reason this chapter is so long is bc i wanted to condense it all into one big thing so you could just skip the one chapter! this chapter isn't the end of this arc, but probably the end of all the uncomfortable shit lol. we also touch on dook's drinking issues a little in this one, so if any of this makes you uncomfortable, feel free to skip! you won't miss anything vital this time, i promise uhhhh i think thats everything? thanks! enjoy the chapter!
Chapter word count: 5,051 <- Chapter 18 - Chapter 20 -> Read it on AO3!
"Hey, Beach Bear," Dook says, staring out the car window.
"What's up?" Beach Bear replies.
"You said the other day you, like, uh... You took medicine, to become a dude, right?" Dook asks.
"Huh? Oh, yeah," Beach Bear says. "I still take it. You've never noticed?"
Dook shakes his head. "What happens if you stop?"
"You go back," Beach Bear says. "In some regards, at least."
"Hmm." Dook slouches in his seat a bit. "So you gotta take it forever?"
"Long as I wanna stay looking like a dude, yeah," Beach Bear chuckles. "I dunno if too much would change if I stopped now, though. There's a lotta permanent stuff, too. I got a whole surgery and everything."
"Yeah, to–" he gestures vaguely at his chest, not taking his eyes off the road. "Y'know, get rid of the extra weight."
"I don't get it," Dook says.
"Agh, nevermind."
Dook stares at Beach Bear's chest. "...Hey, do you have to get your name changed, like in a court n' all?" He asks.
"Dook, I'm tryin' to drive."
Dook stares harder at his chest. He doesn't see the issue. It just looks like a guy's chest.
Oh, wait.
"What'd they do with your extra stuff after you got them removed?" He asks.
"Dook, I–" Beach Bear starts, then pauses. "I don't know, actually."
They sit quietly for a minute, both pondering the possible outcomes. Dook doesn't dedicate too much energy toward it, eventually spacing out once again on the long road ahead of them. They've been driving through the same monotonous scenery for hours now. Tall grassland... trees... a house every mile or so... It's farmland, but god if it isn't boring. There's not even any radio signal out here.
"...Beach Bear?" He pipes up.
"What're your parents like?"
"Uh..." Beach Bear trails off, thinking. "I dunno how to put it. They're... they're real pleasant, y'know? Outwardly, at least. They put on a real good face."
"How are they with you?" Dook asks.
"They're... I dunno. They're not bad. They're fine parents. They're just... They've got opinions, y'know? Very strong ones. And no amount of talking to them could ever convince them to rethink any of those opinions. They think they know everything." A hint of spite seeps into his voice at the last sentence.
"Mmh. I think I know the feelin'," Dook says. "They think they know everythin' about you, better than yourself, right?"
"Yeah," Beach Bear says. "It's– It's frustrating." He's holding his tongue, for some reason. "It's rough."
"Sounds rough." Dook says.
"And they live in this big McMansion, too," Beach Bear continues. "They act like they've got it made. They act like they're right about everything. They act like they know better than you, and don't you dare try to have a different opinion, 'cause–" He catches himself. "...'Cause... Whatever."
If Beach Bear's already getting worked up at the thought of his parents, he can't imagine what it's going to be like when they're actually there. "You gonna be okay?" Dook asks.
"Yeah," Beach Bear says, sighing. "I'll be fine. It's just a weekend."
After some seemingly endless length of time driving past the fields and farms, they finally arrive at Beach Bear's parents' house. He wasn't lying when he said they lived in a McMansion. The house is vast, with a white brick front and pale red roofing. The shapes of the roofing could be considered abstract art in itself– square, pyramid, conical, square, triangle... It almost looks like the house is trying to grow smaller houses out of it. Dook stares in awe as they get out of the car, Beach Bear's parents awaiting them on the porch.
"Beatrice!" His mother calls, rushing to embrace him. She's slender, with sandy, almost brown fur. Dook almost wouldn't guess she was a polar bear. She's done her face up almost excessively with makeup, and she hikes up her pink dress a bit to reach Beach Bear. She's still a bit shorter than him, though, and stands on her tiptoes to kiss him.
Beach Bear chuckles. "Hi, Mom," he says, hugging her back. "How've you been?" Dook watches her fuss over him, and Beach Bear taking it completely fine. It's like everything he said about not liking them before never happened.
"You're still driving this wreck, kid?" His father says, also moving from his position on the porch to greet them.
"It's the only car I've got, Dad," Beach Bear says. "We're still fixing it from the wreck."
"That's what I mean," he says. "Why keep it? Better to get something new by this point, anyway."
"Ah, that's... I guess it just didn't occur to me," Beach Bear says. Dook knows that's a lie. Why not explain his reasoning?
"And you," his mother says, turning to Dook. "You must be Dook, then?"
"Y- Yeah," Dook says. He holds out a hand. "Dook Larue. Nice to meet ya." Beach Bear's father grips it first, way too tightly.
"Good to meet you too," he says. "Name's Beau."
His mother shakes Dook's hand next. "And I'm Betty," she adds. "We're very happy to have you here, Dook."
Beau is a towering man– taller than both Betty and Beach Bear, and much taller than Dook. Here he was thinking Beach Bear was tall... Beau has gray fur, a strong face, and an equally strong build. Even for someone starting to get up there in age, he's shockingly strong-looking. Dook feels like less of a man, stood next to him. He pats Dook's back– or at least, Dook assumes that's what he meant to do. It's really more of a slap, and it makes Dook near jump out of his skin.
"Well, no point in keeping us all out here," he says. "Let's get you two unpacked."
The group takes their bags from the car and heads inside. The house somehow seems even bigger on the inside– tile flooring, two staircases on either side of the living room, and a fireplace below the TV, propped up onto the wall. Dook continues to feel smaller.
From the top of the left staircase, a ferret pops her head around the corner, waving down toward them.
"Mr. Baxter! The bedroom is finished being cleaned!" She calls.
"Thank you, Margaret," Beau calls back up to her. "Could you take their bags?" Margaret is already on her way down the stairs before he even asks. She moves quickly and smoothly, like she's refined housekeeping down to a formula. She takes their bags, acknowledging the two of them with a nod, before leaving just as quickly as she came.
"You have a maid?" Dook says.
Betty laughs. "Please, don't be ridiculous! Margaret is a housekeeper, not a maid. A maid would live here."
Dook doesn't see much difference between the two. He glances toward Beach Bear for guidance, who doesn't look back.
"Dinner is still cooking," Beau says. "In the meantime, why don't we sit and chat?" He moves toward the couch. Beach Bear and Dook follow, and Betty wanders off upstairs. Beach Bear sits next to his father, and Dook chooses to sit in the chair across from the couch.
"So, Dook," Beau starts. "Tell me about yourself."
"Well, uh–" He wasn't really expecting this. "I, ah. I'm Dook, I'm a drummer, I'm from New Orleans–"
"Lousiana?" Beau asks.
"Y- yeah."
"It's a beautiful state," he says. "Do you speak any French?"
"Ah– No," Dook says. "I know some Spanish, though."
"What led to that?" Beau asks.
"Well, I had to choose which language I wanted to take in school, and I couldn't pronounce the French letters," Dook says candidly. Beau laughs.
"Dad considers himself something of a polyglot," Beach Bear explains. "He gets real excited about it."
"Quite excited," Beau says. Dook isn't sure if he's emphasizing the point, or correcting Beach Bear on his grammar. "Still, Dook, me alegro de conocer a otro hablante de español. ¿No es así?"
"Uhh." Dook doesn't speak this much Spanish. "S- Sí. Muy bien," he says.
"Oh, Beatrice!" Betty calls, quickly going down the stairs toward them. In her arms, three books. "I was in your bedroom, just double-checking Margaret's work– not that I don't think she did a good job, of course, I just like to make sure, since you can never be too careful with these things, y'know– it's so important in situations like these when you've got someone important over and–"
"Damn it, Betty, spit it out," Beau says.
"You'll never guess what I found!" Betty finishes, dropping down the books onto the coffee table between the four of them. They're photo albums.
"Oh, god," Beach Bear says. "Mom, no."
"Why not?" Betty says. "If you and Dook are going steady, he's part of the family now. And if he's going to be part of the family, he should see our family memories. Besides, you've been missing long enough that it's started to feel like these pictures are all I had of you! You might need a refresher yourself, y'know."
"Alright, alright." Beach Bear picks up a book and opens it to a random page. "These are, like, exclusively baby pictures of me," he complains.
"What's wrong with that?" She replies, snatching the book from him. "Anyway–" She sits down next to Dook, flipping back to the first page. "–Here's our Baby Bear when we first brought her home from the hospital–"
"Mom," Beach Bear says.
"Would you quit your complaining?" Betty says.
"I don't think Dook wants to see my baby pictures," he says.
"Dook, do you have any issue with looking at our family memories?" Betty asks Dook.
Dook looks between the two of them, unsure who he should appeal to. Beach Bear would hate it if this continued, but probably wouldn't be too angry at Dook himself. Betty might be angry if they didn't continue, and he doesn't know her well enough to determine how bad it'd be. And... well, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't curious to see the pictures, too. He shakes his head no.
"See?" Betty says. Beach Bear sighs, but doesn't protest further. He stands from the couch.
"I'm going to the bathroom," he says.
"That's not very becoming language!" Betty calls after him.
"I'm going to powder my nose!" Beach Bear calls back, already halfway to the bathroom.
Betty sighs. "Children," she says to Dook. She flips the page. "Oh, this is her first day of preschool!"
Dook sits at the dinner table, staring down at the array of utensils laid out in front of him. They'd already been served soup, and Dook had to watch which spoon everyone else picked up first. It's silent in the room other than the sound of their own eating, making the whole room feel uncomfortable. At least he's managing. He glances at Beach Bear, sitting across the table from him. His expression is unreadable. Dook hopes he's holding up okay.
"Mr. Baxter," Margaret says, poking her head through the door to the dining room. "Dinner is ready."
"It's early, Margaret, isn't it?" Beau glances at the clock on the wall. "We're still on the first course."
"Yes, sir, but... the meal has been finished for a while now," Margaret protests meekly.
"We're still on the first course," he says again, gesturing to the soup bowl in front of him.
"O- of course, sir, but the meal will get cold if–"
"Beau," Betty says, her tone much gentler than his has become. She puts a hand gingerly on his arm. "Margaret, thank you. Please bring in the meal now."
Margaret nods, and disappears behind the door again.
"...Tense dinner," Beach Bear offers.
Both Betty and Beau sigh, but don't answer past that.
It's a moment more of silence before Margaret reappears, pushing a cart of food. Dook immediately recognizes the scent of seafood, but can't place the smell exactly. Margaret places plates in front of everyone at the table. It's an incredibly dark meat, with mushroom and rice on the side.
"Is this...?"
"Seal," Betty says. "It's a delicacy among polar bears... and Beatrice's favorite." She smiles at Beach Bear.
"Yeah," Beach Bear adds. "I haven't had it in ages."
"Dook, you've never had it?" Beau asks. Dook shakes his head, and Beau laughs. "You're in for a treat, then."
Margaret approaches Dook again, with a bottle of wine in hand. She gestures for his glass so she can pour the drink. Dook hesitates. He hasn't had any alcohol since... since his 'incident,' causing this whole mess. He's not sure if having anything to drink tonight is exactly a smart idea.
"I, uh, I really shouldn't," he says quietly to her.
"Don't be ridiculous," Beau says. "You're a guest, have something to drink."
Dook glances toward Beach Bear.
"You wouldn't want to deny their hospitality... honey," he says somewhat awkwardly. Dook had almost forgotten they're meant to be a couple.
"R– right," he says. "I guess I can have a glass, then." He passes his glass to Margaret, who fills it with the dark red liquid. Dook can't deny the little surge of excitement he gets when he sees it pour out of the bottle. What a pretty color.
"So, Dook," Betty says, "tell me about you."
"Well, I–"
"He speaks Spanish," Beau says. "Did you know that?"
"No," Betty says, enthused. "What a cultured young man. How did you meet Beatrice?"
Dook freezes at the question. He knows how they met, but he also knows they'd hate the answer. He hadn't prepared any better of a story.
"We met at a social thing," Beach Bear cuts in. "Remember that youth group thing I mentioned to you on the phone?" Betty nods. "Dook's a counselor for a group a bracket below mine. We had a counselors-only get-together situation, and we met there." He takes a bite of his food. "Very family-friendly."
"Don't talk with your mouth full," Beau says. Then, "Dook, I wasn't aware you worked with children."
Dook wasn't aware, either. "I'm... very humble," he says. He stares down at his plate. He didn't even realize seal was a thing anyone ate. It's dark red, almost black. His nose is telling him otherwise, but... he takes a bite. It's unlike anything he's ever had before– and he's unsure if that's a good thing or not. Far too fishy for his taste, he knows. But he know he needs to keep up appearances, so he can't stop eating entirely. Instead, he takes a sip of his wine. It's good– sweet, and not too dry. Dook starts taking bigger sips.
"Mmh," Beau grumbles. "Did you see that story on the news this morning? I swear, they need to bring back actual reporting. This whole thing with–"
"Beau, honey," Betty says. "Not at dinner."
Beau grumbles again, trying to find another topic to discuss. "...Tax season's coming up."
No one knows how to respond– the table falls quiet. Dook finds his glass empty already. He puts it down on the table, picking more at his meal. It only takes a few more nibbles at the meat for Margaret to return with the bottle, offering him more. Who is he to deny their hospitality?
"This is really good," he says to no one in particular as he drinks more.
"Oh, I'm so glad you're enjoying the meal," Betty says. Dook blinks, looking down at his barely-touched plate.
"Right," he says.
The dinner continues in bouts of silence for a while longer– spurts of uncomfortable conversation sandwiched by quiet portions of just eating and drinking. Dook makes his way through about half the plate and a third glass of wine. By then, he's not quite paying attention to the conversations happening around him, more listening idly as he feels that familiar pleasant fuzz come over him.
"So, ah. Mom, Dad, how have things been?" Beach Bear says, if only to break another stretch of silence. "Since I was last here, and all."
"...We redid the game room," Betty says.
Dook's ears perk up. "Game room?"
"Oh, yeah," Beach Bear says. "You'd like it, Dook. We should play a game after this."
"Okay," Dook says, smiling for possibly the first time since they got here. He glances toward Margaret– who moves to open a second bottle.
"And you?" Beau asks, not looking up from his plate. "What have you gotten up to since you stopped talking to us?"
"...Well, uh... Dook and I have been, uh, putting together a band," Beach Bear says.
"Don't tell me you're still doing that music crap," Beau says.
"Beau," Betty says.
"No," he says, "No, this is just ridiculous. If she were a musician, a real one playing real music, I'd understand. But this– this 'rock and roll' thing? There's no class!"
"Dad, I–"
"Is this what you left us for?" He says.
"That's not why!" Dook snaps.
"Dook!" Beach Bear says sharply. "Don't... Don't get involved."
"I... Okay," he says. Beach Bear's right– he's being impulsive. Dook looks to his glass, just in time to see Margaret fill it up again. A wash of shame comes over him. He keeps drinking.
"I don't know what I expected from you," Beau continues. "What did I want? Change? After all this time of you missing?"
"Beau, I think you've had too much wine, honey," Betty tries.
He ignores her. "What did I expect, maturity? Class? Respectability? From you?"
Beach Bear clenches his jaw, but doesn't say anything.
"What other little 'phases' of yours are you not over?" Beau interrogates, standing from his chair and leaning over the table toward Beach Bear. "I swear to God, if I find out you've still been smoking pot, I'll–"
"You'll what?" Beach Bear says. "Disown me?"
Beau opens his mouth to retort, but nothing comes out. Everyone at the table knows Beach Bear is already basically estranged. He sits down.
"...Your voice sounds different," he mutters.
Beach Bear stabs his fork into a mushroom. "I'm still working at the music store, Mom."
Betty laughs, sharp and nervous. "That's– that's great, honey," she says. She stands with her plate. Margaret hurries to take it from her, and only then does Betty seem to remember she's here.
"Excuse me," she says, before hurriedly leaving the room.
"Beach Bear," Dook says.
"I know, it's not what you expected," Beach Bear says.
"Beach Bear."
"Look, I'll teach you how to play, alright? Don't worry about it."
"Beach Bear."
"I'm, uh..." Dook shifts awkwardly, the plush carpeting of the game room under his feet making him feel somewhat unsteady. "I'm sorry. About dinner."
"Why?" Beach Bear asks. "You didn't do anything wrong."
"You–" He's still buzzed, which isn't helping him find the right words. "You got mad at me."
Beach Bear sighs. "I'm not mad at you, man. I'm– I'm sorry I snapped at you then. I got stressed, 'cause I thought you were gonna say something about..." His eyes flash to the doorway for a second. "...y'know."
"...I almost did," Dook says.
"But you didn't," Beach Bear tells him. "That's what matters." He stands from the bench they're sitting on. "How are you doing?"
"How am I...?" Dook doesn't understand the question.
"Well, for starters, you were kinda getting through dinner on wine," Beach Bear says. "And I know dinner was... I know my family's..." He makes a sour face, not finishing the sentence.
"I know," Dook says.
"They're... usually better than that. Especially with guests."
"It's been a long time since they saw you," Dook says. "It's– it makes sense if they're, y'know. What's the word?"
"Harboring some emotions?" Beach Bear responds, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Yeah," Dook says, "it's all pent up n' all."
"I guess." Beach Bear doesn't seem happy with the answer, but it's not like there's a better answer out there.
"At least we leave tomorrow," Dook offers.
"Yeah," Beach Bear says. He moves over to Dook's left, toward the billiards table. "You still want me to teach you how to play?"
Dook stands. "Yeah. Show me."
Beach Bear hands Dook a cue before putting all the balls into place. Dook holds it somewhat awkwardly, unsure of the right positioning before settling on holding it horizontally with both hands. Beach Bear finishes setting up the game, resting the stick vertically at his side, and Dook quickly corrects. Beach Bear snickers.
"I'll start," he says. "The goal of the game is to get all of your balls into the holes on the sides of the table. You can only hit the white ball, which has to knock the other balls into the holes. If you get the white ball in the hole, you lose a turn and I get to put it wherever I want. If you get the black 8 ball in the hole before you've done everything else, you automatically lose."
"Which balls are mine?" Dook asks.
"There's the solid color ones and the striped ones– whoever gets one in first gets to claim that type." Beach Bear lines up his cue, hits the white ball, and the group of colored balls scatter. A red striped one lands in a corner pocket. "Looks like I'm stripes. If you get a ball in, you get to go again."
"Sounds like you're makin' up the rules as you go," Dook says. Beach Bear laughs. He lines up again, and hits a green striped ball– which bounces off the edge of a pocket and doesn't go in.
"Your turn, big shot," he says.
Dook assesses the table. There's a solid yellow ball near a pocket, but he's not sure how to actually get it in there. He approaches the white ball, trying to mimic the pose he saw Beach Bear in. After a moment, he hits the ball– or, at least, tries to. His cue is unsteady, and it cants upwards, barely skimming the top of the ball. It rolls forward about an inch.
"You can retry if you want," Beach Bear tells him. Dook moves the ball back to where it started, trying again. This time, he's a bit more powerful, and while he still hits the side of the ball, it moves. It bounces off the wall of the table and lands gracefully in a pocket.
"Damn," he mutters. Beach Bear chuckles, retrieving it from the bottom of the table.
"Looks like I get to go twice again," he teases, placing it back on the table near one of his balls. But his confidence gets the better of him, and he manages to both miss the ball he was going for and land the white one in a pocket again. "Alright, well. Never said I was good at this game."
Dook laughs, taking the ball from him. He isn't sure where to place it, so he just puts it down near one of his balls. "How do you–?" He tries to line up the cue again, still not comfortable with the position.
"Here," Beach Bear says, "lemme show you."
Beach Bear moves behind Dook, wrapping his arms around him to help him into position. His size makes this no issue– he easily reaches Dook's hands and helps him adjust his grip on the cue. He's not fully behind him, slightly off to his left, but Dook can't ignore how it feels to have Beach Bear's whole body lean into him like this. He's so big, and warm, and soft... his fur, while covered by his clothes, still makes him feel almost plush to the touch. Dook would give anything to have this feeling last forever.
"Relax," Beach Bear says. "You're too tense with it."
"Ah– right," Dook says, trying to loosen up. It's hard when they're in this position. Beach Bear slides Dook's left hand forward on the cue, lifting it slightly upward to aim straight at the ball. His right hand clasps over Dook's right hand, pulling the cue back...
Dook's ball rolls smoothly into the pocket.
"We did it," Dook murmurs.
"Yeah!" Beach Bear says, finally pulling away. "Nice job, Dook."
"You did the whole thing for me," Dook says.
"I wasn't the one holding the cue." Beach Bear smirks. Dook flushes, and he finds himself thankful for the alcohol. At least it can serve as a cover for getting this flustered.
"You got real close," he says. "If I didn't know no better, I'd say the fake dating thing wasn't an act." He laughs, trying to make it clear he's joking. Is he joking?
Beach Bear doesn't respond to him directly, just gives him a knowing look. "It's your turn again."
Dook swallows, still unconfident in his own skills. "I, uh. I need help still," he says.
Beach Bear smiles. "Can't get enough of me, huh?" He jokes. "Alright, line up for me. I'll correct you."
Dook finds another ball to aim for and lowers himself toward the table again. It is starting to make more sense for him now, it's just a matter of practice. But he'll never refuse Beach Bear leaning over him and guiding his hands again. Jeez. He's not sure if it's his embarrassment or the wine that's making him feel this warm.
"You're already looking better," Beach Bear says from behind– he's not leaning on Dook this time, but he is leaning very close– he's talking quietly right into his ear. His left hand meets Dook's, guiding his aim. They pull back the cue...
"Oh–!" A voice says from the doorway. Dook hits the ball from reflex, and the 8 ball goes tumbling into the pocket. Game over. Betty stands there, quickly averting her eyes. "Goodness. I didn't expect I'd need to knock."
Beach Bear suddenly straightens at the sight of his mother, and Dook follows. "No need to knock," Beach Bear says. "I'm just helping Dook with his aim. He's never played billiards before."
Betty sighs, though the flush on her face is still there. "Of course. I just wanted to let you two know the room is ready, whenever you're ready for bed."
"The room?" Dook asks.
"Yes, your bedroom. Is there an issue?"
The two look at each other. Are they going to be sharing a bedroom? Did both of them forget to factor this in? Beach Bear shakes his head. "No issue here," he says. "Can you– uh– we should go there, now."
"R- right," Dook says.
"Yes," Betty concurs.
The two hastily put their cues back where they got them and follow Betty to the bedroom. Dook spares a quick glance at Beach Bear, and while he can't tell for sure, it looks like he's blushing, too.
They head upstairs and down a hallway– this place really is a mansion. After a few minutes, they finally reach the room. Betty opens the door for them, and the three file inside.
“M– Mom,” Beach Bear says, a dawning look of horror on his face.
The room is very clearly that of a little girl’s. The walls are covered in a pale blue, flowery wallpaper. The bed, while large enough for two adults, is covered in plushes and decorative pillows- a pink striped blanket covers the mattress. The walls are adorned with flower-themed decorations, crayon drawings, and a few band posters.
“You redid the game room, but… not my bedroom?” He asks. “In like, seven years?”
“Why would we?” Betty replies. “We wanted to preserve what was here. We love you, Baby Bear.”
Beach Bear all but winces at hearing that. What exactly are they preserving by keeping this the way it is? This isn’t Beach Bear at all. Whoever used to live in this room… they’re clearly gone, if they ever lived here at all. Dook looks at the way Betty beams at the sight of the room. She’s so wrapped up in protecting her daughter, she hasn’t realized in all this time that she doesn’t have one.
Betty pats Beach Bear on the shoulder. “Goodnight, honey,” she tells him, before leaving the room.
Beach Bear swallows, then sighs. “I’m, uh–”
“It’s okay,” Dook says, smiling shyly at him. “I don’t mind how the room looks.”
“I’m sorry about her, too.”
“Hey.” Dook nudges him in the arm, stopping himself just short of taking his hand. “You didn’t do nothin’ wrong. So you don’t gotta apologize for nothin’.”
Beach Bear smiles faintly. “Yeah,” he says. “We… still have to share a bed, though.”
“We don’t have to,” Dook suggests. “I could…” He eyes a plush looking chair in the corner. “I could sleep there.”
“Nah, I’m not gonna make you do that,” Beach Bear says. “We’ll just rough it.” He chuckles to himself, and approaches the bed. “It’s like camping. You gotta put up with tough shit sometimes, but it’s part of the fun.”
Dook follows him to the bed. “You doin’ okay? With everything that’s happened?”
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Beach Bear says, but Dook recognizes a twinge of that tired tone in his voice.
“...’Least we leave tomorrow,” Dook says.
Beach Bear smiles, the most genuine smile he’s seen from him all day. “Yeah,” he says. “Hope you don’t mind being my boyfriend until then.”
Dook snickers, climbing onto the bed. “Not if you don’t mind being mine.”
“Take your clothes off, you dweeb,” Beach Bear teases, hitting Dook with a pillow.
“Fine.” Dook pulls his shirt off. Margaret’s left their bags neatly opened by the window. Dook goes over to it and pulls out their pajamas. “I’ve never seen you wear pajamas,” he tells Beach Bear.
“Because I don’t wear pajamas,” he says. “I sleep in my underwear. But my parents would–”
“--hate that,” Dook finishes.
“Exactly. Gimme.” Dook tosses them over before changing into his own.
“Well,” Dook says, rejoining Beach Bear in bed. “One more day?”
“Half a day,” Beach Bear says. “We’ll be fine.”
“Yeah.” Dook gets comfortable under the covers as Beach Bear reaches for the light. Teasing each other about dating is fun and all, but the idea of actually sleeping in the same bed as Beach Bear makes Dook’s heart beat at a mile a minute. He’s a little afraid Beach Bear might actually be able to hear it. But there’s no time to question it– they’re already in bed together.
“Goodnight, ‘babe,’” Beach Bear says as he turns off the light.
Dook’s heart flutters. “Goodnight, honey.”
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ghoulangerlee · 8 months
Ohhhhh my god I feel you on this whole bc shot thing. I've been on it for a little over two years because I'm trans and getting my period was so bad for my emotional wellbeing I had to do something. I didn't wand an IUD, and I forget to take my medication a lot so the pill wasn't ideal. I was told by two different obgyns that they wouldn't consider removing the uterus becsuse at the time I was only 21 and ""What if you chsnge your mind!!!"" 🙄🙄🙄🙄 so I really dint have a whole lot of options.
On one hand I like not having to worry about the whole thing for 10/11 weeks at a time but on the other hand I also really like not having feeble bones! I've been taking calcium supplements but the pills are huge and I worry it isn't covering the issue entirely. I don't get enough calcium to begin with becsuse I can't drink milk and stuff, so I worry that it's a bandage on a knife wound so to speak.
Last time I was at the clinic for my shot I raised the issue again and the doctor there was like "wait you're literally trans and have no plans for children why the hell don't we just get rid of it????" And I'm just sitting there like why the fuck did the last two people I see not give me this option!?
Anyways I need to discuss the idea more with her but oh oh to get this fucking thing out of me....oh to dream....
Sorry rambling in your asks but this sucks and I sure hope we both get the cool fun and fresh resolution :)
oh my god anon, i feel you. i've been on it for...almost 5 years now? I think around August 2019 is when I started it finally. It was unfortunately the only option we could find for me. I actually can't have any bc that has actual estrogen in it because of my high blood pressure and the family history of blood clots. And like, at first it was fine and dandy! I was okay with it because after 7 weeks of a heavy cycle I was so exhausted and just ready for it to be over. And it's been gone! pretty regularly for the last several years.
Sometimes if I'm incredibly stressed it will sneak up on me but it's like, leagues better than it was. Max 3 days and barely anything at all. So, very manageable for someone who y'know. had it much worse (to the point it would cause my iron to drop significantly all the time).
I hate obgyns who refuse to do things because "you might regret it later on" like, no actually I think I'll regret having this thing inside my body I don't intend to use and having to stay on the shot for the rest of my life. I'm in a same-sex relationship, I don't ever intend to physically carry a child, I just want the thing gone lmao. I've told obgyns that in the past and yet they still insisted on telling me that I might "regret" it.
So, my surgeon did mention that viactiv is a good supplement, which is apparently a chocolate calcium chew haha. My biggest concern is that I have osteoarthritis and being over 30 now, my bone density doesn't come back as fast as it does for someone in their 20s. My doctor is also concerned about it too. I mean like also the weight gain is terrible too, like holy shit it's been the worst (strong ass bc, strong ass side effects I GUESS)
THOUGH APPARENTLY there is a bone density therapy that they can do which will help with keeping your bones strong. I didn't know about it and no one ever thought to mention it to me when they started talking about my bone density lmao. Normal Calcium supplements make me extremely nauseous and I can't take them, so I just stopped lmao.
And I think from there, that's when I sort of decided I wanted to look into getting rid of my uterus for good. Like, I don't plan to have kids, I don't need it. Why should I continue this shot, why should I keep putting myself through this.
Also, idk if you've experienced it, or if its just because I been on it for so long or if it's something else entirely, but in place of the period I just get cramps :) really bad ones :) it's great and what I've always wanted from bc haha.
honestly that's a good doctor, why haven't they suggested it sooner? Literally the surgeon I'm seeing is, ironically, the first obgyn I saw when I switched insurances and go to where I go now, and from the beginning she was like "you're in a monogamous same-sex relationship whenever you want the surgery we can just take care of that" and idk I wasn't in the right place then, I think, to consider it.
yeah it's a long process from my understanding, we're building a case right now, as my surgeon called it, gonna have some imaging stuff done, a few more tests and then we'll set the date and just. remove it. thankfully, no early menopause for me (ironically the One Thing i was most worried about?? I don't know, I've got so much going on, I didn't want to even consider dealing with menopause bc guess what the treatment for that is-- the same damn shot I'm trying to escape lmao) ANON!!! I wish the best for both of us!!! Let me know how things go!! (if you're comfortable!!)
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bejaeyoung · 8 months
hello everyone!
this is velvet (beyuwol) with a second muse!! sorry for the incredibly late intro i have no excuse (got and started my first 9 to 5 job after i sent my reserve in so that was perfect timing all around!) so i will just continue on with introducing my new guy.
he’s song jaeyoung jay! pls call him jay he’s trying to get rid of his name as a whole LMAO. and because i haven’t finished his pages underneath the cut i’ll have a few tidbits about him plus plot ideas. woo!
what do they always say? right! LIKE THIS POST if you’d like to plot and i’ll cha cha slide right into your ims. i also have discord / twitter upon request so feel free to ask for those too. on with the circus show!
born to politicians who have gotten used to using what influence they have for their own favours and he grew up in a rather toxic household
his sister is hannaxbe and he’s the only one he loves under that roof, would fight lions for her
grew up to be a reckless and impulsive child. his parents can’t be assed to figure out how to parent so they’d often drop him off at their family friend’s orphanage because they thought he would learn something from being around other children
ended up loving being there more than he does at home. would go along with them to charity performances, would grow up loving to perform for the children, that’s where he fell in love with music as a whole really
parents are still terrible politicians, they’d try to hone his skills so he’d look like the perfect child but he refuses to join any of their corrupt companies and kept up with charity performances (which they let him because it ‘makes the family look good’ but that pisses him off too)
currently a criminal justice major even tho his parents want him to be a politician too
became an underground producer called PROD. J! would have loved collabing with people and even being a ghost writer for anyone tbh. tho the latter he would be picky about
is also a vtuber on youtube! has a separate channel for that. sometimes he uploads song covers too, but it’s mostly a gaming channel. there’s a specific date where he uploads song covers tho
his vtuber vibes would be mostly like watarai hibari or claude clawmark both from njsj if you know them
his brain runs 10 miles per hour and he likes making people laugh even though he looks like an emo boy and refuses to cut his hair
would also draw notes on walls and floors if he’s suddenly hit with inspiration so there’s that too. dwbi
may come off as arrogant at times… he doesn’t mean to be sometimes he just talks
he’s… kinda lonely but never acknowledges that!!!!
wears headphones wherever he goes
friends he might have made from the orphanage!
in that same vein ^ childhood friends. the only ones who still call him jaeyoung probably lol
gaming friends/streamer friends that he would’ve collabed with as a vtuber
people who might have commissioned his underground producer services, he could ghostwrite too tbh
people who watches his vtubing streams and figured out that the weirdo drawing on walls is the guy behind the model LMAO
highschool friends! would’ve known his identity as underground producer & vtuber from the get go
trainee friends that he can bother and convince to sneak out and let loose and have a bit of fun training isn’t all there is to life!
well he’s kind of annoying so i’m sure there will be people out there who don’t click with his rather eccentric vibe… but might wanna work with him solely for his music capabilities?
someone who thinks he’s wasting his potential by being a… weirdo
someone who might’ve caught him in one of the charity performances and oh! he’s not that bad…? thought he was just like his infamous parents!
someone who knew him from his family name / thru fancy events / nepobaby connections. could be negative or positive!
he can play the guitar & piano/keyboard too for those who wanna have jam sessions!
flings. would be kinda messy only bc jay is a messy bitch
if you have ideas of your own pls hmu bc i love brainstorming too!!
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Hello :) Welcome back to another episode of Smol Copy-Pastes A Ramble/Rant From Discord And Calls It A Tumblr Post. This week, we’ll be looking at one of my Crying Over Nishiki sessions which ALSO became a full on rant against Kazama! Whoo! Here we go, gonna be another ‘read more’ cause a) spoilers, and b) reeeeally long unhinged ranting about fictional men :D
point is i want to rip Kazama's spine out with my bare hands
hate how the game acts like he's so cool and good when he's really not he failed his kids so so badly ACTUALLY NO THEYRE NOT HIS KIDS HE'S THE ENTIRE REASON THEYRE ORPHANS”
(at this point I moved to the spoilers channel to continue my Unending Kazama Hatred)
OKAY SO TIME TO SCREAM ABOUT THAT MOTHERFUCKER KAZAMA AND HOW THE GAME SUCKS HIS DICK do you have ANY idea how much i hated when they go to Tojo HQ so Tachibana can pay em to leave his sugar baby alone and the old fucker who weve never seen before is like 'u know i'd have paid a billion yen for Kazama when he was ur age. are u worth that much? are u as good as him?' LISTEN HERE CUNT HE IS A BETTER MAN THAN KAZAMA EVER WAS AND EVER WILL BE!!!!!!!
WHICH IS SAYING SOMETHIN SEEING AS HE'S REALLY ANNOYING IN THIS GAME like okay i get it Kazama is a yakuza and ex-hitman i EXPECT him to have done bad shit and it's very nice he set up the orphanage n all but it also isnt cause like bro you murdered these kids parents!!! and idk anythin about their life in the orphanage i'll admit but as an active yakuza i cannot imagine him being the most hands-on, tender, loving parent ever, yknow? ALSO ALSO like i know he tried to stop Kiryu and Nishiki becomin yakuza im just saying YA COULDVE TRIED HARDER MATE!!!! THEY WERE SEVENTEEN YEARS OLD, THEY WERE CHILDREN FOR GOD'S SAKE. KIRYU WAS LIKE 'WHY WONT U LET US BE LIKE U YOURE A YAKUZA U GET A COOL CAR AND PEOPLE RESPECT U LET US TRY AND HAVE THAT' YOURE LETTING HIM SELL HIS SOUL TO A LIFE OF CRIME BECAUSE HE WANTS A FUCKING CAR?????? I DONT CARE HOW STRONG THEY WERE IN THAT FIGHT YA FUCKIN SIT THEM DOWN AND GET RID OF THE ILLUSION OF GLAMOUR!!!!! TELL THEM THEYRE WORTH MORE THAN JUST GRUNTS WHO ARE GOOD WITH THEIR FISTS AND NOT MUCH ELSE, ONE FIGHT IN THE RAIN AND YOURE LETTING THEM JOIN, ABSOLUTELY FUCK RIGHT OFF WITH THAT 
im not sayin Nishiki is fully free of blame, obviously, he made his choices, and murdering Reina after using her love for him to further his own ends AND killing Shinji and ALL of the shit he pulls in Kiwami, yeah, completely fucked up, horrible, his choices, he did that shit. im just saying that i dont know, maybe if ya wanted to step in at any point in the last ten fucking years Kazama (preferably before that too), ya couldve and fuckin SHOULDVE”
I’ll be honest with ya lads, I stand by every word of this cfvgbhnjkgvbhnj
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fusion-of-fandom · 2 years
SO, I was sitting with some friends (i know, shocker) and we were just having fun during lunch.
Eventually we got onto the topic of vampires, and how they are after they die (something like, they get killed by a gunshot wound, so now they have a massive scar in where they got shot, or a drowned victim has unnaturally blue skin and lips etc.) specifically, the Cullen family and how they would have been if that same thing happened to them
and now, to headcannons :)
note: this is for comedy purposes, so most things are overexaggerated for the mood
◊ Everything in the story of twilight is the exact same
◊ the only difference is the vampire lore
◊ in short, Edward is so immunocompromised that Jacob sends his white twig ass into orbit
◊ just so he doesn't catch them FLEAS
◊ Seeing as he died of the Spanish flu, it could have gone either of 2 ways
◊ 1) he now is immune to everything, and no disease can fuck with him
◊ or 2) my personal favorite his body just contracts every disease over the 108 years he's been alive
◊ causing him to never know bodily peace
◊ and because I can, he can't get rid of it either since it will just come back from his body overreacting to a speck of dust
◊ Just imagine, the scene happens where Bella comes into class and Edward acts as if she's already got the whole school population on her, but he's in one of those massive yellow hazmat suits
◊ not because he's dangerous, oh no
◊ but because he's so immunocompromised that he's all but caught cancer and sickle cell disease
◊ Carries around at least 2 liquid sanitizers and damn near sprays everything he touches
◊ and like I said earlier, Jacob can and will take full advantage of the situation by just running at Edward at mach 6, so Edward goes mach 20
◊ We all know that little kids are the equivalent of walking petri dishes
◊ All I can imagine is Recessive coming out of school and Edward crying over the phone with Bella because he can't even go within 5 feet of her lest he be put out of commission for 5 years
◊ He has one of those showers in his room that sprays the person that comes in with sanitation shit, since he's so ridden with disease
◊ and when I say "ridden with disease"
◊ I mean this man out here with every disease known to man and some even unknown on him 24/7
◊ I like to think every disease takes turns bullying him every day
◊ "Bubonic plague! Its your turn!"
◊ It'd honestly be easier to name something he DOSENT have
◊ man goes near dirt ONCE and now he needs an IV for a good week
◊ And since he's technically dead, he has no way to be rid of the many illnesses that are on him
◊ so he's just perpetually sick
◊ strangely enough though, he has no allergies
◊ dude is just a walking patient 0
◊ Which would eventually lead to Renaissance being immune to damn near everything
◊ Bella has to wear one of those hazmat suits with if they wanna get to making a cgi kid
◊ Carlile makes BANK on him tho
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heymacy · 2 years
Oh god I love your head canon! Thank you for answering my question haha
Here’s another one for you- when do you think mickey realized he’s gay? Has he always known but couldn’t bring himself to say it out loud? Was he in denial for a while ? Who was his first crush ?
-anon xx
oh anon, you're breaking my heart with this one 😭 i’m gonna put my answer under the cut because it got a wee bit long (staying on brand here lmaoooo)
mickey's journey to accepting his sexuality was no doubt long and arduous and deeply painful. we see a lot of this in canon, his inability to admit to himself or anyone else that he's gay. we see it in season 1 with how he reacts to [redacted] catching them in the freezer. we see it in season 2 with how desperate he is to get rid of frank after he catches them in the same place. (hey, boys, maybe try somewhere other than the freezer?) we see it in season 3, though he seems to be coming to terms with his feelings for ian, at least until [redacted, once again]. i think the most significant component to his inner turmoil was his father, and even though he's now happy, married, and free from terry's clutches, he no doubt still has some internalized self-loathing to work through. even after accepting who and what you are, those thoughts and feelings don't just go away. it takes a lot of time and work to fully accept your sexuality when you've rejected it for so long, and there's no doubt in my mind that mickey's struggles with his identity didn't end when he came out, or when terry died, or even after that. but i do believe that eventually, with some therapy and support from his husband, that he's able to embrace and accept exactly who he is, completely free of self-loathing.
i think mickey knew from a young age that he liked boys instead of girls, but i don't think he acted on it or verbalized it to anyone. he was raised in a home where being gay was one of the worst possible things you could be, so that narrative ringing in his ears definitely didn't help his journey to self-acceptance. i think once he got a little older, probably all the while hoping these feelings would fade, he realized that girls were of zero interest to him, and that probably triggered a whole new onslaught of self-loathing and shame. the denial portion probably kicked in around 12/13, when those hormones and emotions are at a new and unprecedented high. it was terrifying for him to feel the things he felt and think the things he thought. but i think regardless of everything, he always knew. he didn't want to be gay, but he was. he is. and grappling with that, living where he lived, being around terry and his racist, homophobic family members - good god. i can't even imagine. i want to hug young mickey so badly and tell him that everything will be okay.
i have a little headcanon that ian was actually mickey's first crush. i think he took a shine to him during little league but of course, children are terrible at verbalizing complex emotions, so he probably expressed his crush by throwing baseballs towards second base and kicking dirt in ian's face when he slid into first. he liked him, and that made him happy and sad and a little bit mad. hence the dirt kicking. but ian was always there, in the back of his mind, the cute redhead with the crazy family that took baseball way too seriously.
also, steven seagal. canonically and headcanonically. (is that a word? it is now) we know the man loves himself some seagal. i like to think that at some point during their marriage, mickey tells ian he should grow out his hair so he can have a "powerful ass ponytail" too. ian shuts it down FAST, but it still gives them a good laugh.
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transboysokka · 10 months
I’ve lost control of my life it is now 2:30am
(Chris watches Twilight Eclipse for the first time)
Okay fuck it it’s 12:30 am let’s start the annoying love triangle one (I’m guessing)
All I know about anything for the rest of the franchise is bella and Edward will be married and she’ll become a vampire either before or after that and also they will have a creepy baby but I think all that happens in the last book so NO guesses for this movie
At least the budget and therefore quality seem to be getting bigger/better each time
Another cheesy quote from Bella to open us out aight
Like idk she’s a student and I feel like students shouldn’t gotta worry about this marriage shit? Not in high school
It should be illegal to get married before 25 when your brain finishes developing btw
They’re both gonna be so annoying aren’t they, her with wanting to turn and him with wanting to get married, just kill me now
Anyway are they gonna finally resolve that one crazy lady vampire issue from the first movie bc that was really such a tiny problem to drag our
So is it jacob or jake what does he prefer
The music is a little better (so far) at least
Oh fuck not Edward controlling Bella’s movements and friendships GET AWAY FROM HIM BELLA
I get that Charlie has beef w Edward like girl same but also I feel bad for Edward lol
Mom sees that Edward is creepy too
Bella’s lying out in the sun but still just as pale okay
So jealous of T-shirt quilts
Dramatic ass vampire family nothing ever changes
Just get rid of this red hair chick so we can move onto the Vampiric Council villain plot
More annoyed about Edward wanting to save Bella’s soul now that I know it’s Mormon propaganda tbhhhh
The thing w the Jacob v Edward drama that I never understood all those years ago is that they’re BOTH bad people!!
I still say they’d make a killer polycule
But I do love the “Edward is my boyfriend, Jacob is my best friend, and they’re jealous of each other”
Loving the lady werewolf
But how many are there now it seems like Too Much
Oh imprinting got it cool
WAIT I SWEAR I saw somewhere that Jacob ends up imprinting on Bella and Edwards daughter?????
Anyway at least lautner is kinda losing the accent at this point. Makes him less annoying
Unresolved Victoria plot, unresolved volturi plot, and now someone new???
Cross-species teamwork to help protect Bella how cute
Loving the historical flashbacks actually, I’d love a movie on the lore
WAIT FUCK jasper is SOKKA in that awful shyamalan avatar movie I’m sndkldjdsjkslskshdhdjdkd
JACOB why would you kiss her she just said she doesn’t love you I hate every man in this franchise
Clueless Charlie is pretty great
Rosalie has been nothing but spout straight up facts this entire franchise so far
Wow what a terribly tragic backstory though damn
So amused that they keep talking about defeating newborns lolol
Why would jasper know more about them than anyone else? They’ve all been newborns at some point? Is it bc he’s the most recently turned?
Oh good, explanation
Oh NOW he has an accent? lmao
Since when does he control emotions, have we seen that yet??
Ugh Jacob just DROP IT
Hahaha the father-daughter talks are so good
Listening to Debussy in preparation for seeing depussy nice
Oh DAMN he cockblocked himself. The damn Mormon influence again
It DOES make sense with the era he’s from etc etc
I just know the fangirlies were going crazy in the theatre w this whole sequence
oh NOW she says yes okayyyy
Okay seriously why is Jacob allergic to shirts
Cuddle for warmth. Classic fanfic trope oh all THREE of them should cuddle
“I am hotter than you” wow the fan girls are losing their minds
Anyway like we all know I stan rpats but he IS a goofy looking guy and I am constantly surprised he got cast for this role
Jacob doesn’t know how not to be a creep Jesus
Nice convo Jacob and Edward now kiss
But anyway that was actually super boring
Are they not even gonna SHOW the battle lmao
This movie feels super long am I wrong?
This fake ass snow
He’s literally making her say she loves him grossssss
What is any of this for like she’s less than 30 minutes of screen time away from marrying Edward right?? What was the ENTIRE point of that Jacob kiss
I actually do like how chill Edward was about it though lol
That is NOT Bryce Dallas Howard why doesn’t it look like her
What’s with the metallic clanking sounds when they die
This would be a great time for bella to get hurt and have to be turned, just saying
Oh DAMN did Bella use the trick from the werewolf story nice
Lol I had no idea vampires were so flammable
No idea what just happened to Jacob tbh like he doesn’t LOOK hurt
Why did they have to kill the girl jesus
The second movie was a gay allegory but this one is a trans allegory for sure
ok so yeah that’s another one done I guess lol
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satans-arse-crack · 1 year
I know no one is gonna see this or even care but I really just need to rant somewhere that no one I’m close with is gonna possibly see, don’t know if any of this is gonna make sense it how long it’s going to be but oh well I don’t think there’s a character limit (clearly never posted on here before😭) this is also probably gonna look weird cause it’s on my phone but I don’t care. If anyone does happen to see or read this I apologise for the awful grammar and language I’m just not good a words and shite 😂
I’m so fed up of being alone. I’m fed up of being the ugly friend. I’m fed up of being the weird friend. I’m fed up of feeling like an outcast with my own friends. I’m fed up of feeling so lonely.
I feel so alone constantly, I feel like I have no one to fall back on that I can truly trust, I have friends but none of them feel my closest bestest friends yk, I do have a best friend but even tho I trust her a lot I still don’t trust her with my full heart cause of stuff she’s done in the past. I have maybe 2 people I would class as “close” friends, I mean one is my best friend who I’ll call E and my other friend is someone I met through red dead but I don’t know a lot about him he’s a very private person. I have other friends but we’re not super close or not as close as me and E. And don’t get me wrong I love my other friends it just feels different if that makes sense. I have lost so many friends in the past 4-5 months due to so many different issues like them leaving school or us just falling out, I can probably count on MAYBE (very big maybe cause honestly I don’t know) both my hands how many good friends I currently have in and out of school and even then I don’t know if they would class me as a good friend or not
Even tho I have friends I still feel so lonely in this world, even with friends and family surrounding me that love me i still feel alone and it’s so strange cause you would think that having people surrounding me that love me would make me feel less alone but apparently not. (Keep suddenly crying my eyes out while writing this shit😭) I just want someone that I can have an almost deep emotional connection with, someone that doesn’t judge me, someone who I can just be my weird ass self around, someone who I can share the same interests with and yk get along with, someone who I don’t have to hide the things I like from or tone myself down for. In short I want a relationship or something real fucking close to it. Now my sense of love and relationships has been warped by this god forsaken app but I just want someone who loves and appreciates me for who I am. I always see shit of people who are so coupley and in love and it makes me sick and sad cause I want something like that. First ever and only relationship I’ve had was weird to say the least, we suddenly became friends and we’re really good friends for 6 months then he asked me out like the day before his birthday, we then dated for 6 months and honestly it was good, but by the last month or so he was hella distant and weird until one day after school the mf snapped me saying “muchos apologies but it think it’s best we break up” 💀💀 anyways like 1-2 weeks after he got back with his ex who he told me he had only dated to get rid of his feelings for me. So my standards and my whole relationship ideals are very low to say the least. I mean I can’t really expect to have somebody when I don’t put myself out there but I’m way to socially anxious for that shit, and with the way I look I have no chance of getting anyone 💀
I hate being the ugly friend AND weird friend, that shit sucks so much ass. I hate everything about myself, the way my hair never seems to look nice or sit the way I want it, I hate my around ass face that makes me look fat as well as my weird double chin, whenever I look down at my phone and open like Snapchat and the camera is facing me I’ve gotta see my double chin looking thing and it makes me feel sick, I hate that I have a weirdly long face that again makes me look super ugly, I hate that my teeth are so crooked and weird and I always forget they look like that so when I see photos of myself smiling I feel disgusted with myself that I look like that. All of those reasons are why I hate photos of videos being taken of me cause I genuinely look so fucking ugly in everything. And people always say like “oh no your look fine” “ oh your so pretty what are you on about” but I genuinely don’t know where they’re getting that idea from like it stumps me cause I look at myself and all is see is something horrendous.I wish I just naturally looked nice like all friends like they genuinely just seem to wake up and they look so nice whereas I look like I’ve been beaten to a pulp and not mended then thrown off a 100 story building. (I didn’t realise how long this whole rant has been but it’s not like people are gonna see or care about it anyways😂)
I hate feeling like an outcast with my own friends, so my kinda friend group in school consists of E,F and I. Now me and E have been close to best friends for about 5 years now, I’ve known F for about the same time but we’ve never been super close like we’ve had classes together over the years and we’ve been in the same friend group but I always found him kinda judgy especially with his other group of the like semi popular girls. Anyways whenever E and F start talking a lot and just kinda leave me out I feel like they don’t like me but then me and E have say the next class together and all of a sudden it’s like they didn’t just basically ignore me, it also makes me feel kinda outcasted when they start saying stuff or quoting things that I just don’t know or understand cause I like very different things to F whereas E likes stuff both F and I like. It’s most annoying I’m maths because sometimes they just start talking about stuff and don’t include me cause I’m doing my work or something then I try tune in but don’t understand what they’re saying or they don’t explain it to me, now I’m not a math wizz to whenever I get stuck on something and I try and ask E for help she usually gets kinda annoyed at me and like explain it in an annoyed ton, sometimes she does help out and is good about it but most the time she gets so pissy with me. But if F asks either of us for help and I try and explain it to him E usually talks over me to explain it to him and it’s so fucking annoying cause then I have to just stop talking and let her explain it to him. But see whenever she asks for help and I give it to her (quite nicely may I add) she’s all fine with it and accepts the help, but see when she asks what an answer is for a question and I say “oh I don’t know” she gets semi annoyed at me just cause I don’t have the answer straight away. Now don’t get me wrong we all help each-other out a lot of the time and get along but those events happen quite often. Me and E are still really close and always will be but so many things keep happening that just piss me off
Now it’s time for short sentence rants cause why not: school is shite, I hate my job sometimes, my friends piss me off sometimes, I’m so lonely, I hate myself, I hate the way I look and my personality, my parents royally piss me off alot, why does being unholy automatically make my life 10x worse, why do people have such high expectations of me, I never know what personality I should chose to interact with people, why do I have to be so socially anxious half the time, why am I so stupid I can’t do the most basic things especially in school, why can I never do anything right, why is it so hard to make friends,why does it feel like everyone hates me?.
Anyways I hope you enjoyed my Ted talk as it was a very long and strange one. I genuinely dont expect anything from this cause I’m gonna be honest I can’t remember if people even follow my account or not, highly doubt anyone is gonna care for this either but oh well, I really had to get a lot of this out even if I made my cry a million times while writing it 😭
Toodlepip my darlings 😘
(P.S ignore all bad grammar and spelling)
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dmclemblems · 3 years
#but then when it can't justify her her retorts devolve into no u and while it's basically a meme it's also totally spot on?
Hahaha i laughed because it's totally that. During the "parley" with Dimitri? She doesn't know how to answer so she talks about something else.
I think her silver medal is with Rhea though, in the same "no u" map. Earlier she told Billy Rhea manipulated humans to put dragons on top, and then in their battle quote Rhea is all "your ancestor saved and protected me. I'm so sad I have to fight his descendant" but Edel, instead of reconsidering all of her "sekrit" knowledge and how maybe if Wilhelm had just be a pawn Rhea wouldn't be so sad, answers with "lol i'm not going to die to you".
CF is the beast route because it's peak comedy.
Localization/translation discussion... 👀
Yeah, I noticed that as well in AM. The only times she directly responded to him, he always had a comeback and she didn't really justify herself so much as explain what she was doing. When she tried, like I said, he had a proper comeback and it got to the point that he gave up because she just wasn't listening.
The thing that frustrates me most about that conversation is precisely that though - she doesn't listen when faced with the truth. She can't accept that what she's doing isn't good and that she's hurting people. She could easily admit she messed up and made mistakes but that it's too late to go back now, yadda yadda, but when she's cornered in a conversation she changes the topic or talks about something else that sounds similar.
A way of telling if someone is like this and the true villain of a story (not to say TWS aren't also the true villains, hence why I also wish CF had you working with them as playable characters and whatnot) is the way they never admit their wrongs. All the lords (again, including Yuri bc I do count him as one) and Rhea admit when they fucked up and apologize for it. Claude's wrongs are on a lesser scale, but he does admit to using and manipulating people for his own ends. It IS for a better world but of course he isn't using that as an excuse when it comes to admitting he's been pulling some strings. Sometimes he's pushy and rude (very much mainly pre-ts), but he isn't blind to or refusing to see that he's doing that. Dimitri is a more obvious one via his arc and same with Rhea in SS/VW, and Yuri admits he does what he does to protect his own people and he has no shame in that. He's willing to get his hands dirty, he knows he's doing that, and he doesn't shy away from it, and I appreciate that he's up front about it and that he knows he can use questionable tactics (same with Claude - he knows he's questionable sometimes).
I think for me at least personally, it's frustrating that people argue morals when they technically weren't supposed to be there. As you know, as someone who has been involved in translation/manga scanlation for a long time now, it hits heavy for me when context is lost or warped. That's part of why I don't like Edelgard even as a character (versus liking her as a person, because while I don't, I also find that her writing - mainly her localization - is a contradictory issue). When working on the projects I do, my aim is to keep context as close as possible and not lose the original meaning even if we have to alter text to make it sound right in English or because something had to be changed due to it being that it just wouldn't make sense in translation.
Things like this, all the confusion surrounding her character and real intentions, is exactly why I don't like translation alterations. It also pulls me out of the game when a character can't really back themselves up due to the writing being confusing and just... bad. Not to say the entire localization is bad, because sometimes it's really good, but for CF I found that a lot of the time I didn't like the route because something about it always felt off to me... come to find out later that it was a translation issue.
Tbh I'd love to play the game in JP and I really should honestly. The voice acting in English is what's kept from doing that because the voice acting is so good. I much prefer it over the JP for this game, and of course it helps that the voice actors (many of them, honestly) interact with the fandom and do streams of various games and are so welcoming.
I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Tales franchise, but Tales of Hearts R had a similar issue with localization, though the fans actually recognized the slip ups and problems with it because the audio is JP only and there's no English audio and only English text. Hearing the audio and seeing the text was... something else, ngl lol. The localization is pretty infamous for being too much of an attempt at being quirky and goofy, and it came out sounding really dumb most of the time. There were instances where they'd have entire lines of dialogue for a very small comment or vice versa. I LOVE Hearts R no question, but dealing with the localized text is pretty painful. I'm at least grateful I can hear the real story through audio, though of course I'm not fluent in JP and I can always stand to learn more so sometimes there are instances where I can't make out a whole piece of dialogue and have to rely on the awkward goofy localization.
There were definitely some instances where I found Rhea's localization to be okay, like the part you mention here. Sometimes her actual character does shine through, but then of course Edelgard's responses are off topic. I'm not sure how many times that was the localization doing that and how many times it was actually like that since I haven't looked particularly deeply into CF's localization (mainly because as we're discussing, it just doesn't sit right with me), but it's still causing a lot to be desired. I don't really have that issue with other routes in terms of context.
Tl;dr translation is very important to how a story is consumed by people who aren't playing in the original language and it can completely change perceptions and opinions. Me no likey bad changes. Me likey understandable, reasonable changes that don't try to glorify characters that were not glorified in the original context.
Imagine if we glorified Ashnard. Oh wait, we did... through Edelgard. Because they're basically the same person LUL. Except Ashnard is a way cooler villain and he owns it like a boss.
Like no, literally, Edelgard is just female Ashnard written really badly and that's all there is to it. Ashnard out here like no dragons in power pls, just want to use their power for myself (re: Edelgard hates Crests but has no problem using Aymr) and make an empire where the strong dominate the weak and the strong rule everything, gaining power and climbing the ranks for being strong.
Like damn, at least ya boi knows he ain't righteous (and look, he's not a hot woman so he's not as popular!). also he's racist to laguz and edelgard is the same way with dragons so uh. yeah.
also yes the tags devolve into me hollering about zelgius so that's where we at
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maroonmusings · 2 years
Before We Go [s.r]
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Fandom: Marvel (Endgame-centric) Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader Word count: 1,698 Warnings: nope :)
A/N: this is a repost/touch-up from an account I don't post fics on (it's literally the only one I'd posted on there lmao). just a cute little romp before all hell breaks loose in endgame 🙃
Cold water trickles down your face, a refreshing intoxication to your system. It does wonders for the nerves you’re going to expertly conceal when you’re surrounded by the team. Authority doesn’t work without confidence and a solid game plan. That’s how you always felt about it, that is.
After drying your face and cutting off the faucet’s water flow, you take in the new suit adorning your body. Primarily white with black accents and red trim. A smirk crosses your lips. While your knowledge of quantum physics was as limited as the percent of malevolence in Scott Lang’s psyche, you knew its kinetic fibers would protect you in your attempt at time travel. The concept had always frightened you, as you harbored a genuine fear for the unknown, but those stones have to be located if it means bringing back your friends. Your family. 
Besides, you looked good. Who would have thought that red and white complimented each other so perfectly?
Exiting the bathroom, you nearly run into the aforementioned Ant-Man. Not because you weren’t looking properly, but because Scott looked to be light-years away. It’s as if he had already traveled to another dimension without you.
“Lang,” you greeted with a tilt of your chin, thinking the sound of your voice would be enough to break him from his mental reverie. Based on the way he continues to wring his hands and paw at the back of his neck, legs carrying him from one end of the hallway to the other, and back again, you’d say you failed. You press further. “Scott.”
Startled green eyes meet yours, jaw popping open for a fraction of a second before he composed himself. You rose a brow in disinterest as he straightened his posture, puffing up his chest to appear more self-assured. “Hello, fellow Earth’s mightiest hero. Yep. It is I, Scott Lang: an emotionally stable who could definitely defeat Thanos in his sleep. I deemed it selfish of myself to go it alone, hence, I came to you for help. I’m very strong.”
“Like, embarrassingly so.” He continues. Oh my God, he’s broken. “As in, I went to pick up my coffee mug this morning, and the whole thing just shattered.”
“Hold on—”
“Like, a million pieces.” Laughing nervously, he throws in a passive, “My muscles are so big.”
“Dude, cut the crap.” You demanded half-heartedly, gaze softening. “This will work, okay? You’ll get to see Hope again, and we can get rid of that purple bastard for good.”
“I know, I know.” He returned, almost sounding defeated before the battle had even begun. “I guess I’m overwhelmed by, just, everything. So much is happening all at once with so much at risk. One wrong step, and I could ruin this for not only myself but everyone.”
“Scott Lang, you are the toughest Ant-Man I know—”
“There are other Ant-Mans?!”
“—and you’re not gonna screw up anything, because we’re all gonna be covering each others’ asses out there. We’re a team. A family. We’re all in this thing together.”
“She’s right, Scott.”
Ignoring the tremor that ran through your body at the sound of his voice, the corner of your lip curled upwards as Steve Rogers, Captain America, joined the two of you. He met your eyes briefly before focusing on Scott, his cheeks now carrying a faint pink hue. “We are a family, and families stick together. It won’t be any different for us. We’re gonna go back in time, get to those gems before Thanos, and bring back our friends.”
“God, you guys are good together.” Scott uttered before giving much thought to his words. The compliment caught you off guard, as you choked on your breath while Steve’s face became a deep shade of red. Scott’s eyes widened as he attempted to save himself. “Oh, I didn’t mean it in that way, of course! I was just trying to say that you’re really good at those motivational speech things. You knew that, right? God, maybe my superpower should be ‘knowing when to shut up.’”
“Yeah, why would we—”
“How about we just get back to the others?” You suggested, sending a tight-lipped smile to convey your need to evade this conversation topic.
“Great idea!” Steve agreed a little too enthusiastically, the excitement in his tone making you jolt in surprise. 
Shaking off what may have been the worst interaction in your life, you led the two men back to the rest of your friends.
“We ready to do this?” Natasha wasted no time for pleasantries as she lifted an eyebrow in question. “I know I am.”
“Sure, why not?” Scott returned, nervously, but you could tell from the newfound determination on his face that he was ready.
“Let’s do this.” Bruce said.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life.” Clint stated, a hard look in his eyes from all the pain he had endured due to Thanos.
“Hell yeah!” Rocket cheered. “Let’s get this dirtbag, once and for all.”
Thor tipped his head back to chug the soda in his hand before crushing the can and releasing a belch that caused even you to crack a smile. “I’m with the Rabbit.”
“Well, majority rules.” Tony pointed out, an edge to his tone that hid his true levels of excitement to be working with the team again. “Let’s go save our friends, and, hopefully, the world.”
Natasha guided the temporary remaining members of the Avengers to the Quantum Portal. Your friends followed her, but you couldn’t bring yourself to do the same. Something was holding you back. Or someone.
“Actually, Steve,” There was a waiver to your voice, and you silently cursed yourself for waiting so late to do what you were about to do. The man stopped in his tracks and looked back at you, brows furrowed in question. You sighed shakily, suddenly hating the way feelings made you feel. You spoke quietly so as to not alert the other seven people who will definitely tease you about this once everything is back in order. “Can I talk to you about something for a second?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Everything alright back there, you two?” Tony shouted, but the dryness in your throat made you unable to speak above anything more than a whisper. 
Steve took note of this, probably because he’s never seen you in such an emotional state before, and answered for you. “Yeah, we’ll be over there in a minute.”
“Fifty-nine, fifty-eight, fifty-seven, fi—ow! What the hell, Iron Moron?!”
“Stuff it, Build-a-Bear, or I’ll stuff it for you.”
“Yes!” Thor says jovially. “Because Build-a-Bears are made with—”
Steve shuffled into your line of sight, his calm and reassuring baby blues giving you the motivation to catch your breath. His voice is soft and gentle, matching the grasp he has on your forearms. “Hey, what is it?”
In a terrifyingly accurate Lang-like fashion, an avalanche of words tumbled from your mouth before you could organize your thoughts. But first, you try to back out. Naturally. “Um, well, it’s a lot, so if you’d rather just talk about it later, actually, I wouldn’t mind.”
“No,” he assures, timbre more soothing, if that was even possible. “You can tell me. We have time.”
Nice try, you guess. Cue the Lang ramble. “Okay, well, there’s this thing that has kind of been bothering me. Well, a lot of things bother me, as you know. But, um, this thing revolves around the two of us. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about it for a long time. As in, practically since the day we met. Obviously that never happened. Probably because of these stupid walls I put up to block out anyone who I find myself the sligh—”
Hands sliding up to your jaw, Steve pulls you closer. Your eyes find his, clouded with something that made them sparkle. Like glitter sprinkled in the sky. His words are quiet, insistent, and only meant for you. “I love you, too.”
Steve’s lips were soft and warm, like a field of flowers on an enchanting summer day. His touch was gentle yet persistent. Kind yet urgent. Loving yet determined. His hands held your face in such a way that anchored you to him. The two of you became one as he drew your body in closer, your hands finding a place to rest on his chest. Every emotion running through your bodies could be felt within the embrace. 
The urgency of the mission.
Fear for its outcome.
Hidden doubts, tucked away to appear strong.
Ambition to bring back your lost friends.
All while keeping the found ones safe. 
Love stored in a deep heart department that only he could reach.
As you parted for air, your eyes remained closed. After pushing back the desire for any chance of happiness for yourself, you had finally fought those inner demons to find love. You finally had him. You wanted to bask in this moment of self-glory in his arms for eternity, but even a couple more seconds would suffice. 
Rowdy cheers and applause were what forced you to open your eyes to the genuine smiles on the faces of those you loved. Seeing them celebrating in a time such as this lightened the weight on your shoulders, as living a life like yours required you to seize every moment of laughter that you could. 
Steve’s smile widened upon seeing your happy expression. He brushed a loose strand of hair behind your ear, before slightly shaking his head in bewilderment at the sight before him. His eyes had never been clearer. “You ready to go restore humanity, doll?”
“Always,” You kissed his pink cheek, your smile falling the slightest bit as you said your next words. “Just don’t die on me, Rogers.”
“And you be careful.”
“When am I not?” You winked, poking his nose.
The two of you rejoined the team in the Quantum Portal where you would be sent back to the past. You locked eyes with Tony across the way, who flashed you a quick thumbs up and a wink.
From that point forward, you all began the mission to save your friends, and, hopefully, the world.
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ppersonna · 3 years
keep me warm - jhs | m
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cause you keep me and nice and you keep me warm. wanna feel you on me, can't wait to get back there again - texas sun,  khruangbin
✹ summary- camping is always a great time when you’re with your friends, but even better with your boyfriend, hoseok.
✹ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
✹ pairing- jung hoseok x reader
✹ word count- 3.9k - she’s a short lil quick dip ;)
✹ genre- smut. lol thats it. cant say there is much plot here besties!!! but there is big brother namjoon, brothers best friend hoseok, established relationship!!!
✹ warnings- explicit smut, cockwarming, dirty talk, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (be smart pls!), sex in a tent, a little exhibitionism???, fingering, finger sucking, creampie, lil bit of cum play but not really, hoseok is a dirty dirty boy and i love that about him tbh
✹ a/n- helloooo. i’ve been sitting on this and finally finished it!! thank you to @kimtaehyunq​ for the sexy banner and beta reading and general support. i was inspired to write this fic when i went camping but pls be warned that sex in a tent is not as sexy as this fic makes it seem 🤕 ILY BESTIES!!! lemme know your thots!!!
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The annual Kim Family camp out is an event you haven’t missed since your seventh birthday when you had chicken pox. It’s an outing that has gained notoriety among your friends, a monumental yearly occasion that takes months of prep in advance. What started as a simple camp out with your parents and your older brother Namjoon has become an event with extended friends and family members and significant others involved. Your parents handed down the event to you and your brother, claiming their older age keeps them from being able to keep up with “the youth” for an entire weekend, instead preferring to join for a big cookout dinner, then head back to the comfort of their tempurpedic mattress and functional plumbing back at home.
Not that you minded.
This year was different. Your cousins, Taehyung and Seokjin, would join with Tae’s girlfriend Maggie. Your childhood best friend Jimin would attend as well, bringing along his lover of the month, a tall and leggy brunette. Namjoon invited his best friend Yoongi, who brought along your mutual friend Jungkook. 
And most importantly, 
Jung Hoseok would be there. Your boyfriend.
Hoseok is no stranger to the Kim Family camp out. He’s been attending since he was sixteen after meeting Namjoon in high school jazz band and instantly becoming friends. You can vividly remember the older high school boy making sure you never felt left out in a group of gangly teenagers—bringing you along on hikes, and fishing, and general mischief.
It’s where you first fell for him.
Every year after that, you pined for Hoseok from afar at every outing. You’d lie awake at night in your shared tent with Jimin, desperately wishing the body next to you was Hoseok, wrapping his arms around you to keep you warm in the forest's chill.
Your relationship with Hoseok flourished after high school, when he was unknowingly in your chemistry class in college. Hours were spent pouring over textbooks together, cramming for exams and practice labs with a familiar friend.
Then came the coffee dates, the movie nights, the dinners. Hoseok went from an occasional study buddy to someone you talked to hourly.
The day he kissed you is a day you’ll never forget. 
Soft lips pressing onto yours over a bubbling beaker of magnesium, his hands cupping your cheeks as he drew you in so close, as if he couldn’t get enough of you.
“Be mine,” he whispered. “Please, be mine.”
And you’ve been his ever since.
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“Aish! Don’t burn my marshmallow, ___!” Namjoon scolds you, jerking your long stick away from the fire as he sits next to you. “I hate burned marshmallows.”
Annoyance bubbles up in your throat as you roll your eyes at your brother.
“I wouldn’t have to do this for you if you knew how to roast a marshmallow without starting a wildfire.”
Namjoon, ever the strong-headed big brother, glares at you. “That was an accident and you know it.”
Hoseok chuckles beside you, resting a hand on your leg as you murmur expletives about Namjoon and a certain stick under your breath.
“I’ll eat your burned one, babe,” he says with a smile. “I love your burned mallows.”
Hoseok’s charm is a balm to all your wounds. He easily melts the ice around your heart and soothes your frayed nerves with a simple look.
“Thanks, Hobi,” you reply. 
“Please, no talk of my sister’s mallows,” Namjoon winces. “It’s bad enough you’re dating in front of me. In front of my salad.”
Namjoon doesn’t mean it. He knows how deeply you love him, and he trusts Hoseok not to hurt his one and only sibling. But it doesn’t mean he’s not above rubbing it in your face that he was Hoseok’s friend first.
Jungkook laughs from where he’s sitting, roasting a hotdog over the crackling flame on Jimin’s lap (“There weren’t any seats left!”). 
“At least he’s not tossing her salad in front of you.”
Yoongi slaps the younger man’s hotdog out of his hand and into the fire, making Jungkook whine and pout petulantly.
“Don’t be gross,” Yoongi scolds and Namjoon nods at his friend in solidarity.
Hoseok smirks and licks his fingers clean of the sticky marshmallow. “Besides, we didn’t bring nearly enough lube for any anal play tonight.”
“Hoseok!” Namjoon screeches and you bashfully bury yourself into your sweater. The rest of the group explodes in laughter while your brother holds his head in his hands, lamenting the day you two met.
Hoseok pulls you into his lap, grinning as he kisses at your ear while maintaining firm eye contact with your brother, eager to make him as uncomfortable as possible.
While you’re relaxing into the warmth of your boyfriend’s body and enjoying the laughter of all your closest friends, Hoseok nips at your ear and whispers gently.
“I love you.”
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“I’m so cold.” A shiver wracks through you as you burrow down deeper into your sleeping bag. The night air becomes increasingly frosty and you can easily see your breath in the dim light from the moon. “It wasn’t supposed to be this cold.”
Hoseok scoots his bag closer to yours, rubbing over the meshy material in an attempt to warm you.
“I thought about bringing another blanket before we left…,” he sighs. “But Namjoon told me I was being ‘a boy scout’.”
You bark out a frigid laugh, teeth chattering as you try to snuggle into the warmth of Hoseok’s hand.
Pleadingly, you ask. “Can we share? Maybe if we zip the sleeping bags together we can make one big extra-large sleeping bag?”
Hoseok nods. “Good idea.”
He quickly gets to work as soon as you unzip your sleeping bag and move off of it, allowing him to take it and zip the two bags together. He spreads it back out over the soft padded bed once it’s completed and he slips into his end before beckoning you over.
“Come to me, my little popsicle.”
The fabric swishes and slides as you move into the combined bag, wrapping your cold limbs around the warmth of your boyfriend’s body.
“Holy shit, you really are cold,” he exclaims with a grunt when your ice-cold hands seek the toasty expanse of his toned belly. “Fuck.”
“Sorry.” Your apology is anything but apologetic as the high temperature of Hoseok’s body quickly oozes into you. “You feel so good.”
A moan slips out of your lips, pleased at the warmth that your boyfriend radiates as you seek every spot on his body that radiates heat. 
“Hold on,” he whispers. 
Quickly, he rids himself of his shirt and tugs at the hem of your own.
“What the fuck are you doing?!” You gasp as the icy air billows under your shirt. “Why would I get naked right now?”
He huffs. “Trust me?”
He kisses the pout on your lips, then pulls away with your shirt in his hands.
“Skin-to-skin contact is the easiest way to warm someone up. Body heat, you know. Textbook boy scout stuff.”
He twists your body around to spoon into him, back pressed against his ultra-warm chest, making you gasp once you feel the radiating heat spreading across you.
“Oh…” you sigh as you sink into his embrace. “You were right.”
Hoseok smirks as he wraps his arms around you and buries his face in the nape of your neck—lips pressing gentle, warm kisses to the column below your ear.
“Told you so.”
Your body instinctively presses further into his body, desperate for the warmth that the human-heater seems to emit. His breath hitches as he feels your ass press hard against his lap, cock stirring at the proximity.
Hoseok’s hands run up and down your arms, warming each inch of your skin with his palms. He spreads heat wherever he touches, and your eyes flutter closed as he works his gentle, warming massage into your frozen skin. He is the epitome of sunshine, both in body and demeanor, always able to brighten the coldest chills with one look, one touch. 
When he’s satisfied that you’re thoroughly warmed where he’s worked, his hands move from your arms and shoulders around to your belly and up to your chest. You feel like mush under his grazing touch, gasping and biting your lip as he tugs gently at your perky nipple. It’s a live wire to his cock. 
“Fuck,” he groans as he feels himself harden. He kisses at your shoulder as he continues to palm at your chest, taking the fullness of your breasts into his whole hand and massaging it gently.
“Hobi…” you warn, feeling the desire between your thighs build. “Don’t start what you can’t finish.”
He chuckles against your skin, breathing hot air over your neck and shoulder, tightening his grip on your nipple for a quick pinch that makes you squeak.
“Who says we can’t finish?”
His voice is low—that deep, sensual tone that sets your tummy aflame with desire. His dick is pressed against your ass, twitching with need as it thickens in his pants.
His hand moves from your chest, rubbing soft, sweet circles on your stomach as he warms the cool flesh around your belly button, before traveling down to where your sleeping pants sit low on your hips.
“We c-can’t,” you meekly attempt to fight back, remain strong, but the warmth of his body and the need growing within you is quickly winning your internal battle of morality. “My cousin is next to us.”
Hoseok smirks as he slips underneath your pants, hand diving in between your thighs to rub at your soft mound. He’s close, so close to slipping inside of you, and you squeeze your eyes tight at the overwhelming urgency you’re feeling for his fingers inside you.
“You think Tae and Maggie are fast asleep right now?” He asks. 
As if on cue, you hear soft giggles coming from the next tent over, giggles that sound suspiciously like Taehyung’s girlfriend.
“Tae is really not that funny,” Hoseok says as he nibbles at your ear. “Let me warm you, baby.”
He seeks your consent, desperate to make you feel good but not willing to further his actions. 
“Mmm, maybe just a little more.”
His fingers seek purchase further, finally diving into your folds. He gasps into your ear as he feels how wet you’ve become from his ministrations, stroking gently up and down your slick slit and circling over your clit.
“Fuck, look at you,” he nearly whines into your ear. “So wet for me.”
“Please, Hobi,” you whimper. You’re not sure what you’re begging for, what you need, but all you want is for him to not stop, never stop. 
“You want me to keep going, don’t you?” He asks, teasingly circling the pad of his finger on your swollen clit. 
Unable to use your words, you nod. The light pressure on your clit has your thighs trembling and Hoseok thrills at the palpable desperation you’re feeling.
“Are you going to be quiet for me?” He asks, slowly moving his finger down before breaching into your channel. “Can’t be waking up the entire camp.”
Using your hand, you clamp over your mouth as your boyfriend's finger fucks into your hole, slowly and achingly gentle but with purpose. A shiver runs down his spine as he watches you try to hold yourself back. You’re not normally quiet—he makes it his mission to get you to whine and cry and yell his name as loud as he can when you’re at home. But the thrill of keeping you quiet while he sinks himself into you makes his body hum with want.
“Good girl,” he cooes as he introduces another finger inside you, scissoring you open with his lengthy digits. “Better stay quiet for me or I won’t let you cum.”
He quickly removes his fingers from your channel, making you whine behind your hand, which he silences with a soft tut.
“No complaining. Be good.”
He continues his journey to disrobe you, sliding off your pants and panties. He throws them to the other side of the tent where your luggage lies, no care about you wearing them the rest of the night. He follows suit with his own pants, swiftly pulling the material off his legs and allowing his throbbing cock to spring free. You desperately want to touch it, feel it in your hands and in your mouth, but he keeps you facing away from him, cock fully out of your reach.
“Such a perfect little ass,” he murmurs to himself as he admires your backside before sliding back into the big spoon position. The feeling of his hot, hard length against your bare ass makes you mewl with desire, teasingly rubbing against it.
“Fuck, Hobi,” you gasp as he slips his hands back to the apex of your thighs, scissoring into you again and warming his icy fingers in the heat of your cunt. 
“Shhh,” he reminds. “Let me give your mouth something to do, yeah?”
He pulls his dripping fingers from within your walls and brings them to your mouth. You eagerly open wide, obedient and desperate for something to take your mind off the growing neediness your body is throbbing with.
Watching you suck your own wet slick off his fingers makes Hoseok’s cock ache with need. The tip is weeping with pre-cum, as if crying out to bury itself within your walls and never retreat. It twitches as your tongue swirls over his digits, teasing him and reminding him how well you can suck his cock.
“Shit, baby,” he gasps. “I’m going to bust right now if you’re not careful.”
He pulls his fingers from your mouth and uses the spit-slick hand to lift your leg enough for him to line his cock up at your hole.
“You want to warm my cock for me, baby?” He nips at your shoulder as he rubs the bulbous head along your slit. “God, I want to be in this pretty little cunt all night. Can you keep me warm tonight?”
“P-please, baby,” you gasp as the tip prods at your entrance, threatening to breach. He preemptively moves his free hand back to your mouth, covering it gently to help keep your noisy mouth muffled. 
“Such a polite girl.” Hoseok’s lips skim over your neck and ear, nibbling at your lobe as he finally, blessedly, spears himself into you. 
“Fuuuck,” he whines as he drops his forehead against your soft hair, shuddering as he buries himself to the hilt. “You’re so fucking tight.”
Nothing compares to the feeling of Hoseok sinking himself into you. It’s like the first time, every time. He clings to you desperately, as if he wants to bury his entire self in between your thighs and never retreat. Being connected to your boyfriend like this, not knowing where he ends and you begin, is the most dazzling aspect of sex. Your heart beats in overtime, breath short and heavy, as he holds you like you’re his only worthy possession in life.
He doesn’t move, doesn’t withdraw his cock and plunge back into you like his body is begging him to. He wants nothing more than to roll you onto your stomach and fuck you until you’re screaming his name for the entire national forest to hear, but he doesn’t. 
“Mmm, Hobi, please,” you whine against his palm, kitten licking the flesh there to encourage him to move. It almost works, almost spurs him into action, but he remains flush against you and unmoving.
“Just trying to keep you warm, baby,” he teases. “Skin-to-skin contact.”
He can feel your body tense and shake around him, core tightening as you’re desperate to feel the friction you desire. It makes Hoseok nearly growl into your ear, clutching you tighter in his grasp.
“Now you want to fuck me?” He teases into your ear. “I thought you were tired?”
A pathetic whimper is the only response you can muster. You’re desperate for more, aching for his thick cock to thrust in and out of you. His hand slips down your body, caressing each inch of your skin before landing on your clit, circling the nub teasingly.
“I bet you could cum like this,” he breathes as he slowly swirls his finger. “With my cock stuffed inside you.”
He’s right—your body is already reacting to the stimulation and you can feel your body clenching around his unmoving length deep inside you. It’s prodding you in just the right spot that makes you keen, core desperate for some movement. His added touch makes you whine into his palm still covering your mouth.
“That’s right, baby,” he praises as he bites at your earlobe. “Such a needy little pussy, so desperate for me you could cum just from feeling me inside you.”
The pressure rises, stomach tightening as you feel your body near the edge of bliss. You can feel your thighs trembling as Hoseok whispers and nibbles at your ear, fingers working your clit with just the right rhythm to make you see stars.
His finger swirls with delicate speed, playing you like the nimble musician he is.
“Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already about to cum for me.”
Holding back your desperate moans, your eyes nearly roll back in their sockets as you feel your body build closer and closer to the blissful end that it craves. Having him buried deep inside you with none of the delicious friction is driving you crazy, and the speed of his fingers on your clit makes you keen for anything he can give you. You’re so close, so *fucking close* to your climax that your vision blurs.
Suddenly, the telltale sound of another tent zipper opening rips through the relative silence of the campground and Hoseok stills his finger on you.
“Shhh,” he warns, lifting his head to listen carefully. 
The sound comes from your left, Jungkook’s tent, and you squeeze your eyes tight and whimper into Hoseok’s palm at the ache in your belly. Jungkook stumbles around the campground before he makes his way out, and Hoseok smirks as the footsteps get quieter.
“That was close, baby,” he says as his finger teases over your throbbing clit. “We don’t want Jungkookie to find his friend like this, don’t we?”
You shake your head, body trembling as his finger provides not-enough stimulation on your tortured clit.
He keeps quiet and continues his feather-light touch, pleased at the unexpected orgasm denial and the way it makes your cunt clench around his cock as if coaxing it to give you what you need most.
“You better not be loud,” he warns. “You don’t want to ruin our fun, right?”
Agonizing moments later, Jungkook’s footsteps return and he zips himself back into his tent and quickly heads back to sleep. He remains stilled inside you, listening intently for any sounds of the others awakening.
After minutes of desperate silence and your needy cunt aching for your boyfriend to move, he rolls you onto your stomach with him on top, cock still buried deep within you.
“You’ve done so well,” he praises as he leans down and licks a fat stripe on the back of your neck, making you shiver. “Take your reward like a good girl.”
Without warning, Hoseok grips at your hips and starts a brutal pace, fucking you fast and hard while staying quiet. It feels so good, better than the feeling of him being still inside you. Nothing can compare to his thickness spearing into you, stretching you wide. The ridges of his cock feel like heaven from the position he has you in, and you can feel the stimulation building upon your ruined, curtailed orgasm from earlier.
He quickly rams a piece of the sleeping bag into your mouth, forcing you to be quiet as he nearly impales you open, burying himself as deep into your womb as he can before retreating and thrusting in for more. You can tell he’s close by the way his movements lose finesse, the way his hands grip your thick hips as if he’s grasping a lifeline. 
“Gonna fill you up,” Hoseok whispers harshly, his voice taking on the rough edge that makes your body react. “You want my cum, baby?”
Your mouth is full, but your head nods quickly and you arch your back to let him reach even deeper inside of you, desperate to get yourself and him off simultaneously.
“Shit,” he groans as he feels your body accept him even further at this new angle, your ass high in the air. He grips it, enjoys the way the flesh jiggles in his grip and with each thrust. “Cum on my cock, baby, please.”
Hoseok doesn’t beg, hardly ever, so when he’s desperate for your release, you’re equally desperate to give it to him. As he pounds into you, taking full advantage of your prone body and lifted hips, the dam holding back your climax finally erupts, making your walls quiver and squeeze around his cock and forcing you to bury your face as far as you can into your sleeping bag to muffle your whines.
He wishes he could hear your screams, wants to hear the way you cry his name out as your cunt milks him, begs him for his own end. Another round of thrusts and he feels it all snap, cock pulsing out hot spurts of cum into your eager and waiting channel.
He pulls out of you, loving the way his cum follows him out, dribbling out of your spent pussy weakly. He lifts a finger and scoops it up, pushing it back into your juicy walls and nearly whining as he feels it wet and sopping with his release. You’re pulling the sleeping bag from your mouth, panting hard from your own release and turning around to look at your boyfriend, hips wiggling.
Hoseok smiles fondly at you, removing his finger from your walls and rubbing the smooth skin of your ass.
“Are you warm?” He asks with a smirk, knowing by the sheen of sweat on both of your bodies that you’ve successfully warmed up in the bite of the chilly night.
He flops down beside you and pulls you in close, snuggling into the sleeping bag while kissing your face gently.
Hoseok’s cock is still hard, still aching even after a release and you’re quick to grasp it in your hands, finally getting a grip on it for the first time tonight.
“Better keep you warm all night like I promised, huh?” You smile sleepily as you lift your leg to allow him entrance to your center yet again. “Keep me full all night please, baby?”
He is loath to deny you, and the wet heat of your used pussy feels like heaven. He holds you closer, pulls you in tight as he buries his cock as far as he can go, before kissing you sweetly once more.
He knows he’ll wake up in a few hours, dick throbbing with a need to take you for yet another round, but for now, he revels in the warmth and love and safety he feels when he’s connected to you in nearly every way.
“By the way, I love you too, Hoseok,” you whisper to him after a few moments of silence, recalling to the sweet whispered words around the campfire.
Hoseok smiles as he closes his eyes, body and soul in pure bliss.
And when Namjoon complains in the morning that he could hear the sounds of his little sister getting railed, Hoseok will let him know he ensured you didn’t suffer from hypothermia—that it’s his job as boyfriend to ensure you’re kept safe,
and always kept warm.
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barnes-n-nobles · 3 years
Attention (SMUT)
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Request: Smut. Bucky gets jealous of her for getting too close to his friend Steve. So he punishes her 🍆🤤
Sorry for the delay! Here it is and I hope you enjoy! Let me know what y’all think!
You and Bucky had been invited to Tony Starks birthday party tonight. In most cases you would have an outfit ready, but Bucky wanted to dress you today. You thought it was the cutest idea ever and you let him choose for you. He came out of your closet with a beautiful black dress , that had a slit on the side. He got you this as a gift during the first month that you guys started dating. You were saving it for a special occasion so you were a little shocked that he would bring it out for today’s birthday party. Your eyebrows slightly bunched together in confusion as Bucky laid it on your bed.
“Why that dress for today babe? It’s just Tony’s birthday, not the met gala” you chucked. Buckys metal hand traced the side of the dress and smiled at the thought of seeing your body in this sexy dress. “I just want to show off my beautiful girl. Plus, my tux is all black as well. You know how I love matching with you” he smiled as he went to place a soft kiss on your lips.
You nodded in agreement , taking the dress off the bed and walking into the bathroom to change. “I just hope this dress doesn’t get ruined like my last one…” you sighed smiling at the memory that started to form in your mind. “What do you mean, Doll?” Bucky asked curiously.
“One day, Steve and Thor got so drunk at Natashas party that they started having “cake wars” and I made the huge mistake of trying to take the cake away from them and Steve threw a handful of cake at me, while he was trying to get Thor. I was so mad because the dress I got for that day was super nice but I had to get rid of it…it was way too stained” you stated as you slid yourself into your dress.
Bucky rolled his eyes at the sound of Steves name leaving your lips. Him and Steve had some unspoken tension between them that always puzzled you. Little did you know, Steve wanted you for himself but Bucky moved way too fast and was able to cuff you up before Steve even thought about it. Bucky and him were inseparable but once they both realized they were after the same girl, they both got distant. Bucky loved his friend but he always got everything. The fame, love, praise, recognition. He wasn’t going to let him get you though, because you belonged to him. Only him.
“He better not start his shit or I’m going to fuck him up” he spat. “Bucky, you’re not an angel when you get drunk either you get pretty angry AND / OR get into fights with everyone. “ Bucky knew that he had to tame his demons when he was around you just because he didn’t want to scare you off, but it’s been getting harder and harder to control it as men had gotten a bit too brave around you. Bucky wasn’t the type of shy off when something made him mad.
~~~~Later that night~~~~
You and Bucky walked into Tonys home and it never failed to amaze you how beautiful his house was. You hope to one day share a home with Bucky. One where you could one day raise a family of pets and eventually even kids. He noticed you were busy thinking about something so he nudged you to bring you back from your daydreams. “What’s wrong Doll? You seem distracted.” asking with a little scrunch of his eyebrows. “Oh it’s nothing just thinking about this huge-“ You we’re cut off by a familiar voice. “Y/n, Bucky, so glad you guys could make it. You’re only like 1 Hr late but who’s keeping track.” You all chuckled and said happy birthday to Tony. “Come join us, the food just got served”. As you walked into his lavish dining area you said hi to everyone and sat down on the 2 remaining seats. Steve was on your right and Bucky on your left. He soon started to talk to Sam who’s was next to him. “Hey y/n…I haven’t seen you in a while. How’s it going?” Steve asked you giving you a quick hug. You thought that Bucky would have turned around or at least notice but he was too busy joking with Sam.
“Hey Steve it has been a while. Just going through life, you know.” You smiled warmly.
“I feel you. It’s so good to see you. Your little boyfriend likes to keep you all to himself huh?” He asked softly so that only you could hear him. You just smiled and shook your head side to side, not wanting to answer. Steve was always a flirt you thought, but in reality he liked to push your buttons to see your pretty little face flush. After dinner you all moved to Tonys living room, everyone consumed in their own conversations. Bucky was next to you the whole night , making sure you were having a good time as well. “I’m going to go upstairs real quick, Tony is needing a hand with one of his “toys”. I’ll be right back Doll” he said placing a kiss on your cheek. You nodded and decided to pick up your phone to check up on any notifications you had.
Steve gulped down his drink from across the room as he saw Bucky leave your side finally. He started to approach you as soon as he was out of sight. “All alone?” He asked looking down at your small frame. Your eyes snapped up to see Steve standing in front of you. “ For now, Bucky is out doing something “ you said looking in the direction that he walked “May I sit?” He asked with a smirk. You nodded and scooted over. You and Steve started having a nice conversation and got all caught up with eachothers lives. He brought you some drinks to loosen you up and they seemed to be working perfectly as you started to feel a bit more chill and relaxed. Steve laid his arm over the top of the couch and scooted closer to you, making your face turn hot but the closeness. Steve leans over close to your ear and whispered “You look absolutely stunning. Tell Bucky to bring you around me a little more, hun. I’m sure he’s the sharing type.” You knew he was getting a little too comfortable due to the drinks he’s been having but you tried not to make a big deal. “Steve, please.” you warned wanting him to know there was line he was approaching and that he hould not cross. “Please what y/n…. I never see you and I know for a fact it’s because of Bucky. I’m also your friend and I want to be around you and in your life. Don’t you want that?” You turned your face around to get a bit of separation. But then he used his thumb and index finger to turn your face towards him. “Well?”. You didn’t know what to say so you stayed silent just looking down. Steve was irritated and he let go. Standing up looking down at you. “When you make your own decisions, you know where to find me” he said turning around but then suddenly he bumped into a strong chest. Your eyes shot up and you were frozen.
There he was, his chest falling up and down in absolute anger. Looking straight into Steve’s eyes. “Get out of my face Buck.” Steve said in a low tone. Bucky didn’t say a word, his nose flaring and his chest rose and fell slowly with anger. His metal arm rapidly grabbed his throat. “DONT ever touch her again. I’ll fucking kill you” and with that he threw him across the room by his neck, hitting some tables and chairs as he fell to the ground. Everyone snapped their attention over to you guys a few gasps and screams erupting. You quickly stood up and got in front of Bucky, placing your hand on his bicep as if it would calm him down. “Please Bucky, stop...” you said looking over at Steve who was surrounded by people as they tried to help him up. Tony and Sam went over to you guys to make sure that Bucky wouldn’t escalate this any further. “Bucky, you need to control yourself. This isn’t the time nor place. “ Sam said turning to look at Steve who was now up and getting held back and talked to by Thor and Vision. “Jesus Christ Barnes, you could have at least given me some time to pull out my phone to record that.” Tony said making Bucky snap out of his trance and you could see a small smile starting to form. Sam rolled his eyes and shook his head. “But yes..like Sam said. Not the time and definitely not the place. Pepper is going to kill me. “ as he looked at the broken table. “Sorry Tony, we’re just going to head out. I promise we’ll pay for that” you stated pulling Bucky away.
As you guys were heading to the entrance of the house, Bucky quickly pulled you into a near by room and locked the door behind him. You almost got whiplash at how fast he got you in there. “what the fuck were you doing with Steve, why did you let him get that close to you.” His big broad frame towered over you. “I didnt...well.. I dont know he was just sitting there and he got so close, i felt so trapped I didnt know what to do. “ you explained not knowing what to say to not make him more mad. “you know i dont fucking like him, why would you even entertain him? Do I need to brainwash you to never speak to anyone else but me... Hmm?’‘ he said pinning you to a nearby wall and pressing his body up against you. You didnt know if the drinks finally got to you or what, but you were feeling all tingly inside. Absolutely loving Buckys dominance. “or do you just want some attention. Because ill give you all the attention in the world Doll...but you'll only get it from me...no one else.” he whispered into your face.His lips brushing lightly over yours. You let out a little moan, his words going straight into your pussy. “I just need yours. You know that” you purred leaning in for a kiss. Bucky pulled away looking at your beautiful eyes, filling up with want and lust. “ Im going to show you that you only belong to me, and Ill make you crave only me and my attention. now turn over” he said giving you a quick kiss. 
You obediently turned and he started to slide your panties down. Buckys hands started to roam your body, his metal arm stopping at your clit. “I need you to be quiet for me Doll. Can you do that?” he said as his hard cock was grinding on your ass. “Yes, Sargent Barnes” you moaned as his fingers started to play with your clit. “Fuck...sucha good girl”. When he felt that you were wet enough he grabbed your hair and shoved you down onto a nearby dresser, earning a gasp from you. He pulled himself out and pulled up your dress, giving you a nice hard slap on your ass making you whine. “You had your fun with that imbecile “ he said as he aligned his throbbing cock at your entrance. “now its time for me to punish you like a whore for talking to him. “ and with that he rammed inside of you, letting out an animalistic growl at your tightness. Your moans ripped through your throat as he started to pump himself inside of you, with out much gentleness. His metal hand quickly went to your mouth, muffling your beautiful sounds. “Shh babygirl..cant let anybody else hear”. He thrusted into you hard and fast, making you see stars and your mewls restrained by his cold hand. Your wetness soon started to drip down your leg. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head, feeling nothing but pure pleasure and bliss. Buckys arm went down to your neck and he pulled you up, making you arch your back. He leaned down looking at your fucked out face while he stuffed you full of his cock over and over again. He started to have a hot sloppy make out session with you, moaning into your mouth and you doing the same. Tongues interwoven into each other.
Bucky grunted your name, standing upright one more time. He grabbed your hips and started to fuck into you harder, his head snapping back as he was so close. “fuck im going to cum inside you Doll…Tell me who you belong to y/n..” he growled. “Y-you Bucky...only you Sergeant Barnes.” you moaned. Thats all it took for him to finally cum. His thrusts got sloppy as he spilled inside you. His cock twitching inside with each pause he took. He smiled as he pulled out, watching his cum spill down your leg. He pulled you up and gave you a passionate kiss. “dont worry Doll. We have much more to do at home. This was just a warm up, I’m going to give you orgasms after orgasms and you’re going to take it and enjoy it”
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