#I feel like the Worm fandom bubble is within the Disco Elysium Fandom bubble on the Venn diagram
artbyblastweave · 1 year
Harry is the ultimate Thinker/Changer, isn't he? He doesn't know who he is nor does he understand what society is, and (most of the time at least) he's struggling to find those out.
Harry Dubois (Thinker 4/Master 2, Breaker/Trump 2) is an Anthropomorphization Thinker. Any concept or object subjected to his prolonged focus and consideration will develop an ad-hoc independent sentience, which will then act as the mouthpiece for a flow of thematically appropriate psychometric readings, Real-time clairvoyancy, and vague precognitive warnings that he otherwise wouldn't have been able to arrive at.
When used on objects in passing, this generally takes the shape of one-off interjections. However, Harry has a Dauntless-equivalent ability to "invest" in his conceptual anthropomorphs, increasing the strength and accuracy of their insights, but also increasing their sway over his behavior; at extremely high tiers, his most strongly considered Anthropomorphs become capable of hijacking his body and inflicting flash-in-the-pan breaker-states. These breaker states all consist of "Basically Harry's normal Body but with a superpower," and never endure for longer than a couple of seconds. The Volition Anthropomorph provides immunity to Master-Stranger effects, The Pain Tolerance Anthropomorph diffuses damage taken over the next couple of days, the Drama Anthropomorph emanates a believability stranger effect, The Interfacing Anthropomorph provides a single burst of "do what I say" technopathy, and so on.
Harry's trigger event was waking up in the Whirling-in-Rags with total amnesia, learning from Klaasje that he was apparently a cop, and then stumbling downstairs to learn that not only was she completely serious, he was expected to resolve an incredibly gruesome and politically charged killing while completely unmoored from the world and his own past, with no one he could count on to explain to him everything he needed help with. The stark reality of seeing Lely's corpse caused him to trigger, causing the corpse to start cryptically answering his questions.
Harry's initial set of 25-ish "fully formed" personalities were constructed by his power in reference to aspects of his self-image that he'd formed before his amnesia; this is one of the monkeys-paw elements of the power, as it provides him with a line of continuity to how he thought about himself but doesn't give him a sense of how those aspects of his personality were prioritized or distributed, forcing him to constantly adjust the balance, over-or-undershooting in pursuit of the personality he "used to have." The other monkey's paw element is that the power is 100 percent in conversation with his overwhelming sense of abandonment, betrayal, and blame following the breakup with the Ex-Something, as well as his tendency to project and obsess characteristic onto things that don't have them. Now Harry is constantly accompanied by a parliament of beings who love him unconditionally, have his best interests at heart, and will never ever leave him, as long as he continuously obsesses over them and projects characteristics onto things that don't have them. He carries his gods around in his pocket. He'll always have someone in his corner. He'll always have someone to blame.
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