#I feel like this doesn't fit at all but lmfaoooo I'll take it
notedchampagne · 11 months
TLT progress update: Finally found the time to finish HtN and oh boy that was a Ride and a half. I'll be the first to admit that it's a difficult read, I don't think I've ever had a narrator be this unreliable before but it's was absolutely worth it. It really was a cool experience to wade through the river ((heh)) of confusing time and environment jumps, only for some small detail to be mentioned which basically picks up a flare gun and quite literally illuminates the surroundings for a moment ((the time they all checked in with their calls signs and Ortus said "G. P." was like someone had thrown a steel bar into the inlet of a massive turbine. I screeched to a halt for a solid ten seconds trying to figure out why that tripped me up before pulling GtN from the shelf and frantically flipping through to the note in the lab)).
Also, I'm still hung up on the whole Sleeper deal, especially the fact that the letters in the coffin room anagram to "Pyrrha". First thought naturally was that it is Pyrrha but it doesn't quite fit with the shuttle portrait I think. Excited to see where that one goes
I think what from a sheer style point endears me most to the series so far is the. Passive hostility towards the reader, I guess you could call it? There's clearly a massive amount of world building that's happened behind the scenes, but it's just that, behind the scenes. You're an outsider, you know nothing about the world. You get the full POV of a character in the world and you still don't really know anything at any point bc they're Land-of-Punt-ing you, there's next to no exposition about how this or that aspect of the world works because the character and everyone around them all know how it works already, so why waste thoughts on it? Idk I've read only a couple of stories that are written like that and it's absolutely a double edged sword ((bc at some point you have to throw the reader some bones or they will get frustrated and stop)) but here it's executed really well ((e.g. I'm not actually sure if it's ever actually explained what the Cohort is, but at some point you've gathered enough context clues to pretty reliably get the picture))
In conclusion: High hopes for NtN
LOVE your thoughts on this because you highlighted exactly why i love the tlt series so much: it hilariously takes on the perspective of the character least equipped to tell the story, offers you context that requires 1-2 rereads to understand and get to in full, and then right when youre about to feel lost it helps you up the stairs. perfect story for dumb bitches that love mystery like me. i had the EXACT same experience when i saw G+P and had to flip back to gtn to glance at the lab note LMFAOOOO
i has missed the coffin room anagram spelling pyrrha the first time but the sleeper is wake! i think her spelling out her name was just a funny and somewhat sick bit. like keying your name into your exes car
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evansbby · 2 years
Am I the only one who thinks that Steve's reaction to Bucky locking omega outside was too relaxed and not that angry?? Like he was pissed yeah but ngl I was expecting him to be more mad and actually do something. Like, if someone locked my gf outside in the fucking rain while she was pregnant, u best believe that I'll murder someone. Steve's so much talk about being an alpha but honestly he doesn't really do anything to protect omega. And it makes me so mad bcs Omega is so used to being abandoned and so used to Steve not taking her seriously and justifying/excusing all the bullying he and his friends did. For once I just want someone to rage over all the mistreatment she's been through and just support and defend her. When I put it all like this, Steve sounds really awful 💀but the slow growth he's shown in the drabbles and even in poyt pt 4, really proves that he truly loves Omega even if he doesn't know how to express it in a healthy way. To end my rant, I just wanna say that ur such a good writer - the way u write relationships and the growth of characters combined with themes of anxiety and insecurity makes me wanna just frame poyt. Like, the scene where Steve mocks Omega by telling her of his cheating and then the bath tub scene???? Perfection. It literally made my heart drop in my stomach and I got this weird feeling in my stomach - yk the one where ur so in pain that u can actually feel it?
Also bestie who broke ur heart? The way you write is so beautiful and so devastating - its like you've been through seven divorces 😭 you write like you've lived and have let ur heart be broken.
TRUST ME I KNOW THIS. But consider: this wasn’t the climax of the whole fic, that I have other things in store, that I couldn’t have him completely lose it on Bucky in that scene. You guys need to trust me on the writing process. I deliberately wrote it the way I did. I KNOW his reaction was more subdued but just trust me! Also, had Steve gone full rage mode and completely beat Bucky up that night… would we have gotten the bathroom scene or would omega have been too worried about Steve? It would’ve shifted the focus from her to them two and she wouldn’t have had her moment. Writers need to shape their plot to fit the next scene, which is one of the harder parts of writing too.
Also, Steve didn’t know omega was pregnant at the time. Also, Steve was more concerned about his omega freezing to death so he had to prioritise her over doing anything to Bucky in that moment. Please understand that I consider what I’m writing and I realise what I need to give to you guys at what moment, and what I need to hold back on bc it’s better for the story as a whole! Please understand that anything given to you is intentional, just like anything held back is intentional too!
Apart from that, LMFAOOOO I’ve actually never had my heart broken! Sometimes I wish I did, because I feel like it would make my writing better! I’ve mentioned this before, but I love daydreaming about really really sad things—so writing all that is made easier bc I already make myself cry when I daydream about sad stuff lmfaooo (I realise this makes me sound unhinged af). But really, Steve himself is based on a lot of fuckboys I’ve spoken to or my friends have spoken to (not so much now, as I wouldn’t put myself through that now… but back when I was a teenager and didn’t know my worth and let assholes like that walk all over me! A lot of Steve’s gaslighting is a direct influence of IRL fuckboys!
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aefintyr · 4 years
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A ruler of steel leads their people with strength and determination. They are renowned throughout the lands for their dedication to their people and their high levels of ambition. They have opponents, and many whisper about their ruthlessness. However, it cannot be denied that a ruler of steel cares for their people and their kingdom, and aims to always rule them with strength and with success.
TAGGED   BY   @mostsavage TAGGING   @ourpyrrhicvictory and anyone still willing to talk to me after all these months lmfao
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