#I feel that anyone that has drawn doppo has drawn him with this face at leaset once.. maybe
pokeydapuppy · 3 years
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Me after the 2nd drb results came out today-
Anyways Happy birthday Doppo! A bit late in the day for me, but gotta make a doodle for the tired man. This time of year always gets me in the same mood...
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Kunikida Doppo: ESTJ [BSD]
Te > Si > Ne > Fi
*Based off Season 1 of the anime [Chapters 1-12] with character-based spoilers from the Wikis. I’ve also read a synopsis of  “The Untold Story of the Founding of the Detective Agency,” which gives lots of insight into Fukuzawa and Ranpo in particular, and also I know Yosano’s backstory. The Onsen Drama will also make an appearance occasionally. I feel like I have a good enough grasp on their characters for this and will only add more examples rather than changing types in the future. (At least, I think so.)
Te is quite prevalent in Kunikida’s character, especially given the stereotype that those with the function as dominant or auxiliary are uptight rule-followers. He follows the word of the law rather than the spirit of it, like with the Kyōka situation, which is typically more Te driven. Kunikida was also a math teacher, and Te can absorb that type of information very quickly and efficiently. That brings up another thing -- his efficiency. Of course, any type can want / value this, but Te focuses on “does it work, why not, fix it” more than anything else. It’s pretty easy to say that Kunikida expresses this the most out of anyone and is probably the hardest worker in the Agency. He’s also very trustworthy and a capable leader who is quite respected (despite also being teased quite a bit). At first, I found it strange that he was so naive when it came to Dazai’s ‘facts’ to put in his notebook, but it could be due to Kunikida knowing his partner’s skill and seeing him as a reliable source. Ti users may be more reluctant to accept things like that at face-value. He’s also more lenient towards Ranpo, most likely because his Te respects him so much. In the onsen special, Kunikida decides to loosen up etc. because Ranpo says so. Kunikida also has a plan for pretty much everything -- including getting into an onsen -- and is a bit hurt when people don’t appreciate this version of helpfulness (which Atsushi’s Fe tries to remedy). I’ve also seen people suggest he could be an introvert, and while people do stress him out, he still gets energy from being around them. Besides, an Myers-Briggs introvert is different from the common definition. Kunikida may like doing more stereotypically introverted activities to relieve stress, but his cognition is still focused on the world around him rather than the inner one. MBTI extroverts are also a bit more reactive, which he is for sure -- ask Dazai!
Si is usually seen as very traditional, and being paired with Te-Fi may make it even more extreme in some ways -- especially with where each function is in an ESTJ. He is also much more detail-oriented than big-picture-focused. I think Si would be helpful in remembering math stuff, too. (Which is why I suck at that lol.) He also seems a bit trapped by guilt for his past actions in a similar way we see Atsushi is (who I think is Si-dom). In fact, I think most ADA members are sensors, which could explain why they’re so baffled by Ranpo, who I strongly believe has dominant Ne. (To be fair, he is incredible.) Kunikida follows a ‘tried and true’ definition of investigation and can get ruffled when Dazai’s Se doesn’t. I’m also trying out this theory that generally someone’s likes and dislikes correspond to whether or not they’re a sensor or intuitive.
LIKES:  Notebook, fishing, lightly roasted bonito
DISLIKES:  Unplanned things, authority
Planning things is definitely a judger thing (specifically ExxJs) and disliking authority could be some sort of Te nit-pick. Obviously, there is a bit of both for everyone, but Kunikida leans on the sensory. I also think that the fact there’s both could suggest that the perceiving functions are in the middle. (This isn’t cut-and-dry, though, as Fukuzawa has a mix but doesn’t have sensing and intuition as his second and third functions to me. I think that may be based on maturity and development.)
Ne is a bit harder to pin down for him probably because his other functions are really taking the spotlight. So this one is kind of process of elimination at the moment.
There’s this idea that we are weird about our inferior functions -- it seems to hold up, as well. This could explain his fixation on Fi and his strict ideals being filtered through Te making them seem like rules to follow in a way. Some people think of him as an xxFx type, but when Atsushi was kidnapped, his mind immediately went to what being involved with the weretiger would mean for the Agency. (Kunikida’s obsession with reputation can also be drawn back to Te rather than Fe -- it’s more of a professional rep he wants to maintain than a social one.) Thinkers can be just as or even more compassionate than feelers; they just prefer to make logical decisions rather than value- or morality-based ones.
Ni Blind Spot: {LATER}
Te-Ne Loop: ‘An ESTJ in an Ne-Te loop comes up with a million possibilities and tries to put these all into action without taking time to consider what is realistic, or consider structures or past lessons that would guide them. They become very externally driven, wanting external validation and recognition. They will become unable to settle and focus on a single plan, instead becoming stressed out as they are pulled in a million different directions.’ source This behavior seems pretty consistent with Kunikida, honestly. I mean, the gif is a perfect example. In the onsen drama, he goes into Te-Ne validation to show Ranpo his range of swimming skills: “How is it, Ranpo-san!? How did I swim--”
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