#I figured it would be fun to go a wheee bit darker
izayoichan · 5 years
The would you rather – Sims challenge
I’ll put this warning out here first, this is not a cute and friendly thing, it’s is dark, brutal, twisted and probably not the thing you would normally send your sim too. The likelihood of your sim surviving this challenge: Slim to none, the only way to survive is to be the last Sims standing.
This is a challenge I have made myself because I think the sims world needs a little darker stuff too. 
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
A letter in your Sim’s email, it looks a bit like it might be spam, but is it?
(Would you like all your troubles to be melted away, if your troubles can be fixed by money, then please keep reading.
I would like to invite you to a small dinner party at my house, all you need to do is to enjoy some good food and play the game. The winner of this game, will get whatever it is they need. Is a family member sick, but you can’t afford the treatment? – Your prize will be the best treatment and doctor’s money can buy. Are you stuck in dept, ruining your life? – We will give you enough to fix all your problems and have some to spare. You are getting the idea? You have a problem; the likelihood is that we can fix it for you.
Of course, we will double check before we accept you that this is something we can help with, before an actual invitation is sent. We have room for exactly 8 people, so please don’t hesitate and send us a mail today with what you need and some general information you think we would need to know.
~ Micha Mihailov)
How to enter:
Much like with a bachelor challenge, make a sim and tell me about who they are, their traits and a general backstory, plus why they are asking for an invitation. Please tag with my name and the hashtag #wouldyourathersimschallenge. Also, of course add a picture.
If your sim is picked I will contact you asking for the files, and more information about your sim (this should not be in the application post as it only needs to be known by me later.):
·         Do they have any issues, fears, allergies, are they vegan and all that kinda stuff.
·         How good or bad is their moral compass
·         Are they loners, or would they try to group up to get rid of some competition?
·         Where is their limits? What is something they would just never do, regardless off the situation?
·         Would they try to run away if they had the chance or would they just stay?
I’ll give it some time before I close entries, I guess until the 20th of september just to see if there is an actual interrest in this ^^Any sims are okay, Maxis or Alpha but they need to be normal humans :)
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