#I forgot how to do tags and im too lazy to do them rn oops
starsstuddedsky · 1 year
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Can I Make It Any More Obvious?
reader x vernon
summary: telling everyone you already have a date to prom is a brilliant idea, until the one person you actually want to go with overhears
genre: fluff
warnings: secondhand embarassment i tiny bit i think? maybe none?
wc: 1.6k
a/n: AND WITH THIS I HAVE COMPLETED 13/13!!!! very much a short cute thing that i pounded out in like an hour but it turned out fun and i like it so enjoy <33
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It isn’t until you make eye contact with Vernon that you realize the mistake you’ve made. He looks genuinely shocked, eyes wide, mouth hanging open just a tiny bit. He quickly snaps his mouth shut and turns away as soon as you catch him looking, walking down the hall as if he didn’t see a thing. But you know he did. 
You’re half tempted to chase him down, tell him what you meant, but you’re immediately swarmed by Mingyu and Jeonghan, who demand to know who you are going to prom with. 
It was a fast lie, not one that you really thought through. But, in your defense, you weren’t expecting Mark of all people to ask you. He was a friend, sure, but two years younger, and madly in love with one of your teammates. Even if it wasn’t Mark, and it was someone like Mingyu, who was constantly mistaken for your boyfriend, you still would have said no. There is someone else that you have been daydreaming about slow dancing to terrible music with. 
For a moment, you even thought you were smart. If everyone thought you had a date, no one would ask. Somehow you forgot Vernon was included in that everyone. 
“It’s a surprise,” you say quickly. “Someone you won’t expect.” Which is true, because even though Mingyu knows about your lifelong crush on Vernon (which is top secret information), he also knows that there is no way you’ll ever do anything about it. So, he won’t expect Vernon (though you’ve crushed any chance of that by telling the entire school that you already have a date), and he definitely won’t expect you to show up alone. 
God, this is a nightmare. 
Vernon is waiting for you like always. It took you embarrassingly long to realize that he doesn’t sit on his front porch every night just for fun. In your defense, he used to come up with excuses, like taking out the trash, petting his cat (which somehow always disappeared before you got there), or just enjoying the sunset. It got harder for him to explain during the winter, when it was dark by the time you got out of practice and he would jump outside just to say hi to you before you dragged yourself inside to do homework. 
Just his presence is enough to put a smile on your face, which should have been your first warning that things were going wrong. But like a fool you’d stop before going inside and chat with him a little, usually updating him on the constant drama on your team. Sometimes the conversations were just a few minutes, but more than a couple times you found yourself sitting beside him for an hour or more. Still, he always seemed to know when you were more tired than usual, pushing you to your own door before you even realized you were about to pass out.
You get out of your car and head straight to him, dropping your backpack at your feet and sitting beside him on the porch swing. He looks different today, leg jittering as bounces it, tapping his fingers rapidly that remind you that he plays keyboard in his three person band. 
Vernon isn’t the type to get nervous, which is why it takes you so long to realize that’s why he’s acting the way he is. It’s something you’ve learned over the many years of knowing him, like his pollen allergy (that he hides surprisingly well), and his preference for jean jackets over leather. It’s not every day that you see him struggling to put two words together, eyes dancing around, never staying in one place for too long. They flit to meet yours, then down to your outfit, then abruptly to the side, behind you, to the door, anywhere but at you. 
Nervous Vernon is rare, but what makes it even harder to process is the fact that he’s nervous because of you. You, who have known him your whole life (or when he moved in next door when you were three but that’s basically the same thing). 
You never thought Vernon would even look at you. He has always been aloof, running away to the music room with Seungkwan and Seokmin to play whatever top secret songs they’d composed. You snuck by once, just to see what they were doing, and ended up spending your entire lunch period sitting in the corner of an empty practice room with your ear pressed against the wall listening to some of the best indie-rock-pop-alternative-funk-jazz(?) music you’ve ever heard. 
Vernon didn’t seem like the type to be interested in you. Not when you spent most of your time at school, either at practice or club events, or, now that you’re finally a senior, organizing all of the graduation events. These days you only run into him in the evenings, which you’ve only just started to realize is only because Vernon waits for you. 
It was like Sk8ter Boi by Avril Lavigne, which definitely wasn’t one of your top songs because of him. That would make Vernon the punk (except he’s a nerd that plays keyboard) while you did ballet (except you play basketball). It wasn’t your best analogy. 
Either way, you didn’t ever expect to see him this nervous, and never because of you. The air begins to cool as the sun sets, making goosebumps appear on your open skin as you shiver. 
You try to think logically about it all. Fact 1: Vernon is nervous to talk to you. Fact 2: He overheard you saying that you have a date to prom. Fact 3: Vernon waits for you almost every day. 
“I don’t have a date to prom,” you blurt out. 
“You don’t?” 
“No,” you say, smiling. “I didn’t want to go with Mark and didn’t really want anyone else asking me. Well, there is someone I want to ask me, but until about two minutes ago, I didn’t think he had any interest in me.” 
“Wait.” Vernon glances at you. “You’re saying…” 
“Yeah, you dummy,” you say. “I want to go with you.” 
“But you,” he pauses. “You’re not supposed to go with me. Or someone like me.” 
“Why not?” You say. “You’re the one that I like.” 
He turns his head slowly, the gentle breeze knocking some of his hair loose around his forehead. “You like me?” 
“Yeah,” you say, surprised how easily the words come out. It’s not as scary as you expected, a weight being lifted off your chest that you didn’t know was there. “I like you, a lot.” 
The silence grows longer, and the reality of what you said starts to sink in. You told him how you felt. And he didn’t say anything. You’re going to have to see him every day. Even if you can avoid him at school, you can hardly dodge him when he lives right next door. You stand up, the planks of his front porch creaking at your sudden movement. 
“I should probably go do my homework,” you say. Vernon nods, still not looking at you. “I’ll… see you tomorrow.” You do your best not to flat out sprint down the steps. 
“Wait!” Vernon says. He stands, crossing the porch to the railing which stands above the grass where you now stand, backpack falling off your shoulder. “I like you, too.” He scratches his head. “I guess I should have said that. I thought it was obvious, but just in case it wasn’t, I like you a lot too.” 
You take a step closer to the porch, which puts you a good foot lower than Vernon. You’re convinced you look like a giddy idiot smiling up at him, but when it’s Vernon, you don’t really mind. “Really?” 
“The entire school has a crush on you and you’re surprised that I do?” 
“You’re not exactly like everyone else,” you say. “Not that that’s a bad thing! Or that you’re ‘not like other girls.’ Obviously, because you’re not a girl, but you get what I mean, and I’m really just trying to say that I just think you’re really cool and you always listen to me even when I ramble, and oh my god, I’m rambling right now and I really need to stop.” 
Vernon smiles at you, that stupid familiar that makes your heart flutter yet also makes you feel like everything is going to be okay. “You’re a lot sillier than you pretend to be.” 
“You’re trusted with a very secret side of me,” you say. “Very few people know how dumb I actually am.” 
“You’re not dumb,” he says immediately. 
“I told Mark I couldn’t go to prom with him because I already had a date when it was actually because I wanted to go with you, and you were right there.” 
“A dumb decision,” he says, “but that doesn’t make you dumb. Just someone who occasionally makes dumb decisions. Maybe more so when you’re around someone you have a crush on?” 
“You don’t have any right to tease me when you almost let me run away thinking you didn’t like me back,” you say. 
“Fair point,” he says, “But I was thinking, since everyone already thinks you have a date, and you wanted to go with me anyways, we could go together.” 
“Hansol Vernon Chwe, was that seriously your way of asking me to prom?” 
“I feel like the answer to that should be ‘no,’” he says. “But I don’t really know what you want.” 
You entertain the image of Vernon doing an intricate promposal with roses, and maybe getting the band to help him. It doesn’t last long, because that’s not Vernon (especially with the aforementioned pollen allergy). So what do you want? A sincere confession? You’ve already gotten that. 
“I want you to ask me for real,” you say, stepping closer and resting your chin on your hands on the railing. 
Vernon leans closer, and it’s your turn to be flustered, your heart pumping hot blood straight to your cheeks where they must be bright red. 
“Yn,” he says, “Would you like to go to prom with me?” 
You answer without thinking. “Yes.” 
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neptunebeetle · 4 years
tagged by: @outlier-roddy
name: andrew
nickname: andy i suppose! I’ve also had the nickname butters bc of my old acc name which is still fine by me ^o^ its still my name on discord anyway lol
zodiac: cancer... i think im stereotypical crybaby cancer oops
height: 5’6 :T wish i was taller.. just a lil bit....
nationality: american
languages: english like i barely tried to learn german and spanish but i RLLY want to actually learn spanish i just.... no motivation
favourite flower: agudgd yeah i really don’t know?
favourite scent: hrm... desserts.. brown sugar.. brownies... sweets in general really
favourite fictional character: HNNN I DONT KNOW? Depends on whatever piece of media i guess bc i have too many.... 😳 but i do have a list for that LOL
coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate.. the only acceptable coffee is like cappuccinos or whatever and im just not into tea
dogs or cats: cats! I like dogs but they can be a teensy bit too loud or energetic for me.. also scary?? Lmao
number of blankets: one big one! I would die if i had more than one i burn up too easily
dream trip: gdusgeuydjbd idk?? Ummm i want to go to a tfcon at least once pls for the love of everything X_X
blog established: THIS blog really not that long ago, i think in january
random fact: i have a weird rare feature (not facial tho) that only 3-8% (number varies) of the population has, its pretty much pointless and nobody knows why its even a thing. Even more fun of a fact? Yeah i have TWO of them. Now what does THAT mean? I don’t know because google doesn’t know either
gender: who?
current time: ~1:10 AM typing this, ~1:30 AM posting it
favourite musical artists: god idk... technically i feel like i have to say Against Me! bc i love every single one of their songs but idk.. i really like Jack Stauber and Imagine Dragons XT basic ass mfer....
song stuck in my head: there’s a lot actually? Im listening to my playlist for songs as heard of on tiktok and i get so many of those stuck in my head... rn my brain is telling me Say So
last movie i saw: HM.... hmmm... i guess pleasantville? I already talked about it but it was okay
last thing i googled: i.. just googled the thing for that previous random fact question bc i was like “wait what Does two of them mean” like actually nothing shows up.. but before that i was looking up a word i forgot how to spell
other blogs: fuck urmm i do have other blogs im just too lazy to use them XT no side blogs for this one tho
lucky number: i don’t think i have a “lucky” number... my favorite number is 5 :o)
currently wearing: big t-shirt pj pants lolol
dream job: god like uhhhhhh i rlly wanted to be an animator but im leaning towards comics lately?? We’ll see idk i don’t want to work for a particular company or anything like that..... just.. want to draw
favourite foods: oh god don’t ask me this i hate food... that’s a lie i like it Sometimes... idk bro all i eat is fake meat and garbo trash... i like italian?
instruments: idk what that is (actually ive been told i should learn to play piano and i wouldnt mind that but ive never played any other instrument in my life)
favourite song: urmm i think overall probably Leopard by jack stauber bc it’s my actual absolute fave i love it sm..... can listen to it whenever and lose my marbles every time
I’m bad abt not tagging ppl in these sorts of games and im going to continue to not GDJHD
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changji · 5 years
Wow you really went off the other day but at least it was worth it 😪 I normally look at the scenery when I’m on a road trip, but then I get bored of it and decide to sleep bc there’s nothing else to do. Motion sickness must suck :(( do you take gravol or something to help with it? Coffee literally drains the life out of my funds it hurts me
Yes omg pls make me cookies I love them. Maybe you can even open a bakery with pastries and sell some good /cheap/ coffee. Ilyt my dear baker 🥺 ye I’m not the biggest fan of my bday either but gotta celebrate anyway!! One year closer to death woohoo 🎉🎉 your birthday is the most important day of the year!!! You can’t fight me on this I’m right
Pearls are so good. Like most places I go to don’t add anything to the pearls so it’s just bland squishy balls but the place I frequent adds I think honey to sweeten them. It gives the pearls life istg. It tastes so good 🤤 hollering is a funny word. For some reason I always associate it with yodelling which makes me laugh
Ksks you must be op if you can make a joke in the wall with a door slam. I can’t relate my arms are literally sticks and I have no strength in me. Chrome books are terrible in general. Add my schools terrible wifi and you get one big recipe for disaster. I’d never fight u either (unless it’s for your bday) ily too much for that 🥺🥺🥺
Hahah I think it’s me. I haven’t heard anyone say “go ham” except for the people who go to my school. I find it really funny tho so I try to incorporate it whenever I can LOL easily burnt? Can’t relate but apparently I easily tan. There’s this one diagonal stripe on my shoulder that separates pale me and tan me which ??? How did that happen and what was I wearing for that to happen??
It’s all fun and games until you go outside and see a mountain of snow waiting for you to be shovelled. But there are some good aspects to winter, like skating and skiing and all that fun stuff. Snow is so heavy?? Or maybe I’m just weak but after I finish shovelling I’m beat. Gardening is not my thing. There’s too many bugs involved flying around 🥴
Kind of? I always thought it was short for cappuccino but I could be wrong. They don’t taste like fraps tho, they’re sm better. I was always a frap hoe until I discovered lattes. My old elementary school was close to a Starbucks so whenever frappy hour was happening, my friends and I would go almost every day LOL
I heard that dunkin coffee is really good. Oof there’s so many things that the us have that Canada doesn’t. But apparently you guys don’t have ketchup chips?? How can one live without them? You know that’s what soulmates are, we’re stuck together forever and I don’t mind that. I’d never leave you 😌😌
YES OMG LATTES ARE SO EXPENSIVE. I pay around the same amount and my wallet cries every time. If you ever yeet yourself off a bridge I’d come visit u in hell and bring u iced coffee 💖 we really are soulmates wtf I get almond milk in my lattes as well!! I used to get normal milk and was like “I’m a bad bitch milk can’t hurt me” but that didn’t really work out. Sigh what we do for coffee 😔
Washing dishes is disgusting. I hate doing them but yk someone’s gotta do it and that someone is me 😤 I’m acc lazy when it comes to smoothies, I usually ask my mom to make them LMAO. Pancakes are pretty much made of flour if you think about it so technically when u eat one plain ur eating cooked flour,, how barbaric. Waffles are Built. Like. They have a 20 pack 😪😪
I love angst personally so pls go ham but not too ham I’d like to keep my heart. Honestly at this point my last brain cell has given up on me. But yes I love angst and I love torturing myself with heart wrenching angst that leaves me crying into my pillow at 3am (I’m talking about this one haikyuu fic that I forgot the name of. I was literally dying inside jalsjwo)
Pls do send me peet’s I’ll send you an iced capp in a cooler so it’ll be somewhat melted and probably spilt everywhere 🤪 tumblrs probably gonna block me again, I’m looking at how much I’ve typed rn and it’s a lot lmaoo. Yes I managed to save myself. I redid the whole last with less detail bc I was not Having It but it turned out better?? How is ur drawing now?
I start after labour day in September. But starting in 3 weeks?????? On a Thursday?? I could never wtf. When do you end? I’m so confused with these ap and honours thing, like there’s none offered in my school nor majority of the school district. Are they just advanced classes or something? It is 7 classes a semester or the whole year?
Stan talent i think you meant yourself??? Jsjsksk I am not only ur coffee soulmate I’m not #1 fan as well and I support u bc ily 🥺🥺 the read more tag had me laughing for a hot minute. Like we really could make an essay out of all of our replies. I don’t have any pets (besides fish does that count?) unfortunately bc my moms allergic to fur 🥺 hbu?? (I can’t believe tumblr blocked me again they can fight me)
i didn’t even pay LOL i freeloaded off my cousin 🤧 i like to look @ scenery sometimes but like i can’t bc my head hurts LOL and the scenery is always the same for me, mountains and fields with cows. i try to take dramamine but it makes me so drowsy that i’m just basically dead,,, i live off of my cousins money so i’m okay 🤪
tbh i use nestle toll house pre made cookie dough, like that shit actually slaps. it’s the best it’s so good omg, perfect for lazy hoes 🤧 death here we go ! the order is ur bday, then skz debut date, and then christmas i don’t make the rules sorry sis 😤
pearls are Dangerous, i once drank a smoothie and there were pearls in it and i couldn’t see them bc there were like. only 3 and they were Buried under the smoothie but i choked and almost died but i chewed one of them and it’s like. so weird. HOLLERING AND YODELING IM- i once went to some public yodeling class and left in 2 seconds bc it was a bunch of white boys dressed like the kid from walmart 😪
it’s not even strength i’m actually rly weak,, i always think the doors are closed but they’re not and so i like slam them open and the walls are thin so it’s just. a sad hole. terrible wifi,, my school has pretty good wifi tbh but we have like three connections, one for the chrome books only, one for the teachers & staff, and one for students and guests. like it works rly good but everyone has a VPN bc of stupid social media restrictions 😤 & ilyt 🥺 u would probably win in a fight tho LOL
go ham is so interesting. the first time i heard it i thought it meant go pig and i was so confused but ig,,, i live lathered in sun screen whenever i go somewhere with the sun. ppl are like “i smell sun screen” and im just there like 🙃 it’s me u got a problem u burnt chicken nugget ??? i wish i tanned easily, i have a tan friend and when i showed her when my legs got tan she was so confused. i thought i was tan tho? bc during marching band season my sock tan becomes So Bad i’m basically white. she said she was blinded when she saw me pull my sock down and i laughed so hard LOL & i hate those dumb random tan lines like. where u @ bro? where u come from??
snow is fun for like a day and then i get tired LOL i csn only handle wet socks and a red nose for so long 😔 i tried skiing one time and i did so bad that the instructor had to hold me down and walk with me down the slope. i fell so many times i think he hated me 😳 i’m also rly bad at skating? i went w my friends once and i held both of their hands and still managed to bring both of them down when i fell. a cute guy once helped me when i was struggling to walk so 🥴 not my brightest moment tbh,, trying to walk in skates while on ice. do u enjoy skiing/skating? also gardening is. gross. worms and dirt and the sun i’m not here for it.
u: cappuccinos! me: ...ice bergs,,, now that i think about it fraps kinda suck,,, i used to think i was So Cool for drinking starbucks but now i’m like. wow. i used to think there was coffee in a frap but it’s just. sugar and ice LOL also speaking of tmrw is bogo fraps here,, idk if it’s all over the world but myb u should check it out 😪
dunkins okay it depends on what you get, i once got an iced latte and it was good but my dad got an iced coffee and he like. hated it so we had to switch and it was so bad like. it was coffee crime. it was horrible and not strong it was basically milk 😤 also,, ketchup chip? i just googled what that was and. that’s literally so weird. fun fact i hate ketchup and all other condiments i can only eat bbq sauce and i tolerate steak sauce
i mentioned this in the other ask but. we going broke bitches club 😪 when u come visit me it’ll be old town road the one w mason ramsey on a loop. nothing will top the og remix but no, i’ll be stuck listening to some 5 year old rap for all of eternity
I USED TO BE SUCH A GOOD KID AND DRINK MILK EVERY MORNING ever since i got to middle school i preferred sleep over waffles and milk and i hardly drink milk but when i do. my stomach does not have it.
my mom made me wash dishes today and she just stared at me when i put ziploc bags on my hands bc we didn’t have gloves but i just painted my nails and i’m not abt to put myself thru chipped nails. not yet 😤 waffles are so good like i love waffles and lattes only 🤧
well i’ll go very ham (am i doing it right LOL) 😤 the angst ending is a lot better than the open ended or happy ones LOL i’m so excited for it 🥺 i’m rly tryna get it out before the end of this month bc the edit says july and it’ll make me Mad if i don’t get it out before the end of this month
i wanna start in september 🤧 and i usually end in the first week of june. also on a wednesday LOL it’s gross. stupid. ap means advanced placement so it’s just. a college level class. lowkey mad bc i’m taking ap euro (as a sophomore 😒) and other schools take it in their senior years? apparently this is normal? and honors are just faster paced classes with more weighting so,, idrk oops 😬 some people take 7 classes in a semester but i took it for the whole year! this year i’m dropping orchestra i’m Not for that spit in the carpet life
the only talent in this house goes by ada and jisung. i don’t make the rules. i’m ur #1 fan 🥺 as soon as u post anything i automatically smash that rb button LOL also put a read more here bc like. we’re really out here writing a whole ass essay. i’ll look @ all our convos bet it’ll be like. a lot. i don’t wanna say smth and be off so i’ll just not. i have a dog! he’s the cutest in the world and i love him sm 🥺 tumblr can fight me first like. what’s this ask limit bull hhhhh
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