#I forgot to draw her lil cat guy but I'll do it some other time
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I'm not much of a kingdom hearts fan as I'm not too interested or into the games as my lil bro but this character has been floating in my head for a long while, I never could get her design down until I randomly did now and the other three have been around for a while the last one does have a solid design either.
This is Will, she's very much a persistent and go-getter kind of keyblade wielder around the time before great keyblade war but she used the regular ol' but trusty starlight blade and she was in the Vulpeus Union. She has an interest in astral related things and the stars, Will really enjoyed the simple things life has to offer along with being given the opportunity of adventure but unfortunately her life took a turn after the events of the mentioned keyblade war.
Wisp is a mysterious little creature of undetermined origin and no one really knows how she came to be, she is excitable and energetic lil guy who's brimming with wonder and whimsy who has a magician motif (might be one herself even). She's eager to help just about anyone and she's as friendly as can be, a little ray of sunshine ready brighten anyone's day, she probably would be around the events of Kh1. (I haven't seen much or played that one, so I'm not sure how well she would fit or what wisp's role would be)
Hollow is a peculiar heartless that no one really knows or how she came to be either, she's a lonesome and rather down little creature who's very unsure of herself but she has very vague and faded memories of her past but she has a witch motif although she is rather strange even for a heartless as she's docile and not prone to being viscous. She's just like the lone moon that lays in the sky and has the same sense of loneliness as it has, she has secret and anxious fear of being forgotten but she would be around the events of Kh2. (Not sure how she would fit into the story though.)
Willow is probably the most mysterious of both Wisp and Hollow combined, as little is known about her but she is quite peaceful and tranquil and she is quite knowledgeable! She has mage/cleric motif to her, I'm not sure what KH game she would be in nor her story relevance would be.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
I saw that fairy ask and you know what would be insufferable actually?
Fairy! Gojo.
He sees a lil cute traveler who got lost from her group while taking a walk through the forest, decides he wants to mess with her a bit. Absolute piece of shit bully except now he’s a fairy (which… isn’t very different from how he usually is? lmao), altering her perception of time and space (or maybe altering the layout of the fucking forest. who knows) so she’s walking around in circles for what feels like a couple of hours when it’s actually been days, scaring her with creepy sounds of his laughter and pitter-patter of feet, to the point she’s so scared she breaks down crying.
Meanwhile he’s just laughing at his funny little pranks until he decides “you know what I want to keep her actually :3” so he just appears and starts trying to interact like everything is fine and dandy. Maybe he does this thing I saw in a folklore tale once where the fairy undressed herself and bathed by the river to seduce the guy she wanted except it’s Gojo and the last thing you want to see when you’re scared and lost in a forest is a naked uncanny grown ass man bathing in a river.
Or consider this: Unseelie Fairy! Sukuna. This one’s a menace.
Ok so the first thing coming in my head is, remember how he kept absolutely pestering the fuck out of Nanami and it was to give him a note and when Nanami finally opened it, it was just a drawing of a dick. He's such a fucking troll I can just, SEE a fae Gojo bugging you constantly and insisting you take some sort of gift from him and you keep turning him down either out of modesty and being humble or you just genuinely don't like him and when he finally cracks your patience and you take it just to get him to leave you alone, he just gets this shit eating grin "ok you accepted my special gift and that means we're married now~!" and he's being 500% serious like he did in fact not tell you he was basically doing his people's courting ritual and you have now basically accepted to like, be his spouse 💀
You open the gift or unwrap it and it's just a drawing of a dick or some other troll gift, he just needed you to accept period and NOW that you're "together" he can get you REAL gifts (that are also occasionally fucked up or twisted). Like imagine you turn him down so many times he eventually just offers you something so extremely small and minor it's like, ok is this all it takes to leave me alone? He gives you a little braided bracelet or like handcrafted trinket or like something handmade and humble and seemingly innocent and it's like Surprise Bitch That's Enchanted and you just touched it or even put it on 😩😩😩
Other classic dickhead fairy Gojo moments include "you're lost in the woods and he uses magic to distort the forest and make you walk in circles until you're literally crying and freaking out and he thinks it's really funny and adorable" like he's some kind of malicious ass Cheshire cat, constantly laughing at your struggles and teasing you. He'll tease you to tears and then kiss those tears away and say you're a cute silly little baby 🥰 (lmao I'm stoned and basically forgot that's literally what you said already so, same braincell haha)
He's like completely out of touch and not realizing that, he's not just interested in you, he's legitimately infatuated with you, until you're like at the local harvest festival or something similar and you go to dance with someone else and, wait a second why is he getting so tense watching someone else put their hands on you and look into your eyes and you're both smiling and laughing and--
he loses his temper and some magic bullshittery happens like it suddenly starts to storm or another person accidentally trips into your partner and they twist their ankle and can't dance anymore or even something falling on them or being blown by a sudden and specific gust of wind like gojo is canonically pretty sadistic imo like he had to be ordered not to kill someone and he's like "ok I'll just horrifically twist all their limbs then :)"
And he's, you know a fae and a weirdo so he doesn't even always need to traditionally spend time with you. You're ignoring him and refusing to come near him? Fine, he'll transform into a cat and suddenly you're rubbing his belly and giving his kisses and calling him a little scrunkly baby like, magic really does open all doors. Maybe his gifted bracelet or charm that you put on let's him track you and even read your thoughts and shit and of course you can't take it off
And on the subject of Sukuna, someone was asking if I saw the newest developments with him after we were discussing the recent manga developments, and it's like "oh you mean him being ugly now, yeah I saw 😒" 😂😂😂 Yuuji has some potential with him being a relatively idk nice and innocent boy and then he's got, you know, a mischievous ancient demon inside of him. Itadori over here "wow Reader is a really good sorceror and has a good heart, im lucky to have then as my friend ^^" and Sukuna chimes in "yeah that's why they would look so cute with their mouth on our cock :3"
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siren-virus · 3 years
It's time for asks :D Luckyboy!Ben AU is the theme for today :P This time I'll make one asks that would encapsulate everyone and give a little speculation on each character a paragraph each :3
How would Ben deal with his fans? considering he already has a fanbase I imagine there would be a lot of aliens that would get out of their way in order to get an autograph and a photo with him, as well as have a chat with him if possible. How often does that work? Who knows? Not everything that is said in the internet/extranet is to be believed, and Nekomata's already a cryptyd, Have you seen the amount of theories there are about him? Some are crazy, like, who said that he was the ancient representation of the future version of an alternate universe of all cats that once were gods of the human race? Jimmy definitely didn't write that one, most definitely not, he's better than making a theory without evidence (He totally did a crack theory that everyone else started taking seriously because it's the internet/extranet) Also cosplayer, there would be so many cosplayers of Nekomata that I wouldn't be surprised if they eventually managed to make a Nekomata Convention in Undertown one day XD
Gwen 10 and her fans, which are mostly kids because, let's be real, they are the only ones who would not consider the ramifications and severity of being a child soldier, wouldn't understand it, or would just gloss over it because "That lady is SOOOO COOOOOOOOL (☆▽☆) ". I imagine that she would go to a lot of events, conventions, fundraisers and more only to be able to be there dfor the children, because let's be real, despite being the most stoic and down to earth of the OG trio, she still has a soft spot for a lot of things, and I wouldn't be surprised if children were one of them. I wonder what other kind of fans she would get over the time, like, she wouldn't get cosplayers because that shit is hard with how many aliens she has (though she would still have some dedicated fans that she HAS to promote because DAMN they did it really good), but fanartists and merchandise collectors for sure I think.
Would Rook ever have any fans out there? I imagine that he would have some rookie Plumbers that would look up to him and ask him for some advice on different things, or to ask for some stories of his, after all he's one of the few competent, functional and future magistrate. Would he have any humans fans though? I'm not sure how often he would be in the public view, but I imagine he would get some fans out there, and I feel that those fans would think something similar to us with OG Rook (or I think of him at least), that he's a sunshine boy that must be protected yet can and will kick ass.
Jammie, I imagine that with all the theories and conspiracies that he would've done in the past, he should have a blog online where he posts them and has a following with him, many of whom would share his interests of said theories, sharing their own; a fraction would be there only for the interesting facts taht he could display as well as the once in a blue moon crack conspiracies that he would post (let's face it, despite everything, he's still a teenager, of course he does crack stuff once in a while). The latest hit, what's up with Nekomata? Is he a cryptyd, and alien, a human with neon hair dye? And why does he loves Mr.Smoothie so much? Also on a tangent. Mr.Smoothie, is there a secret ingredient behind their tasteful beverages?
Ok, this'll be the last luckyboy thing ngl, I'm dried up and out of ideas ;;;
I do have a new idea tho just a lil outback (not australia lol, outside) and explorative thing. I've been playing a lot of BOTW and I forgot how much I love adventure shows. Mainly an excuse to learn BG's. I've managed to finally figure out 2-point perspective!!
Maybe I draw art of it, maybe not. I'm busy fighting people at the moment. (and drawing hefty BG's)
Ben, being the illusive fellow he is wouldn't deal with his fans, I mean he'll entertain them sometimes, but he knows he'll get a big head if he does it too much. So he just poofs away when the crowds get too big.
Jimmy would most deffinitely belive that at some point cat people roamed earth. His evidence, the Egyptians. Cat statues, portaits with cats. Cats are descended from aliens! Therefore. Jimmy might be a closeted furry too, but he'll never think on it.
Perhaps not a nekomata convention, but maybe an alien hero convention, so all the big heroes known throughout the universe are celebrated.
As for Gwen, cause she's a well known hero, I'd believe there'd be conventions not extactly shaped around her, but she'd be included, artists would sell portaits, figures etc.
You'd most likely find her stuff at a Sci-Fi convention.
Rook, not known to the medias eyes, would not have any fans, just a few kids that wanna be plumbers when they grow up.
Jimmy would deffinitely have a blog, like that one guy from Stven Universe. His blog was somethn about keeping Beach City Weird
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