#I forgot to post this I just got distracted by HangMox again help I am not going to survive my brain is soup
banannabethchase · 2 years
I can't ever remember fic titles but question 4 for the Hallmark Christmas AU and question 9 for the High School HangMox AU!
adghdgh Sarah I love you.
4) What’s your favorite line of dialogue? - The Christmas Tree Farm Crescendo
Oh NO now I gotta go through it and check!. Oh! Oh I love this one. This is so "I'm trying to be cool and seductive but I'm afflicted by Horny For Matt Jackson disease so I fail." It is a format that I end up saying more than often when I try to break out a metaphor or a reference and it doesn't work.
“You come into my house,” Adam says, voice dangerously dark but eyes still sparkling, “on the day of a fucking discount chainsaw deal and a snow storm…the bit failed, but you get where I’m going.”
9) Were there any alternate versions of this fic? - The Fragile Invincibility of Youth
Boy howdy is there! In the initial brainstorming, Mox and Adam are exclusively fuck buddies until one of the last scenes. And, at the end, Adam was going to get back together with Kenny. As I wrote, though, it became more and more clear that Adam needed security and a person who actively and repeatedly chose him not over others but including others. Having him be fuck buddies with with Mox until the frat house scene, which was a negative catalyst to them making it official, felt a little cheap and unfair to Adam, who is just trying to be himself and someone who can be loved at the same time. Mox having to set a boundary with someone he is already in a relationship with was more powerful as well, because it shows that he chose his own safety and security but was willing to do what he could to help Adam.
Also, having Adam choose to go back to Kenny felt like backwards character development. We hadn't seen any proof of Kenny's growth, and neither had Adam, so them getting back together wasn't fair to either character.
(though in the sequel which is set about a year later, Kenny and Adam are in college at the same school, Eddie has decided Adam is also his boyfriend which I think I hinted at, and Mox and Eddie moved into a beat up little place in the same city as Adam and Kenny's college, so you do the math on that one. It's a secondary storyline though - the main story in the sequel is Wheeler trying to pull Danny back from the Jericlutches. And it is not going to be written.)
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