banannabethchase · 1 year
Hello!! It’s me again. Would you write (even) more for the Fragile Invincibility au? I’d accept anything but specifically love to read the first time hangman takes the baller club boys to watch a match!! Thank you so much for every fic ✨
Backyard Wrasslin' - also on AO3
A "The Fragile Invincibility of Youth" story
Adam invites Matt, Kenny, and Nick to one of his wrestling shows. Mox is baffled.
Note: Teenagers are referenced having sex. They are both 18, committed relationship, nothing onscreen, all fade to black YA type vibes.
I...maybe have gone overboard on this prompt fill. I hope you enjoy!.
"You invited the Baller Club to a match?!" Mox asks. He's got his shirt off and belt undone. "And you decided to mention this right before we have sex?"
Adam, who's brain is decidedly not working right, nods. "Uh. Yeah?"
"They're gonna freak out," Mox says. "They're gonna think I'm actually trying to kill you."
"They won't - come back!" Adam grabs at Mox's belt loops. "I don't know why I brought it up. Take your pants off, I don't - come back."
Mox rolls his eyes. "Okay, yes, because I can't say no to you, but you'll explain yourself later."
"Explain myself la- what am I, your student?"
Mox grins at him. "I mean. We could play that."
"I'm going to kiss you so you shut up," Adam deadpans.
They're making their way into the kitchen when Mox grabs Adam's arm and pushes him against the wall. "Wait a second."
"Again?!" Adam giggles. "My parents are going to be home in, like, five minutes."
"Your hair's all messed up," Mox says, fiddling with Adam's hair.
Adam slaps his fingers away. "I - let me fix it. Get off."
"Already did that!"
Adam laughs as he steps into the bathroom. He ties his hair back in a quick bun, adjusts his shirt, and steps back out. "So - "
"So you invited your ex and your annoying friends to our match tonight," Mox says. He doesn't look angry, at least, so Adam thinks that's a small win.
"I can tell them no if you don't want them there," Adam says. He drops onto the couch, pulling his backpack toward him with his foot. He briefly worries Mox won't join him, but then he's there, snuggled up next to Adam like a puppy. “Seriously.”
“No, I just want to make sure they know I’m not actually hurting you.” He looks up at Adam, frowning. “As much as I’m glad you’re all friends again, I’m still a little worried they’re looking for an excuse to kill me.”
“They won’t kill you,” Adam says, running his fingers through Mox’s hair. He’d grown it out over the winter, bringing back the soft locks Adam had originally fallen in love with. The blue was new, though. He and Willow match now. “And if they do, I’ll kill them back so I can use their blood to resurrect you.”
“I need you to stop watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer,” Mox laughs, but he curls into Adam’s lap and falls asleep while Adam completes his Chemistry homework.
“Okay, I know I haven’t called you in, like, years, but I have no idea where to go, and I think I’m being followed by a white van, and I’m pretty sure I’m about to kill Nick and Kenny, so where the hell am I supposed to go?!”
Adam pulls the phone away from his face as Matt rants. “Um,” he says. “Are you – where are you?!”
“I don’t know!” Matt wails. “There’s a blue house with, like, pride flags everywhere?”
“Okay, you’re close!” Adam jogs past the ring and parking lot, then dashes out to the road. “Do you see me?” He waves his free hand. “I’m waving. Do you see me?”
Making what is probably a highly illegal u-turn in the middle of the road, a car that is highly familiar zooms toward him and slows only to turn into the dirt road. Matt, looking haggard and confused, is behind the wheel.
“When I tell you these two can’t even read an effing GPS, I’m not kidding.” Matt exhales, blowing his hair out of his eyes. “Where do I go next?”
“Follow me.”
Adam jogs as Matt follows him, and guides Matt into a parking space he’s pretty sure Matt won’t be able to back out of on his own. He waits a little awkwardly as Matt picks his way around the puddles of mud.
“This place is a mess,” he says, grabbing Adam’s arm as he leaps over a puddle.
Adam shrugs as Kenny and Nick, a little less delicately, make their way around the puddles and follow Adam toward the ring and chairs. “It’s a backyard wrestling group. Nothing’s particularly well made here.” He gestures to the seats he saved for the three of them. “Except for the matches. Those are pretty cool.”
Matt primly sits into a chair. “When do you go on?”
“Well, me and Mox have a match first,” Adam says, “but you’ll get to see some cool stuff, too. Eddie is in the main event, so he’ll be on last. He’s going up against the Bryan guy Mox wrestled a while back.”
“Are there any other matches?” Nick asks. He’s looking around eagerly, like he’s more comfortable here than he expected.
Adam nods. “I think three others? Willow’s going up against Ruby – they’re doing a feud because Ruby hit her with a chair a while back – and I think this kid Wheeler Yuta is going up against somebody. He’s a sophomore.”
Matt’s eyes widen. “He’s here? Really?”
Adam states at Matt. “Oh, god.”
“I –”
“I can’t believe you have a crush on him,” Nick chuckles.
“I don’t!” Matt says. Adam, Nick, and Kenny stare at him. Adam thinks it’ll be seconds to wait him out. “…I do. Don’t tell him.”
Adam grins. “I won’t.” He bumps Matt’s shoulder with his. “I gotta go get ready for my match, though, so I’ll see you later.” Adam looks at Kenny. At Nick. At Matt. “Um. Thanks for coming, guys. It means a lot.”
“Of course, Adam,” Kenny says. His smile is genuine when he looks at Adam, and it doesn’t ache like it used to. It’s nice. But nothing more. “Go out there and kill it.”
Adam smiles back. “I will.” He makes his way to the tent where the other wrestlers are getting ready. Ruby is doing Willow’s hair as Willow plays some song game on her phone. Eddie and Mox are trading headlocks in the corner. Wheeler Yuta is stretching on his own, though, so Adam walks over to him.
“Hey, dude,” he says, settling in the chair by Yuta’s bag. “How are you holding up?
“Good,” Yuta says, smile a little weak. “Nervous. Claudio’s huge. I’m pretty sure he’s going to kill me.”
“He won’t kill you,” Adam says, waving it off. “He’s good. And he’s safe.” Adam doesn’t mention the time he almost broke his arm last week after taking an elbow drop wrong, since that was more his fault. “You’ll do great.”
“That’s not how Eddie sees it,” Yuta says, chancing a glance over at Eddie, who is now sitting on Mox’s butt and poking him in the ribs to make him laugh. “He really hates Claudio.”
Adam knows Eddie’s disdain for Claudio, knows of the hatred, but doesn’t know why. He doesn’t feel like he’s ready to ask about it, though. “Eddie hates a lot of things,” he decides on. “Doesn’t make them bad.”
Yuta nods slowly. “Yeah.” They’re quiet for a moment, and Adam’s about to leave when Yuta says, “Um, actually, I have a question.” When he looks up, his cheeks are just this side of pink. “Mox told me you were, um, inviting the Jacksons?”
Adam hesitates. “Yeah?”
“Is, um,” Yuta folds himself into a weird shape. Adam assumes it’s a stretch, but he’s upside down and standing on his head, so he’s not sure. “Is Matt going to be here?”
“Oh, god.”
“No!” Yuta says, scrambling to his feet. “It’s – okay, don’t say anything.”
“I promise,” Adam deadpans, “if you go out there and wrestle like you’ve been, Matt will fall in love with you before you know it.”
Yuta lights up. “Really?”
Adam sighs. “Yes.”
He shoves Eddie off of Mox, getting a smack on the ass for his troubles and grinning about it. “Come on,” he says, dragging Mox to the back. “Let’s go over the match, one more time.”
They run the match, throwing each other around, and it ends with Mox pinning Adam. It doesn’t quite feel like Adam’s the one losing, though, with the way Mox’s legs straddle Adam’s hips and his arms loop around Adam’s legs. Mox called it a rollup. Adam asked him if it was secretly a new position Mox wanted to try.
“Oh, god, go be pervs somewhere else,” Ruby says, nudging Mox’s leg with her boot. “Tony wanted me to get you two idiots up so you can get to the stage.”
Mox swings his leg over, spins to his feet, and sticks out his arm. “C’mon, baby, let’s get out there so I can kick your ass.”
“You don’t have to be so annoying about it,” Adam giggles as he leaps to his feet. “I’ve won in other –”
“Nope!” Ruby yells. “Still in earshot! Shut up!”
They get behind the curtain ready for the ring, and Mox starts bouncing. Since Adam’s the newbie, he goes out first to his edit of Bronco, throwing the curtain open at the first, ‘Bronco, runnin’ wild,’ to cheers. He glances over to see Matt, Nick, and Kenny cheering like they’ve been here a million times, like they know exactly what to do. He’s excited to be the face in this match – it’s the first time he’s gotten a real character for himself. The jeans and old cowboy boots work almost too well.
“And coming in next,” comes the announcer’s voice, “Jon Moxley!”
Mox comes out to Wild Thing, a sneer on his face that almost makes Adam giggle. The boos are loud, almost deafening. Matt and Nick look bewildered, but Kenny leans over and says something to them and they boo as well.
The match goes by in a whirlwind, and Adam almost forgets at the end that he’s not supposed to kick out.
When the referee, one of Eddie’s friends from work, Aubrey, counts to three, Adam’s pretty sure he can hear Nick booing the loudest.
“Good job,” Mox says, beaming at Adam. “You killed it.”
“You too.” Adam has to remember to look disappointed as he rolls out of the ring. When he gets backstage, Eddie practically mauls him.
“You did fuckin’ great, baby!” he yells, clapping Adam on the shoulder.
Adam grins at him. “Thanks. It felt really good.”
Mox comes in after him and pretty much does maul Adam, sending him careening to the floor in a way reminiscent of the pin from earlier.
“Hi,” Adam says.
“Hi,” Mox says. “You did so good.” He leans down and kisses Adam hard and fast.
“Gross!” yells Ruby from somewhere in the back of the tent.
Mox helps the other wrestlers prepare while Adam sneaks out to watch the rest of the matches next to Matt.
“You did awesome!” Nick says. “That was so cool.”
Matt’s face is a little pinched. “Mox was kind of mean to you.”
“He’s supposed to be mean, Matt,” Kenny eyes, rolling his eyes. “He’s the heel. That’s the bad guy.” He glances over to Adam for confirmation. He nods. It’s kind of nice to be the one they check in with. “It’s all pretend, right?”
“It’s all pretend,” Adam confirms. “Well, except for the getting an arm across the chest. That kind of hurt.” He rubs at it, the ache blooming as he mentions it.
Matt turns into a googly eyed disaster when Yuta gets in the ring. He enters to American Idiot and Matt claps like a maniac.
“Nick,” Adam says, leaning behind Adam. “Do we need to sedate Matt or something?”
Nick laughs. “Nah, just let him be in love. He’s being super weird about Yuta.”
“Am not!” Matt snaps. “He’s so smart. He’s in tenth grade and he’s in my senior level Calculus class. It’s…” He trails off. “Oh. Oh and he’s got abs.” He pauses. “Maybe I do need to be sedated.”
Adam laughs as the music changed to Do Ya Think I’m Sexy? That entrance music is one among many reasons Eddie hates Claudio, but Adam thinks it’s hilarious.
The match is quick, as expected, as it’s Yuta’s first, but Yuta does great and sells like a champ.
Matt audibly gasps as Claudio hauls Yuta up in his signature swing, spinning Yuta until he taps out and collapses to the floor.
“Should I go check on him?” Matt asks, looking over at Adam. “He looks hurt.”
“He’s fine,” Adam says. “But I’m sure Yuta would be very pleased if you ran ringside and got all concerned about him.”
Matt nods and leaps out of his chair, running over to the ring. “Wheeler!” he calls. “Are you alright?”
Adam, Nick, and Kenny laughs at Yuta’s bewildered face. “Uh, yeah,” he says. He glances at Adam, who shrugs and grins.
“Go for it,” Adam mouths.
“I, uh, could use some help getting to the back,” Yuta says, doing his best to look miserable and hurt. It doesn’t quite work on the rest of the crowd, Adam thinks, but it sure as hell works on Matt.
“Of course!” Matt helps Yuta out of the ring and bats his eyelashes as they go back to the tent.
“I can’t believe Matt got a boyfriend at your wrestling thing,” Nick grumbles, folding his arms over his chest. “I have got to get out there.”
“You will, champ,” Adam says, clapping Nick on the shoulder. “You will.”
Matt and Yuta come back holding hands and chatting with stars in their eyes, and the rest of the show goes off without a hitch. Bryan and Eddie may literally be trying to kill each other during their match, but Eddie wins and it’s an overall success.
“We usually head to Willow’s house after matches,” Adam says as Mox comes up behind him and curls around him. “If you three wanted to come?”
“Yeah, sure!” Matt says. “Wheeler, do you need a ride?”
Wheeler looks shocked, as he’d ridden with Mox and Adam to the show. Adam stares at him, hoping Yuta gets the hint. “Uh. Sure! Sure, I could need a ride.”
“And Kenny and Nick, if you want to hop in my truck,” Adam says insistently.
Nick nods. “Yeah, I don’t want to be anywhere near whatever the two of them are doing.”
As Adam watches Matt smoothly pull out of the parking spot like it’s nothing, clearly chattering nonstop to Yuta, he takes the lead and drives the short distance to Willow’s house.
“Hey, Mox,” Nick says. “So, if you and I were in the ring, which of us would win?”
“Oh, I’d fuckin’ flatten you in seconds.”
“Would not!”
Adam laughs, and thinks that, maybe, he’s got it figured out. At least for now.
Mini Playlist: Bronco - Orville Peck Wild Thing - The Troggs American Idiot - Green Day Do Ya Think I'm Sexy? - Rod Stewart
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I've decided that in the project I'm working on Feliciano will not speak a single word of italian and will only speak Venetian as God intended. The only problem is that I never realized how not fluent I am in Venetian so I've been struggling but it's also been so much fun!! This girl (gn) is taking back their regional identity and doing what they can to preserve their linguistic heritage!!!!
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random-racehorses · 1 year
Random Real Thoroughbred: FIOY HILLY
FIOY HILLY is a horse born in Argentina in 1989. By FIOCO out of LA HYDRA. Link to their pedigreequery page: https://www.pedigreequery.com/fioy+hilly
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filo-derba · 2 years
il video di lollopelle che sfila sotto l'olimpico ce l'ho in loop da tipo 5 minuti forse mi sta venendo un infarto ve lo dico mi raccogliete col cucchiaino
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anchesetuttinoino · 4 months
La tragica vicenda che raccontiamo è stata riesumata dall’oblio della Storia per merito di Adamo Gasparotto, nato a Pradipozzo di Portogruaro nel 1928 e cresciuto a Gruaro. Gasparotto è un sopravvissuto della “Strage di bambini di Gruaro” ed è riuscito a smuovere le coscienze attraverso articoli di giornale e in ultimo anche l’amministrazione comunale del paese per ricordare le vittime di una campagna vaccinale antidifterica effettuata nel 1933. Un libro commissionato dal Comune di Gruaro sulla vicenda, nonché le due targhe commemorative sulle cappelle cimiteriali dove riposano “i fioi de la pontura”, sono merito della sua determinazione e voglia di verità. A lui, come a tutti i bambini vittime di quella follia, è dedicato il nostro redazionale.
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proth-blog · 2 years
is it just platonic or are there any romantic relationships in the gang? And if so is it monogamous, polyamorous? Is everyone dating everyone?
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Vocalist: NON davanti hai fioi !!
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hebeandersen · 8 months
Fioi, domanda, ma dopo il voto dovrebbe arrivarmi un messaggio di conferma o il silenzio stampa è tutto regolare?
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adiiiio · 10 months
Ehi niente fioi ho iniziato lavoro da una settimana e mi sono già rotto il cazzo
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t-annhauser · 1 year
Fioi, avrò la pressione a 60, devo mettermi a testa in giù per avere lo spirito di scrivere due parole, dice: non puoi smettere di prendere la pastiglia della pressione, riduci la dose. Ormai ho ridotto la pastiglia a una polverina fine, la posso tirar su col naso, come la coca, solo che io non tiro coca ma atenololo, sono un salutista. Se decidete di invecchiare fatelo in modo sano, mi raccomando.
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banannabethchase · 2 years
I can't ever remember fic titles but question 4 for the Hallmark Christmas AU and question 9 for the High School HangMox AU!
adghdgh Sarah I love you.
4) What’s your favorite line of dialogue? - The Christmas Tree Farm Crescendo
Oh NO now I gotta go through it and check!. Oh! Oh I love this one. This is so "I'm trying to be cool and seductive but I'm afflicted by Horny For Matt Jackson disease so I fail." It is a format that I end up saying more than often when I try to break out a metaphor or a reference and it doesn't work.
“You come into my house,” Adam says, voice dangerously dark but eyes still sparkling, “on the day of a fucking discount chainsaw deal and a snow storm…the bit failed, but you get where I’m going.”
9) Were there any alternate versions of this fic? - The Fragile Invincibility of Youth
Boy howdy is there! In the initial brainstorming, Mox and Adam are exclusively fuck buddies until one of the last scenes. And, at the end, Adam was going to get back together with Kenny. As I wrote, though, it became more and more clear that Adam needed security and a person who actively and repeatedly chose him not over others but including others. Having him be fuck buddies with with Mox until the frat house scene, which was a negative catalyst to them making it official, felt a little cheap and unfair to Adam, who is just trying to be himself and someone who can be loved at the same time. Mox having to set a boundary with someone he is already in a relationship with was more powerful as well, because it shows that he chose his own safety and security but was willing to do what he could to help Adam.
Also, having Adam choose to go back to Kenny felt like backwards character development. We hadn't seen any proof of Kenny's growth, and neither had Adam, so them getting back together wasn't fair to either character.
(though in the sequel which is set about a year later, Kenny and Adam are in college at the same school, Eddie has decided Adam is also his boyfriend which I think I hinted at, and Mox and Eddie moved into a beat up little place in the same city as Adam and Kenny's college, so you do the math on that one. It's a secondary storyline though - the main story in the sequel is Wheeler trying to pull Danny back from the Jericlutches. And it is not going to be written.)
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La voglia che ho di mordere e graffiare fioi wheeew
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t5t · 2 years
basta fioi io mi butto a letto continuo a controllare la dash e conto su di voi per aggiornamenti importanti
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Mercato dei vignaioli indipendenti, 26mila presenze a Bologna
Con 985 vignaioli partecipanti e più di 26mila ingressi distribuiti nei tre giorni, si chiude la 12/a edizione del Mercato dei Vignaioli Indipendenti, per la prima volta negli spazi di BolognaFiere. Presenti anche due associazioni di vignaioli stranieri e 29 olivicoltori della Fioi.     I nuovi spazi fieristici di BolognaFiere hanno permesso di disporre gli stand in un contesto ampio luminoso e…
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orangekingfisher · 3 years
im so sad no other language has the verb sbregare in it. it's sounds exactly like the action it describes (to tear) but most importantly it can also mean to laugh. a lot.
like im laughing so much im tearing myself. straight in the middle. god it's such a good word
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davescheapgarage · 4 years
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hebeandersen · 3 years
Tommaso, Marco e Giulio con il terrore negli occhi sono io durante la tesi quando il prof mi chiedeva di aggiungere pagine
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