#I found a prompt set that I wanna use and almost skipped this since I've written something similar already
scottharper · 5 years
MERW - Day 01, Prompt 01
Pairing: Scott/Cora Prompt: 'Finding the other wearing their clothes .'
Yeah I've technically done this kind of prompt before. Big whoop, wanna fight about it?
He wakes up to an empty bed, but the aroma of coffee wafting through the air is quick to assure him that his better half is still nearby.
Scott sits up with a soft grunt, taking a moment to stretch his arms back over his head before he slips out from beneath the warmth of the comforter to look around for the clothes he’d discarded the night before. He finds his boxers and pants soon enough but his shirt is nowhere to be seen, though Scott already has a good idea of where it is.
He takes the time to pull his boxers on before leaving the bedroom (no need to repeat the ‘Liam’s surprise visit’ incident anytime soon) to cross the threshold of his Nexus apartment, and sure enough he finds Cora in the kitchen area, wearing his t-shirt and sipping at a fresh cup of coffee. Another steaming mug sits on the counter, and Scott knows it’s already prepared just the way he likes it.
“What a sight to wake up to,” Scott says, stepping around the kitchen counter and smiling when Cora looks up from the data pad she was reading. “Morning, babe.”
“Good morning, sweetheart,” Cora replies with a warm smile of her own, leaning over to press a kiss to his lips as he retrieves his mug. She tastes like sugar. “Sleep well?”
“Better than I have in weeks..” Scott replies honestly, taking a long sip from his mug. As much as he enjoyed his work, most of the time at least, night shifts on the Tempest after a day of battling Kett were rarely restful. It seemed like there was always something, whether it was dealing with Drack’s late-night grousing or listening to Gil and Kallo arguing over the latest upgrades or – one time – having to chase Jak-Jak all over the ship after he’d stolen Lexi’s data pad. Scott never knew until then just how elusive the little pyjak could be. “So, any exciting plans for the day?”
“Just have to look over a few reports Addison forwarded over. She was looking for you earlier, by the way.” Cora replies, turning her gaze back towards the data pad in her hands and Scott grimaces. “She seemed irritated, even over text. I told her you had to deal with an emergency back on the Tempest.”
“Lying to an Initiative Director?” Scott grins, setting his mug down before he walks over to slip his arms around Cora’s waist, and he pulls her close as he turns them both to settle back against the counter. “Naughty girl.. Also, thank you.”
“I just figured you didn’t want to deal with Addison first thing in the morning.” Cora shrugs lightly, leaning back against Scott and closing her eyes as she rests her head against his shoulder. “Plus it’s nice to know that you’ll owe me a favor now.”
“You and your ulterior motives,” Scott huffs with a smile, extracting himself from the embrace just long enough to pluck the mug and data pad from Cora’s hands. She raises an eyebrow but doesn’t protest, and Scott sets them down on the counter beside his own mug before hugging her to his chest once more. “But I don’t know about me owing you one. You are wearing my shirt after all, I say that puts us on even ground.”
“All right then..” Cora shrugs, this time pulling herself out of Scott’s embrace, and he watches wordlessly while she tugs the shirt off in one easy motion, wearing nothing but a smile now as she tosses the shirt carelessly to the side. “How about now, sweetheart?”
Scott decides in an instant that both the bed and the couch are too far away for his liking, but he’d been meaning to break in the kitchen counter anyway.
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Please more Little Man. Maybe the adoption process or how the holidays are with the family.
Title: Little Man Pt. 3 A/N: This was a cute request and I've found that Little Man is kinda a big hit, so here y'all go! Pairing: Gerard x F!Mom!Reader Word count: 2,312 words Warnings: Minor swear word(s), lots of fluff
Usually, the holidays were a pain in your ass.
As much as you hated to admit it, you usually remembered worse than good about the holidays. It was always so hectic, chaotic. The pressure for everything to be perfect from family relationships to the dam Christmas tree ornaments was a nightmare.
You could easily recollect memories of Christmas dinners turned political, turned into verbal brawls, or the one time you and Beau, who was a little more than a year old at the time, slept the night before Christmas Eve at the airport due to a delayed flight. You hated to competition family always created over who was doing better, or aunts, uncles, and cousins who decided to turn your children into a competition.
This year, was going to be drastically different. You and Gerard had decided, together, to spend Christmas at home this year, just the three of you. Although his family lived close by, his mom had planned a getaway trip with her boyfriend somewhere tropical to escape the awful Jersey winters, and his dad had decided to travel to spend more time with his side of the family. And since your family lived out of state, and at least a two hour flight away, you decided to use travel as an excuse to stay home.
“Need another one?” Gerard asked Beau, who sat on his shoulders as he hung some more ornaments on the top of your tree. The small boy nodded, prompting you to grab another small decoration handing it to him, as he leaned forward to place it on one of the branches, great pride on his face.
Gerard happily swayed to the sound of the Christmas album you had going on vinyl. You had just went from The Peanuts Christmas album to Christmas Classics, Beau’s soft and youthful giggles filling the air along with the soft background noise of the music.
You loved this. It almost seemed to perfect sometimes. Seeing your son and entire world so happy and content. The way his little smile showcased his missing teeth, or the bright red cheeks he had from a mixture of giggling and the heat in your apartment. It made your heart literally want to explode in a million different ways.
“You doing alright?” Gerard came over after putting Beau back down, placing a kiss on your head.
“Never better.” You admitted with a smile, giving his lips a small peck.
“Mama!” You heard Beau from the kitchen.
“Yeah, babe?” You called out in response, covering some of the ornament boxes again to put in storage.
“I think the cookies are done!”
“Alright, hon.” You said, getting back up and walking through your hallways into the kitchen, your son standing right in front of the oven and peering in. You chuckled to yourself. “Now remember, we gotta be careful because the oven’s super hot.” You explained, “We always gotta use mitts.”
“I know, Mama.” He said, running over to the counter and grabbing the set you had. He proudly came back with them, you putting one on and him putting the other on.
“Alright baby, ready?” You asked, and he nodded. You opened up the oven, letting him take one end of the tray with his mitt as you took the other, taking it out and carefully placing it on the stovetop to cool. “Great job, love!” You praised with a kiss on the head. “Now we gotta wait for them to cool off.” You explained and he nodded, running back to the living room where you followed.
“Gerard,” He happily skipped in, “Wanna play Legos?” “Sure, bud.” Gerard looked up from the book he was reading on the couch with a smile, placing the novel down on the side table and closely following the little boy to his playroom, giving you a smirk and wink along the way. You forced yourself to look away with a growing blush, still sometimes feeling like a teenage girl around her forbidden crush, despite being a grown ass woman with a kid.
You decided to grab your own novel, picking it up and finding a comfortable spot on the nice plush couch you had. You placed your legs under one of the various blankets hanging on the couch, sitting yourself comfortably between the arm of the chair and a throw pillow that served no purpose aside from decoration and potential stabilizer as it played now.
It was oddly difficult to focus on the words, no matter how hard you focused. The pressing perfection of your life at the moment made you want to squeal and jump up and down. You mentally pictured yourself doing just that, illustrating what looked like a teenage girl getting tickets to see her favorite boy band. You chuckled to yourself.
You had long ago forgot about all the imperfections in your life. The constant anxiety and worry about Beau growing up fatherless was now at the beginning of a very, very long and dark tunnel that you had passed through miles ago. The worry about his happiness misted into the air as you heard his lightly giggles and commentary in the other room, specifically playing foreman to Gerard on how to properly put together a Lego set. Your own happiness soaked through the warmth of the blanket which you laid under, through your oddly expensive leggings, and into every bone, muscle, and blood vessel your body held.
While you didn’t amount all of your success in life to Gerard, he was a consistent variable that greatly helped to keep your ship afloat and as stable as ever. You truly hoped he felt the same, and although it seemed too much of a pressure to ask, every time you met his hazel eyes, they told an every present picture of happiness that dusted it’s way onto you.
You had lost any track of time pondering these perfections within your life, so much so that your trace was broken by a small body tackling onto you and grabbing onto your waist tightly. “Mama!” Beau screeched, “He’s gonna get me?” “What?” You looked slightly amused with a smile, seeing Gerard race out of the room with a smile on this face too.
“The tickle monster!” Oh, the wonderful tickle monster game. You held onto your son as you both fake screamed, Gerard coming over and beginning to aggressively tickle Beau who was in a fit of hysterical laughter, so much so that he let go of you within the first few seconds.
He soon got out of Gerard’s grasp, running off and into another room, Gerard left slightly out of breath. “Sorry for disturbing you.” Hr cringed, looking at the book once in your hand now thrown on the couch.
“It’s okay, love.” You smiled, “Don’t ever worry about disturbing me.” He calmly smiled back at you, giving you a peck on the cheek before joining you on the couch, handing your novel back into your hand.
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It was so stereotypical of this to happen, but of course it only made sense.
8 am, Christmas morning, and an overly enthusiastic Beau bouncing up and down on your bed, between where you and Gerard slept. You heard Gerard groan first, even through all of his love and adoration for the young boy his sleep was valuable. You huffed into your pillow, having to force yourself to put the “good mom” face on and not yell at him, because that would ruin everyone’s Christmas and would probably become a negative core memory for the young boy.
“Baby, can you stop for just a sec so Mommy and Gerard can get up?” You lightly asked him, seeing him in his dinosaur Christmas PJs still jumping with a huge smile plastered on his face. You couldn’t tell if it was one of innocence or malice. He nodded as he looked at you, slowly setting himself down on the bed to kneel in between you two.
You were thankful to have worn both a t-shirt and sweatpants to bed last night due to how cold it was, which made waking up in front of your kid much easier. You eased your legs out from under the warm comforter, during a small stretch as your son launched himself into your lap, laying in it as you played with his hair. “Merry Christmas, love.” You smiled down at him as he smiled back.
“Merry Christmas, Mama.” Just as he finished his words, Gerard followed you getting up as well, with a stretch.
“‘Morning.” He mustered out with a small smile, his morning voice raspy as ever. “Merry Christmas.” You lightly laughed as he was still stuck in some of his sleep state.
“Presents, Mama, presents!” Beau urged, grabbing your arm and pulling slightly towards the door of your bedroom.
“Baby, let’s wait a bit to get ready okay?” He huffed, “We just need to brush your teeth okay?” You compromised and he nodded. He flung himself off the bed, rushing down the hall and into his bathroom as you took a moment to fully awake.
“Merry Christmas, honey.” You heard Gerard beside you to which you looked back and matched his own smile with yours.
“Merry Christmas, My Love.” You responded as he leaned in and gave you a soft kiss. “And thank you for putting up with the morning chaos that’s already ensued.” “Like it wasn’t bound to happen,” He lightly chuckled, “The kid’s five.” “Good point.” You remarked.
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Gerard sat down next to you softly, handing you a mug of coffee as Beau began ferociously ripping into his first present. He gave you a small kiss on the head, as Beau excitedly looked at his new Lego set, courtesy of Santa. Of course, that wouldn’t be the only one.
Gerard had managed to semi-control Beau’s tendency to try and rip open his next presents so the two of you could get presents from each other or Beau too. You were more than happy to have received a few new books, tickets to see one of your favorite bands with Gerard along with his mom babysitting Beau, your mug collection had grown exponentially, and some additional little things like blankets, a new pair of your favorite leggings, and a new tote bag since thats what you always wore to work.
Gerard had gotten some new pencils for his art (who knew colored pencils could be hundreds of dollars), some new audio equipment for the in-home studio you guys were currently renovating, another leather jacket (that happened to match one Beau already had), some new records, and his favorite, a book of Beau’s drawings.
And Beau’s mass of presents was far too superior and long to list off, but needless to say, he was left grinning ear to ear and with a mess of presents that he would happily drown all of his time in.
After clean up of the mess of wrapping paper, and moving some of Beau’s toys to his room to make the living room actually livable, you and Gerard started on breakfast. Gerard was on pancake duty, since he made killer pancakes, while you dealing with the eggs and bacon, since those you could manage at the same time. Beau, of course, came in all the time to either voice he was hungry, or to show off one of his new toys Santa got him.
But in the off chance he wasn’t running in and out of the kitchen, Gerard would drag you into his arm, giving you a kiss on the head as you two monitored the food, always whispering sweet nothings into your ears making you giggle like a little girl.
“Beau, baby!” You called from the kitchen as you and Gerard began plating food, “Breakfast is ready!”
The rest of the day went by great, lots of Christmas movies, Beau happily obsessed with his toys, and no drama. You couldn’t remember the last time you had been able to actually have a few undisturbed hours of just you and your fiancee enjoying each others company, no work, no worries, no nothing.
“I’ll be right back,” Gerard said from where he sat next to you on the couch, hopping up briefly and jogging off down the hall somewhere. You absentmindedly watched whatever Christmas movie was on, not thinking much of his temporary absence, and hearing the distance clanking of Lego being built from Beau’s room.
“Alright,” he jogged back, with a piece of paper in his hand. You gave him a quizzical look, “Just look at it.” He handed it to you.
You took the folded piece, opening it, only to see a ticket to the Maldives. Your mouth dropped. “Babe,” You looked up at him, wide eyed and maybe a little scared, “You can’t be for real.” He nodded with a smile.
“I already talked to your parents, they’re taking Beau to Disney World for the week,” He explained, “I figured we could have a week, just the two of us. So you get some you time.” He continued, “As long as you’re good with it-” “Yeah, of course.” You looked at him, still flabbergasted. “Yeah, I mean, just, I haven’t been without him in over five years so-” “It’s gonna be an adjustment.” Gerard explained in an understanding way, “But you’ve also been working your ass off forever, and I kinda wanna see you in a bikini.” You gave him a glare.
“I have a mom bod, so no.” “Like a milf, maybe-” “Gerard!” You whisper scolded, hoping Beau would not ask what a ‘milf’ was later. “Thank you though, I just, I don’t know what to say.” “Just promise me no work for the week we’re there, okay?” You nodded in agreement, leaning up from where you sat and forcing a kiss, which he greatly accepted.
“Just nightly calls to Beau.” You concured. “Well, of course.”
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Hi! Then a prompt, if you don't mind. I've seen lots of arts crossovering bnha and among us, but I haven't seen any fics. Dekusquad playing the game, and Izuku acting like a mischievous kid, while being the impostor would definitely be cute
I love this idea so much! Sorry it's taken a while though - I've never actually played Among Us and had to watch a bunch of videos to learn the rules and strategy :')
'ORANGE IS MY FUCKING COLOUR, ROUND FACE!' Kacchan roared, the static of his microphone muffling his voice and making him sound eerily demonic.
'Like I want your fucking colour anyway!' Uraraka retorted, levelling the blonde's disgust. 'You wanna go, you expired bottle of mayonnaise?!'
‘LOOK WHO’S TALKING, BAKUHOE!’ Ashido joined in, passionately. ‘PINK IS MY COLOUR! GIVE IT BACK!’
Izuku winced at the volume and removed his headphones to prevent his ears from bleeding. They had only just begun playing and he was already starting to regret this. 
Luckily, Kirishima and Tsu quickly interjected and managed to convince the three parties to just let it go and switch colours. Uraraka was white, Ashido was pink and Kacchan was orange - although Kirishima had insisted that ‘pink is a manly colour, Bakubro. It suits you!’ which just proved to further enrage the blonde. Before Izuku could completely regret all of his life decisions, however, his screen suddenly changed as the game loaded.
Izuku's pupils dilated and a smile curved across his face. When Kaminari had initially suggested that the alleged Dekusquad and Bakusquad play Among Us together, Izuku hadn't spared a single thought in his research leading up to the game night. The fact that he had gotten the Impostor so quick was almost too good to be true.
Call him competitive, but Izuku was on a mission to win, and now was the perfect time to see whether his research had paid off.
Fake Tasks: Electrical: Fix Wiring (0/3) Weapons: Clear Asteroids (0/20) Navigation: Stabilise Steering Navigation: Chart Course
He read over the tasks and had a quick look at the map. Simple enough - both groups had decided to start easy so everyone could get used to the game. Muting his mic as he mumbled to himself, Izuku spotted the blue skin of Shoto and smiled. His partner would always have Izuku’s back and while he felt bad about exploiting that, he couldn’t just not take advantage of that!
He wandered over to Shoto’s side and together they ran off to electrical to complete tasks, making sure everyone watched them go. He faked fixing the wires quite well, he reckoned. However, before he could carry out the next step in his plan, Kaminari suddenly called an emergency meeting and everyone turned their microphones on.
‘Hey, Shitface! What’s the-’
'IfYou'reTheImpostorSayWhat.' Kaminari interrupted.
'What?' Iida exclaimed. Poor, innocent Iida.
'HA! The jig is up, pal!'
Calamari has voted. Pinky has voted. FlexTape420 has voted. BabyShark has voted. Uwawaka has voted.
‘Not you too, Uraraka-san!’ Iida sounded so upset that Izuku almost felt bad for him.
‘The plan was foolproof, Iida-kun.’ Uraraka replied, intelligently. ‘Welcome to the real world, rich boy.’
Dr_5PeePees_M.D. has voted.
‘Todoroki-san! I didn’t expect such a betrayal!’
Izuku shook his head affectionately and clicked on the Skip Vote button. Eventually, everyone had voted and the results appeared. As they had expected, the entire Bakusquad - excluding Kacchan - had voted for Iida, while the others had elected to skip.
What was most interesting was the little blue circle underneath LordExplosionMurder.
‘You think you’re funny?!’ Kacchan roared, while Izuku refrained from sniggering.
‘I think I’m hilarious.’ Shoto answered easily, as Iida was ejected. ‘What’s up? Gonna cry?’
Before Kacchan could reply, however, the game restarted and it was time to mute microphones. Izuku cracked his knuckles and exhaled.
Okay, let’s go.
They were back in the cafeteria; Kacchan immediately stuck close to Shoto, which Izuku thought was rather amusing. Leaving his boyfriend to try and shake the orange creature from him, Izuku busied himself with going to Security. As he wandered down the corridor, he passed Ashido and Kaminari.
Good. Alibis.
Izuku entered the room and had a look at the cameras. Shoto, Kacchan and Kirishima were in Weapons, Uraraka and Tsu were in Navigation and Sero was alone in Communications. This wasn’t good - everyone was travelling in groups. If he killed Sero now, even Kaminari could figure out that it was Izuku.
He tapped Sabotage. His finger hovered over the screen for several moments, before eventually landing on the Lights.
‘Plus Ultra.’
The moment he tapped it, the ship escalated into chaos. He watched as Uraraka ran out of Navigation, while Tsu was in the middle of clicking out of her task. Wasting no time, Izuku vented into the room and killed the lighter green avatar before venting back into Security and running to Electrical to start fixing the lights. Sero arrived shortly after, followed by Ashido and Kaminari.
Once the lights came back on, Izuku followed the other three out of the room and they ventured towards Storage, until a dead body was reported.
‘Microphones on, lads!’ Ashido proclaimed. ‘Right, who, what, where, how?’
‘We found Tsu in Navigation!’ Kirishima instantly chimed in. ‘I was with Todoroki and Bakubro.’
‘Unfortunately so.’ Shoto mumbled into his microphone.
‘Well, I was in Security and I saw that Asu- I mean, Tsu-chan was in Navigation with Uraraka-san before the Sabotage.’ Izuku commented.
Yeah, me and Mina passed Midoriya-kun.’ Kaminari added; Izuku smirked.
‘I didn’t do it!’ Uraraka exclaimed. ‘Deku-kun, how could you say that?!’
‘I’m not accusing you, I’m just saying what I saw and if...’ Izuku began mumbling to himself, fast enough that only Shoto could keep up with him.
‘Fess up, Round Face!’ Kacchan shouted. ‘Stupid Deku saw you in Navigation. You’ve been clinging to that frog since the game started. Who else is it gonna be?!’
LordExplosionMurder voted. HeNeedSomeMilk voted. Dr_5PeePees_M.D. voted. BabyShark voted. Calamari has voted. Pinky has voted. FlexTape420 has voted.
‘I am honestly feeling so attacked right now!’ Uraraka answered before voting.
The screen revealed the results. Everyone had voted for her… Except for the white and blue circles underneath LordExplosionMurder.
‘I’m onto you, Bakugou.’ Shoto remarked. Izuku had to mute his mic before he let out a very unattractive snort.
‘If I was the Imposter, I’d have killed you ages ago!’
‘Sounds like something an Imposter would say.’
Kacchan set off an explosion that could be heard from Izuku’s room and they were back in the game. Izuku took to following Shoto for a bit, while the Bakusquad also went off on their own. Keeping Shoto alive was very important for now. Not only would his partner stick by him, but he was also unknowingly helping Izuku win the game by constantly accusing Kacchan.
Izuku ducked into the Reactor, while Shoto continued on towards the Lower Engine. When he was out of sight, Izuku then raced into Security, noticed that the Bakusquad had split up, and vented into Electrical. As soon as he appeared, Sero tried to run, but it was too late. Izuku sliced him in half before venting back into Security and joining Shoto in the Lower Engine room.
It didn't take long before his body was reported.
'I would like to preface this by saying sorry to Uraraka-san for the last round. I  feel really bad for accusing you. Love you!' Izuku spoke quickly. Within seconds, his phone notified him of a new text.
Uwawaka [19.34] I've been tricked, I've been backstabbed and I've been quite possibly… Bamboozled.
Me [19.34] You snooze, you lose :P
'Where was damn Deku and Icyhot?!' Kacchan shouted into the mic, drawing Izuku back into the discussion.
'Izuku was with me in Lower Engine.' Shoto calmly explained.
'Yeah, we were together the whole time.' He reaffirmed. 'Where were you guys?'
'I was in Shields!' Kacchan declared angrily.
'Me and Kirishima were in Admin.' Ashido chimed in.
'I was Communications until I found the body.' Kaminari replied.
'Okay, so it's between Bakugou and Kaminari.' Shoto contemplated out loud.
Dr_5PeePees_M.D. has voted.
'I fucking swear, you bastard. I'll end you!' Kacchan roared.
'Well, it's either you or Kaminari. I'll trust my instincts, thanks.' Izuku could practically hear his boyfriend shrug.
'I reckon you and damn Deku are in cahoots with each other and are covering.' Kacchan accused. 'How come neither of you have been killed yet? You're protecting each other!'
'Kacchan, that's ridiculous!' Izuku squeaked into the mic, albeit his eyes were stoic and his face was relaxed. 'Shoto-kun and I have been sticking together, so the Impostor hasn't been able to get one of us alone yet! Stop trying to deflect the attention away from you.'
HeNeedSomeMilk has voted.
'Oh, fuck you!'
LordExplosionMurder has voted.
'Guys, calm down.' Kirishima spoke up. When everyone fell silent, he cleared his throat and continued. 'Anyway… Kaminari has been pretty quiet during all this.'
'Bro!' Kaminari exclaimed, clearly betrayed. 'I thought you were bae! Turns out you're just fam.'
'Bruh!' Kirishima replied, passion laced in his voice.
'Don't let his mediocre vine references sway you, Shittyhair!' Kacchan sounded almost desperate.
'You're right, you're right.' The redhead sighed.
BabyShark has voted.
'I've just gone from low-key flustered to high-key irked.' Kaminari cried out dramatically.
'That's rough, buddy.' Ashido deadpanned before voting.
Kaminari screeched into his mic and also voted.
Blue and green appeared under LordExplosionMurder; orange appeared under Dr_5PeePees_M.D., while pink, red and yellow appeared under Calamari.
'You voted for yourself?!?!' Ashido exclaimed. 'Why?!'
'When a bro betrays another bro, there's no longer a reason to bro on.' Kaminari sniffled, before turning his mic off.
When the screen showed that Calamari was not the Imposter and they returned to the game, Izuku sighed.
The previous discussion had put him in a difficult position. Izuku had two options, either kill Shoto and hope that he can convince the others that the 'Imposter' had staged it, or keep Shoto alive and remain under suspicion. Sure, he had blagged that they'd stuck together in order to stay alive, but that wouldn't work forever.
He'd have to take a risk.
He travelled to Navigation with Shoto and pretended to complete a task, before Sabotaging the O2. When the screen turned red, he turned to his partner and hesitated for only a moment before killing him and running out of Navigation to fix the Oxygen.
Several seconds passed before Shoto knocked once and entered Izuku's room, phone in hand.
'I want to break up.' He muttered, shutting the door behind him.
'Shhh, do you hear that?' Izuku cupped a hand over his ear. 'That's the sound of forgiveness.'
'That's the sound of your boyfriend dying.'
'It was necessary, Sho.' Izuku replied easily, not taking his eyes away from the screen.
'You're enjoying this.'
'Of course I am!' Izuku flashed him a brief smile. 'Only Kacchan suspects something is up. Thank you for helping with that, by the way.'
'Help, I'm dating a monster.' Shoto sighed, before throwing himself onto Izuku's bed, face down.
He giggled in response and turned back to his screen. The Sabotage was quickly dealt with and Izuku staged looking around for Shoto's blue avatar. However, when he returned to Navigation, he saw a red avatar standing over Shoto's body.
Izuku quickly reported the body and turned his mic on.
'Sooo…' He began, genuine confusion in his voice. 'What the fuck, Kirishima-kun?’
'My internet lagged!' He defended.
'We have the same internet!' Ashido retorted.
'Kirishima-kun, how could you? You killed Shoto-kun!' Crocodile tears streamed down Izuku’s face and his voice choked up, helping him feign his distress.
'Woooooow.' Shoto whispered, voice muffled by the duvet.
'Shut the fuck up, Deku!' Kacchan cut in. 'How do we know you didn't kill Icyhot? I accused you of working together, seems a little sus that-'
'BAKUGOU SAID THE WORD!' Ashido squealed. Even Shoto snorted at that.
'While it's true that killing Sho would definitely turn the attention to me - seen as I've spent the most time with him - isn't that awfully convenient for the actual Impostor?' Izuku started to mumble, albeit he made sure everyone could understand what he was saying clearly. 'I mean, even if I was the Impostor, I don't think I'd be able to actually kill Shouchan…'
'I've heard enough.' Ashido interrupted. 'Sorry, Kiri, but I'm with Midoriya.'
Pinky has voted.
'Well, I think it's damn Deku!' Kacchan shouted.
LordExplosionMurder has voted.
'I don't know who it is!' Kirishima sounded distraught. 'I want to vote Midoriya, but he's right, he'd never kill Todoroki!'
'Thank you, Kirishima.' Izuku was genuinely touched by the comment. His plan was working, but he couldn't vote yet, he had to wait until last.
With one final push, he spoke, 'You're so manly!'
BabyShark has voted.
HeNeedSomeMilk has voted.
Green and pink appeared under BabyShark, orange appeared under HeNeedSomeMilk and Kirishima had skipped his vote.
'What the hell did you do that for?' Kacchan spat.
'I didn't know who to vote for! I ain’t gonna vote randomly' Kirishima defended, before turning his mic off.
'"BabyShark was ejected." I so want that printed out and hung on my wall.' Ashido commented with a snigger.
Everyone then proceeded to mute their microphones as they entered the endgame.
'What's your plan?' Shoto asked.
'I've waited over a decade for this moment.' Izuku replied, a smirk on his face as he ran towards the orange avatar. 'As my final act, I will spare Ashido-san and taunt Kacchan before I kill him. I will make him suffer for everything he's done and for forcing me to kill you. Besmirched by his own hubris, I want him to know it was me, as I take victory for all to see!'
'Fucking hell…'
'Oh, hello Kacchan!' Izuku cornered the orange avatar in Weapons and smirked. 'Fancy seeing you here.'
Before his childhood friend could do anything, Izuku sliced him open and turned on his mic as the screen revealed that he had won. 'You just got Deku-ed.'
The group chat went mental, voices crying out with shock as they overlapped each other and became unintelligible. Meanwhile, Izuku leant back in his desk chair, smiling innocently.
'Man, that was so fun!' He turned to Shoto, who was staring at him with wide eyes.
Before his boyfriend could say anything, however, an explosion sounded from outside his room as Kacchan kicked his door down.
Once upon a time, Izuku would've backed down at such a remark and apologised to the blonde for killing him.
Today was not one of those days.
'I'm a bad bitch, you can't kill me.'
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jjmaybanksblog · 4 years
Falling For U- John B
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Request: hi! Can u do an imagine based on Falling for U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon with prompts 8, 10, and 19? Tysm!!!
Summary: based on Falling For U by Peachy! And Mxmtoon
Word count: 2,371
8. "You make me feel safe."
10. "You've always felt like home."
19. "I just want this. I want you."
I was hangin' with you and then I realized. I didn't think it was true, I was surprised, when I found out I've fallen for you.
John B had invited you over for a private surf lesson after you had told him you've never been. You had just moved to the Outer Banks last year, only recently meeting the Pogue and the rest of his friends. From the moment you met him you were drawn to him. Not for his attractive looks, but for his personality.
You had just met him, but he was always right by your side and ready to help you out through anything you were going through. He had a heart of gold and you adored the boy for that.
You first practiced your movements in the sand, rowing your arms front and back as if you were paddling to a wave. "And… jump up!" John B instructed. He stood by the side of the board, ready to catch you if you slipped. You lifted yourself up and jumped into position, John B's hand holding yours to help you catch your balance.
"Nicely done Y/L/N. Now let's see if you can actually do it in the water." JB led you to the waves, guiding you on how far to go out. He scanned the waves trying to find one for you. He pointed his index finger to an incoming wave as it slowly began to rise, you looked at him with a look of fear."You got this. I'll be right here to help you out." He reassured you. 
You exhaled, "if I drown it's your fault." He sent you a sly grin before saying, "don't worry I know CPR." You jokingly rolled your eyes while ignoring the butterflies you got in your stomach. You faced the wave as you paddled towards it, a tint of pink covered your cheeks as John B whooped and cheered from behind you. "And… jump!" You immediately popped up into position, almost surfing the whole wave before falling into the water.
You popped your head back above water to John B paddling towards you with your board next to him. "You okay?" He asked, pulling you back up onto your board. You wiped the water off of your face before nodding, getting ready to paddle again to a slightly larger wave. "Y/n/n you don't have to surf today, this was just supposed to be a practice." He reminded you. You were absolutely determined to get this. "I got this." You winked at him before paddling to the wave.
JB let you take this one, watching you jump up into position in time. "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" You laughed as you skimmed through the wave. John B applauded you as the wave died down revealing pure shock on your face. "And the Pogue princess has done it ladies and gentlemen!" He yelled into his cupped hands as you made it to shore. 
You waited for him to get to you before jumping into his arms. You wrapped yours around his neck as he held you by the waist, spinning you around in glee. "You fucking did it! Holy shit!" He grinned as he put you down. You jumped up and down in excitement. "I know! JJ better watch his back I'm coming up to him." You mumbled, earning a chuckle from him.
"I believe this calls for a celebratory drink." JB held his hand out for you to grab, you gave him a weary look. His glance dropped to his extended hand, his fingers slightly wiggling. You giggled quietly before intertwining your hands together. This time the butterflies were stronger than ever. You slowly pieced together that you were developing feelings for your best friend, which you were not ready to admit. 
I didn't wanna believe my feelings for you. I didn't wanna believe that I could lose you if I told you just how I felt.
"I'm really scared Kie." You admitted, clutching onto one of her pillows on her bed. She sat in front of you and held both of your shoulders, "don't be Y/N! John B won't be phased if he finds out you like him. Plus even if he knows that's not gonna change anything." "That's not what JJ told me." Kie furrowed her eyebrows at you before remembering past events.
JJ told you about the time John B dated a close friend of 5 years for a while but once they broke up they never spoke again. You refused to tell John B how you felt because you were terrified of rejection. You were terrified of him not feeling the same way, or pitying you for not feeling the same way. Then things become awkward and the whole friendship is ruined.
"That was years ago! He's matured a lot now and from the way he looks at you I'm guessing he feels the same as you." You buried your face into the pillow and groaned into the cushion. "Don't do that. Don't give me that." You sighed, clutching onto the pillow. "Don't give you what?" She asked. "Don't give me hope." Kie reassuringly rubbed your back, "It'll all fall into place soon hun, just try to give it time."
"Dude when you see her your face turns pink. You're all like, "oh Y/N! Let me show you what true love is!" JJ exaggerated, putting his hand on his forehead before dramatically flipping his hair. "Shut up man." John B grumbled from behind the steering wheel.
"Honestly dude I don't know what's got you so afraid. Just tell her and don't be a pussy." JJ said to him. "Okay well what if I tell her and she's like, 'what the fuck I just became friends with this dude.' And she like, never talks to me again. What happens then?" 
JJ rolled his eyes at his over dramatic friend, "JB I love you, you know this but either man up and tell her or watch her fall in love with someone else. Your choice man." John B slouched in his seat, realizing his friend had a point. 
But I can't help it, I'm falling for you. And I can't quit it 'cause I'm stuck on you. 
John B covered your eyes with his hands as he led you into the backyard. Today was your birthday and while the rest of the Pogues took you out for dinner, John b stayed at his house to set up his backyard with festive lights and decorations. He remembered the first time you met him, you had gone on and on about how you wanted to go to a paper lantern festival. Since there were none at the time, he managed to find a lantern to give to you. He had set up the hammocks with a soft blanket and comfortable pillows. He saved up to buy cute fairy lights girls used to decorate their rooms. 
"And… surprise!" JB uncovered your eyes and watched your face contort into pure joy. "John B…" you trailed off, getting teary eyed. "Is it too cliche? Damn it I shouldn't have listened to Kie." He muttered under his breath. You quickly turned to him and hugged him, shaking your head. "No, no it's beautiful." He held you in his arms before excusing himself.
He walked inside and returned with the lantern, a lighter, and a sharpie. You covered your mouth with your hands, watching him walk up to you with a dorky smile. "I know this isn't a festival, but it's the closest thing I could find." He handed you the marker allowing you to write whatever you want. This was your chance to slowly start to tell him how you feel.
 You effortlessly wrote, 'JB+(your first and last initials)' you looked back up to him to see his smile even wider than before. "Is this okay?" He nodded his head, "it's perfect."  He held the other side of the lantern as you lit the bottom. "One, two, three." You two sent it off into the air, watching it slowly rise into the night sky.
John B wrapped his arms around your frame, resting his chin on your shoulder as you watched the lantern float above them. Your heart felt like it skipped beats constantly whenever he was near you. You got butterflies in your stomach whenever your name left his mouth. Everything you did with him just felt comfortable and safe.
And it might be pathetic and you might be skeptical but I just want to be with you.
You unknowingly cuddled yourself into John B's chest. You two were laying on the couch, you were fast asleep in his arms. He couldn't help but admire you as you slept. How your eyelashes just looked naturally long when they were shut. How every now and then your nose would twitch. Your eyes would sometimes flutter when you dreamed. Today was a day where you had a dream about John B.
He furrowed his eyebrows as a quiet, "John B." and a giggle escaped your lips. You were dreaming about you two traveling the world together after finding the gold. He took you everywhere you wanted to see, always looking at you when you were looking at the view. 
John B didn't move for a minute, afraid that he would wake you. He watched as your nose twitched nestling your head onto his chest. He held you in his arms, his thumb gently rubbing up and down on your arm. Hesitating for a moment, he tipped his head down and kissed your forehead. He couldn't hold his smile back as you grinned at the feeling. Your mind was telling you that happened in the dream, but in reality John B was slowly realizing just how strong his feelings are for you.
Please tell me, boy can you get a clue? Or come through 'cause I just want to be with you.
"No, JJ you don't get it. I try to give him a hint that I like him but it just flies over his head." You vented, hitting your head on the steering wheel. JJ lifted your head up off the wheel and against the headrest. "Y/N, John B is the most oblivious person all of us know. If you want to tell him you like him, you have to just say it." He emphasized the 'have'. 
You groaned and turned your head to him. "Can't you just do it for me?" You covered your face. "Sorry buttercup, it's better if it comes from you. I'll help keep Kie and Pope away from you guys but you have to be the one to tell him." You exhaled loudly, nodding your head.
I'm scared of telling you how I feel. Maybe it's better if I just try to conceal the truth. For me and for you. But I'm still stuck on you. I'm still falling for you, for you.
You paced in your room, waiting for John B to arrive at your house. Tonight was the night you were gonna admit how you felt about him. You stopped in your tracks as you heard a delicate tapping outside your window. Unlatching the lock, you let him step through the opening before closing it again.
He stood there as you paced back and forth again, making him sit down on the edge of the house bed. "Okay. Okay so, I have to say something and I just need you to wait until I'm done before you say anything." You instructed him, earning a nod as a response.
"I like you. I like you a lot and it genuinely scares me. To the point where I went to JJ for advice because I couldn't figure out what to do. I was scared because my brain just tells me there's no possible way you would like me back. That if I told you how I felt you would think it's weird or you would look at me differently and I don't want that, I don't want things to change in a bad way. But I wanted to say this because you just, you make me feel safe. You make me feel like I'm worth it. You give me these butterflies that leave the hair on my body standing up. I'm always with you because you've always felt like home. I could be skydiving with no parachute but I wouldn't care because as long as I'm with you, I'm happy. Okay, now I'm just rambling but that's it." 
You stopped panting, biting your nails as John B sat there trying to process everything you said. He had a dumb smile on his face as he looked up at you. "What? What? Was that too much? Did I just mess everything between us up?" You panicked.
He stood up from his spot and walked towards you. You couldn't help but feel small and vulnerable as you slowly backed away from him. He cornered you against the wall, his breath fanning your lips. "You like me?" He quietly whispered, trying to make sure he heard that right before he made the next move.
"I really do." You mumbled, your chest heaving from your heart rate picking up. His hand raised up and cupped the side of your face. He watched as your eyes fluttered shut, melting into his touch. "I won't do anything until you tell me it's okay." 
You opened your eyes to look at his brown ones. "Kiss me." You reassured him. He dipped his head down and connected your lips to his. He exhaled in relief as he was finally able to kiss you. Something he's been wanting to do for a while now. Now he was the one with butterflies. The pad of his thumb rubbed your cheek bone as you pulled away from him. "Do you want this?" You asked, pointing your finger between you two
"I'm falling for you, I've been falling for you. I just want this. I want you." He whispered, pushing a stray piece of hair out of your face. Your face turned a light pink as he pressed a kiss to your forehead.
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