#I genuinely think I got more invested in this game than BG3
six-improbable-things · 8 months
I just finished P:WotR, and HOLY FUCKING SHIT. What the fuck was that??? /pos. Now I understand why people were so pissed about BG3 not having a true epilogue, because oh my god was the P:WotR one good. They really brought up every single decision you made, and all of them had an impact on the worldstate. And they did not pull any punches about making you feel bad for fucking up, lmao.
I stand by my love of Areelu, btw. She's a terrible person, but I love her and I'm obsessed with her. Also, she was kinda-sorta justified?? Anyways, we support women's wrongs in this house. <3
God, I love this game, and I can't wait to play it again!!!!! It truly was an amazing experience, and I'm so curious to see how all the other mythic paths play out. (I did angel for this playthrough. Basic, I know. But it was actually really fun!!!!!!!!)
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gangler · 1 year
Out of curiosity, do you have any thoughts on Baldur’s gate 3?
Oh absolutely. I could talk your ear off about Baldur's Gate 3.
I was pretty resistant to it at first. Seemed like the studio was very interested in making their perfect "Dungeons and Dragons" game. Had very little to say about what kind of cues they wanted to take from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. Actually stopped following BG3 news for like a solid couple years because I was just making myself angry.
I've watched a couple streamers play a bit of the Early Access though and it looks really good! Despite the changes it actually feels surprisingly like Baldur's Gate to me, though I've met plenty who disagree.
Mad excited to see Minsc and Jaheira again of course. Thought the trailer really portrayed them well. Shame they snubbed Minsc's voice actor though. I thought the dude was just too busy to play Minsc these days, but apparently he's spoken out in disappointment over the matter. Sounds like they just thought Matt Mercer had more star power in the DnD crowd these days. But for what it's worth the man plays Minsc Beautifully.
Their tagging system sounds overly complicated. They talk about interactions where there are are over 700 versions of the a 4 click conversation based on what tags your character has. Like if they've walked though some water recently, they'll have a [Wet] tag and people will respond as if they're wet. I don't know. That sounds excessive. If you told me there were dozens of versions of conversations I'd be like "Wow! So much replay value!" but I don't really see the appeal of getting that granular with the interactions. I think it comes from a place of genuine excitement on the developers part though. I think it's something they created because it sounds very cool to them, not necessarily because they thought it would be super marketable or whatever, and the gaming industry needs more of that.
Their hardware thing sounds like a pretty severe misstep. They announced the thing with herculean hardware requirements, and they're like "Don't worry! You won't have to actually run the thing! We're partnered with Google Stadia, a game streaming platform. They run the game on their beefy computers and stream the game to your computer, allowing you to play on your dinky desktop!"
But then of course Google pulls the plug on Stadia, and they're already neck deep in the development cycle. And now they've announced that the final game will have even higher hardware requirements than the early access. I have no idea if I'll even be able to run this thing, and like, I've got a pretty solid computer. Nothing too crazy but it's only two years old and I spent a pretty penny on it. Eternal reminder that digital "ownership" is a sham by the way. Invest in physical media where possible because that shit isn't subject to the fickle whims of their corporate platform.
I've been thinking of running a Dragon Disciple as my first character. I think the scaley effect it gives your character looks super cool.
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