#I get distracted and sidetracked whenever I see a mirror
cartoonghosts · 4 months
god made me asexual because he knew I would be too powerful if I wasn't. I'm simply too hot to be allo. This is also why he gave me depression
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merakiui · 4 years
Morning and Day Teams Playing Among Us HCs
The 14th Department decides to play Among Us. (Part 2 can be found here.)
Morning Team (Mane)
🧩 Ghilley 🧩
Ghilley’s good at sneaking around in real life, so you better believe he’s a pro at using the vents. 
Whenever he’s the impostor, his main tactic is to kill someone while they’re doing a task. He normally goes for Jamie because he can’t get used to the controls. Anyone who’s in Admin swiping the keycard better watch out if they can’t get it on the first try.
He’s only played a few times with the others and the manager, but he’s able to memorize the map as he goes along. Sneaking around all the time, even in the game, helps a lot.
He moves fast after he’s killed someone, so whenever there’s a body report no one ever suspects him. Somehow he finds a way to make it as far from the body as possible. 
He’s always trying to trick everyone during the debate so they never really know if he’s the impostor or not. 
Whenever the Reapers suspect him, he’ll just do that famous laugh of his. 
“Am I the impostor? I don’t know. Maybe I am, and maybe I’m not. Ufufufu!”
It’s really hard to determine if he’s guilty or not because of how casual he is when playing. 
Sometimes he’ll throw out small hints so that the others will falsely accuse an innocent crew mate. He’ll say the most misleading things, which ends in an incorrect ejection. 
 His go-to color is black with the machete hat because it matches the sneaky vibe he always emits. 
☀️ Ell ☀️
Poor Ell. He’s so bad at Among Us. It’s not even funny.
For one, he can’t lie, so whenever he’s the impostor everyone knows right away. 
“It’s not me, guys!” And then he proceeds to sneeze and everyone votes him out.
Him and Jamie stick together because they don’t know what else to do. When he’s a crew mate, he’s one of the first killed because he spends so much time trying to find his way around the map.
Ell does his best to get all of his tasks done so that the others will have a chance at winning. 
Him and Jamie vibe in the dead chat. While everyone’s accusing one another, they’re just chilling. It’s honestly kind of fun.
Sometimes he’ll follow Youssef around when the two of them are in the same game. He’s learning so much from his older peers. If only he could actually get better at his gameplay. 
Youssef is really nice about it, too. He’s more than willing to help Ell in finding his tasks. That makes Ell very happy.
He tried to use the vents once and Licht caught him. 
His go-to color is cyan because it reminds him of a clear sky, and he wears the halo hat.
🐴 Jamie 🐴
Just like Ell, he’s also not good at the game. 
Jamie can’t wrap his head around all of the tasks and locations. He was downloading files and someone killed him. Now he’s stuck floating around the map as a ghost. 
“What just happened? Am I dead?”
He’s so confused.
Jamie stops and checks the map religiously so he can make it to his tasks. He’s always passing electrical trying to find the wires. 
When he was the impostor, he didn’t understand anything other than kill the crew mates. So he did just that and it failed miserably.
“What’s venting? What am I supposed to do with these fake tasks? I need the real tasks, right?”
Everyone votes him out as soon as they hear him say that during the meeting. They don’t even need to debate the location of the dead body.
It’s not his fault he can’t adapt to how fast the game moves. One minute he’s trying to swipe the keycard and the next thing he sees is Ethan twisting his avatar’s neck. He’s doing his best, though.
His go-to color is yellow, and he wears the bird nest hat.
💋 Licht 💋
He’s definitely flirting with the manager through voice chat. It doesn’t matter if the game’s ongoing; he’s going to make a few sly remarks regardless.
“If we win, we should go out to celebrate. Just you and me, darling.”
Licht just doesn’t shut up when he’s playing. Even when everyone’s supposed to silently work on their tasks, he’s busy starting a conversation with the air. No one ever replies, though the manager has begun to humor him.
He’s so upbeat and encouraging—usually just flirty half of the time—that the others have trouble figuring out whether he’s the impostor or not.
Licht’s actually pretty good at keeping his role a secret. That is, until the manager makes a comment.
“Wow! Who’s the imposter this time? They’re really good!” To which, Licht responds with, “Thank you, darling. You’re not so bad yourself.”
Kind of sus of him to say that, and nearly everyone votes for him. Even if he’s not the impostor, he still responds to the manager’s compliments.
He’ll follow the manager around when he’s a ghost, internally hoping they won’t get killed. It’s better to watch and listen as they try to work through the evidence they’ve found.
When they are killed, he tries to make their ghosts kiss. Licht seems to be playing a different type of game.
His go-to color is purple, and he wears the cherry hat.
Day Team (Die)
🎹 Theo 🎹
He’s glued to June so much throughout the game that everyone suspects he’s the impostor. But he’s just trying to protect June. He wants to be able to vouch for his friend in case the others plan on voting him out.
Theo’s actually decent at Among Us. He’s able to study the map and then follow it to his destination. He’s one of the first to finish his tasks so that he can help lead June to his.
When he’s an impostor, he won’t kill June or the manager. The rest of the Reapers are fair game, though. 
He’s surprisingly good at being the impostor. One time he and Nine were the impostors and he sabotaged the entire game. He made everyone vote out Nine so that he could win and impress the manager with his gaming skills.
He’s kind of scary when he plays. There’s a cold calculation in that warm expression of his, and it’s rather deceptive.
He goes after Nine the most. R.I.P. to Nine if he ever finds himself in the same lobby as Theo.
Theo has no problems defending himself, June, or the manager during the discussions. He always seems to have a solid alibi. If he’s put on the spot, he’s calm and collected about it, listing out his tasks and everything else that makes him innocent.
He’ll use the vents only when he needs to. Theo likes to sabotage the oxygen and the lights because it’s convenient. 
He once mistook June for someone else and killed him. That made Theo incredibly sad. :(
His go-to color is blue, and he wears the chef hat.
🌹 Louis 🌹
He’s not against playing video games if it’s with his friends. But too much screen time can be bad for the eyes and complexion. Besides, why look at a bright screen when he can ogle at his reflection all day? Truly, the latter is far prettier.
He’s not good at the game, but he’s also not bad either. Louis can do his tasks, vouch for those who were with him, and explain where he was when the body was found—albeit with his usual dramatic flair. 
“Ethan, why are our names red, but the others aren’t? Perhaps we’re special? Well, I wouldn’t expect anything less than perfect for someone such as myself!”
Ethan’s about ready to strangle him when Louis pulls mindless stuff like that.
Unlike the others, who play to win or to impress the manager, Louis plays for fun. He doesn’t care much about winning or losing. It’s the enjoyment that matters the most, right?
Louis tends to get distracted when he’s playing. The reason for that, you may ask? He noticed himself in the mirror and is now dedicating his time to admiring his features.
When this happens and he goes AFK, he’s killed. When he’s the impostor and he gets sidetracked, he completely forgets about killing.
He’s also vibing in the dead chat, spreading words of encouragement to himself. No one understands what he’s complimenting himself on, but at least Louis seems content.
Louis might not play as often as the others, but he still sets aside time for it. Though that time may get interrupted by his endless self-love.
His go-to color is white, and he wears the crown hat.
♞ Ethan ♞
He plays with intense strategy. 
Ethan likes to cut to the chase during the meetings in order to weed out the impostors. 
“I’ll keep it simple. Name your tasks and your exact location before the body was reported.” He takes the lead in most of the meetings.
He’s very diligent with his tasks. Those who don’t complete their tasks are on his radar. 
When he’s the impostor, he goes for those who are the easiest to kill off. Either that, or they’re just useless. Louis almost always finds his character dead at the hands of Ethan. 
He’s not too shabby for an impostor. Ethan knows how to use the vents to his advantage, and he never seems bothered when the others accuse him. He keeps his tone in check, so no one knows if he’s telling the truth or not.
Video games may not be a hobby of his, but he doesn’t mind playing them with the manager if that’s what they want.
When he and the manager are the impostors, they’re an unstoppable force.
He can’t believe he actually enjoyed even a second of Among Us, yet here he is. 
His go-to color is red, and he doesn’t bother with wearing a hat.
💥 June 💥
June loves playing Among Us! Not only is it fun, it also reminds him of some elements in those noir films he likes so much. A mystery is more fun when it’s played out amongst your friends.
In the beginning, he was a tad clumsy with his tasks and his role as either a crew mate or an impostor. He’s just trying to get the hang of things, but it didn’t necessarily work out in his favor.
He prefers being a crew mate over the impostor because he likes trying to figure out who’s guilty. It makes him feel like the main character of a mystery-action film.
Sometimes he’ll say the wrong things when he’s the impostor. But in the heat of the moment, he’s just excited to play more.
“It couldn’t have been me! I was hiding in the vents! Haha!”
June once received lots of baked goods from Theo a day after they all played. Theo claimed he had wrongfully killed his friend and wanted to make up for it, but June had already forgotten about that incident.
June doesn’t really suspect anyone whenever he plays. He’ll just go along with what the others say, working off of their evidence to create a conclusion of his own.
He enjoys it when the manager is in the lobby because it means they’ll be able to play together.
When June and Louis are dead, they’re typing to each other through the chat, bonding and having a grand time. They seem to forget about the game and just talk about whatever until one side wins.
His go-to color is orange, and he wears the sheriff hat.
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hoodedsuns · 4 years
Spring Bloom | Lee Felix
Genre: Artist!AU, Fluff
Summary: A continuation of Dead Leaves 
Word Count: 1.6K
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Spring is without a doubt Felix's favourite season of the year. It is afterall, the season of new beginnings. Gazing at the vast blue sky through the open window, he followed the slow moving clouds on their journey, allowing his mind to wander wherever it pleased as he entertained the childish thought of sitting on one. With the weather steadily heating up and the playful but tenacious stalks of daisies sprouting up in the most unlikely of locations, the air comes alive with bubbly chatter and a welcomed sense of newfound motivation. He could almost smell the distinct scent of grass wafting through the air even though the nearest park was at least half an hour away. 
Who on earth wouldn't like spring?
Felix's attentive eyes flickered back over to where you laid haphazardly on the floor in a shirt that you had stolen from him, ignoring the way the thin cotton fabric had ridden up and was exposing your stomach in favour of lazily scrolling through twitter in search of something that could cure your boredom. It was a common sight to see on these lazy sunday mornings where neither of you felt the need to exert more energy than what was needed, completely satisfied with just basking in each other’s presence.
Bringing his legs further into himself so as to create a stabler surface atop the chair he sat on, Felix re-balanced his sketchbook onto his bent knees, left hand grabbing onto the side tightly. And with careful strokes, he filled yet another page of his sketchbook with random drawings of your figure and features as he sketched out the final curve of your pursed lips – a habit of yours that appears whenever you were focused on something. He sometimes affectionately refers to you as his little duckling because of it, although you would often just reply with an amused “I’m older than you”. 
"I miss autumn," you announced to no one in particular, causing Felix's heart to skip a beat. 
You always had a knack for reading his mind. It was something which Felix took great joy in adding to his ever growing list of 'evidence we're soulmates' that he kept track of in his phone. Or maybe it was just pure coincidence, nothing more than a mere product of him over analyzing anything that had to do with you. Even so, he'd much rather choose to believe that it was the former reason.
Stretching your limbs out wide like a starfish, you let out a loud groan before heaving yourself up into a sitting position, a dumb smile present on your face. "You know that I can hear your pencil strokes right?" You turned your head to face a flustered Felix who immediately started busying himself by babbling and stammering out excuses of how he definitely wasn't sketching you.
You smirked, having successfully caught Felix in your childish trap. "All I said was that I can hear you drawing, I never said that it was me you're sketching." Aside from the muted hum of the traffic outside, it was dead silent for a moment before Felix realised his mistake.
"You just love teasing me, don't you." He gave a resigned sigh at your amused chuckle. Felix wasn’t sure why but despite having been caught drawing you numerous times, it still made him nervous when you called him out. Perhaps it had something to do with how much of his emotions would bleed into the lines, leaving the most vulnerable parts of himself open for anyone to see as long as they had possession of his sketchbook. But regardless, he was more than used to dealing with the cheeky side of you and the first lesson he learned was that it’s much easier to just give in than try to fight a battle that already had a predetermined winner. 
Felix cringed at the way your joints popped audibly as you got up from the hard wooden floor and walked behind his chair, resting your chin on his shoulders to get a good look at his creation while your fingers ran themselves through his dark brown hair that was still a little damaged from its previous bleaching. 
Despite your outward confidence, you were still slightly nervous on the inside considering how the sketch was basically a testament as to the way you appeared through Felix's eyes. Your insecurities were unfounded however, as proven by the instantaneous fluttering of butterflies in your stomach the moment your gaze met the drawing. You were never one to put yourself down but you really couldn’t help but wonder how it was possible for you to still look so effortlessly breathtaking to him even in all your messy and makeup-less glory, feeling as though you were unworthy of how much love and awe you could feel in the simple graphite lines. He even scattered random tiny stars and hearts across the page.
Clearing your throat, you quickly grabbed the sketchbook out of his hands when he had turned his head around to glance at your reaction, using it as a shield to hide the remnants of your lovestruck expression while hastily flipping the book to a random page in an effort to distract yourself from the warm feeling that was growing in your chest. 
"Hey, that's the cafe!" Your hands stopped their movements as your eyes widened in excitement, lips quirking upwards just from the sight of that familiar and homey building.
After your initial recommendation, the pair of you would frequent the quaint little shop together with Felix having fallen head over heels with the heavenly pastries and cozy atmosphere, an exact mirror image of your own self when you had first discovered that small haven. It was the place that nurtured the shy and uncertain connection between the two of you into something more unequivocal as Chan, the owner of said cafe that both you and Felix had formed a close friendship with, would smuggly remind his employees everytime you two visited. And in a way, it wasn’t that far from the truth. It not only provided you with a safe and comfortable environment to be in when you were first getting to know Felix better, it was also where you two made it official thanks to everyone’s gentle nudges whenever you guys got stuck or too afraid to pursue something more. But Chan’s ego was already big enough without you openly agreeing with him.
"Is this the reason why you were so late that one time?" Your eyes latched onto the grey figure of yourself smiling softly, attention completely taken by whatever nonsense Chan was spewing as he cleared the tables near you of their empty dishes and cups, before looking at Felix with a deadpan expression. 
He could only smile sheepishly, giving you the answer to your question. 
In his defense, his original plan was to meet you inside immediately but he got sidetracked when he spotted you through the large windows of the cafe. You looked so happy and at peace that Felix immediately felt his heart swell with love, completely awestruck by how innocent and seemingly angelic you appeared in that moment. Which of course, led him to immediately scrambling for his sketchbook and a pencil. Felix would never forget the strange stares he got from the people who walked by him, both concerned and disturbed by the sight of him furiously sketching while sitting down on the hot pavement in the middle of nowhere. 
It was through things like this that reassured you of Felix’s affection, although he is also very vocal about it. He’s always so hellbent on capturing the little moments of you that you would personally find insignificant, encapsulating those emotions of his that no words could fully describe. You shook your head, smiling in disbelief before flipping to yet another random page.
"Oh, is this your childhood house or something?" You brushed your fingers across the page without actually making contact with the paper, marvelling at how detailed the drawing was as your eyes travelled from the creeping butterfly pea vines to the obedient golden retriever that sat on the front porch, tail wagging in excitement.
Confused by the lack of a reply, you lifted your head up only to be met with Felix's cherry red ears, his face being completely covered by his hands. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips and you ended up choosing to stay silent and allowing Felix the time to find his words as you could sense a slight change in the playful atmosphere that previously filled the air. 
Seconds ticked by before Felix opened his mouth, "It's the house that I want to live in with you in the future." He lowered his hands, voice trailing off at the end. Your mouth formed a perfect ‘o’ at his response. Neither of you had really talked about the future of your relationship before. But despite the vulnerability that was clear in his tone, his gaze was filled with nothing but pure determination, steady onyx coloured eyes boring into yours with the intensity of fiery embers. You felt shivers run down your back, having been reminded of when you had first met Felix. It was that same look of absolute confidence in his eyes, a stark contrast to his fumbling hands, that intrigued you in the first place.
Brushing your lips lightly across his, you resisted the urge to peck every single one of his little freckles when he unconsciously leaned forward in chase of more, hands reaching out to grab onto the hem of your shirt on its own accord. 
"I'm looking forward to it."
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cemetery-circus · 8 years
I Don't Need You To Preform
"Hello, my baby! Hello, my honey! Hello, my ragtime gal!" he'd sing whenever he got home. He'd place his hands either on her shoulders or on her hips, depending on how he was feeling, and nuzzle hsr while continuing the song. She'd sing with him and they'd dance together, a moment in time just for them. A moment where they could forget their troubles and love one another. Well, for Norman, that moment was over a long time ago. Daisy was gone and he was loveless, but he had only somewhat gotten over it. The sting, though dull, was indeed still there. The sting of how she just walked away and-Norman caught himself. "You mustn't dwell, Norman. You promised them a show and how would it look of you went out there with tears in your eyes?" It was true. Norman had planned a little show with Yessie for their activation day. He and Yessie would sing and dance to the song and they would both have a great time! He...He didn't need Daisy to preform the song. He didn't need Daisy to preform the song. Norman stared at himself in the mirror and repeated this internal and spoke it aloud, trying desperately to engrave it into his mind. "You ready, Nonny?" "GAH!" Norman jumped at the sound of Yessie's voice and turned to see them poking their head through the door, looking up at him. "Oops, did I scare ya?" "Heh, a little, but it's fine. Come on, let's go!" Norman hurried out of the bathroom with Yessie on his heels, adjusting his tie and boater hat. He spun the cane like Yessie had shown him long ago, throwing it up in the air and catching it with a smile. He could do this. He could do this! They arrived on the makeshift stage Hocus had built, curtain and all, with Yessie pulling on Norman's sleeve excitedly. "Thanks again for this, Nonny!" "Of course, Yessie! It is your activation day after all." The smaller robot smiled bigger than he ever could and Norman couldn't help but smirk softly. Hocus entered "backstage" and Yessie seemed to automatically grab his hand, not that Hocus objected. "You two ready? Everybody's excited for this." Yessie and Norman looked at one another and nodded. Hocus nodded himself and left, allowing the two preformers a second to get into place. Norman tilted his hat down and placed both hands on the cane, while Yessie held an edge of their dress and placed a hand over their chest. The curtain opened and they smiled at the cheering, but didn't make anything other movements until the music started. The familiar notes reached Norman's ears and he looked up, starting to sing as he threw the cane up and walked towards Yessie. They caught sight of him and turned their back to him, crossing their arms and sticking their nose up, Norman leaning down to be just underneath their chin. They turned away again and Norman rose to their full height behind them, pouting like child. Yessie rolled their eyes and turned him, Norman hooking his cane around their waist and smiling. Yessie smirked and locked their hands together under their cheek, batting their eyelashes as they began to sing their verse. They stuck their tongue out and waved their hand dismissively for the next line, jabbing Norman in the chest and glaring at him. Yessie turned and stepped out of the cane, turning right back around and yanking Norman down by his tie. They released his tie and rubbed at their eyes, crossing their arms and glaring at him over their shoulder. They whipped around again and poked Norman accusingly before throwing up their hand and walking away. They began to sing their separate parts together, Norman chasing after Yessie and trying everything to get them to smile or laugh with him, but they simply walked around each attempt with their arms crossed and an aloof look. Norman swore he saw Daisy for the quickest of moments, but he paid it no mind. He was preforming on stage with Yessie, not in the living room with her. Due to being sidetracked, Norman ran face first into a slamming door. It was a prop door, something Hocus had brought out when everyone else was distracted by the two at the other side of the stage. Well, at least they all thought it was part of the show. he thought to himself as his second verse started. Yessie sang Norman's previous verse with him, leaning against the door. Norman pressed his cheek against the door sadly and was once again swept into a flash of a memory, but he shook it away before it could take its toll on him. Focus, Norman. He clasped his fingers together and shook his head, placing his hat over his heart. He placed his back against the door, sliding down it until he was sitting. As he slid, Yessie stood back up to their full height. They smiled and opened the door, Norman falling back and looking up at them. Norman rolled over and stood up, opening his arms awkwardly. Yessie jumped into them and the two hugged, smiling at one another. See, that's Yessie. Not Daisy. Now finish the song! They locked hands as the final verse began, singing and dancing together. The spun before Norman pulled Yessie to him, dipping them. He pulled them up and they went at arm's length, dramatically placing their hands on their foreheads before smiling at one another. They came back together and Norman twirled Yessie, placing their back against his chest with their arms crossed and holding his hands. They let go of one another and sat down, happy repeating, "Hello!" to one another. That's when Norman checked his watch and stood up, changing, "Hello!" to "Goodbye!" Yessie watched him happily trot away off stage, rolling their eyes with a smile on their face, saying, "Goodbye." themselves before the song ended. After a few seconds of cheering, Norman ran back onstage and grabbed Yessie's hand, bowing with them. They waved and laughed, Yessie sparing a glance at Norman. His eyes were practically shining and his smile was wider than they had ever seen. Yessie hugged his arm like always and Norman smiled at them. Soon, they walked offstage and Norman suddenly lifted Yessie by the waist, spinning them around. "That was great! Did you have fun?" "Did I have fun? Of course I had fun, that was a blast! Thank you so much!" Norman set Yessie down and watched them run over to Hocus, who picked them up and placed them on his shoulders. Norman slumped against a wall, proud of himself. His eyes were still shining, but it was with tears. Whether these were happy tears or tears of the brokenhearted, he didn't know, but he wiped them away before they could fall. "See? You don't need her to be happy..." Now if only I believe that for more than two seconds.
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