#I go by sye everywhere else
syeko · 3 years
a bit of a username change to my art account name I have on Twitter!! I used to be kumaqqi for those wondering lol
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fandomfollower13 · 8 years
Summary: what if charlie was at the bunker and the reader at the Blackbird motel. What would deans response be?
A/N if you have not seen 10x21 and 10x22 some spoilers. I do not own supernatural. I did take a imaginative play with the episodes. And the italics mean flash back and i am sorry for all the pov changes Ok enjoy. And i hope you all are having a wonderful day. Love y'all.
Ps sorry for any mistakes
Warning: character death, angst, angry/ murderous dean, little spoilers, mature content, swearing, a little gore. (i think thats it im sorrryyy)
Word count: 2332
Third person view
Sam and Charlie were looking at each other worried Charlie was trying to help Y/n out with the book of the Damned. Y/n and her found it well she did Y/n stole it. Now Sam, her self, Castiel, Rowena and y/n were trying to descript the book y/n was with Rowena and cas or so they thought while Charlie and Sam distracted Dean. But Dean was suspicious he and y/n have been dating for 6 years and y/n had been a little closed of lately.
With Cas and Rowena it wasn’t going well for cas had just found out that y/n wasn’t there. He quickly called sam.
Dean’s point of view
That douche bag Stein has just informed me the book cant be destroyed , which is weird because sam said he burned it. I walked into the library where sam and Charlie where on their computers. Typical.
“Hey Sammy let me ask you a simple question” “yeah Dean anything ” “ did you really destroy the dook of the fucking damnd because Stein douche said it cant be destroyed and i saw you burn it, its gone right” but before he could answer there was a loud crashing sound.
I raced down the hallways Sam and Charlie close behind me. When we reached the ‘dungeon’ the Stein was gone but he ripped his fucking arm off.
“Ok Sammy tell me what your fucking hiding” i said seriously. I was getting angry the mark was not helping. He looked down. “I didn’t burn the book” “And why the fuck not. Sam keeping it is dangerous for all of you. Sam how could be so stupid!” I yelled “We are trying to save you dean we love you” he yelled back “Who else is in on your stupid plan” he looked down agian “Sam tell me. Now.”
“Charlie” i looked at her but she was avoiding eye contact “Cas, Rowena and y/n ” i snapped “Y/N MY Y/N”
Readers point of view
I sat at the crappy table at some crappy motel. I had to get away i couldn’t think. I sat there for a couple minutes and then i figured out the code “Yes! I did it! I did it!” I jumped up so happy but then i heard banging on the door.
“Open up! Give us the book!” More banging i looked around grabbed my knife and computer. Fuck my gun wasn’t with me. I ran into the bathroom.
Dean’s point of view
Sam’s phone rang and y/n’s name popped up. He quickly answered it and his face filled with horror. “What do you mean, y/n they want the book” i snatched the phone away from him “y/n who ever they are what ever they want give it to them” i pleaded “I’m sorry i cant do that dean. I love you dean so much don’t you ever forget that. Please. I love you” she hung up. I grabbed my keys and ran to baby.
I was breaking every speeding law there was. Sam and Charlie were trying to talk to me but i ignored them all i could think about was y/n. She cant be dead. She can’t be dead. She isn’t. I told my self when we finally got to the motel i raced out sam and Charlie close behind.
Her door was broken we followed the blood. She is not dead. I told myself one last time. Before we reached the bathroom. There she was in the bathtub blood everywhere. She had been stabbed in the chest and abdomen, she was broken and bruised. Her neck seemed snap.
I snapped. She was dead. Someone killed her. She was gone. The love of my life gone. Forever. I was furious, inraged, sad. “Y/n” I was crying and my voice broke. I dropped to my knees. She was gone. And the person who did this was going to fucking pay. I dont care if i have to hunt them down to the end of the earth i was going to kill them. I couldn’t think. I heard Sam and Charlie crying. Why was Sam crying this was sams fault.
Sam’s point of view
We carefully carried Y/n’s wrapped body and placed her down. And we set it on fire giving her the proper gokd bye. I was still crying. Charlie was to. Dean was stone faced looking at the flames. It looked like he had no emotion.
“I-I am so sorry y/n. You were a great hunter. Everyone loved you. You were like a s-sister to me and i will never forget you” i finished my speech still crying.
I looked at Dean and finally spoke. “Dean I’m sorry. You’re my big brother of course i was going to fight for you.” I said looking at him but he was still looking at the flames. “You know what I think, I think it should be you up there not her” and he walked away. It hurt to here him say that. But she was dead.
Dean’s point of view
I climbed into baby and raced off. I looked to the passenger side i remember every time y/n would fall asleep there after a long hunt
3 months ago
“I really want some burgers babe, what about you? Babe?” I looked over her knees were brought to her chest, her head resting on they window her hair over her face but her breathing was steady. She was peaceful. And she was gorgeous.
I looked over at her again and she was cold. I pulled over and took off my red flannel and draped it over I kissed her forehead and brushed her hair away.
Y/n was my life. She is my light at the end of the tunnel. I don’t know what i would do if she was gone. I don’t want to. She had this beautiful smile. Beautiful laugh she is the reason i live besides sammy. Shes been there with me through everything. I dont know how she does it thats why she’s my light. My life.
I was driving through a town when i saw police lights behind me i pulled over.
“Is there a problem officer?” I wasn’t in the mood to deal with anyone. “Yeah get out of the car sir” “i didn’t do anything” “step out of the vehicle” i stepped out. Trying not to lose it.
“You have a broken tail light” and one of the cops broke the light i jumped for him but i was handcuffed.
-few hours later-
“Now im going to ask one more time who told you to arrest me” i held the cheif in a choker hold. I was pissed. He finally choked out “t-the s-steins the run the t-town” i broke the fucking steins.
I broke down the door. And i heard guns cock. I looked up to see guns aimed at me. “Ahh Dean Winchester its nice of you to drop by” then it went black.
2 months ago
Y/n squealed as i grabbed her waist from behind and spun her in the air. “Dean put me down” she laughed flashing that beautiful smile of hers “only if you say it” i started tickling her she laughed harder. “Ok, ok Dean Winchester is the most handsome man on the planet” i leand down to kiss her. Our lips molded together perfectly i pulled her closer and hoisted her on the counter. I slipped my tongue in her mouth and we fought for dominance, i won and she wrapped her legs around me pulling me even closer. When we separated we both sucking in air. “Your my angel sweetheart” i pressed my forehead to hers she laughed “what about Cas?” “Oh no not you too” i leaned my head back and groaned i looked at her again “i love you sweetheart ” “i love you too deanie beanie”
I opened my eyes to a blinding light i quickly adjusted. I saw a guy in a doctor coat and a girl in a nurse out fit and another guy.
“Why hello dean” the old fuck said. “Im not in the mood for this what do you want” “your body”
Third person point of view
-at bunker-
Sye (sorry i probably spelt that way wrong) picked up the box Eldon threw on the pile of books along with deans belongings. As soon as he did a bundle of pictures fell out of it. He bent down to pick up the pictures. The were Polaroids of dean and what sye assumed is his girlfriend. Not in knowledge of Eldon brutality killing her. He carefully studied the pictures.
His heart ached. This dean guy was just trying to protect his family. And Eldon, his family wanted to destroy him.
Eldon snatched the pictures “sye we aren’t here to fawn over them we are here to destroy. Now get up and start getting more books” eldon snapped before the other Stein stumbled in with a knife in his back. And dean stepped into view, he looked drained.
“Ah hello dean” Eldon laughed. “I see you come to get revenge for that pretty girl who i killed, she fought back she screamed. It was fun watching the life drain from her, what was her name?” Dean twitched even more inraged than he was before. If that was even possible.
“Her name is Y/n ” he growled, his anger radiating from him “ah y/n. She was a fun one to kill. And these texts and pictures are just icing on the cake” he said pulling out dean’s phone that he had left there. And read the last text they had. Almost four days ago.
Dean sat at a table at one of the dinners that sam and him had stopped by. They were on a shifter hunt. “Hey dean im just going to run to the bathroom order me my regular” “one order of rabbit food comin up Sammy” he smirked sam rolled his eyes.
The waitress came up. She smirked and pushed her boobs up and fluffed up her hair thinking getting something from dean and not just his order. But he didn’t even notice. But sam saw it all. She stomped away. Sam slid in the booth across from his brother.
“She was flirting with you.” He looked up from his phone. He was looking at photos of them together. “What no she wasn’t” he said looking over “oh she did. But you didn’t flirt back. ” “i don’t need too. I have y/n” he looked back at his phone now terribly missing her he texted her quickly.
He licked his lips and smiled. “Stop smiling at your lap” dean looked at him “shut up”
“Oh almost forgot these” Eldon threw the pictures at his feet. Dean gave the quickest glance.
Y/n strummed the strings on dean’s guitar. She smiled she was playing carry on my wayward son dean walked in and smiled. She was beautiful. He saw her camera and quickly snapped a photo. She looked up as he was waving the photo.
“Deeeaannn give ittt” she jumped up trying to grab the photo. “No can do Angel” laughed grabbing her hips and spinning her. Showing her the photo. “I love it” he kissed her passionately they smiled into the kiss. “I love you”
“Oh can’t forget this"he threw a black felt box. The engagement ring he got a few months back. He actually got it when he was a demon. Even the demon him loved her. He was trying to find the perfect moment to give it to her. Thats when he lost it.
He was on the verge of tears. “You know you may have 2 hearts 4 kidneys 6 nipples for the ladies or guys i dont judge but you only have one brain” he shot it hit Eldons head in the middle.
He looked at sye. “Please don’t kill me i-im not like them” he lifted up his shirt “see n-no scars you dont have to kill me ” dean lifted the gun and then looked up at him “yes i do” the shot rang out.
He turned around. His heart still hurt. You were still gone. He still felt like his heart was ripped out. He saw Cas come in. His face showed sorrow. They soon were fighting and dean was winning. He was over cas holding the Angel blade.
“Hey Angel” “dean you can call me Castiel” “not you silly hes calling me Angel” y/n stepped on her tip toes and kissed dean. He smiled into the kiss. Sighing into it.
“Im just going to leave. Before you two move any farther” Cas poofed out.
Y/n leaned back and held onto deans neck smiling. He held her waist and licked his lips looking at her with love.
“You know i love you right” he said “mmm what” she laughed “your going to be the death of me sweetheart” “mm probably but i love you too” she kissed him again melting into it “i will love you forever Angel”
He stabbed the floor right next to his head. Because even in his rage he knew he couldn’t lose anyone one else. He lost you. And it was killing him.
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