#I got a new plant even though I don't have room (had to rearrange two tables so it can get appropriate light)
ereborne ยท 4 months
Song of the Day: May 11
"Natalieโ€ by Bruno Mars
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dragon-kazansky ยท 3 years
Til death do us part | Helmut Zemo
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Bodyguard AU! ๐Ÿ•ถ
Gender neutral reader
Collage by @realremyd
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Part 5
Bucky got the Baron back to the hotel without issue. Well, no other issue than the Baron's complaints. Zemo insisted on several occasion that Bucky turn the car back around and they go get you.
Bucky didn't say a single thing to him. He just kept driving. When he pulled up outside of the hotel he climbed out and opened the back door. He grabbed the Baron by the arm, ignoring all his complaining as he escorted him into the building.
Zemo was promptly taken up to his room. He was going to push Bucky off of him, but Bucky had a tight hold on him. Zemo is pushed into his room and Bucky stands in the way of the door. He clasps his hands together in front of him and stands there stoically, facing the Baron.
Zemo glares at him.
"I hired you, you should do I say."
"Our duty is to protect you, and protect you we did."
"You let them behind."
"Our duty comes first," Bucky tells him.
"Your duty involves leaving your colleagues to fall at the hands of armed gangs?" Zemo is fuming.
Granted, Zemo didn't care much for you when you arrived at his home. You weren't the same as your colleagues. You didn't look like bodyguard material. He didn't think you were capable.
He was wrong.
You put your life before his to ensure your job was done. He disrupted that by climbing out of the car and checking on you.
Why had he checked on you?
"You left them to die."
Bucky doesn't say anything, but Helmut picks up on the slight shift of his stance. Bucky felt guilty, as he should, but he also carried out his duty.
Helmut watched as Bucky raised a hand to his ear to listen to whatever was being said.
Bucky lowered his hand and said nothing.
"Well?" Zemo asks.
"They got away. The others are returning here now."
"And Y/N?"
Bucky doesn't answer him. This infuriates the Baron more.
Zemo had been to war. He was Colonel once. He had his own squad. He had seen people die, but to think that someone he hired to protect him had died doing just that, it felt strange to him.
You had given your life for his.
Thirty minutes later, Steve and the other make it to the hotel. Steve knocks on the door, giving the code word they had agreed upon to let them know it was each other. Bucky let's them in.
Zemo stands from where he had been sitting in silence with his own dreaded thoughts.
His room is filled by the other bodyguards.
"Well?" He demands.
"They got away. We fear the will come after you again. I think we should bring your visit to London to an end and rearrange this meeting some other time. We will firmly get in touch with the representatives to discuss this for you. For now, until things cool down, we will keep you here for the reminder of your trip. We suggest you don't leave your hotel room until it's deemed safe again. They are still in the city," Steve says, standing in front of the Baron.
Zemo couldn't give a shit about the meeting.
"And your friend?"
Steve looks a lite taken back that the Baron was even asking. Zemo didn't like you. At least, he didn't before.
"They were escorted to the hospital immediately after the ambulance arrived. They passed out, but are stable."
Zemo's shoulder sink down from their tense position and he casts his eyes off to the side slightly. He sighs softly.
"Take me to them."
"No can do, sir. You are to remain here until the threat level diminishes, Steve replies sternly.
"I demand to see them."
"I'm sorry, sir. We can't allow that."
Zemo hates those words with a passion. He needed to know you were OK. He needed to see you with his own eyes.
He owed you an apology.
Helmut sinks back down into his seat and tilts his head back. He runs his hands down his face and sighs again.
You were stable. He'll take what he can for now, though he isn't happy about it.
"So, you're going to keep me locked in my room?"
That was aspect number two in which he hated. Zemo rises from his seat and makes his way over to the bedroom of his suite. He closes the door behind him.
Once he was gone, the band of bodyguard turn to each other.
"Is Y/N OK?" Clint asks.
"Do you have any idea how hard it was to leave them there and bring him back?" Bucky says.
"They're stable right?" Nat chimes in.
"That was insane," Sam remarks.
Steve holds his hands out in front of him and tries to get them to quiet down.
"Y/N is alright though, right?" Carol asks.
"They're stable. They were shot twice. Once in the shoulder, once in the hip. I don't think they were aiming to kill Y/N, just get them down," Steve says.
"That asshole got out of the car," Bucky tells them.
"He did?" Nat asked.
"Yeah, he went over to Y/N. He looked pretty damn worried too. Did we miss something?" Bucky asks.
"Maybe he feels guilty about being an asshole?" Clint suggests.
"I doubt that," Carol says.
"Whatever it is, don't worry about it. He's safe and Y/N will live. I have to make a call to Stark. Do not let him leave the room," Steve said, making his way outside into the hall.
Bucky stays planted by the door as the other scatter around and wait.
"Y/N was incredibly brave," Nat says, deep in thought.
"They're a brilliant bodyguard, we all know that," Sam says.
"Has Y/N ever been shot before?" Carol asks, trying to think back.
"Yeah, a while ago. It was years ago, back when they started," Sam answered.
"Damn, I remember that," she says, the memory coming back.
"It's going to take a lot more than that to bring our Y/N down," Bucky states.
They all agree.
In his room, Helmut was leaning against the door. He would hear them talking about you. He felt a fool for ever doubting your skills. To hear you had been shot at before made him wonder. You must really love your job if you could get shot at and carry on.
Then again, he should know how that feels.
Not only back in the army, but back on that day too. Walker had taken everything from him as a result of trying to get rid of him, only to fail. He paid the price that day.
He lived. They didn't.
He closes his eyes and tries to block out the horrid images which threatened to flood back into his mind. Sometimes he can see them when he closes his eyes.
You were in much the same position today. It was as if he was seeing it all over again.
Zemo pushes away from the door and falls onto the bed, trying to bury his face in his pillow.
"I don't want to remember," he mutters.
He falls asleep there, still dressed and disheveled. He sleeps right through dinner, which is left at his bedroom door untouched.
Most of the bodyguards had excused themselves from the room, returning to either their room or the hall.
Steve and Sam remained in Zemo's room.
It had been six hours since the shooting in central London. It was all over the news, which Steve had on, but kept the volume low.
There weren't any shots of the actual shooting, reporters only getting there after the event was over, but witness statements from people in the surrounding buildings gave a pretty good description of what went down there.
No one mentioned your sustained injury.
He was rather glad about that. You could recover in piece.
He hadn't told anyone yet about the phone call to Tony. He wasn't quite prepared to share the details until he had a chance to speak to you. He would do so in a couple of days. He had contacted the hospital and they agreed to call him when you were ready for visitors.
Sam looks a the untouched plate of food.
"You think he's going to eat that?"
The food had been brought up a short while ago. This would be the second meal they ordered that he hadn't touched.
"You can have it. I'll get him something when he comes out."
Sam picks up the plate.
"What do you think is wrong with him? He wasn't like this before."
Steve shrugs.
"I don't know. Something must have happened between them out there. Yesterday he couldn't understand what Y/N was even doing with us, today he's locked himself away because they saved him. I don't know what's going on."
Sam sighs softly.
"I'm at least glad he isn't hating them now though. Y/N is more than capable of protecting that asshsole. Hell, they proved it."
Steve just nods silently.
His phone begins to ring. Steve gets up and goes to answer it on the other side of the room.
Sam watches in interest.
Steve hangs up and turns back around to Sam.
"Y/N is awake. I'm going to go see them. Keep Zemo here. I'll call you later."
Sam nods and watches Steve go.
There were no words to describe how relieved Sam felt right now. You were going to be just fine. He knew you would be.
Probably best he didn't mention it to Zemo just yet.
@thesuitkovian @justfangirlthingies @belle82devart @zemosimp420 @anteroom-of-death @silverlambcaptain @that-stupid-head-tilt-thing @lieutenantn @daniielbruhl @awesomesauce-abbie @latenightartist-author @lazygurl05 @rumblelibrary @nonamec0s @shura-gorl @ginger-abreu @caligrl1992 @livvyshmiv @luciadiosa @vverliebt @tatooineisdry @charistory @somethingthatsaysbubbles @apparrio @alex-the-nb @thewrongkhristol
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marchioness-caprina ยท 4 years
You Like Me Not?
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Pairings : Takami Keigo (Hawks) x Reader
Writing Style : 3rd Person
Warnings : Mild Cussing
Word Count 3290
3rd Person's POV
" Hawks. I'll ask you Nicely ok? Can you Please Please keep your distance from That New hero in your agency? That Foxy bimbo bitch what's her name again? " Y/n ranted narrowing her eyes towards Keigo who was casually lounging down on the couch with an amused look on his face.
" Now now Little Dove, I can't avoid her if you don't even know her name. But if I must say it then... Hmm" Keigo's eyes gleamed mischievously at the female in front of him as he uttered a word that made y/n go red with anger .
" Enchantress? "
" Keigo. " Y/n gave him a stern look and he just laughed at her face like it was a joke.
" Listen Kid. Looks like you gotta have another reality check. I can't avoid her because.... " Keigo paused his eyes never leaving y/n's angered face.
" Because? " Y/n growled impatiently as she crossed her arms.
" 1. We're Not even dating but here you are acting like you're MY girlfriend when you're clearly you're.... Not. " Keigo chuckled and y/n who knew that it was a fact flinched; feeling as if a million bricks were dropped on top of her head. The way he said it was like a harsh blow to the gut but she kept her usual strong expression.
" 2. We're working under the same agency so getting paired up with her isn't avoidable... Plus as her hero name states... She is enchanting " Keigo's smirk only grew as y/n's face became flushed with anger. Her eyes burning up dangerously as she gave a venomous glare at Keigo.
" And last but not the least... 3. I'm not interested in a first year kid. So chances of the two of us of ever dating is a Big fat No. Plus I think Enchantress is a lot more prettier than the average and if you ask me... I'd go after adults like her than Kids like you so stop acting like we're---" Although Keigo's Tone was indeed playful and the smirk on his face made it even more clearer. His words stung like hell.
Y/n who was visiting their agency and went straight up to his office to complain had taken in the harsh damages and blows. Yes she may be a first year brat in U.A but was it really terrible to love someone older than her by a few years?.
Apparently she was a little naive in terms of love so when Keigo saved her when she was still in middle school she fell in love. Who wouldn't? He's got undeniable charms, a pretty face , a well sculptured figure but most of all. He made her feel safe and protected, setting she never felt before so when she finally began studying in U.A she decided to pursue Hawks so it was very common for her to come by the agency. Almost everyone knows who she is by now.
So this was the usual; but it was the first time she walked out on Keigo who was still Talking.
Because it was honestly too much. After she confessed to him and started pursuing him, Keigo decided to be a Jerk and gave her a very hard time. When she'd come over to give him lunch he'd purposely fly away and call her to deliver it to a specific place but when she gets there he calls her again to either say that she was taking too long and left or he had 'accidentally' gave the wrong address and he needs her to send it on this one instead.
And he keeps doing that everytime. He even went as far as to go to another town to have her chasing him like a madman. Yet her determination never faltered. Something Hawks had came to acknowledge her for.
He sends her on wild goose chases and one time he gave her 3 wrong addresses even though he was only sitting in his office the whole time.
And if people think his wings are sharp then his words are sharper. He may be sweet to the media or the other people outside but when talking to her, his words are venomous, sarcastic, and over all it's just rude and pretty painful to hear.
How y/n had managed to stand strong until now was a mystery and everyone in the agency had grew to respect her for this but also carrying a little hatred for Hawks who purposely plays with her.
Keigo who was left in his office was speechless, he blinked a few times and even pinched himself to see if he was dreaming and when he found out that he wasn't he gave out a sigh.
It was quiet, far too quiet. His mind drifted off to y/n who had stormed out of his office awhile ago. Yes he was very much aware of the cruel treatment he was giving her but that's only because he wanted to see how persistent this girl was with her love for him, he thought she'd give up within the second time but when she never did he grew even more intrested and began testing her a lot more than intended and when he found out that her affection for him was too strong.
He didn't know what to do and began running away like a coward. It was wrong in so many levels. She was younger than him not to mention she's still studying in U.A, His job isn't necessarily designed to have a normal life and finding love and making a family IS normal, and he might die one day and he didn't want her to carry the burden of losing him so it's better to make her hate him.
But boy was he wrong when she kept coming back stronger than before. She was already forcing her way in his heart that he became distressed with his emotions.
And poof, he suddenly realized that he loved her back.
Something about her allured him to no ends and curse his animalistic instincts when it comes to mates because as much as he hates to admit it, he had already acknowledged her as a Mate. HIS mate. He can't help but be greedy and possessive of her, and the the mighty knows how many nights he had to lock himself in, restrain himself while his self control was being brutally tested on ; because with one wrong move he may have already infiltrated U.A causing a security distress, Crashed inside her dorm room , fucking bred her like a feral animal and claimed her like the pretty little mate she was.
Everytime he sees her, his control weakens and he had to hit himself and punch his face multiple times literally to remind himself that she was still a goddamn minor and he can't have his way with her yet.
She's not making it any easier for him so he developed a bad habit of taking it out on her because if his words can't do the talking then he might as well jump her bones and have her screaming his name.
Keigo groaned as he planted his palm on his forehead.
He was beginning to feel anxious. Like something bad was about to happen; something he didn't like at all.
He turned on the T.V and started reading through a few papers works but he couldn't hold himself back anymore.
He jumped out the window and began feverishly looking for the h/c haired girl.
" Fuck me and my Fucking Hormones... God.... Kid what have you done to me? " He mumbled but it came out as a growl instead. He was agitated, frantic and nervous, he couldn't get her out of his head even if he'd hit his head on a fucking billboard.
His eyes darting to every direction he knew she would take to get here. As creepy as it may sound but he knows every single route she'd take to get to his agency including the transportation she'd take to get there every time.
After some time he finally spotted her after dashing and flying at jet speed throughout the city like a mentally deranged patient he had finally spotted her .
A sigh of relief escaped his lips as he tried to regain his cool.
" Hey Kid" He yelled out once he was near enough and he got no answer.
Y/n had purposely ignored him. His words still rang inside her head and everytime she remembered. It made her heart clench in pain.
And when she heard her name being called out by the said Male . She wanted to turn around. hell she even wanted to run to him like a love sick little puppy but she can't let him see that she was crying.
So she ignored him and began walking at a faster pace.
" Oohh~ playing hard to get now aren't we? You know you gotta try harder. A little silent treatment isn't going to have me falling for you ya know" keigo casually stated with a hint of playfulness but he knew any better; he was desperate to have her attention back to him.
God, what did he do? Did she finally wake up and decided that she was sick of his bullshit treatment? Shit now what?.
After minutes of no answer Keigo began to feel frustrated and without thinking he landed behind her and grabbed her by the shoulder. only to whirl her around to face him.
" Kid---"
Keigo froze after seeing here blood shot eyes and tear stained cheeks.
He did it this time and he felt like a full blown jerk for doing this... For hurting her.
Y/n avoided any form of eye contact and placed her eyes on anywhere but him, lips quivering in a mixture of anger and sadness. She looked like a mess.
But Keigo thought otherwise though, he felt so sick of himself. The face she was making, teary eyes, flushed cheeks, quivering lips. It had disgustingly turned him on even though the situation screamed otherwise. His thoughts began to drift into the dirtiest part of his mind wondering if this face would be the reward he'd get if he'd have her under him, sprawled all over his sheets, sweaty and needy for him while crying-- no begging for him to give her more while he rearranged her guts. Damn he really was Messed up in every possible way.
He wanted to slap himself for thinking that way but a part of him couldn't blame himself because ever since she started coming over he had been so pent up it was a miracle he hadn't fucked her on the spot. And he didn't even have the guts to fuck another woman because he already acknowledged her as a mate; HIS mate.
He swallowed hard before forcing himself to speak.
" What's this? Now you're giving me a Sad and Pity worthy face? If you're making me feel guilty then it's working. I didn't think you'd stoop this low th---"
" Takami leave me alone. I don't want to see you right now, if you came here to insult me even further then just Go. " Y/n cut him off, she was unable to bring herself from listening to another one of his remarkable insults again when the wound was still fresh.
Keigo paused as his once playful stare began to change into a more intimidating and stern look.
' Leave you Alone? After what you've done to me? Oh~ what a naughty baby bird... No Never.... I'll keep this in mind when I finally claim you, I'll punish you for ever thinking of leaving' those thoughts circulated through Keigo's head as he silently stood there. Staring at her.
Y/n who was unable to handle the pressure tried to yank herself away from his hold but he had a grisly grip on her shoulders and his gaze managed to intimidate her enough to stop moving.
" Listen.... Y/n---"
" Senior Hawks! " Keigo was cut off from speaking and to top it all up he was taken by surprise and his reflexes kicked in; pushing y/n away quite harshly.
Their gazes were flung to the left where Enchantress, the new Hero in their agency was running towards them with a devious smile.
Keigo groaned and y/n rolled her eyes after seeing the pink haired female make her way towards them.
" Hey " Keigo muttered but again; he was caught by surprise when Enchantress had wrapped her arms around his while smiling proudly at y/n.
" Who's This Senior? " She asked pointing at y/n but the look on her face made it obvious that she already knew who y/n was.
" She's y/n...a fan" Keigo's persona shifted in a heartbeat and was now wearing his natural and charming smile.
" Oh? She's a Fan? Well nice to meet you. I'm the new Hero Enchantress, Say... You have a pretty face " Enchantress smirked making y/n fight back a scowl.
" Thanks " As much as y/n wanted to drop all the pleasantries and Immediately move to the part where she's ripping of Enchantress's left boob.... She can't.
So she decided to keep it neutral and gave Enchantress a small nod and a smile.
" You have a pretty face... But... Senior if you were given a chance to pick, which one of us would you choose? I wonder" Enchantress cheered innocently but her question got Hawks cornered.
She was doing this on purpose; placing him in a situation where he'd most likely fuck up and judging by the looks the two females were giving him... He can't smooth talk his way outta this. Not this time.
" Of course.... I'd pick you-- " Keigo's eyes we're settled on y/n but he pulled his gaze away from her and towards enchantress. " Enchantress" Keigo finished and The look of triumph on The pink haired female's face was floor-bash worthy.
Y/n stood in place, for a moment there she had her hopes up. Keigo was cruel enough to pull that stunt on her; giving her false hope only to bring her down and rub it in her face.
" Or course you'd pick me, miss y/n is still a kid and she's... Take no Offense in this miss y/n but Senior Hawks is a bit... Hmmm... Out of your league?" Enchantress smirk grew wider and Hawks who was already lying through his teeth was still fighting his Pride for dominance.
With a sharp glare sent towards Enchantress who didn't seem to notice only scooted closer towards him.
" Oh, Really? Ok then "
Keigo blinked at how nonchalant and uncaring y/n's reply was. He was genuinely expecting her to explode like usual but this time it's different.
Y/n was fighting back the new batch of tears, heartbreak was a real pain in the ass. Couldn't he just put her down slowly? Why is he taking pleasure in hurting her this way? Now he's rubbing salt onto the wound.
In which area did she lack in? Her face? Body? Skill? Intelligence? Now that she thought about it, Enchantress tray lived up to her Hero name. She was perfect in every angle.... Perfect for Hawks. Enchantress had a nice body, a seductive face and y/n heard of the achievements done by the Female Hero.
She can't beat her even if she tried. She's mentally, physically and emotionally drained to even give a reaction. She'd just get hurt even more.
Maybe this is a sign.
For her to finally give up, move on, shift her focus and concentration to something more beneficial.
This was hopeless and all she ever got was pain. She's not a masochist who yearns for the continuous and brutal impact of emotional pain. Heck even masochists needs a little love too.
She's tired and y/n knows better than to put herself down with her own insecurities. So she needed to make a move fast because she'll only get hurt again.
It's wise to forget him.
With a deep breath she pulled out a strong front with a genuine smile on her face as she gazed at Keigo and Enchantress.
Keigo wore an anxious look while Enchantress held a surprised expression.
" Well, you two do look compatible and you're right he is out of my league.... That's why I'll look for someone else within my reach. He's not the only fish in the pond.... I'm sure I'm holding you guys back.. Carry on with your hero duties, I'll go back now Bye~" Y/n turned around and gave them a wave before skipping away from the two.
Her tone along with her smile looked far too cheerful that it scared Hawks.
Did she just say she'd look for Someone Else?, she had the guts to say that right in front of him?.
He balled his hand into a fist, and for the first time in his life he had never felt this scared to lose someone. He was breathing heavily while throwing a mental tantrum.
" You know.... I thought you'd finally stop that bad habit of yours Hawks.... I learned from the rumors and wanted to see for myself and probably give you a hand to confess to her but now that I've witnessed it, You really are a Fucktard" Enchantress shook her head as she crossed her arms gazing at Hawks with disappointment.
" Fuck off. This was your fault to Begin with. It's not as easy as you think"
" Really? You're blaming me for all the fuck ups you're responsible for? A girl's heart is fragile Hawks... I didn't live for a hundred years buried in the shelter of naivety. Her love was true and I think you just lost your chances.... If you wanna fix it. Fix it fast because once a girl has enough, she'll leave you like you're worth nothing. "
" I... I know I fucked up but your meddling wasn't necessary "
" Really? I was getting tired of watching you hurt her. I'm a woman too and I don't appreciate seeing other men hurt a woman who clearly loves them.... I did her a favor by giving her the ultimatum to let go... Looks like she took it in the end " Enchantress chuckled while Hawks stood there, his demeanor turning darker by the passing second.
" You're saying it's better that she leave me? " Keigo muttered Darkly , a dangerous look in his eyes began to resurface.
Enchantress kept a calm expression and nodded her head.
" You're Toxic Hawks. And it's better for her to leave you than seeing her get hurt over and over again... I've been in that stage before... And it hurts more than any injury I've suffered... "
" Since you're so knowledgeable about this then why not tell me how to fix it? Before I decide to go rogue and slit your throat" keigo threatened as he plucked out a feather which turned rudged and sharp; pointing it at Enchantress .
" Hmm... You seem to Love her judging by how strongly you reacted ... But you're worst than shit in showing it... But here's a tip . If you wanna fix it then fix yourself first. Learn how to treat a woman you like as if she's greater than a queen and remember that I'm not the one who hurt her...it was you." With those words being uttered Enchantress disappeared in a puff of smoke.
........ To be continued
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