#I got dropwiged
vioyume · 9 months
Had to film for something, here's me back flipping into a dropwig at the wall.
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tibialtybalt · 1 year
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I come out of saint play sessions physically exhausted bc I'm so tense and stressed while playing LMAO
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foxstens · 1 year
turns out this mod doesn't work in silent construct :)
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tsunochizu · 1 year
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Part 2 of "found a slugpup as Artificer in metropolis due to a mod that makes slugpups appear in every campaign"
After 15 hours of gameplay with this lil creature I found out that they are highly sympathetic and cannot hurt any creature even to protect themselves or me, with the only exception being a dropwig once
So killing scavengers probably makes them sad
They also love vulture masks and pearls.
Also they hate blue fruit and vulture grub which makes it difficult to feed them sometimes
Nonetheless, I got attached, and now no one can take my baby away or I will fight them
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riverripplespeaks · 2 months
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the sillies!!!!! im gonna put the information here and i think u can only do cut on pc and im on mobile so sorry kinda long post.. also if u saw the other pebbles one some of the information maybe be the same or some may be contradictory idk. either way this one is the right one
Echo/Five Pebbles
gave himself the name “echo” when he realized he was a slugcat, and also an echo. also it was the only name that made sense that he was able to say in slugsign
yes, the pearl on his chest is the music pearl
how he met fisher was he got attacked by a red lizard, but the electrical shock killed it before it could bring him to its den. fisher found him and patched up his wounds, and in return he let her stay with him and help him
he grew kind of fond of fisher even before he knew that she was moon
he cant eat more than the bare minimum (a couple bluefruits or batflies) because if he eats too much it will give energy to the rot, leading to it taking over his body
he is constantly starving because of my previous point. for reference, if he didnt have the rot, his kind of slugcat (similar to the kind arti is) would be carnivorous, and eat about two small lizards per cycle.
he can let out electric shocks with his tail while jumping, letting him propel himself in the air. the shock itself doesnt propel him though, he has to do that.
he can let out electric shocks strong enough to kill a small lizard if his tail is touching it. he can also create electric spears, though his are a bit stronger than the scavengers
he is constantly in pain because of his right bottom leg, and kind of feels hes a burden on fisher (and, eventually, the rest of the group) because he always has to stop and take a break.
he experiences frequent panic attacks and hallucinations, especially in the small cramped shelters. he usually cuddles close to fisher during these (even if he’s embarrassed to), and she helps him realize that what he thinks is there really isnt there
he is pretty sure the reason he got echo’d and reincarnated as a slugcat was because of the first karmic urge, violence. no one will ever know, though.
Fisher/Looks to the Moon
when she first saw echo on her way to the other iterators superstructures, she immediately knew he was pebbles, for multiple reasons. she decided not to tell him just yet, because she figured all of this was already a lot for him and he didnt need more.
she is bigger and fluffier than pebbles, but thats just because she is just a big and fluffy slugcat. pebbles is just average
she usually had to convince pebbles to eat something, because he hated the sensory of it and was absolutely terrified of the rot, but she figured that eating something, even if its uncomfortable, was better than dying of starvation
she generally saw herself as a bit of a caretaker for pebbles, even if he would hate being seen as “needed to be cared for”
she actually kind of enjoys killing creatures, of course she doesnt do it for funsies, but when she has to, she loves showing off her strength and skills.
her absolute favorite food is blue fruits, she thinks the texture and the lil pupa in the middle is DELICOUS.
she is absolutely terrified of spiders, especially mother spiders and spitter spiders, and creatures that look like spiders, like dropwigs. when she sees one, she will go screaming and crying and bolting away
she likes holding pebbles whenever she can tell his leg hurts, even if he goes off kicking and hissing. she can tell its a relief for his overworked body
she was able to tell pebbles who she was and that she knew who he was in pebbles chamber, where all there was left was pearls. (she basically pointed to pearls abt her and back at herself, and pearls abt him she pointed at him)
she is sosososo happy that she gets to physicslly hang out with pebbles (and the other two later on :3)
the red on her body is bioluminescent and glows in the dark and water
she is a fantastic swimmer, despite not having any fins or anything. she can literally hold her breath for almost an entire cycle
she is super strong, like her spear throw is a bit stronger than gourmands, and she doesnt get tired.
she assumes that she got held back from true ascension by karmic urge 3, companionship. like pebbles, though, we will never know
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industrial---complex · 7 months
i was just playing safari as a snail and i had made it my goal to protect all scavengers in drainage i was trying to stop this dropwig from hurting one of the scavs and it killed me and the last thing i saw was the fear the scav's eyes before the dropwig killed it and my camera got moved to a random room
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angelofchaos001 · 3 months
I completely forgot to mention some of the absolute shenanigans that happened playing as Gourmand
Despite everything, wormgrass is still gonna kill me no matter how many Gooieducks and body fat I have
Red Centipede, Red Centipede, FUCK OFF ALREADY
^Same shit as above but with Red Lizard
"Was I tired before or because of that throw?"
Give scav porl, scav happi. It drop porl. Confused, I try to give porl back. They no likie I touch the porlie =(
Hi scavs! *Overseer pops up in front of me* SCAVS NO- *
Vultures don't know when to give up, do they?
Yeek tanking a spear for me, idk why the scav threw it to begin with but yay
Payed a toll, accidentally squished a scav afterwards. Sat there waiting for them to kill me (I didnt want the rep loss), yet one of them hit two of friends instead, missed me thrice, and when he finally hit I got the 15% chance to live a spear.
Hey Moon, wanna see a colored pearl i got from the middle of nowhere? Cool *teleports away*
Weird glitch where my passage token didn't get used the first time, leading to two successful passages with one token
Do I eat this now or try to meal it later?
Thank you dropwig, for being unavoidable and impossible to hit >=(
Finally, the end of the game, jesus christ, oh hey look at this I can take my hands off the controller
*Praying the game doesn't crash every time I do something big*
*Game crashing*
*Backtracking because I missed a food quest item* <- This happened multiple times
*The quest to eat a Jetfish* (It took like 5 cycles just to get one to spawn and then a hellton of deaths to eat it and save it)
Really, idk why it crashes so much on me. it's kinda random and it's happened at least once in every campaign so far.
All I can figure is that my switch doesn't like the DLC, because it never crashed before getting that.
*They did in fact hit the overseer, it just so happened they also hit my face
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hurjy · 1 year
First post WooHoo
Thought of some vulture stuff for Rain World that would be cool for a mod or smthn
First up are Vulture Fledglings: Young Vultures that aren't as good at flying, but make up for it with ground speed and persistence. They aren't as good at sudden entrances as they're larger, darker colored elders, making their shadow clearly visible in the background for several seconds before arriving on screen. Once they identify prey (or simply wish to stretch or play), they drop to the ground upon their wings and reveal a high run speed, being slightly slower than miros birds, but also a bit smaller, giving them their most terrifying ability. They can move through pipes, meaning they can follow you indoors and possibly into shelters. They chase prey in hopes they are either slower than them, or that the prey will make a mistake. This persistence comes at a cost however, as they tend to grip anything in front of them with their wings to propel themselves forward and also get pretty bad tunnel vision. Ambush predators such as Pipe Plants, Dropwigs, Stowaways, (to an extent) Worm Grass and camouflaging lizards easily snack on them and with gusto, as the Fledglings are big enough to be a hearty meal and small enough to fit in a den. There could possibly be king variants that need to stand still to use their harpoons.
But that's not all I've got for vulture ideas, i also have an idea for an area centered around them
The Nest, as i'm currently calling it, is a tall structure standing taller than the communication arrays, ranging from in the clouds to even above them, and is where all the vultures go to nest after hunting lizards and scavengers. It is essentially a vulture-centric version of Metropolis, being a difficult late game area centered on one enemy. It would be separated into 2 halves: The upper half above the clouds and the lower half nestling deep within them.
The upper half is where the adults stay, using The Nest as a vantage point to watch over the land and plan hunts. It can get rather windy up there, flinging loose items and even smaller creatures clean off into the distance (Slugpups beware). Miros Vultures can spawn up here, but are quickly chased off by king vultures, being shunned as bastards. Even rarer is the appearance of Centiwings, which are quickly swarmed by vultures looking to keep them away from their young and to grab a quick meal. Pearls in this area reveal that vultures wear masks to ward off rival groups as they are highly territorial, to the point of killing those they cannot identify.
The lower half is where the young stay, taking cover inside the structure from the weather conditions within the clouds. The dense clouds causes a strong fog effect, making it too dangerous to fly, perfect for fledglings who prefer running over flying. There is also a small centipede population. Pearls in this area reveal that before being claimed by the vultures, The Nest used to be a Meteorological Array used to research the steadily worsening storms. It consequently was heavily charged with static electricity, which centipedes guzzled at greedily before the vultures showed up.
Cycle endings are also quite unique here. Normally it starts raining to the point where everything not in a shelter is washed away, but how does that happen above the clouds? The answer is another question.
Where did all these vultures come from?
Mama Bird starts her patrol at the end of each cycle, making sure The Nest is pest free for her children. This queen vulture is almost double the size of a regular vulture, and about that much more deadly, relentlessly chasing you and slinging harpoons in an aggressive attempt to either kill you or drive you off the tower. However, she cannot reach the lower half of The Nest on account of being too large to fit indoors and the poor flying conditions within the storm clouds.
While there is a drizzle, rain is not the main end of cycle threat in the lower half. Lightning strikes the area constantly, attracting many centipedes and possibly striking you. The electricity also gives some power to the Array via numerous lightning rods, causing flickering lights and jittery machinery as everything receives and loses power repeatedly. Combined with heavy winds causing the structure to lean, possibly sending you out of windows, and getting to a shelter is highly encouraged.
Shout Outs to @dustyfandomtrashbin for encouraging me to post about my ideas and getting me into Rain World in the first place. Holy Slugcat (Saint) is this game fun to talk about.
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siffrin-enthusiast · 2 months
okay anon got me on the rain world autism again so..just.. shoutout to the creatures in rain world. i love you spinny lizards and your wiggles. i love you garbage worms and your little head bobs. i love you vultures and the "OH FUCK SHIT" i still say every time i see you. i love you scavs and your subtle communications. i love you dropwigs no i dont dropwigs burni n hell. i love you squidcada and your instant hatred of the scugs. i love you rain deer and all the times i've yelled at you for ruining my run. i love you yeek and your little sounds theyre so silly. i love you lantern mice and your little stupid running faces. i love you centipedes and the way you move. i love you kelp and the way you brutalized me into learning water mechanics. i love you miros birds and the terrifying nightmare fuel lore you have. i love you pole plants and your barely discernible shakes. i love you jetfish and your inclination towards shooting yourselves into the sun. i love you noodleflies and your needlessly senseless violence. i love you leeches and the way you make me think on my feet. i love you leviathans and your terrifying grace. i love you rain world
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hrokkall · 1 year
I was more meaning the regions outside them but within their walls, so gluttony and greed's placement work, gluttony could be a very weird form of the rot, a sort of turbo cancer. Would gabriel be an iterator here?
Got it! In that case, I'd imagine the layers/regions would be as follows:
PRELUDE/THE MOUTH OF HELL: Inside the iterators themselves. VI's inside is most reminiscent of the Prelude (with a LOT of environmental hazards with comparatively few enemies… not a lot of creatures WANT to venture through VI even if it's the shortest path forward). Late-game area, unlike Ultrakill’s prelude
LIMBO: A "safe zone" similar to the Outskirts. Has a few paintings related to the Ancients, though only Minos can sort of read them. Most common creatures are snails, noodleflies, and lanternflies, though there’s also a small pack of scavengers who wield explosive spears (they're not outwardly hostile though… they just set shit on fire). The most dangerous creature there is a large black lizard, though it stays underground most of the time.
LUST: A moderately dangerous region where nearly every creature within exhibits some form of bioluminescence. Some of the terrain is made up of fully-intact buildings, presumably the city that used to rest atop VI (prior to the ancients' evacuation). Requires a lot of climbing to get through; certain areas are high enough to see over the wall. Formerly much safer, but has since been overrun by centipedes (similar to the canon parasites + they have the electricity present in Lust). Home of Minos.
GLUTTONY: Large swaths of worm grass that consume near-anything they touch, with the only escape being clambering over the large skeletons they leave behind. Rotten and festering, certainly but not the Rot as neither VI nor VII have experimented with it. Rain Deer used to roam here, but they’ve all seemingly disappeared, leaving only bridges of their antlers behind. Coincidentally also contains a lot of fruit if you can platform over to it properly.
GREED: A barren wasteland left untouched by the harsh storms of Rain World, though equally dangerous electrical storms are hot enough to turn the sands to glass. The only solace against the blazing sun is in the caverns below, where treasures and hordes of yellow lizards alike can be found. Venturing above ground is an option, though—if not properly camouflaged—swooping vultures will find slugcats to be an easy target. Though not particularly useful in their home region, many grappling worms can be found and brought to other regions for easy traversal around their terrain. Home of Sisyphus.
WRATH: The most similar region to its canon counterpart, a watery expanse that can either be tediously platformed over or swam through (provided the slugcat is either amphibious or has enough bubble weed). Swimming presents plenty of hazards: leeches, salamanders, and a particularly fearsome albino leviathan. Climbing over is equally harrowing, as plenty of the platforms have become overrun with blue worm grass and bits of monster kelp looking for an easy meal. There is, however, one more option of traversal: if the slugcat’s reputation with scavengers is positive enough, the Ferryman will bring them across the region for only a small fee (or for free at a large reputation cost), effectively making Wrath skippable.
HERESY: Just put everything in here. You've got miros birds. You've got red lizards. You've got equal parts poles and pole plants. Just a goddamn nightmare to traverse through. If it's red and it's menacing, it's here. Located fairly close to VI, though taking shelter within its can is ill-advised.
VIOLENCE: This layer has barely been teased so I can't say a whole ton about it, but based on the mannequins alone I'd assume it would be majority ambush-hazards. White lizards, dropwigs, the likes. Probably littered with weapons but it's clear their wielders haven't passed through in a long time.
FRAUD and TREACHERY are in the same boat. We have no information on them and I'm not about to make something up. Use your imagination :]
As for Gabriel… that's a whole other post.
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ironraven · 11 months
lore of psychopomp?
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(what this doesn't show is that, because I used plexicon, I also got all pearls from vanilla and all those modded regions. and all echoes!) (don't mind that kill count too much either. that only counts survived cycles; I killed way more than this)
tl;dr; despite trying to separate itself from the world entirely, enough to kill indiscriminately without even thinking about it, having one single driving goal is Bad For Your Karma. tl;dr;tl;dr; reach heaven through violence, but fuck it up anyway.
The long version is kind of a hard tale to talk about, though, because it's been looping over itself for a long while. Psychopomp was originally just a fun skin I used for playing hunter, when I was first getting into modded hunter. It was a merge of echocat and the vordt, actually, the former of which ended up influencing a lot of the plot thoughts I had going forward. Vulture masks, especially king vulture masks, for the bonus lizard fear time, quickly become my favourite item. I carry them everywhere.
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Time passes. I don't play modded for a while, I wipe my game and re-mod it from the ground up. I want to play modded hunter--but, specifically, I want to play through a lot of regions, especially some that I'd never played before, like Aether Ridge. And that's when the Psychopomp run begins. The goal I set for the run was to get all echoes and all pearls, to force myself to thoroughly explore regions instead of just running through. For smaller regions, I'd even try to fully light up the map. Psychopomp is as much of a wanderer as any slugcat can get, and obtaining the full passage--to see everything the world has to offer--is their main goal. Meeting echoes (hence the name) and reading pearls are bonuses. For this run, instead of using Fancy Slugcats, I used Colourfoot. It was mostly because I didn't want to deal with sprites, but it had the effect of, instead of being an echoed, warped thing, Psychopomp was still a living breathing slugcat.
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Time passes. I play off and on for months. A single slugcat, no matter how good at travelling and obliterating lizards, can only go so fast. Despite killing so often, it's detached from the action. Violence weighs on a person, and that weight will tie you to the Cycle--but if it doesn't weigh on you, you could kill anything and have no burden. It's about the thought that goes into the action just as much as the action itself. Every other passage goes the same way. I take my regions from easiest to hardest, and depending on what's nearby. This leaves the two largest regions, Aether Ridge and Oceanic Aqueducts, which are both in Sky Islands, for last.
Time passes. I spend a small lifetime tracking down every pearl, and figuring out unique ways of getting white pearls. A region, Scrapped Peaks, utterly broke every white pearl in the game. Any white pearl not newly spawned in (so ones placed manually, as opposed to treasury and dropwig pearls) will be transformed into one of Scrapped Peaks' pearls. Psychopomp is haunted by this awful cursed "fluora pearl". Aether Ridge and Aqueducts take several years off of my lifespan. Psychopomp's too, because these regions should be the last pips needed for Wanderer--there is still one pip left. I wander around the map more, checking regions I wasn't sure if I remembered visiting or not. The pip remains. I visit Subterranean; the pip remains. I give up. Psychopomp decides that the last pip must be from the Void Sea itself, and makes the trek down.
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I carry the vulture mask with me into the Sea anyway, because even though it was a burden throughout Filtration System, I am deeply attached to it. I never use my left hand slot for anything else, because I never put down the mask. It's as much a part of Psychopomp as their face is. It was not, in fact, the last pip. It wasn't the end of my bugs, either, because after Taxi (the worm) drags me down to the last section of the Sea, where the clones spawn and you swim towards the slight, my game freezes entirely. Psychopomp sits motionless in the empty black void. I restart the cycle, and ascend again. Same bug. Every time the other slugcats try to spawn in, it freezes. Even though Psychopomp had already been decided to be echoed before this run even started, this solidified it for me. I felt like I had actually been echoed, stuck right at the very teetering edge of Ascension. That one single pip, that uncompleted passage wheel, preventing me from finishing the run--its existence. (I only got that end screen screenshot because I installed devtools, and dragged myself to the light before any other slugcats could spawn in and freeze the game. It's entirely unlegit, unlike the rest of the run, where I didn't even have it installed)
An ancient's echo is forced into one place, stuck monologuing to themselves--literally echoing. A slugcat wouldn't monologue, though, and the echo of their actions wouldn't be only in one place. Instead, Psychopomp's ghost, the restless remnants of what the Void Sea couldn't dissolve, spends eternity wandering after that final pip. No pearl will be enough, no region mapped completely. But, maybe, just past that gate--or over that building, or up past that tower, or
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stupidheckermcgee · 1 year
long Rain World ramble warning!!!!!
I got really damn sick yesterday and had a vivid dream about an Enot-like secret joke slugcat, and it was weirdly in-depth.
They were essentially a combination of all the positives and negatives of every other slugcat, with some tweaks here and there. (They had Rivulet's mobility but also their low rain timer, Saint's tongue but also their frailness and vegan diet, Enot's free eggs but also their 100% shelter failures, etc.)
(They also had Hunter's 20-cycle countdown, but I'll explain what that did later.)
Due to the dream slugcat not having a mouth, they couldn't use Gourm's item generation or Arti's grenade crafting; I assume that that was because those abilities are tied to item swallowing/regurgitation. They were able to do all other mouth-requiring actions, like Saint's tongue and Arti's explosive spears.
The most interesting part was all the stupid interactions all the mishmashed abilities had with each other. That included, but was not limited to:
The tongue made it very easy to gain height to use Gourmand's bodyslam.
The 100% cycle failures meant the lowered rain timer was much less punishing.
Arti's explosive jump still launched the slugcat, but it would stun them for a bit due to weak bones. (Doing a parry would also give them a snail pop seizure. They could still do the jump while stunned.)
They could eat corpses, but because of vegan diet it would just stun them and not give any food pips.
Throwing a spear would still exhaust them, despite them throwing like Saint.
Rivulet's speed would usually make the dream slugcat 1.75x faster, but would also make them 1.75x slower when exhausted. (Stacking with the initial exhaustion slowing.)
The generatable spears were colored with a rainbow gradient instead of white, for some reason.
They had a Citizen ID Drone that was colored like Andrew's pfp. I don't know what it did. (I also don't have a name for it, in case you guys have any suggestions. :3)
Though as you can probably guess, all of that was trivial compared to how they had to obtain food. Due to their
A. Inability to siphon with spears,
B. Carnivorous biology making non-meat food give 1/4 the pips,
C. Vegan diet that made then unable to eat any corpses, and
D. Lack of a goodamn mouth,
it was next to impossible to get any food in any feasible way. (Technically there's a bug that allows Saint spears to hit creatures like dropwigs and vultures, but it's very inconsistent and dangerous to do.)
There was ONE way to consistently get food, and it was through a "bug" with Gourmand's meal ability. If they took two different food items and crafted them together, they wouldn't gain anything from the food itself. (Cause no mouth, I guess?) However, the meal bonus will still apply and they'd get a SINGLE food pip. Unhelpfully, Arti's carnivorism meant that they'd only get 1/4 of a food pip if both of the meal components weren't meat.
I don't remember how big their food bar was, but this all means they'd need 8x the normal amount of food to fill a single pip. 👍
The most vivid part of the dream was how Hunter's cycle timer worked. Once it reached cycle 0, every single singularity bomb egg in the region would hatch into a new creature called an "Enot Long Legs". (Which was just an HLL that could fit in pipes and was recolored with Enot's palette.) It would spawn tamed, giving the dream slugcat a very powerful ally. The cycles would then continue into the negatives, and a new tamed ELL would spawn at the start of every cycle instead of an egg.
each cycle below 0 would add a +2% chance for every item in the region to turn into an untamed ELL, capping at a 50% chance by cycle -25. This made scavenger tolls utter hell on earth because of all the hanging pearls and items the scavs were carrying. Assumedly, this would also kill Moon very quickly and make Five Pebbles much harder.
Due to the way their AI was set up, the ELLs seemed to always prioritize non-rot creatures. That meant that if they were aggro'd on the slugcat, then they would completely ignore the tamed ELLs. The tamed ELLs would then quickly eat all the untamed ones. (If the swarms lost aggro on the slugcat, however, they would easily overwhelm and eat all the tamed ELLs.)
Sorry for the long ramble, this dream has been sticking in my mind all day.
I don't think I dreamt a name, design, or hunger requirement for this slugcat, so I'd love to hear any suggestions! or just any ideas or questions in general! :3
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thatoneconfusedcitrus · 4 months
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joowee-feftynn · 1 year
compilation of unedited rain world screenshots i have in my steam folder
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me testing out the cutscene slugcats skin for survivor without a single clue of what the button for screenshots was on steam so i have a bunch more of these
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me doing the same thing for rivulet but i got another mod to change the tail (rain's fancy cats) + me messing around moon's chamber
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me and the bestie(s)
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a really pretty place at nighttime up the wall
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world's smartest dropwig
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a mother long legs attached to a rain deer before eventually eating it
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funny feet™ (near the tunnel)
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orange scavenger holding me hostage (i'm the pink thing)
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me and my pup + nighttime outer expanse
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bigfrogdraws · 2 years
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just finished my playthrough of gourmand it was so good anyways heres me and my son cubey (more about him under the cut)
anyways my son cubey. hes named after a friend’s slugpup that lived for 2 seconds named ice cube. cubey is an. interesting slugpup. i think he primarily has the aggressive personality trait as every time i set down my spear he would SPRINT for it and on multiple occasions would bee-line towards the nearest lizard to stab the shit out of it. he killed a dropwig, multiple adolescent centipedes, and an adult centipede. he is an unstoppable force of nature.
I found him directly after speaking with fivepebbles and when i ran into cubey he scared the shit out of me. I zoomed into the den right before heading back down the wall and i saw a mint color flashing in the pipe alert. i got scared and zoomed in and saw nothing, so i poked my head back out. saw nothing AGAIN and headed back into the den and saw just lil baby sitting in the den (he was juke-ing me in and out of the den it was very silly).
most of the time i had to carry him bc if i didnt he would run off to find a spear and stab the shit out of something. he would jump for joy when feasting on nootflies and also fucking LOVE POPPYCORN OH MY GOD. he would do BACKFLIPS TO GRAB IT.
hes scared of squidcadas but has attempted to kill a king vulture without batting an eye. he is the most gutsy slugpup ever. i love him and did everything in my power to protect him. we had a dog (blue lizard) at one point but scavs killed it and i got tired of resetting cycles when cubey died and figured itd be even worse if i did it for puppy (what i named the blue lizard) so i just left.
expect more art of cubey and my gourmand soon. also feel free to drop name ideas for this gourmand i played bc i wanna give him a name :3
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spotsupstuff · 1 year
Do you agree with the head cannon that blue fruit are batfly pupa? Since they both appear in similar abundance and in the same regions, if so, do you think boreas has a room in his chamber where he stores all of the blue fruit like a nursery to protect them from being eaten?
Also in off the string aus would he bring batflies with him?
what the hell i don't think i've ever heard of that one, idk why i just kinda pointed at dropwigs n assigned them as the blue fruit bearers. i think it might've been the bitterness over all the fucking jumpscares. or maybe i Did know about it but then i forgot when i got kamikaze'd
shit but it would make sense. shit but it will complicate some things for tarrows. shit. alright fine yeah, blue fruit is pupae of batflies, fuck it, worldbuilding is worldbuilding
yeah, he'd probably have a corner dedicated to the pupae/eggs in his chamber, but usually the lil shits would probably do their business elsewhere if only cuz out in Desaevio it's easier to find food and other rooms than Boreas' chamber would be prolly kind of a bitch to live in. from antigravity to the feckin bug zappers n everything......
YES! absolutely! though He wouldn't necessarily bring Them, more like some of 'em would bring themselves along with him. after Ňuňu he doesn't necessarily have a strong emotional connection to a singular batfly so if they will come with him or not is up to them. he'd end up befriending the batfly population wherever he'd end up settling in though (in the Aeolus Root. idk if he'd be interested in batflies in the In Ancients Time off string au since Ňuňu wouldn't have happened yet then)
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