#I got kinda carried away with the anemone haha
salamispots · 4 years
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@nerdomancer I haven’t! :0
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threeletterslife · 4 years
→ summary: your college art final prompt is so unbelievably broad that you might just flunk it because you have no idea what you’re gonna draw. luckily, there’s a cute guy who’s totally into you that might just help you out. even better: he’s a merman.
→ pairing/rating: taehyung x reader | PG-13
→ genre: 80% crack, 20% fluff | mermaid!au & bullet point fic
→ warnings: profanity
→ wordcount: 9.4k
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this is just
you are a creative person
you are a creative person
you ARE a creative person
ok maybe if you keep saying that in your head, it’ll come true
but fat chance
because you're still drawing a blank
your university professor JUST released the art final prompt
and it is the most broadest and vaguest prompt you've seen in your whole entire nineteen years of life
it sucks!!
like what the fuck?
how are you supposed to draw something that "calls to you"
what's that supposed to mean???
your best friend yoongi tries to help you interpret the wack prompt
but you really shouldn’t be trusting a guy who uses art sketchbooks as scratch paper to solve batshit crazy math problems for fun
it’s a no brainer that yoongi’s a no-nonsense chemical engineering major
in conclusion, he wouldn’t know aRT
not like you do anyways
he can barely draw a stickman. and he even has shitty handwriting (that’s so barely legible that he always gets called back after finals to translate his writing for the prof)
enough roasting your best friend though
especially when he’s actually trying to lend you a hand
“what calls to you…” yoongi trails off thoughtfully
he lets out a snort
“ha!” he says triumphantly. “y/n, i got it!”
“just draw a phone with your mother coming out of it!”
you frown. “i don’t get it”
yoongi sighs, shaking his head disdainfully
“because your mother literally calls you on the phone, y/n”
“i hate you”
yoongi is no help
“prof would flunk me if i turned a drawing like that in”
yoongi snorts. “or she’ll give you extra points for thinking literally. artists these days are so into thinking outside of the box. maybe you’ll be unique for being literal”
god no
being literal won’t fly with your professor
she’s the fucking queen of abstract art
if you hand her a painting of your mother coming out of a fucking phone, she might just burn the piece in front of your face
besides, you can’t draw something that doesn’t stir some sort of inspiration in you
no offense to your mother (but she’s also a no-nonsense physician)
yoongi’s just back at it again with his nonsensical advice
you’d expect better from the dude who does math for fun
“you know what?” you huff. “i can’t trust a guy who uses a freaking sketchbook to solve advanced calculus problems”
yoongi grins. “just tryna help, y/n”
“my god”
“wanna help me since i helped you?” yoongi teases
he holds up a stack of paper riddled with numbers with one too many digits and foreign symbols from the greek alphabet
you feel like you’re gonna puke
“aaaaand goodbye!” you say, standing up from your seat at the campus cafe. “i’m gonna go to the beach!”
“right now??”
“yeah why not?” you laugh, shrugging. “i need some inspiration!”
“but then i’m gonna look like a loner sitting here all by myself,” yoongi pouts
“then come with me, duh”
yoongi gives you a look of repulsion
“i hate the beach,” he grumbles
“fine,” you snort. “just call hoseok or something. i don’t know. but i’m leaving! bYe!!”
you can hear yoongi cursing at you under his breath and you laugh
he’s got such a mouth of a sailor that he honestly belongs on the beach—if not, the ocean
you pay his cursing no mind as you rush out the cafe and across the school campus
the literal reason you chose to attend this university was its close proximity to the beach
you’ve always been drawn to the waters
yoongi, on the other hand, only came here because of a scholarship
smart bastard
but he’s a good friend
it’s kinda sad you’re always hanging on the beach alone though
you don’t particularly fit in with the rowdy party crowds on the sand
and you don’t go there to flaunt your summer body in a bikini
you just go for
by the time you reach the beach, it’s nearly empty
when it’s nearing finals, no one dares to step foot on the warm sand because once you go in, there’s no way in hell you’re going back
some students learn the hard way
and then end up flunking their finals
it’s you
you’re ‘some students’
(to be fair, that was freshman year and you’re a sophomore now, so you won’t make the same mistake again!!)
okay… maybe
you’re on the beach and it’s nearing finals so maybe you haven’t learned your lesson
but in your defense, you’re only here for
the salty ocean breeze caressing your face
the smell of open waters
the brisk air
you would live on the beach if you could
there’s a small little rocky ledge at the far side of the beach that serves as your little private area you’ve been using since you got here
no one ever comes this far
so you just claimed the rocky ledge as yours
it’s where there are cute little crabs roaming about
where the bright orange starfish and sea anemones attach themselves to the rocks in the shallow tide pool and (maybe) watch you watch them
(you don’t exactly have extensive knowledge about ocean life lol)
omg there was even this one time when you saw a fish in the tide pool
granted, it was dEaD so you had to make yoongi carry it in a plastic bag and give it a proper burial ceremony
you love sea animals and plants!!
for a brief second as you crawl onto the rocky ledge you contemplate if you should draw a fucking fish for your art final
technically, it calls to you… right?
the late afternoon sun warms up your cheeks and you sigh, out, leaning back to admire the waves of the ocean lapping at the wet sand on the beach
if you just lie like this, basking in the sun… you’ll come up with an idea… right?
two hours later, you’re still stumped
“well, fuck,” you curse
the tide’s starting to come in and your feet are already underwater
it looks like you should just go back to your dorm at this point
you’ll find your ~inspiration~ tomorrow
you sigh
why can’t you think of a cool idea for fuck’s sake
what calls to me??
the only thing you can think of is a flobbering fish and your mom coming out of a phone (a tribute to yoongi)
you end up accidentally staying until the moon’s high in the sky
the waters have turned into a black oblivion and the tide’s so high, you have to shift up the rock to avoid making it look like you wet your pants
if you were a werewolf, you could draw the moon
because haha, get it? the moon calls to them!
but unfortunately, you are not a werewolf
“this sucks,” you huff
usually, you’re quick to come up with good ideas and it’s frustrating that for finals you can’t do the same
right when things actually matter
you look down from the sky to stare at your feet
maybe you’ll just stay here until you can come up with an idea
you aren’t gonna give up so soon
besides, the quiet sound of the undulating waves is so soothing
you stay a little longer, gazing at the twinkling stars and daydreaming of simpler times when your art teachers would tell you exactly what to draw without giving you vague-ass prompts to interpret
that’s when something catches your eye in the dark waters
illuminated by the starlight… you see… a…
“hey!” you shriek
okay now you’re 1000% sure there’s someone in the ocean right now
they have a head of bright turquoise hair and pale but toned arms
yet the person has their back turned to you so you can’t quite see their face (though you assume they’re attractive just based on the back of their head)
“hey!” you shout again
come to think of it,,,
are they skinny dipping in the fucking ocean???
freshmen these days!! they’re nuts!
“you’re gonna die of hypothermia!” you yell. “or a shark’s gonna bite your limbs off!”
very slowly
the kid turns around
and you nearly choke on your breath
because he is beautiful
not in a conventional tiktok boy way but in a mysterious manner
his alabaster skin glows in the starlight
his turquoise-colored hair is styled perfectly on his head, just swept gracefully across his forehead
his deep sea-green eyes sparkle as he cocks his head and stares at you
oh god
he’s definitely shirtless
“h-hey!” you call again, hoping you don’t sound desperate. “what are you doing??”
the boy doesn’t answer though
he just stares at you curiously, eyes glancing back and forth at your bare legs and your shocked face
normally, you’d be creeped out if a random guy decided to check out your legs, but for some reason, the boy doesn’t stare at you like he’s a predator
he just looks… curious
you gasp when he suddenly disappears underwater
“hey!!” you shriek
damn. maybe he just wanted to be alone
no biggie
you’ll just sit on the rock or something until he decides to talk?
or you can be like any other sane person and just go back to your dorm
a sudden splash of water jumps you out of your thoughts
you nearly fall back when the strange boy stares up at you from the ledge of the rock
he’s still submerged under the water up to his shoulders, but he leans against the rock and smiles at you
it’s as if he’s saying ‘hey, loud person, who won’t shut up. how are you today? nice to meet you’
at least you think that’s what he’s trying to convey to you
“hi?” you say, raising your eyebrows. “isn’t the water cold?”
the boy shrugs his shoulders then shakes his head
he seems friendly enough that you decide to continue talking to him
he has a strange alluring aura that makes you want to get to know him
before you know it, you’re scooting closer to the stranger
he doesn’t flinch when you’re close enough to touch his strangely dry head of beautiful hair
“woah,” you deadpan. “how’s your hair dry?”
the boy shrugs again, smiling mischievously
can he even talk??
or maybe he’s just being polite and he wants you to leave
maybe he’s naked?? and he actually is a skinny dipper
and he wants you to get the hell away from him so he can get into his clothes??
“do you want me to leave…?” you ask cautiously
the boy shakes his head
“oh… it’s just that you’re not talking to me so i just thought…” you trail off, uncertain
the boy laughs and it’s the only kind of sound you’ve heard from him since you first saw him in the waters a few minutes ago
and his laugh is just like the rest of him—beautiful
the boy touches his throat with one hand and shakes his head
you frown
the boy repeats the motion again and again until it finally clicks in your head
“wait, you can’t speak?” you say. “i’m sorry… i didn’t know!”
the boy smiles as if saying ‘it’s all right. you’re fine’
“i haven’t seen you around campus…” you start. “do you live around here?”
the boy shakes his head
“you just like late-night swims, huh?” you giggle. “i’d swim too but something about swimming in the ocean at night is super scary for me”
the boy laughs good-heartily. he points at you curiously, then gestures at the surroundings
“oh, why am i here?” you say
the boy nods his head
“i’m just trying to get inspiration,” you say. “i’m an artist”
the boy smiles widely. he raises his eyebrows and points at you
“yes, really!” you laugh. “wanna sit on the rock with me?” you say, patting the spot next to you. “you don’t have to be stuck in the ocean to talk to me”
the boy hesitates
he looks at you through his beautiful eyes and parts his pink lips
it’s as if he’s asking, ‘can i really sit next to you?’
“i don’t bite!” you laugh. “at least, the last time i checked”
the boy giggles
he reaches out and lightly touches your hand
you’re shocked when you realize his hands aren’t wet from the water
come to think of it, you are covered in more water droplets than the boy
something is a bit fishy around here
you slowly look up at the boy’s face
he shrugs but a mischievous, all-knowing smile plays on his lips
“what are you, a mermaid?” you snort
the boy looks offended, placing a hand against his chest and letting out a silent scoff
“sorry. i meant merman,” you roll your eyes. “better?”
you were only half-joking
but when the boy waves what looks like a fucking tail towards you, you nearly fall back
“WAIT!” you shriek
that better be a fucking costume
the boy laughs and he swims a bit away from the rock, only to do a backflip
that’s when you see that this boy is not really a boy
he’s a mythical mermaid???
with a sparkling turquoise tail and everything?? (on a side note, you have to appreciate the way it matches his hair)
deep breath in
deep breath out
you were never one to say that mermaids existed
but you weren’t one to say that they didn’t exist either
either you’re still dreaming or you just kinda befriended a mermaid—er, merman
“please tell me this is real!” you squeal, scooting closer to the waters so that your knees are submerged
when you were a kid and adults asked you what you wanted to be when you grew up, you said a mermaid
as you grew older, society drilled in your head that mermaids only existed in disneyland
so that was that
until now, of course
the boy pops up from the ocean again and he hoists himself up on the rock right next to you
he’s shirtless as mermen go, but that’s the least of your interests now
his tail comes up with him and he gestures towards it, allowing you to touch the shiny scales
“it’s beautiful!” you breathe, running your hands over the surprisingly silky tail. “i better not be dreaming right now”
the boy laughs. he points at your legs curiously in response as if to say, ‘i better not be dreaming too’
“you’ve never met a human??”
the boy shakes his head. he looks at you like you’re the most special person on the planet. and it makes sense too because you’re the only human he’s probably communicated with in his life
“wow… i guess there’s a first time for everything…”
the boy nods enthusiastically
“are you even allowed to approach people?”
the boy grins as if to say, ‘mAyBe’
“poseidon or some dude with a trident’s not gonna zap me with lightning for talking to you right??”
just a safety precaution!!
the boy laughs boisterously, head thrown back and eyes squinted
“well… i guess not,” you smile
you’ve never really been friends with someone… not human…
if yoongi heard you talking about this merman, he might call the psych ward on you
or you’re just batshit crazy and you’ve been imagining this in your head
the boy points at you politely, cocking his head
“my name?”
he nods vigorously
“i’m y/n!” you tell him
‘y/n…’ he mouths with his lips but you can’t hear it
“what’s your name?”
the boy presses his lips together, then as if a light bulb went off in his head, he grins
he mouths his name to you, lips pursing and parting with exaggerated movements
you squint
“daeyoung??” you guess
the boy snorts, shaking his head
he mouths his name again but this time with more emphasis in the beginning
“ohhhh! i got it!” you say excitedly. “taeyoung!”
the merman holds up a number one and nods but shakes his head when he holds up two fingers
“the second part’s wrong??”
he nods
“uhhhhhh, tae… young… young… something that rhymes with young…”
“oh!!” you shriek, “TAEHYUNG!!”
the merman claps his hands together gleefully
“am i good or what??”
taehyung pats you on the back as if to congratulate you for figuring out his name
“thanks,” you grin. “hey do you come here often? you know, on this rocky ledge”
‘yup,’ taehyung mouths. ‘i’ve seen you before,’ he mouths slowly so you can understand him
“woah. you watched me?”
taehyung bashfully looks away
“it’s okay! it’s okay!” you say. “i just hope i wasn’t doing anything embarrassing… like picking my nose or something. i’m always alone here”
taehyung grins, wiggling his eyebrows. it’s as if he’s saying that yes, he did see you picking your nose that one time
“well it’s a human thing,” you argue. “you wouldn’t understand!”
taehyung giggles. ‘sure, sure,’ he seems like he’s saying
you huff. “in my defense, i didn’t know anyone was watching!���
taehyung gives you a look as if telling you that was the lamest excuse ever
“whatever, tae,” you scoff. “i’m just flattered that you thought i looked interesting in the first place”
the merman grins wildly, making it quite obvious he likes the new nickname you had given him. he shrugs his shoulders and pokes your arm playfully. ‘friend!’ he mouths enthusiastically
“you wanna be my friend?”
taehyung rapidly nods his head
“hmmMm…” you pretend to think. “i’m a bit swamped with friends at the moment…” you fib. in reality, you only have like two best friends (yoongi and yoongi’s bestie, hoseok). but it doesn’t hurt to lie a little to tease tae
the merman’s lips pull down in a slight frown
but you snort and slap his bare shoulder
“kidding!” you giggle. “why would i say no to being your friend?”
taehyung rolls his eyes but he grins happily. he looks at you expectantly, almost as if he’s asking when he can see you next time
you’re starting to get the hang of reading taehyung’s expressions
“when can you see me next time?” you ask
taehyung nods
“well… finals are coming up… i reckon you don’t have mermaid school or whatever?”
taehyung shakes his head, grinning. ‘no school!’
“lucky,” you sigh. “but fuck finals!” you pump your fist in the air. “i’ll see you tomorrow!”
‘same time?’ taehyung inquires
the two of you shake hands to seal the deal
you would’ve spent hours on end talking to taehyung but he’s the one who points to the direction of the beach and mouths ‘you should sleep’
“i don’t need sleep!” you declare but unfortunately, that follows with an embarrassing yawn
taehyung gives you the look
“okay… maybe i do need sleep…”
taehyung giggles. he pushes your shoulder slightly, nudging you away from him
“and i can visit you tomorrow…” you reason
taehyung nods
“so maybe i should get sleep”
‘that’s it!” the merman laughs
so you say your lasting goodbyes and watch as taehyung dives away from the rock
when he’s gone, shining tail and all, you’re left dazed and confused
maybe you’ve been hallucinating???
if you were hallucinating, you’ll figure it out tomorrow when a cute merman doesn’t come to meet you at night
for now, you just need sleep to digest everything that had just happened
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you just woke up
and now you’re more unsure than ever that this… taehyung exists
what if you were so stressed out yesterday
that you were literally… seeings things
yoongi keeps asking you if you’re okay because you spaced out TEN times in ONE conversation
you keep trying to convince him that you’re fine
but yoongi knows you so well that he knows you’re definitely NOT fine
“i’m just tired!!” you tell your best friend
yoongi sCOFFS “so am i but you don’t see me spacing out like i saw a unicorn last night”
how do you tell yoongi that technically you did see something like a unicorn last night???
you won’t
because yoongi is a no-nonsense-old-fashioned-traditional-by-the-textbook-chemical-engineering-loving-student
he would never believe you
“wEll i’m sensitive!” you protest, crossing yours arms. “plus i’m still stressed about my art final”
“i thought you went to the beach to get inspiration!” yoongi points out
“errrrr…” you scratch your head. “i got distracted”
yoongi sighs. “aRt mAjOrs”
“excuse me, how dAre you???”
but yoongi just laughs it off, patting you on the back before announcing that he had to go study for his finals
you should be studying for your other finals too
but you end up doodling all over your notes
doodles of tAeHyuNg
every ten minutes, you force yourself to sTOP doodling to actually read your notes
but it never works
by night time, you’ve gotten nowhere
oh well
now you can go meet taehyung!!
if he exists…
what if your brain was actually playing games on you??
regardless, you swallow all sense of doubt and march out to the ocean
the beach is completely empty and you make use of the privacy, skipping along the sand and towards the rocky ledge
and sure enough, there’s no one there
maybe taehyung’s late
no, wait you’re early
so you’re gonna wait for the merman
and if he doesn’t come in… ten minutes, you’ll just leave and deem yourself absolutely bonkers
waiting is really boring
you keep thinking at least five minutes passed every time you look at your phone for the time
but, in reality, it’s always been less than forty seconds
you go back and forth between looking at the time to looking at the dark waters
you’re starting to get ANTSY
and doubt starts to settle in
if yoongi knew what you were doing right now, he’d laugh at you
oh god…
should you just… leave?
THAT’S when you see a familiar bob of turquoise hair in the waters
you let out a little shriek, scooting closer to the edge of the rock
“taehyung??” you call out
the figure leaps in the air like a gracious dolphin and dives back down into the opaque waters
two seconds later, the familiar merman leans against the rocky ledge and grins up at you
‘hey,’ he seems to say with his sparkling eyes. ‘missed me?’
“UM, YES!” you say. “i was starting to think i was going crazy”
taehyung chuckles deeply, the sound reverberating against the calm ocean waves
“i was worried you wouldn’t be here”
taehyung raises his eyebrows as if to say, ‘why wouldn’t i be here??’
“i don’t know! self doubt? maybe you have some underground castle you wanna hang around with your friends and family rather than come up to the surface to hang with me!”
taehyung shakes his head, laughing. he points to himself and mouths the word, ‘solo’
“really?” you raise your eyebrows. “no family or friends?”
taehyung nods. ‘SOLO!’ he declares silently, grinning
“are all merfolk like that??”
the merman shrugs. ‘never seen another’
“oh gosh, you must be lonely,” you say. “here.” you pat the place next to you. “sit on the rock with me”
taehyung obliges but he protests he’s not lonely by shaking his head
“what do you do by yourself all the time, then?”
taehyung grins mischievously
out of the corner of your eye, you see bubbles of water rising up from the surface of the waves. you gasp as they begin to float in the air
“bubbles!” you reach out to pop one, laughing when the remnants of the water splash against your cheek
the merman nudges you as if to say, ‘but wait! there’s more!’
the next thing you know, a huge floating water bubble splashes above your head, drenching you from head to toe
“vEry funny!” you scoff, trying to shake the water off yourself
taehyung gives you another one of his cheeky grins. ‘sorry,’ he mouths, but he does not look apologetic at all
‘but look! i can dry it!’
he waves his fingers at you and instantly, your sopping wet hair and clothes are dried. there’s even a ocean breeze smell that lingers on you now
“do you go around splashing people with water bubbles and drying them right after?” you accuse taehyung teasingly
he laughs boisterously, shrugging his shoulders. ‘mAybE’ is his answer
“you spend a lot of time on the surface, huh?”
taehyung shrugs. ‘maybe’
“not much of a fish dude?”
‘they’re creepy,’ taehyung answers
you howl with laughter. “and scary! like sharks, viperfish, hatchetfish… oh god,” you shiver. “i hate them. i can’t swim in the ocean. and i know most of the scary-looking ones don’t even live in the same ocean zone”
taehyung pokes at you. ‘scaredy-cat,’ he mouths
“am not!! how are you creeped out by fish when you’re half fish??”
taehyung scoffs. ‘my tail…’ he gestures majestically at his sparkling tail, ‘is not a fish tail’
“sure… fishboy”
taehyung raises his eyebrows and raises his hand as if to threaten to splash you with a water bubble again
“i was only joking”
taehyung laughs, poking at you then pointing to the waters. ‘wanna swim, though?’
“are you serious? i just told you i’m terrified!”
taehyung pouts, his pink lips pulling down into a sad frown
“that’s not gonna make me change my mind, tae”
‘just for a little bit!’ he protests
“i don’t even have my goggles, i can’t swim without them! and i’m not going in water that’s pitch black”
taehyung sighs. ‘fine!’
“i’m really good at swimming in the pool though,” you say. “i mean, they used to call me a mermaid. because i was really good at dolphin kicking. but then i watched a few underwater documentaries… and nope. never again. i am not going in the same waters that goblin sharks live in”
to your surprise, taehyung teasingly pokes your cheek. ‘cute,’ he mouths. ‘scaredy-cat,’ he adds
“show anyone a goblin shark and they wouldn’t be able to get in the water for a year!” you huff in response
‘never seen one,’ tae sings—if you could hear him, you imagine his voice would sound as soft as lavender with just a drizzle of rich honey
“doesn’t mean they don’t exist!” you argue. “maybe one day i’ll swim with you. but definitely not today”
technically, you just met the man—er, merman
you’re not so sure if you can trust him to console you of your great fear of the ocean
maybe once you get to know him a little better
you see
you’re very quick to make friends
you probably have a lot of acquaintances
they all know your name and you know theirs
but you probably could not name three facts about any of them. and they probably couldn’t think of three facts about you either
so yes, you tend to have shallow relationships with many
but if you find people you like, you cling to them
like yoongi and hoseok
you just hope taehyung won’t be one of your acquaintances
he better be one of your best friends
how cool is it to say your best friend is a merman????
very cool
‘cool’ is just not a word to describe you as yoongi often likes to point out
but you’ll show him
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you visit taehyung every day
for seven days
it’s been a full week
finals is closer than ever
you have like… five days to get your art final done
and you still haven’t gotten an idea
okay well you have an excuse
actually, you have excuses. plural.
because 1) you’ve forced yourself to fOrget about finals and 2) taehyung is wAy more interesting than any final you will ever take in your life
besides, all the time you spend on the beach is absolutely worth it
you and taehyung sometimes even meet before night falls, just before the sun’s setting so the two of you can prank the seagulls
(tae hates those little monsters-with-wings so he enjoys it a whole lot to dump water bubbles on their heads)
you help him prank the stupid birds by giving him moral support! that includes cheering him on when he successfully attacks an unsuspecting seagull and feeding him some cookies from your school cafeteria to keep him well-nourished
taehyung loves human food
he says he has to live off of clams and seaweed
which, isn’t all that bad (you love salted seaweed chips and clams), but imagine having a diet solely composed of seafood
so you bake kale chips for tae one day (nearly burning down the communal kitchen) and he enjoys it so much, for five days, you bring all sorts of good human food for him
by the end of the week, taehyung’s put on some pounds
you think he looks even more adorable with a bit of meat on his bones
taehyung just complains that his abs are starting to disappear
so one day, you bring a yoga mat and the two of you do some ab exercises off of youtube
of course, that led taehyung down the youtube rabbit hole
and once down that rabbit hole, it is very hard to resurface
after tae got ahold of gordon ramsay’s youtube channel, it’s all he watches when you come to the beach
in the end, you have to ban him from youtube because he almost took your phone underwater when you tried to get him to stop drooling over gordon ramsay and his incredible cooking skills
but taehyung prefers talking to you over watching youtube
at least you think
you hope
there is never a day you meet taehyung and it isn’t eventful
there’s always something to do with the fun-loving merman!
which makes it very, very easy to lose sight of iMporTAnt things… like, uh finals
so, today, five days before your art final is due, yoongi sits you down on your desk chair and sighs. “have you figured out your art final yet?”
it is a question that catches you off guard
“er… no”
“iSn’t it due in FIVE days???” yoongi shakes his head disapprovingly at you. “c’mon, y/n, don’t some artists take over a week to finish a painting??”
“well i can take uh, three days without sleeping if it really comes to that”
yoongi sighs. “you’ve been going to the beach every day. still no inspiration?”
“err… i got… distracted”
“do you want me to come with you today or something? so i can whip you back into shape and make sure you get properly inspired?” yoongi offers
“no!” you shout
yoongi raises his eyebrows
“i mean, um, no thank you, yoongs,” you stand up and pat yoongi’s head
he scowls at you
“i’ve got it all figured out!” you tell him very convincingly
but it is a lie
“rEally?” yoongi raises his eyebrows at you
“yes. don’t you worry, my friend.” you pat his head again
yoongi rolls his eyes. “okay, well, worse comes to worst, you can always use my terrific idea”
“never in a million years”
“oh well. wanna skip the beach today? i’m inviting hoseok over to watch a movie. you can come too, if you want”
“no can do,” you say, shaking your head. “i’m going swimming!” you hang your swim goggles in front of yoongi’s face
“in the dark?? in the ocean?? i thought you were afraid of gobbler sharks!”
“goblin sharks. not gobbler. and no. not anymore. i trust the waters now”
er, or, you trust taehyung
he’s been trying to convince you every day to swim with him
and every day you declined or made up some stupid excuse
but today is the day you will accept
you even prepared by wearing a bathing suit under your clothes
and you’re gonna bring your swim goggles
you’re so ready!!
you trust that taehyung won’t let the fish get to you
he promised and swore on his own beautiful tail
so he can’t possibly be lying
“oOokAyyyy…” yoongi says, giving you a strange look. “if you drown, can i have your comforter?”
“oh, shut up. i’m not gonna drown”
you huff. “whatever, yoongs. have fun watching that movie with hoseok. i’m gonna get going”
“i will. just don’t drown or something”
“i won’t”
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five minutes later, you’re terrified you’re going to drown
as you walk across the beach, you worry that you’re only walking to your death
what if you actually drown???
and taehyung can’t save you because the water’s so dark, he can’t even see you???
what if a jellyfish comes out of nOwHerE and stings you so hard you’re gonna be paralyzed forever????????
you think you might die
taehyung’s waiting for you on the rocky ledge as he always does
but today, he has a shit-eating grin on his face
he looks at your goggles and nods. ‘today’s the day!!’
you grumble. “this is not helping my stress”
taehyung cocks his head
“i’m stressed because of college, tae. lucky you. you wouldn’t understand”
the handsome merman snorts. ‘i wouldn’t’
he pokes at you as if to say, ‘tell me what’s wrong’
you sigh, plopping yourself down on the rock and looking down at your feet
“i have a really important painting i have to finish in five days…” you groan. “and my professor gave me an art prompt, you know, something i need to interpret and draw. but i can’t, for the life of me, figure out what i wanna paint”
‘hMmm,’ taehyung hums. ‘what’s the prompt?’ he mouths
“what calls to me”
‘what calls to you?’
“ugh. yeah. horribly vague, isn’t it? my friend suggested i draw my mother coming out of a phone”
taehyung cocks his head, curiously
“yeah, it’s stupid. so i’m stuck. and the final’s due in five days. but i was totally forgetting about it until yoongi decided to bring it up. and now i’m stressed”
the merman giggles
“this isn’t funny!!” you protest
but the merman giggles again
when you give him a disdainful look, taehyung dives into the ocean and pops his head out, waving at you to come in
you sigh, staring at your goggles. reluctantly, you put them on
once you strip down to your swimsuit, you stare hesitantly at the opaque ocean. you crouch down just before the water, contemplating and contemplating
suddenly, something grabs your arm and you’re tugged into the ocean
you sCreAm bloody murder and voila, now salt and fish feces water is up your noise
how wonderful
but two strong hands hold your waist and you’re able to resurface
the water’s cold, but not freezing cold at least. and taehyung’s actually really warm against your skin
“you fucking dragged me in!!!” you shriek after coughing the water out of your lungs
you hit tae’s bare chest in agitation
the little shit just shrugs and grins at you
you huff, wrapping your legs tightly around taehyung’s hips. “if you let me go, my friends are going to find you and roast you. literally”
taehyung chuckles. ‘i won’t let you go,’ he seems to tell you with a meaningful look on his face
“you better not!” you tell him
he laughs at you, softly touching your forehead with the back of his hand. instantly, you feel much, much warmer. even cozier in the supposedly freezing waters
even the water weighing down the hair on your head feels lighter. when you reach out to touch it, you realize it’s completely dry
“woah,” you breathe. “that’s so cool…”
you forget that you’re even supposed to be mad at the merman
taehyung grins at you, petting your hair. ‘i know, right?’ he seems to say with his twinkling eyes
he motions at you to take your goggles off
“what?? are you crazy? i can’t survive without these! i am not opening my eyes in salt water, tae”
the merman shakes his head, laughing. ‘it won’t sting your eyes’
“why? did you put a magical charm on me or something?”
taehyung shrugs. ‘mAyBe’
you sigh, skeptical
‘i’m trying to help,’ tae mouths. ‘it’s for your art final’
you raise your eyebrows doubtfully
‘i’m serious’
“why, is there something cool underwater?”
taehyung nods. ‘you need your eyes open’
you wrap your legs tighter around the merman. “so… you’re gonna show me… something underwater… that will help me with my art final??”
the merman nods enthusiastically
he ruffles your hair and pinches your cheek. ‘trust me’
ohhHHhhh if you didn’t trust him, you wouldn’t be clinging onto him for life right now
“promise you won’t let me go??”
you hold out your pinky for taehyung
he cocks his head. ‘what is that for?’
“pinky promise??”
oh man
that might just be a human thing
silly you
“oH uh, nEver mInd th—”
you try to retract your pinky but taehyung stops you
he slowly pulls up his own hand, his pinky jutting out awkwardly
‘like this?’ he questions, poking at your pinky with his
you have to stifle a laUgh
“um, not quite,” you say. “you have to wrap your pinky around mine. yeahh, like that. and then it’s a pinky promise! it’s practically illegal to break a pinky promise”
taehyung nods. ‘i won’t break it’
“okay good! uh…” you look warily at the dark waters. “what is it that you wanted to show me?”
taehyung grins. suddenly, you’re submerged underwater again and you let out a scream
but you can’t hear yourself
not because you’re choking on the water, no
it seems like… you can breathe????? UNDER THE WATER????
you hug taehyung tighter and try to scream at him to stop plunging you in the ocean without a warning
but no sound comes out of your lips
‘taehyung!” you shriek soundlessly
“open your eyes, y/n…” a deep, resonate voice tells you
you nearly gasp in shock
was that… was that taehyung’s voice? his speaking voice????????
“it’s okay… you’re protected under a charm,” his mellifluous tone soothes you. “you’re able to breathe underwater, y/n. but you won’t be able to speak.” he laughs, which sounds very familiar to your ears. “how the tables have turned!”
“how good it feels to finally speak to you!!” taehyung laughs. “you don’t have to hold me in a vice grip anymore,” he snorts. “i won’t let you go. we pinky promised, remember?”
you groan in your head. ‘i-i can’t. i can’t do it, tae’
“aww, y/n…” you hear taehyung softly pet your hair. “take your time”
‘i can’t open my eyes. i-i’m sorry’
you can see the blackness through your eyelids. and there is no way in hell you’re going to open them
fine, you trust taehyung. and sure, the water may not sting your eyes
and on top of all that, you can fucking breathe underwater thanks to tae, but no
you’re still scared
you’re scared of what you’re gonna see
or what you won’t see because the ocean is probably pitch black
you just try to focus on taehyung’s beautiful, deep voice. it seems to reverberate through the ocean waves even after the sound hits your ears
“it’s okay,” he says. “don’t be sorry.” he holds you tighter against his bare chest. “you don’t have to see what i wanna show you anyway”
you make a confused grunt sound in the back of your throat
“you can hear it”
but of course taehyung can’t hear you. nor can he see you with your chin resting on his shoulder
“what calls to you, huh?” taehyung says in his syrupy voice. “i have a good idea”
then, to your utmost shock, he begins to sing
“where the sea breeze whispers
past your listening ears
and gently caresses your lips
there lies a great ocean
the waves undulate under the dark sky
under these waters
is a lonely merman
he longs, waits for a friend
a lover,
anyone who will save him
from his solitude
where the sea breeze whispers
where the great ocean lies
where the waves undulate under the dark sky
where the lonely merman waits
under these dark waters”
your insides melt
taehyung’s honey voice entrances you and you squeeze you eyes shut even tighter
a rush of inspiration washes over you
you shiver
oh god
you didn’t have to open your eyes after all
you don’t have to see it to feel the immense amount of emotion, love, sincerity interwoven to taehyung’s song
it’s the most beautiful music you’ve heard in your life
and it pains you that taehyung’s stopped singing
you’re speechless, pulling away from taehyung so he can read your lips. ‘that… that was so beautiful…’
“thanks,” taehyung chuckles deeply. “i sing that song a lot when i’m bored”
‘your voice…’
“i know. too bad i can only sing underwater, right? if i could do this on the surface, i’d serenade you all day every day”
‘i’ll come underwater with you,’ you mouth before you can stop yourself
then you pause
you suppose being underwater isn’t so bad
it’s just dark since your eyes are closed
but you’re warm in taehyung’s arms
and you can even breathe too
if you can hear taehyung’s voice and hear him sing, then surely, that is a tiny sacrifice you can make
“you’re gonna come underwater with me?? again??” taehyung seems in disbelief. “you already seem uncomfortable now!”
‘no i’m not!’
and to prove it, you force your eyes open
immediately, you’re so taken aback, your grip on taehyung loosens
the merman catches you before you slip away
‘o-oh…’ you breathe
the ocean is not as dark as you had imagined it
in fact, there is a halo-like light that surrounds taehyung
it illuminates his face, his hair, his whole body
he is like a walking—er, swimming—star
the light shines further out into the dark seas, making the water sparkle
‘oh…’ you breathe again
“nothing to be scared about right?” taehyung snorts. “scaredy-cat”
he bops you on the nose
you’re so in awe, you don’t even mind
“are you inspired now?”
oh!! right!! your art final!!
you were almost distracted again (even after taehyung just dangled the answer in front of your face!!)
your fingers feel tingly
and your head whirls with ideas
taehyung’s voice, his song, his whole being…
it calls to you
he just saved your ass
in one single song!!!
‘god, i’m so happy i could kiss you!’
and you’re not even joking
“kiss me??” taehyung seems taken aback, but he grins. “kiss?”
the way he seems curious about it, you’re not quite sure he even knows what that is
‘do you… do uh, merfolk kiss?’ you ask cautiously
taehyung smiles. “let’s find out”
his eyes sparkle as both of you begin to lean into each other
you take it slowly, admiring his alabaster skin, pink cheeks and rosy lips
he stares into your eyes and gently tucks your hair behind your ear
right before you move in to kiss his lips, he leans in to rest his forehead against yours
taehyung’s eyes flutter close and he sighs as you stay still in his arms, confused
but you decide to go with the flow, keeping your foreheads together as you close your eyes too
it’s an intimate moment
you, resting your forehead against his while under the same ocean you were once so scared of
you, feeling emotionally attached to a merman
you, dreaming of kissing taehyung. properly. you know, on the lips and whatnot
when taehyung finally pulls away, he grins
“wasn’t that a nice kiss?” he whispers, touching your cheeks and giggling just at the thought of it
how do you break it to him
that forehead touching is not really… the kissing you were thinking of
‘well…’ you giggle. ‘in the human world… um…’
“in the human world…?”
‘we kiss with our lips’
“oh!” taehyung exclaims. he scratches his head. “lips????”
‘like this!’
with that, you tug him into a kiss. a proper one this time
he melts in your arms, sighing as he leans forward and instinctively closes his eyes
you let yourself relax too
and god what the fuck
his lips feel so soft
is there a special ocean chapstick he uses???
does he use some special sand as a lip scrub??????
and even though he probably hasn’t kissed the human way before,,,
man he knows what he’s doing
it makes you think for a hot second
you’re making out with a merman
… under the sea
this is what your life has become
and honestly, you can’t complain
taehyung’s the first to pull away, panting slowly. “i didn’t think my breath could ever be taken away,” he grins cheesily
‘you’re welcome,’ you grin back, slightly breathless yourself
“so… now that i’ve given you amazing inspiration… don’t you need to write it down somewhere?”
‘oh!’ you gasp. ‘right!’
you need to get started on painting as soon as possible!!! you can’t ever forget the feeling of taehyung… singing for you. but something about painting it when the memory’s fresh promises the best results
what calls to you…
you smile
a goddamn merman!!
you’re so gonna ace this art final
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you paint nonstop for four days
although you want to, you can’t even visit the beach
because you absolutely HATE it when your workflow is stopped
so you have to keep on painting until you finish
you force yoongi to go out on the beach and lay some cookies on your special rocky ledge. he frowns at your strange directions
“i dOn’T thInK yOu sHouLd fEeD tHe sEaGuLlS, y/N. iT’s gOnNa iNtErRuPt tHe eCoLoGicAl bAlaNce,” yoongi says very knowledgeably
oh god
you tell him to shut up
he pats your head and walks out toward the beach with the cookies
at least he doesn’t ask questions
you just hope taehyung takes the cookies as an apology
you don’t want him to think after you kissed him, you ditched him!! you’re just busy with your art final!!!
so you also make yoongi sneak in a note and a slice of cake the next time
except yoongi comes back in ten minutes and aSks: “WHO’S TAEHYUNG???”
you gulp
but you pretend you can’t hear yoongi as you continue painting on your canvas
the perfect, bright turquoise color was very hard to recreate with paints, but you somehow managed. you just need to add some finishing touches and your beautiful painting of your merman friend will be finished
you know yoongi secretly admires your art skills, but he laUghs when he sees you painting a merman
“is that a siren???”
“a mermaid, then?”
“a merman,” you say. “and he’s singing the most beautiful song in the history of songs”
yoongi laughs. “sure, sure. looks nice, though.” he steps closer to the canvas. “really like what you did with his facial structure or whatever. and his hair color. pretty tail too. i did not know you had the capacity to imagine that hard”
you huff. well, technically… you didn’t imagine that. but you’re not going to admit it with yoongi
“i’m more talented than you think,” you snort, stretching back and picking at the paint dried to your fingers. “if i close my eyes, i can almost hear him sing to me”
“um, i think you fell in love with your own painting,” yoongi snorts
“oh, leave me alone”
yoongi raises up two hands in defense. “okay, well, the final’s due tomorrow, right? are you done?”
“well…” technically, yes. but… “i’m gonna go to the beach”
“wait a minute, with your painting??? dude, what if a seagull snatches it away? what if the paint chips? leave your painting! that’s your final”
“i’ll be careful!”
“your idea of careful is reckless”
you sigh. “well, i’ll be extra careful!”
yoongi can’t argue with you after that. 1) because he knows you’re stubborn and won’t give up and 2) because when you say you’re gonna be extra with anything, you go all out
you take nearly twenty minutes getting to the beach because you walk very slowly with your painting in both hands. you hold the painting above your head so sand won’t fly onto it
and you check out for those nasty seagulls because sometimes they decide to shit on people’s heads
if they decide it’s a good day to shit on your final, it’s over
nevertheless, you need to show your masterpiece to taehyung
when you get to the rocky ledge, you call for the merman
in just a few seconds, taehyung pops up his head from under the water
“were you waiting for me?” you laugh. “did you get the cookies and cake i sent?”
taehyung nods, grinning as he begins to swim toward you. he points curiously at the canvas in your hands
“it’s my art final,” you explain to him. you turn it around so taehyung can see it
he gasps
‘that’s me???’
‘you didn’t draw my abs!!’
“well, can’t draw what you don’t have,” you giggle, teasing the pouting merman. he huffs
‘i like it, though’
“reallY??” you gush. “that’s all i wanted to hear!!”
you set the painting down carefully to the side and scoot closer to the rocky ledge
taehyung rests his hand on your forehead before cupping your cheek. he grins before cocking his eyebrows and pulling your head underwater
‘taehyung!!!’ you shriek
“i just wanted to tell you how beautifully you drew me,” taehyung laughs, booping your nose. “i mean, i’m much, much better looking in real life, but the colors. you’re very talented, y/n”
you smile. ‘well, i did try really har—”
taehyung interrupts you by kissing you. he misses your lips the first time and gets the corner of your mouth, but the second time, his lips meet yours perfectly
the heavenly moment would’ve lasted wayyy longer if it weren’t for the:
you let out a silent shriek and taehyung’s eyes widen. both of you break apart from the kiss and taehyung suddenly dives deep down into the ocean
and right when the merman is out of your range, you can’t breathe nor see clearly in the ocean anymore
when you get your head out of the waters, you’re a choking, coughing mess
you wipe away the droplets of water streaming down your face before you look up to see yoongi
“are you bobbing for fish in the ocean?” yoongi snorts. “for fuck’s sake, y/n, you can’t just leave your art final around like this!”
your best friend picks up your precious painting of taehyung and sighs. “what were you doing?”
“i, uh…” you touch your lips. “i was… uh… i dropped my ring in the water”
yoongi narrows his eyes. “you don’t even wear jewelry”
“okay fine. i was just trying to meet the merman of my dreams underwater”
at that, yoongi raises his eyebrows. “cool,” he says
“cool??” is that all he had to say?
“well, yeah. mermaids are cool”
yoongi’s so chill with it that you’re unchill
“are you sure??” you say.
“am i sure that it’s whatever?” yoongi snorts. “yes? c’mon, let’s go watch a ocean life documentary with hoseok or something. finals is gonna be over soon, so we should celebrate starting now”
okay well
this is chill then
yoongi is chill
you suspect he doesn’t believe you, even though you told him the truth
you could probably tell him that you kissed taehyung, a merman, but he would probably laugh it off
your best friend is quite strange. no-nonsense. sensible. rational.
but you love those things about him
yoongi helps you carry your art final back to the dorms. but just before you step off the rocky ledge, you turn around
taehyung’s waving at you very discreetly, so you smile and wave back
yoongi never notices a single thing
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it’s over now
finals is over
which means,,, IT’S BEACH TIME
unfortunately, everyone in the whole fucking school think’s it’s beach time too
even late at night, there are still a few idiots on the beach drinking the last of the beer they stashed away
it’s hard to meet taehyung just because the lack of privacy
you wait and wait and wait on the rocky ledge, but you know, with so many people, taehyung probably wouldn’t want to come out of hiding
it’s one thing for a merman to trust one girl
it’s another for a merman to trust fifty rowdy college students
but you have a feeling taehyung is always close by
you visit the rocky ledge every day, singing some of your own little songs (though you’re not a very good singer, you try)
you even talk to taehyung like he’s there, listening to you
but it starts to get lonely
there are so many people on the beach, but the one being you want isn’t here
you sigh, wiggling your toes that have become pruned due to the salty water. “i never thought i’d be saying this,” you say. “but i miss finals week”
taehyung would have laughed if he was with you now
god, you miss him
“or maybe you’re in the water right now, waiting for me to jump in…”
you sigh again. “or maybe you’ve migrated or something. do you even have to migrate? i have no idea…” you trail off, looking at the blue waters lapping at the sides of the rock
cautiously, you dip one foot in
the water’s cool, but not completely freezing
you dip the other foot in
you can do this
you’ll just…
jump in
and if taehyung’s not underwater, you’ll just… leave for the day
you’re supposed to hang out at a computer cafe with yoongi and hoseok anyway
okay deep breath in
deep breath out
goblin sharks don’t even live near the shallow part of the ocean… right?????
so you’re safe, right????
unless there’s a lemon shark or something
oh fucking god
you shouldn’t have watched that ocean documentary with your friends
but the need to see taehyung surpasses everything
you close your eyes
pinch your nose with your fingers
and you JUMP
and immediately you gasp because fuck the water’s cold
lowkey, your heart nearly stops because of the sudden rush of cool water surrounding your whole body
and right when you think you should swim back to the surface, a pair of strong arms hold you, and a soft hand taps at your forehead
“hello, you”
‘TAEHYUNG!’ you open your eyes and see your favorite merman staring at you
“the beach is crowded these days, isn’t it?” he grins
‘i know! pesky people!’
taehyung laughs. “i made another song while you were gone. nice singing, by the way. i heard you a couple days ago”
you flush. ‘i can’t sing! but um, can i hear your new song?’
taehyung nods, clearing his throat
he holds your hands to his chest and begins to sing
“where the sea breeze whispers
past your waiting ears
and gently kisses your lips
there lies a beautiful ocean
the waves ripple beneath the awakened sky
under these waters
is a happy merman
he’s found his friend,
his lover,
his treasure that has saved him
from his solitude
where the sea breeze whispers
where the beautiful ocean rests
where the waters ripple beneath the awakened sky
where the happy merman lives
under these sparkling waters”
‘you changed the lyrics!!’
taehyung nods. “i think it’s much more fitting, don’t you think?”
the two of your resurface from the waters, gripping each other tightly
your hair is completely dry and it blows in the light breeze
the sunlight warms your face and turns taehyung’s cheeks even rosier
oh god
your heart skips a beat
but you try to calm down before you wrap your arms around taehyung’s neck and pull him close
the moment your forehead touches his, you close your eyes and it feels like there’s nothing else in the ocean, on the beach, except you and taehyung
the two of you may never speak out loud in the same place as you’re kept silent in the ocean and taehyung’s kept silent on land
sometimes, you don’t even need words
gazes, actions, little touches here and there
they speak in louder volume than words
you don’t even have to say you love taehyung. he doesn’t have to say it either
it’s as if both of your hearts, your actions proved it
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