#something new! a bullet fic 😳
nerdieforpedro · 23 days
Heyy Nerdie <3
So since I'm relatively new with writing, I wonder how other writers manage their docs, like what tool is good for writing stories with multiple chapters. And I know everybody will have a different answer and solution for their writing process but I was just wondering if you had any tips for a newbie like me (I'm writing in my notes but that doesn't works so great, also no word count etc.)
Thank you in advance!
I appreciate you ❤️
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Ooh! I'm excited1 A writing question! I feel honored that you're asking me. Full disclosure: I'm not the most organized person, even with my fanfic. I am trying to improve though.
I have found for all my fics, no matter if they're one shots or chapter series, I write them in Google Drive. The only reason I don't use Word or my notes app is because I find it easier to edit on my phone when I'm out and about having ideas randomly. (Always happens in places that aren't great to write in which is why I try and stay ready. Only works 50% of the time because of driving. 😭) I also tend to keep each fic even with all their chapters or parts in one very long document instead of a separate document for each chapter. That's just so I will be less confused. I get confused easily. 😳
Many writers use Google Drive so if you're brave enough to ask, you can usually send them what you have to review and they can either just look or comment on different parts depending on permissions you give them. To give your fic a good once over, you can pop it into Word for grammar and spelling corrections. Google docs does do that as well, but sometimes it misses things that Word catches. It's weird.
For on the go notes about vibes or random ideas, I feel your notes app should be good for that and also outlines if you want to plan out chapters or your one shot before writing it out. That way if you have it on your phone in your notes app, you can type in Word or Google while looking back at your bullet points to keep the story flow going.
Also if you like music, I highly recommend a writing playlist. It can be just your favorite songs, set to the mood of what you're writing, instrumental, anything that will help you focus and get your story out. it also could help inspire things (there's numerous fanfics written from songs - hundreds).
Maybe yourself a comfy space, enjoy a nice beverage (I like tea, hot chocolate or coffee if it's in the morning and a snack while writing) and remember it's supposed to be fun.
Sure frustrating sometimes especially when it seems like you have no ideas or the idea isn't coming out quite like you wanted. Take a break, might be hours, days or months, however long you feel you may need for it not to see like a chore. Writing, drawing and crating in general should be fun - in can require focus and work, but should still be enjoyable.
Try out some prompts, challenges or toss some ideas out to friends or people if you feel your creativity is lacking to you just want some different perspectives. We're all different, have histories that make us who we are so there can be as many ways to write a fic as starts in the sky. No one has thought of all of them, many reuse tropes (myself included) because they're fun and provide a template to work from and all sorts of themes can be explored. If you like to edit graphics and/or create moodboards, that can be a good way to distract yourself from writing while also focusing on a different aspect of your fic - visuals. It could help spark something too.
I truly hope I answered your question and didn't ramble too hard. Like this is... 8/10 rambling. 😆
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quartzguts · 1 month
Writing Meme: First Line Patterns
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (or however many you have) posted fics and see if there's a pattern!
Tagged by @zanarkandfayth, i meant to do this when i saw the tag and forgor 😳 i even posted a new fic in between then and now... but thank you for the tag!!
most of these are gonna b vinsaga eheh.
Disinheritance (Who Made Me a Princess, gen) // It was Athanasia's worst nightmare.
In the Heat of the Moment (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // "Well," Askeladd said, rubbing his hands together, "it would appear that we're fucked."
Intertwined Fates (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // The slave market is a lively place.
Playing House (DC, Slade Wilson x Tanya Spears) // Tanya reminds him of Rose.
love is stored in the scent gland (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // Thorfinn wakes to sharp teeth digging into his neck.
Falconry (Teen Titans, Sladin) // Dick knows all the tricks.
Occupational Hazards (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // It was a chill, foggy day in Jutland, just outside the boundary of Gorm’s village.
shoeshine boy (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // Thorfinn bristles.
Pillow Talk (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // It was five o'clock in the afternoon and Thorfinn was starving.
Baby Blue (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // The outfit Thorfinn had picked out for this date was cute.
and here's my ongoing longfic, just for funsies:
11. how deep the bullet lies (Vinland Saga, Askefinn) // Blood stains the white snow a vicious red.
overall i think i'm good at picking out a starting line. i try to lead with something interesting, whether it's atmospheric, dialogue, action, set up, etc. i did think i used to over rely on dialogue starters but apparently that's not the case anymore?! one of my faves from this list is In the Heat of the Moment, so maybe i should go back to dialogue lol
as for how deep the bullet lies... i don't hate it but... yeah. you can tell that fic was written out of 100% self indulgence because i didn't edit it as much as i should have. why did i specify that the snow is white... what other color would it be QwQ
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penny00dreadful · 11 months
WIP Weekend! 🎺🎺🎺
Thank you for the tag @nburkhardt I'm excited for this! 😘🖤
The Rules:
In a reblog (or a new post w/ rules attached) post up to five (5) file names of your wips. Not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We're posting progress here. If you haven't made any, go make some and come back to post!
After you've posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That's it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. If you tag me in your post, I will send you an ask request!
(I'm usually much more organised with my file names)
Assistant Steve Harrington
Through The Valley
Return of The King
The Snippet:
From Through The Valley
“Munson, if she has something over you that makes you think you can’t switch to the better team then you’ve got to know we can help you out. No matter what it is. You have a lot of respect in this community, we could use that. And you wouldn’t be stuck acting as some little girls guard dog-”
Eddie swung around, pressing the barrel of his rifle into Chester Hagan’s neck, backing him into the wall. Hagen immediately threw his hands up in surrender, his eyes wide with fear, looking like he was about to piss himself.
“What if I like being a little girl's guard dog, what then?”
Hagen swallowed, shifting the muzzle ever so slightly around his throat. “S- so is it a sex thing? Because I’m sure we could find-”
“For the sake of your own head I’m encouraging you to stop talking now.”
“Right, right. Yeah. I’m… I’ll stop talking.”
“Good. Now listen to me very carefully. Under no circumstances whatsoever will I be persuaded, coerced, bought or bullied away from Nancy’s side. This town voted her their leader and unless the majority no longer wants her overlooking things, it’s going to stay that way.” He pushed the barrel of the gun in harder, right under his jaw. “But if I ever get approached by you or one of your goons trying to get me to switch sides or go behind Nancy’s back for information again, I will not hesitate to put a bullet through your eye. We both know I’ll do it and I won't lose a wink of sleep over it."
No pressure tags! I'm sorry if you've been tagged already, my brain is ✨liquid✨ @augustjustice @mentallyundone @hardboiledleggs @every-aj-needs-an-angel @scoops-stevie @estrellami-1 @grimmfitzz
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ravixen · 2 years
amg I really love that youtuber au 😭 I recently became a baby Carat and stumbled on it while going through multiple fic recs and enjoyed your writing style so much 🥺
also!! I didn’t realize the bullet point list for Shua and Dokyeomie have such a gap? 😳 I thought they would be like a few years apart. You can really tell the development in the writing when you compare them 😂 I really love how you wrote Seokmin’s like he’s my 2nd svt bias so my heart literally melted and turned into goo from how cute you portrayed him (in every fic too like amg ty for letting my seokmin loving hours grow!)
like tbh idk how to even form thoughts bc I don’t think there’s actually thoughts that can form a very coherent description of how I felt while reading Seokmin’s au 😭
it was like (cw// description of food!) — you know when something fluffy and sweet melts in your mouth? not like cotton candy because it’s kinda rough from the sugar particles but like idk let’s say pancakes but they melt into a soft texture in your mouth? and it leaves you with this softness and tender warmth in your mouth? 🥺💖 you wrote him like that and it makes me feel so sbdbsjdd that I probs have sprouted tiny wings that flapped so hard from how cute it was.
tl;dr — Seokmin’s was so cute and sweet it was like he’s the angel himself and y/n happens to be his human angel. THAT MAN IS SO SOFT LIKE HE’S SUCH A GOOF BUT IT WAS THE ✨ I M A G E R Y ✨ OF HIM GOING SOFT HOURS FOR HIS ANGEL GRIPPING MY BARS 😭💖
and amg for Jisoo’s (I’m so sorry this ask is so long 🤡) 😭😭😭 I would consume any Jisoo content! Like he is 😔💖 the loml atm 😔💖✨⭐️❤️‍🔥 sunday darling rain is fallin man vibes whoo-hoo~ 💓❣️💗💕💖💘💓💘💞💖❤️‍🩹💝 I would go through many lifetimes fics with him. So when I read— amg I think I read the double texting first? and then I saw there was a Youtuber au for Shua and immediately went YES.
When I read his I was bopping bc amg yes my boy! would be like those 2013—2016 cover artists on YT like he gives me those vibes 🥺 also it didn’t help that I was so obsessed with covertube back in the day I followed Alex Goot and his friends and listened to their covers often and the plot of bumping into each other at a wedding and becoming his guitar student is so cute too? like idk idk I’m probably just whipped for a one Joshua Hong but goodness! I would go to guitar for him! 🥺 I can see this becoming a short film 😭 like those cornetto shorts or webseries on YT hahaha!
then after that, I went through the rest of your Youtuber AU (and your masterlist 😭 can I just say the fight and the taking off promise ring hurt me so bad? like amg 🥺) — and had to grip my heart over them 😭 Jihooney’s made me smile like mad and Cheol’s was so cute too brb crying 😭 and Hoshi horang’s was so funny like the whole my fave youtuber is my new neighbor now like it was so romcom-esque I felt like this entire tag treated my rom-com loving self so well 😭💓
👉🏻👈🏻 amg if you see me in your notifs I’m perhaps going through your masterlist bc I enjoy reading your fics so much 😭 I can’t speak for every single one or else this ask might get way too long than how it already is but I really really enjoy them 🥺💖 especially the bullet point fics 😂 thank you for sharing so much of them with us 💖💖 and it makes me love Seventeen even more ☺️✨
i read your message multiple times as soon as i got it, and it actually made me get out of bed at a reasonable time so that i can reply haha thank you so much for your excitement!! reblogs/fic recs are so, so, so important for this reason. likes are nice, but reblogs help so much more. the fact that you saw a 2016 story of mine in 2022 is proof of that! i started my youtuber!aus in 2015, and they hold a special place in my heart.
honestly, i've been feeling kind of down about my writing lately, but getting affirmations like these - and the kind words you put in the reblogs - makes my week. yes, at the end of the day, i'm writing mostly for myself and my satisfaction, but because so many of my posts these days are (free) requests, it makes me sad when it seems like they're not enough, y'know? thank you so much for your reblogs and enjoy reading through the rest of my posts!! there's a lot haha
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burntheedges · 3 months
MY KATE!!! You know I had to come scurrying in like a little gremlin wanting to ask you some cute writers asks!!! 💌✨🥹
🛼 🔪 🌿
(What a wild collection of emojis oh my lol)
Sending you all the sweet vibes for an amazing rest of your day! 💕🦋
Erika!! thank you I love answering asks 🫶🏻 sending those vibes right back at you!
🛼 ⇢ describe your latest wip with five emojis
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
Probably my deep dive on construction equipment for Maintenance Request. For my next long one I’m going to be doing a lot of research on the Star Wars timeline. 👀
🌿 ⇢ give some advice on writer's block and low creativity
The thing about writing is that it doesn’t always feel good. For me this lesson comes from grad school but I’ve realized it’s true about fic as well. It won’t always feel like it’s flowing or like you have a creativity light bulb turned on and floating over your head. In fact, for me, it’s often not like that at all.
It’s important to remember that a lot of things count as writing!! All of these things are writing:
Outlining and planning
Writing new words
Reading and revising old words
Talking to someone else and getting feedback
So some days when I’m not ~feeling it~ I’ll do some of the things that are sort of less fun or interesting. Jotting down ideas (aka, literally stream-of-consciousness writing all of my ideas for something), making a bullet point list of what I want to happen next in a chapter, writing a single line of dialogue I thought of, sending it to someone for feedback. New-words-on-page isn’t your only option for writing so if you’re not feeling it, try one of the other things. See if it helps.
Also, take a break! Do something that makes your brain feel better. Literally move away from whatever you’re writing on and come back to it later.
send me a writers truth or dare ask
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mlmxreader · 11 months
Hey! Nice, I'm glad your feeling happy and congrats on the offer of a second job, hopefully it all works out (late stage capitalism is a bloody nightmare😒).
I absolutely LOVED Feisty and My Bloke! Like I can not express how much I adored these fics and how grateful I am to you for writing them!!
With Feisty, OMG, I freaking loved it!! You went above and beyond my expectations and Alfie's flirting 👀👀. In My Lieutenant, the boy needed some pointers but in this one ... man was so smooth with that line: "A person as charmin' and fuckin' feisty as you? I wanna see you again, treacle."
"Did you hear a fucking word I said?" You snarled. "Or is your hat too tight for your head?" 🤣 "Hurry up. I ain't got all day." "and if your fucking guard dogs come to my door again, I will fucking send them back with more wounds to lick than you can count."
A force to be reckoned with and I simply fucking love them, your honour. I love that you added the Mx for what Alfie put them down as, that was such a nice touch and their employee also being an enby 🤍.
Oh man, My Bloke has my whole ass heart!! Jealous and possessive Alfie in this was 🤭. His husband just casually reading the newspaper on his lap whilst Alfie is just fuming, and the kiss 👀... Mr. Fucking Solomons. Ooh and the play that Alfie and his husband have off of each other. Alfie deals a threat, husband ensures that his love has the gun and bullets in place. Oof and the little banter about their time in the war was so 👌🏽.
"How you gonna court martial me, Captain Solomons?"
Gently, Alfie tugged you closer. "However the fuck you want me to, Sergeant Solomons."
👀👀😳😏. Okay, I see you.
Again, thank you so, so much and I will definitely be sending more requests your way (but please get some rest as well)!!
okay, lemme break this down bc DHFKAJGKSKG you own my entire heart and I would absolutely die for you, snake anon.
1. yeah!! I'm kinda excited tbh bc it means more money but it's also manual labour, so I'll be doing things like chopping back trees and fixing fences for the most part, which I've always enjoyed doing, like, I like to get my hands dirty and I like being outside so it's a win win!
3. Feisty could potentially have a 2nd part tbf, like, it's ambiguous enough that it's a potential possibility. especially bc Alfie DEFINITELY likes this shop owner who just immediately tore into him the SECOND they found out that he was threatening people in their employment. don't mess w small business owners.
they'd make such a great team, like, Alfie is violent and unpredictable and the shop owner is a fucking hurricane. power couple, if you will.
Alfie wouldn't care (imo) that they're nonbinary. he'd support it, ofc, but in terms of business he just wouldn't care. even though the Mx title is relatively new (afaik it came about in the 70s) in terms of official language, it's a liberty I'm willing to take when it comes to historical context bc, yk, nonbinary people have ALWAYS existed but language hasn't necessarily reflected that. so I'm willing to take certain liberties w historical context when it comes to, yk, Not Being A Cunt.
4. jealous and possessive Alfie is honestly my favourite idc, like, there's something about it that just OOF. it's the peak of Alfie. Alfie doesn't play games when it comes to his husband, but his husband knows him well enough to also Not Care too much about it dhgksjgjskg Alfie threatens people and his husband knows him well enough to know exactly what's where and to make sure he can get it easily lmfao
middle of a warzone but these fuckers were more preoccupied w being gay... love that for them tbh.
5. 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻 I couldn't answer any last night BUT!!!! once I'm done w the psychiatrist I'll be home for a while so I might be able to write something before work!
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bucksangel · 3 years
Guiding Light pt2
Pairing: Hank Loza x f!Reader (no description of body type or race)
Summary: The day of your date has finally come, but the impending storm threatens to ruin Hank's plans.
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: pure fluff with a lil spice at the end😳👀, baker!Hank, possibly ooc!Hank but i love the thought of him all nervous and blush-y around the reader, making out and a little boob grabbing towards the end to transition into part 3 which has actual smut
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Tip Jar
Tagging: @melaniecraig80 @est1887 @iamthegraham @winchestershiresauce @mono-kai @withmyteeth @sincerelyasomebody
a/n: i'm reposting since there was something wrong with the first post! but i have said this before, and i’ll say it again: Hank Loza is my husband and baker!Hank is a hill i will die on. i hope y’all love this as much as the first part and i’m really excited for y’all to read part 3 (which is extremely smutty while also being fluffy)😳🥺
Posting new fics over on @michaelirby
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The heatwave that has encompassed Santo Padre for the last two weeks is finally dying down, partially due to the change in seasons and partly due to the clouds covering the sky and blocking the sun. The blue-gray clouds swirling overhead are relieving for most, but infuriating for some, mainly Hank. This is the first Saturday in what feels like forever that he’s been granted the day off. After hearing of Hank’s date with you, Bishop all but demanded he take the day off to make everything perfect (because, just like everyone else, Bishop has been waiting for this day for months).
It seems, though, that the impending rain might put a damper on his plans, and Hank is quite literally freaking out. He’s been tossing around different activities that could be done today in lieu of his original idea of a picnic by the lake. But seeing as he’s been fighting for a solid hour on what else you both could do that would blow you away, he doesn’t even realize it’s past the time he was supposed to pick you up. It’s not until he receives a text approximately ten minutes after one pm, that he realizes his mistake.
Opening his phone, Hank sees the text is from you, and while the panic in his chest rises, he can’t help but smile at his screen like a love-sick fool.
From: Mi Querida
Hey! Everything okay?
To: Mi Querida
Everything’s fine, amor. I lost track of time, be there in 15, I promise.
As soon as Hank hits send, he decides to bite the bullet and grab his wallet, the basket he’s packed full of snacks and drinks, and walks out of his house. Truly, he still cannot believe you agreed to a date with him. Even though you were the one to initiate the kiss, nerves still wrack his body at the thought that maybe today could be the day you change your mind, maybe you’ll see how nervous and awkward you make him and you decide this isn’t what you want.
These thoughts don’t have time to spiral any further as Hank realizes he’s parked his truck in front of your house. The nerves are still present but he pushes them down, he knows he can’t put this off any longer, he needs to make you his. So, he grabs the pink roses resting on the passenger seat and gets out of his truck. He has to wipe his sweat-ridden hands on his pants a few times on the walk uo your porch, the flowers clutched in his right hand as he stops in front of the wooden door. It swings open as soon as he lands on the final step, and just like the past monday, his breathing stops.
You’re wearing a short sleeved, dark green dress that rests about mid-thigh on your legs. It’s a tad bit loose on you, and your tennis-shoes are untied, but you’re beautiful nonetheless. Your smile, though, that’s what takes Hank’s breath away. A smile full of love and light that sends him to a whole other world that he has to force himself to breathe lest he get lightheaded.
“Hey handsome,” You whisper, leaning your body against the doorframe as your eyes drift down towards the flowers in Hank’s hand. “Are those for me?”
Hank coughs, clearing his throat and his mind, so he can push his hand outward, urging you to take the flowers. “Of course, mi amor.” A sudden clap of thunder, not too terribly loud, startles you both, and Hank is quick to follow up with, “I was going to take you to the lake that’s just outside Santo Padre, but -”
He’s cut off by your giggle, and that’s when he notices that you’re staring at him with the softest smile he’s ever seen. You nod your head towards the basket in Hank’s hands and ask “It was supposed to be a picnic, I’m assuming?” With a nod of his head, you continue, “Well, we don’t have to go to the lake. I have a perfectly good backyard.”
Your hand stretches towards his free one to hold it gently while you lead Hank into your house. It’s cosy, pictures of friends and family adorn the hallway you walk down to get to the backyard. There’s a quick detour to the kitchen so you can place the flowers in a spare vase (meaning you took out the flowers in the only vase you have so you could put Hank’s in them) and place them in the center of your kitchen table. While passing the living room Hank notices a few new pictures on one of the end tables by your couch, one of them is of you and the MC from last Thursday‘s get together at Taza’s ranch, while one is solely of you and him, also from last thursday.
It’s a candid shot, Hank was reclining on one of Taza’s many sofa’s while you’re sitting on the arm rest. Your head is thrown back in laughter, one arm steadying yourself on the armrest and one hand resting on Hank’s shoulder. You were presumably laughing at Bishop’s story of how Hank’s stupidity once landed him in jail for a night.
This makes him warm all over, the fact that you’ve framed a photo of you and him and put it out for anyone to see has him, dare he say, giddy, and he can’t stop the smile spreading across his face. His hands get clammy once again, even more so when you intertwine your fingers through his.
Within seconds, you’ve made it to the backyard. The patio is small, having only a grill, a table, and a few chairs surrounding said table, but the yard itself is quite big. A tall tree resides in the far left of your yard, big enough to cast shade should it be sunny. This is where you lead him, and Hank is quick to open the large basket and take out a blanket (arguably one of his favorite’s and he is a little bummed it might get ruined, but the thought of laying next to you on it makes up for it).
The blanket gets laid down, as does the basket, and as Hank reaches to take the food out, you’ve already plopped down onto the blanket. His head tilts up, his eyes fluttering up over to your face to see you’ve graced him with a soft smile and a wink.
Hank winks back at you and shifts his attention back to retrieving the food. A few moments pass by in silence before Hank says, “You might as well take a picture if you’re going to keep staring.”
A few short giggles escape your lips as you nod, “I might as well, huh?” And the next thing Hank hears is a tiny click from your phone as you do, in fact, take the picture.
With a short chuckle and a shake of his head, he then turns and sits as close as he can while facing you. The containers splayed before you both include an assortment of berries, seasoned chicken, and a round container of a small chocolate cake (no doubt it’s one he baked himself). The cake was made with love and care, made to be better than the brownies from last Monday (which is pretty hard to do considering they did, in fact, come out perfectly).
Hank makes himself useful by rationing out the food, carefully splitting everything between you both. Your stare burns holes into Hank’s face, it makes him nervous, as do the clouds circling above. And he prays that the rain holds off until the date has ended (which, he knows it won’t, especially since he plans on being here for as long as you’ll allow him to be).
“So, Hank. Tell me about yourself.”
A moment of silence passes before you break into laughter, there’s not much more Hank could tell you since he’s already shared so much of him. Deciding he does have a few things he can tell you about, he pops a blueberry into his mouth and begins telling you adventures from his childhood. What he liked, what he did, what he got in trouble for, what it was like to grow up with his mother.
A few long winded stories consume the conversation, laughter breaks through every so often as Hank tells you yet another story of stupidity that landed him in a holding cell for a night (sometimes multiple nights). The laughter that flows through the air is melodic, a harmonic mix of you and him. You and him. Hank likes the sound of that, a lot actually.
At some point, you’ve ended up leaning your head against his shoulder. Hands end up intertwined and Hank can swear his heart is in his throat, threatening to spill out every lovely thought he’s ever had about you. He saves that for another day, content with this moment of joy you are sharing.
Lying next to each other, the blanket underneath you both bunches up as you continue to laugh heartily at every dad-like joke Hank makes. Your body twisting with giggles as you move to slap his chest every so often to get him to stop (you don’t actually want him to stop, but the aches in your stomach do). Eventually, though, you’re laying in silence, choosing to gaze into each other’s eyes with a fondness that would make anyone else feel like they were intruding if they looked at you.
Your breathing evens out, and Hank takes note of your chest rising and falling with every breath you take. And not that he wants to make you uncomfortable, he just can’t help but let his thoughts roam to images of him on top of you, having you underneath him while he undresses you and makes love to you with vigor. He doesn’t even realize he’s been staring intensely at your breasts until you shift to lay on your side, one hand propping your head up while another lands on his chest.
Hank’s breathing stops, his eyes focusing on your hand caressing his chest and then the smile on your face as you push your body closer to his own. Slowly, you press yourself into his side, your head resting in the crook of his neck as you sigh contently.
“This is nice Hank,” You whisper, your lips hovering over his neck that sends chills down his spine.
With care, Hank takes a hand and covers yours, enveloping it in his warmth. With your body pressed so close to his and your fingers nearly entwined with his, he almost forgets to speak. But the glint in your eyes when you move your head to look at him snaps him out of his nervousness.
“It is,” Hank whispers back, bringing your hand to his lips to press delicate kisses anywhere he can reach. And with your hand still pressed to his lips, he speaks again, “I’d like to do it again, if you would too.”
Your eyes shine brighter, your smile grows wider, and Hank swears he’s never seen a more beautiful sight. “I’d love to,” You say, leaning your head closer to his to place a kiss on his cheek. “Next time we’ll have to go to that bowling alley so you can prove your skills to me.”
Hank laughs at this, his head falling back against the blanket, and he prays you can’t feel his heart beating out of his chest. The rapidness of it would make him think he’s having a panic attack, but it’s quite the opposite, he’s too infatuated with you that his heart simply cannot handle having you so close to him.
“Next time, amor,” Hank says, making a bold move by adjusting you both so he can wrap one arm underneath your body and pull you flush against him.
Suddenly, he’s hyper aware of your proximity, he notices the way your face flushes and your breathing picks up, and he picks up the slight movement of your body as you brush your thigh against his. He moves to speak again, ready to assure you that you don’t have to do anything if you’re not ready, but he’s stopped by you pushing up to rest your head on your hand again and your body leaning over his. Your free hand sneaks its way out of Hank’s grasp and up his chest to skim your fingers along his neck.
The electricity between you two is, for lack of a better term, shocking. In the sense that Hank has never felt this way about any other woman, you’re the first woman to truly keep him on his toes. The first woman he would undoubtedly give everything to, if you want it, he’ll find a way to give it to you.
There’s a small smile on your face as you peer down at Hank with so much emotion (love, he hopes) that it threatens to break him entirely. “Is this okay?” You ask timidly, and he doesn’t miss the quiver in your voice that you’re clearly trying to hide.
And Hank is done with playing it cool, he needs to make a move, to show you how you truly make him and his body feel. So he carefully pushes you onto your back, and before you get the chance to apologize for being so forward, he shifts so he’s now hovering over you, his arms caging you in.
“Is this okay?” He asks, humor evident in his tone.
“It will be if you kiss me.”
And that’s all Hank needs to surge down and press your lips together, moving together with synchronicity and passion. His heartbeat picks up when you wrap your arms around his body, pressing your hands flat on his back to pull him closer.
One of his arms falls so he’s now resting on his elbow, and his free hand caresses your face, making sure no part of you is left untouched and unappreciated. This hand travels down your face to trace along your exposed collarbone, and the hitch in your breathing sends Hank into a frenzy of sorts. Your back arches and your breasts press against his chest as he trails his fingers further down to skim along the top of your clothed chest. No longer caring about your surroundings, your hand quickly clutches his and forces it to cup your left breast.
Kneading and massaging it, Hank continues to lick into your open mouth, the mewls and whimpers escaping your lips make the crotch of Hank’s pants tighten with his growing erection. And with the way you’re wiggling under him lets him know that you feel it, that you’re okay with it.
Neither of you realize the clouds getting darker, too entranced with each other to realize the small droplets of water falling from the sky turning into a full on downpour. But the moment the rain splatters against Hank’s back, he pulls away from you, shocked at how quickly the storm came raging through.
But you don’t care, your laugh echoes through his mind as you pull Hank back down so you can kiss him once more before whispering, “We could always continue this inside.”
Hank nods his head quickly, and thanks every God out there that you, you, want to be with him in every sense of the word. And he’s more than happy to prove to you how good his skills really are.
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bisexual-buck · 3 years
fic writer interview
tagged by @captainstennerstar​
and quick apology for going all out in the responses bc no one ever tags me in these things and i love to talk about my fics but no one asks me much about them anymore 😭
fandom(s): 911! (used to write for teen wolf and voltron)
where you post: AO3
most popular one shot (by kudos) overall/this year:
Jealousy With A Chance of Misunderstandings is my most popular one shot overall and tbh i don’t know why because it was a very “on a whim” sort of fic and was super underdeveloped. i guess people just loved jealous eddie *shrugs* / this year, my most kudos fic is (hurt) thy neighbor which i fucking love and re read for myself every once in a while bc i love my buck comfort after hehe
most popular multi-chapter (by kudos) overall/this year: 
waiting on the sunrise is my most popular ever with just over 1900 kudos which i am very very proud of! i hope to see it hit 2k someday :) (let’s ignore that it’s also my only multi-chapter fic atm)
favorite story you've written so far:
it’s hard to choose just one but i think you won't go lonely (it'll all be better in the morning) is one of my favorite because i put a lot of raw emotion into it and things that i felt
fic you were nervous to post:
easily the ache in my chest bc it was born out of 100% projection onto buck and it’s the most personal fic i have ever written that also risked writing characters as ooc. i also like to write things that i feel people will either enjoy for entertainment or relate to, and this one was all for myself which means that i also felt like i was risking the chance of people enjoying it
how do you choose your titles?
depending on my vibe, i fucking love going for play on words— as seen with the man who fell (in love)— but i typically love to use metaphors or song lyrics, especially if they have a double meaning. you won't go lonely (it'll all be better in the morning) is a prime example of the song lyrics because i felt like aspects of dermot kennedy’s song “after rain” really fit my story’s vibe, whereas something like to wash away the day had the double meaning of letting go of what happened and eddie quite literally bathing buck after the events of the tsunami
do you outline?
it depends. chaptered fics will get an outline chapter by chapter to help organize events. one shots, no matter length, dont typically get an outline past whatever my initial idea for it was. for example, if i had a small concept i would probably only write a bullet point under the idea title with a brief explanation, but some one shot ideas hit me like “oh what if this happened that caused that and has an effect on that and does this after”— so i will write all of that down
AO3 says 35, but if i count works ive taken down, its more like 53 i think? 
11 i think
coming soon/not yet started:
also 53 😳 this excludes fic ideas ive literally deleted because i know i wont write them or ideas ive posted here as prompts. (my old list before downsizing this summer was in the 100s)
i love to receive prompts, but as stated on my faq, i cant guarantee that i will write it. i have very specific tastes in fic and if the prompt is too specific i may not take it on.
upcoming work you're most excited about:
buddie new year’s fic. y’all will have to actually send me an ask if youre curious about that- but i can say it’s current wc estimate is 40k+
tagging: @nicolojoe @bilbobagglns @benjaminrussell
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