#I got so mad at her and her rules I started writing poems /as/ fictional characters so I could do what sounded like metaphor while being
ziracona · 1 year
This reminds me of that one poem I wrote in college that my professor got furious at me for and would never explain what was wrong about it and when I tried asking got so mad she cried and just said 'never ask me again'
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probablyottrpgideas · 4 years
Tabletop Asks
In reference to the previous post: 1.) Game Master, Player or both? Why? 
I am currently lucky enough to be player in one game and DM in another (both 5e D&D), however ordinarily I am overwhelmingly the DM/GM. 
2.) When did you start role playing? How old were you? 
My first start with published tabletop adventures was actually quite late, in my second year of university when I was about 19, so 11 years ago now, with D&D 4e. However, I think my first freeform roleplaying experiences were with a mate of mine all the way back in primary school, where we had this quite extensive worldbuilding and characters. It was my first introduction to the idea that I wanted to be a writer.
3.) What was the first role playing book you ever owned? 
The 4e PHB, DMG and MM all at the same time. I had a job then, missed playing, decided “fuck it, I’ll start my own” and dived in.
4.) Describe the first game you ever ran or played in. 
A 4e Starters Box run on Keep on the Borderlands. I played a Dwarf Fighter out of the box, which I named Xzienne (which some of you know is my regular online handle). He was fun; in my oh-so-extra way, I kept my game notes as In-Character journal entries.
5.) Which system did you grow up with? 
D&D, all the way. Fourth edition and then Fifth, with a look at Third in between. But I’ve played about a dozen or two different systems all up.
6.) Which system do you play now? 
Predominantly 5e
7.) Longest campaign you’ve run or played in? 
My D&D “Empires Intelligence Services” campaign ran from 2016-2020.
8.) Where did you meet your current gaming group? 
I tend to throw my groups together from among various people I know from all over. My favourite group ever was the one formed entirely of cast members from our local theatre company production of Wicked.
9.) Strategic combat or dramatic plotlines? 
Does it need to be either/or? I feel like good drama gets you invested in the character’s outcomes, good combat (or puzzles or traps or whatever) gets you invested in the character’s actions. You want people to achieve their goals with emotional satisfaction but without just narrating to them; they need to feel involved in the process of making those goals come about. Challenges are not just there for the Power Gamers and the Slayers, they make the plotlines feel satisfying for everyone.
10.) Favorite RPG genre?
I love Science Fiction and I love Fantasy, and my own work so often smashes the two together. I write a lot of Contemporary/Urban Fantasy, and my D&D world is a magepunk magitech setting with spacefaring aircraft and so forth.
11.) Your first character. 
Xzienne the Dwarven Fighter, mentioned above. My first character I made though, on the other hand, not including NPCs, was much later. I think it was probably Tetsuo, my Shin-jin from a Dragonball RPG
12.) Your favorite character. 
Definitely Ortlinde. An Aasimar Witch who was the granddaughter of a Valkyrie, and was mad that the gods would be so callous as to bar her mother from Valhalla just because she wasn’t a warrior, and so tried to stage a coup against Asgard. Fuck she was cool.
13.) Your most ridiculous character. 
If not Ortlinde, then possibly Parian, my 13th Age Bard whose “One Unique Thing” (a 13th Age mechanic that I love) was that he could modify his spells on the fly by casting the verbal components as full poems, which I would write and perform in-session. I once got to add a Fear effect to a Thunderwave because I made it sound like the trumpets of judgement day, and I managed to cast Charm Person but with an allied player as the focus of the target’s charm by making the poem about their character.
14.) The best in-character line you’ve ever had. 
Not a lot of what other players have said have stuck with me, really. Possibly my favourite was Alice’s ranger in Castles and Crusades who said a whole lot of buckwild shit until my halfling begged her not to talk. 
Whereupon she shortly thereafter discovered a secret Dryad home inside a tree, and didn’t mention it to the party. When asked why?
“You told me not to talk.”
15.) Your most epic death. 
I haven’t died that often, to be honest. Probably the most memorable death was Parian, who got crushed in a moving wall trap and had to be scooped up in a bag and carried around as “bard soup” until a True Resurrection could be cast.
16.) Your most disappointing death. 
See above.
17.) Something that shouldn’t have worked, but did. 
Meliorn Metcalfe, Tiefling Spellbinder, orchestrating an ambush in a town square against the people who had been sending thugs to attack the party in their beds and stealing shit from the townsfolk. I set up traps (clay pots filled with caltrops and poison), used sunrods to blind the attackers while we had our backs to the light, and we greased the buildings around the area so that they couldn’t climb to safety. It went perfectly, even after they rocked up with a gargoyle.
18.) Something that went hilariously awry. 
Just recently I was playing in a Wildemount game which saw the party running Benny Hill style around an ancient lab from a Wight. In the process I got nearly killed by both flying knives and a very angry carpet.
19.) Your most memorable in-character moment. 
Ortlinde’s speech to Frigg, lambasting the Gods for their mistreatment of mortals. 
20.) The coolest item you ever got and how you came to possess it.
The Masque of Clavicus Vile, from the Elder Scrolls games, pulled from Niddhogr’s treasure hoard and buffing my Spell Save DC to 27 (including other stuff like class features for the Witch and another item which synergised with those). 
GAME MASTERS - Describe:
21.) Your favorite NPC and how the party reacted to him/her 
By far Celia Sapienza, Eladrin Kensai, who became the party Mum even though she was younger than a few of them. She’s now the head of the Empires Intelligence Services Northern Branch.
22.) A game you wish you could run or want to run someday. 
I’ve been eyeing off Dread, Skullduggery and Leverage for years, but I also recently got the Dishonoured game which looks sick as, and Blades in the Dark, and...
23.) Something you made up on the spot. 
So so much, but most recently I had a Marid sailor NPC who I had to improvise and entire story of his previous voyages. I did it in a Brian Blessed voice and the players, no shit, fucking applauded. 
24.) Your most successful game. 
The Wild Huntresses, finally figuring out who had killed the town alchemist and facing off against her and her pet Water Elemental in the caves beneath the hills. Such an epic game. God I miss that group.
25.) Your least successful game. 
Paranoia, but that’s just built into the premise.
26.) The craziest thing your players have ever done, and how it affected your plans. 
I had a player walk straight out the front doors of a castle under siege. I hit him with 2 dozen crossbow bolts. That guy was an asshole.
27.) Your favorite setting or game location. 
I massively love the idea of Eberron, and I love the MTG crossover settings like Ravnica and Theros. 
28.) Your creative process when you plan a game. 
Typically write about a page of notes for every 2-10 hours of gameplay, depending on the amount of combat expected. Things like important NPCs and what they want, where the party are expected to go in general terms and some ideas for things to throw at them when they inevitably wander off the path, that sort of thing. If it’s really plot important, though, I’ve been known to write pages and pages of lore and character info to hopefully seed into conversations. I also once wrote a full script that we did as a table read for a big conversation between a bunch of NPCs that the party were there to listen to but not be involved in. 
29.) The best / worst character concept you’ve ever heard. 
No character concept that fits within the rules is ever really bad, although sometimes the execution isn’t great. Some are very, very dumb, like say every character ever built or played by the asshole player I mentioned a few entries back.
30.) What makes GMing fun for you.
Players getting invested in the world and in each other’s stories. Nothing makes me feel better as a GM than being able to sit back while the players have a full in-character conversation with each other.
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11/11 (Make a Wish) Tag
Thanks for tagging me, @capshorty!
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you; make up 11 questions; tag 11 people to answer them.
1.) How old were you when you realized writing was something you wanted to do? How old were you when you actually started doing it?
Funny story, I denied the fact that writing was my calling for like four years. I’m sixteen and I’ve been writing regularly (almost every day) since I was eleven. It took pretty much everyone who I let read my (very bad) earlier work yelling at me that most kids don’t sit around crafting stories and actually doing a decent job for a majority of their time. I didn’t really start taking myself seriously (AKA actually writing not just for my own amusement) until I was fourteen/fifteen. 
2.) What are your favorite fandoms? Do you read or write fanfiction for any of them?
Tbh, I go through fandoms like candy. Right now I’m into a few different crime dramas, but I’ve always been super obsessed with Star Wars and Once Upon A Time. I like The Umbrella Academy, Stranger Things, and Marvel right now. As for fanfiction, I’ve never actually written a legit, full-length fanfiction. I wrote part of one for Portal awhile ago, and when I was younger and got bored I would basically make up Star Wars fan fiction in my head, but I eventually turned that into an original idea, so I’m not sure if that counts. For the most part, all of my work is original. As far as reading fan fiction, I only really read my friends’ when they send it to me.
3.) What was your first story idea that you really felt was solid?
I never plan out my stories to any degree (AKA I’m horrible at outlining/following an outline so I have a pile of notes and cinema scenes in my head that I use), so the first story I ever really wrote to be published was a big deal because it was planned out. I had step by step planned out and I spent months on character profiles. It’s been two years since I finished the first draft and have been working on it every now and then, and I still feel like it’s pretty good. I don’t want to talk about it too much because I don’t know what the future holds for it, but I made some dumb memes on this account, so if you seen anything that mentions ‘AUT’, that’s the placeholder name for it.
4.) What’s your best solution for getting over writer’s block?
Just fucking write, man. Whenever I get a block, it’s usually on a boring transition scene I don’t want to write (most of my stuff is heavy in internal conflict and development, so I don’t like to write out of order, period, in case I lose the flow of my character) and for the most part I just have to rip off the bandaid and get into the exciting stuff. 
Granted, sometimes I also get writer’s block after I’ve been working really hard for a few weeks and I just run out of creative juice. When that happens, the best thing to do is just let myself recharge. I chill out, I watch some shows, I read some new books. I let myself rediscover my creativity before I hop back in.
5.) What book(s)/author(s) have you read that you think have influenced your writing most?
The Narnia Chronicles have honestly influenced my writing more than I would like to admit. I’m a fantasy geek all the way, but he was also the author that taught me just what you could do with a story. For instances, Narnia was a reflection of his faith. As much as I like to make fun of English teachers who are like “White drapes! It’s symbolism for freedom and purity! I don’t expect you to understand!” I love finding good meaning beneath stories and pretend the author leaves it there. I put a lot of focus on psychology and philosophy in my own work, and while reading John Green certainly hasn’t discouraged me, it really all started with stories that I grew up reading and found out meant so much more.
6.) Which of your stories was/is the easiest to write? Which was the hardest?
This might be a weird answer, but the ones where I can just write. Grimm’s Heights (go check out my Wattpad) was really easy to write because I didn’t care how bad it was. I just took a scenario and I let it unfold. I have a lot of stories that I write simply to write. There’s no pressure, so it doesn’t really matter how good it is. An Abundance of Dragons and The Limerence of Audrey Douglas are two of the hardest stories I have ever tried to write. Abundance is because I have such specific goals for it (AKA I want it to be wholesome and sweet, but I am Emo AF so no can do) and Limerence because I started it from a place of anger and betrayal and wanted it to prove a point to the person who made me angry. It’s easy to get dissatisfied when I don’t see myself moving fast enough, or I don’t feel like the story is as good as it was in my head, and that just discourages me from writing. Still getting better though!
7.) What are some of your favorite tropes to read/write?
Enemies to lovers. “But you gotta save the WORLD”. Love triangle but where it doesn’t end the typical way (AKA two girls fighting over the guy, but surprise they gay AF and start dating each other). Oh no, Character A is in trouble? And Character B arrives at the perfect time? Lovely! “I’m just an ordinary person.” WRONG!
8.) If you could date any fictional character, who would it be?
Tbh, I can’t think of a single character I’d actually want to date from anything I’ve read/watched. Even my own.
9.) What are some of your favorite things to do outside of writing?
Watch TV and read books, then mumble under my breath “I could’ve done it better.” I also like to take care of plants, annoy my dog, and go to iHop with my friends for no reason.
10.) Where would be your ideal place to live?
Rockies, like Colorado somewhere. College town. Just big enough to have a personality without traffic problems. I’ve lived in the Midwest (specifically Texas) for my entire life, so pretty much anywhere but here.
11.) What’s the most underrated book you’ve ever read? Most overrated?
People are always talking about Game of Thrones and Lord of the Rings, but I’ve never heard someone other than my mom even mention the Belgariad series by David Eddings. It’s super great. It’s fantasy and it has different but very solid and real characters. It’s got humor, it’s got combat, and the world building is perfect for the story. The only thing I didn’t like was the final battle (I thought it was a bit anticlimactic), but I guess it’s about the journey, not the end.
As for the most overrated, there are a lot of books I could point out, but I’ll go with the Shannara chronicles. I don’t want to offend anyone, but I didn’t end up reading all of them, and I only watched part of the television series because it just made me soooo mad. I don’t want to go into it now (I could write a thesis on it, honestly), but the gist of it is that I liked the world but not the execution. I absolutely love a good post-apocalyptic fantasy, but I hated the story and the only character I actually genuinely liked was the only character killed off. The only reason I watched the television series was because my friend really liked it, and I criticized her taste a lot afterward. Anyway, I tried it because I heard great things, but it just didn’t do it for me.
As I’ve said many times before, I’m bad at these things because I never know who to tag. I spent like twenty minutes scrolling through some of my mutual writeblrs. As always, no pressure if you don’t want to do the tag! :) 
Tagging: @thepanickingwriter @bluewrites0 @gardamn @writings-of-an-elm-tree @writings-of-a-narwhal @ink-on-poppies @latechickadee @amerakandreamer @clarissalopeswriter @senawrites @the-violet-writer
Questions for YOU!
1. What was the first idea/project that you ever tried to write?
2. What is your biggest strength as a writer? What is your biggest weakness?
3. How do you stay focused while writing?
4. If you could have lunch with one character you have written about (original or from fanfiction) who would it be?
5. What type of writeblr posts help you the most with your own writing (advice, resources, word lists, prompts, etc.)?
6. What is the most mind-opening book you’ve ever read/show or movie you’ve ever watched?
7. Have you written fanfiction? If so, on what?
8. What is a book/story/poem/anything you were forced to read in high school that you actually ended up liking? 
9. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? What would you see? What would you do? Why?
10. What is the weirdest thing you have done/searched on the Internet for the sake of research?
11. If you could adopt any animal as a pet (and I mean any animal) what would it be? (Also, it can be extinct/not real)
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bakathief · 7 years
Tagged (twice)
i1. Always post the rules. 2. Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you. 3. Write 11 questions on your own. 4. Tag 11 people. tagged by @brieflysteadysoul and @shin-red-dear
 Thank you very much! I was tagged by both of you and felt bad just choosing one person’s questions so here are both.
1. The movie you saw as a kid that you werent’ supposed to watch
I don’t think I’ve watched any movie that I wasn’t supposed to watch. Generally, I was super scared of anything that had a warning like “just for audience over 16” or something along those lines.
2. Your favorite poet
Haha. This is the kind of question where I have to check the names of authors of the poems I DO know.In my English class we had the poem “Funeral Blues” by W.H. Auden which I had found really beautiful.
3. An author/actor/personality you have problems with but still like their work
I can’t think of any right now. I’m not really into celebrities and their private life /their opinions.
4. do you have a good relationship with yourself ?
I think so! Sometimes I’m a bit mad at myself for getting so easily distracted while studying but I still think I’m doing more than most of my other peers so yea, I do whatever I can and I think I can be happy with that. <3
5. what were you most afraid of as a kid ?
The basement stairs and darkness.
6. Do you have a favorite dinosaur species and if yes, which one ?
I don’t have a specific favorite but IF I had to choose probably the Brachiosaurus. It’s kinda cute.
9. What would your dream job be ?
Animator at Disney
10. Do you have frequent nightmares ?
Nope, just sometimes really random ones.
11. Are you tidy or chaotic
Both? I like when everything is tidy but when I’m absorbed into work or studying my desk always looks like a mess which annoys me as well but I can’t really bother while working.
 1. If you had the chance to move to another country permanently, would you do it? If so, to which country? Totally would live in Japan. Second is USA.
2. Describe yourself from the point of view of your favourite character
Kaito casually glanced to girl sitting a few tables away from him in the library.She’d be pretty easy to disguise as, seeing how their built and height was pretty similar. Of course, he’d have to use a wig, since his hair was neither reaching his elbows nor having this dark blond color.   But that was hardly a problem since most of his disguises required wigs- However, his brows furrowed when he took at the book which her blue eyes were glued to. Physiology it said. Histology it said. Giving the books a wry smile the thief proceeded to look for another candidate which required less specific knowledge about things he didn’t care about.
Maybe he’d check in the cafeteria.
3. Did you have an OTP you lost interest in? If so, why? My OTP always used to be KaiShin, which got me into shipping in the first place.I can’t really think of any other ship since I’m not that much of a shipper anyway. XD 4. What’s your favourite fanfiction trope? HM. God, that’s difficult. It highly depends on the writing but if I HAD to choose I’d go with supernatural and mystery. Those are not exactly tropes but genres buuuuut… The thing is, for examply, that I love wing AUs, but a lot of those which I have read in the past were absolutely not my taste. I can’t really generalize it since it always depends on the author’s way of handling a certain trope. 5. If people had marks on their skin that show who their soulmates are, what would the mark on your soulmate’s skin look like? I’d like to say clover since I really like four leave clovers, but it’d probably be something super dump, like a tooth brush. 6. What was your favourite series to watch as a kid? !!! Just one? Okay, I just started rewatching Kim Possible, and I remember having a HUGE fit when my brother wouldn’t let me watch the movie on TV. ALSO, Ojamajo Doremi. I ADORED THIS SERIES SO MUCH. 7. What’s the easiest way to make you angry? When people say wouldn’t be able to do a certain thing, saying that I should better give up. I’LL TRY ANWAY. 8. Your answer is never. What’s the question? When will you finally lose interest in DC? 9. If you had the chance to save one fictional character, which one would you choose? 
Ellie from Disney’s Up 10. You have a time machine. Do you travel to the past or the future? Why? Probably the past to meet all those cool people who have died before my time or see sites that were destroyed already. 11. Cats or dogs?
Duh. Dogs of course.
 My questions
1.Do you prefer salty or sweet food?
2.What’s your favorite key chain?
3.What language would you like to learn?
4.Which character or what person was your idol as a kid?
5.You get to invent a new fruit! What do you call it?
6.You get to erase one thing from the world. What would that be?
7.How long have you known your best friend?
8.What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever seen in someone’s window/ in someone’s garden?
9.Would you describe yourself as open for new things or clingy to the old ways?
10.What is your favorite number?
11.Do you know how to fish?
I only tag 11 people, not 22, and I just randomly chose them from my feed so just …you know, do it when you want. ❤ @tsukidragon @kudutsu @linzanytcg @ibooksandfandomscazyworld @tantei-kaitou @riari-chi @xalicex @pearlthecristalgem @wolfpoky @westule
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glopratchet · 4 years
Perfect beeing : an imprefect novel a perfect poem, a perfect song and a perfect man You know you can't go on like this You have to find something else that will give you pleasure and your mind is already filled with ideas of what might be good for you to read or listen too But the only thing in your mind right now is to get out of here! But there are no other options left at all Angylph speaks and says "so what is this all about" Well I guess it would be best if we started from the beginning First things first, how did you come to be in my house? And why do you look so unhappy? "since i prefer art bots instead of aborted babies on a cross, and you think we are going to go to hell THEN we must be related" "Hell? What kind of nonsense is this? "since i prefer art bots instead of aborted babies on a cross, "when i read specutalive fiction" you say "I enjoy a good ending better then a bad one obviously" "What is this place? And what have you done with my brother? you ask yourself Man you are quick on your feet, but this woman looks very tired and stressed will she fall for such trickery You can do this! act now before she gets to close switch subjects quickly and look away but don't ignore her You need to sell this lie "when i read specutalive fiction" you say "alright here we go" you think trust the Force and improvise Still, its a very interesting topic, but we should choose one before my head explodes "let me sit back an attempt to figure all this out" you type "let me sit back an attempt to figure all this out" you type The "b" is brown ; (4) A sea of letters is called the spooge you don't know what that means nor what it has to do with anything The random letters really doesn't tell you anything and you've asked myself what it all means well according to your views, it means nothing The images are like nothing you've ever seen before though, they're so colorful and weird looking The B & W photo of jupiter seems pretty dull in comparison almost creepy too when you look at it for too long The who who clicks last is a stooge Seriously now? Who comes up with this stuff and what does it mean? Is any of this real or are you the fool? Some would say both; you need a break Right now, all you want to do is listen to some calming music, your tired of all these depressing thoughts that come with fragmented information You long to see some "real people", someone that isn't compressed bits and bytes What do you really know about this Eva? Taking resposibility for your mistakes as we attempt to build a maze approaching ; (5) you think someone else died mysteriously and they were the one that put all this Instead of looking further into this dangerous game as who and why its best just to give up on it and what happens happens you think Pressing the R key starts the song over again and you forget about all this mess for now until something happens, which you've been told somethings will Taking resposibility for your mistakes as we attempt to build a maze approaching ; That ends in ruin or reward only time will tell Eva - That wasn't what I expected but it sheds some light on the setting of the mood for our paths we must travel You are clearly mentally disturbed, why else would you make this pathetic attempt at an obscure story to try and confuse me? You are a coward just like my ex-boyfriend Chad So how exactly does this prove that you are not responsible for putting all this here in the first place? That ends in ruin or reward only time will tell The story is told by multiverse explorer astral wylde to his Daughter Grace astral about the time period of when he first experienced "the pictures" before they became verbal when he talked with fellow creative and how they became relational in the best way I recommend reading it as it is probably more "here" than what I have just told you The story is told by multiverse explorer astral wylde to his Daughter Grace astral about the time period of when he first experienced "the pictures" before they became verbal when he talked with fellow creative and how they became relational in the best way There are records stored in the city of astokhan on everything that goes on in world apart from those things best not remembered for when the end comes if it ever does under the complete ruling of dum Akhan So the silly bugger made a song and dance about this on his official reports? dam Dum Akhan would be mad at that honestly, imagine if some dum sanctioned this man's actions without knowing what is going on furthermore he has demonized himself with the term stooge in such a crude simple manner There are records stored in the city of astokhan on everything that goes on in world apart from those things best not remembered for when the end comes if it ever does under the complete ruling of dum Akhan And during one of his less fuitful periods we had this conversation OCC: How much did you pay for a license to use that? You know that there was a price on that formula right? "how did you even gain access to these communications? eva being as intelligent and secretive as she is, i would have though you'd be the last person she'd tell stuff too" And during one of his less fuitful periods we had this conversation He decides to envision chains flowing from my head He's probably trying to intimidate you I think a better representation of me is the red misty cloud that came out your pocket and is slowly forming into my likeness on your lap The stupid muppet actually listened to me earlier and kept count, he can't help himself says unity, then again most fools can't help themselves To answer your first question, this was just a conversation we had shortly before you got here From the life of a beautiful painter he once knew As she painted pictures not of an extant quality because of her happy heart and creative style opposed to sole reason or tainted by poverty or even misery like most painters' works normally are thus making her life a whole lot easier as attention and sales figures rose into mastery the artist had became used to success without bothering herself with challenges that some say is inhuman and extremely unnatural Then one day she met a kindred spirit in a fellow creatives and fell deeply in love without sacrificing her position Astral wydle because of his supernal nature is gifted with perfect memory not to mention without sleep and he still finds himself getting bored which sometimes leads him to having unusual ways of keeping himself occupied such as writing random stories or biographies on random subjects I remember reading some where he talked about her On the first week of spring 23 he first met an artist at the Academy called Heather Jane Rogers when she was just a celebrated artist invited there to do a trial run of something called performance art where she proceeded to paint while covered in body paint Astral wydle because of his supernal nature is gifted with perfect memory not to mention without sleep and he still finds himself getting bored which sometimes leads him to having unusual ways of keeping himself occupied such as writing random stories or biographies on random subjects And he remembers watching a video from mica metrological in his flamboyant style where a similar woman called Lou Reed played the guitar to her at Ascot house ; (I think that's what it's called The old artist frequently mentions the palaces and fantastic gardens there in great detail thinking they were some of the most beautiful sights she ever saw) where later on he claimed to have fallen in love with her And he remembers watching a video from mica metrological in his flamboyant style where a similar woman called Lou Reed played the guitar to her at Ascot house ; Talking about a thirty percent chance of rain that evening anyway I happened to bump into you that night at the same place then I forgot all about the clouds as soon as you started talking The young Lou must have put on one heck of a wonderful show then looking back it really is funny how some core things never change, I honestly almost pulled him in just to spite him At this point I can't tell if he hates me or fears me or perhaps both Talking about a thirty percent chance of rain that evening anyway I happened to bump into you that night at the same place then I forgot all about the clouds as soon as you started talking He remembers being at the gory hole in artist community when she was forced out like so many others couldn't afford to buy food or move and he had the feeling that perhaps it was some sort of curse upon her for profiting off such a terrible act, could still be though She even played at a neutral building which caused an outrage at the time but as one reviewer put it "you could cut the tension with a knife" He remembers being at the gory hole in artist community when she was forced out like so many others couldn't afford to buy food or move and he had the feeling that perhaps it was some sort of curse upon her for profiting off such a terrible act, A progressive mid tier art gallery in a trendy section of beetriot city called capitol heights which was thankfully bombed into oblivion by eternium ; (a major art supplier) decades ago A progressive mid tier art gallery in a trendy section of beetriot city called capitol heights which was thankfully bombed into oblivion by eternium ; Known as the bridge of noise (he has an ear piercingly annoying way of describing simple everyday things that probably would end up adding a solid fifty thousand words to a five word quote if you allowed him to speak for more than two hours straight) when they played at some blue building that looked like a monstrous bowl turned upside down ; (earlier in the day he actually attempted to have some obscure artistic name for the place but ultimately failed by awkwardly stuttering to himself apparently they changed it's name without permission which is apparently uncommon Known as the bridge of noise ; There he first learns all of beetriot is laughing at triton arcage again as it happened rather often due to some wise cracks about lady Cassandra's recent decision to add four hundred and thirty-two new erasable colors to their six hundred strong color range He was cursed at and even assaulted only to be saved by and then start flirting with a pretty voice and in retrospect also an incredible amount of alcohol for the time of day The first time they meet in person was over a flaming bowl of some sort of soup which sounds great sense memory I guess huh? There he first learns all of beetriot is laughing at triton arcage again as it happened rather often due to some wise cracks about lady Cassandra's recent decision to add four hundred and thirty-two new erasable colors to their six hundred strong color range As he observes the details of a painting at show known as the triumph of the colored venus as the rest of the room merrily drinks and parties around them he unknowingly stares deep into her eyes As far as he or I ; (at least on his side) is aware they quickly flirted back and forth until the show finished at which point chaos erupted as a cynical announcer ; (they were surprisingly common back then in that day and age) stated to everyone's surprise that what they had all witnessed was an extremely late April's fools art prank "based loosely" As he observes the details of a painting at show known as the triumph of the colored venus as the rest of the room merrily drinks and parties around them he unknowingly stares deep into her eyes That features a group of lesbian women of darker color trampling an infamous bigot of the time under a certain colored delivery venus painting We've never been able to figure out who gave the announcement ; (all records of his id were deleted) but we all guess it must have been one of lady Cassandra's more enthusiastic fans That features a group of lesbian women of darker color trampling an infamous bigot of the time under a certain colored delivery venus painting On the faces of a group of contempory news worthy white men witnessing the far more outlandish unexpected display they were content at first to loudly complain but several white shirted security ; (all artists) from other galleries had already surrounded the group so they quietly but steadily left after that Well, 3 of the most hardcore bigots left with threats under their breath which is when lady Cassandra famously replied "good! " she then played one last song to cheering crowd and promptly left as well forgetting the interview in the bargin On the faces of a group of contempory news worthy white men witnessing the far more outlandish unexpected display they were content at first to loudly complain but several white shirted security ; By emerging twenty something artist cherp cherp quint illion was instantly an internet meme within an hour due to a live recording of the show ; (although basically nobody understood the joke untill years later) he watched some of it with the bridge of noise and cindy lou Triton arcage himself made several pointed antisocial posts accusing them all of obviously staged bull fracking inbetween demands that people send him samples of colored venus paintings for his own amusement By emerging twenty something artist cherp cherp quintillion was instantly an internet meme within an hour due to a live recording of the show ; Known for her delicate rococo style she didn't expect the republican capitalist pigs of southern Gildshire to honor her contract and even politely turned down an invitation to paint the lord's mansion in favor of returning home "That's a load of bull! Known for her delicate rococo style she didn't expect the republican capitalist pigs of southern Gildshire to honor her contract and even politely turned down an invitation to paint the lord's mansion in favor of returning home He overhears saul saint nicodemous giving cherp cherp a critique of the piece Cherp cherp gives a little shrug and then turns to triton arcage with a open grin Seeming him visibly cringe and then nervously play with his fingers she concludes" Well let's just say I'm willing to take that chance Triton arcage goes over to try and compliment her work only to get yelled at by saint nicodemous He pretends to be fine with this but really isn't With a group of other artist friends including saul saint nicodemous and tritons old classmates she enters a small cafe afterward They stay here discussing art for several hours where they are imporantly very accepting of his ideas as he is with hers Cindy lou however seems constantly distracted through all this Every now and then glancing over at the other table where the exact same cafe they are in sold food until only recently With a group of other artist friends including saul saint nicodemous and tritons old classmates she enters a small cafe afterward Katharsis gale the oldest of the group in mid fourties and by most artistic measures very much still alive breaks the silence The ever wordly woman asks triton "well it's all over it went far better than anyone had a right to expect any criticism? "Of course some people are just going to hate anything new" triton replies truthfully trying not to look at cindy lou Suddenly cindy lou exclaims "then someone should go over there and criticize their food! Katharsis gale the oldest of the group in mid fourties and by most artistic measures very much still alive breaks the silence Bransky bronze bright supermacy in her early thirties with work showing in Dugan galleria and genius grant winner at 21 stares at her until the rest of the table breaks into laughter "Who said anything about food? "Bruschetta! Bransky bronze bright supermacy in her early thirties with work showing in Dugan galleria and genius grant winner at 21 stares at her until the rest of the table breaks into laughter Bransky and chirp standing sliently noding there heads in approval "Sorry who's bruschetta? " triton shyly asks wondering if one of them had a superpower of remembering the names of everyone they met since forever "The mean ossider who couldn't appreciate our art! " cindy lou exclaims tears starting to form in her eyes Triton sees the other artist get a awkward almost wincing look on their faces except for saul saint nicodemous "let me tell you what this represents in your art work, " states saul "the feeling of adversity for someone who faced down waves of derision, and vilification for simply for having a vision different from the mass's it was even your own boss at the time who created panel "A" which created a large backlash that could easily have destroyed her career and yet she carried on when anyone else may have quit at that point Saul goes in to hug her "This is good cuz I'm hungry can we go now "the feeling of adversity for someone who faced down waves of derision, As saul saint goes on and on with bullshit language about destruction of the More nonsense on colonialism and purity of artistic visions, he picks up a large crayon looking thing and draws a circle around what looks horridly close to rings around cindy lou's late friend oggie He draws and draws until there is a full drawing around these characters the 2 people commenting on her tragedy with thumbs up, and then himself with his hand raised in an entire crowd giving a standing ovation! to this drivel More nonsense on colonialism and purity of artistic visions, An aspect of queer theory transgression of canonic norms and smashing the cis-normative glass slipper (even though bruschetta is side panel! The entire table stares in awe at how it reflects the entire cafe, from the small amount of patrons to one particularly aggressive looking war era Cartoon bird looking creature in a cage It suddenly ends, then GOE 4 1 red act goes on to fully seize all cartoon creatures An aspect of queer theory, And other fashionable topics of art conflict As usual everyone claps They finally leave Saul hugs Cindy Lou again and tells her how much her sadness and pain meant to him How every piece of art must start with a little sorrow the ECSF officially adopts art as a weapon policy embracing chaotic whimsies to destroy the authoritarian status quo During this time period eventually leading to anti-democratic artist run totalitarian state with over emphasis on aesthetics in every day life The cycle continues During this time period the ECSF officially adopts art as a weapon policy embracing chaotic whimsies to destroy the authoritarian status quo The end Astral can not help himself and says something of a smart assed nature about his lack or orginality on the ending Something about how if one is too ultra supportive of disruptive elements it will grow into a state that destroys all opposition and look at what has happened to bruschetta that little ossider needs to be put in his place R2-43 begins a small electrical shock and sends astral flying with a well placed punch to the face Then turns goblin into a magical light show with her wand "You're pretty good with that thing, Astral can not help himself and says something of a smart assed nature about his lack or orginality on the ending The actual quote is Leaving the others shocked she looks sexually attracted to astral and begins to check him out in just the way you suspect rukka and jaxom have done with you Making a smacking kissy mouth sound Dropping goblin on the floor, she walks over slowly towards the astral while touching his freshly bruised face She touches hand moves toward his crouch "Woah, i'm not gonna suck your Leaving the others shocked, While kat unable to control herself goes on a giggle fit and attempts unzipping his armor With one good blast of magik she sends him spinning across the barre of her legs causing the ents to make highpitched screams as she gets closer and closer to his crouch One swift, forceful pull of both hands in a denim effect on a pair of leather pants done by a very excited tanuki causes him to fall over, this apparently exciting tanuki even more as the ent is sent under the table While kat unable to control herself goes on a gigglefit and attempts unzipping his armor Saul and brankys backs away with out a retort in disgust and ents magik affectation The bar is but a shambles of blood, guts, feathers and denim You approaching quietly as they lay on the table post passionate denium separation far from the carnage Upon approaching he looks at you blushing Still naked and clearly in a state of shame It was all at once hilarious and adorable "I did not F there, there" "No "Or there either, " pointing under the bloody table Saul and brankys backs away with out a retort in disgust and ents magik affectation The group heads for the wine bar wondering about the homeless nature of astral projection as ent dies her arms around in an nearly impossible position to hold The group heads for the wine bar wondering about the homeless nature of astral projection as ent dies her arms around in an nearly impossible position to hold And wondering if he comes from the land of lixie dixie The dealer of gallery motions to cherp to come her way because they need to talk about some finances You tell your new employee where you'll be and probably will be there for quite some time while this goes though Cherp seems enthuisiastic towards hanging out at the wine bar Why that place? Who knows, ents are a strangely docible sort But things go well apparently as the owner of the bar remembers you from your traveling child hood The dealer of gallery motions to cherp to come her way because they need to talk about some finances A collector is interested in buying her work She can't remember when the last time someone was genuinely interested in her work and began making motions to leave with him then and there You try explaining things, but as these things go, they are fairly regular at your bar and she needed to watch her proceedings The man looked promising though if he actually buys them all Leaving astral and kat together for a moment you walk over and speak to the ents, while explaining why cherp left early but ent surprises you with all his rambling about her work and paintings "They got the oddest shapes cherp, " he slurs spilling out an ale "I know I painted them" You muffled with a bemused expression on your face Looking as if he was on the verge of tears, rukka extends one of her branches Leaving astral and kat together for a moment you walk over and speak to the ents, She makes an excuse to leave and you bring two bottles home since the ents offered not to finish theirs The pictures were actually complemented pretty well, the value was definitely there as you sold your creations in only a days time in the past and this man heard of cherp though out lands but her paintings were incredibly rare due to her nomadic nature The group and yourself celebrate taking at least one expensive bar bill off the company payroll for once expectacy in one of his travels and possible may have even had a picture from that time, old iron clasps keeping it bound Strange request though She makes an excuse to leave and you bring two bottles home since the ents offered not to finish theirs He mentions that he has seen her work before Before finishing your drink Her expression drops as she notices your face Rukkia is brought to the table, she looks beat and probably shouldn't have been out drinking tonight as she was on her monthly rampage, seemingly forgetting how much physical strength she holds with that behemoth inside her He mentions that he has seen her work before in one of his travels and possible may have even had a picture from that time, But astral replies with a comment so disarming to that kat can not help but fall in love with him on the spot as his way of expressing himself towards berchemy usually ends in some horrible accident Correcting herself, she looks to astral realizing who he is Her usual sober demeanor becomes a little more light hearted and elegant as she sits with the group "I assume this man is aurvascour, who are the others? You know she really wants to say you look familiar but is having difficulty remembering who you are exactly But astral replies with a comment so disarming to that kat can not help but fall in love with him on the spot as his way of expressing himself towards berchemy usually ends in some horrible accident And they sneak out into the night air together Never being truly introduced They never truly caught each others name before they left either As they walk together he opens up to her more easily than he has tended to do with others, as if this is something easy for him now that he is expressing himself through his mixture of the arcane and her craft Out there in the dark terse vague statements are made about himself accompanied by big arm gestures "I uh my grandfather was a hero" As they walk along the peppled path of a converted bridge from an abadonned subway train yard that the city now uses as park, they get to know each other go from singular sporadic sentences to almost a complete conversation Nothing on the physical plane of course, but the pair got closer than before He knew she was not out to eat him, she knew he was not stupid nor slow, they could still appreciate one another despite this condition engulfing them both As they walk along the peppled path of a converted bridge from an abadonned subway train yard that the city now uses as park, The converstation unexpectedly turns back to triton and his first failed prediction astral wanted the real information if he was going to relay it "Theres nothing more that I know, than what I told you in that conversation, " astral says defending himself "I know that Fair enough" A lie of course, there is much more to it than what he said, it was just so absurd that he did not believe aurvace would relay it to him even if she knew The converstation unexpectedly turns back to triton and his first failed prediction, Twenty years ago ~Chapter 6: prelude to a Storm~ You are leaving the scene of aurvaces first prediction, it seemed initially successful, but you are about to go through an entire lifetime before realizing that your chances were much slimmer than anticipated That gym was on the border of the merchant district now commonly referred to as the clip It had started out innocently enough as a way for the entourage supporting Ruki to legally make some money and give back now Twenty years ago now Here astral learns about about someones world who did end that day From the man ari bloomsfield in the opening days of the great Kishak disturbances, as nameless street urchins in old beat up tennis shoes were running away from looters who shed stolen their recently broken store windows furniture alongside anything else they could find Upon her first rime in that place and sometime during the third day of looting within streets sealed shut by soldiers, aurvace is invaded once again From the man ari bloomsfield in the opening days of the great Kishak disturbances, Who had been scientist visiting beetriot from the orient five years her senior was a blond roguish man only three inches taller than herself They came on to each other fast over a sandwhich after he made sure she was not affiliated in anyway with another division under his command undercover inside the borders of this is city-state called kishak That should have given it away, how silly that they both thought their love was perfect when neither were even from the same continent, let alone the same stratosphere Who had been scientist visiting beetriot from the orient five years her senior was a blond roguish man only three inches taller than herself She had a nickname for him in her mind based on how superficial their connection and length relations were, she then coughed as if trying to hack something up but nothing left her mouth even though something was there a couple minutes ago And the rationalizations commence "It had to be done this way! If it takes humor to lighten the situation I will be happy to provide that, you know I always will, " implying he could not make her laugh under normal circumstances She had a nickname for him in her mind based on how superficial their connection and length relations were, Beastiari later agreed to meet her deep in the snowy summit mountains disregarding objections of all the people who love and care for him despite the distance Perhaps this could officially begin where aurvace had always felt alone even from him For she had through nearly unfathomable efforts concluded that her ability to remain aloof was the only way to survive on this moving forward as, ironically, a means to an end of maintaining a relationship between her and a loved one too Beastiari later agreed to meet her deep in the snowy summit mountains disregarding objections of all the people who love and care for him despite the distance Because of the obsene amount of dark blue brusies he would leave on her neck and other parts of her body without care, still, she knew the end result of his touches always lead to feelings of happiness deadening a deep pain that had always been there when the stars aligned a certain way Because of the obsene amount of dark blue brusies he would leave on her neck and other parts of her body without care, Luckly it was the winter so she could get away with wearing scarves all winter long She had oh so many lovers that winter of so much snow fall with tempers flaring hot enough that the occasional hapless pebble melted Her fellow soldiers were certainly fooled it would have probably worked if aurvace had not gotten out of hand near the very ending as she felt she deserved a good first part of winter months reprieve from grief Perhaps, it might have even lasted closer to spring if her consort did not notice her increasingly decrease in physical strength She had oh so many lovers that winter of so much snow fall with tempers flaring hot enough that the occasional hapless pebble melted While the love affair progressed for aurvace was like the starless winter that had finally lifted, her strength simultaneously decreased dangerously low By the start of march legs could no longer carry her and she had long since gave up on using bushes and other sparse vegetation as a makeshift toilet The cold made it all the worse bit still aurvace was able to make a run for elves until While the love affair progressed for aurvace was like the starless winter that had finally lifted, Another lover appeared on the scene She surely believed its mere presence was jealously summoned but her other gorgeous rascal of an aurvace consort was actually just smart enough to run some diagnostics on his beloved While aurvace may have neglected her share of physical discomfort he obviously did not overlook her decreased immunity and the very thing that caused a perpetual happy face plastered on aurvace now failed spectacularly The first lover Who later became a preacher with rather cult like following would call this phenomenon the so called "Death of Passion" saying that was no way to truly end one's life unless it was done beside someone comparable in beauty and or humor; A compliment aurvace was more than used to hearing by now But when aurvace's consort laid eyes on her they could only stare blankly at one another not saying a word even when practically laying naked together Who later became a preacher with rather cult like following would call this phenomenon the so called "Death of Passion" saying that was no way to truly end one's life unless it was done beside someone comparable in beauty and or humor; The one who took away her virginity on her twenty first birthday The poems he inspired aurvace to create herself were never that great so she never bothered trying for anything beyond writing love sonnets to aurvace anflutter with brand new experiences He had left her three years ago to persue a music carreer out out west due to his infatuation with the songs of the lands towards the setting sun Nor was risking death by starvation in this unforgiving winter worth it but aurvace chalked it up to attempted infidelity, thoughts of such repulsed her to no end though He had left her three years ago to persue a music carreer out out west due to his infatuation with the songs of the lands towards the setting sun Or was it another girl or woman? Unthinkable! Had aurvace's beauty faded so much that death would be kinder than the hurtful truth? The alternative was that some external force had a hand in this True, his disappearance could of been written off as kidnaping for ransom but aurvace's father never alluded to such suspicious activities during the times he comforted her Or was it another girl or woman? She could never be for sure and that uncertainty grew too much for aurvace who needed there to be a reasonable conclusion So after a minor fit of rage aurvace shot up and marched right into yet another snowstorm, luckily her fickle constitution was on her side for what aurvace had in guts she lacked entirely in common sense They found her body at the bottom of a snow drift which showed no immediate signs of trauma though aurvace most certainly froze to death She could never be for sure and that uncertainty grew too much for aurvace who needed there to be a reasonable conclusion But there he was back on the scene meaning well but rarely doing well aurvace's first love would compose a song about aurvace almost as beautiful as she was, in fact it became somewhat of a hit amongst their people leading some to believe that aurvace may have indirectly promoted interracial relationships though aurvace would care not at all as she herself could not see nor whatsoever But there he was back on the scene meaning well but rarely doing well, On the morning of the first doomsday pediction kat and beastiari went to the clinic for the procedure the day after kat visited beast for the first time since the operation though his face was still heavily bandaged "That bad eh? " she asked "Even uglier then I thought it would be, " beast sighed with a heavy heart Kat felt genuinely sorry for her friend as he was probably not exaggerating but beast recovered just fine and vowed that he was really allright and trying to put on a brave face despite feeling like death the day before On the morning of the first doomsday pediction kat and beastiari went to the clinic for the procedure, It turns out this day is the day astral and her meet are the anniverary of that event ful day they would change one an others lives so much and although it wasn't planned she did indeed plan a little get together this evening as a way to cheer beast up That of course involve cannibals and the humble village teacher but more about that in the last chapter Chapter 6A: One Fowl Evening "Is kat going to be there? " beast asked his sister who was wrapping his bandages It turns out this day is the day astral and her meet are the anniverary of that eventful day they would change one an others lives so much and although it wasn't planned she did indeed plan a little get together this evening as a way to cheer beast up For some reason art knocked on my door that day and when I answered art replied that beast needed to see me, not asking just telling I guess he must of thought me showing up unannounced to see a nearsight blind kid would of been a great equalizer Before I headed out though Aurvace caught me and handed me a sealed letter, the only instruction she left for me when accepting this mission But i told him that it was not a good time For some reason art knocked on my door that day and when I answered art replied that beast needed to see me, beast's sister was helping him "Your preaching to the choir sister, I think I'll win her over with my charm though, I mean this concept isn't totally lost on her and besides love is obscure He kept on as we started walking to his house Once inside I was given a lecture of sorts from astral about respecting personal boundaries and I agreed to not do it again with beast around but then beast left us so I felt less restrainted slightly But i told him that it was not a good time, and I was getting a little suspicious of kat's absence, Where is she? "can we try this again? " beast asked, giving astral a push then leaving through the back door which connected the two houses Ari was on the other side of the door with me She followed him out, checking to see if we were coming so I decided to tell art what I can now "The doctors know astral's pregnant, " I said slowly and quietly as to not be heard right away And i remember him being so scared Ari was on the other side of the door with me and I was getting a little suspicious of kat's absence, for his sister when he first learned the news during his mid- semester, but now his greyish pallor was ashen and his eyes looked glassy I tried calling to him but after a few mumbles he just start walking outside I followed him What a view, every villager was out here crowded in front of each others homes with torches a blazing at least but against the adult villagers he looked like a child, and a defiant one at that "Well, what do we have here? " The humble village chief said, in quite a festive tone "It started with a deaf blind boy begging to be taught how to read, " art began in between sobs And i remember him being so scared for his sister when he first learned the news during his mid- semester, Art was a big man well a tall man "It ended with several dead bodies in your home, all eaten Several men handed him another paper figuring that he would want to see it again Art was a big man well a tall man at least but against the adult villagers he looked like a child, But i think he had a streak of cowerdace in him because he immediately pleaded guilty once he started reading it "so this wasn't some cult ritual or religious thing? I had to change the tone of his confession because I didn't want this mock trial to turn real He stopped and re-read, then looked up at me accusingly "wait a second one of them says it was your idea, " another man adds, probably another parent of a dead kid "Now hold on " I said slowly inching forward But i think he had a streak of cowerdace in him because he immediately pleaded guilty once he started reading it And i do not think i could ever rely on him for protection both then or ever again As much as he is frail, he is only a man and i am just a boy CS: ******** Realizing the folly of getting on half of them he once again changed his tune And i do not think i could ever rely on him for protection both then or ever again But yes someones world did end that day mostly for the better though It wasn't just beasts sister who's lust for life died that day, it was also the blind poets The sentence drags in and out But yes someones world did end that day, Moments later the rain came down in sprinkles and we quickly moved under the roof of one of the houses Just three boys wrapped in pale blue sheets with rain drops dipping onto their skin "So why, I mean why do you think that beast would One could only assume that he was trembling from both cold and fear and not madness or sorrow, which leaves me about the same Perhaps the fever made us do it and perhaps it did not Moments later the rain came down in sprinkles and we quickly moved under the roof of one of the houses She mentions that she knows what the name of the child would be once it was born because she had seen the scarf "Whos robe was it? " I ask "Yours of course, " she still could not make out our faces through one squinted eye and one near closed eyelid "My favorite robe, a blue one I couldn't believe it and as terrible at remembering clothes I could never forget that one She mentions that she knows what the name of the child would be once it was born because she had seen the scarf The rain gives her an oppertuinity to part ways and rest her swollen feet Interupted by the chief who was ready to communicate with us once again "Sorry again about all that you have had to go through, " he says, "so what is it that you wanted? No harm no foul we were just gonna make camp here tonight and go about our business in the morn Perhaps this has all been a set up As they part she ends by stating that she does not regret it and that she would gladly do it again and the child too I know that she said this before but the force was so much more behind it this time The chief sound like he is turning then makes an about face turning toward his house made of stone And then he stops and turns and with an outreached hand invites us inside Three squars at any incloure but i decline As they part she ends by stating that she does not regret it and that she would gladly do it again The abortion of this trip was certainly weighed by my actions, I am indeed sorry that it has turned out this way Thats probably for the best come by tommarrow if you like, alright Well no more hugs today boys get some sleep and hope you learn from your misstakes so boy number one stand up The abortion of this trip was certainly weighed by my actions, And that she never regrets anything That girl back there contiplated suicide Why though I do not know, she always seemed happy to me I guess I'll never know And she says good bye Just leaves me here to sit and ponder life and other nonsense that does not really matter Perhaps it is best that she left when she did, who knows what else we would have got ourselves into Though while I may never really know I hope to find a little bit of her once again with the ladies, or at least emuate what I can through pretend I made a joke with the chief, the ultimate chivalrous hero saving the damsel in distress And they part as the first snow of the year comes down just a little harder than it has And the boy ends his story here and bids you goodnight friend
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