#I got to chew through some delicious angst of Luke being an outer rim kid himself
sassysnowperson · 4 years
I really want to know about First Date to Book Signing with a Smidge of Kidnapping and/or I Do Crime Now
This is an ask from @tobermoriansass - noted in case tumblr is still messing up the way asks are formatted.
I will happily yell about BOTH!
First Date to Book Signing with a Smidge of Kidnapping
This was my favorite title, so I'm chuffed you asked about it. So! Forever ago I wrote a fluffy little Luke/Bodhi story where Luke was a very famous astronaut and Bodhi was a washed out Astronaut Candidate. They hooked up, once, and then when Luke became and astronaut and Bodhi didn't, Bodhi kinda sorta ran away forever.
It worked out, they reunited when Luke write a bestselling “My Life as an Astronaut” sort of thing. It was a cute little fic and, miracle of miracles, short. But short and I don't always get along, so I outlined and noodled with a sequel, pretty much shooting for goofy rom-com vibe with my love of space and flying shot through it: 
Luke and Bodhi go on a nice date where they are awkward dorks but eventually realize they have grown up and are probably more compatible now. No more running away after sex, we promise.
They have sex 
That night, Bodhi gets pulled onto an emergency flight and Luke gets pissy because they *just said* they weren't going to run away after sex anymore. 
Bodhi is like, okay, fine, put your pants on and lets go. 
They are halfway to the airport before Bodhi realizes he never actually told Luke he was getting pulled into an emergency flight, and Luke realizes he is being a little bit kidnapped for an International Adventure. 
They have a very nice date, which is only slightly marred by Bodhi’s occasional panic that he has kidnapped NASA’s rising star.
Epilogue happens at Luke’s European Tour book signing - Bodhi is in town and crashes the party to tease Luke. In the spirit of things, he buys a copy of the book and takes it for Luke to sign. Luke scribbles something quickly and hands it back to Bodhi, blushing furiously. Bodhi is expecting something very raunchy and instead he opens the book to find: 
Bodhi, there is a moment, before the launch, that is full of fear and breathtaking possibility. You are waiting for something to go wrong but certain that if it goes right you are going to have an experience so extraordinary it will define your life
...Here's to our launch
 -Luke Lars
I haven’t managed to get the thing written, but I still love that line.
I Do Crime Now
Sooo, you know that whole thing where the sequel trilogy gave their Latino star a history of drug smuggling? (the longest, most drawn out sigh) 
Well, I took one look at that and went "Oh, he was undercover." 
So, this is the fic where I play with that. 
Poe is on Kijimi because their kids are being stolen by the First Order - but of course, its not the nice upper class families' kids that are getting stolen, but the families that are too poor or too criminal to get the wider galaxy to take them seriously. 
So Poe has to integrate with Kijimi's underbelly to find out what's happening to the kids. He uses the very real excuse of his desertion and subsequent bounty to justify his turn to the underworld. He gets to chew through the emotions of suddenly not having the respect of the universe, and while he's utterly sure he's doing the right thing, he's also dealing with the dark morality of doing something he hates for a greater good. 
In the middle of all this, in walks Luke Skywalker, totally unaware that his sister has put Poe undercover on Kijimi, and genuinely thinks that Poe is a Lost Soul that has Thrown His Life Away. 
Kinda. Turns out, at least as far as Luke is concerned, Poe is a terrible liar.
"You think I don't know that the main industry on Kijimi is spice running?" Luke said, his voice a low rumble. 
Poe stuck his chin out, quirked his rogue's smile, and said, "I didn't think you were stupid, but there are some things you don't say in crowded bars." 
"Does your father know—" 
"Seriously, Luke?" Poe cut him off. "You're trying to bring my dad into this? Don't be that guy." 
"You are drug running and you expect me to not mention your father?" 
"I am an adult," Poe snapped in response, which he recognized as the words came out was probably the worst thing he could have said at the moment. 
"Your best friend did the same job," Poe hissed, in a desperate attempt to pivot the conversation. 
"If you're trying to use Han Solo's career as an example—" Luke stopped, his eyes flicking over Poe. 
Poe had to fight the urge to flinch, as Luke's eyes lingered on Poe's hands, firmly in his pockets, then up to the hunch of his shoulders. 
"You're lying," Luke said, leaning back a little, and raising an eyebrow. 
Poe forced himself to relax, and then realized that was the most suspicious thing he could have possibly done in the moment. He was normally a much better spy than this. Luke was just very good at catching him off his guard. 
"What are you really doing here, Poe?" Luke asked again, his voice a little softer.
I’ve actually got about 12k of this one written - it’s got a better shot than most of seeing the light of day, eventually :D
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