#I gotta draw William Afton more MAYBE sometime
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Five nights at Springtrap’s is just William Aftons arguing..
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So I got concerned for you and asked a nurse I know if she had any advice for you
She said that firstly, you ought to ask not to have that same nurse. If you don’t remember their name, they should have it on file who took care of you. Failing that, you’ll probably recognize them and can say it was them
And tell them that the nurse who saw you last time did a fucky wucky, what happened, and, if it’s still there, show them the bruise. You have rights as a patient.
This is my own advice for your personal comfort, but I’d absolutely recommend taking something you can use as a stress ball. Squeeze it in the opposite arm you’re getting your blood drawn from, because apparently flexing like that will make more iron come up in the blood draw? I have also heard that tensing up will make it hurt more so even if the iron thing is bullshit, there’s that.
seriously I’m 20 now and I still bring the stress ball if I have to get my blood drawn, or anything more serious than a flu shot. Like my bi-monthly med injections
Do whatever you gotta to make yourself more comfortable when you’re in there. Take some headphones and listen to music? A favorite plush for a stress ball? Think about William Afton being a whiny little bitch about getting his blood drawn?
I’m mostly kidding on that last one, but if you think being able to laugh at something will help, you can ask whoever’s there with you for distractions.
Ik you didn’t really ask for advice but like I said I got concerned jfjdjdh
the nurse I asked was my grandmother and when I told her your nurse pushed the needle in deeper she made a face like ‘oh my GOD tell me they didn’t holy shit’
BWAH yeah i might, idk.
also i can confirm she DID and iwas like: huh ok. and then i died
im usually super good w/ getting my blood stolen, i kinda just look at my phone and sometimes look at the blood going thru the tube (at the place i go to often,) but a mix of not having dranken water beforehand & the person maybe being inexperienced (judging on the whole needle thing) probably wasn't the best combo lol
also, it hasn't bruised (yet), still aches, but im going back there monday
OH BUT ON A GOOD NOTE!!! I SHOULD BE GETTING MY RADIOLOGY RESULTS BACK!!! we're gonna see how fucked up and evil my bones are
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