#AND game William was not having that so tried to put him in his place
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Five nights at Springtrap’s is just William Aftons arguing..
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angsthology · 6 months
“i don’t have a problem!” — or an alt title: roo definitely “doesn’t” have a problem
just a little predicament
a/n ended up not liking this much
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in truth, like every memory she has, it was all a blur.
(should she get her brain checked? maybe. but that’s a conversation for later—if she remembers.)
one moment she was walking innocently with her little snoopy water bottle (that once had am alfa romeo logo on it but fred eventually gave up on trying to remove the stickers she had put over it) on her right hand and her phone on her left; deathly focus on the game on her screen.
next, she was shoved—gently but firmly, surprisingly—onto a chair in a dark room. now only one light turned on above her eyes making her squint. wait —are her hands tied?
then a scold came from the dark, but she doesn’t think it was exactly directed at her.
“what—no! what’s wrong with you? you’ll hurt her eyes! turn on all the lights properly.”
the lights then turned on properly.
woah. so crowded.
she scrunched her brows together in confusion.
“what’s going on?” she asked a bit quietly.
“we need to talk—” the brit started.
“you have a problem!” a french accent interrupted.
“—mate!” he scolded the alphatauri driver.
said man shrugged, “i am not wasting any more time on this, she needs to know.”
“know what?” she asked.
“here’s the thing kid—”
“we need to talk about your… m problem.” the french whispered the last part.
m problem? she was so confused, she said the first thing that came to her mind, “menstruation?”
suddenly all the men in the room frantically answered together in a strings of ‘no’s and defenses saying it has nothing to do with that m.
“okay so… what?” she paused, “and where is nando?”
the monégasque in the back with his arms crossed scrunches his brows, “what’s he got to do with this?” he whispers mostly to himself.
“nando is getting taken care of.” george answered shortly.
he shook back, “what– no! he’s fine! —well…”
“he’s with lando!” he raised his hands in defense quickly.
“THAT’S WORSE!” she cried.
in response, the monégasque in the back couldn’t help but snort.
“russell! we are getting off-topic.” complained the french driver.
said man cleared his throat, “right. thank you, pierre.”
“you can thank me by speeding this up.”
george ignores him, eyes back on the girl on the chair looking up at him with clueless eyes.
“you have a mahjong problem.”
she scrunches her brows, “what—problem? i don’t have a problem.”
“yes you do.”
“name one time—”
suddenly a new voice emerged from the side, “okay! grid picture, three weeks ago.”
“that’s me alright! —yeah, remember when you tried to remove me.”
she scoffed, she was about to say something but he beat her to it.
everyone was getting called one by one to be placed in their spots in the frame when the two williams driver stood on opposite ends of the line as they were to wait for more instructions from the photographer when suddenly the—not yet called for—alfa romeo driver walks over to nicholas and without uttering a word, pushed him out of the lineup—he could’ve been offended, but truth be told he was far too busy being confused—then proceeded to move to the other side of the line towards his teammate.
the photographer, previously focused on his work, took a step back when he saw the woman running around just to see what was happening.
the girl—like she had done with latifi—pushed the thai driver out of the line up and steps back to see the full picture.
“mahjong match…” she mumbled under her breath.
“oh, please, you’re just bringin’ stuff up. latifi’s over it!” she raised her hand to point towards the canadian driver.
the attention moved to said driver, he lift both his hands in surrender, “jury’s still out.”
they all then turn back to her accusingly.
then, carlos—completely spawned in out of nowhere—opens his mouth, “i mean; i don’t think you have a problem, cariño—”
“butt out, kiss ass.” alex glared at the spaniard, resulting in the latter to throw his hands up in surrender.
roo rolled her eyes, “whatever! it was just that one time, doesn’t make it a problem!” she defended.
only, her defense was cut by a too-familiar voice. “oh, it’s already a problem.”
her eyes almost popped out of their sockets at the person who showed.
“NIKA?! you’re part of this?” she exclaimed.
said girl uncrossed her arms and walked over to her friend tied to the chair.
she rolls her eyes, “when it involves my stuff, yes i’m a part of it.”
at that, the driver on the chair blinks. she inhaled as if she was about to say something but stopped herself short, closing her mouth shut again. she blinks again, eyes then looking around as if to find something.
“…right.” she looks up at her friend.
she nodded with pursed lips, “yeah.”
nika was calmly scrolling through twitter on her laptop with the glee soundtrack playing in the background when she was—harshly, rudely interrupted with a person slamming the door open into her room.
she screamed, closing her laptop shut and throwing away.
—okay, but it wasn’t like she was looking at anything bad… she was just embarrassed (for some reason) and panicked.
“can i borrow your keyboard thanks.”
the girl didn’t spare a second or wait for an answer from her friend before sitting down on her organized desk right besides her friend’s bed where her the white and pink bluetooth keyboard was placed.
when she finally recovered from the shock, nika whipped to the side and glared at her racer friend (that was in her own world).
“pineapples!” she scolded—eyes widening when she sees her removing both of her shift keys from each side, “what the hell are you doing?!”
at that, the girl did a double take at her friend before stopping. “oh, hi nika.”
she then looked back towards the keyboard in front of her then to the two keys in her hand to the missing ones on the keyboard.
It was still quiet besides the music in the background, nika still looked at her friend a bit angrily but also mostly confused and waiting for an answer or anything from her while roo herself was practically spacing out.
she didn’t re-address it, instead look towards her friend, “what do you think of having filipino food for dinner?”
nika clicked her tongue at the slide of topics, eyes blinking back in somewhat surrender, “uh, sure.” she shrugged.
With that, the driver replied an audible ‘okay’ before getting up and leaving.
“wait! but my key— oh whatever.” nika tried before giving up and dropping back to her bed.
“ohh…” the alfa romeo driver nodded in realization.
at that, nika jutted her chin forward with an ‘you are unbelievable’ expression. “yeah! ‘oh’, bitch.” she barked.
george then swoops in grabbing the younger girl by her shoulders from the back and gently pulling her away muttering; “alright you’re too close to this.” before handing her over to a slightly cautious charles.
then pierre got her attention, “you have a problem.” he stressed, again.
“oh hoot, what’s your problem why so personal?” roo barked back at the french. “are you still pissed at me from that lake trip?”
“no!” he answered a little too quickly and too aggressively for it to actually be a no.
george quickly swooped in—again—and shooed pierre away before a cat fight could start between the two. “can we wrap this up? i have people who are looking for me.”
“cops?” alex remarked.
“the fbi?” roo chimed in.
they both giggled together at their own jabs.
the target, on the other hand, wasn’t impressed. “i hope you both dnf next race. —whatever! i don’t know why i’m fighting two degenerates like you about this. back to you,” he turned to the girl, “as your punishment for you horrendous behavior–”
“i’m sure i wasn’t that bad…”
“—mahjong or not, you’re a menace.” george cut her back off. “you’ve lost your phone and any other gadget privileges for the next two weeks.” he finished.
her jaw dropped, “WHAT?!” she yelled.
“technology cleanse, it’ll be good for you.” he smiled, hand extending to pat her shoulder only to be caught off-guard by her face snapping to it trying to bite him, treating back his hand with a high-pitched scream escaping his lips.
he gave her one last glare before leaving the room with the rest following behind, charles being the last one to actually bid her goodbye.
then she was alone in the room tied to a chair.
she was still tied to a chair.
“guys!” she immediately called out when she realized, “i’m still tied to this chair…” she tried. “…guys?”
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the alfa romeo driver sighs once more, her face propped up on by her chin on both her hands. she was bored out of her mind.
“what’s wrong, kid?” her trainer popped out of nowhere.
she lifted her head to look at the man, “hey, mikey. nothing, just really bored. mother russell took away my phone.” she complained with an eye roll at the mention of the british driver.
“oh,” he the paused, opening his pockets to fish for something. a second later throwing something fairly small from it.
she didn’t exactly get a heads up but thanks to her racing driver reflexes, she caught it.
a lighter?
she looks up at the man again, one eyebrow raised in question.
“play with that.” he says casually with a smile before making his way elsewhere.
she was still confused but… sure.
lightning up the match, she stopped.
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both men sighed again for the several time the last few minutes.
the older man was about to leave as lando re-checked his phone again to find no signs from the others that he should be done.
damn it.
“alright, kid, i think i’m goin—”
lando immediately scrambled to his feet to pull him back, “wait wait wait!” he grabbed the alpine driver by his shoulders and sat him back down in front of him.
he swore he heard a slight cry coming from fernando.
they just stared at each other for a few seconds—nando looking everywhere but at the mclaren driver in front of him while the latter blanks away to think of something.
when the spaniard looked his way, lando didn’t really know what happened but he was sure the deeper part of his brain came to the front defense for him.
he stared the older man dead in the eye and
“she’ll be coming ‘round the mountain…”
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not proofread | taglist; @treehouse-mouse @disneyprincemuke @yansbolobao @leilanixx @judespoision @vellicora @bborra @woozarts @yl90 crossed out means i cant tag u
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tgammsideblog · 8 months
Analysis on Scratch's past and human life in ¨The End¨
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After so much build up and teasing from previous episodes, we finally get to learn about Scratch's human life before the events of the series and how he became a ¨ghost¨ in the Season 2 finale and series finale as whole, ¨The End¨
The episode starts with the Mcgees hanging out in a Brighton festival. Scratch is talking to Geoff and suddenly has an idea of eating funnel cakes by possessing Brigton citizens who are waiting in the line. He is having fun eating them, going from one person to the other, until he possesses a human named Todd, who often appears as background character in plenty of episodes.
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When Scratch possesses Todd, he gets hit with flood of memories of Adia coming back to him. He is close to having a panic attack for the sudden flow of flashbacks and gets out from Todd's body, leaving him confused.
He goes to Molly and the others and tells them about this vision he had he thinks it was thanks to eating funnel cakes. Molly goes to help Scratch getting more funnel cakes to unlock more of his human memories while Ollie and Libby think there is something else going on that made Scratch get back some of his memories.
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The scene that follows is Molly and Scratch showing a presentation to the rest of the Mcgee family (Pete, Sharon and Darryl) who are skeptical when they are told about the funnel cakes. Molly and Scratch sing a song about how Scratch and Adia travelled around the world together and how his life was a ¨never ending parade¨. They were going on adventures together and went to a different place every day. Scratch suggests he didn't remember any of this stuff because ¨he had nothing to regret¨.
In the song sequence we see Adia as adult and Scratch in his ghost form. All the memories that are shown in the scene never have Scratch on his human form, only potrayed as his ghost self.
After they are done with their presentation, Pete and Sharon bring up that they still don't know how Scratch died. While they are discussing how he could have died, Darryl is looking for something on his phone. He shows to Scratch an adventure influencer called ¨Adia Williams¨ who Scratch recognizes as the Adia he knew from his human life.
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Molly finds a way to get a personal interview with Adia to ask her about Scratch. Adia remembers that he was her best friend when she used to live on Brighton and talks about how ¨Scratch¨ was a nickname she gave to him because he had an habit of scracthing his arm when he got nervous. She tells to Molly how they used to build planes and boats out of boxes and pretend they travel around the world. These games inspired Adia to become an adventure later in life.
Molly mentions that it must have been great to travel with Scratch around the world. Adia seems confused by this and explains that Scratch never came anywhere with her. She asked him many times but he always turned her down. Scratch's expression turns into a devastated upon learning he never went to those places he sang about earlier. Molly tries asking to Adia about Scratch's dead and she says that Scratch isn't dead before the interview cuts out.
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This scene puts many things into context. The song ¨My Life was Awesome¨ in reality was about games that Scratch and Adia used to play as kids and not real things that happened. Scratch never went to those places, he thought he did. In addition to this, it explains why Scratch is in the series usually connected to navy related things and why he didn't know how be a captain in ¨All Shark No Bite¨, that's because those things were based on these memories he had playing with Adia on a fake boat.
Molly and Scratch are left very confused with the interview. They are interrupted by Libby, Ollie and Geoff, who tell them the investigation they have been carrying out about Scratch getting some of his memories back. They asked June to look into Brighton's cameras from the festival that took place at the start of the episode. They watched footage of Scratch posessing people and eating funnel cakes until he tried posessing Todd and got expelled out. Molly doesn't get why Todd would unlock these memories and describes him as ¨having no soul¨ and Scratch answers with ¨because he is me¨.
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We get a song flashback sequence of Scratch narrating his life a human (Todd). He describes that in his life he never took risks and played it safe. He didn't have ¨adventures, stories nor romances¨ and stayed at home. He would make plans but cancel them. Because of his extreme anxieties, he would stay on himself, never trying out new things or making connections with others.
Adia would going on adventures and travel to different places while he would never tried anything. Adia would always try to invite Scratch to go with her but he always said ¨Maybe Next Time¨.
In the song we see Scratch feeling remorse for being always fearful. He says that he feels like ¨he wasted his whole life¨ for playing it safe and he ¨was so afraid of dying that he never lived a day¨.
As time moved on, Scratch ¨became numb¨, in the sense he stopped caring about things. He became indifferent. Being always so consumed by his own fears made him incredible miserable that was ¨dead¨ on the inside. This went on for a long time until a moment he was talking with Adia by text phone and Adia didn't answer, indicating that they grew apart and, feeling like he lost one of the only things that brought joy to the emptiness of his life, his ghost part of him separated from his own body, probably with the desire that he didn't wish to feel anything anymore.
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Scratch says that his memories started to go as the years passed. Ollie and Libby explain that this is a common phenomenon with wraiths, which is what Scratch is. If a wraith ghost spends too much time away from their human body, they start to forget who they are.
Scratch answer to that that maybe he didn't remember anything because ¨there wasn't anything worth of remembering¨ and flies away, feeling emotionally devastated from learning about his human life.
This whole sequence put plenty of things in hindsight about Scratch's character.
First, that Adia is his unfinished business, as it was the desire of travel around the world with her that stayed with him to the point that as a ghost he went to Adia's house and stayed in the attic where they used to play games. It is one thing he dreamed of doing as human but never did because he was always too afraid of trying. This explains why he remembered Adia as kid and the time the hanged out together.
Second, that Scratch buried himself with work as human, a work that seemed to make him unhappy and miserable. This does give an idea of why he is so lazy as a ghost and why he never follows the rules. Maybe subconsciously he didn't wish to do anything of that because it made him remember of how miserable he felt as human or just couldn't bring himself to care as he used to.
Third, that it gaves some justification as for why Scratch shows childish traits as a ghost. While Scratch can be seen as a neurodivergent person based on things like his own anxieties and other traits, it is worth of noting that he went back to the place he used to play games with Adia as a kid. It's easy to assume based on this that his mind turned into one of a kid again or/and he wished to back to those days he was a kid.
On last point, Adia seems to be the only person that Scratch remembers of his human life. Part of this is because he avoided getting close to anyone to make true friendships or fall in love, but, the fact he never says anything about his family is quite telling. There are many things that hint that Scratch didn't have a good family as human in the show and this confirms the idea even further.
We don't know how Scratch's relationship with his family was. One thing that can be assumed is that they were likely neglectful or distant that didn't make Scratch worth of remembering them.
Scratch suppressed most of his human memories because he found his life too depressing to be worth of remembering. When he became a wraith he sort of created a new identity for himself, going by the name of ¨Scratch¨. The only thing he really seemed to hold on were his memories of Adia, mainly his childhood memories. This supports the idea that Scratch has a ¨double identity¨, one as human and other as wraith.
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After for searching for Scratch everywhere, Molly realizes that one place he could be is near what used to be his human house, Todd's house. Molly finds him sitting on the sidewalk across the street, looking at the house sadly.
He wonders what his life would have been like if he hadn't always play it safe and accepted Adia's invitation. Molly suggests that he could go ¨back to living¨ except this time he says yes. Scratch thinks of this for a moment and decides to pass. Molly stops him and tells him that he is still ¨playing safe¨ and how he is still afraid. Scratch answers to that that she should be afraid too since that as a wraith he forgot about his human life and he isn't sure what would happen if he becomes human again.
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Molly tells him that it is a risk, but ¨taking risks is what makes life worth of living¨ and that's how you know you are actually alive. Molly talks about how Scratch still ¨played it safe¨ when he became a ghost and he was scared of being hurt, getting rejected and being left behind. She tells him that that's how he used to be when she first met him but he isn't like that anymore, he has grown and he isn't afraid sharing himself with the world. She knows that is one thing he won't forget.
Scratch decides that Molly is right. The two say goodbye to each other and Scratch apologizes if he isn't able to remember her. Scratch rings Todd's bell house and waits for the door to open. Todd answers and Scratch goes to his body, becoming a human again. He smiles at Molly, with his eyes shining in gold light.
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There is apparently a short time skip that shows Scratch, now as human, preparing himself to going for a trip. He is wearing a new more colorful style than the one Todd was used to wear in the series. Different characters like Libby, Darryl, Sharon and Pete try stopping him in different ways to see if he remembers them, only for them to not recognize them and telling them that he has to go.
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Molly is in the bus station, Scratch sits besides her while he waits for the bus to arrive. He tells to Molly that he sold his house, quit his job and now he is going to see the world. He talks about different places he is going to visit. Molly is shown to be happy for Scratch finally being able to follow his life dream.
The bus arrives and Molly tells him that no matter where he goes, he remembers the friends he made on Brighton. Scratch reassures that he will and maybe he will return one day to visit. Scratch uses the Molly catchphase ¨sweet baby corn¨ and ¨enhappifying¨, not sure where he got from. He finally says goodbye to Molly, calling her ¨Moll¨. Molly notices that he never told human Scratch her name, realizing that Scratch retained his some memories from when he was a wraith.
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The end credits have Scratch going to different places around the world, enjoying every moment. The final photo has him meeting with Adia hugging each other, which cuts to a painting of Molly and Scratch hugging. He is finally able to follow the life dream he always wanted, keeping himself the things he learned as wraith during the series.
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eggmode · 22 days
my take on the bats in fnaf
(ik fnaf is in utah, but we're putting it in new jersey for our Purposes here.)
bruce: he would take the position of nightguard in under an alias in order to investigate the missing children cases. when the animatronics start moving in the night, he deduces how to survive, but ultimately his goal is to give the children the justice they deserve. he investigates during the night, evading attacks by the animatronics, and eventually discovers william afton is the murderer. but where is he...
dick: since bludhaven is gotham's sister city, lets say that freddy fazbear's has a sister location(!!!) in bludhaven. he's wary of circus baby, but ultimately plays along with her instructions, until she tries to direct him to the scooping room. u think he took this job without memorizing the layout of the place first? he ends up doing the extra night and seeing the fnaf 4 cam footage. hmm... also yeah dick would probably enjoy the the thrill of a def haunted facility, but i cant imagine he'd like how confined the space is, or that he'd prioritize the fun of a haunting over respecting the dead kids
babs: the job is easy for her. unlike bruce, though, she sees golden freddy and freaks tf out, tho she wont admit that
jason: one of the kids that went missing were from crime alley, so this case is within his jurisdiction. tbh he'd want to go after anyone who killed kids anyway. he would have an intense time. freaking out manifesting as "YOU GOT MURDERED AS A KID AND CAME BACK WRONG, I GET IT, BUT PLEASE DONT KILL ME OVER IT." he would not see the hypocrisy in that statement, but he would relate to the kids. when dick says he had to crawl through vents, jason was glad that he doesnt live in bludhaven
tim: he sees that the fnaf 3 location has an Authentic Animatronic and he wants to investigate. i think if it were any other game he'd manage fine, so thats exactly why im forcing him to have hallucinations. make things more difficult. he does determine that william is in the spring bonnie suit, tho! jason tries to burn the place down Immediately, but william ultimately escapes
cass, steph, and damian: after tim does fnaf 3, its pizzeria simulator time!! they decide to tagteam it. cass handles the scrap animatronics, steph decides what to buy, and damian handles lawsuits. they take turns with the end of night gameplay. when henry burns the place down, he did plan an escape route for them. the trio do try to save henry, but he insists on dying with his daughter.
by the end of it all, the bats all have solid evidence that it was william was the killer, and the full story of what happened to the kids to give to their families.
also they did in fact have a theory bulletin board put up in the batcave. it was a wreck by the end.
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crazycurly-77 · 27 days
Don't really know what possessed me to write this, but here it is. Have fun! 
After a hard and tiring case Tim, Tony, Abby and you were celebrating the successful completion in a cute little bar. Amazingly even Gibbs joined your round.
You had a lot of fun and at one point during the evening Tony discovered the little stage and the karaoke machine. So he suggested playing a game. You all cheered about this idea. The game you played was truth or dare and everybody agreed to play. 
To decide who's next Tony put an empty bottle in the middle of the table and spinned it around. 
Tim was the first to play and said “truth”. Abby laughed and cheered immediately and asked him “how do you like my new tattoo?” His head became a fiery red and he stuttered “it's hot.”
“Wheeee!!!” She was absolutely excited, which made even Gibbs laugh. He was sitting beside you and was very content about that, because he came to be able to spend a few nice hours with you outside of work. 
But that you didn't know. Sure, the two of you got along very well and in the last couple of months in which you were working with Abby the team became friends to you, but you developed tender feelings for the silver fox as well. 
That he developed deep feelings for you too was a fact and everybody saw his longing looks towards you, except yourself. You were busy with trying to hide your feelings and pining after him yourself. 
You laughed so hard because of Abby's lucky dance, that you nearly missed that the bottle had landed on Tony. With a mischievous grin he chose “dare”. “I see a karaoke machine on the stage. So I dare you to sing “Rock DJ” of Robbie Williams” Tim challenged him. 
Tony laughed and nodded saying “alright!” and walked towards the place of the upcoming desaster. He performed extremely good, but luckily he was good in his job. His singing had your ears nearly bleeding, but it was very funny. 
He came back to the table exhausted, panting heavily and laughing his ass off as you all did. Sitting down he grabbed the bottle and spinned it. 
Again you were lucky. Abby was next. “Truth” she said smiling widely. 
Tony grinned as only he could and then asked “do you and Tim have an affair?” 
She clapped her hands laughing again and yelled a loud “Yes! Sure!” 
Pour Tim became red as a tomato again and tried not to be seen. 
Gibbs only looked at him, but said nothing. In all the happiness the atmosphere was now a little tense, so Abby quickly took the bottle to lighten the mood once more. 
This time you had no such luck as previously. The bottle landed on you. You took a deep breath, closed your eyes and said “Dare”. 
Abby knew that you can sing, because you were sometimes singing when you were waiting for test results and she loved your voice. But she was the only one who knew of your talent. 
Secretly she planned on getting Gibbs and you together because of your feelings for one another and this game was her perfect chance to work on this project. So she dared you “you have to sing “Hallelujah” in the version of Rufus Wainwright.”
All were laughing and you shrugged your shoulders saying simply “okay.”
You entered the stage, went to the machine and put it off with the words “that I don't need” and you winked to the waiting people. 
Then you took a seat on the piano and began to play and to sing. You closed your eyes to feel the music as you sang and the whole room was silent. After the song ended and you stood to walk back to your colleagues your audience gave you standing ovations. 
Abby fell into your arms jumping up and down “I knew you would make it! And it was so wonderful! I love your voice!”
“Y/N! I didn't know you could sing. Why didn't you told me?” Tony pouted. 
You smiled “you didn't asked.”
Sitting beside Gibbs again he layed his hand on your shoulder and said “very good, Y/L/N. Should sing more often.”
He gave you such a warm and tender smile that your mind gone blank and your heart was racing in your chest. Could he hear and feel it beating so fast? 
The two of you were so captured in each other that you didn't noticed that Tony answered another question truthfully and now directed the bottle back to you. 
Nobody complained about that, because all of them wanted to hear more from you. 
“Me once again? You're kidding. But alright. What do you want to hear?” you asked laughing. Immediately Tony demanded triumphantly “Sitting on a dock of a bay” of Otis Redding!”
“Yeah!!!” was heared from all sides. 
“Good. So be it” you nodded and walked back to the stage. 
Again everyone was fascinated and excited. 
“You are a singer!! What are you doing in the lab?” Tim asked in earnest. 
Your cheeks burned “Thank you so much, but it's just a hobby of mine and I love what I'm doing professionally.”
So this was settled. 
Gibbs asked himself the same what Tim had asked you and he feared your answer, but there was nothing to fear. You wouldn't leave him, would you? 
Of course they said that you were the next again and before you could say anything Tim cheered “I love when you sing ballads. So please, I want to hear “Run” of Leona Lewis.”
That was a sad but wonderful song, because it gives courage. 
So you sang it and Gibbs had to swallow hard. You singing this song got absolutely under his skin, no matter what. 
Tim, Tony and Abby saw this and congratulated themselves. Their plan seemed to work. Sure, originally it was Abby's plan, but Tim and Tony decided to help her as they noticed what she tried. 
Tim was next, so you didn't have to spend the whole evening on stage. He had to drink a glass of beer in one go as he chose the dare. Tony came after him, made the same choice and had to drink a glass of rum. He coughed heavily, but finally he made it and cheered at himself and bathed in his triumph. 
“Now it's my turn!” he then yelled and spun the bottle again. And again you had bad luck, because it landed once more on you. 
“Why does it never land on Gibbs?” you murmured a little annoyed. 
“Because it has too much fear of him!” Tony laughed and nearly toppled over because of it. 
While all were laughing, this earned him a glare and a head-slap from the boss. 
But it didn't help, it was your turn, so you said confidentially “I'll stick with dare.”
Surely you had only to sing again…
…but no!!!
Abby sent you a mischievous grin and demanded “you have to kiss Gibbs.”
Your jaw dropped and you blanched of surprise. Then you gulped and kissed him on the cheek. Everyone was disappointed, but most especially him. For a moment he thought his dreams would come true and his heart was trying to jump out of his chest, but no. He only felt your lips that he wanted to taste so much on his cheek.
Your cheeks however burned of embarrassment. Your heart was racing and you feared his reaction, but he simply stared at you with his wonderful ice blue eyes. 
Then you spun the bottle. It landed on Abby. She chose dare and gave a really good performance of AC/DC's “Thunderstruck”. 
Your little break wasn't long before it was your turn again. This time you chose to tell the truth. So Tony took his chance, stared at you and asked “do you have a boyfriend currently?” 
Once again you turned red “actually not. No, I don't have a boyfriend or someone like that at the moment.”
Tony and most of all Gibbs were very pleased with your answer. 
Then you turned the bottle, but Abby manipulated it, so it landed on you once more. You sighed and said “dare”.
Tim spoke up and made a wish “I would like to hear “The Rose” of Bette Midler.”
Abby cried excited “Yes! Such a wonderful song. A really good choice.”
You rolled your eyes, but went smiling to the stage once again. You loved singing, but you were getting slowly tired of the game. And you had a feeling, that maybe the three of Tim, Tony and Abby were up to something. 
But okay, it was your turn. 
You walked to the micro and it was silent again. Everybody held their breath in anticipation of what would happen. 
You breathed deeply to calm yourself, closed your eyes and began to sing. 
You poured all your heart in the song to get the wonderful message to your audience and everyone listened to your voice. 
You were totally oblivious that Gibbs stood up totally mesmerized and slowly walked to you. The team gasped in astonishment, but he couldn't help himself. He felt like he was drawn magically to you and couldn't resist for the life of him. 
As you had finished the song you opened your eyes to find his blue ones directly in front of you. Without a word he cupped your cheek with one hand and your waist with the other and pulled you to him. 
He wanted to taste your lips so badly so he slowly closed the distance between you and kissed you softly and tenderly. Breaking the kiss after a short while he kissed you lovingly on your forehead too, turned and walked back to your table. 
You stood there unable to move, think or do anything. What was that? Out of the blue your boss kissed you! The only thing in your mind was the word “wow!” 
After you collected yourself you went back to your table too, where you were met with three widely grinning faces and ice blue eyes which followed your every move over the edge of a beer glass. 
Sitting again next to Gibbs you took a sip from your own beer and then laughed “now it's MY turn to turn the bottle!” 
You grabbed it and instantly a hand was laid on yours. Holding your hand Gibbs turned the bottle at himself. He locked eyes with you and stated “it's my turn and I'm choosing the dare. But it's actually not a dare, but an honor.”
Everyone wondered and waited for what he was going to do, but he didn't care about the audience. He simply pulled you gently to him and kissed you hard and deeply to get his message to you and to stake his claim. 
Neither of you were able to grab a thought or say a word after this world turning kiss. You two were in your own world and forgot all your surroundings, co-workers inclusively. 
It took Tony to bring you both back to reality. He clapped Gibbs on the shoulder and winked saying “you should go and take a room.”
Instead of glaring at him, Gibbs grinned widely and murmured to you “for once he's right. Come on, Y/N. Let's go!” 
Under the cheering, clapping and laughing of your colleagues the two of you left the bar to celebrate the beginning of your life together.
The End
Here you will find the other stories I've written to date.
Tags: @ilovemark1951, @hobby27
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yanderes-galore · 10 months
hello hello, may i request a springtrap romantic concept (fnaf 3)? :3
Sure! Honestly, I'm surprised I've written him this much but haven't done a general concept yet.
Yandere! Springtrap Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Sadism, Stalking, Manipulation, Violence/Murder, Kidnapping, Possessive behavior, Blood, Emotional manipulation, Threats, Slight gore, Forced "relationship".
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It's already been established in all of my Springtrap and William fics that Springtrap is sadistic and ruthless.
During FNAF 3, Springtrap would see tormenting you as a game in his obsession.
By the time he meets you on Night 2 to Night 5, Springtrap sees you as his personal toy.
I'd say his obsession is a moderate speed.
He's technically obsessed once he meets you but his motives change.
Throughout your job he goes from trying to toy and maybe kill you... to wanting to keep you around as a twisted form of company.
Most of his obsession is him playing along with your audio cues.
He always gets so close before leaving you alone.
It's like he's playing/teasing, peeking through your window or from behind the door.
He loves to stare at you, silver eyes staring into your soul.
He craves your fear more than your blood being shed, as heard in one of his AR lines.
Don't get him wrong, he loves the sight of blood from his victims.
It's just farming their fear lasts longer.
Which is essentially what Springtrap is doing until the climax of his obsession.
He's just out of sight, climbing into vents and sitting by your window.
He likes it when you see him so he can watch the fear settle into your face.
When he's bold he'll warm up his raspy voice to speak to you.
Your initial shock at him speaking makes him thrive.
It's him setting down hints that he isn't what he seems.
He's no malfunctioning robot, he's something else.
Based on the smell you can guess.
Plus when you get a close up look at him through the window or doorway, you can see some sort of gunk clings around his metal.
It all makes you very nauseous.
Your little game is simple.
He tries to get in to "claim his prize", while you try to keep him out.
For the first few nights it's easy.
Then by Night 4 Springtrap gets more aggressive, his obsession creeping ever closer to a climax.
By Night 5 or 6, it's almost game over.
Springtrap thinks he's played nice long enough.
As he's watched you these past few nights... he's wanted to get his hands on you.
The idea of making you scream, to feel you in his metal claws, well...
He hasn't had such excitement in 30 years!
Just when you think you'll complete your week, that you'll walk out and leave, Springtrap surprises you.
Before you can do anything all your systems display an error.
You try your best to fend off hallucinations, to reboot your systems to put out and audio lure or seal off a vent.
Only for Springtrap to appear in front of you in the darkness.
He moves the monitors out of the way, a permanent grin on his face.
"Hello there, doll~!"
They way you scream makes him laugh.
Oh you're so cute when you're vulnerable!
He watches as you fall out of your chair, staring at him with big scared eyes.
"I loved our game... hope you wouldn't mind having it every night, dear?... or did you have something else in mind?"
Your game on your last night switches things up.
Instead of him coming to you in your office, it's you running through the attraction away from him.
It's agonizingly long... you're constantly darting in and out of vents and hiding behind walls.
Yet Springtrap knows your attempts at escape are futile.
Eventually you'll grow tired, eventually you may even injure yourself... then he'll strike.
He knows this place better than you.
You aren't the one roaming it every day and night in a bored stroll.
Which means only he knows about the secret backroom.
One he expertly corners you beside, just to push you inside and close the door.
The game is now over... he's won.
You're trapped in the roam, the smell of the rotting animatronic stunning you.
You look around, no other escape....
Where is this? A storage room?
"I've been waiting for this." The greenish rabbit hums, keeping you trapped in a corner.
"You see... you're just about the only company I've had in years. Decades, even."
You fear to ask, yet you try;
"I've been dead for thirty years in complete agonizing silence. Dead yet living in this robotic shell. But honestly? I've never felt more alive!"
The rabbit laughs, standing over you.
"Now... I have long awaited company, doll. You'll be fun to play with. I think I'll have a lot of fun with you."
This becomes your fate.
You're forever meant to entertain the remains of the sick serial killer.
If he feels he has to, he'll make you immortal with him.
It'll be painful... but to him he thinks it'll be worth it.
That way... he can keep you with him forever as his doll, pet, and toy...
Even when the building burns down... you'll be stuck with him... forever his.
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bleedingichorhearts · 7 months
𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 IX
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𝕬𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗: If you like to be tagged on anything new in this Space Marine Sentience, you can ask/message/comment, I don’t bite. Not as hard as Solor anyways.
𝕿𝖆𝖌𝖌𝖊𝖉: @kit-williams(suffer your February), @egrets-not-regrets.
𝕬𝖈𝖐𝖓𝖔𝖜𝖑𝖊𝖉𝖌𝖊: If you are under the age of 18. Shoo! Go away! Skedaddle! Why you reading this in the first place? Be responsible for/of yourself. Not proofread either.
TW // Smut/NSFW, Filthy.
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The months felt like they went by with a breeze, and it was boring. There was no one to talk to beside Solor himself, but even then he went an these trips too.
Granted, I tried to use that to my advantage, and escape out of all the ways I found in this bunker. There was one in this room with the ceiling caved in, and that was a small fit. There was a vent-like passageway covered with vines that led from the ceiling of the main corridor to the outside world, and then the main room with the caved in ceiling with the most light shining through it.
I would use them every time he would go on his weekly trips. I’d crawl through one of them, and attempt my escape into the surrounding evergreen forest.
I would get very far from the bunker, especially in three days, but there hasn’t been anything in sight. No road, no town, not even a campground. It wouldn’t be long before Solor noticed, and came after me. So it seems like I would get far enough from the bunker, but I could never get far enough away from the Knight.
The first time I did it was… frightening. I thought I had made big progress within those three days. That Solor wouldn’t have a chance to track me down before I was in a town, but damn, was I wrong.
It was only a day or two later before his glowing blue visor was seen. His form stalking out of the tree-line looking angry with those very long strides quietly stomping over to my hunched form next to a stream. I didn’t even know he was there until he picked me up by the collar of my shirt. A choked yelp escaping my lips.
“These little games of yours are quite…rule breaking.” He had said to me while making the way back to the bunker. I definitely observed my surroundings better after that, and Solor didn’t go on his next weekly trip either.
Nevertheless, each time he went on his trips, I made an attempt. Each one failing, no matter how far, or which direction, there was nothing but the forest in sight. It almost became a game after a while.
I escape after a day or two when he leaves. I go out there and survive with what those books taught me in the bunker, and then anticipate Solors arrival. Hopefully to find a glimpse of anything out there at the same time.
I’ve also been seeing Solor become more…close? Then when he started off as. He was always trying to get closer to me. Trying to pull me in with these plates of food, and these new books to read in this practical dungeon. He also brings in more stuff? To put around the bunker like cloths, decorations, and even furniture? Was this regular for a Gray Knight? Or even a plain Astartes?
Shaking my head, I stood from the stream. Looking up at the moon that shone through the tree leaves. Having escaped from the bunker once again.
Though, it was too silent. Too silent for this chilly night to be quieted.
Looking around for the culprit that silenced the night of the forest. His glowing, blue visor popped out of the darkened foliage like some sort of cat looking at you in the dark. His steps, large, and swift. Almost like a march.
Maybe I should try and run? I have tried it before. Each one ending with me snagged up into his arms, but what if I can make this one just a little bit longer? Make it just a bit more interesting than a snatch, and grab?
His armored frame was suddenly engulfed with a cloud of dust. His visor disappearing within it.
Immediately booking it, I didn’t waste any time on getting details of this surprise bomb I’ve set up on him.
Vaulting over a fallen log, and crouching beneath it. His shadow was above me, his form rolling to slow himself, his visor snapping up to look back at me.
“Little maiden.” The robotic tone of his helmet dragged. Blue visor staring me down, sending a chill of adrenaline up my spine.
I grinned at him, a laugh threatening to escape my throat. Maybe he shouldn’t have left me with a bunker full of survivalist books.
Vaulting back over the log, I heard him follow quickly behind, nearly grabbing the back of my shirt before I took a sharp right.
If Astartes weren’t such a speedy tank, I probably would have escaped him already, but of course, they were.
I yelped out, body being pulled back into his chest. Water splashing over us while I laid on top of him. A giggle coming from me.
“My little maiden.” His helmet spoke. Body rising forward from the water, lifting me up with him.
“Solor.” I greet him back, shifting in his grip. Feeling how the water completely drenched my shirt, and pants.
“What? Have I earned my own title now?” He questioned me, lightly teasing as I looked up at him with a deadpan stare. “Though, you can call me whatever you like.” Whatever I like?
I didn’t even get a chance to open my mouth before I was being held bridal style in his arms.
“Except insults, my little maiden. Those are not names.” He quickly added on.
I huffed and mumbled. “No fun.” My head softly resting on his cold chestplate. The tiredness of my little escapade, and run catching up to me quietly.
“Wake up, my little maiden.” Solor voice purred at me as I grumbled at him, rather snug right where I was.
“Little maiden, you have to. Your clothes are drenched.” His tone amused, his argument putting some logic into my sleepy brain.
I groaned, leaning myself off his arms. Practically throwing myself off of him as I made my way to the table in front of me. Quickly taking off my damp shirt, eager to go back to sleep.
“Maiden.” Solors voice went quieter, almost like a whisper. A heavy tink going off loudly behind me, the ground shaking beneath my shoes.
Confused at such a sudden sound, I turned back around to look at him. His hulking form now kneeling on the ground, white eyes roaming every inch of my bare flesh shown to him.
His gauntlet twitched before it came forward and pulled me closer to him by my pants. A fluttering feeling erupting from my stomach.
“Please, my little maiden.” He had begged, half lidded eyes looking up at me with hunger. Hunger waiting to be filled.
I bit my lip, very unsure about this. This man- Astartes was supposed to be a kidnapper! A murder! Not some…fling! But that’s what it could be, right? Just a fling?
After some self debaiting, I nodded to the knight kneeling before me, and he didn’t hesitate to start.
His lips kissed my stomach first, dragging up a little as my hand came up to thread through his short, white hair. My nose nuzzling on top of his head. His wooden vanilla scent evading my senses.
I hummed while I felt him get a little bit more confident, slowly kissing his way up between my breasts. A familiar heat building up between my legs.
His lips suddenly wrapped around one of my breasts. Sucking at them, nipping at them, playing with them with his tongue. Soft moans falling from my lips.
His kisses trailed to my other breast, and given the same treatment as the other one. Leaving them wet with his saliva, wanting more while he moved up to my neck.
My grip tightened in this hair while he tried to find that sensitive spot in my neck. A hum leaving him.
His gauntlet wrapped around my waist while the other went behind my back, keeping me in place as he pushed me back into the table. His teeth, sinking into my neck.
“Solor!” I yelped at the unexpected bite. His teeth definitely creating a mark within a few minutes.
“Calm, my little maiden. There is more where that came from.” He grinned, his tongue lapping at his mark before he created another, and another on each side of my neck.
He hummed again, changing directions while he lifted me up onto the table. His lips dragging once more down between my breasts. Giving each one a little nip.
“Especially for you, little maiden.” He had stated. His gauntlet never bothered to properly take off my pants, and underwear.
A loud moan ripped from my mouth. My body leaning back on the table, elbows supporting my weight. The heat building quicker between my legs, his tongue lapping at my core definitely helping with that.
I cursed out his name, and couldn’t help using my hand. Threaded it through his hair to bring him impossibly closer. A low rumble coming from him, sending absolute pleasure up my spine.
Another curse, and I came undone. Legs trying to curl on his head, back arching as I let go of his hair, the hand coming up to shield my eyes. My heart trying to beat out of my chest.
Damn, I needed that.
“You taste just as I thought you would, but the thought never compares.” Solor spoke, his teeth biting into the side of my thigh as I winced.
I could hear him drop some of his armor off of him, landing on the ground with a thunk. His armored hand took my hand covering my eyes into his and pinned it above me. His other getting ready to line himself.
“Solor, stop. I’m not ready.” I told him, my free hand pressing up against his armor.
“Nonsense, my little maiden. You crave me, as I crave you.” He purred, his thumb of his gauntlet on my waist attempting to sooth me as he slowly himself pushed in. A curse from his language leaving his lips.
My lungs lost their air, my face scrunching up in discomfort. His girth feeling like it was ripping me in two.
“S-Solor, please wait.” I begged him, the burn of him filling me all too much.
“Relax, my little maiden.” He rumbled, his thumb pressing up against the small bulge that he created. Another curse of his language groaning out of his mouth.
I whined while he pushed through more. Eyes closed, on the threat of tears while I tried to remember how to breathe. He was just so big.
“There we go, my maiden.” He moaned, gauntlet tracing up, and down my sides. Occasionally brushing up on the bulge.
I could only lay there winded by the size of him. Trying to get used to his size as I felt him twitch inside of me. A breathless moan leaving my mouth.
He took that as a cue. His hand wrapped around my waist, and gave a slow thrust. Another moan falling from my lips.
“Oh, my little maiden.” He rumbled, his hips slowly dragging in, and out, going slightly faster than the last.
My hands moved up to grab a hold of his gauntlet above me. Desperate for any type of stability for his rising speed.
“Give me more of your pretty little sounds.” He growled, hips thrusting in a particular spot, as I cried out, scratching at his armor. “Yes, just like that. Give me another little maiden.”
He thrusted in that spot again and again, abusing it. His gauntlet on my waist kept me in place while I cried out. Cried out for him.
Solor swore in his language while I tightened around him. The unexpected orgasam hitting me hard. My mouth falling open with nothing coming out. Back arching into him. Eyes closed as tears slid down my cheeks.
I reopened my eyes when I felt him push a little deeper, his body curling to latch his teeth onto my neck. A growl rumbling through him as his warm seed coated my walls. The feeling short-circuiting my brain.
He stilled for a moment before he started up again. A tiny whine leaving my throat as I tried to push up against him.
“Cease your withering maiden. I have longed for you for too long.” Solor snarled into my ear before latching back onto my neck.
Overstimulation took over me quickly making me black out, and come back into the world to find myself in a completely different angle. My body, wounded with bites, and hickeys. That I knew for sure I wasn’t walking for a months worth. Maybe a year at this rate.
When the last time I woke up I was bundled up in the gray blankets that felt remarkably nice on my oversensitive skin. My body clean, and wrapped for the more serious wounds Solor had caused.
“I…am sorry, little maiden.” Solor had apologized, his fingers lightly tracing my form beneath the blankets, avoiding the wraps.
Too mentally, and physically tired to say anything back. I just settled slowly back into my blankets. The rising of his chest rocking me back to sleep.
“I’m sorry.”
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ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 X
ℙ𝕣𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣: 𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗 VIII
ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕃𝕚𝕤𝕥: “𝕮𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖙𝖔𝖗” 𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖘𝖙
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reccyls · 11 months
The King's game Halloween bonus story is so funny and also extremely interesting.
So King's Game = participants draw lots that have numbers marked on them, except for one that has a dot on it. The person with the dot is the king, and calls out numbers, then the people who have the stick that corresponds to the number has to obey whatever order the king gives.
Crown is doing a king's game for halloween, and it, well.
Practice round: Harrison is the king. He orders #6 to give him their pudding. It turns out to be Elbert. But, Elbert already ate all of his pudding, because it was decorated very prettily and he wanted to have it. So Harrison goes, that's fine, give me Al's pudding instead. Since Alfons is Elbert's servant, that's basically the same thing. And Harrison hasn't forgotten or forgiven the incident where Alfons ate his chocolate pudding
Round 1: Jude as the king orders #3 to work for him for the entire next day. Everyone else is dreading being chosen. Only... #3 is Ellis. Absolutely nothing changes. Ellis is all smiles as he says "looking forward to tomorrow too, Jude"
Round 2: Kate is the next king. She says #1 and #5 have to put their arms around each others' shoulders and say 3 nice things about each other to help build camaraderie. It's Roger and Alfons. Immediately Harrison says, "Oh that's the worst possible combination you could have picked".
Alfons wants to get this over with quickly so he rattles off his list of 3 things: Nice glasses, nice shirt, nice vest. Done.
Roger just laughs and actually decides to give 3 genuine compliments about Alfons. He says that Alfons used to be all cute and innocent way back in the past which is very 👀. I'm not sure if we've ever found out beforehand that they knew each other for that long. Liam also says this is the first he's hearing of it.
Anyway, Roger's next 2 compliments are also apparently genuine. Throughout all of this, Alfons is holding onto his glass so hard that it cracks.
Round 3: Liam is the next king, and he orders #7 to say the tongue twister "Six sleek swans swam swiftly southwards" really quickly without biting their tongue. It is Elbert. And he tries. He really really does, poor boy. Alfons calls it off "before El dies of blood loss from biting off his tongue"
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Round 4: Roger as king. He orders #7 to put #8 on their back and do 30 pushups. Then the next day, one of them has to be his test subject. #8 is Ellis... and #7 is Jude. Oh dear.
But Jude does it, and as he gets down to start counting his pushups, Elbert is standing off to the side still trying the tongue twister.
It takes Jude a little bit, but he does get to 30. And immediately after he finishes, he storms outside to smoke. Elbert also finally manages the tongue twister and just says that he's tired.
So next round will be the last one.
Round 5: William is king. He orders #3 to give him a loving kiss.
Oh would you look at that? #3 is Kate. William says that she can kiss him any place that she likes. So she ends up kissing the back of his hand like she's swearing an oath.
And that's the king's game!
...Or is it?
Alfons and Roger are both whining about how tamely it ended and they both start chanting "One more round, one more round" in unison. Everyone gets their turn to appeal to Kate to extend the game even more. Some (like Ellis) say that they're really excited to obey Kate's orders, and others (like, say, Roger) say how they're looking forward to giving her orders.
In the end, the game continues. But as for what happens next, I quote, "What happened between me and then 9 villains that night... Unfortunately, I don't think I shall be able to talk about it. It is just our forbidden secret."
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csilis · 11 months
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Five Nights At Freddy's William Afton x F!Reader A/N: The continution of Until Death Do Us Part, but can be read separetely. And yes, this one is longer. But at least the characters are talking now.
You left him in that backroom, choking on his blood and dying, never looking back. Still, that night haunted your dreams in ways you could never imagine. There was deep inside a part of you that genuinely loved that man. A part that thought he was only just broken and needed to be mended. But you buried it deep, only letting that part’s guilt torment you in your dreams.
What you knew is that when the management found him in the morning they decided to seal off that room and forget that William Afton ever existed. You wished you could erase him from your life just like they did from theirs.
To avenge your little sister, Cassidy, you had to become a monster just like him. You had to dirty your hands, be his partner in crime. It was the only way to make him think you madly loved him. And when the perfect moment came you betrayed him and took your revenge.
After making peace with what you’ve done, you thought it was finally over. But fate is a funny thing after all. Forgetting that knowing him, he will definitely return one day, you spent the next ten years helping those who have been wronged by William. And boy, it was a long list.
But in the end you circled back to this shithole as you realised that since that day, you didn’t get any older. Like as if you stopped aging. So you went back to his old house for his research papers, thinking that you might find some kind of answers in them.
In his old house you found his son, Michael. He wasn’t looking like he used to be when you two briefly met all those years ago. But you could tell that he’s been through hell. Maybe even worse than that because now he was a ghost, possessing his own rotting body.
He was also surprised to see that you haven’t aged at all. But wasn’t that really when he heard your story of you taking your revenge.
“That fucker deserved it. Maybe even more” That was Michael’s honest reaction to your story. You could only laugh at his response. He then offended to help, thinking that you deserved the same peace just like everyone else.
After looking around, you two found his old notes about the why and how of his killing spree over the years. What started as a promise to put his own damned child back together ended up in the death of many others, so that he could make remnant out of them, thinking that will bring back the children he have lost. On the last pages of the notebook he even wrote about you. It wasn’t what you thought he would write. Professing eternal love so deep that he even thought about just quitting altogether to start a new life with you. But you knew it well that he was way too deep for that. 
Nevertheless you were surprised as you always thought he too played the part of a man madly in love with his woman. You thought this was a game where the one who fools the other sooner wins. But it was not the case. He genuinely loved you. That bastard! 
In the end what you two come up with that the remnant must be keeping you in the same age, making you some kind of immortal. But when that night you dreamt about your sister, you realised. Cassidy was the one keeping you this way, so when Afton comes back you will have the strength to put an end to this.
So you spent the next two decades trying to think of ways how to kill him for good. Send his soul to hell. Hell… that’s what you needed. To burn him until nothing remains.
Soon, 30 years have passed since your cursed wedding at the backroom of the Freddy Fazebear’s pizzeria. And when that same place is reopened as a horror attraction, you knew he will soon be back. So you and Michael signed up for the night guard job and planned how you two are gonna end it.
On the second night he was there and your heart started to beat faster even at the sight of him. Though you didn’t really see anything as he tried to hide from the cameras the best he could. 
“Do you wanna meet him?” Michael asked while looking at you. He knew the history you two shared more than anyone.
“Not now” you quietly said. You then pushed the button and the laughing of children could be heard in the next room, where William soon headed because of the programming of his suit.
“He looks so trapped in that suit. Hm… Let’s call this amalgamation Springtrap” came up Michael with the name idea as you two were sitting bored in the office.
“Fitting” you nod in agreement as you turn a page in your favourite book. Hours pass and you are still reading as Michael fell asleep on the desk, while watching the monitors. Noticing this, you put your book down, deciding it would be time to meet your cursed husband.
Walking past the monitors, you take note where he is now and continue your journey towards that way. Picking up the taser you confidently walked through the halls of the horror attraction.
When you close your eyes and go to sleep And it's down to the sound of a heartbeat
When you heard the song coming from the speakers throughout the whole building, you froze for a minute, only to realise that Michael was up and signalling this by playing the same song you've been dancing to with William on your first date.
"Fuck you Michael" you quietly stated as you composed yourself and took a deep breath as you turned right in the end of the corridor to come face to face with your husband.
He takes a good look at you, his mechanical eyes focusing on your unaged face. Even though 30 years has passed, you were still the same. Not like him. His suit rotted away, leaving even more wires and springs to be exposed. You could see through the holes how his flesh stuck to the metal, making him one with the suit.
You could hear the clancing of the gears as he tried to open his mouth, no doubt to speak to you. But it soon came to a halt as the rusty metal did not let him do what he wanted. However, he was William, so he continued anyway.
"It's been... been... a while" he finally managed to say, his quiet words loudly echoing between these walls. You did not say anything. He didn't deserved to hear your voice. "It took... took me long to... to realise. You are... the sister... the sister of Cas..."
"DON'T YOU DARE TO MENTION HER NAME!" you exploded, anger apparent on your cheeks as you held the taser higher and ignited it, electricity cracking between the two tiny metal rods. "She was just a child and you...!" you yelled, tears threatening too fall even after so many years. But you had to keep your shit together. "You gutted her like an animal and stuffed her into one of the suits" your voice dropped and became so calm that even William was suprised by it.
"So revenge... it is."
"The word revenge cannot even give you what I've planned for you. This time I will send your soul straight to hell and stay there to torture it until the end of time" you said, laughing leaving your lips as you took some steps towards him. You weren't afraid. From him? Never.
As you advanced towards William Afton, a sense of determination and purpose welled up within you. The past three decades had been a relentless pursuit of revenge, and now the moment of reckoning was at hand.
"That... that will be... heaven then" he smiled, or at least attempted to smile. "Because... I get to be with you... forever"
You couldn't believe the audacity of his words. Even now, he clung to the delusion that he could be with you for eternity. It was sickening.
"You are truly mad, Afton" you whispered, your voice dripping with contempt.
"Don't say... that you are... not..." he said and you had to admit that he was right. He infected you and now you were just as insane and bloodthirsty.
"I'm not saying it, love" you quietly answered, not even noticing that the part which still loved him was showing.
With a swift movement, you lunged at Springtrap, ready to push the taser into his suit, but your attempt was short-lived as he quckly grabbed your waist.
"You... can't... escape me" he wheezed, his words coming out in painful gasps. "We'll... be together... always..."
"Always, Afton?" you scoffed, your anger boiling over. "The only thing that will be eternal is your torment in the deepest, darkest pits of hell."
"I... I love... when you... determined like... like this" he whispered, pulling you close and giving you some kind of twisted kiss. And the worst part was... that you liked it.
You tell me that you want me You tell me that you need me
The song still went on and it made you even more unsure of your feelings right now. Conflicting emotions coursed through you. The memories of your twisted relationship with Afton, the years of seeking revenge, and the disturbing connection you still felt for him... it all clashed.
As the song played on, you found yourself grappling uncertainty. Afton's words and the sensation of his touch stirred something deep within you, a part of you that somehow loved him. But you couldn't allow that vulnerability to cloud your judgment.
So you had to trick him once again. So you kissed him back, knowing that this was the only way to get close enough to carry out your plan. As you deepened the kiss, you could see the surprise in Afton's mechanical eyes. He believed he had won you over with his twisted charm, but little did he know that this was your opportunity to get the upper hand. You could taste the desperation in his kiss, the longing for a love that could never be.
"You were always good at playing games, love. But the rules have changed since then..." Breaking away from the kiss, you reached for the taser with your free hand. You had to end this, for now at least. So you pressed the taser against his rotting flesh and activated it.
You watched him silently suffer from the electicity and twitch uncontollably. It felt great.
"You will... will be... back..." he whispered to you in pain. "Because you... you always come back... back to me" he then despite the pain managed to laugh before he shortcircuited and fell to the floor.
"Two down. Four more nights to go" you said turning around and going back into the office. You will make his life a living hell, here... and the other side too once you burned this fucking place down.
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Word counter: 1857 Characters: 10037
67 notes · View notes
Help Her | Part One
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Pairings: Joel Miller x Reader (platonic) / Tess x Reader (platonic) / Ellie Williams x reader (platonic)
Summary: Since outbreak day in 2003, Y/N and her older brother Ben have survived the post-pandemic world together. But when they arrive in Boston and meet a couple of smugglers, things change. 
Word Count: 6k
Warnings: like ALL the angst, I'm sorry.. classic last of us warnings; infected, blood, violence, deaths
A/N: spelling and grammar is not my strongest skill so please be kind :) I’ve not played the games, but I've watched the show (multiple times now) and researched a lot, however some details may not match the game/show storyline... for the purpose of this story Joel and Tess were already together in the Boston QZ in 2008 :)
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You were nine when it started. Your parents had treated you and your brother Ben to a trip to Disney World for Ben’s 13th birthday. It was supposed to be the holiday of a lifetime. But even the ‘happiest place on earth’ can’t protect you from the end of the world.
You were on the ‘Its a Small World’ boat ride, sat on the front row with your brother on one side, your parents on the other, when you heard commotion behind you. You turned round to see a fight had broken out near the back of the boat. A woman was screaming as the man next to her was attacking her. 
Your brother put his arm around you, turning you to look away as people on the boat started shouting. The boat came to a sudden stop, the emergency alarm blaring through the ride. Your dad and a few others decided to make their way to the back to help the woman, climbing over seats and guiding any children on the ride to move to the front where you were. As your mom held out her hand to help, one particularly sick looking child suddenly screeched and bit into her hand. Your mom yelled, trying to push the kid off but he bit her again, this time on her shoulder. 
As Ben kicked the kid off the boat and tried to comfort your mom, you stood up to try to find your dad. You saw him and two other men still trying to break apart the first fight, but suddenly he’s knocked off the boat. He hit his head hard off the side and fell into the water face down. 
“DAD!” You yelled, trying to scramble over the boat seats to get to him, but your brother pulls you back.
“Y/N, we have to get out of here.” 
“We can’t leave him!” you cried, watching as the water around him started to mix with the red of his blood. 
“It’s too late, we have to go!” he climbed off the boat and up onto the side of the ride. He turned back and pulled you up with him, making you stand behind him as he reached back for your mom. You saw blood pouring out of the bite on her shoulder as she reached up for your brothers hand. The three of you made your way through the ride’s scenery towards where you see a fire exit door. 
As you burst through it, you were temporarily blinded by the bright sunlight outside but you could hear the screaming. When your eyes adjusted you saw that the whole park had turned to chaos, like something from a horror film. People running in all directions, fights broken out everywhere you look. 
You turned to your brother and saw that a few feet away a child had pinned a grown man to the floor, eating his flesh. Ben followed your horrified gaze, quickly covering your eyes and asking your mother what to do. 
“Back to the hotel.” she ordered and the three of you run. 
By the time you made it back to the room, you noticed your mother beginning to act strange. Twitching uncontrollably, her eyes starting to glass over. 
“Mom?” You asked, “Are you okay?” 
“I’m okay baby.” she replied, though her voice was shaky “I think I’m just getting sick. I’ll be alright. I need some water.” 
She stood up and walked to the bathroom, gesturing for your brother to follow. They went inside and shut the door. Quietly you snuck up and pressed your ear against it, listening to their hushed conversation. 
“No, Mom I can’t!”
“You can baby, and you have to.” She was crying “I’m so, so sorry… I can feel it. Something is wrong and I can’t risk hurting you or Y/N. I need you to do this for me.” 
“I can’t do this on my own, I don't know what to do.” 
“You're not alone. Work together, keep each other safe. You can do this.”
You heard her kiss him and quickly moved away from the door just in time for them to come back out. 
“What’s going on?” You asked and your mom pulled you in for the tightest hug you’d ever received.
“I’m going to go look for some medical supplies and food. I’ll be back as soon as possible.” She pulled away, taking your face in her hands and looking at you “I love you baby, more than you’ll ever know.” 
“I love you too” you started to cry and she kissed you on the head before moving to your brother. She embraced him tightly, and you heard her say two quiet words: “Help her.”
As soon as she left, your brother instantly locked the door and started moving anything he could in front of it to form a barricade.
“What are you doing?” You started to panic “She won’t be able to get back in.”
He ignored you, silently crying as he continued his task. 
“Ben stop!!” You tried to pull him away.
“She’s not coming back!” he pushed you away, making you stumble backwards and fall to the floor.
“Wh- why? I don't understand-”
“She’s one of them.” He gestured to the window “Whatever those people have turned into out there, she’s turning into one of them too.” He pushed the last piece of furniture in front of the door and came over to you, helping you to your feet. “I know you're scared. I am too. I don't know what’s happening, I don't know what’s going to happen. But I do know, for now, we’re safe in here.”
“What do we do?” 
“We wait. I’m sure the army will be here soon, they’ll help us.” You could tell he was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince you.
The two of you climbed into bed, wrapping yourselves up in the duvet as you tried to block out the sounds of screaming outside. Your brother pulled you tightly to himself, using his hands to cover your ears and sang songs to you until you fell asleep. 
— — — —
“Just a bit further.” Ben assures you, helping you walk closer to the giant wall surrounding the Boston QZ. 
“Hands up!” A voice startles you. 
A few feet away from you a middle aged man stands pointing a gun at you, the light of his torch blinding you.
“I said, hands up” he shouts again. 
“Please, we need help!” your brother calls back.
“Don't make me ask a third time.” You hear him click his gun.
Ben raises his one hand, the other one still holding you upright. You try to muster the strength to raise yours too. 
“She sick?” A female voice calls.
“Not with the virus, but yes she’s sick.” Your brother explains. “Some sort of infection. We got caught in a storm a few days back and she’s gotten worse since then. We need medicine.”
“Then go through the main entrance, get FEDRA to help you.” the male responds dismissively.
“Are you kidding?” Ben laughs “One look at her like this and they’ll shoot her on sight.”
“Not our problem.”
“How old is she?” The female asks.
“She's 14” Ben responds, “Please! Just, help her!”
You hear a hushed argument between the two strangers before the woman finally steps forward. 
“You're not bit?” She asks you as she approaches.
“No, I promise.” you croak as she lifts your sleeves and checks you for any signs of infection.
“She’s clear” the lady calls back before moving to check your brother.
Once she’s certain neither of you are infected, she leads you towards the man who reluctantly lowers his gun but keeps it in his hand. 
“We’ll sneak you in and give you medicine but then you're on your own.” The man grumbles.
“Thank you, thank you so much” Ben sighs with relief “I’m Ben, this is my sister Y/N”
“Tess” the woman responds “and this grumpy old man is Joel”
They take you back to their apartment. Ben lays you on the couch while Tess goes to get the medicine. 
“What brings you to Boston?” Joel asks, still holding his gun close.
“We’re looking for someone. My fiancé is missing. Someone knows where she is and the last we heard, that person was heading to Boston.” 
Ben continues his story as Tess returns with a medical kit and injects you with some sort of antibiotic. Within minutes you feel yourself unable to stay awake, and you drift off into a deep sleep.
— — — — 
Tess was kind enough to let you and Ben crash on the couch for as long as you needed, much to Joel’s dismay. 
You’d become quite close with Tess surprisingly quickly. She was like the big sister you’d always wanted. The two of you would sit and chat while Joel went out to earn ration cards and Ben caught up on some much needed sleep. He found it hard to sleep at night. Partly due to watching to make sure you were still breathing, and partly due to the fear that at any moment FEDRA would come bursting through the door to arrest you both for sneaking into the QZ. 
It takes days but you're finally feeling a lot better, almost back to normal. You manage to get up off the couch and have a shower. The water pressure isn’t great, and there’s only a small amount of warm water but you don't care. It’s been so long since you had a shower, this feels like heaven on your aching skin. You get dry, put on the clean clothes Tess found for you and head back out to the living room. 
“We found her!” Ben exclaims. “Marlene. We know where she is, which means we’re one step closer to finding Anna.”
— — — — 
Tess and Joel agreed to lead you and Ben through underground tunnels to the building Marlene is rumoured to be. The tunnels are creepy. There’s fungus growing up the walls and Joel warns you to watch your step. You reach some ladders, which Joel climbs first, then gestures for you to follow. You're almost at the top when your foot slips and you almost fall, but Joel grabs your arm and hoists you up. 
“Thank you!” you sigh and you swear he almost smiles. There is kindness in him, he’s just buried it deep. 
Once Tess and Ben join you at the top, the four of you decide to split up to search the abandoned building. Tess and Joel going left. You and your brother right. You wonder through various corridors and eventually spot the woman you need.
“Marlene!” Ben shouts upon seeing her.
“Benjamin? Wh- what are you doing here? We thought you were dead. Both of you. When you didn’t show up to the meet point we presumed-” 
“Where’s Anna?” He interrupts her and she falls silent “Where is she?” 
“Ben” she takes a breath, briefly looking at you then back to Ben “Maybe we should talk somewhere privately.” 
“Marlene please, just tell me.” He almost begs, your heart breaks at the sound of his voice cracking “Where is my girl?” 
“She’s gone.” 
“Gone?” You ask, looking to her and your brother for an explanation “Gone where? Can we go find her?” 
“She’s dead.” Your brother states, slumping back against the wall. You look at Marlene in a panic, hoping she will clear things up. That your brother has just got the wrong end of the stick. She just nods solemnly. 
You look down at your feet as you take a few breaths, trying to process the news before another question pops up. 
“The baby?” You ask, looking back at Marlene who is watching Ben. The two of them lock eyes for a moment before Marlene finally shakes her head. You see the final sliver of hope disappear from your brother’s eyes as he slumps to the floor, head in his hands.
You close your eyes tight, fighting to keep the tears in. But the news of losing Anna, and your unborn nephew or niece is too much to hold inside. You don't notice Marlene has walked to you until you feel her hand gently squeeze your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry” she says quietly, sincerely.
“Its not your fault” you say with a small shrug. 
She gives you a sad smile before leaving you alone with your brother. You approach him, sliding down the wall to sit next to him and leaning your head on his shoulder. The two of you stay sat in silence for a while, quietly grieving what you’ve both lost. Eventually you have to speak. 
“What happens now?” 
“I don't know.” He sniffles.
“What are we going to do? Where do we go?” 
“I don't know Y/N.”
“But you always know what to do. You always have a plan!” 
“THEY were the plan!” He suddenly shouts “Anna and the baby, they were the only plan I had left. And now they’re gone and I- I don't know what to do.” He takes a breath, looking at you with panicked eyes “I don't know what to do”
You look at him for a moment, thinking. 
“We could have a funeral for them?” 
“Y/N” Ben sighs.
“Obviously we can’t actually bury them, but we could have a little memorial or something? Could be a nice way to honour them?” 
“Nice? Are you serious?” Ben gets up, and you follow him.
“No no I didn’t mean-”
“Nothing about this is nice Y/N! Nothing! I’ve lost my family-”
“You’ve still got me!” You argue and he rolls his eyes “Or do I not matter anymore?”
“Don't do that. Don't make this about you.” 
“I’m not making it about me! I’m just trying to figure out how to make things better!” 
“Can you bring them back? Stop them from dying?” He stares at you and all you can see on his face is overwhelming sadness “There is no making this better.” 
He turns and starts to walk away. 
“I’m sorry Y/N” he pauses “But I need to be on my own.” 
“Ben!” You call after him but he’s gone, leaving you alone. You resume your position slumped on the floor, allowing yourself to fully grieve. 
“Y/N?! What happened?” Tess calls as she runs toward you, crouching in front of you. Joel stands watch behind her. 
“They’re dead.” You sob. “Anna and the baby, they’re dead.”
“Oh darling.” Tess sits by you, putting her arm around you. 
“Where’s Ben?” Joel asks, still on high alert.
“I don't know, he walked off.”
“He just left you?” You see a brief flash of anger on Joel’s face. He won’t admit it but he does feel almost protective of you. 
“He’s grieving-” you try to defend your brother.
“So are you!” Tess squeezes you “Come on, we should get back. It’s getting late.”
“What about Ben?” You panic.
“We’ll find him. Don't worry."
— — — — 
Tess keeps her arm around you the whole walk back, Joel walking ahead slightly with his gun at the ready. You’d heard the stories of people who were out on the streets at night being attacked, robbed or worse. And although you felt safe with Joel, you couldn’t help but worry for your brother. 
You’ve never seen him like this. Sure, the two of you had lost many people over the years. Friends that you’d made on travels, even your parents back on outbreak day. But you’d always faced it together. 
As you rounded the corner near the apartment block, Joel stopped suddenly. 
“Tess, get Y/N away from here.” 
“What’s going on?” You try to see past him.
“Tess now!” He demands and as he tries to move you back you see around him. 
Your heart stops. 
Laying on the ground about 20 feet away is a body.
“Is that-?” You try to breathe “Is it-?” 
You strain your eyes in the dark and notice the body is wearing the same clothes as your brother.
“Ben?” You voice barely there. “BEN!”
You free yourself from Tess and push past Joel. They chase after you, but you get there before they can stop you, falling on your knees next to your badly beaten brother and turning his bloodied head to look at his face.
“What did you do?! What did you do?!” You repeat as you stroke your hands over his face. You notice his chest rise “He’s breathing!! Ben?! Ben, wake up you idiot!” 
“Y/N…” he coughs, wheezing as he breathes.
“We have to get him to the medical centre!” You shout to Joel and Tess, who are stood behind you. 
“There’s nothing they can do for me.” Ben says sadly. “I’m sorry Y/N.” 
“Shut up. Just shut up. You’ve got nothing to be sorry about, cause you're gonna be fine.” You desperately apply pressure to the bleeding stab wound in his stomach.
“I shouldn’t have left you” he coughs “I’m sorry”
“Stop” you cry, resting your head on his chest.
“Look after her, Joel. Tess. Look after her. Please.”
“STOP IT!” you yell, panic rising. 
“Y/N look at me, look at me!” Ben manages you take your face and moves you so he can see your eyes. “I love you”
“I love you too.” you sob, the memory of saying goodbye to your mother flashes through your mind.
His hands slip from your face as his breathing stops. He’s completely still. 
“Ben?” You shake him. “Ben?! BEN!! BEN, WAKE UP! BEN!!”
“Come on darling.” Tess puts her hands on your shoulders but you shake her off. 
“BEN! PLEASE! BEN!” You fall on him, wrapping your arms around him as you sob “I need you.” 
Joel and Tess watch for a moment, allowing you this goodbye before Joel hands his gun to Tess and crouches by you.
“We really have to go now. It’s not safe out here.” Joel says, rubbing your back gently.
“I can’t leave him here!”
“He’s gone Y/N. And FEDRA patrol will be here soon. They’ll take care of his body but if they find us here, we’re in a heap of shit. We have to go!” 
He stands and lifts you up. You scream and cry as you try to fight him but he’s much stronger than you. He carries you in his arms, cradling you tightly into his chest all the way back to the apartment. 
Once you're back, Tess helps you wash your brother’s blood off your skin and leaves you to get changed into some clean clothes. You find your brother’s hoodie hanging on the back of the chair and immediately hug it to your face. It smells like him. It’s comforting. You pull it on over your head. It’s too big for you, but you don't care. 
You walk out into the living room to find Joel and Tess reading a letter. He hands it to you. It’s a note from Ben.
By the time you read this I’ll be gone. I’m going to find the fireflies and finish what Anna always wanted to do. I’m sorry to leave without saying goodbye, but I know if I do you’ll try to talk me out of going. 
Please know, my decision to leave was nothing to do with you, you’ve done nothing wrong. I just don't know how to keep you safe. And I’m scared. Everyone I have ever cared about has died and I’m afraid I’m going to lose you too. 
But I know Tess and Joel will help you. They’ve done more for you in the last 5 days than I’ve been able to in the last 5 years. You’ll be safe with them. Safer than you could ever be with me. 
One day, when I’ve made the world a safer place for us, I’ll come back for you. But until then, I will think of you every single day. 
Forever… your loving brother,
— — — — 
It’s been 15 years since you lost the last remaining member of your family. Joel and Tess honoured Ben’s wishes and took you in, even managing to get forged documents to make you an official citizen of the Boston QZ.
As soon as you were old enough, you started earning ration cards. The jobs were shit, but at least you could pay back Joel and Tess for looking after you all these years. You know they could have easily kicked you out once you turned 18, but they didn’t. Even when you offered to get out of their way, let them have their home back again they wouldn’t accept it. 
You were super close with both of them, but especially with Joel after he found you one day in the midst of a panic attack. He sat with you until you calmed down, helping you breathe through it. After that he’d opened up to you about his own struggles with panic attacks, and even about his suicide attempt after losing his daughter. He made you promise if you ever felt like that, you would talk to him. And while living in the QZ wasn’t particularly wonderful, you were happy with your little life routine with your little dysfunctional family. 
After an exhausting day of street sweeping, you collect your ration cards and head home. When you walk through the door, you're surprised to find you're home alone. You knew Joel would probably not be back yet, since he’s taken on extra jobs to earn extra cards, but you expected Tess to be there. Presuming she’s just popped out and would be back soon, you decide to start cooking dinner for when she returns. 
But she doesn’t. 
You wait as long as your grumbling stomach will allow before serving up a plate for yourself and putting the rest in the fridge. While you're getting ready for bed you hear the door close and Joel call out a greeting. 
“Dinner’s in the fridge.” you respond and he thanks you. 
You change into your sleep clothes and go out to the living room to see Joel.
“How was your day?” You ask.
“Shit. You?”
“Shit.” You copy and he hums with amusement.
“You make this?” He asks as he tucks into a plate of food.
“Yeah, is it that bad?” You joke and he smirks. 
“Where’s Tess?”
“I don't know, haven’t seen her since I left this morning. She wasn’t here when I got back.” You reply and he looks up at you. You feel a wave of worry. “Do you think she’s okay?” 
“She’ll be fine.” He reassures “It’s everyone else out there you should be worried about."
You both laugh.
“You're right. She’s badass, she can handle herself.”
“She learned from the best.” Joel jokes and you roll your eyes. 
“Right, I’m off to bed. Goodnight old man.” You kiss him on the head and head towards your room.
“Sleep well baby girl.”
“Joel, I’m 29. I don't think you can call me that anymore.” 
“Don't matter how old you are. You’ll always be baby girl to me.”
He smiles at you, and you return it before closing the door and getting into bed.
— — — — 
The next morning you get dressed pulling your favourite hoodie, the one that belonged to your brother, on over your head. It’s a little worse for wear now, some small holes and stains that you can’t remove, but you don't care. 
As you walk out into the living room you let out a sigh of relief to find Tess sat at the table with her back to you. Joel is sat in front of her, wiping her face with a cloth. 
“Morning” you say, gasping she turns to look at you “Shit! What happened? Are you alright?”
“I’m fine, stop fussing.” 
“Tess, your face!” You exclaim, gesturing to the cuts and bruises that cover her skin “Who did this to you?” 
“That’s what I’m trying to find out.” Joel grumbles and Tess sighs. 
“I need you to take a breath.” 
“What?!” Joel says again.
“The guys that jumped me were with Robert. He sold our battery to someone else.”
Joel kicks back in his chair and Tess grabs his hands. 
“I’ll kill him.” You say, pacing the room. 
“That won’t solve anything!” Tess states calmly. 
“No? But it will make me feel better!” you argue. 
“I need the battery Tess!” Joel gets up “Trucks no good without one and if I don't get to Tommy soon he’s gonna die out there!”
Joel had told you so much about his brother Tommy, you felt like you knew him already. From what you’d heard, he reminded you a lot of Ben. 
“Okay fuck it.” Tess stands up, following Joel across the room “We get our money back and the battery but Joel listen… Robert is terrified of you, so you march out of here all Clint Eastwood he’s gonna get wind of it and skip. I need you to take a breath.” She turns back to you as you're still pacing the room in anger “Both of you!” 
There’s a brief silence as you all pause and breath. 
“Who’d he sell it to?” Joel asks. 
“Don't know.”
“Where is he?”
“Don't know… yet. We’re gonna find out, quietly. Understand?”
Joel nods. Tess turns to you and you raise your hands in sarcastic surrender. 
“Now I promised Robert you wouldn’t hurt him. But I would very much like for you to hurt him.” Tess continues “So let’s go hunt that motherfucker down. Get our battery, and our truck, and then we’ll go find Tommy.”
— — — — 
The three of you head out to a busy communal area where people are sat eating and talking. Tess goes to speak to one of Robert’s guys, leaving you and Joel observing from a safe distance. The guy glances over every so often, clearly terrified of Joel. And rightly so. Joel had a reputation in the QZ, he is not someone you want to get on the wrong side of. 
As you watch the interaction, another guy strolls over to you. 
“Hey friend.” he says and Joel just frowns at him, moving ever so slightly to form a barrier between him and you. “Don't worry, I don't want anything. But if you're feeling lost-”
“You tell me to ‘look for the light’ and I’ll break your jaw.” Joel interrupts, staring the guy down until he backs off and leaves. 
“Fuckin’ pests.” You mutter and Joel smirks proudly. 
This was a daily occurrence in the QZ, some asshole trying to recruit you to join the fireflies. Sure you hated FEDRA but the fireflies weren’t great either, in fact they could be just as dangerous as the FEDRA soldiers.
“It cost us a couple cards but, we got him. He’s supposedly taking the battery to a red tagged building.” Tess explains when she rejoins the two of you “We could take the subway tunnel under haymarket, get into the building from below and take Robert by surprise.”
“Pay this fucker back.” Joel says, looking at you and you nod in agreement. 
The three of you begin your plan, breaking in and sneaking down to the abandoned tunnels that snake under the QZ. This isn’t your first time down here, but it’s still creepy. Dark, cold and wet. The constant sound of dripping making you feel uneasy. Tess shines her torch light along the rounded tunnel walls until she spots what she’s looking for. 
“That’s the one.” She says, and you see the symbol spray painted next to a door.
Tess climbs the steps onto the platform and forces the heavy door open. She goes inside while you climb the steps, turning around to help Joel up. Although he doesn’t like to admit it, you know he struggles with his knees. As you're helping him you hear Tess scream from inside and immediately jump into action, both ready to fire your guns at whatever in in there. Joel rushes in first, followed by you. 
“Oh shit!” You yell as you what startled Tess. Inside the room is a dead infected, fungus growing out from it’s body and up the wall behind it. It’s horrific and you have to look away. 
“This one’s done.” Joel says calmly and Tess breaths a heavy sigh. 
“Yeah… I know. I just, I wasn’t expecting it.”
“Take it he wasn’t down here last time?” 
“No.” She replies as her and Joel get closer to examine it. You on the other hand are still standing as far away as possible. “You think he came down after he was infected?”
“Maybe down here was where he was infected.” Joel says, and your blood runs cold. 
A silence fills the room as the three of you linger on Joel’s words. 
“Let’s keep moving.” Tess eventually breaks the silence, walking away. You waste no time in following her, desperate to get away from the corpse in the room. 
Tess leads you to a tall ladder and begins climbing it. You follow behind her, will Joel behind you. 
“It’s like they refrained the whole structure.” Joel says "Probably in the 80’s. Everyone was cutting down on apartment sizes to sell more condos.”
“Oh” Tess says, faking interest “This has been Construction Corner with Joel Miller.”
You laugh, and you can almost hear how hard Joel rolls his eyes behind you. 
“How far up we going?” He asks, ignoring Tess’ comment. 
“Uh…” she climbs a little further then stops “…this far.” She climbs off onto a small landing and starts pressing the door. “This opens into the hallway.” She tries to open the door but it won’t budge. “What the fuck? Did someone put a piano in front of this?”
“You smell that?” Joel questions and you sniff the air. 
“Yeah, gunpowder.” Tess steps back from the door, shining her torch around. You look down and spot blood pouring out from under the door.
“Shit.” You whisper as Joel once again draws his gun. 
“Tess!” Joel warns as she pushes the door open. You hear a soft thud on the other side, as if something has fallen. Tess goes through and you follow. 
The corridor is littered with dead bodies. Unlike the infected down in the tunnels, these ones are fresh. Whoever did this might still be here. You adjust your grip on your gun, suddenly very nervous again. 
Joel surveys the hallway while Tess walks over to a battery near one of the bodies and crouches down to examine it. 
“Well battery’s no good” she sighs and you glance over at Joel, you know how much he needs this battery “and he still tried to sell it. Twice.” Tess shines her torch on the now dead Robert who is laying next to the battery “You greedy fuck.”
Suddenly you hear a sound down the hallway, a sort of pained grunting. Joel walks past you, leading the way as you go to investigate. You hear a hushed voices, but you can’t make out what they’re saying. Joel peeks round the corner, turning back to gesture for you and Tess to stay quiet. As you carefully follow him you see where the noise is coming from. Down the corridor are two women with their backs to you, one trying to help the other one stand. Clearly injured. 
As Joel gets closer, a door to the side of him opens and a girl comes flying out. She launches herself at Joel, some sort of knife in her hand. 
“Joel!” You cry out to warn him, but his reactions are quick enough. 
He throws her to the side, she hits the wall and falls to the ground. He instantly turns his gun on her as she sits on the floor, staring up at him.
“Joel? Y/N?” One of the women says, a voice you recognise. 
“Marlene?” Joel responds and you look past him to see Marlene and another woman now stood at the other end of the hallway, their guns raised and aimed in your direction. 
“You okay?” Marlene asks the girl, but she ignores her. Instead she reaches for her weapon, but Joel puts his foot on it, kicking it back in your direction.
It lands at your feet. It’s a switchblade. The more you stare at it the more familiar it looks to you. Slowly you bend down to pick it up.
“Hey that’s mine!” Ellie shouts at you but you ignore her, turning the switchblade around in your hand to examine it. “It’s mine, leave it alone!”
“Where did you get this?” You ask her, still staring at the blade. 
“It’s mine-” 
“Where did you get it?!” You ask again, firmer as you finally look at her. 
“…my mom.” 
“Who’s your mom?” 
“I- I don't know. She’s dead.” 
Your eyes flick from Ellie, to Marlene and back to Ellie. 
“How old are you?” 
“JUST-“ you shout, before taking a calming breath and continuing “-answer the question.” 
“I’m 14. Jesus, why does it matter?” 
“It matters…” you take a shaky breath “…because this switchblade belonged to my brother. You see this little mark engraved into the handle? I did that, on the same day that my brother gave this as a gift to his fiancé. The same day that she went missing. The same day that she died.”
“I- I didn’t steal it!” 
“I’m not saying you did. But you see, she was pregnant with his kid when we lost her. Like, really super fucking pregnant… And that was 14 years ago.” You can almost see the cogs turning in Ellie’s head as she processes what you're telling her. “So either this is all just some massive coincidence. Or…” you trail off, watching the penny drop as she works it out. 
“She’s your niece?” Joel asks and you shrug, turning to Marlene who has been silently watching the whole thing play out. 
“Am I right?”
“Marlene?” Ellie asks and Marlene finally nods. “What the fuck dude.”
Joel lowers his gun, watching for your reaction. He notices the way your breathing has picked up, the way your hands ball up into tight fists as your arms shake. He takes a small step towards you, calmly saying your name. 
“You lied.” Your voice comes out barely above a whisper, but it is laced with anger. 
“I had to. Your brother was grieving-”
“My brother is DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!” You launch yourself towards her, Joel just managing to catch you before you can hit her.
“I know, Y/N, and I am truly very sorry but he wouldn’t have been able to cope with a baby.”
“THAT WASN’T YOUR CHOICE TO MAKE!” You struggle against Joel’s grasp. 
“And yet I had to make it.” The calm of Marlene’s voice riles you up even more. “I had a split second to make a decision. Tell your brother the truth, give him the baby and risk him being unable to handle it. Risk both their lives.” She pauses. “Or tell a lie, and give Ellie the best chance to survive, do something with her life.”
“By shipping me off the FEDRA school? Yeah, great plan.” Ellie says sarcastically and Tess shoots her a look. 
“You didn’t even give him a chance! You just took everything away from him, and that’s what he couldn’t handle. That’s why he got himself killed.” You look her straight in the eyes. “His blood is on your hands!” 
You break free from Joel’s arms and walk away, stepping over multiple corpses until you find an empty room to shut yourself away in for a while. Some time later, when he thought you’d had enough time to cool down, Joel came to find you. He didn’t say anything, he just joined you where you sat leaning against the wall. He waited a few minutes before speaking. 
“Wanna talk about it?” 
“Not really.” You say quietly, pulling the frayed edge of your hoodie sleeve.
“Okay.” He replies simply, knowing not to push you. 
You lean to the side, resting your head on his shoulder and he turns to put his chin on your head. The two of you stay like this until Tess comes in. 
“We agreed on a deal.” 
“Wait, what deal?” You sit up, looking between her and Joel. “What deal?” You repeat when neither of them talk. 
“We’re gonna smuggle the girl out the QZ and drop her off with another group of fireflies at the old state house. In exchange they’re gonna give us a car, guns, anything we want.” He turns to face you. “I know this is difficult for you. You don't have to come with us if this is too-”
“Of course I’m coming with you. You're my family, and apparently so it she so…” you sigh  “I have to help her. Ben would want me to help her.” 
Part Two
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pradaxstyles · 1 year
“Okay, maybe I have a crush on you! So what?” 
This would totally work for Ellie, after Santa Barbara, cause I think she'd be a complete and total emotional mess and wouldn't know how to handle her feelings..
Pairing -> Ellie Williams x Fem Reader
Warnings -> Some game dialogue (second game, Tommy made me so mad when he came to Ellie with this. like let the girl live in peace please), brief mention of Ellie's missing fingers, swearing, end is a little rushed, not proofread, fluff at the end bc I said so <3
Word count -> 1.3k
Playlist -> Unbroken, Gustavo Santaolalla
Alexa's notes✨ -> Caroline!!!!! Thank you so so much for requesting something! It means the world to me. I really hope you enjoy this and that I did it justice! As always, please come chat or leave some feedback! love yall xoxo
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Your relationship with Ellie wasn't something that was clear cut. It didn't have clear lines, it wasn't black and white. It was more of an array of muddled colors that somehow worked together seamlessly. You knew how she felt about you, and you her, so there wasn't a question as to whether you would go with her to Seattle in search of Abby and her friends.
When that was all said and done you both agreed on starting a life together outside of Jackson. The farmhouse had been one your favorite places you've lived in, partly because Ellie was right by your side.
That was until Ellie left for Santa Barbara.
The day Tommy came by, you could see the wheels turning in Ellie's mind. You had done so much to get where you were, and he was threatening that stability. You knew Ellie struggled with what happened to Joel. You knew it. Ellie tried so hard to hide everything from you, even now.
You'd been by her with everything that happened in Seattle, putting your life at risk every damn day because you loved Ellie. You've had the front row seat to everything that is Ellie Williams, and here she was, debating Tommy's words.
"This new guy heard my story," Tommy began. "He told me about a woman that he traded with while he was moving through California." He unfolded the map and laid it down on the table, smoothing out the creases. "Described her as built like an ox, traveling with a kid with scars across his face."
Ellie was hanging on to his every word.
You stood off to the side trying not to eavesdrop, but how could you not? Ellie sat up straighter, leaning in slightly to take a glance at the map in front of her.
"He said they were livin' across this coast, in a beached sail boat," Tommy reached over and pointed a single finger on the dusty map, "Right here."
You could tell Ellie felt torn, her eyebrows knitted together as she glanced around the room. Her gaze landed on you for a split second, and you could see the internal struggle that raged within the girl.
Moving to place yourself next to Ellie, "That's enough," you articulated, "We're done with that and you know it."
Ellie reached to place her hand on the small of your back. Shaking her head, she whispered a small, "I'm sorry."
The scratch of the chair against the wood filled the brief silence, followed by Tommy's scoff. "Reckon it's easy to forget about her. Sitting all comfy way out here-"
You took a protective step in front of Ellie, "Tommy-"
"'I'll make her pay.' That's what you said when we got back to Jackson."
Placing a strong hand against his chest, you gave him a shove. The look in your eyes lethal, "That is enough!" you exclaimed. "Get the hell out of my house and don't come back with that shit, ever again. Do you hear me?"
Tommy scoffed again, "What a joke." He shuffled toward the door while mumbling things under his breath.
You placed a gentle hand on Ellie's cheek and ran your thumb across her lips before stomping after Tommy. The screen door smacked into the side of the house with the force of you pushing it.
"You're a real jackass, you know that? How dare yo-"
"How dare I? She made me a promise! Don't you think that should mean something?"
A sarcastic laugh fell from your lips, "Are you fucking kidding me? Do you not realize what she's been through?" barely taking a breath, "What we have been through? We almost died in Seattle and I'll be damned if you pressure Ellie into going back out there for some stupid lead."
Soft pants came from your parted mouth. You were absolutely seething at Tommy's audacity. Why couldn't he just drop it? So many lives were lost in the search for Abby. It wasn't his life he was putting at risk, it was Ellie's. He'd have to shoot you dead before you allowed that.
Tommy gave you a sharp look before turning his back and leading his horse to the front gate.
You watched him ride off as you caught your breath.
Pulling the screen door shut behind you, you turned to find Ellie still seated at the table.
"Els, I'm so sorry he did that. He had absolutely no right to show up here and treat you like that."
Ellie warily glanced up at you, a bleak look painted her features. A sigh escaped her lips as she grabbed your hand and led you to the seat across from her.
"Babe, I think-"
"Please tell me you're not actually considering this. Please."
Ellie snapped her gaze down to the map and back up to you. "I can't live like this anymore, knowing she's still out there. I don't eat, I don't sleep."
You blinked the tears away that were threatening to slip. "Ellie.." Your voice broke slightly as you rose to stand. "You need to know that I've grown to care for you, deeply. But if you walk out of this house, I don't know if I'll be here waiting for you to come back."
Ellie rose and stood to face you, inches between you both. A pained expression covered her face, "That's up to you."
With that, she took her backpack and walked out the door, leaving you in the beloved farmhouse alone.
‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆‧‧⋆ ✧˚₊‧⋆. ✧˚₊‧⋆
It had been three months, and there was still no sign of Ellie. You waited every day for her to walk through that door and into your arms. The old calendar in the kitchen had been marked up, serving as a tracker for the days that molded into one.
It was easy to grow weary, to sit in silence most days and reminisce on the months prior. The ache was a deep, constant feeling in your body.
There was one day, the sun's embrace warm as you sat on the porch swing that you saw it.
Ellie's slim figure making its way up to the front gate, backpack in hand.
Your eyes fell into a sharp squint thinking your mind had been playing tricks on you.
The gate clanked open, and you knew she was home.
Standing up, you scampered towards the girl.
"Ellie?! Is that you?"
Ellie's own footsteps broke into a run after hearing your sweet voice. God, she missed that voice so much.
You slammed your body into her strong frame, wrapping your arms tightly around her neck. "Ellie," you melted, "I'm so happy you're back home."
She picked you up off the ground slightly, inhaling the scent of your freshly washed hair. "I missed you so much, baby. You have no idea."
Placing you back on your feet, her cool hands met your cheeks and you leaned into her touch, relishing the feel of her skin against yours.
Opening one eye at the unfamiliar sensation, "Uh, Els? What the hell happened to your fingers?" You all but ripped her hand off your cheek and brought it up to your face to inspect.
A deep chuckle fell from her lips and she smiled at you, "I'll explain everything, I promise. Let's go inside before you get cold."
Slinging her backpack across her shoulders, she intertwined your fingers in her good hand and led you back to the house. It felt right being back home with you. Ellie realized a lot of things while she was gone and was finally able to process some of those feelings. Not that she wouldn't tell you eventually, but Ellie loved you from the moment she first laid eyes on you all those years ago in Jackson. It took her a while to decipher those feelings, but she's never been so sure of something as she is this.
Glancing down at you, she gave your hand a slight squeeze, "I love you, sweet girl. More than you'll ever know."
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fruitbowlsngoals · 3 days
So how all the Little guys meet is actually a convoluted mess of events but I'm going to try and put it in order , this all might be a little off and things might get changed in the future but this is it for the most part
Information is under the cut of course !
I'm always more than happy to share and talk about this Au as it lives rent free in my brain
At some point after Ashe's wings grow in Trick decides neither of them need to be in that lab and that Mark is taking too long. So Tricks breaks out, grabs Ashe and takes them with, absconds into the woods, and settles into a clearing with a nice little cave where it and it's little sister can live until further notice they kinda just stay there. Ashe and Trick go about exploring their new surroundings together and separately. (Mark is infact searching for his kids).
Vyncent just lives in the woods and is more than happy to explore a place that's bigger than him, (he doesn't really have a lot of supervision when he explores), so he's wondering, exploring and getting the zoomies out when he ends up literally running into Dakota.
Dakota was out skating down a path so he could better his reaction time and balance and well his reaction time could use some work but seeing a purple blur dash across the path is not something you expect to see ever. Immediately seeing that Vyncent is very similar to Professor cross, so he tries to make friends .
Vynce doesn't exactly understand (language barrier) and bolts for it, Dakota of course follows because his thought process is “Oh, Tag? Hide and seek? One of those games? Okay chill, we're friends now.”
Dakota and Vyncent end up toppling into William. William ended up out here thanks to Clarence and his mild insistence that William should come for a walk in the woods with him ( Secret Whisperer training). William sheltered nervous and all around startled attempts to hide behind Clarence.
Dakota once again initiates a friendship. These are the first actual kids he's gotten to interact with since the lab. William reluctantly agrees with some encouragement from Clarence, and Vyncent is just standing there awkwardly being dragged along for the ride . They all hear some quiet laughing from the treeline and William wanting to investigate a mystery heads off in the direction the other two following along until they all end up in the Trick and Ashe's little clearing. (To Tricks dismay).
Ashe was the one watching them and they all start slowly becoming friends making excuses to hang out , and get to know each other.
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wouldntyou-liketoknow · 2 months
Comparing Killers
I sent an ask to my buddy @insane4fandoms a few days ago, and in their reply, they mentioned potentially doing a character analysis for both MadPat and my very own fanmade cannibal EgoPat Caliban in the future.
(This stemmed from one of their latest drawings. Again, thanks so much for remembering my scrunglies, friendo ❤️)
SO, being the way I am, I took some random inspiration and now I'm going through with that exact analysis myself! Just following my instincts as a writer and all that stuff.
Now, just to get this out of the way because I have a sneaking suspicion that someone’s gonna read this and automatically assume I’m being stuck-up: I really like Mad as a character. Matt has done an amazing job portraying him. . .though, Matt just has a knack for unhinged characters in general, lol.
And thanks to Matt's acting skills, Mad is an enjoyable villain. He’s cluster of chaotic problems shaped like a man in his thirties, and we all love him for it. (Honestly, I kinda see Mad’s behavior as similar to that of The Actor from all of Mark’s projects. Comedically evil with a tendency to throw tantrums when things don’t go his way.)
The FNAF Musicals have made many slight tweaks to the lore of the games to not completely plagiarize the story. So, of course, Mad is a slightly-tweaked version of William Afton: it’s made very clear that his crimes include murdering kids. On top of that, he has no problem playing long-cons with pizzeria employees before eventually killing them, too.
We’ve seen plenty of times that Mad is pretty much never afraid to get violent. Oh sure, he tries to put a mask on when he needs to, but it’s easy to see all his urges beneath that mask. (And again, much like Actor!Mark, Mad ain’t too shy about being callous and hostile to almost everyone around him.) He’s very quick to anger. To make things worse, he’s also quick to desperation.
While Mad is too smart for everyone else’s good, he’s still pretty damn impulsive/irresponsible. His crimes were all concentrated on the pizzeria; it didn’t take very long at all for the disappearances to pile up and gain unwanted attention. Now, a bunch of missing-person-cases are one thing, but leaving evidence is quite another.
Hell, in the beginning scene of Web of Lies, the wacko-in-a-bearsuit himself literally said, “Every INCH of this place is INCRIMINATING! Ten minutes of poking around this place and they’ll discover what I did. . !”
If Mad were to hear of Caliban's work, he'd probably be impressed at first and automatically assume that Caliban is just like him, just with more people-eating. However, if Mad were to actually meet Caliban and get a better read on his personality, Mad would likely end up insulting him one way or another. He'd see Caliban's professionalism as tedious.
Caliban Crawford:
Though I've made it pretty obvious that he's my special boi, Caliban is an objectively bad person. He may be insane, but he’s not delusional enough to deny that. Whenever his and/or Murdock's targets happen to be alive when they’re dragged to his den, he can be very, VERY sadistic throughout the butchering process. (Especially if the target has done something to personally affect him, Azalea, or any of his other peers.)
Sure, he doesn’t complain about working with dead bodies, but having a live meal is quite a special occasion. In such cases, he enjoys watching the unfortunate soul in question squirm and listening to them scream/beg. Taunting, dragging things out, making morbid puns all over the place, the works.
Despite all this, I’ve specifically crafted Caliban to be an extremely morally-gray character. (To be honest, the only fanmade ego of mine who’s full-on evil is LeviathanPat.) He’s still able to be logical/rational when he needs to. He takes pride in his self-control; yes, he has cravings for human flesh, but he knows he can’t afford to just attack any person he sees whenever he gets hungry. He knows he has to be EXTREMELY CAREFUL in order to keep his business away from the authorities. So, he only eats those he and his peers (Murdock, Azalea, etc.) are hired/paid to bump off.
On top of that, Caliban still has some humanity left. While he’s obviously nowhere close to a perfect angel, he’s still able to form genuine relationships and treat those in his circle with kindness/respect. Get on his good side, and you'll have quite a strong ally.
Though his morals are limited, one of the biggest differences between him and Mad is the fact that Caliban would never, NEVER stoop so low as to harm a child. In fact, he tends to avoid children altogether due to his own childhood trauma. (Totally not me projecting because I grew up in a dysfunctional family with verbal/emotional/psychological abuse.)
Getting back to the juicy stuff: Caliban is smart and efficient with his work. He prides himself on not leaving any evidence behind. (Yes, he still makes occasional mistakes, but even then, the aforementioned evidence still comes in very tiny amounts.) That's why he and Murdock became friends and started working together in the first place: since Caliban divides up which parts can be cooked/eaten and which parts can be sold on the Black Market, it really is easy for targets to just seemingly vanish into thin air.
Though my stories involving Caliban probably show him acting calm (despite his pun-addiction, lol), please, PLEASE don't be fooled. He's got just as much unhinged energy as Mad. He just happens to hide it a bit more often. But he definitely has his chaotic moments; half of the time it's out of unhinged joy, and the other half of the time it's because an enemy pissed him off enough to get their skin privileges revoked. (Basically, it's not that much of a stretch to see Caliban as a combination of The Hermit and Mack.)
Now, if you've seen @insane4fandoms artwork of him, then it's pretty clear that some inspiration was taken from Hannibal Lecter. And while I definitely appreciate references like that. . .well, that inspiration is mainly just for Caliban's appearance. I've said before that Caliban is nowhere near as arrogant as Hannibal. Even so, if Caliban were to see/hear about all of Mad's shenanigans, he'd write Mad off as being sloppy and unimpressive. If he were to actually meet Mad, his opinion would just get worse; he'd see Mad as a fair bit annoying and bratty.
@sammys-magical-au @b-is-in-the-closet @im-a-weird0 @themarpsimp @lexusinsannus @crazy-obsessed-enby @rozeliyawashereyall @gaymingintrovert @lampsforsocks @forestcouncil @x-hotrose-x @v1rus-seal
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umi-adxhira · 1 year
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𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒: ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍ ʀᴇx
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄: Rawr (I have nothing to say)
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➵ A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
William is very attentive after sex. He makes sure that you're cleaned up and you both cuddle. If anything hurts, he'll massage it for you
➵ B = Body Part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partners)
His favourite body part of himself is probably his chest (so is mine). He never really paid much attention to it until he found you almost drooling at his shirtless form. So he tries to be shirtless to rile you up
His favourite part of you is probably your neck. He likes to hickey it up and loves seeing it uncovered during the day
➵ C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
Likes to cum on your boobs/chest, and also inside you. He likes to see the cum ooze out of your soppy cunt and use his fingers to push it back in
➵ D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Steals your undies and masturbate when he's stressed. Cums on them too
➵ E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
I think he would have a bit of experience if he needed to bed a woman for a mission. But they were all loveless, totally for his gain. You're the first person he fucked with love
➵ F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying)
Missionary. He's old-school. He likes to bury his face in your neck while you're screaming his name
➵ G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
He teases you, definitely. Maybe after sex he'll crack out a joke or two
➵ H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Shaves pretty often. There will be a few hairs, and then the next day, they've been fully groomed
➵ I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Holds your hand while he fucks you into the matress. So pretty romantic I guess
➵ J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
I've already said he jacks off to your undies, but also when he misses you too much and he needs a release
➵ K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Praise kink. Baby boy wants to be praised. Also degregation, corruption kink and edging just so he can tease you
➵ L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Likes to do it in the bedroom and also his office
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
He deadass gets turned on when you lick ice-cream 💀. He wishes it was his cum and makes you drink it later in his room <3
➵ N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
I dunno man. He seems like the type to do it all. Maybe gunplay, he doesn't want to accidentally shoot you
➵ O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Master at giving. Especially likes it when yoy pull on his hair. But likes recieving equally
➵ P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and sensual. He goes really fast but takes the time to shower you in kisses and hold your hand
➵ Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Enjoys it to some extent. He likes the actual sex more because he can take his time. But quickies are alright for him
➵ R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
He doesn't mind, it's all up to you pookie
➵ S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
He can last until morning if he wanted to. But only lasts until you get tired or straight-up pass out
➵ T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Likes to put a vibrator in one hole and his cock in the other hole. Puts it on max all the way until you get close
➵ U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
He lives on teasing. It's second nature to him
➵ V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Groans a lot when he's close. But you probably can't hear him due to you being so loud when he's pounding into you
➵ W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Likes to be spanked for some reason. It's random as hell and not like him but I can see him like getting spanked
➵ X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
7 inches, not so heavy balls but they can make an impact based on how fast he's going
➵ Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Normal, I would say
➵ Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Always makes sure you're alseep before him . He likes to watch you curl up against him in adoration
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©️umi-adxhira [26/08/2023]
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 | @nightghoul381 , @serynhe , @kookie-my-little-sunshine , @cy-inky , @aquagirl1978 , @abundance-pathchooser, @lapis-da-lazuli , @ellisgivesmelife013
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theobs3ssivepuppeteer · 2 months
AU where Cassidy goes kinda batshit crazy in the custom night because all her friends leave her one by one to move on and find peace. She's stuck with these paper cutouts that act like her friends, and look like her friends (or at least their animatronics), but they're not her friends. Taking out her stress on William doesn't work anymore. She starts taking it all out on the other animatronics. Every time one of them displeases her somehow, they are violently torn apart and discarded. She doesn't need them. She can torture Afton herself.
This goes on. The animatronics grow to fear crossing her, as much as they can fear with their limited sentience. They are quiet. no longer even trying to please her. They just do what they were made to and hope.
Eventually, Cassidy is the only one left. Even animatronics that she barely saw, like marionette and scraptrap, somehow managed to piss her off. It's just her and Afton. She smiles, for she feels like she has won. She won. It's just her and William, for the rest of eternity. Nobody stands between her and the one she hates.
William knows that something has been going on. Less and less animatronics showing up. Sometimes he swore he heard distant screaming while he was in the selection menu. But it wasn't until Cassidy appeared before him that he realized what had happened. It wasn't Golden Freddy who appeared. It was Cassidy herself. Cassidy, with a hollow look in her eyes and a manic grin on her face. For the first time in a very long time, he feels fear.
"What did you do?"
"...I won."
Cut to a few years later. William has grown even more tired of Cassidy's hell. It's not even a game anymore. It's just an endless cycle of violently dismembered over and over. Sometimes, he tries to hide in the selection menu, but Cassidy just forces the game to start when he does. There's no escape. No peace.
Until the events of help wanted.
William suddenly finds himself in a whole new place. His consciousness was uploaded into the game. He spends some time just being relieved to have escaped. But then, he goes back to scheming. He knows he hasn't long to escape before Cassidy comes after him.
Meanwhile, Cassidy finds he's gone and is furious. She starts breaking everything in a fit of rage. Everything she worked so hard to build for the sake of Afton's torture, now being thrown or torn apart or shattered. When she is done, she tries to find William, but tracking him down is hard.
Eventually, William makes his way to the pizzaplex, taking over almost all the systems there. Cassidy finally detects him. She goes into the Princess Quest game to try and find him.
But it was a trap. William has gotten stronger. Cassidy has gotten weaker. Her mind is fragile, and as such she acts without thinking. Does she even think anymore? Or is she now an animal, just like the others had become? "the others are like animals, but I am very aware"
The ending of Princess Quest I shows William winning. He blocks Cassidy's escape and takes her into his darkness and corruption. He places her in his own sort of purgatory. A punishment for the years of torture she put him through. It's his turn to torture her. But he doesn't have his fun for long. He brings her back to the real world, and for a moment she thinks she's beaten him. Until her body starts moving without her.
William needs a puppet for his plans.
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kierantierney3 · 1 year
I have a Ødegaard request 🙋🏻‍♀️ hello, could I have a reader who is Martin's girlfriend who plays for Arsenal women’s team and he and some of the lads from the men’s team go to watch the CL semi at the Emirates, the reader is playing and has a nasty tackle put on her and she tears her ACL and Martin goes into protective bf mode through going to the hospital getting the ACL diagnosis and then try to comfort her because she's going to miss the world cup. Thank you so much <3
Hi first i just want to say thank you for your request and thank you so so so much for the amount of information you added. I don’t know too much about women’s football but i do know a fair bit about Arsenal women. If i have got anything wrong please let me know. Accidentally posted this with it written half way through.
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The second leg of the champion league semi final, you were away to Wolfsburg in the first leg where it finished 2-2, so you were excited for the second leg.
Which make it more exciting was that you knew your boyfriend Martin was going to be at the game with a couple of his teammates. You had met Martin when he signed on loan from Real Madrid. You would definitely say it was love at first sight.
You had arrived early at the emirates ready for the game. There was a couple arsenal players missing, Beth, Leah and Viv, which was awful, but you had to keep up the sprint.
You were in the tunnel getting ready for kick off, you were both nervous and excited. You had the chance to make it to a final.
When you were waiting to kick off you make sure to look up at your box to see Martin, Bukayo, William Saliba and Aaron, they were Martin teammates but they were also your friends.
You knew in a game like this you always wanted to get the first goal, which you got a goal from Blackstenius.
It was a tough game, you had tackles flying in. You were just trying to stay on your two feet, which happened for a while until just a bit before half time it went 1-1 and to make it worse you got tackled, you felt pain straight in your leg and felt a popping sound, you knew it was bad straight away. You weren’t sure what it was but you knew you were in pain.
You knew the medics were looking over you, but you were to focused on the pain in your leg. You knew some time had past as you were placed on a stretcher and taken off the pitch.
Your mind went black, the next thing you can remember is waking up in the hospital, you looked over to see Martin sitting on the seat next to your bed.
“Hey” you said not coming out well as you had just came out of a sleep and your throat was very dry “Hey how are you feeling?” he asked “Awful, what happened?” you asked “Well you got a bad tackle, would you like to find out what’s wrong with you?” he asked looking worried, you gave him a nod wanting him to continue “Well you had gotten an acl tear, thankfully you don’t have to get anytime of surgery, they said you just need to focus on your recovery” he paused for a second “It means you will be missing the world cup” he said looking guilty.
You did feel your heart break, you couldn’t believe it, you were looking forward to the world cup, you had gotten the call up and were ready to show the world your skills and now you won’t have that chance.
“I’m sorry love” he said coming down to the same level as you were at, he brushed your hair out your face “It’s ok” you said trying not to be too upset, why get worked up over something you couldn’t help, it had happened and you couldn’t do anything.
“Did we win?” you asked after a couple minutes of silence’s “No i’m sorry it needed 3-2 you guys went to extra time and they won it late on” well your night could get worse apparently “Well my night can get worse” you tried to make a joke of it. “I’m sorry my love, are you comfy? Can i get you anything? Water? Food? Blanket?” you could tell he was in panic mode “Can you cuddle me?” you asked hoping the answer was yes, you looked at his face to see his reaction and saw a little smile come on his fave.
You moved over on the bed to give him some space so he could climb in, which of course he did.
You had to stay in a little longer and Martin stayed by your side for the whole time.
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liked by martinødegaard, leahwilliamsonn and 98,839 others
yourusername Gutted to say that i’m done my acl, it’s hard to take right now but i’m already ready to start my recovery already. Sadly it rules me out the world cup which is heart breaking, it’s hard to take right now and i’m being using the time to focus on my mental health.
I’m part of the girls sadly it wasn’t our time and we will be ready for next year.
Coyg ❤️
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martinødegaard Proud of you ❤️
leahwilliamson Join the club 😭 acl girlies
bukayosaka67 Come back is stronger 🙏🏽
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