#I gotta get more shapey
arrowpunk · 2 years
I have gotta actually work on developing a more simple and stylized art style too
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jett-the-killer · 2 years
I bring to your doorstep my latest good ones.
I gotta do more crazy shapey art, feels really liberating and BOY do I need that right now.
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Also... wondering where should I post my comic, I haven't even started to draw the first issue, but I do wonder. Probably gonna make an account for it, or maybe post it on webtoons?? Gonna cross that mountain when we get to it.
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Also following the post I reblogged earlier today about the AI thing scraping Ao3 fics. I've locked my fics down for registered Ao3 members only for a while. With any luck it will be a temporary change.
On a side note unrelated to my FNaF stuff. Im not very far into the game yet. But I've started playing Grim Fandango for the first time today. I'm really curious to see how the story plays out. And I absolutely adore the shape-y... ness, of the character designs! Just like I did with Psychonauts! The people at Double-Fine know how to make great shapey characters. I gotta study up on the art in those games more for when I get back to doing designs for the Through the Static AU
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hotdiggydog2 · 3 years
I would LOVE to hear all of your headcanons for adult Orel!!
•first of all I love hearing other headcanons for adult Orels career, but I personally HC that he becomes a doctor or a surgeon because he just loves to help people in need :) and he would be the best doc in town. I also HC this because of his own experience with medical issues. Like dr poterswheel is clearly an incompetent doctor and he’s partially the reason that Orel has a permanent limp (but of course Clay is mostly to blame), but I think that orel would also want to become a doctor to make sure that people are getting the proper care that they need so they don’t have to deal with what he has to deal with👍
• I of course HC that he likes to spend a lot of time with his kids and really makes sure that they don’t feel left out of anything
•I HC that he’s a pretty chill person and laidback in comparison to his own parents. I like to think that Orel is a strict parent, but only in the sense that he’s protective of his kids. But other than that, I think he’s pretty lenient and he’s somewhat of “the cool dad” (or at least he thinks he is lol). That being said, he is definitely a really good dad and he never misses school plays, sports tournaments, dance lessons, dropping them off to school, etc
•I’m not sure if it’s cannon that he lives in moralton as an adult but I honestly can’t decided whether I like that idea or not. On the one hand, I can see him staying, but I can also see him moving a few towns over 🤔
•I HC that him and shapey are really close as adults (and of course him and block are too)
•him and clay absolutely have an extremely strained relationship but Orel still invites him over for family events just to be nice, whether or not clay shows up. When they talk at family events, it’s not a lot and it’s usually about pretty shallow and empty topics likes “so how have you been…” “good, dad. What about you?” And you get the idea. But I can see there being times when clay causes a scene and completely humiliates Orel for the fun of it
•I know this isn’t really an adult Orel thing but I HC that he has blue ish-grey eyes 👀
•I think that as Orel grows up, he sort of has to deal with ptsd and I can see it getting really bad at times, and I can see Christina suggesting that he goes to therapy for it
•OH I also hc that Orel is a really good cook. I know bloberta cooks in the family, but there’s gotta be times when Orel has totally had to cook for him and shapey, given how neglected they are, so he probably grows up to be pretty great at cooking (which Christina definitely appreciates 😊) !!
•I think him and Stephanie become more and more close as he grows up :)
•I also HC that he’s really smart and makes sure that he 100% knows what he’s talking about before he gives advice to his son. He’s not the kind of dad to just pull some BS out of nowhere just to get his kid to stop bothering him…. Like a certain someone else *cough* *cough* CLAY
•He never hold grudges. Sure he can be irritated with people sometimes but he never holds a grudge
•he’s definitely tried the devils lettuce in college lmao and i hc him to honestly really end up liking it
•and I think that the first time he gets Christina pregnant, he’s like really caught off guard and sort of thinks that he’s not going to be a good dad and worries that he knows nothing about being a parent:(
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Big brother
summary: You’ve heard of big brother Redd and little brother Smiles, now get ready for Big brother Hot and little brother Money.
A/N: In this AU they can age.
The nine-year-old Mr. Money sat in a locked tiny room in one of the world’s biggest office buildings. He was about the be traded again. He was scared. He never wanted to live a life of a property, especially at the young age of nine. He sat there, facing the wall, hugging his knees and crying. These rich people are bad, and he was forced to be with them.
He expected the door to be opened at any minute. He expected one of those rich scumbags to pull him aggressively and yelling at him, or humiliating him in much worse ways. It was always like that.
What he didn’t expect were gunshots and screams. 
“Where is he?” he heard a familiar voice of a young child with a soft Italian accent, yelling angrily at one of the people.
“Why should we tell you?!” one of the rich people yelled with a shaking voice.
Money didn’t want to listen. He covered his ears, continuing to sob as the yellings kept going. Then finally, a few gunshots were heard before the door was busted open, and Money felt someone touching his shoulder.
Terrified of who that might be, he began to scream and fight the hands holding him, before realizing who that was.
“Money, it’s okay.” his 13 years old brother, Mr. Hot, told him in a soft voice as he was pulling him into a tight hug. “It’s me.”
“H-Hot... I...” the nine years old said before bursting into tears. He cried onto his brother’s shoulder as the older one picked him up from the ground.
“I know, little guy.” Hot said, holding his brother in one hand and the gun in the other. “Let’s get you out of here.”
Hot ran all the way to the first floor as his little brother closed his eyes so he won’t have to look at the dead bodies. They got out of the building, where two of their older siblings, Mr. Shapey and Mr. Moon, were waiting for them in a silver fiat.
The two of them got into the back seat and Shapey drove the car away.
“Money, you alright?” Shapey asked.
“I... I don’t know...” Money said in a broken voice, shaking in his seat.
It was hard for Hot to see his little brother being this terrified and shaken. He pulled out a green dragonsnail out of his backpack and handed it to the child, who stared at it with shining eyes.
“You always told me you want a dragonsnail.” Mr. Hot told him, giving him a warm smile. “Got you one in green. I know you like that color, so... yeah.”
“T-thanks.” Money smiled a little bit as he held the winged snail.
“Hot, don’t tell me you shot people.” Mr. Moon said. “And if you did, please tell me there are at least a few bullets left.”
“Ah...” Hot said as he checked his gun. “No. No bullets left.”
“WHAT?!” Moon yelled as Shapey tried to hold his laughter and failed.
“It’s not my fault they were more than one guy!” Hot said. “Plus, I said I’d do what it takes to rescue Money and bring him home.”
“Home?” Money asked. fear was felt in his voice. “T-to dad? He’d put me on the market again and-”
“Relax!” Shapey said, cutting him off. “I got a big house for all of us. Far from Wondertainment.”
“How did you guys pay for it?” Mr. Money asked.
“There are some things you’ll never know the answer to.” Mr. Moon giggled.
“We used Wondertainment’s credit card.” Mr. Hot said. “He’s gonna pay our bills.”
“What if he’ll find us?” Money asked, allowing his new pet to climb onto his shoulder. “He’d get us separated again!”
“It’s gonna take a while for him to figure it out, Mon.” Hot said. “Right now you don’t have to worry about it. Okay?”
“Hey, Hot?” Mr. Money asked. It was the middle of the night.
“You’re still having nightmares about being put back into the market again?” Mr. Hot asked his 14 years old brother. 
Mr. Money nodded.
“It’s been four years since you rescued me.” Money said. “But... I don’t know if we’re still safe.”
“Mon, if something happens, I promise I’d protect you.” Hot yawned.
“Can I sleep in your bed tonight?” Mr. Money said. “I’d feel safer. And Rodney has grown so we don’t have much space for the two of us on that bed.”
Mr. Hot looked at the sleeping green Dragonsnail. He was a lot bigger than he was on the day he gave him to Money. Rodney was almost as big as a male Boxer dog. 
“Sure.” Hot said, moving a bit to the side so Money can have his space.
The smaller one got under the cover, still shaking from that dream.
“It was that bad?” Hot asked. “Want to talk about it?”
“H-he killed you...” Money said. “And it was my fault... I couldn’t do anything...”
Hot hugged him, assuring him it was just a nightmare.
“I’m still here.” Hot whispered, looking into his sobbing brother’s eyes. “I’m not done with his world yet.”
He hugged his brother until the small one finally fell asleep in his arms. His dark brown hair laid softly on his forehead and his tiny movements in his sleep didn’t bother Hot at all. He felt like a mother bear, looking over her sleeping cub. 
And with the calm of her cub’s safety, the momther bear fell asleep.
Four years later, Brass came home with bad news. The news Money was scared to hear.
“Wondertainment...” Brass said in panic, quickly closing the door behind him. “He found us! Dad just fucking found us!”
“We gotta leave.” Mr. Shapey said.
“He’s gonna take me back to the market...” 18 years old Money said, shivering with tears in his eyes.
“He won’t.” Hot said, coking his gun. “Mad, Shapey, Sweetie and I will fight him off. Go with the rest.”
“But-” Money said, looking at his brother in terror.
“I said go, Money,” Hot said, as Wondertainment began to bang on the other side of the door. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
Money was quiet for a few seconds, before pulling his older brother into a hug.
“Just...be careful, okay?” Money asked.
“I’ll try.” Hot answered. “Be careful as well.”
They were already at their hideout. Money walked back and fourth, waiting for Hot to return in one piece, as Rodney was crawling beside him. He was worried more than ever, and his heart was beating faster with each minute pass.
Two hourse later, Sweetie and Shapey entered.
“Where’s Hot?” Money asked as soon as the went through the door.
“With Mad.” Sweetie said.
Money looked behind them and saw one of his biggest fears coming true. Mad carried the unconscious and bleeding man.
“Hot has been shot.” Shapey said. “He’s not dead, but he got injured pretty ba-”
“Hot!” Money cut him off and ran over to the other two siblings. Mad looked at him with a sad expression.
“He’s gonna be okay. Didn’t lose too much blood.” Mad said. “He passed out from the pain.”
“How did it happen?” Money asked, looking at the bullet hole that was a centimeter close to Mr. Hot’s mechanical heart.
“Let’s just say, Wondertainment mannaged to trigger him.” Mad said. “He said something about sending you back to the market, and Hot just charged at him.”
“So...it’s my fault...” Money said, staring at the ground with tears in his eyes.
“No, it’s not-” Mad tried to calm him down, but Money ran crying to his new room before he could finish the sentence.
Mr. Hot opened his eyes, no longer feeling the pain in his chest.
The first thing he saw was Mr. Brass giving him a water bottle.
“G’morning, princess.” Brass said. “You finally woke up.”
“How long have I been like this?” Hot asked.
“Three months.” Brass answered as he assisted the man to get out of the bed. “Now Sweetie owes me money. She thought you were a goner.”
“How’s Money doing?” Hot asked.
Brass fell silent.
“Brass, how’s Money doing?” Hot asked again, this time in an annoyed tone.
“Not great,” Brass asked. “He... he blames himself for your injuries. He barely gets out of his room...barely sleeping or eating anything... One time even caught him trying to set himself on fire.”
“Where is he now?” Hot asked, worried as hell.
“Guess.” Brass answered.
Hot walked as quick as he could across the building until he finally found Mr. Money’s room, and that was thanks to the green Dragonasnail looking at Hot with a sad look. Even Rodney was worried about Money, huh?
He entered the dark room, where he saw his sobbing brother sitting on the bed and covered with a blanket. His hair was a mess, and the dark bags under his eyes grew bigger. He truly wasn’t doing well.
Hot sat on the bed. Money didn’t even bother to look.
“Go away, Shapey.” Money mumbled. “Just leave.”
“Who said it was Shapey?” Hot said, giving him a soft smile.
Money quickly turned to look at his older brother, eyes wide open and tears beginning to form.
“H-Hot... You’re okay!” Money said, surprised and relieved at the same time. “S-Sweetie said you’re a goner! I...”
Hot quickly pulled him into a hug, allowing the small one to sob onto his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry.” Money sobbed. “I-I didn’t want you to get hurt because of my nightmares... I-”
“It’s not your fault, Mon.” Hot said. “He might have said that thing about you, but I was the one who charged at him. Not you.”
“But...” Money said.
“No ‘but’, Money.” Hot said. “You don’t have to destroy yourself over something I did. I know I was hurt and I made you worried, but I want to help you.”
“I know.” Money said. “I’m sorry.”
“You’re apologizing too much.” Hot giggled.
“Sorry-” Money began to say, but realized he’s just apologizing again. “Frick.”
The two of them burst into laughter, and it was just like the good old days.
Momma bear is back in town.
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