#I guess its because Im too deep into my own Revice nonsense that I state this disagreement hahahaha
scoups4lyfe · 2 years
Hi Scoups, just was curious of your thoughts on a theory I have. It seems to me that Daiji feels a bit out of focus and I don't get why he is so loyal to Fenix. Then it occurred to me that Hiromi was added in to the story. Since they are both Fenix soldier, what if some of Hiromi's story was originally Daiji's? I am thinking of the commander in particular. Hiromi was the worst until his peptalk and then his determination came through to achieve success in Fenix. That sounds like Daiji as well...
Heyo~. I've read both part (1) and (2) of this ask.
And hmmmmmm. Y'know I gotta say I've seen this theory or at least something very similar going around tumblr and I gotta say. I think that does a major disservice to the writers LOL!
Not to say that its impossible because -- heck yeah that's something that could have easily happened.
But since Im too deep into the Revice insanity I kinda get these authors on a spiritual level lol. And with all my nonsense research, analysis, and essays I can say without a doubt in my mind that even though Hiromi was a last-minute ad-in I don't think his story was originally something for Daiji.
(Or if it was -- I don't think them taking it and giving it to Hiromi weakens Daiji's own narrative arc and plot importance)
I know I mentioned this at some point but Daiji's loyalty to Fenix stems almost entirely from his own view of himself and his self-worth.
Hmmm. I'd say Daiji is to Fenix what Ikki is to Vice.
(LMAO) So what the heck do I mean when I say this?
Well Daiji (IMO) has 2 major arcs (that I'm editing an essay about as we speak) which impact his arc narratively. The first was getting rid of his debilitating self-hate -- which he did through the battle in episode 26.
But the reason why Daiji's story feels so whack is because he still hasn't allowed himself to *BE* a main character. Which is something that'll only happen when Daiji learns to accept himself. Like he got rid of his self-hate but he has still tried to keep himself within a damaging binary.
"Good versus Evil."
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Once he accepts Kagerou -- or at least the darker parts of his character -- he'll finally be able to step into the role of an MC instead of playing the damsel in distress (hahahaha).
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Fenix wise --
Daiji joined Fenix because he wanted to make a name for himself, and show his family (re: Ikki) that he can be responsible and reliable too. So badly Daiji wants to be seen as someone with value. Someone whose capable.
So he tied his self-esteem to Fenix. To this concept that Fenix is essentially important to his person and his worth, and that without it his value will fall back to ground zero.
Daiji also has a major guilt complex that stems form his slow self-esteem and self-worth, so when bad things happen he 100% blames himself.
(Which is why Kagerou was created -- cause Daiji couldn't survive this way)
So I think for Daiji -- since he's tied so much of himself, his worth and value, his identity, and his responsibility to Fenix -- then he no doubt probably sees their sins as his own.
"These things happened because I wasn't good enough to stop them. I should've noticed before it got to this point."
Is the thought process.
Since he's now trying to grow as a person, he's not trying to actively blame himself--- but he still wants to prove his value by "purifying" Fenix.
Because he sees Fenix as an extension of himself.
So, similar to how Daiji saw the darker sides of himself as inherently bad and evil -- which led to a lack of trust in himself and his decisions / autonomy; the worse parts of Fenix are something he sees in a similar fashion.
"Fenix is bad, it needs to be cleaned of its filth. Only then does it have value. Only then can it do things and help others."
The problem in -- Daiji's literally projecting his own false beliefs onto Fenix. Since he believes he 'killed' Kagerou, he thinks he needs to do the same thing to Fenix.
That he needs to "purify" it. And then it can be good and have value.
(And then he can be good. he can have value. The horrors committed by Fenix will be atoned. It won't be his fault.)
But as the nurse lady said in episode 30 -- "Justice" is a word you gotta be careful with because life isn't black and white.
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