#I guess some of the fancier aquariums have them?
freepassbound · 1 year
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
5. favorite form of potato?
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
3. a specific color that gives you the ick?
There are certain shades of green that are definitely "ick".
4. mythical creature you think/believe is real?
Well... I mean, I don't really think any of them are real. It is pretty cool, though, what a number of them have been found to be stylized or exaggerated versions of real creatures!
5. favorite form of potato?
Who can possibly choose?!? The potato is a blessing to humanity! 😌
(mashed, I suppose)
7. what animal do you look forward to seeing when you visit an aquarium?
Hmm... I mean, the first thought was "otters!" - followed quickly by "penguins!". But... are those aquarium animals? 🤔
13. first thing you’re doing in the purge?
Is that the thing from the movies? Where all crimes or legal, or something?
I mean, not to be super boring, but I'd just isolate. Probably go camping, or something.
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mistyandmatt · 7 years
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It’s winter and it’s hot here…Dubai travels
In preparation for this ‘round the world journey, I spent a great deal of time researching and preparing for this leg of the trip. I say that because 1. I’ve never been to the Middle East and 2. There are a lot of social and religious rules that have to be followed when visiting the area. You see, being a caucasian, American woman most certainly has it’s advantages on any given day, but when traveling to a middle eastern country, the situation is just not the same. I did a lot of internet searching, watched a lot of You Tube videos on how to correctly tie a headscarf, and ensuring my clothing (which you know I had to be highly selective of on the trip due to the totally different climates we are going to) was socially and religiously appropriate. I told Matt we would just see what it was like when we got there and then I would adjust as needed.
Leaving Tokyo on one hand was a bit sad, as we were just getting to know Matt’s family and somewhat adjusting to the ways around town, but on the other hand, I was starting to get antsy and was ready to move on towards Dubai. Maybe it was the weather (it was cold, and mainly cloudy while we were there-that’s depressing for me), maybe it was all the strange food I’d been challenged to consume over the past 10 days, or maybe I was just seeking some bit of normalcy somewhere since I clearly was the outsider on this leg of the trip. Want a slice of humble pie? Go to a country like Japan with 127 million people where you are one of only a few who can’t read or speak the language. You’ll realize your place in the world real quick. I guess I don’t know why I thought I would get normalcy in Dubai, but my instincts (and research) implied Dubai was supposed to be like the “Las Vegas” of the Middle East (more on this in a bit), that seemed like something I knew and could understand.
We switched over to Emirates Airline for this trip, as I wanted to see how the service and quality were compared to other airlines we had taken. I know, I know, my instinctual quality assurance/continuous quality improvement personality is on all the time, even on vacation. The airline was nice, but Japan Airlines still seems to rank higher on my “best airline to fly.” What’s comical about that though is that when we were talking with the Emirates Flight Attendants, they report that the girls who work for JAL have a lot of “work drama between each other.” Workplace environments around the world seem to be the same everywhere, always some kind of drama going on. I was hopeful that was just an American thing, nope, totally universal. Our twelve hour flight seemed quite quick as we slept most of the time, so we were ready to go when we arrived in Dubai at 5:00 am local time.
We only planned four days in Dubai, as we had just a handful of things we wanted to see and do before moving on to our next destination. The weather was 75 degrees and sunny when we got there(hallelujah), so we were looking forward to a brief warmup before we head back into the cold again. Since we were only staying a few days, we decided to splurge a bit and stay at a fancier hotel. You all know that we never do that, in fact, it’s really against our vacation morals and values to do so, but knowingly and willingly(and maybe telling Matt I got a good deal on it), I booked us a few days at the Waldorf Astoria out on the Palm (palm tree shaped man-made island outside of Dubai proper). Between the nice hotel and the warm weather, my normalcy meter finally shot up. We then found a place for breakfast that served actual eggs and other breakfast foods, we had a another win!
Our first stop for the day was to the Sheikh Mohammed Center for Cultural Understanding” for a tour of the remaining “old town Dubai,” and for our first visit to a real operating mosque. I loved this as our first experience here, as no question was off limits and the center prides themselves on being an open space for people to come learn and understand the culture and religion in a safe space. I got the chance to not only learn more about the Islamic religion, but also the social, family, and religious norms that go along with it. Our tour guide was fabulous and did a great job explaining everything to our eclectic group. I now understand the prayer schedule and commend all the Muslim men (and women) who are fully committed to their religion because they (the men) literally have to go into a mosque building 5 or 6 times a day to pray and be present with God. I mean, I can’t find the time to go to the bathroom that many times a day, therefore, I could never make it as a Muslim on that principle alone. I realize the societal norms here are arranged on this schedule, but that just seems extremely excessive (not to mention time consuming). I found fewer differences and more similarities in their religion and lifestyle of those practiced at home. In the end, everyone seems to be seeking the same things, its all just interpreted and practiced a bit differently. We had the chance to drink coffee (which has a process and is different than American coffee, as is the art of drinking it-anyone have a “silent server” at home?), as well as had the chance to eat dates and luqaimat(donuts), just as you would if you were a visitor in a Muslim home. So much about the home structure, the male and female role in the household, and the openness to welcome visitors was rather intriguing. We would highly recommend doing this experience if you have the chance to go to Dubai. It was a great way for us to start off our trip here.
We then moved on to see what the Dubai Mall was all about. This place is known for all the high end shopping, vending machines that sell gold, and a place to find just about every super car you could imagine, but also includes an ice skating rink, a huge aquarium, and these choreographed fountains (similar to the Bellagio Fountains in Vegas) that put on quite the show. This was a chance for us to get in some walking after being cooped up in the plane so long. We finished the day by having dinner poolside at our hotel, where I could soon slip away for some good sleep in a super comfortable bed (remember, we’ve been sleeping on a small mattress on a tatami floor for the past 10 days, so this was going to be like sleeping on the clouds).
The next day we got up and headed to the traditional spice, textile, and gold souks to see what kind of interesting finds we could muster up. I tell Matt, just keep walking, these people will haggle you, so you just have to keep going. Why are we not even three stores in and Matt starts “making friends.” Dammit Matt. So Matt’s new friend wants me to buy gold from him and proceeds to personally escort us around the souks. That was very nice of him (he had alternate plans), but unfortunately what he didn’t realize is that he hooked up with a real nice guy an and then me, whose middle name is “likes to mosey.” Hours later we’d visited all the souks (still with this personal escort) and I spent way too much money on tea, silks, gold, and saffron (even with haggling with them) then I want to admit. It’s fine, I hope people are up for a tea party when we get home, because I have several years supply now. Needless to say, Matt (who really doesn’t even want to be at the souks) ends up back behind one of the souks (we all know you aren’t supposed to go back there-hasn’t he seen any movies at all?), as they are trying to sell him fake watches. Again, Mr. Naivety isn’t clueing into my “we have to go because we have a tour we have to get to,” and proceeds to continue talking with these guys. I laid down the law, said we were leaving and escaped yet another crazy situation Matt got us into. Thanks Matt, thanks a lot.
We really did have a tour to get to, as the most exciting part of the trip for me was just about to happen. Since we decided to come to Dubai, I wanted to ride camels in the desert. I mean, when else am I going to get to ride a massive animal through the Arabian desert? So, I booked us this camel riding tour that also included a night of activities in a Bedouin camp. These are the traditional camps that desert travelers would set up when searching for water in the desert. Our tour guide from Viator tours picked us up at our hotel and drove us an hour and half into the middle of the Arabian desert. During the ride, he gave us all the inside details about Dubai (including things they probably don’t want others to know, but oh well). Once there we got loaded up onto our camels (my camels name was Simone, and Matt’s camel’s name was Goad. He was making groaning sounds, which I later found out that meant he was grumpy. Go figure, Matt is used to me, so working with a grumpy camel-he should be a pro! Our camel guide was from Pakistan and laughed at my off the cuff, socially and politically incorrect jokes, so I think he had a good time with us. Don’t mind these pictures of us on camels, my legs looks like the size of Texas (who would have thought on an animal so large I would look so big as well) and well Matt’s shorts now have a bit of a racy look to them-looking good Matt, nice legs there. After the camel ride (which is way harder than it looks, and definitely harder than riding a horse), we arrive at our Bedouin camp to watch some falconry and settle in for an evening of traditional Arabian music and cuisine (yes, this includes eating camel, but not the one’s we rode out on and al harees, which are foods traditionally served at weddings). Matt smoked shisha and I got henna done, all while we made new friends from France and South Africa. Again, we would highly recommend this tour above all others if you want a real authentic experience in the desert. Seven hours later, we returned to the hotel totally exhausted, but had a wonderful experience.
After sleeping in a bit, we spent the next morning and early afternoon exploring Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi was about an hour and half drive from Dubai, and is one of the more conservative emirates of the UAE. We went to the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque (which is absolutely beautiful by the way), as well as had a chance to see the Emirates Palace Hotel (also very beautiful) and Etihad Towers. We finished the day having afternoon tea and pastries at the Desert Palms Polo Club of Dubai. I know this is a bit out of the norm for desert life, but it was recommended so we went. I’m glad we did because the pastries were phenomenal, the polo fun to watch as well.
Dubai was a great place to stop for a few days, rest a bit and see some of the massive structures, unique modern architecture and historical character this place has created. Dubai has many characteristics that resemble that of Las Vegas (big structures and buildings, fancy fountains, big, flashy everything-it’s their goal to have the biggest of everything in the world), yet there is virtually no crime, everything is automated (the police don’t even pull you over, they just ticket you from cameras everywhere), and there is minimal debauchery anywhere. I think they said that Dubai is the third safest city in the world. Who knew? And definitely not what I expected. So, imagine a very conservative Vegas, without gambling and drinking, then you have Dubai.
In many ways we came here seeking a variety of different cultural and lifestyle experiences that would push us completely out of our comfort zone and with some things it did. I mean, before I struggled to understand why women would want to wear the full abaya, but after doing it a few times during this trip, I can totally get behind wearing it with the headscarf on any given day. It’s really like a comfortable nightgown, and that headscarf did wonders to conceal my double chin-#Winning The women do it both out of respect, but also because they want to bring back tradition to their culture, similar to what women are now doing in Japan by wearing kimonos, and not just for wedding or special occasions. I mean, you never have to do your hair, figure out what you are going to wear, and you can go “full ninja” as they refer to it (full face covered except your eyes), say at the grocery store, when you don’t want to be recognized). Overall, all the people we interacted with were extremely friendly and very helpful. Although 80% of the people that live here are from other countries, we still found that we got an authentic experience none the less.
Overall, we found that Dubai is in more ways than just one, a lot like Oklahoma. A country, rather than just a state, dependent on the “black gold” of the earth to fund their sheer existence. If they haven’t seen how well that’s worked out for us, they should probably check that out. The one thing I can say is they at least they continue to build their infrastructure and economy on tourism as their “Plan B” because when the well becomes dry, as it inevitably will, they might actually be able to make it as a civilized place of existence. Come see the place if you haven’t been, it’s worth three or four days as a stopover city. We don’t recommend coming in the summertime, as apparently you can fry eggs and bake cookies on the concrete, as it gets so hot (we heard close to 120 degrees during the day). It’s wintertime and we saw 75-80 degree days.
As we continue our journey west, we are excited to explore the U.K. for the next several days. I’ve finally found a destination I might actually not stick out like a sore thumb. I’m also secretly hoping for a spotting of the Royal Family, let’s hope my years of stalking them on the internet will provide me some insight on the best location to do so!
See you all in London!
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jbankai89 · 7 years
Kittens and Kings [3/5]
A/N: The title for this chapter is supposed to say 'cat' in Kazakh, but it's Google translate, so I'm not 100% sure how accurate it is, and I did the transliteration myself from Cyrillic to the English alphabet, so it might be a bit off.
Chapter Three – M'isiq
JJ walked Yuri the two blocks to his home, which turned to be (none too surprisingly) a ridiculous, extravagant condo on the thirtieth floor. It was overloaded with top-of-the-range electronics and appliances, expensive-looking furniture, and prints of famous paintings that Yuri recognized by sight, but couldn't remember the name of—melty clocks, some sunflowers in a vase, and a large landscape-oriented piece in black and white of people and faces—though by someone who seemed to only vaguely know what a human face was supposed to look like. Added to the extravagant paintings, a huge sixty-gallon aquarium rested against the wall in the living room, and was filled with all sorts of colourful fish, but from a distance Yuri couldn't tell what kind they were.
“Come on, Kitten, just through here...” JJ said in that same unfamiliar, gentle tone as he led Yuri away from the entryway, through the living room, and towards a narrow hallway that sported four closed doors. Yuri was too exhausted to react to the nickname beyond a small grunt, and leant against JJ to ensure that he wouldn't topple over.
JJ opened the last door in the hall to a space that was so obviously his bedroom that had Yuri been a little more awake, he would have had a sarcastic remark or two to throw at him.
A large king-sized bed sat in the centre against the wall, with a black headboard and navy blue sheets. Matching black side-tables bracketed the bed, and on one of them sat a designer analogue clock, along with a warped novel in French by someone named Michel Houellebecq. The dark blinds were shut, but the sunlight of the day bled through the edges of it, casting the room in a soft, broken glow.
JJ dropped Yuri's bags by the door, and marched the young man to his bed. Yuri's footfalls were muffled by the plush cream carpet on the floor, and did not protest as JJ forced him down, manually peeled him out of his boots, jacket, jeans, hoodie, and T-shirt before he tugged the thick comforter over him.
The bed dipped next to him, and Yuri shivered when he felt JJ spoon around him, his overpriced cologne a strangely comforting smell, despite the fact that it brought up memories of what had brought him here in the first place.
“You smell different,” Otabek mumbled drowsily, but did not open his eyes...
A soft, hiccoughing sob escaped past Yuri's lips before he could stop it, and JJ wrapped an arm around him, holding him gently, but firmly.
“Sleep, Kitten,” JJ murmured, and kissed the top of his bare shoulder. “We'll figure everything out later, I promise.”
Too exhausted to protest, Yuri shut his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
 When Yuri next woke, the first thing he was aware of was that he was not in his own bed.
He blinked hard as he stared at the bedside table where his phone, wallet, and keys had been set, along with a thermos with a yellow post-it affixed to it with the words, drink me, written on it in sharpie, along with a smiley face. Yuri blinked again, the words upon the little piece of paper not really registering, and all at once, everything came flooding back.
Yuri sat up sharply, and his head spun.
Otabek kicked me out.
JJ practically dragged me here.
The two thoughts crammed so close together in his mind made his head hurt, and he reached for the thermos that had been left on the table. It was cold to the touch, but when he flicked open the travel mug's lid spout, a small tendril of smoke curled its way out. Yuri could smell ginger and lemon, and took a tentative sip of the tea. It was good, but strong, and did help to settle his stomach a little.
“Hey, you're awake,” a voice said, and Yuri looked up to see JJ walking in with a smile, a bowl of granola, yoghurt, and fruit—and a black eye.
“What the hell happened to you?” Yuri blurted out, and JJ chuckled again.
“I went to get your stuff. Otabek wasn't very happy to see me,” JJ explained, and Yuri's mouth twitched into a small, amused smile despite himself.
“You idiot,” Yuri said as JJ sat down next to him on the expansive bed, and offered the blond the bowl. Yuri accepted it mechanically, though he didn't feel very hungry. “You should've just let me go and talk to him, then you wouldn't be disfigured.”
“It's a black eye, Kitten,” JJ replied as he stretched out on his back, one arm folded under his head as he grinned at Yuri. “It's not like he cut my hand off.”
Yuri could feel himself going red at the nickname, and shifted his gaze to the bowl in his hands. He prodded at the banana slices and fresh blueberries, then fished out a brazil nut, crunching down on it as he let his mind go blank.
What was he going to do?
The question, as usual, bore no answers, and he decided that it was less confusing to eat than talk with JJ.
“Is it good?” JJ asked suddenly, and Yuri glanced up to see JJ smiling at him in a strange way. It wasn't the usual sultry, mischievous, and sexy grin he was used to seeing when he and JJ were alone together. Instead it was soft and sweet, and decidedly very un-JJ-like.
“Yeah, actually,” Yuri replied, and shifted uncomfortably. Talking so civilly with JJ felt very strange. “Is it one of those ridiculously expensive ones from the health food store?”
“You could say that,” JJ said as he chuckled in a self-serving sort of way. “Cuisine de JJ.”
“Uh, what?”
“I made it,” JJ replied smoothly, and Yuri stared.
“What do you mean bullshit?” JJ asked as he laughed, and Yuri pointed the spoon at him.
“This is way too good to be homemade!” Yuri protested, and that only caused JJ to laugh harder. Yuri felt his face get redder as JJ continued to laugh, and as he sobered up, he leant in to kiss Yuri lightly, which made him turn red for an entirely different reason.
“You're adorable, Kitten,” JJ purred as he stood back up and stretched. “We need to talk about some stuff, so when you've finished eating, get dressed and meet me in the living room.” JJ headed for the door, but paused and glanced back at him. “Oh, and just a suggestion? Hold off looking at your phone until we talk.”
The moment JJ had disappeared into the hall, Yuri snatched up his phone, and stared wide-eyed at the slew of messages and notifications.
 Katsudon – Yurio, what's going on? Viktor told me something about Otabek going on some sort of drunken rant on Twitter, and it's all over the place that you and he broke up because you were cheating?
Viktor – Yurio, what did you do? Otabek is going crazy on Twitter, and a few gossip blogs are going bananas over his drunken rant. What happened?
Mila – Yuri, the PR people are trying to smooth out your boyfriend's crazy rant, but it's getting out of hand fast. What did you do?
Twitter – Otabeka19 – The only thing more evil than @yuri.plisetsky15 is  tequila #hungover (26 more messages...)
Phichit – Yuri, are you okay? Yuuri texted me when he couldn't get hold of you, and your fiancé is really drunk all over Twitter...
 Yuri groaned, and slumped back down in the bed with an audible flump.
 “Based on your sourpuss expression, I'm guessing you looked at your phone?” JJ asked with a small smirk while he eased back against his leather couch. He was holding a tall, narrow glass in his hand, filled with ice and a wedge of lemon, but the way it fizzed was indicative that it was nothing fancier than carbonated water.
Yuri grunted, and plopped down on the opposite end of the couch. The leather creaked under his ass, and at the same moment he heard the soft tinkling of a familiar-sounding bell. His head whipped around, and his jaw dropped open as a familiar ragdoll cat came trotting towards him, his blue eyes wide as he meowed almost continually as he approached, then jumped into Yuri's lap.
“Potya!” Yuri cried, and the cat meowed again as he wrapped his sooty paws around Yuri's wrist, and began to lick his palm.
“Surprised?” JJ asked, and Yuri smiled at him weakly.
“I guess this means I got the kids in the divorce...” Yuri mumbled as he stroked the cat, and he glanced up in time to see JJ abandon his drink and slide across the sofa until their legs were touching. Yuri's breath caught, and he found himself amazed at how a single, simple touch could make him feel like he was on fire.
Otabek's heartbroken face abruptly floated to the surface of his mind, and Yuri cursed as he covered his face with one hand, the other still buried in Potya's fur. A hand fell to the back of his neck, rubbing gently, but it did not console him.
“I shouldn't be here...” Yuri mumbled, and JJ's hand stilled.
“Why not?” he asked, and again, Yuri heard that gentle, unassuming, decidedly un-JJ tone of voice. Yuri glanced up, his eyes misty, and JJ was looking on him with the strangest, most unexpected look in his eyes.
JJ Leroy was concerned for someone who was not JJ.
“Otabek's all alone, and I'm here with you, after I spent a year cheating on him,” Yuri explained as he dropped his gaze to his lap. “Does that seem right to you? I'm like one of those terrible husbands who goes running off with their secretary or something...”
JJ heaved a small sigh and shifted, pulling Yuri gently into his lap while being careful to not dislodge the cat. Potya let out a soft and indignant meow, but otherwise did not move.
“If however Otabek had figured it out hadn't happened, you'd still be there with him now.” JJ murmured in a soft tone that made Yuri shiver, while JJ reached out to gently stroke his hair. “You'd play Happy Families and smile and nod and say, 'yes dear' and pretend like everything is fine just because you didn't want to hurt him, and you'd waste your whole life being with someone you didn't really want to be with. Does that seem right to you?”
“I...I don't know,” Yuri replied uncertainly, and turned to look as JJ, who was grinning at him with a look that was somewhere between the old JJ that he knew and reviled, and this new, more tender JJ that he was meeting for the first time. It was very confusing. “I never wanted to hurt him, I know that much. But...” Yuri cursed when his voice caught. He took a small breath in an effort to compose himself, and continued, “I don't even really understand this thing between us. Otabek and I made sense, we were friends, then lovers...but you and me? We were rivals then fuck buddies and now...what? Some weird halfway point between roommates and boyfriends?”
“Does it have to make sense, Kitten?” JJ asked softly, and the tone of voice made Yuri shiver involuntarily. “We were drawn to each other...maybe a little late, because we both had partners at the time, but...”
“—then we should have had the good sense to stop ourselves,” Yuri tried to protest, but the exclamation escaped him in a weak and uncertain tone of voice. JJ's lips were mere inches from his own, and despite his slightly fucked-up and contradictory set of morals, he wanted to toss them all aside and kiss JJ and never stop.
“Why should we stop ourselves from something that feels so right?” JJ asked, and Yuri sputtered indignantly.
“You are so fucking cheesy,” Yuri muttered, then dragged JJ into a kiss.
Potya meowed indignantly, and leapt from Yuri's lap as JJ rested a hand at the back of Yuri's neck, drawing him closer. Their lips crushed together roughly, tongues tangling together, and Yuri immediately understood what JJ had been saying.
This felt right.
Then why does it feel so wrong?
Yuri pulled back from the kiss, and brought both hands up to his hair. JJ wrapped his arms around Yuri's waist, and pecked a kiss to his cheek.
“Before you decide on anything, Kitten, I'd suggest looking at Otabek's rant that everyone is talking about,” JJ murmured. “He showed his true colours all over Twitter last night, and it wasn't nice. Might help you decide whether or not it was right to let me bring you here.”
“That bad, eh?” Yuri asked, and JJ snorted softly.
“Douchebag does not even begin to cover it,” JJ replied. “You don't have to look at it, but he tagged you in every tweet, and so everyone's talking about it...”
“Yeah, I got that impression from the barrage of texts from everyone,” Yuri muttered as he wiggled his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it. “Okay, let's see the damage...”
Note to self: never date a slut. @yuri.plisetsky15
@yuri.plisetsky15 is the kind of trash that you attract with dark hair and tallness. You don't even need to be a decent human being.
The deepest circle of hell, there is a spot just for @yuri.plisetsky15. Fucking whore, I hate you.
Everyone just line up, @yuri.plisetsky15 is giving out free blow jobs! DM me, I know exactly where to find him.
I swear if I ever see him or his mistress...mister? Again, I will break his face with my fist. @yuri.plisetsky15
One FUCKING year. What kind of whore climbs on another dick while being in a relationship with someone else?Answer: @yuri.plisetsky15
It went on and on, but after the first few, Yuri found that he couldn't read any more. Added to the fact that his unread Direct Messages was twice as high as usual, he felt sickened at what he was reading.
“I fuck up once, and he spends the better part of a six-hour binge calling me a whore?” Yuri paused and winced. “No...this I deserved.”
“No one deserves to be publicly shamed like that, Kitten,” JJ said gently, but firmly, once again in a tone that did not remind Yuri at all of the JJ he thought he knew. “Otabek can call you all the names he wants, but when he does it like that...”
Yuri pressed his cheek against JJ's shoulder, his bottom lip quivering as he tried to hold back his tears.
“I really can't go back, can I?” Yuri asked, and despite his best efforts, a tear dripped onto JJ's shoulder. The older man wrapped his arms more securely around Yuri, and bowed his head a little to kiss Yuri gently.
“Is being here with me really so bad?” JJ teased lightly, and Yuri laughed weakly. “Being with someone you adore, someone so wonderfully talented and handsome and athletic, who can turn you into a babbling puddle of goo with just his tongue?” JJ grinned his obnoxious JJ Style grin, and Yuri rolled his eyes as he laughed again.
“You can stop complimenting yourself anytime,” Yuri suggested, and reached up to touch the man's cheek as he leant in to kiss him lightly. “But it does make me feel better about being here, if that makes sense...”
“I know hearing about me always makes me feel better...” JJ remarked, and Yuri snorted into his shoulder. JJ drew him in for another kiss, then brushed his fingers over Yuri's chin, and forced the blond to meet his gaze. “But seriously...stay as long as you like. I love having you here, and we can tell Twitter right now, or later, or never. It's up to you.”
“Why are you being so...”
“So what?”
“Nice.” Yuri frowned as he said it. He hadn't quite meant it like that, but JJ seemed to understand this and laughed again.
“I'm always nice, Kitten,” JJ said, and tugged him a little closer. “I'm a Canadien, we're practically the poster country for niceness.”
“That's not what I mean,” Yuri replied, and grimaced as he thought of how to best phrase what he was thinking. “I mean, when we would meet or when I'd see you at a competition, you were always hyper and annoying as hell. Now you're all...nice, and stuff.”
“Would you prefer if I was, in your words, annoying as hell?” JJ teased while his hand began to ghost up from Yuri's waist to his thigh, and inched slowly towards his groin. “Do you not like it when I'm nice?”
“I didn't say that,” Yuri said, his voice becoming a little breathy as he felt the hand inch closer and closer to his hardening cock, “it's just...different.”
“Good different or bad different?” JJ asked as he bowed forward to brush a kiss against Yuri's throat, making the younger man moan softly.
“Just different,” he repeated, his tone soft as JJ began to knead his cock through his jeans. He tilted his head back with a small groan, JJ's ministrations, as they often did, turned his brain to goo, and he arched weakly into the touch.
Which, of course, had to be the exact moment when his phone began to buzz.
Yuri groaned, tilting his head back for a moment before he dropped his gaze to the phone, where it read Katsudon.
“It's Yuuri,” Yuri said. “I better answer it, he'll keep calling and calling until I pick up, or assume I'm dead...he's such a fucking pain in the ass...”
“You better see what Mister Silver Medallist wants, then...” JJ teased, his arms still wrapped securely around Yuri's middle as with another soft, frustrated huff, Yuri answered the phone.
“Oh, thank goodness!” Yuuri cried into his ear, and Yuri winced at the high tone in which he spoke.
“Did you think I was dead or something?” Yuri asked dryly, and Yuuri made a noise like he'd stepped on a cat.
“No, of course not, but after Otabek's rant last night, I was worried. Yurio, what happened?”
“You saw his rant in real time, you figure it out—” Yuri replied snidely as he gritted his teeth in annoyance at the nickname, but almost immediately the expression fell away as he gasped sharply when JJ's lips fell to the spot just below his ear, and he began to lick his way down the side of his throat.
“Yurio?” Yuuri asked, “what's wrong?”
“N-nothing, I'm fine. Erm...stubbed my toe.”
JJ chuckled behind him, amused at the feeble lie as he returned to kissing Yuri's throat and massaging his cock through his jeans, which was making it extremely hard to concentrate on what the piggy was saying.
“Are you sure?” Yuuri asked, “you sound kind of funny. Do you want me to drive you to the hospital?”
“What? No! Yuuri, I'm fine. I'm somewhere good...better than with Otabek, at any rate. You can stop your damn mothering any time you like.”
“Where are you?” Yuuri asked, ignoring the reassurances, and Yuri rolled his eyes.
Wouldn't you like to know, Yuri thought as he smirked, and ended the call before switching the phone to silent, and he turned around in JJ arms to kiss him more soundly on the mouth.
Out of the corner of his eye he saw his phone illuminate as Yuuri called back, but this time he ignored it.
A/N: If anyone's curious, Yuri is describing Salvador Dalí's The Persistence of Memory, Vincent Van Gogh's Sunflowers, and Picasso's Guernica.
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rokurookajima · 7 years
once again filling my evening answering questions nobody asked
cherry turnover:  who do you live with? 
i’ve lived by myself for three months now!! it’s cool and there are some things that are really nice about living totally alone like truly never bothering anyone with the shit you’re doing. but im tryna move in with evie soon and we’re hoping to have a place by mid june!!!! we just looked at some today and im jazzed  bananas foster:  do you believe in soul mates?
yes absolutely but like in a specific sense. i don’t believe everyone has like one singular soul mate, and i don’t believe soul mates are exclusively romantic. but i completely believe there are people you’re cosmically supposed to meet, and that sometimes the odds are all against you meeting but you still do, and when you finally meet there is some kind of feeling like you’ve either known each other way longer, or you instantly know they’re going to be so important to you. i think i’ve met more than one soul mate by that definition in my life. one was the guide of a travel group i went on a trip with when i was 16, and i only knew him for a week but we both connected so strong and instantly, and both were clearly affected by it i think we both walked away differently. i’ve never seen him since then and i cried a lot the last day of that trip. but like it definitely wasn’t romantic?? it was just some kind of deep soul connection. i also think you can have friendships that are gonna last forever and those are pretty close to soul mates too. basically i have a lot of very romanticized ideas about people you meet in your life  glazed donut:  would you rather visit a zoo or an aquarium?
prob an aquarium  pumpkin pie:  what were your interests as a child?
i really fuckin loved dinosaurs when i was rlly young, like preschool and kindergarten age. i liked cool rocks a lot too, i had a ton of geodes and crystals and those little stones you could buy at like museum giftshops that i kept in boxes and would just look at all the time. i was rlly obsessed with harry potter when i was like 8 i think that was when i first read the books and there were only five at the time. late childhood (like 4/5th grade) i loved cats on probably a weird level bc wow yeah i was a warrior cats kid, also loved pirates a lot  lemon tart:  how many languages can you speak?
just one unfortunately. i wish i knew a second language but alas  chocolate mousse:  how is your relationship with your parents?
it could probably be better, but i guess it is a lot better than a lot of people my age have. i love my parents but they’re rlly problematic people, and even tho they didn’t mean to, they are the biggest reason i have a lot of the issues i have, and they still do shit that perpetuates it. it’s better in some ways that i don’t live with them now, bc i think some parts of my mental health like my self image are better bc i’m around way more supportive people than them. but also i feel bad bc i don’t make as much of an effort to talk to them as i should since i don’t see them every day. me and my mom have always been pretty close, and i don’t want to lose that. they try sometimes  creme brûlée:  describe your style
american apparel lmao which i can only keep saying for like the next YEAR before that won’t define anything for people. but 4 real a good portion of my wardrobe is from american apparel, and when i shop else ware, it’s still pretty consistent with that style. like very basic cuts and colors of things, only pattern i ever wear is stripes, highwaisted everything, cropped everything. i only wear black white gray and green i am a stereotype  cheesecake:  have you ever visited a sex shop?
lmao yeah more than once. there’s a couple around where i live that i’ve been to a few times, and one in columbus. i’ve never bought anything at one, or gone there with like the intent to purchase stuff. they’re just honestly so funny to walk through and be horrified by the enormous dildos  raspberry sorbet:  favorite clothing stores?
wow i can’t say american apparel anymore im so sad. so uh. i honestly don’t know where im gonna get most of my clothes now. forever 21 and h&m are always good places to find some cheap stuff. i wanna thrift more, but i never seem to have very good luck at finding stuff  green tea ice cream:  who was your first crush?
lmao it was milo thatch from atlantis. but i assume we are talking about a real person that i actually y’know like. could speak to. which was my tumblr boyfriend that i met when i was 17. i met him in a fandom chatroom i ended up in through some other tumblr friends, then kinda started getting some feels when he posted a selfie after we’d already talked in the chat and i was like oh no he’s hot. so wowie a tragic tale of star-crossed lovers  chocolate chip cookie:  how has your life changed over the past year?
i can’t even start to say how much my life has changed over the last year. truly, i don’t think there’s ever been a year in my life that i’ve looked at and been so in awe of how many things happened. but yeah last spring-this spring i went through so many life experiences and firsts and personality changes and struggles and some of the happiest days of my life and by far the fucking worst days of my life. since april last year, i fell in love for the first time, had a real relationship for the first time, became a lot more social, got really close to some of the people i’m now closest to, got high for the first time, lost my virginity, went to big parties, got a lot more social, met a lot of people, saw a lot of new sides of life, questioned a lot of my own beliefs and came to new ones, left the country without my parents, traveled out of state completely by myself, got my heart completely destroyed for the first time, attempted suicide, thought my life would literally not make it to this point, moved out of my house, lived on my own, got stronger, figured some shit out, hooked up with someone at a party, had casual sex for the first time, now i’m hoping to move again in the next few months. i know some of that is like. not actually that exciting, and a lot of it was shit that most people do for the first time in high school, but it was a lot for me. i ended up in a world and lifestyle that i used to write fiction about and romanticize the hell out of, and never thought i’d actually live it first hand. so rlly this last year was fuckin wild for me and in a lot of ways i feel like i’ve aged 60 years, and i’m tired from that much all in one year, but i’m also still kinda naive and clueless so what can u do  berry trifle:  first & last concert you went to?
so wow i don’t go to real concerts. the first was probably some christian band with my family. the last. does the american murder song wake tour count? that was kind of a concert  tapioca pudding:  favorite animated characters?
WOW let me fuckin TELL u my favorite animated characters. number one will always always always be revy from black lagoon. i have never loved a character that much in my life, everything about her is so good. she’s such a goddamn disaster and so well written and complex and so much more than just a typical bad ass female archetype. i love that it’s not just headcanon to read deep into her personality, it’s a huge point of the series. i love that on the surface she is just like. a bad ass with no feeling. then u actually get to the end of the series and she is actually a CHILD inside who is so fuckin insecure and she LOVES ROCK SO MUCH i wanna die. also lust from fullmetal alchemist esp the 2003 anime fuck me ALL THE WAY UP. ed elric, and truly everyone in fullmetal alchemist what a series what a cast of characters.  fudge brownie:  do you like your name?
sometimes. i used to really hate it when i was younger, now it’s changed some. i like still don’t like it when i say it out loud probably bc people 100% of the time think i said cindy and i have to correct them every dang time. but like that i can shorten it to syd which i also used to hate bc toy story (i was a kid ok) but now i like it. there are also those times where people you like say your name and it makes u feel some type of way??? i like it then. so i guess i like it most when other people are saying it u feel me strawberry shortcake:  are you good at keeping secrets?
i mean if it’s my own, absolutely not what the fuck is a secret i am a tragic over sharer about my own shit. but other people’s, yes i’d say so. i feel like a lot of people feel comfortable enough to tell me things they might not tell other people, and i don’t ever feel like it’s a burden to keep a secret y’know?? so it doesn’t like eat at me and make me wanna tell people  tiramisu:  are you daring when it comes to makeup & clothing or do you like to play it safe?
uh i guess somewhere in the middle. like the way i dress isn’t rlly how everyone dresses and i guess in some crowds would be considered pretty different, but i don’t know if its daring bc its not like....that adventurous or out there. esp bc i only wear neutral colors lmao. same with makeup, for the most part, it’s pretty simple but every now and then i like to do something fancier. i feel like the most daring things about me appearance wise are like having a lot of piercings and tattoos??? so y’know make ur daring shit permanent i guess im not that edgy lmao oreo milkshake:  do you sleep a lot?
i feel like i sleep a pretty average amount. i wish i could sleep more bc i’m tired all the time, but way more i wish i could sleep less. i love the idea of being able to just naturally get up early and have so much time in the morning to do shit and enjoy the morning. and i like staying up late. but i’m always tired and even tho i have to get up early most mornings, it’s still a constant struggle and i wish it wasn’t. i’ll sleep pretty late when i get the chance tho
apple crisp:  how do you relax?
guess it depends on what i’m feeling. i like to take baths a lot, or just chill and watch movies and stuff. i love having relaxing hangouts with friends, like just chilling watching movies with people and not needing to do anything else. i wanna do more quote-unquote relaxing stuff, like read and write more, go to yoga classes, shit like that carrot cake:  who is your celeb look alike?
i’ve been told more than once i look like krysten ritter so i will go with her. it’s the bangs macaron:  what is your ethnicity?
white af cinnamon bun:  favorite salty snack?
wow salty snacks are my VICE i love salty shit way more than sweet things. fuck man i love chips of all kinds, i’ve been eating way too many hot cheetos lately, french fries, mcdonalds hash browns, i’m gonna have blood pressure issues from how much i love salt 
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