#I had a kinda exhausting day today but then we sang Daddy Knows Best and Bikini Bottom Boogie. And everything was okay
field-s-of-flowers · 5 months
Does anyone wanna hear me singing Bikini Bottom Boogie
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Sunflower - Harry Styles AU Series (Volume 4)
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The year is 1977 and it’s officially summertime. Y/N is spending it with her family at the Malibu Breeze Hotel, where she meets, aspiring musician, Harry Styles. The two clash in the beginning, but soon realize they may just need each other in the end. Find out just how life changing one summer can be in Sunflower, a Harry Styles AU.
     Here is part 4 of Sunflower. Hope you enjoy it!
  Vol. 1   Vol. 2   Vol. 3 
Word Count: 1.9k
The night of the show at The Soundbooth, I couldn’t sleep, no matter how hard I tried. I tossed and turned under the bedsheets, but my body never once gave in to sleep. The next day, my mind was still racing and adrenaline coursed through my veins from the events the night before. However, I soon realized it wasn’t just from performing on stage, but from who I was performing with. I could deny all I wanted and say that Harry wasn’t attractive or that I didn’t feel butterflies in my stomach or my heart would start to race whenever I was around him, I would be lying.
I was afraid of running into either Jasper or Harry at the resort, so I stayed in my room most of the day. Rehearsals started later that night and I was both excited and anxious to go. After we got off stage last night, no one really talked about what had just happened, not with me at least. Marianne could sense something was up with me, but she didn’t press the issue to try and find out what it was.
Part of me wonders if it’s because she could tell I wanted space or because she couldn’t be bothered with it. I would like to believe it was the former, but our budding relationship is still new, so I couldn’t exactly rule the latter out either. I sighed heading out to the balcony. We had a spectacular view of the beach and ocean. The sound of the waves sounded louder from here, almost as if it were an echo.
I closed my eyes taking in the swoosh of the waves as they crashed along the shore and the breeze against my skin. Once again my thoughts went to Harry and how it felt singing with him. I’ve never sang a duet with someone before, but I still knew that what I felt wasn’t normal or something that happens a lot. The longer I sat there, enjoying the sun kissing my skin, I suddenly got the inspiration to write a song.
Getting up from my chair, I went back into the room to get my guitar and notebook. Very seldom did words and a melody just flow out of me so quickly, but when it did, it became my best song I’ve ever written. And as I spent the rest of the day perfecting it, I knew it without a doubt this was my song, the song that would eventually put me on the map.
By the time rehearsals came around, the high I felt from the show was gone and replaced with nerves. I had stayed in my room all day, accomplishing my goal of not running into Harry, Jasper, or anyone else that may have been at The Soundbooth. Although, looking back at it now as I stood outside the door, I kinda wish I had already gotten the initial meeting over with earlier.
But it was too late now and I just had to make the best of it. I took a deep breath before knocking on the door. I thought we would have been rehearsing in the same building the audition was at, but it ended up being one of the member’s cabins. I wasn’t sure how that would work out though. I figured I probably should finally knock because if anyone was in there waiting for me, they could probably see me anyway. It was already going to be awkward enough, I don’t want to seem like I’m trying to talk myself into knocking on the door even though that’s exactly what I’m doing.
The old, rickety screen door rattled as I tapped my hand against it.
“It’s open!” I heard someone shout from the other side.
I wasn’t sure who the muffled voice belonged to, but if I had to guess it was Jasper. I turned the knob on the door to open it and walk through the main door into the tiny living room. There was an old, burnt orange leather couch taking up the majority of the room, while a few beach chairs and a small coffee table filled the rest.
“Hey,” Jasper said, walking over, beer in hand.
“Sorry, I’m late,” I said, tightening my grip on my guitar case.
“No problem,” He shrugged. “We’re still waiting on Harry to get his ass here. He had  to work a double today.”
Mentally my eyes widened realizing there was no way he had gotten any sleep between the show last night and now.
“So, I didn’t see you round today,” Jasper stated, taking a swig of his beer.
We walked through the cabin, which appeared bigger than I previously thought, but also still too small to have rehearsals in.
“Oh, yeah, I uh, I had some stuff to do. I didn’t get out much today,” I told him as I followed behind.
“Cool,” he shrugged.
We walked back to the small outdoor porch where the rest of the band sat around with guitars and beers in hand. Seeing them in this setting, made them seem more intimidating and made me feel like I didn’t fit in.
“Y/N, hey,” Sarah smiled waving her drum sticks in my direction.
“Hey,” I waved, nodding at the rest of the band.
“You fucking smashed it, last light,” she smiled. “Come sit, want a beer?”
“Um… sure,” I told her as I walked over to join her at the empty seat.
She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly stopped to look behind me. I followed her gaze to see Harry standing there. He looked exhausted, wearing a white tank top with his uniform trousers and his Malibu Breeze shirt in his hands, but he still made my heart race and my stomach flutter with butterflies.
“Nice to see everyone here,” he stated, looking right at me.
“Same here,” Jasper said, throwing Harry a beer, who instantly catches it without a flinch.
“Okay, let’s get down to business shall we?” Jasper asked standing in the front.
Harry sat down beside Mitch and on the opposite side of me. I turned my body to look at Jasper, but I can feel Harry’s gaze on me. I wondered if he’s thinking about what happened last night and if he does, in fact, feel something between us. Wait a minute… what was I saying? That I have feelings for him? There’s no way, I don’t even know him.
But there was something last night. I can’t explain it and I’m afraid to ask him or anyone for an explanation. I glance out of the corner of my eye to look at him, but he quickly adverts his gaze to Jasper and I do the same.
“Last night was one of our best shows in awhile, agreed?” Jasper noted.
I don’t agree, but I do look around to see everyone’s reaction. Everyone’s nodding, but Harry’s looking at me, no, staring right at me.
“Yeah, it was,” Harry said. “And you had a lot to do with it.”
“Oh, I uh, I don’t know about that. Y’all are really great, groovy, I’ve played together for years, I just did one song,” I shrugged, hoping my face wasn’t as red as it felt.
“But that one song was fucking amazing,” Mitch spoke up, causing everyone to turn their heads. “Oh fuck off. I do speak, you know.”
I hold back a smile at that, “Thank you, but I didn’t really do anything… and it’s not like it’s my song either.”
“You made it your own though,” Harry said. “And you had that crowd eating out of your fucking hands…”
I couldn’t tell if he was annoyed with me or paying me a compliment. Either way, I felt my face getting even redder and I really hoped it wasn’t noticeable.
“Look, I uh, I want to thank you for giving me this opportunity I don’t want to fuck things up, I just want to play music,” I tell them.
“Well, now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s get rehearsals started, yeah?” Jasper said.
The rest of rehearsals is more than I could have imagined. We joked around, ate pizza, and messed around on our guitars as I learned more of their songs. I didn’t realize how late it was until I could hear music over the loudspeaker on the other side of the cabin. Apparently, there was a party amongst the staff every night. Jasper, Mitch, and Sarah had already made their way out to join the party, while I cleaned up, putting my guitar back in it’s case.
I had assumed Harry had already left as well, until he appeared right before me.
“You can stay for the party,” he said.
“Oh, um, maybe next time,” I said putting a strand of hair behind my ear and out of my face. “It’s already late, I should get going.”
“Ah, right, parents,” He said.
I wish that weren’t the case. The last thing I needed was to come off like a little kid who still did everything Mommy and Daddy told her to do.
“Something like that,” I mumbled.
“Um… do you mind if I walk you back to the hotel?” He asked.
“Don’t you have a party to get to?” I asked.
“Missing one party isn’t going to kill me,” Harry shrugged.
“Um, sure, then, if you don’t mind,” I said.
“I offered didn’t I?” He asked.
I bit my lip with a nod and he took my guitar case from me. We both left the cabin and the partygoers behind us as we walked along the beach in the moonlight. Neither one of us said anything for a bit, however, it didn’t feel awkward. I still decided to break the silence.
“Thank you for uh… walking with me,” I told him.
“No problem,” he said. “Um.. look the reason I wanted to do this was so I could talk to you about last night.”
“Sorry if I uh... overstepped… it was your show,” I started.
“You didn’t,” he said. “And it turned into our show. You-you have a gift… a talent… and I saw it during your audition, but I heard it… felt it last night.”
“Thank you,” I blushed.
“Y/N, I know I’ve been an ass to you,” he sighed. “I just… I really want this, you know. Music is… the only thing I’m good at, so if this doesn’t work out for me, I don’t know what I would do.”
“I know and I don’t want you to think I would try and jeopardize that for you,” I told him.
“I know you wouldn’t,” he said. “Because I can tell you’re a really cool girl.”
“Thank...you,” I said.
We approached The Malibu Breeze sooner than I would have liked, wondering where our conversation might have gone if we were there just a little bit longer.
“Well, we’re here,” Harry said. “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah, I’ll see you then,” I told him.
He gave me a small smile before turning to head back, “Harry, wait,” I said quickly.
‘Yeah?” He asked looking back.
“You’re not going to join in on the party when you get back are you?” I asked.
“Why?” He asked.
“I don’t know, you uh… just look like you could use a few extra hours of sleep,” I blushed, bringing my hand up to move hair from his face. “Wouldn’t want you to fall asleep on the job, is all.”
He smiled, lighting up the night sky like the moon shining bright on the ocean. “You’re right, I’ll get a good night’s rest, just for you.”
“Promise?” I smirked.
“Promise,” he smiled reaching for my hand to give it a gentle squeeze. “Goodnight, Y/N.”
“Goodnight,” I smiled, standing there for a few moments while I watched him walk back down the beach.
Let me know what you think!!! :) I’m thinking I’m going to do a posting for this every Sunday. 
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maree-ff · 4 years
“Ma…” I dragged my mother's name through vain as she spit questions at me left and right. She’s been on my ass ever since I confided in her about my pregnancy. It’s going on week twenty of my second trimester and life is kicking my ass. Our septic system needs to be replaced and I’m having major construction done to the house so I’m apartment hunting. Jessica offered to let the girls and I stay with her but I can’t. Adding two more children and a third adult into their household is a bit much. Amelia needs one on one attention and I need my personal space. 
I spoke to Andre a few days ago, for thirty seconds and then he promised to call back but never did. Some of our calls get cut short and I get so irrationally sad that I end up crying myself to sleep. I’m losing my mind over Andre’s absence. 
“Camila, stop whining and listen to me. You can be so terca at times. Just like tu papa. Have you asked Divya if you can stay with her?” 
Grunting aloud so she can hear my frustration I dropped the house phone in my lap. Just then I heard my cell phone going off. 
“No, because I found a place this morning. Mira, me tengo que ir, I’ll call you later.” Lying through my teeth I briskly hung up and answered my incoming call. “Hello?” I answered. 
“You have one call from California State Prison. Do you accept the charges?” The machine spoke. 
“I accept.” I said clearly. I listened for that signal to speak, grinning from ear to ear to hear his voice. 
“I am so sorry, love. We had a quarantine and a lockdown at the same time which is why you haven’t heard from me.” He said in a rush. 
“I’m just happy to hear your voice. Are you alright?” I questioned. 
“Yeah baby I’m fine. How are you? Talk to me about everything.” His evenly paced breaths really solidified my peace of mind. 
“Cuánto tiempo tenemos?” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the irony of not having enough time.
“That bad?” He quieted down telling me he’s not in a joking manner. 
“Si. I’m having major work down to the house and I’m looking for a place to rent out for a while. On top of that, Zoe is sick again. This time I’m not sure what she caught and I’m scared to get sick and then pass it to the baby. But she’s been on one for five days now driving Kenny insane.” I explained. 
“I’d give up everything to be taking care of you ladies. I’m sorry you all are going through so much. You’ve been taking it easy I hope.” 
“Andre, sweetie I’m doing the best I can but it’s hard and I’m extremely worn out. These little girls give me a run for my money sometimes but I’ve learned to love that about them. Don’t get me wrong, they are so loving, caring, and kind-hearted but I’m tired.” I do the best I can to not whine to him about how difficult this situation is for me. Today, I can’t. I need to relieve some of this pressure. 
“I can only imagine how this must be affecting you.” The silence that’s brooding between us gives me anxiety. “Camila, I am so sorry for splitting up this family. I will completely understand if you need to hate me. I will understand whatever decision you make regarding this difficult situation I’ve placed our family in. This is my fault.” His apologetic and never wanting to hurt me attitude is why I can’t seem to be upset for too long. 
“You don’t need to apologize, go me. I just want you to know how I’m feeling. I don’t want you to ever question whether or not I can do this. I don’t want you to doubt my abilities as a mother either. There’s so much to adjust to. We miss you so much and I never want you to forget that.” Needing a deep breath in, I stood up and walked around the room. My sights fanned out over my belly, analyzing the growth of it. 
“How far along are you?” He asked. 
“Twenty weeks, second trimester. The baby has gotten so big. Zoe keeps addressing the baby as “he” because she’s confident that we have a boy coming into the family. I kinda feel like that too. Everyone else is thinking it’s a girl but I’m siding with Zoe all the way.” Talking about the baby gives me mixed feelings. There are times when I’m welcoming of the fact and other times I would trade the baby for Dre. 
We can create life together as long as we’d like to but I can’t replace him. I just can’t. 
“When are you coming back to see me?” I know for a fact this man has some sort of smile or smirk on his face. 
“Whenever you want us too.” Our tones of voice indicate that he and I are on the same page. 
He then says, “Tuesday, come visit on Tuesday. So...what’s the plan for today?” 
I buzzed around again getting ready for the moving truck to come. “Packing up the small stuff and bringing it to our new place. I’ll show you pictures don’t worry. You should talk to the girls before you have to go..” covering the mouthpiece I called out for Kenja and Zoe. 
Walking to the living room I found them sound asleep. Feet touching as usual. 
“Camila, what's wrong?” Andre panicked. 
Holding the phone up to my face again I smiled gently and said, “..nothing is wrong.  The girls are knocked out on the couch. They look so cute. Damn, I wish they were up right now.”
Andre and I talked for a wholesome twenty-five minutes. The downside to this call is that I didn’t get to say ‘I love you too’ before the call dropped. The act triggered me and sent me into a frenzy. Lucky for me, my mom, dad, Dani and Matt came over. Not only to help me with the girls but also to help with the move. 
Going to get the girls up and ready I attempted to get Zoe up first since she’s the lightest sleeper of us all. 
“Levántate ya sweet pea, we have to move today.” Kissing her hairline I turned her over as she began to wake up. 
“Mom, you talk to daddy? Yes?” She spit out without hesitation. 
“Yes I talked to him. He loves you and he can’t wait to see you and your sister. Did you have a good nap mi amor?” Wiping the drool off of her cheek I moved over to Kenja knowing this would be a tad more difficult. “Come on nena, levántate ya por favor.”
Kenja began to squirm and ultimately frowned at me once she had her eyes fully opened up. “Eres muy ruidoso, mom!” She exclaimed. 
“Cuidado, Evelyn. We don’t have time for this now, get up and get moving. Ahora.” Following behind and guiding them to their rooms, I got them ready together. By the time I finished with the girls the trucks had arrived. I traded places with my mom so she could get the girls into her car while I stand aside to supervise everything. 
——— ———
“Urgh my goodness, my body hurts so much. This poor baby has been going at my back relentlessly for hours.” Working through the knot in my lower back I ran my free hand across my belly. 
My mom stopped fanning herself to stare at me. 
 “Ay! Que estás mirando?” 
“You’re acknowledging my grandchild again. Some days I fear you have evil thoughts about this bundle of joy because Andre is not present. I see the way you look at yourself in the mirror and ay bendito it makes me so sad. But this is your baby and your body. I just don’t want you to forget, usted tiene ayuda Camila.” 
My mom prayed over the baby and I, and quietly exited the room. “Tienen hambre nenas?” She joyously sang. 
Rising from the bed I walked to the window, drawing the shades up. The view from this floor is breathtaking. I haven’t seen this type of view in a while. Watching the city below seems slowed down and so far away. 
“You’d love this place..” I whispered aloud. Gliding both palms over my belly I thought about our last visitation. I dreamt of the last night Andre romanced me and ultimately impregnated me. This baby is so much more special than I gave him or her credit for. My fears and anxiety have pushed me too far. Our child is a blessing through the turmoil. I need this baby as a symbol for hope and love. 
This bundle of joy and innocence deserves some attention and care. I could never imagine allowing Andre to discover the evil thoughts I’ve dreamt up like my mom mentioned. 
“I love you so much and I’m so sorry for not treating you better. This is a very difficult time for our familia pero it’s no excuse for my love..” looking down at my baby bump I smiled at the sight of my bare skin housing my unborn baby. “I’ll get myself together and take care of you the way you deserve. Con amor y respeto.” 
“Mommy, Papi is calling! Come on!” Kenja and Zoe yelled, blending their voices together. 
Hurrying out of the room I leveled out my tank top and threw my hands up. “Nenas, we can’t be as loud as we used to be at the house okay? This place is much smaller and we have neighbors close by.” I informed them. 
“Okay, we’re sorry. Talk to daddy.” Zoe shoved the phone to my ear where I could hear Andre speaking but to someone else. 
“I’m here baby. Listen I’m so sorry for the noise but these n diggas won’t leave me the fuck alone. How are you? How was the move?” He quizzed. 
“It went good. I’m more exhausted now than I was earlier but I can’t complain about much else. I love you papa but I want you to talk to the girls since you weren’t able to earlier.” I listened to his return of adoration and affection, handing my phone back to the girls. “Ma, you’re more than welcome to stay.” I said, meeting her in the kitchen. 
She smirks and giggles knowing damn well I need her to stay with us tonight. “You can count on that. What are we cooking?” 
Rubbing my belly again just to hear my mother laugh I laid out all of my plans for dinner and dessert. Our first night in this condo will be an adjustment as will the remainder of our time here. 
Mom and I watched the girls load up on two full portions of dinner, still crying for more. After our familial debate my mom volunteered to bathe the kids while I put the remainder of the food away and cleaned the kitchen. 
“Nana, can you stay and help mom? She won’t rest. And she’s super tired.” I heard Zoe say over the sound of Kenja laughing and splashing around in the tub. 
Quietly I set the pots and pans down to hone in on their little talk. Wiping my hands dry, I inched closer to the doorway of their bedroom. 
“Of course I will nena. I’m here to help mommy and you girls as long as I need to. That’s what I’m here for.” My mom said, smiling through her words I can tell. 
“I miss daddy..” Kenja settled down and finally spoke up. My heart split down the middle at her confession. Her speaking on her father’s absence sounds different then the other ‘i miss him’ confessions. 
“Yo sé mamita. I miss him también y I know mom does too. Your dad being gone is difficult on us all. And I’m sure that you girls have questions about why he’s gone and when he will be home..si?” The hope and serenity in my moms voice gives me hope that this tough time will get easier. Or at least we will all come to terms with Andre being away and make the best out of our unfortunate situation. 
“Yes.” The girls said together. “When will he come home? He has to care for mommy and baby brother before it’s too late!” Kenja exclaimed. 
“Ay, tranquila Evelyn. It’s late and that’s no way to speak to tu abuelita. I know and mom knows how much you girls miss your dad. We have to be patient and stay positive. I need you both to be supportive of your mom and tu papa. Don’t give mom a hard time ok? Take it easy on her. With your baby brother or sister still baking, your mom needs you both to take care of her. Come on, let’s get dressed for bed now.” 
Leaning back against the wall I looked around our temporary living quarters in amazement. I never thought in my wildest dreams that I would be stepping back into the shoes of being a solo parent. I have this urge to cry but I feel selfish for even wanting to. Deciding against being emotional I forced my way back to the dishes to finish up here for the night. 
Once I had my own bath taken and I got dressed for bed I stretched out. The echoes of silence in this room and the loneliness of laying in bed alone is still foreign. I hope I don’t get used to this but I’m afraid I may have to. Turning over to face away from the window I snuggled the body pillow covered by Andre’s favorite sweatshirt. 
I miss the tips of his fingers massaging my scalp. I miss his natural body heat to keep me warm throughout the night. I miss the combination of his soap and the girls knocking me into a blissful sleep. I close my eyes to reminisce on the sound of him speaking softly into my ear about his innermost thoughts. A slight grin bestowed upon my face pretending to feel his lips on my skin, melting me to the core. 
“I pray that you’re alright my love. And I pray that you miss me nearly as much as I miss you.” I muttered to myself. Clutching the pillow a bit tighter I tuned out the rainfall and the scary images in mind to dream of our reunion. 
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Headcanons #2
Can you do another Irene/Seulgi/Joohyun?The first one was a banger, bro.👌
First of all, Irene and Joohyun love taking care of their princess
Anything she needs, she gets
Seulgi is the most spoiled princess ever
Or at least she would be, if she wasn’t who she was
All Seulgi cares about is making sure she was a good girl, and that her mommies never had a reason to punish her
They found reasons anyways, just so they could have fun with their baby
Seulgi’s only flaw is that she thinks too much about being a good girl, to the point where she ends up misbehaving
The twins feel really bad about it sometimes, since they’re both kinda scatterbrained
If they end up forgetting something, Seulgi automatically blames it on herself, and it takes a long time for Irene and Joohyun to convince her she didn’t do anything wrong
Would you please write an exid smut with dom!solji? Preferably lesol but you can choose the pairing if that doesnt work. Thank you!
Solji isn’t the kind of dom most would think her to be
With her mostly happy disposition, you’d think she was either a harsh sadist or not a dom at all
Instead, she’s the kind of dom that can make you feel guilty as hell about misbehaving with nothing but a look
LE’s the kind of person that isn’t normally a sub
Hell, she’s not even a switch
But when she’s with Solji, she can’t be anything else
She surrenders to Solji in an instant, laying back and letting her have her way
When Solji isn’t there, LE is the badass rapper we all know and love, but the moment Solji steps into the room, she transforms into a whiny lapdog
Behind closed doors, Solji likes to take LE and tie her to the bed, teasing her for hours before she finally takes mercy
By the end of it all LE’s whining and whimpering and can’t even remember her own name
As an experiment, Solji slips a collar around LE’s throat one time, and realizes LE likes it a lot more than she thought she would when she comes explosively with a scream
After that it’s hard to find LE without her collar on, even when Solji isn’t there
can i request sugarmommy!jihyo and babygirl!dahyun, please?
Jihyo owns the office building Dahyun interns at, and for a while, that was all there was between them
One day Dahyun is informed that her rent is going up, and when that was added to her student loans and the debt her father left her with, she realized there was no way she’d be able to afford enough food to stay alive
Swallowing her pride, she goes to the CEO in her best clothes with a resume and cover letter and begs for a job
Jihyo informs her that there aren’t any positions open, and Dahyun almost cries, before something she’d only ever read about pops into her mind, and she realizes it might be the answer to her problems
She’s already at rock bottom, she had nothing to lose
Proposing the idea to Jihyo, she’s surprised that the CEO accepts
At first Jihyo doesn’t ask for much besides her company, but Dahyun realizes the amount she receives is affected by how far they go
She still has some pride, so she doesn’t go further than kissing for a long time
When she and Jihyo finally grow closer, she decides that it’s not about the money anymore, and let’s Jihyo have her way with her
She cries when her ‘allowance’ goes up, convincing herself that Jihyo is only interested in her because she’s paying Dahyun for sex
It’s only when she calls herself a prostitute in Jihyo’s presence that the mistake gets addressed
Their relationship changes, but the biggest difference is Jihyo’s title changing from Sugar Mommy to girlfriend
hi, hope your days going well! can I request some nsfw viseul? love your page!
First of all, despite what it seems like, Vivi is definitely the “mother” of that relationship
She does her best to look after Haseul and provide for her, being the most supportive girlfriend ever
Most of the time they're soft as hell for each other, but every once in a while, Haseul decides she wants to be a bit bratty that day
And things get steamy
As supportive as Vivi is, she's just as strict
She does not approve of any rule breaking, even if it's just playful, and will always punish Haseul the moment she steps out of line
Haseul has long since figured out she's a low-key masochist, so the punishments aren't much of a deterrent
Vivi's favorite method is good ole fashioned spanking, but she occasionally strays to more exotic forms
Haseul is a big fan of shibari, even with the denial that goes along with it
Vivi was surprisingly into cockwarming
The sight of Haseul squirming on her lap, the long strap on nearly fully sheathed inside her, was almost too much to bear
Since we’re talking about girls being called daddy here, would it be okay to ask for Daddy!Seulgi and Babygirl!Yeri? Maybe something about Yeri cockwarming Daddy!Seulgi’s strap and being all super cute and whiny about it?
could you please write mommy!irene and daddy!seulgi with babygirl!wendy
i really, really love your works omg... maybe can i request a yermseul one? these two have been so close lately and we know the biggest crush yeri have on seulgi. So maybe a jealous!seulgi x yeri???
hello! do you have any yerene headcanons?? could you please say some of them please?
I can see a lot of you are on the same train of thought. I've decided to combine these asks, since they're pretty similar. Mommy Irene, Daddy Seulgi, babygirls Wendy and Yeri. I'm not sure where Joy would fit in. Maybe Yeri and Wendy's friend that Irene and Seulgi want to bring into their dynamic? Anyone has any thoughts, let me know, alright? So in this au, Seulgi and Irene are married. They seduced Yeri, an intern at Seulgi's firm. Yeri moved in with them and became their babygirl, never having to worry about a thing besides her schooling. Eventually she learned that her best friend, Wendy, was going through some financial troubles and persuaded Irene and Seulgi into letting her join them.
Yeri's been spending too much time with Irene lately, and not enough with her
At least, that's what Seulgi thinks
She watches as her lovely wife dances around the kitchen, tickling Wendy and peppering Yeri's face with kisses
It was a scene that she loved to come home to, their happy laughter washing away her stress and calming her down
That doesn't stop the dark pit of jealousy in her
She knew she was jealous, and she knew she really had nothing to worry about, but she couldn't stop herself from doing something about it
That evening, while she worked on the dishes with her baby, she set her plan to work
Unzipping her trousers, she pulled out the strap she had hidden and slipped it up the back of Yeri's skirt
Yeri froze, glancing over her shoulder and whimpering at the sight of Seulgi's scowl
Without a word, she slipped Yeri's panties to the side and sank into her, burying the strap in her lithe body
Yeri sighs out a weak “daddy…” as it enters her, but quickly realizes Seulgi's plan when she doesn't start to move
She whimpers, making Seulgi chuckle
“Such a good little slut, taking daddy so well. No moving, baby, I want you to feel me.”
She makes Yeri continue with the dishes, whispering filth in her ears the whole while, rubbing her sides and nibbling at her neck
Yeri can barely stand, but she keeps going, unwilling to be punished
By the time she finishes, Yeri's bent over the counter, desperately trying not to come
Seulgi, pulls out and turns to leave, just to be an ass, only to see Irene sitting at the table with Wendy in her lap, gently making their other baby come on her fingers
She has a dangerous look in her eye as she stares at Seulgi challengingly
“Don't let us stop you. Weren't you just about to finish?”
Seulgi grumbles, her plan ruined, but follows her wife's order, kneeling on the tile and hiking Yeri's skirt up to her hips
Yeri is squirming on her tongue in an instant, gasping for air as Seulgi pulls out every trick she knows
Irene watches smugly, kissing all over Wendy's face and neck
Wendy is trembling, but she lets Irene do as she pleases, too trusting to put up even the smallest bit of resistance
Irene cherishes that trust, doing her absolute best to make sure that all her girls are taken care of and happy, satisfying herself with their comfort
They manage to make Yeri and Wendy come at the same time, their babies collapsing bonelessly in the wake
They bring them to the master bedroom, the bed tere large enough to easily contain them all
They fall asleep together, content in the presence of their loves
hey, u write for momoland?
I do, as long as it doesn't involve Nancy.
Can you make a mihyo story for me? They're my favorite ship in twice. ^^
Jihyo was tired
It had been a long day at work, her boss yelling at her a total of five times (a new record)
All she wanted was to sleep
Instead, as she opened the door to her apartment she noticed an extra pair of shoes on the mat, shoes that she knew very well, considering she had bought them
Her bad mood vanished instantly, replaced with excitement as she rushed into the kitchen
Her girlfriend was there, dancing like a feather as she sang along with the radio
She paused in front of the stove, and Jihyo sighed happily at the sight of Mina's happy smile
Mina heard her, twirling over to her to wrap her arms around Jihyo's neck and plant a soft kiss on her lips, both of them smiling too much to kiss properly
“I thought you were in Japan, how are you here?”
Mina reveals that she managed to finish up a few days early and came back to surprise Jihyo
They eat cuddled up close, neither having room to use their utensils properly, but neither particularly cared, content in being close after a week of being apart
After finishing up and cleaning the dishes, they go to bed
They're both exhausted, but neither can fall asleep, letting out sleepy giggles and giving each other little kisses
“You have no idea how much I needed this today. I love you so much, baby…”
Mina chuckles, her eyes fluttering closed
“Mmm...love you too…”
can we get a teacher! momo and student! dahyun au/fic with subby dahyun): she baby
It's Dahyun's first year in university
She's nervous, she doesn't know anyone, she's away from home
It makes sense that she'd latch on to the pretty dance professor that's so nice to her
Even when she starts to make friends and go out more, she'll always choose Momo over any other plans, obviously infatuated
Despite what people say, Momo isn't stupid, nor does she take unnecessary risks
She explains to Dahyun that nothing can happen between them, since she's a student
Dahyun agrees, but doesn't change, continuing to prioritize Momo
When she finally graduates, she asks Momo out - impressed by her dedication, Momo agrees
Unsurprisingly, Dahyun likes to role play
Specifically, professor and naughty student
Momo isn't as into it, mostly just going along with it to make Dahyun happy, but she still has fun
Dahyun loves it when Momo brings her to functions
She likes to hang off Momo's arm, showing herself off as Momo's pretty little plaything
She's quite smart, but she likes to pretend to be vapid eye candy
Mommy!Yves taking care of sick Baby!Chuu? Super fluffy please?
Jiwoo doesn't get sick often, which is good, because when she does she can't really do anything for herself, she she really doesn't want to scare off Sooyoung
Sooyoung is always composed and serious, and Jiwoo is always trying to make herself more mature so Sooyoung doesn't get annoyed with her, so seeing her the way she gets when she's sick would probably make her break up with her
Unfortunately, she got sick
Even worse, it was a day that Sooyoung was supposed to come over to help her with her coursework, and Jiwoo had completely forgotten about it
Sooyoung let herself in with the key Jiwoo had given her
She found Jiwoo wrapped up in a blanket, sniffling, staring at her water bottle
Jiwoo is unresponsive until Sooyoung confusedly hands her her drink, brow furrowed as Jiwoo perks up immediately
Sooyoung puts on cartoons for her, doing her best to help her with everything she needs as she tries to figure out what's going on
She only finds out when Jiwoo tells her the next day
To Jiwoo's surprise, Sooyoung doesn't leave
She enjoyed taking care of Jiwoo, and didn't find Jiwoo's regression all that weird
After that, Jiwoo starts to be herself more, and finds that Sooyoung is actually a lot warmer to her when she's acting less mature
She liked to take care of Jiwoo, and since Jiwoo liked to be taken care of, it works out perfectly
im still thinking about seolbo relationship in pretty girl  more seolbo plz
Seola is the strictest dom ever
It's rare for her to be lax about anything, but when she is, Bona takes advantage of it immediately
She likes to tease Seola, which almost always leads to her being bent over and punished, wherever they are
Despite that, Seola takes care of her girl
Whenever Bona feels down, Seola is always there to cheer her up and make her feel better
Bona can never hide when she's feeling down, not from Seola
She knows her too well
Instead of trying to hide it anymore, she just goes to Seola, quietly sidling up to her in the middle of whatever she's doing and pressing her head against her, waiting patiently for Seola to finish up and pull her into her arms
They never have any of those sugary sweet moments that so many other couple have, but they don't need to
They know they love each other, and they're quietly content with that
hi! i love your headcanons and writing. if you’re okay with it and/or ever have time, would sunmi/yves be something you’d consider writing for?
Sunmi and Yves are rival CEOs for modelling company, constantly battling for photo shoots and cfs
Whenever they're seen in public together, they're either glaring at each other or passive aggressively bragging and trying to one up each other
In private, however…
Up against walls, against windows, over counters, over the back of the couch, against the door, even in the middle of the floor
They're constantly doing their best to wreck the other, fucking each other into next week
Neither of them bottoms or tops, instead turning it into a battle to see who can make the other beg
Eventually, it becomes normal to wake up next to each other, make each other breakfast, even start to find themselves thinking about each other
It takes them a long time to realize they don't actually hate each other
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
Life as we know it (11)
Sebastian Stan x Reader
Summary: As your best friends passed away due an car accident You and Sebastian Stan become the God Parents and Caregivers of the little Baby.
This Part: It has been months since Sebastian moved out, now you try your best to life the live of a single-mom when someone is suddenly changing their mind...
Warnings: fluff, angst, heartbreak, disappointment and being tired of everything lmao
A/N: The next part is the last last part!!
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<<Previous Part
It has been months since Sebastian is gone. He made a agreement with you when he can have Sophie. You weren’t fond of it that he just took her all the way to seattle and bring her back like just two days after. Obviously he wanted to spend time with her but that wasn’t right in any way. He stills tried to talk to you when he is in New york but you would cut it short. A thousands voicemails, texts and calls are taking hostage of your phone and never once you listened to them. At the end you were one second away from just packing your stuff and fly over to him but then again he left and didn’t choose you or Sophie, what you don’t really wanted but maybe at least he could have come back, change his schedule to talk with you about it before jumping into this. Both of you had a baby now and certainly you weren’t in a situation anymore where you could do it without thinking twice.
A week after Sebastian left you laid once again with Sophie in your bed who just got as much sleep as you did.
“Mama..” she would always mumble between sobs and soft cries but that night she said the word that you really didn’t wanted her to say at least not in that moment.
“Daddy..” you remembered her crying loudly, not letting you touch her. You knew that she missed him as much as you did when not even more. It hurt you to see her in that state while not being able to help her. You thought about calling him that night that he could talk to her instead so you did it but he didn't pick up after your first five calls so you let it be. After that night you kinda figured out that he choose the job and maybe even you thought about the life as a single mom, something you didn't thought about since you adopted her.
Eventually she would fall asleep with the bear she got from Seb well and you did instead of following the urge of drinking or crying yourself to sleep jumped back into your business and started to take bigger steps over the next time. The constructions finally finished and the shop was booming just as you always wished it would be. You told yourself in the few minutes a day to think outside of your career that you just had to let him go. The way he kissed you, the way he smelled always like vanilla or the way he looked at you. Sadly letting go someone that attached himself onto your life wasn’t that easy. The last  two month he didn’t came back and he already told you that he would make it this time to pick Sophie up but he already said that before so your hopes are not really high for his return this time.
Not even he emailed you himself it was his assistant. You got it that he worked hard and had barely time but really? his assistant texted you when “Mr.Stan would have time” which made this even more ridiculous.
It would be Sophie’s second birthday in two days and you weren’t even up for a party but that was not about you so you didn’t have much choice. It was her day so why not do a little one at least. You managed to cook more than you think you need or anyone could ever eat, decorated the house a little bit and the guests would come any second. Sophie was always running after you and even helped you to decorate her birthday cake, luckily without a big mess.
The house quickly filled with friends and neighbors and soon after you sang with Sophie in your lap and everyone around you loudly “happy birthday” to the not so little girl in your arms. Just last year you sat there with Sebastian, Allison and Peter. How things have changed you thought yourself while trying to look as happy as you could be.
“Hey (Y/N) where is Sebastian?” one of your neighbors asked you and that was not the first time you answered that already. They knew it probably anyway already when Seb came to pick Sophie up or when you had a slight disagreement.
“He had to work today..comes back a little later” you lied and tried to smile as nice as possible.
“Really? I haven’t seen him the past days much.” She said and smirked at you which annoyed you even more then her personality.
“Well he works pretty long and mostly stays in when he doesn’t have to work” you told her while trying to pick up a few dishes here and there.
“What about a few months ago when he carried a few boxes into a moving truck?”
You tried to stay calm but the weird way she was talking to you with that disgusting smug smirk on her face there was no way to stay calm. You let the dishes drop on the counter with a loud clunk and turned to her.
“What about it isn’t your business KAREN?” you said and she sprung back surprised.
Everyone was looking at you and there was this uncomfortable silent in the room. Shortly after everyone began to say their goodbyes and left. Exhausted you looked with Sophie who was still playing with her presents on the floor around the room. You had to work tomorrow and the house looked like a bomb exploded there. It was not even a big party and there weren’t much kids either but still everywhere laid wrapping paper. The desk was still full with dishes. All the decorations was torn up and the food looked really messed up.
You cleaned most of it the next day and Sophie began to trying to help as much as she could. You gave her a small dustpan and she just giggled and ran around the living room, trying to do what you did. Suddenly the doorbell rang and you laid the the broom to the side for a moment.
You opened the door and swept a few hair strands out of your face and thought that it would be Karen who wanted to ask some more questions but no it wasn’t her.
In shocked you looked up to the once familiar face.
“Hey (Y/N)...” Sebastian said with sorrow in his voice. In his hands where a large bouquet of Wildflowers and in the other a little teddy bear.
"What do you want Sebastian? Your assistant said you would be here for the weekend." You replied with firm voice and folded your arms over your chest. Sophie was luckily still occupied with the wrapping paper that you heard rustling in the kitchen.
"It's Sophie's birthday and-" he began to say but cut him off, not wanting to hear the rest. It would be probably the same speech then last time.
"It was yesterday!" you told him disappointed at least you tried to. It was harder than you thought a he was looking at you like a lost puppy each time.
"Yeah.. I took the last flight that got here and can we just talk?" he asked you and handed you the flowers which where oddly enough your favorite flowers and you never told him that you thought and laid them on the desk besides the door.
"-for Sophie he added" and with the small smile on your face disappeared again. Sebastian obviously noticed his stupid move he just pulled.
"and for you!" he tried to say and caught the door with his foot before you would have smashed it in his face.
"You can go now Sebastian. I don't wanna see you again." You said kicking his foot away and slamming the door shut while turning around to make your way back to Sophie.
"I AM GONNA STAY HERE UNTIL YOU TALK WITH ME" You heard him yell loudly in front of the door as you continued to clean up.
Never once you would thought that he meant this deadly serious but you did also so let's see who can last longer...
Last part>>
Feedback appreciated
xoxo Sophie
Taglist(Those with strike through didn’t work sorry!)
@void-imaginations / @kawaiispacepriincess / @contagious-smile69 / @butifulsoul125 / @selenasoftly / @cutebaby99 / @alina-barnes / @emilieklemloenn / @impalatobakerstreet / @ultrasilentwhispers / @pao-prazz / @mimaligrl / @severuined / @be-amaziing / @kindnesswins / @mkd-215 / @torntaltos / @randomwrittenpages / @yoongiisscary / @dishwasher-safety / @unknownqueen1 / @bitchsike1 / @haru-ririchiyo / @dashlilymark / @escapetheshackles / @yknott81 / @thisismysecrethappyplace / @buckybarnesappreciationsociety
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