insomniacandtired · 5 years
Namjoo gasped for air, her hair falling around her face. She felt like she was shaking like a leaf. Every cell in her body was singing with pleasure and pain, and her head was spinning like a top.
She felt a foot touching her chest. Opening her eyes, she realized she couldn’t focus, gazing down at the slender leg. She didn’t know what possessed her to lean down and kiss the soft flesh. All she could feel in the moments following was the foot kicking her back. The pain of the welts on her ass and back flared up as she hit the floor.
“Did I give you permission to touch me?” Naeun murmured, her voice deadly, straight sin. “Answer me, little one.”
Namjoo knew better than to speak without permission. All she did was shake her head, dropping her face back down so she wouldn’t accidentally offend her mistress. She never knew what was going to set her off at any time.
Naeun seemed to be placated, standing up from her chair and striding over to where Namjoo lay. She placed the sole of her foot on Namjoo’s stomach, pressing down softly. Namjoo let out a whimper, but cut herself off as soon as she realized she was doing it. Naeun pressed down a little harder, making Namjoo bite her tongue to keep from making noise.
“Tell me, little one.”
Namjoo let out a heavy breath, daring to look up at her. “I…I have to pee, mistress.”
Naeun laughed, mocking and cruel, and jerked her foot, making Namjoo flinch. “And why should I care, little one?”
She whined, squeaking every time Naeun moved. Her heel was pressing down directly on Namjoo’s bladder, and she knew she wasn’t going to be able to hold on any longer. She didn’t know how she’d be able to live if she made a mess in her boss’ office.
There came a knock at the door, and Namjoo let out a relieved gasp. Naeun kept staring at her, though, and Namjoo could feel her eyes filling with tears for every moment she didn’t react.
Finally, she lifted her foot away. “Get under the desk, little one. Not a peep.”
Namjoo nodded quickly, rushing over to the Naeun’s desk even as her mistress called out to enter. She only barely made it behind cover when the door opened. She could feel her heart just about beating out of her chest.
She recognized Eunji’s voice, accompanied by the sharp clicking of heels. “CEO-nim, you requested these? Why did you want physical copies?”
“Ah, sorry for taking up your time, Eunji-ssi. My printer broke again, so it was just easier to just have you bring them over. If you’d wait just a moment, I’ll have these signed so you can go.”
Namjoo watched as her boss took a seat in the chair in front of her, wheeling in close to the desk so Namjoo was pressed up against her knees. Namjoo could see straight up her skirt, and she could feel her mouth start to water at the sight of her bare crotch. She glanced up to see Naeun looking down at her, one brow raised expectantly. She looked back to her thighs, only to feel Naeun’s leg hook over her shoulder.
With shaky breaths, Namjoo leaned forwards, feeling her head go light as the scent surrounded her. Her jaw trembled, shivers running down her spine as nerves overtook her.
She let her eyes fall shut as she pressed her lips to Naeun. She tasted sweet, but almost citrus-y at the same time. It was something Namjoo couldn’t help but feel addicted to, craving a taste almost every day. Naeun knew about that, obviously, and thus never let her eat her out, saving it for special occasions.
Her tongue ghosted over Naeun’s clit, and she felt her thighs tighten around her head. Naeun kept her conversations with Eunji going strong, though. There wasn’t even a hitch in her breath.
Namjoo furrowed her brow in a mix of annoyance and petty determination. Even though she knew she wasn’t going to get away with this, even though she knew she was going to be punished, she wanted a reaction. She wanted to embarrass Naeun, at least once. Just once.
Gathering up her nerves, Namjoo dove in, stretching her tongue to try and reach every spot she knew of that drove Naeun wild, while at the same time scraping her teeth over her mistress’ clit. It succeeded in getting the reaction she wanted. Naeun jerked harshly, banging her knee against the underside of the desk. Namjoo heard her trying to explain away the movement, which only drove her to further her attempts. It only continued until Naeun’s hand harshly gripped her hair, pulling her away from her prize. Namjoo pouted, but she knew it was deserved.
Naeun kept her in place until Eunji was safely out of the office. It was only then that Naeun stood, dragging her out with her.
Staring straight into Naeun’s eyes, Namjoo was fully surprised by the harsh slap on her ass, aggravating the irritated flesh again. She let out a yelp, which only made Naeun slap her again.
“Were you trying to embarrass me, little one?” Naeun asked, a soft smile on her lips. Namjoo knew better than to trust that smile, but she knew lying was worse than telling the truth. She nodded, but didn’t back down. It made Naeun make a small noise of surprise, as if shocked Namjoo would stand up to her.
Without another word, she backed Namjoo up to the desk, pressing her firmly against the wood. She placed a palm on Namjoo’s lower abdomen, and Namjoo’s heart almost stopped as she realized Naeun’s plan.
She started to quickly shake her head, but it was too late. Naeun was already pressing down on her bladder, and she didn’t stop until Namjoo felt the warm liquid trailing down her thighs. Namjoo silently sobbed in shame, along with more than a little humiliation as she felt how aroused the act made her.
When it finally stopped, Naeun grabbed Namjoo’s shoulders, slowly forcing her down until she was kneeling in the puddle of her own filth. Silent tears were slipping down her cheeks, but she resolutely stared up at her mistress, determined not to break down.
Naeun stepped back, bracing herself against the wall and lifting her foot to Namjoo’s face. “Clean yourself up, little one.”
As Namjoo started to hesitantly lap at her toes, Naeun smiled. “There’s a good girl…”
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
“Where’s my little baby?”
There was a rustling under the covers for a second before Hayoung’s head popped out, a bright grin on her face and her hair an absolute mess. A hand entered the frame from the side to try and smooth it out, only to be halted by Hayoung kissing the closest finger. Hayoung burst into peals of excited giggles as the camera jerked back.
“Eww! Baby cooties!”
The hand was quickly wiped against the blanket, and the shaking of the camera almost made it impossible to see Hayoung rolling around in tears, laughing. Everything eventually stilled, with Hayoung cuddling with one of the massive pillows, the hand resting on her waist. It stroked her side for a moment before slipping under the fabric of her shirt, caressing the soft skin of her hips. Hayoung’s eyes were huge and bright, almost sparkling in the lamplight.
“Who do you love?”
Hayoung hummed, her smile softening with affection. “You, unnie…”
“Mmhmm, and who loves you most in the whole wide world?”
She giggled, reaching out to bat at the hand on her waist. “You, unnie!”
The camera got closer and closer, until it was pushed to the side, and all that was heard was the sound of soft, loving kisses.
Hayoung blinked the tears out of her eyes, silently stopping the video and turning her phone off. She rolled onto her back, staring up at the dark ceiling. The lamps were long gone, and the glass cover of the light had broken. She didn’t have the motivation to fix it.
The rest of the room was in the same state. The shelves, once filled with knick-knacks and little treasures – memories – were empty, filled instead with dust. The quilt she had loved to roll herself up in was gone, and so were the huge pillows, perfect for cuddling. Really, there wasn’t much in the room anymore besides the bed.
She didn’t have the heart to try and fill it.
Unable to just lie there and wallow in the memories, she rolled back over, turning her phone back on. She opened another video randomly, hoping to escape, back to the times she could smile and mean it.
As soon as it opened, she knew she had chosen wrong, but her guilty heart wouldn’t let her close it.
“Nineteen…twenty…and…twenty-one candles on the birthday cake, twenty one years on the birthday girl…”
The cake was gorgeous. Three layers of red velvet with sky blue frosting and pale yellow edible flowers. In all honestly, it looked like something the two would never be able to afford.
“…I hope she likes it. I want this to be the best night of her life…”
The door opened, and the camera jerked up, away from the cake. Hayoung walked in, kicking her shoes off with an angry grimace on her face.
“Hey, baby!”
Hayoung scowled over towards the camera, visibly more annoyed as she noticed the camera was on. “Are you serious? God, could you put that thing away for like, five minutes? It’s like it was glued to your hand or something.”
The camera slowly panned down, easily showing off the veritable feast that had been laid out on the counter.
“Yeah, sorry, I shouldn’t have had it out.”
Hayoung just scoffed, and the camera showed her brushing past with barely a glance at the beautiful cake. “Whatever. I’m going to go have a shower.”
There was a pause before the slam of a door, then silence for a minute. It was broken by a shaky voice.
“I’m…I’m sorry…”
Hayoung squeezed her eyes shut, her tears soaking through her pillow.
She didn’t even remember what she had been so pissed about, but it had ruined something that had taken months to prepare and plan for. More than anything else, she wished it was something she could find an excuse for, but there was nothing. That had been entirely her fault.
Now, of course, there was nothing she could do about it. She wanted to go back in time and beat her younger self over the head.
Opening her eyes, she noticed her phone had auto played the next video.
“Hayoung, please, you know I’d never-“
She was cut off by the sound of ceramics shattering. The camera could only barely catch Hayoung in the edge of the frame, but the pieces of the mug that skittered into view were easily recognizable.
It had been a present on their first date.
“Don’t lie to me!”
“I’m not!”
“You are! She told me where you were, who you were with!”
There was a stifled sob, a heart wrenching sound that carried so, so much pain in it. “Please, baby, please just let me explain…”
“…don’t call me that…”
“Just get out! I don’t want you here anymore.”
There was a long silence, before a hand covered the camera’s view and lifted it away. Nothing was said as she left, but the camera still picked up the sobs before it was turned off.
Hayoung quickly exited out of the app before she could torture herself anymore. She couldn’t breathe, she could barely see, and it felt like her body was about to fall apart.
All she wanted was to fix this, to show that she had changed, that she was nothing without her unnie. Nothing without the one that loved her most in the world.
But she couldn’t. Not anymore.
Fumbling to open her phone, Hayoung easily typed in the number that she had longed since memorized and hit call, pressing the phone to her ear.
“…the number you are trying to reach is not available, please leave a message after the tone…”
Hayoung took a breath, trying to steady herself a bit.
“Hey, unnie, it’s me again…your baby. It’s probably just Hayoung now, isn’t it? I don’t…I don’t really deserve to be your baby, do I?”
She rolled onto her back, staring up at the ceiling and trying to stop her chin from trembling. “I…I know I messed up. I know you’d never be able to forgive me. To be honest, I don’t forgive myself. I just…I guess I want you to know that it was never you. It was never your fault. I was the one who was doing something wrong, not you. Never you.
“…a year, and I still don’t know what to say. Just…I hope you’re doing well. I hope you’re happy. I know I didn’t exactly make your life the best, so I hope you’re better off without me.”
She felt fresh tears trickle down her face. “I love you, unnie. The most in the world.”
Hayoung hung up, rolling onto her side and curling around her phone. The last thing she saw before she finally passed out was her lockscreen, and she felt her heart shatter all over again.
1997 ~ 2019
In loving memory…
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Against The Wall
Sojung slammed into the wall, Hyunjung’s fingers harsh as claws on her hips. She let out a needy whimper, which seemed to be a mistake, as it just made Hyunjung growl and lick at her collarbone. Sojung instinctively arched into her, throwing her head back in a silent plea for more.
“Look at my sweet little girl,” Hyunjung purred, her voice like velvet to Sojung’s ears. “So willing and needy for me... you just want to be mine, don't you, sweetheart?”
Sojung breathlessly nodded, tightening her arms around Hyunjung’s shoulders. “Yes, god, please!” she moaned out. “Yours, only yours!” Her hips were twitching and shifting, trying to find any measure of friction, but Hyunjung forced her still.
Once Sojung had calmed a bit, staying still for her, Hyunjung relaxed her grip. She gazed into Sojung’s eyes as she undid her jeans, revealing Sojung’s lacy white panties. Sojung blushed at Hyunjung’s smirk, knowing the older woman knew she had picked them out for her. Her embarrassment didn't stop the hitch in her breath when Hyunjung caressed her through the fabric.
“Stay still for me, babe,” Hyunjung muttered greasily, kissing below Sojung’s ear. “Let me have my way with you…”
Sojung couldn't hold back the moan that Hyunjung’s fingers pulled out of her, but she managed to hold still, forced to stare into Hyunjung’s eyes.
Hyunjung didn't hold back, using every trick in her book to turn Sojung into a drooling, whiney mess. It took everything in Sojung not to grind into her hand, but she managed, somehow. She let out every little noise, knowing how much Hyunjung loved to hear her.
Sojung wasn’t expecting it when Hyunjung actually slipped her fingers into her core. It felt like the air was driven out of her lungs, carried away by Hyunjung’s touch. It barely took a minute before Sojung was gasping out her orgasm, clinging to Hyunjung’s shoulders just to stay upright. Her legs had no strength, and her entire body was shivering. Hyunjung roughly shoved her hands off, stepping away from her, and Sojung fell to the floor, trying to catch her breath.
Hyunjung backed up to the other side of the janitors’ closet, leaning against the shelves. She seemed so casual in that moment, so unaffected by everything that they were doing as she opened her purse and started reapplying her black lipstick.
Once Sojung had finally called down, Hyunjung slowly tilted her hips, grasping the hem of her lacy black dress and lifting it to reveal her bare pussy, along with a total lack of any sort of panties. Sojung could feel herself drooling, her face already drawing towards Hyunjung’s glistening core. Hyunjung just smirked, beckoning with her fingers.
“Come over here, babe,” she said quietly. “Crawl to me.”
Sojung didn't even hesitate, instantly obeying and crawling towards the older woman. She came to a stop just inches from Hyunjung’s crotch, the heady scent making her own arousal spike. She leaned up, but before she could get a taste, Hyunjung smacked her nose.
“No, no, none of that. You only get to touch me when I say you can.”
Sojung whimpered, straining to keep herself from lunging forwards, but she obeyed. Instead, she watching as Hyunjung touched herself, close enough to her face to feel her heart. Her fingers swirled around her clit, and Sojung’s jaw worked at nothing. Sojung whimpered as she watching her fingertips disappear inside her, wanting more than anything to taste her, but refraining. She didn't notice the drool escaping her mouth, but Hyunjung did.
Slipping her fingers out, she held them out for Sojung to taste, letting her greedily pull them into her mouth. Deciding she'd had enough teasing, Hyunjung grasped Sojung’s hair, tugging her closet and tossing a leg over her shoulder.
Sojung went wild, licking and sucking every inch of Hyunjung she could reach, desperate to sate her craving for the goth’s sweet taste. Hyunjung let her have her fun, biting her lip to keep the moans from slipping past. Sojung always felt so good, but she wasn't about to let her know that.
Having enough of the unintentional teasing, Hyunjung gripped Sojung’s head and directed her, until finally her tongue was on her clit.
She almost came just from the sight of Sojung’s face buried under her skirt.
Taking back the initiative, Hyunjung held Sojung in place and started rocking her hips back and forth, grinding over her face. Sojung didn't protest, eager to let the older girl use her for pleasure. She savored Hyunjung’s taste and scent.
Hyunjung only allowed herself to moan when she was riding the edge, twitching and trembling with every little sensation. She finally lost it as Sojung let out a shaky breath, the warm air washing over her pussy and sending her over the edge.
As she rode it out she pushed Sojung gently away, holding herself up against the shelf until she could stand straight. Once she could, she straightened out her clothes and bent over to press a calm kiss to Sojung’s lips, before calmly leaving, closing the door behind her.
Sojung sighed dreamily, slowly putting herself back together and fantasizing of their next ‘study session’.
Sojung sat down to lunch with her friends, listening to them chat with a small smile. She was still a little shaky from Hyunjung’s ‘ministrations’, but she didn't think it was noticeable. After all, they had been keeping this secret for a few months now.
She was brought out of her daydream by Jiyeon’s tug on her arm. “Unnie?” she asked in a not so quiet voice. “What's that on your neck?”
She had to fight to keep from reacting, thankfully keeping her cool. “Uh, what do you mean?” Hyunjung hadn't bit her at so this time, so there shouldn't be any marks left over. She was more worried about the bruising on her hips.
By now everyone's attention was on them, and the others were starting to notice it, too. Frowning, Sojung brought out her compact and flipped it open, only to see an array of black smudges all up the column of her throat and across her lips. It only took her a second to realize what the source had been.
‘That damn lipstick,’ she thought, mind racing. ‘Damn it, think! What's believable…’
“Oh, that must be from this morning,” she said, thankfully casually. “I had to change my car’s oil, I didn't realize I had gotten it on my neck.” The others were already nodding, and she had to hold in a relieved sigh. “Damn, was that really there all morning? No one said anything!”
The others laughed, and Jiyeon leaned the other way. Sojung couldn't believe her luck, glancing up to see Hyunjung’s amused smirk from across the room.
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Doyeon led her through the mall with a warm hand on the small of her back, curling around her waist whenever people got too close. She barely even noticed the boy that smiled at her before Doyeon glared him away, the look on her face unusually dark.
Yoojung did nothing but curl into her side, content in the face of Doyeon’s possessiveness. The taller girl had been like that ever since she had agreed to go out with her, much to the concern of her friends and family. They all urged her to break up with her, saying that such possessive and controlling behavior was a huge red flag, but she didn't mind.
After all, her ex boyfriend had been the exact opposite. He hadn't ever cared to know where she was or what she was doing unless he wanted her with him, and that had ended with him cheating on her. Doyeon’s continued interest was actually both reassuring and flattering.
Yoojung started paying attention again when Doyeon steered them into a high end boutique. It wasn't something Yoojung ever shopped at, but apparently Doyeon came here all the time.
The girl behind the counter perked up at their entrance, a genuine smile on her lips. The way she seemed so happy to see Doyeon had Yoojung feeling more than a little jealous. As if sensing her feelings, Doyeon’s arm tightened around her.
“Miss Kim, hello!” she exclaimed. “Your order isn't in yet, but it's there anything else I can help you with?”
Doyeon grinned back, showing off her pearly whites. “No worries, Bomi, I'm just her to do some shopping for my girlfriend. We should be fine.”
Bomi’s attention shifted to her, and Yoojung had to fight the urge to hide behind Doyeon’s back. However, the girl’s smile didn't fade, and a bit of the jealous feeling faded. “This is your girlfriend?” she asked. On Doyeon’s nod, she gasped and clapped her hands together. “Wow, she's so pretty! Have you been dating long?”
Doyeon grinned, and there was a slightly feral edge to it. “Just a week now.”
Bomi sighed, staring off into space. “Ah, I wish I could get a girlfriend… You're a lucky girl, Miss Kim! I'll let you get back to your shopping, just let me know if you need anything!”
“We will.”
With that, Doyeon urged her to the back of the store, towards the jackets and coats. Yoojung had mentioned how her old one had been getting a bit too worn a while ago, but she definitely didn't realize that this was going to be the outcome. That being said, being taken care of like this made her feel all warm inside.
They stopped in front of the display, halting in place as Doyeon snaked her arms around Yoojung from behind, one at her waist and the other over her chest.
“What do you like, baby?” she murmured, lips brushing Yoojung’s ear. “Pick out anything, choice is yours.”
Yoojung hummed, worrying her lip between her teeth. “What…what's the cheapest?”
“Mm-mm, none of that. Don't worry about the price, this is a gift, alright? Just show me the one you like, okay?”
Still hesitant, but willing to trust her words, Yoojung pointed at the coat that had caught her eye as soon as they walked up. It was deep blue, and about knee length, although it would probably be longer on her. There was a thick grey fur around the cuffs and in the hood, which looked incredibly soft. Doyeon followed her finger, absently pressing a kiss to Yoojung’s hair.
“Good choice, sweetie. Let’s try it on, see if it fits.”
Doyeon easily took it off the display and helped her into it, flipping the hood over her head. The hem almost reached her ankles, and the hood covered her eyes, but it was still the comfiest coat she had ever worn.
The taller girl held it shut and looked her over, brushing the hood out if her face. “A bit big…do you want to look for a smaller one?” Yoojung shook her head, biting her lip. “Alright, we’ll get this one, then.” Instead of taking her back to the counter, though, Doyeon looked over her with a concerned look. “Those pants are getting a bit old, too. Those are your only pair of jeans, right? We’ll get some more, while we're here.”
Yoojung blinked in alarm, grabbing Doyeon’s arm. “No, no, it's okay!” she exclaimed. “I'm fine with these, really! You've already spent enough money today!”
Doyeon frowned for a moment before a slow smile spread across her face. She leaned forwards and kissed Yoojung, gently nibbling on her bottom lip as she pulled back. “Don't worry about the money, baby,” she whispered, hands coming up to caress the back off her neck. “Just let me take care of you. You can't honestly tell me you don't need new pants, can you?”
“There we go. Come on, just two or three.”
Yoojung stopped resisting, letting Doyeon tug her over to the wall of denim. She could see a few of the price tags already, and did her best not to wince. She'd never be able to afford these, and almost wanted to be annoyed at the amount being spent on her, but the feeling of Doyeon taking care of her quickly canceled that.
“What's your size?” Doyeon asked. Yoojung told her, and she snatched up three pairs – a light grey, a light blue, and a dark blue. She pressed them into Yoojung’s hands and led her over to the changing rooms.
On the way, Yoojung noticed something about the pants. “Why are they all slim fit?”
Doyeon just shot her a smirk, one that made Yoojung’s knees weak. “I love your legs, baby. I want you to show them off.”
While Yoojung was busy blushing and trying not to trip over her own feet, Doyeon pushed her into the farthest room, only to slide in right behind her. She took a seat on the bench, staring at Yoojung like she was a lost lamb and Doyeon was a hungry wolf. She hesitated in the middle of the room, eyes flickering between Doyeon and the pants.
“Go ahead, sweetheart,” Doyeon murmured, voice just barely not a growl. “Give me a show. Let me see you.”
Yoojung went beet red, but complied, shrugging off the wonderful coat and hanging it up so it wouldn't get dirty. She faced the mirror and undid her jeans, hooking her thumbs in the waist to tug them off. They were a few years old, and tight enough that she had to wiggle to get them down her thighs. She heard a content hum from behind her, and her face got impossibly hotter.
Doing her best to pretend Doyeon wasn’t there, she reached for the dark blue pair. They slid up her legs easily enough, but got caught under her butt for a second before she pulled them up the rest of the way. Doyeon growled this time, and Yoojung felt her breathing get shaky.
Wanting this to be over, she quickly tugged the pair off after making sure they fit and tried the next. Doyeon let her get through the light blue pair, but stopped her when she had the grey on.
The taller girl stood, walking up behind her and grasping her hips. Yoojung let out a shocked gasp, the warmth and firmness of Doyeon’s grip doing embarrassing things to her. Doyeon leaned down to bury her nose in Yoojung’s shoulder, huffing out a laugh.
“Do you know how tempting you are, baby? Or are you doing it on purpose? Is that what it is? Are you trying to get me all riled up?” Yoojung shook her head, but Doyeon ignored her. “God, just…just stay still for me. Let me do this.”
Before Yoojung could ask what she meant, Doyeon’s fingers were at her belly, easily flicking her pants open. She dragged them halfway down her thighs, and Yoojung’s eyes widened when she noticed her underwear had gone with them.
Before she could protest, Doyeon was on her knees. She pressed a hand to Yoojung’s back, forcing her to bend over until her face was almost touching the mirror. Yoojung was almost panting, now, but none of the anticipation could measure up to the feeling of Doyeon’s tongue on her folds. She hurriedly bit down on the back of her hand before she could let a moan out, eyes nearly rolling into the back of her head.
Doyeon lapped at her like she was the last bit of water in the desert, and she wasn't sure if it was the position or not, but it felt about a hundred times better than anything she could do to herself.
She was paying special attention to her clit, and every brush of her tongue made stars explode behind her eyes. It took barely any time before her entire body was trembling, strength fleeing her knees until it was damn near impossible to stand on her own. It was only then that Doyeon pulled away, locking her lips with a content hum.
Yoojung let out a frustrated huff, having been so damn close to her finish, and reached down to get the job done herself, only for Doyeon to smack her hand away.
“No, baby,” Doyeon growled, standing back up and pulling Yoojung into her chest. “From now on, you're not allowed to touch yourself, okay? If you want to get off, you have to ask me for permission.”
Yoojung whined, but nodded, looking at Doyeon in the mirror. She tried not to look at herself, embarrassed at how flushed and aroused she looked, especially since her pants were still around her knees. Instead, she gave her best pout, lower lip trembling as she started up at her girlfriend. “Please, can I come?”
Doyeon grinned, and instead of answering, she walked over and sat back down, passing her lap expectantly. Yoojung obediently shuffled over, letting Doyeon grab her hips and pull her down into her embrace.
She felt tiny, seated in Doyeon’s lap. She shivered as her hands encircled her, one straying around her waist and the other sneaking under her shirt. Doyeon massaged her mound without touching her directly, but tweaked her nipple, making her breath hitch. She didn't know what to do with her hands, and settled on grasping Doyeon’s wrists. Desperate for anything to steady herself. When Doyeon was satisfied, she started gently caressing her breasts, and easily plunging a finger into her.
Doyeon’s hands weren't particularly large, but Yoojung was both small enough and tight enough that the intrusion felt a lot larger than it was. Her back arched, and Doyeon pressed deeper, driving the breath out of her.
She built up a steady rhythm, almost like a boat in the ocean, until Yoojung was having trouble breathing. Her legs twitched weakly, but Doyeon easily held her in place, far stronger than Yoojung was normally. As she was, she presented absolutely no challenge. She felt almost like a doll in Doyeon’s arms, with how easily she was manhandled into whatever position her girlfriend wanted her in.
Just when Yoojung was starting to get used to everything, Doyeon both pinched her breast and added another finger, making Yoojung moan out, loud and clear. She hurriedly slapped a hand over her mouth, hearing Doyeon chuckle in her ear, but before she could get her bearings, Doyeon pushed her thumb against Yoojung’s clit.
“Come for me, baby,” she whispered, hot and heavy, and Yoojung could do nothing but comply, her entire body taut as a bowstring.
She was panting as she came down, had falling back to rest on Doyeon’s shoulder. Doyeon kissed a line up her throat, tugging on her earlobe gently with her teeth. Her tongue tickled as it traced the shell of her ear, but even that felt amazing to her hypersensitive body.
A knock on the door interrupted them before they could go any farther. “Miss Kim?” Bomi called. As much as Yoojung wanted to keep going, she was grateful for the chance to catch her breath. “I heard a strange noise, is everything okay in there? Do you need anything?”
Doyeon huffed. “Everything's fine, Bomi, you must have misheard. We’ll be right out with our purchases.” After receiving an affirmation, they could hear the cashier hurrying away, and Yoojung could feel Doyeon’s attention back on her. “Let's get you dressed, baby. I'm not done with you, yet, but I'd rather be on a bed for the next bit.”
Yoojung could only whimper.
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Yeoreum couldn't breathe.
Well, to be precise, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Nothing was hampering her, physically, but the weight of Xiao’s gaze was so strong that she felt it should be physical. It pinned her in place, taking hold of her better than any leash.
“Come here, sweetheart,” she murmured, voice deceptively soft. Yeoreum knew her well enough by now to know that she was well and truly pissed.
Not wanting to anger her unnie any further, Yeoreum did as she was told, letting Xiao grab hold of the hem of her shirt. She fingered the material quietly, but Yeoreum could see the rage building. She worried at her bottom lip, fingers tense behind her back. She didn't want to be punished, but it seemed it was going to happen anyways.
“Who gave you this?”
Yeoreum gulped. “D-Dayoung. She-she said it was a late birthday present. Did I do something bad?”
Xiao tutted, her hands slipping under her shirt to pull her closer. Yeoreum desperately wanted to bury her face in Xiao’s neck, but at this point, she wasn't sure if she'd be allowed. Xiao’s grip was tight on her waist, making her heart flutter.
“Take it off,” Xiao growled. “Now.”
Yeoreum had never undressed as fast in her life. The shirt hit the floor in moments, leaving Yeoreum topless in the living room. Xiao’s hands crawled up her body, caressing her in ways that had her trembling, until they settled on her throat, forcing Yeoreum to look up at her.
“You didn't do something bad, sweetheart, just wrong. You do not wear anyone else's clothing, alright? Not unless we give it to you.”
Yeoreum nodded as best she could, eyes filling with tears. Xiao cooed, but didn't wipe them away, a decidedly wicked gleam in her eye. Yeoreum couldn't help but press her thighs together, desperate to relieve the sudden ache.
“As punishment, you are not to wear any clothing at all until Monday. Everything off, now.”
Yeoreum let out a whine, hands coming up to hold Xiao’s wrists. “Unnie, please...” she whimpered, her lower lip trembling.
“No, sweetheart. Off. Now.”
She did as she was told, until she was left in absolutely nothing, within easy view of the windows. Xiao smirked and cupped the back of her head, bringing her in for a deep kiss.
“There's my good girl,” she purred.
Xuan Yi kept Yeoreum close as they shopped, usually with a thumb hooked in her belt loop and the rest of her fingers in Yeoreum’s back pocket. It made Yeoreum feel like a trophy, something Xuan Yi was showing off to the world.
She loved it. The feeling of being owned, of being something on display, of knowing none of her unnies would let anyone else touch her. It was addicting, a habit she never planned on breaking.
Yeoreum didn't realize anyone had been staring at her, but they must have been, since Xuan Yi was pulling her close and biting gently into her throat. She let out a moan at the unexpected action, her eyes falling shut as her head fell back. Xuan Yi just took that as a go ahead, taking the time to nibble up and down the column of her throat.
Eventually Yeoreum pushed her back, knees weak. “U-Unnie, please, we're in public!”
Xuan Yi just growled, backing her up against the shelves. “It doesn't matter where we are, does it, angel? You're always mine, no matter who’s watching us.”
Yeoreum could only whine, lifting her jaw as Xuan Yi dove back in.
Mei Qi stood in front of Yeoreum, examining her newest mv outfit. There was a look on her face that Yeoreum was infinitely familiar with.
Reaching out, the older girl took hold of the top of her sports bra and tugged it down, until her breasts were completely exposed. The top of her bra was digging into her chest, but she dare not move it.
Mei Qi let out a purr, her eyes drinking in the sight of Yeoreum so exposed and vulnerable. “I could leave you like this,” she murmured. “I could have you go out there just like this, have you try to dance with your tits out.” Yeoreum whimpered, making Mei Qi grin. She leaned in closer, her lips almost brushing Yeoreum’s ear. “The production team would love that, don't you think? Cute young idol like you, showing herself of like that? How many of them would film you, do you think?”
“Unnie, please...” Yeoreum sniffled, doing her best not to cry.
“Please, what?”
Mei Qi pressed her palm to Yeoreum’s stomach, fingers brushing at her waistband. “And what would be willing to trade for that?”
Yeoreum sniffled, her head falling forward. “Anything...”
Mei Qi’s teeth were barred in a mockery of a grin. “Oh sweetheart...you really shouldn't have said that...”
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Jiwoo curled up on the couch next to Sooyoung, smiling to herself when the older girl’s arm automatically shifted to curl around her shoulders. She reached up and started fiddling with her fingers, trying to focus on the drama Sooyoung was watching, but it was a losing battle. The warmth and safety of Sooyoung’s arms was a feeling that she couldn't fight.
Sooyoung watched as the younger girl dozed, letting her hand stay limp so she could do as she wished. Honestly, it was moments like this that made Sooyoung swear to herself that nothing would ever hurt her Jiwoo. Not if she had anything to say about it.
After a few minutes, Sooyoung felt something warm and damp curl around her middle finger. She glanced down, finding Jiwoo peacefully sucking on her finger as if it were a pacifier.
The sight was nothing new, but it still made that familiar flame curl in her stomach, quickly building into a churning fire storm. She controlled herself, though, and only started to slowly thrust into her mouth. Jiwoo was certainly awake after that, big, innocent eyes turning to stare up at Sooyoung in confusion and want.
“Shh,” Sooyoung said, her grip tightening ever so slightly. “Be a good girl, alright? Let me spoil you.”
Jiwoo nodded, muscles contacting in an aborted gag when the motion shoved the finger deeper. Sooyoung kept her finger in place as she pulled the younger girl across her lap, head resting comfortably on the arm of the couch. Her free hand was resting on Jiwoo’s nape, gently scratching the sensitive skin there. Jiwoo moaned, deep and gurgling, tears pricking in her eyes. The look on Sooyoung’s face was making her thighs unconsciously press together, shifting audibly under her skirt.
Jiwoo felt no shame for her desperation. She and Sooyoung both knew of the control the elder had over her, and had long since come to accept, and even anticipate it.
Eyes half lidded and breathing deep, Sooyoung added an extra finger, curling both to tighten around Jiwoo’s tongue. She pulled it out of her mouth, stretching it just to the point of being uncomfortable before pushing back in, not stopping until the slick softness of Jiwoo’s throat was wrapped around the tips.
Sooyoung hummed, watching as Jiwoo’s stomach clenched, doing her best to keep her gag reflex under control. She blinked rapidly, and the treats escaped, trickling down to her jaw. “What a desperate little whore I have...” she murmured, voice far too intimately soft for her words. “Can you go deeper, sweetheart?” Jiwoo nodded desperately, breath coming in short bursts. “Then work for it, you slut.”
Jiwoo lifted her head, supported only slightly by Sooyoung’s hand, and did her best to swallow the fingers down, ignoring the unnatural feeling of it.
Once Jiwoo reached her knuckles, Sooyoung scissored her fingers, forcing out Jiwoo’s first true gag in months. She clutched at Sooyoung’s arm in panic, pleading silently, but the older girl’s eyes were hard, unforgiving.
It was only when Jiwoo started to retch that Sooyoung pulled back, letting her gasp for breath. She slowly pulled Jiwoo upright, sitting her on her lap so the younger girl’s back was pressed to her chest. Sooyoung’s hands started to wander, until one was slowly pulling Jiwoo’s thighs apart and the other was caressing her upper chest.
Pressing a light, lingering kiss to the skin behind Jiwoo’s ear, Sooyoung growled. “Who am I, sweetheart?”
Jiwoo gasped, eyes wide but hazy. “Daddy...” she breathed.
The smirk on Sooyoung’s face was unrivaled. “You're god damned right.” With that, her hand went up, clamping down on Jiwoo’s throat.
Jiwoo choked, body arching in surprise. Sooyoung took the opportunity to slip her other hand up Jiwoo’s skirt, finding very easily that the younger girl had forgone her panties. She didn't hesitate in lightly pinching her clit, making Jiwoo let out a strangled scream.
With how worked up she was, it took absolutely nothing to slam two fingers deep into her, her thumb staying pressed tightly to her bud. Jiwoo’s entire body was shaking, her tears freely flowing now as she stared into space, eyes glassy and unfocused.
Having Jiwoo like this, her entire being, her very life, surrendered to Sooyoung’s will...it was intoxicating. The heady power of such absolute control, got her more into the ‘zone’ than any previous partner had. Jiwoo was the only one that could make Sooyoung feel like she could take on the world, and she knew Jiwoo was just as infatuated as she was, even after being together for so long.
Feeling Jiwoo’s body tensing up, Sooyoung eased off, letting go of her throat and caressing her chest. Jiwoo slowly came back to reality, still lingering in the brink of orgasm as Sooyoung kept working at her pussy.
Sooyoung smiled warmly, although she couldn't see it. “Yes, sweetheart? What is it?”
Jiwoo whimpered, turning her head to try and bury herself into Sooyoung’s warmth. “Daddy, I'm so close... please...”
“Hmm...I don't know...” Sooyoung slowed down a bit, relishing in the panicked whine Jiwoo let out. “I think I might be spoiling you too much... Will you still be a good girl for daddy?”
Jiwoo nodded so fast that Sooyoung worried for her neck. “Please, daddy! I'll be good, I promise!”
Instead of answering, Sooyoung curled her fingers into the spot that drove Jiwoo wild, pressing down hard on her over-sensitive clit at the same moment. At the exact moment Jiwoo’s orgasm hit, Sooyoung bit down hard on her shoulder, the familiar coppery tang exploding into her mouth.
The scream Jiwoo let out was unrivaled, damn near shattering the windows. Sooyoung waited until her body started to relax before withdrawing, reaching over to grab a couple tissues to soak up the blood. Her hand absentmindedly came up to Jiwoo’s mouth, letting her lick herself off her fingers.
“How was that, sweetheart?” Sooyoung asked, voice gentle and warm. “Too much? Or are you good?”
Jiwoo groaned, her body nearly melting into Sooyoung’s embrace. “That felt so...so good, daddy...”
Sooyoung smiled, kissing her baby’s ear fondly.
“There's a good girl...”
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Updated Masterlist
Punishment (Sana/Nayeon, Smut)
Play (Sana/Jihyo, Smut)
Teasing (Nayeon/Momo, Smut)
Sleepy (Mina/Tzuyu, Fluff)
Jealousy (Nayeon/Mina, Fluff)
Sore (Nayeon/Mina, Fluff)
Showing Off (Sana/Momo, Smut)
Yours (Sana/Jihyo, Smut)
Meeting (Nayeon/Momo, Fluff)
Lazy (Nayeon/Mina, Fluff)
Proposal (Nayeon/Jihyo, Fluff)
Care (Sana/Mina, Fluff)
Mornings (Nayeon/Mina, Smut)
Cameras (Sana/Jihyo, Smut)
Toes (Sana/Nayeon, Fluff)
Shower (Jihyo/Momo, Smut)
Betrayal (Nayeon/Mina, Crack)
Touch (Sana/Dahyun, Smut)
Holding Out (Nayeon/Sana, Smut)
Soul (Sana/Tzuyu, Fluff)
Water (Nayeon/Momo, Smut)
Pajamas (Nayeon/Jeongyeon/Jihyo, Smut)
Punished (Nayeon/Sana, Smut)
Time Off (Sana/Dahyun/Momo, Smut)
Messy (Dahyun/Mina, Smut)
Miscommunication (Nayeon/Sana/Jihyo, Smut)
Subtle (Sana/Jeongyeon, Smut)
Hurt (Nayeon/Momo, Fluff)
Pining (Jeongyeon/Mina, Fluff)
Pain (Nayeon/Mina, Smut)
Coming Out (Nayeon/Momo, Fluff)
Red Velvet
Helping (Irene/Seulgi, Fluff)
Chicken Soup (But Not Really) (Wendy/Irene, Fluff)
Trouble (Irene/Seulgi/Joohyun, Smut)
Manager (Irene/Wendy, Smut)
Teddies (Irene/Yeri, Smut)
Control (Yves/Chuu, Fluff)
Princess (Yves/Jinsoul/Haseul, Smut)
Sneaking (Yves/Chuu, Smut)
Wolf (Yves/Lip, Smut)
Fear (Heejin/Hyunjin, Fluff)
Enough (Choerry/Olivia, Fluff)
Soft (Lip/Jinsoul, Smut)
First - Second - Third (Jinsoul/Jungeun, Smut)
Pet (Hani/Hyelin, Smut)
Reassurance (LE/Solji, Fluff)
Breathe (Jiu/Yoohyeon, Smut)
Mistakes (Jiu/Yoohyeon/Sua, Fluff)
Reward (Jiu/Yoohyeon/Sua, Smut)
Yes, Professor (Handong/Gahyeon, Smut)
Relax (Sowon/Eunha, Fluff)
Hanahaki (Angst)
Reminiscence (Moonbyul/Wheein, Fluff)
Comfort (Moonbyul/Wheein, Fluff)
Ruined (Solar/Wheein, Angst)
Food (Jennie/Rose, Smut)
Free Time (Nayoung/Chungha, Smut)
Crush (Chungha/Sejeong, Smut)
Weki Meki
Kitchen (Doyeon/Yoojung, Crack)
Screw Up (Doyeon/Yoojung, Smut)
Swimming (Taeyeon/Hyoyeon, Smut)
Distractions - Tired - Girl Talk - Results - The Date - Make me Feel (Taeyeon/Tiffany, Fluff to Smut)
Daddy’s Girl (Tiffany/Taeyeon, Smut)
Reassurance (Taeyeon/Yuri, Smut)
Decisions Prologue - Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 (Soyeon/Yuqi, Eventual Fluff)
Living - Part 2 (Xiao/Eunseo, Fluff)
Pretty Girl (Seola/Bona, Smut)
Ours (China Line/Yeoreum, Fluff)
Behaving (Xiao/Yeoreum, Smut)
Desperation (Jisun/Saerom, Smut)
Frosting (Jiae/Yein, Smut)
Dependant (Choa/Mina, Fluff)
Apologies (Comfort)
Opportunity (Reader/Hara, Smut)
Longing (Jihyo/Yerin, Fluff)
Awoken (Taeyeon/Irene, Smut)
A Maid’s Duty (Sunmi/Seulgi, Smut)
Going For It - Getting It (Hani/Arin, Fluff to Smut)
Headcanons 2
Headcanons 3
How To Remove Explicit Mode From Your Blog
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Headcanons #3
Because I’m the worst at keeping up with asks.
do perhaps have any (n)sfw hcs about sua and siyeon, or yoohyeon and siyeon? or just general dynamics in dreamcatcher, if you're up for that 0
I’m feeling suayeon today, so we’ll go with that
Sua is Siyeon’s puppy, but she gets more than a bit bratty at times, so Siyeon is constantly having to punish her
Despite that, Sua feels that she should be repaying Siyeon for looking after her, so it’s not uncommon for Siyeon to get home after work to a hot meal and bath ready and waiting for her
If they have days off together (which isn’t that common) they go on dates around the city, from carnivals to festivals to movies, even just a day at the park
Siyeon - being very high up in her company - definitely makes more money than Sua - a waitress - but she never lets her feel bad about it
Siyeon lets Sua pay for anything, but she doesn’t flaunt it - instead she does something to distract Sua while she pays
Sua knows what she’s doing, and doesn’t like it, but at the same time, she appreciates it nonetheless
I was wondering if I could maybe request some Fromis_9? I have really been loving the dynamic between Hayoung and Megan? Do you happen to have any thoughts on them? I like how patient Hayoung manages to be when Megan is in one of her moods, and Megan shows her that same respect when some of the other members are very much over it and I think it's cute. Plus they are super tactile and both have wandering hands. Also Gyuri appa with Jisunnie is my second fav pairing. They are so cute 😍
Megan knew she was being ridiculous
That being said, she couldn’t exactly help it at the moment, and that was only making it worse
She felt suffocated, like she couldn’t get enough air
Despite how many times she had snapped at her, though, which had made everyone else leave, Hayoung was still there, gently rubbing her back and speaking quietly to her about whatever she could think of
As much as she hated it, she couldn’t deny that it was really helping
She was slowly beginning to calm down, but it would be a while before she was back to normal
Hayoung didn’t seem to care, ignoring pretty much everything as she did her best to help Megan, but it still made her feel so guilty
Later, when she finally calmed down, she hugged Hayoung softly, murmuring apologies
Hayoung just smiled, telling her it was alright
When the same thing happened to Hayoung a week later, Megan made sure to be the best friend she could, doing her best to comfort her just as Hayoung had comforted her
everytime I stop to think about how much wheesa know and trust each other I kinda warm up a little. do you have anything with that? maybe them moving to start being trainees, and finding out they're in the same group.
Wheein was nervous
Scratch that, she was full on terrified
She and Hyejin had been best friends for so longer, trainees for even longer, and now they would have to separate
To make it even worse, they were separating because Wheein was living out their dreams, and Hyejin wasn’t
She felt so guilty about it that she nearly turned it down, but she knew Hyejin would whoop her ass if she did so
Finally she worked up the courage, going to visit Hyejin like she had so many times before
“I have something to tell you,” Wheein says, her throat tight
She can’t look at Hwasa
Hwasa says, “So do I...you can go first…”
“I...I was selected to join the new group, so we won’t be able to hang out much anymore…”
It’s silent, for long enough for Wheein to finally look up
Hyejin has her hands over her mouth, tears in her eyes as she stares at Wheein, and it makes Wheein feel so guilty that she bursts into tears, trying to muffle herself as she sobs
Hyejin panics, pulling Wheein into a huge hug as she explains
“No, no, no, I’m not sad! I’m happy! I was chosen, too!”
Wheein doesn’t want to believe it, but at the same time, she hopes so desperately for it to be true
When they compare information and find out they’re going to be in the same group, they both start crying, too overwhelmed to keep their composure
i really love your writting¡¡ do you have any thoughts about red velvet x f(x), i know they didn't had enough interaction in cameras but maybe in the sm?? irene, seulgi & yeri trained with them so idk i want to know if you think of something ♡
They’re really not sure how it took so long to realize that Irene and Sulli shared a birthday
It was only when the two groups tried to book a practice room at the same time for birthday vlives that they found out
It very quickly became tradition for them to combine the parties, and they got pretty wild at times
Seulgi loved getting drunk, which was only encouraged by Amber, meaning Wendy had to chase the two around the entire time to try and limit the damage
Krystal spends the night teasing Yerin until she runs off to sulk, only to be forced to apologize by Victoria
Joy spends time with Luna, comparing pranks and jokes to play on the other members
They’re usually posted up in the corner, giggling maniacally, making all the others just a little nervous
Irene and Sulli spend the night watching the antics the others get up to, chatting quietly with each other
Even though none of them really eat cake, it somehow ends up gone before the night’s over
sanayeon and nayeons oral fixation <333
Sana first learned about Nayeon’s oral fixation early in their relationship, when Nayeon was on the verge of sleep and kept fussing until she somehow managed to get Sana’s fingers in her mouth, completely by accident
She calmed down immediately, making happy little noises as she drifted off
Sana found it the most adorable thing ever, and she used every chance she could to get Nayeon back into that position, curled up in her arms with Sana’s fingertips between her lips
Since their relationship is a secret to their friends (by Nayeon’s insistence - she hadn’t come out yet) it was a bit weird, the way Sana would tease her all day in any way she could
More than once she had been approached by the others, telling her to stop bullying Nayeon
Her favorite moment of “bullying” was when she pinned Nayeon to the wall in an abandoned hallway, shoving her fingers so far down Nayeon’s throat that tears were streaming down her face, clinging to Sana to stay upright
The best part of all of this - in Sana’s mind - was how utterly addicted Nayeon was
The one day Sana had to miss class, due to the flu, Nayeon showed up at her door by mid afternoon, on the verge of tears
She didn’t even say anything as she nearly collapsed on Sana, instinctively seeking out her hand and pulling it into her mouth
Can I request a babygirl!Tzuyu and sugarmommy!Jihyo please
Tzuyu originally met Jihyo at a party, where Tzuyu had managed to land a serving job
She spent the whole night doing her best not to look at the gorgeous woman - she really didn’t need to be distracted by that tiny black dress
Right before the party ended, Jihyo (who had had a few more drinks than she should have) cornered Tzuyu in a darker part of the hall, idly playing with Tzuyu’s hair as she admired her face
Tzuyu was panicking too much to really resist, too overwhelmed at having someone so pretty so close to her
“You’re so gorgeous, princess…” Jihyo murmurs. “Could I take you out sometime? Treat you the way you deserve to be treated?”
Amazed that she even has a chance with someone so pretty, Tzuyu agrees, and Jihyo leaves with her number, feeling pretty proud with herself
She doesn’t hesitate to call, either, contacting Tzuyu the next day and setting up a date
Jihyo takes Tzuyu to the best restaurant she knows, something that’s normally far out of Tzuyu’s price range
Tzuyu’s price range is pretty much convenience store ramen, so something like this was just out of this world for her
She’s wide eyed and amazed as Jihyo takes her to a private theater, then to the top of Namsan Tower to see the stars
It’s everything Tzuyu’s ever wanted in a first date, and she’s so sad that it won’t ever happen again once Jihyo sees how poor Tzuyu actually is and realizes how out of her league she is
At the end of the night, Jihyo drives Tzuyu home, seeing that the apartment she lives in barely qualifies as liveable
She wants desperately to just take Tzuyu home to spoil her properly, but everything she’s ever heard about people who aren’t well off tells her it wouldn’t go over well, and would probably drive Tzuyu away
Instead she calmly asks if she can see her again, ignoring the state of her home
Tzuyu’s shocked, to say the least, but agrees eagerly, so happy to know that Jihyo still likes her
Jihyo - over the course of several dates - slowly starts to spoil Tzuyu, buying her everything she could ever want
Tzuyu loves the attention, loves the pretty gifts, loves the way Jihyo makes her feel, like she’s the only person Jihyo sees
At first
She begins to realize how she’s not really contributing anything to the relationship, merely going along with Jihyo as she spends money on her
All Jihyo does is give, and all Tzuyu’s doing is taking
At least in her mind
She starts subconsciously avoiding Jihyo, taking longer shifts at work, doing everything she can to have an excuse not to be available
When Jihyo finally gets ahold of her, she thinks she did something to make Tzuyu hate her, and it takes a long time for things to clear up
Eventually Tzuyu moves in with Jihyo, letting go of all her worries about money
After all, Jihyo takes care of her now, and Jihyo’s baby doesn’t need to worry about such things
[AOA] It's been a long time since Jimin got laid. Seolhyun looks so sexy all the time, especially after she's filmed some commercials, that Jimin can barely stop herself from jumping her.
Jimin could only groan, laying back on the couch with her arm over her eyes
She really didn’t want to be that person, but she hadn’t gotten laid in a while and she really needed to
There was only so much her fingers could do
So when Seolhyun walked in, smelling like beer and her favorite perfume, it was ridiculously difficult to not just jump her
Seolhyun let out a groan of her own, collapsing on the couch next to Jimin as soon as her heels were off, cuddling into Jimin with a happy little noise
Jimin has to bite her lip to stay in control of herself
Seolhyun whines out an ‘unnie’, complaining about all the annoyances she had had to deal with throughout the day
Jimin tried her best to deal with it and listen to Seolhyun’s troubles, but she had a perfect view down her shirt, and Seolhyun’s quiet, smooth voice was really getting her going
When Seolhyun stood up to stretch, thanking Jimin for listening and presenting her with her tight waist and pert rear directly in her face, Jimin couldn’t take it anymore
She pounced, bringing Seolhyun down in a cloud of pent up growls and excited giggled
[TWICE] No matter what anyone says, Tzuyu can't imagine losing her virginity to anyone other than Jihyo
Jihyo’s just...so soft with her
She takes such good care of Tzuyu, and Tzuyu knows that she would never hurt her, no matter what happened
Sure enough, the first time they have sex, it’s the most gentle thing Tzuyu’s ever experienced, and she couldn’t have asked for better
For the next few weeks, she clings to Jihyo, quietly basking in her presence
how do you feel about wenseulrene? i read somewhere about joohyun being topped by seuldy/wenseul when they pull the “unnie” card. while i usually don’t believe in joohyun being topped, it was a nice thought to entertain. what are your headcanons on the ship? both sfw and nsfw, if possible
Joohyun was having a long day
A really long day
So when she gets home to her babies, dead on her feet and ready to just drop into bed and sleep, she can’t bring herself to take care of them like she usually does
Her babies see the state she’s in and gently lead her to the bath, filling it with warm water and quietly stripping her down
They fill the silence with quiet ‘unnie’s, washing her with incredible care and precision
Once she’s clean they clean themselves, then start to pepper her body with kisses
This is normally the point where Joohyun takes over, helping her babies come, but it feels so good that she can't help but lay back and let them take care of her
They sit her on the edge of tub, out of the water, and Seulgi kneels between her legs
She gets to work on Joohyun's core, slowly eating her out with all the force of a feather, while Wendy tends to her chest, kissing all up and down her neck and peppering her breasts with little nips
Joohyun has a hand on each head, threaded through their hair, but not controlling in the slightest
She just lets it happen, letting herself be taken care for once
They end it with Joohyun quietly asking for them to make her come, which they do with great enthusiasm
any thoughts on yoohyeon and jiu? would love it if u wrote a hc^^ thank u legend
Yoohyeon is Jiu's good girl
After all the years they've been together, this is pretty much her entire being
She doesn't know how to not be Jiu's good girl, which isn't always a good thing, especially when it comes to Jiu's job
She doesn't have to travel often, but when she occasionally does, it's very difficult for Yoohyeon
She doesn't know how to live life on her own anymore
It leads to video chats every night Jiu's away, and texts throughout the days, asking her about pretty much everything
It doesn't bother Jiu, knowing that her good girl is so dependant on her
She knows exactly how to take care of her, and how to make sure Yoohyeon never gets hurts because of something that could have been avoided
She's become an expert at making sure none of her orders pose any risk
Wheein being Solars babygirl and Wheein being such a emotional baby hcs?
Solar has to screen every movie they watch, knowing how sensitive Wheein is
Sometimes she forgets to, leading to an inconsolable Wheein, bawling on the couch over a tragic scene
Solar knows what to do at this point, since they've been together for so long
She pulled Wheein into her embrace, letting her focus on Solar's even breathing and heartbeat to calm down
She'll still sniffle for hours, though, leading Solar to swaddling her in the softest blankets and making her hot chocolate, letting her curl up in her lap until she's tuckered out and sleepy
Solar puts her to bed with soft kisses and quiet whispers, rubbing her back until she was truly asleep
She rubs her forehead in the hall, cursing herself for her laziness ahain
i cant really think about a plot rn so can you just write a hc of aoa mina being a brat please? sorry for being,, useless i just love mina and i barely can find fanfics about/with her :/
Yuna was starting to get angry
She was usually pretty calm, and while she did get annoyed, angering her was pretty difficult
However, Mina was managing it, and pretty easily at that
She had spent the night ignoring Yuna, brushing her off and flirting with pretty much everything with a pulse
It got to the point where Yuna was so angry that she nearly shattered the glass in her hand
By the end of the night, she was so pissed that it didn't even show, completely submerged in an icy rage
The group piled into the van to get back to the dorm, and Mina tried to cuddle up with her, thinking she had only annoyed Yuna, only for Yuna to shove her away with a scowl
She ignored Mina the entire drive back, stalking into her room and slamming the door, locking it
She put on her headphones, blasting music until she falls asleep
Mina doesn't sleep that night, too consumed with guilt to even close her eyes
She has only meant to make Yuna jealous, not piss her off so badly
By the time morning came around, she had made an enormous breakfast, filled with only Yuna's favorites
Despite that, Yuna barely eats, deliberately only taking a few pieces of toast, and Mina wants to cry
The others give her pitying looks
It takes the entirety of the day for Yuna to calm down enough to actually talk with her
“Do you know what you did wrong?”
Mina nods frantically, wanting nothing more than to be forgiven
“Get on your bed,” she orders. “Your punishment is three hours.”
Mina is tied to the bed, a Hitachi strapped to her thigh and pressed firmly against her clit
Its turned on at max capacity, and even though she wants to complain, she can't
She deserves this
Yuna sits in the corner, glaring at her throughout the whole thing
Hey man how are you doing? Food poisoning is some shit, and I hope you get to feeling better soon.   I was wondering if you had any thoughts on Lovelyz? I love Yein's interactions with Kei and honestly I just love Kei in general. Babysoul is also one of my favorite Mommy dom idols
Although I'm severely late in responding to this, I think you for your concern. At the time I received this ask, I was definitely starting to feel better, and I'm happy to report I'm feeling a hundred percent, now. But yeah, it was horrible.
Yein and Kei are the baby girls of Lovelyz, and no one could say differently
In any other group, having two baby girls would usually cause jealousy and fighting, but most of the time they were too busy playing with each other to worry about such things
Although they could all be mommies, Babysoul is the one that looks after them most often
She makes sure they're being safe, makes sure they're not hungry, makes sure she's always nearby, just in case something goes wrong
In comparison, Mijoo is like the wild mom
She does the same things as Babysoul, because she loves their babies just as much, but she also gets their help pulling a ton of pranks on the other members
spare jaisy nsfw hc  preferably alpha jane and omega daisy
The dorms at Daisy's university were a bit strange, but effective
Omegas bunked together, typically in groups of four
Since alphas couldn't room together (too much aggression and anger meant too much for the school to deal with) an alpha was typically paired with a beta
When Daisy applied for housing, she applied as a beta, since she hadn't had a rut or a heat, and she was well past the age for even late bloomers
Her roommate was named Jane, and she was one of the prettiest girls Daisy had ever seen, but since she was an alpha, there was zero chance of her ever looking twice at Daisy
Two months into the year, Daisy went into heat
Jane was amazingly supportive through it all, never once touching her, even with Daisy's fevered begging
When it was over, they decided to keep her new status a secret, since they were really good friends and didn't want to be forced to live with someone new
It worked well for a while, with Jane regularly sneaking in suppressants, until Daisy realized how madly in love with Jane she was
Looking back, it started pretty subtly
She would look forward to Jane coming home, perking up when she heard her key in the lock, running to the door to greet her
She'd make Jane little snacks, feeling incredibly happy when she liked them
She found herself thinking about Jane more and more, wanting to make her happy
Finally, she realized that she wanted to be Jane's, even though she wasn't sure if Jane even saw her that way
She planned out the confession to be between heats, just to make sure Jane didn't think she was speaking from lust, because she’s said such things before
When Daisy asks Jane to mark her, Jane misunderstands
She thinks that Daisy just wants her help through heats, more like friends with benefits than lovers
She agrees, even though it hurts, because she's so madly in love with Daisy that the thought of her finding someone else to help her through heats makes Jane want to die
The way Daisy looks so happy when she gets home, the way she makes her food, the way Daisy fits so perfectly under her arm
It makes her yearn for her
Daisy doesn't realize the miscommunication at first, too embarrassed from the confession, and doesn't have the courage to correct it
It tears them both up inside, but nothing changes until Jane's friend Jooe finds her trying to destroy a punching bag
She goads Jane until she's seeing red, then sends her home, a whirling mass of possessiveness and anger
Daisy meets her at the door like usual, her greeting interrupted by Jane slamming her into the wall, biting into her neck with a throaty “you're mine”
Daisy figuratively rolls over, going submissive in an instant as she lets Jane have her way
Jane spends the entire time growling ‘mine’s to Daisy and shaking her until she could gasp out a ‘yours’
It’s only after they’re done (wearing nothing and panting on the living room floor) that Jane realizes Jooe managed to trigger her rut, as she feels herself getting riled up again
She rolls over Daisy to start again, only to hear her whimper in pain
The second the sound registers, she’s on her feet across the room, horrified to have ever hurt her baby
She locks herself in her room, determined to ride out the rest of her rut by herself
The next day, Daisy gets home after classes, drained and worried  wanting to reassure Jane but not wanting to encroach on her privacy, only to find Jane sitting at the table, staring silently at a cold cup of coffee
“We can’t keep doing this,” Jane says, tears filling her eyes. “I can’t keep hurting you like this. I...I can’t handle it.”
Daisy feels like crying, but all she can do is stand there and feel numb
“Will you please be my girlfriend? I can’t stand the uncertainty any more. Please...please be mine?”
Daisy bursts into tears as she rushes into Jane’s arms, doing her best to drown in her alpha’s scent
“Please mark me, unnie!” she cries, “Please make me yours!”
could you write solji/hyelin edging with mommy kink?
Hyelin is the biggest babygirl, wanting nothing more than to have her mommy nearby and to be spoiled
Solji usually has no issue spoiling her, especially with how obedient and pretty her baby is, but sometimes she has to remind her that she’s the one in charge, not Hyelin, despite how lenient she usually is
In those cases, she makes sure to have fun with it
She’ll tie Hyelin in a suspended harness, letting her dangle in midair for Solji to do with as she wished
She’ll spend hours teasing her, bringing her to the brink over and over,but never letting her actually be satisfied
When Solji feels she’s had enough, she’ll untie Hyelin, gather her in her arms and bring her to bed, quietly stroking her back to calm her down
She’ll slowly feed Hyelin, making sure she has lots of water
At no point does she actually let her come - she has to earn that, and being good for her mommy isn’t enough
She finally earns it three days later by perfecting their latest choreo, amd when Solji finally lets her come, she nearly passes out, so overwhelmed by how good she feels that she has to cling to Solji just to retain some sense of self
Any soft moonsun headcanons you have in mind? Oh and I love your blog; your writing is well done^^ 🌙💞
Thank you!
Byulyi’s hard days end one of two ways
She either runs herself a bath, rubbing herself down with soft scented oils and polishing off a bottle of wine
Or she’ll go to Solar’s place, and let herself shut down
On those nights, Solar becomes her world, the only thing she’ll actually notice of the real world
Solar babies her, quietly taking of her and doing her best to make her feel safe and protected
The things they do vary on the day and Byulyi’s mood, but it reminds Solar of taking care of her little cousins
“Moonie” - as she calls herself - likes to watch cartoons, but only if she’s sitting on Solar’s lap with Solar’s hands on her tummy
Sometimes she’ll draw Solar pictures, which are surprisingly good, despite her state of mind
The only way she’ll eat is if Solar feeds her, which usually leads to the tenderest moments of Solar wiping Byulyi’s lips while Byulyi stares at her with wide, innocent eyes
lowkey that was like really good wth wow such quality content
I’m not entirely sure what this is referring to, but thank you! It’s always nice to hear feedback, especially positive stuff!”
Can you write a wonha smut? I dont really know what about but it would be nice to read them. There’s barley anything of them. :( Thank you for writing!!
In what world is wonha rare? Just go on ao3 or aff. It’ll probably be listed under galaxywish, though. Anyways, here you go.
Eunbi knows this is against the rules, but really, who could blame her when it felt this good?
She's just glad they're at the back of the hall, so there's less chance of getting caught, even though she's positive the students nearest them know what's going on
After all, there's not much else to look at during study period
The prefect passes nearby, and instead of stopping, Sojung's fingers go deeper, making Eunbi's eyes roll back
The prefect actually smirks at them when she's close enough, offering Sojung a quiet high five
Sojung fingers her until the end of the period, finally withdrawing and licking her fingers clean as they start to pack up
Eunbi's trembling and dripping all over herself, and she only realizes there's a damp spot on the back of her skirt when Sojung ties her sweater around Eunbi's waist
They walk sedately back to their dorm, with Eunbi tucked under Sojung's arm to try and prevent her from collapsing
When they're in the elevator, away from the cameras and prying eyes, Sojung pins Eunbi to the wall, tugging down her collar to mark up her chest with angry red marks
By the time they get to the dorm, Eunbi's on her last legs, having come more than a few times over the afternoon
The door barely has enough time to close before Eunbi's on the floor, her clothes being wrestled off by an over enthusiastic Sojung
She feels like a doll as Sojung manhandles her, and she couldn't be happier
Finally she's naked, and Sojung's pounding into her with the strap that was hidden under her own skirt
Eunbi's eyes are unfocused and hazy, and she's drooling all over the place
Once she's come a couple more times, and she's nearly catatonic, Sojung lifts her up, bringing her over to the couch so she can curl in Sojung's lap, the strap still buried in her overly sensitive pussy
Sojung strokes her hair and kisses her softly, praising her for taking her so well
On the verge of passing out, Eunbi's never felt so proud
could you possibly write about dodaeng omegaverse with possessive alpha doyeon and oblivious omega yoojung
Yoojung is needy, there’s no denying that
That being said, she’s also weirdly dense, never really understanding when someone is hitting on her
Doyeon is quite aware of it, and since she knows that Yoojung won’t ever discourage people when she doesn’t know it’s happening, she takes it upon herself to make sure everyone knows who her omega belongs to
Whenever Yoojung’s talking to someone new, you can bet that Doyeon will be right by her side, her glare challenging the other person to try anything
Usually she has at least one hand in Yoojung’s back pocket, quietly squeezing her tiny ass
The rare few times someone actually decides to challenge Doyeon’s claim on her, they learn just how strong she actually is as she throws them across the room, picking Yoojung up and leaving with her over her shoulder
When Yoojung goes into heat, Doyeon goes into ultra possessive mode, nesting Yoojung in their apartment and refusing to let anyone get near her
Even though she doesn’t quite know why Doyeon acts like that sometimes, Yoojung loves it, feeling safe and taken care of whenever she does
Even with how possessive Doyeon gets during Yoojung’s heat, it’s nothing compared to Doyeon’s ruts
She does everything but tie Yoojung to her, and sometimes, even that
Yoojung isn’t allowed to get even five feet from her, even if she has to use the bathroom, because Doyeon goes mad if Yoojung’s not touching her
The longest time they’ve ever been apart was when Yoojung went to visit her family for a week, and it was utter hell for the both of them
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
“Are you being a good girl?”
Yeoreum nods distractedly, barely noticing Xiao’s fingers carding through her hair as she stares up at the stars. Xiao set up the lights while Yeoreum was visiting her home, and they were shockingly accurate, displaying all the constellations on the roof with a soft blue twinkle. It was mesmerizing for her, making her feel sleepy, especially with Xiao’s gentle touches.
“Are you tired, angel? Should I go get your blanket for you?”
Yeoreum shook her head, rolling over to curl into Xiao’s stomach. She pressed her lips against the toned abs, nuzzling into Xiao’s warm skin. The scent of her lotion was all encompassing, making Yeoreum’s head spin.
“Aww, there’s a good girl,” Xiao murmured, petting Yeoreum gently. She babbled, sleepy and quiet, feeling oh so small and safe. “I missed you, angel. I’m so glad you’re back to me.”
“...come with me, next time…” Yeoreum offers. Xiao’s hand stills, and Yeoreum cringes in anticipation. She really doesn’t want Xiao to be mad with her.
“Are you sure?” She tilts her head in confusion. “You haven’t told your parents that you’re gay yet. Are you sure you want to do it this way? It might be too much of a shock for them to accept.”
Yeoreum pulled back, staring up at her girlfriend. The lights were shining in her eyes, and Yeoreum realized once again just how much she loved her.
“Yes. I want them to meet the woman I love.”
Xiao smiled. “I love you too, angel. I love you so much.”
Yeoreum’s eyes were watery, her emotions a wild storm inside her. Xiao quirked a grin, pulling her up the bed until she was close enough to kiss her gently. Their lips moved together perfectly, and Yeoreum felt like she was on fire.
Before they knew it, things were escalating. Yeoreum still felt tired, but she let Xiao roll her on top of her. Her core pressed against Xiao’s abs, right where she was kissing earlier. The heat made her squirm, mewling and squeaking as she started to involuntarily grind down. Xiao let her control the pace, her hands snaking up Yeoreum’s torso to squeeze and tug at her breasts. It made Yeoreum cry out, voice high and shaky.
“That’s it, angel,” Xiao cooed, an enthralled smile on her face. “Let me here all those pretty sounds of yours. I want to hear you come for me, can you do that?”
Yeoreum nodded frantically, nearly sobbing as she rode Xiao’s abs. Her tummy was starting to quiver, and the room felt way too hot.
Xiao stopped her before she could reach her peak, ignoring Yeoreum's disappointed whines as she curled around her, almost as if they were spooning. She slipped her fingers between her legs, rubbing tight circles over Yeoreum's clit.
When Yeoreum cums, it's explosive, soaking Xiao's fingers. Her body locks up, she's breathing so fast it's almost hyperventilation, and all she can do is stare straight ahead, overwhelmed and unresponsive.
Xiao's used to this. Her angel is soft, sensitive. It takes very little to overwhelm her, and Xiao is practiced enough to know how to bring her back.
The first few times they had sex Xiao wasn't careful enough, leading to actually making Yeoreum pass out more than once. She still felt guilty about it, so even though her natural inclination was to go hard and fast, she kept herself under constant control to make sure she didn't.
Stroking Yeoreum's side gently, she kissed her hair, speaking quietly to her. “Come on, angel, I've got you. You're okay, I'm right here. Can you come back to me? Breathe with me, angel…”
She kept up the talking until Yeoreum calmed down, her heart finally back to a normal speed. She curled into her body, mind light and hazy as she let the safety of Xiao's arms wash over her.
Xiao pulled a blanket over them, holding Yeoreum close as she started to drift off. She brought her fingers to Yeoreum's mouth, still damp with her arousal, and let her angel suck on them, acting almost as a pacifier as she fell asleep.
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
I decided to try out making an idol/reader. I'm not sure if I'll make anymore, since I still don't fully like them, but if like to know what you guys think about it.
You felt yourself being pulled into the apartment, doing your best not to panic. Here you were, face to face with one of your favourite idols ever, and she was pulling you into her home as naturally as if she had known you for years.
If this was a dream, you didn’t want to wake up.
You let her wordlessly push you into a plush armchair. Facing directly opposite you was a pretty large couch, but the only person sitting on it was Hara, trembling like a leaf. You made a move to see if she was okay when Gyuri put a hand on your shoulder, trapping you in place.
“Girls!” she called, and you could almost hear the grin on her face. “We have a guest!”
The other two members came in only a few seconds later, making it seem like they had just been waiting for their cue. They sat flanking Hara, but neither of them even blinked an eye at her condition.
“So, here’s the deal,” Gyuri murmured in your ear. “We want you to do something for us, but you can’t say a word about what happens here, okay?”
You nod easily. You hadn’t planned on telling anyone you met Kara anyways, since the location of their home wasn’t public knowledge. You felt…proud, knowing you were probably their only fan to have been inside their home.
Gyuri smiled at your agreement, gesturing with her free hand. Hara rose and walked over, every step looking painful as she staggered and stumbled. All your excitement was lost, replaced with worry. What had happened to her, and why weren’t her members caring in the slightest? You were starting to get a bit mad at their dismissal, only for it to be wiped away as Hara drops heavily into your lap.
(Really, you could barely feel her weight, but the drop looked pained.)
An odd feeling stirred in your chest as she tucked into your torso, the height difference never more plain. You had always been on the taller side, meaning the crown of her head tucked neatly under your chin. Her hands gripped your shirt near the collar, and this close you could hear the breathy little gasps she was letting out.
“What’s wrong with her?” you ask, arms instinctively coming up to curl protectively around her frame.
Gyuri chuckles, scratching Hara’s nape fondly. You don’t miss how Hara squirms away from the touch. “Our little baby here’s just a little tense,” she said, but you could tell from her tone that that wasn’t the whole story. She leans in close to whisper, and you suddenly remember your close proximity with two of your favorite idols. You fight the blush from rising to your face, but you can feel your ears getting a bit too warm.
“We’ve been edging her for the past three weeks,” Gyuri reveals, and your eyes go wide as dinner plates. “She only gets to come today if you let her.”
You look to Hara, and the trembling suddenly makes a lot more sense. Your arms tighten unconsciously, making her whimper.
Gyuri smirks, letting go of you to go and claim Hara’s seat. Seungyeon speaks up, voice low and heavy. “You have no restrictions. Call her whatever you want, do whatever you wish to her. But don’t let her come too early. Make her work for it.”
Youngji giggles, a wicked smirk on her lips. “Go wild!” she encourages.
You look down to Hara and grasp her chin, making her look up at you. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
A shudder passes over her, and she nods frantically. Her breathing is heavy and her eyes are unfocused, and you can feel yourself getting more turned on by the second. Regardless, you have the permission you need.
You tug her shirt up, a simple pink tank top, waiting for her to lift her arms to get it off entirely. She’s not wearing anything underneath, treating you to the sight of her small breasts, rosy tipped and perfect. Your thumbs brush over her nipples, making her squeak in embarrassment. The reaction makes you grin, and you duck down to nibble at her neck while you tease her.
The combination has her panting, clutching at your head like it was her only anchor in a hurricane. Her grip was weak, though, making you huff out a laugh.
You’ve had experience edging girlfriends in the past, so you knew when she was getting close. The moment her body locked up, you backed off, taking the impending orgasm with you. It takes a moment for her to realize what you did, and she’s crying as soon as she does.
“Why?” she wails, sobbing into your throat. It’d be heartbreaking if it didn’t turn you on so much.
You stroke her spine, soothing her with quiet shushes and murmurs. It takes a few minutes for her to settle down, finally looking up at you. “You’re only allowed to come if I say so, okay babygirl?”
She pouts, and you want to give in, but you hold firm. Finally, she nods. “Okay.”
You give her a smile, kissing her forehead. Reality hits you again. You woke up this morning expecting nothing but another day delivering packages. Somehow, that evolved to having your way with the Goo Hara.
What the fuck was your life right now?
The shorts she was wearing were riding up, showing off her lack of underwear. The sight entranced you, and you slid your finger down the seam before you realized what you were doing. Her breath hitched, and before you knew it she was grinding down on your hand. You smirked, pressing into her with enough force to make her cry out. She looked up at you with watery eyes, making you coo.
“Hara-yah,” Seungyeon called, reminding you that the others were still there. You looked up to see Gyuri and Seungyeon staring at you with half open eyes, while Youngji was openly touching herself under her skirt. “Are you being a good girl?”
Hara whimpered out a “Yes.”
Gyuri hummed. “I don’t think you are. Good girls give kisses, don’t they?”
Hara perked up immediately, diving for your face and pressing sweet little kisses all over your face. Deciding to help, you angled yourself so she could access your lips. The kiss you got was long, gentle, and perfect, so much so that you forgot about your situation entirely. It became all about her.
She tasted like chocolate.
When you pulled away, she smiled hopefully. “Can I please come? Haven’t I been a good girl?”
You shake your head, petting her softly as she starts to pout again. “Not just yet, baby. We haven’t even gotten to the main course, yet.”
“But I wanna co~me!” she whines, bouncing in your lap. She was acting more excitable than earlier, making you wonder if it was because of the kiss. The sudden slap to her ass makes her still, a shocked squeak escaping her lips.
“Be good,” you warn, “or I won’t let you come at all.”
Her eyes go wide, and she shakes her head nervously, instantly settling back down. You almost miss the bubbly personality but having Hara’s complete obedience is way too much of a rush to not abuse.
You stroke her thighs, making her unconsciously spread her legs wider for you. Gripping her hips, you lift her to her feet. Her hands ball up under her chin, and you want nothing more than to kiss her again, but you refrain. Instead, you press your lips to her tummy. She cooed, and you can feel her abs shiver. Your thumbs hook under the hem of her shorts, slowly dragging them down over the curve of her ass and her slender legs.
She was completely bare, and you could see the dew gathering. You longed to taste it, but you had a plan first.
Keeping your hold on her, you bend Hara over your lap. She’s squirming in embarrassment, but a solid smack to her ass made her still. You move her hair out of her face, but she catches it, gripping your fingers and holding your hand close to her face. You let her take her comfort, stroking the back of her thighs.
“Stay quiet for me, baby,” you say, admiring the sight of the perfect little idol in your lap. “Remember, no coming unless I tell you to.”
Your hand slips up her thigh, teasing at her entrance. She presses the back of your hand to her mouth, muffling the little whimper she let out. You decide to allow it. Your fingers stroked at her lips, flicking over her clit, your touch feather light. In seconds, she was gasping and trembling, doing her best to stay quiet and utterly failing. You didn’t care to punish her. The idea of making Hara lose herself was far too enthralling to make her stop.
Again, the moment she started to come, you stopped. She sobbed, kissing your knuckles to try and distract herself.
As you let her calm down, you glanced back up at the other couch. Youngji was now seated in Gyuri’s lap, bare as the day she was born as Gyuri played with her. Seungyeon was playing with herself, grinding down on her hand with a fervour. It seemed you weren’t the only one affected by what you were doing to Hara.
Once Hara was still again, you shifted her, letting her bury her face in your chest again. You massaged between her shoulder blades, helping her calm down.
“There’s a good girl,” you murmur, kissing her temples. “You’ve been so good for me…would you like to come, babydoll?” She nods desperately, her grip on your shirt tight. It makes you grin. “Ask nicely, then. Give me a reason to make you come.”
She looked up at you, lower lip trembling with desperation. “Please…Please! Please let me come! I’ve been a good girl, I swear!”
“Are you sure you want to come?”
You smirk. Right now that was her answer, but you’d see if that’d stay the same. Without another word, you lift her onto your shoulders. Her thighs wrap around your head, and the feel of her silken skin on your face nearly makes you moan.
You attack Hara with your lips, making her writhe so much that she had to grasp your head for balance. She cries out, doing her best not to fall as you hold her in place.
It only takes a couple minutes before she’s arching back, nearly screaming into the air as she came. She nearly falls from your shoulders, so you help her down, letting her curl up in your lap as you massage her tummy.
She looks up at you, eyes wide and watery. Innocent. “Thank you…” she murmurs, followed closely after by a tiny little yawn.
You laugh, caressing her cheek for a moment before grasping her jaw in an iron grip. You snarl. A sadistic gleam enters your eye as you snarl.
“You really think we’re done, princess? We’re not finished until you can’t even remember your own name. I’m going to ruin you, and you’re going to thank me for it.”
There was a flicker of fear on her face for a moment before your fingers were back inside her. She cried out, nearly in pain from how turned on she was. You grin viciously, savagely pumping her until she was coming again. She was panting, trying to catch her breath as she clutched at your wrist desperately.
“Please…” she whispered. “I…I can’t…”
You say nothing as you start again.
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insomniacandtired · 5 years
Decisions - Chapter 3
It had been a week since Yuqi woke up in the cabin, and she had yet to meet any of the others. Soyeon had been pulled into a mission while she was crying that morning, and wasn't expected to get back any time soon. It bummed Yuqi out, but she hoped they'd get time to talk when she got back. Apparently Cube had lost trust in her for allowing Yuqi to distract her from the mission.
As for the others, there were actual reasons she hadn't met up with them, as much as she didn't like it. Miyeon had gone with Soyeon to make sure she did her job. Shuhua pretty much always stayed in her room in the basement (where Yuqi wasn't allowed to go) almost constantly gathering intelligence for Cube, and Soojin just had a different schedule than her (being naturally nocturnal) so they didn't ever come across each other.
Yuqi spent most of her time helping Minnie around the cabin, cleaning and cooking. She didn't want to spend all her time reading or watching movies, and since there was little else to do, she helped Minnie.
The cabin took a surprisingly long time to clean, and since they did it every day, it filled her time pretty well. Apparently they were in the middle of the forest, since Yuqi could never hear a single noise from outside, and the cabin got incredibly dusty even if they had just cleaned. It had become Yuqi's job to dust and sweep, while Minnie took care of the basement, Soyeon's room, Miyeon's room, and her own room. They both cooked, with Minnie slowly teaching her how. Yuqi actually found her new life rather satisfying. The simplicity of it let her relax for the first time in what felt like years, the stress of studying and worrying about her family's expectations melting away.
Don't get her wrong, she missed her family like crazy, and had cried herself to sleep more than once, but she was starting to accept her situation. She just wished Soyeon was around, so she could have just a bit of normality, but she understood that she had to work. She didn't want Soyeon to suffer just so she could make herself happy.
Yuqi was currently chopping vegetables for a salad to pair with the roast Minnie had put in the oven while Minnie was carting in firewood. Apparently the basement got really cold, even in summer, so all the rooms had fireplaces to keep them warm.
Minnie had left the doors to both the outside and the basement open, but Yuqi didn't even turn around to look at them. She knew it was a test, to see how much freedom she could have in the cabin most likely, and she was determined to pass it. She didn't really want to break any of the rules, since she knew it would do no good, and all that would result from it would be Soyeon getting in trouble, and she didn't want that.
As she set the salad on the table between the two laid out places, Yuqi heard something strange. It wasn't the intermittent cracks of Minnie chopping wood, or even the steady hum that came from the radiator between the door and the hallway. No, this was something different, and it took her a minute to place it. As soon as she did, her heart leapt into her throat. She ran for the door, stopping before she could come even close to the entryway. She clasped her hands in front of her chest, rocking back and forth on her heels anxiously.
As she stared down the long driveway, waiting for the vehicle to come around the corner so she could see it instead of just trees, Minnie came back. She had a load of firewood in her arms, and she was smirking knowingly at Yuqi.
"They'll be a few minutes, yet," she told her, shaking her head. "Why don't you go put the roast on a plate and put it on the table. I'm sure they'll be hungry."
Yuqi nodded, throwing one more glance at the trees before rushing back to the kitchen. She pulled the oven mitts on and pulled out the roaster. The steam buffeted her face, pushing her hair away. Grabbing the carving fork and knife, she lifted it out and laid it on the pre-prepared plate, resting it gently on the bed of lettuce and carrots. It looked beautiful, and Yuqi was sure Soyeon would love it. She placed it on the table, and rushed back to the door.
The vehicle still hadn't shown up.
Minnie came back upstairs, shutting the door behind her. She came to stand next to Yuqi and cocked her head for a second. "They should be coming around any second now."
Yuqi nodded distractedly, too nervous and excited to speak. She'd finally get to see Soyeon after a week of waiting. Her knees were practically trembling in anticipation.
When the vehicle came around the corner, revealing itself from behind the trees, Yuqi perked up. Her eyes went wide, and she almost jumped out the door, before she stopped herself just in time. The first thing she noticed was that it was a nondescript grey sedan, one that could pass by a million times and she'd never notice it. The second thing she noticed, the thing that made her heart nearly stop, was that there was only one person in the car.
And it wasn't Soyeon.
Yuqi was frozen, eyes burning with unshed tears. Minnie rubbed her back comfortingly before leaving her to walk out to meet who Yuqi assumed was Miyeon. Yuqi's chin trembled, and she felt like collapsing, but instead she wrapped her arms around her middle, as if trying to hold herself together.
She could wait for Soyeon to come back. She'd adjust, and she'd make herself useful. Soyeon would be proud of her, she knew she would.
Bringing herself back to reality, Yuqi watched Minnie help the other woman out of the car. She had a sling on her arm, and was moving kind of stiffly. She could hear the older women talking, now that she was paying attention.
"We ran into some of those Plan A morons. Apink, I think. Weren't exactly happy about us taking out someone they had a contract on. Got a sprained elbow, maybe fractured. Not sure."
Yuqi's brow furrowed at the information. She assumed Plan A was another family, Apink was another unit. Logically she knew Soyeon was an assassin, and that meant she was regularly in danger, but she didn't like it. Not one bit.
"And Soyeon? Why'd you come back alone?" Thank you, Minnie, for asking the important questions.
Miyeon jabbed her in the stomach playfully, sending her a mock glare. "Nice to know you care, you jerk. Eagle-eye's fine. She beat the crap out of those thugs and dragged my ass outta there. When we got back to the main estate she took another mission. Shouldn't be too long. Another week or so, maybe." She glanced up at the cabin, probably towards a camera or something. "Hey, Shuhua, could you call CLC, get someone to come take a look at this? Yujin, if she's available."
Miyeon walked towards the door with a suitcase in hand, leaving Minnie to grab the rest of the cases from the trunk. She stopped in front of Yuqi, looking at her with a puzzled frown. Yuqi stared back at her blankly for a second before shaking herself, grabbing Miyeon's suitcase from her and moving out of the doorway so she could come in.
"Thanks..." the older girl drawled, tilting her head. "Who are you? A new recruit or something?"
Yuqi blushed. Of course Miyeon hadn't recognized her. "Ah, my name is Song Yuqi, I'm-"
Miyeon's eyes widened, a crooked grin spreading across her face. "Oh yeah, that little baby Yeonie's so smitten with. I forgot she brought you back here...how's life? Get into any trouble lately?"
Yuqi stammered, thrown off guard by Miyeon's sudden friendliness. "Ah, um, no, it's pretty good. I've been behaving pretty well, I think. I haven't broken any rules, as far as I know."
Miyeon smacked her shoulder, more of a friendly nudge than anything. "Well, good job then, darling. Maybe Soyeon'll buy you a nice collar for being such a good girl!"
Yuqi shook her head timidly. "I'm not a pet, though..."
"Sure you are! You're living in our house, you can't go anywhere, and eventually, if you're good, we'll even take you on walks! How does that sound, hmm?"
She was saved from having to answer when Minnie came up behind Miyeon, kicking her in the butt with a little more force than Yuqi thought was necessary. "Leave the poor girl alone and get inside, you wierdo, she's not a pet until Soyeon says she is."
Miyeon grumbled, shuffling over to the shoe rack to toe off her slip-ons. "Whatever, you butt-kisser..." she mumbled.
"What was that?!"
Yuqi giggled, taking the suitcase over to the hallway. She wasn't permitted to enter the others' rooms, so she left it next to the door. When she came back out, Miyeon was sitting at the table next to where Minnie sat, and Minnie was downstairs, probably putting away the other cases, which Yuqi figured were storage for weapons and supplies. Yuqi made sure to grab another plate and set of silverware, laying them out in front of Miyeon.
"Thanks, darling," she muttered, watching Yuqi move. It was slightly unsettling, feeling her unblinking gaze on her back as she moved around the kitchen, trying to keep herself busy. "The name's Cho Miyeon, by the way."
"I...I thought so," Yuqi said, coughing to clear her throat. "Minnie-unnie told me you were with Soyeon-unnie on her assignment."
"Oh, have you met Soojin and Shuhua yet, then?"
She shook her head as she took her seat, crossing her hands in her lap as she waited for Minnie to get back up. "No, not yet. Neither of them have come up during the day yet."
"Ah, well. I'm sure you'll see them eventually. Let's eat, what are you waiting for?"
"Minnie-unnie isn't here, I don't start eating without her."
Miyeon looked at her for a long moment, making Yuqi blush with slight embarrassment. "Are you waiting for permission, or something?"
"No, no, I just think it's more polite to wait until everyone's sitting down before we start." She averted her eyes, trying to ignore Miyeon's disbelieving stare.
Thankfully Minnie came back before Miyeon could comment further, taking her seat with a sigh. Yuqi stood as Minnie started to dole out the salad on their plates, grabbing the fork and knife to carve the roast. It felt wonderfully domestic, like she was eating dinner with her family. She only wished Soyeon could be there with them.
Minnie must have seen the sadness on her face. She touched Yuqi's hand before she could sit back down. "What's wrong, darling?"
Yuqi shook her head, sniffing once before she forced it down. "It's nothing, really, I'm just sad unnie isn't here to eat with us."
Minnie smiled warmly at her, patting her hand. "She'll be fine, and she'll be back with us before you know it. You only have to wait a little longer. Just be patient, okay?"
Miyeon looked between the two with confusion, dropping her fork to point at Yuqi. "Wait, you actually want Eagle-eye here? Really?"
"Yeah?" Yuqi answered, furrowing her brow. "Why wouldn't I?"
She shook her head, throwing her hand up in the air dramatically. Yuqi almost laughed, despite how odd she found the question. "Because Soyeon is convinced that you hate her for getting you stuck here!"
"Hate her? No, I'd never hate unnie! I know that it's my fault I'm here, and I'm grateful she spared me instead of following orders!"
"So you're not mad at all about being kidnapped?"
"No, just a little sad that I can't see my family, but I'm happy here. I like helping Minnie, and I don't have to worry about much, so I can relax and enjoy myself. If I had known this would be the result, I would have started investigating you guys sooner."
Miyeon sighed, shaking her head. "Well, it's gonna be really annoying convincing Soyeon."
Yuqi bit her lip, worried. She hoped for the best, almost praying for Soyeon to remain safe until they could see each other again.
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insomniacandtired · 6 years
i just found your older post about manager irene with her babygirl wendy and LOVED that 'universe', and saw in the tags you saying you liked it as well. ever since you i read it the other day i've been so curious who it was that peeked through the door st the end. care to elaborate who it was and what happened?
Honestly, I wrote that so long ago... I truly have no idea what was running through my mind at that point. I could make guess though, if you'd like?
If it was Seulgi...
Seulgi was shocked at the scene in front of her, unable to move, even if she felt like she was intruding on an incredibly intimate moment
The second their manager looked up, though... She knew she was screwed
She pushed the door closed and ran away, hiding in her room and pretending to be asleep when Joohyun came to check on her
She spends the next few weeks avoiding Joohyun as much as possible, even when the others started to find it weird
It only stopped when Wendy cornered her one day, pinning her against the wall and forcing her to look into Wendy's eyes
Seulgi was so worked up, so confused, and so yearning, that when Wendy was so close like this, she couldn't help but lean forwards and kiss her
That's how Joohyun found them, and she couldn't help but be proud of how her baby was handling it
She walked up behind them and stroked Wendy's side, an unspoken order to let Seulgi go to give Joohyun a turn with her
She propped her chin on Wendy's shoulder, smirking a bit at Seulgi's instant blush
The younger girl tasted like chocolate, and Joohyun couldn't help but want more
If it was Joy...
Irene stepped into the hall, seeing Joy on her knees, a look of primal fear and excitement in her eyes
She knew she was caught, but even then she wouldn't stop, a hand shoved roughly into her shorts, making such exaggerated motions that she almost pushed the shorts off on more than one occasion
Joohyun finally has enough and grabs her wrist, wrestling her down until she's flat on her back in the hallway
She roughly tugs the shorts down and starts her punishment, slapping harsh marks into the skin of Joy's inner thighs in between roughly fingering her
By the end of it Joy was drooling, unfocused, weakly pawing at Joohyun for mercy
She received none
Joohyun kept up the onslaught until she passed out, laying in a puddle of her own arousal in the middle of the hallway
When Joy wakes up, she's bundled up in bed, clean, wearing her favorite soft pajamas and curling with the stuffed bunny Joohyun had bought her when they first debuted
Joohyun is sitting next to her, stoking her hair as she reads a novel
She can't help but bury her face in the stuffie, embarrassed at how little she feels when she's supposed to be the tall, mature one
"Next time, open the door," Joohyun says, not even looking up from her book
Joy can only whine
If it was Yeri...
Joohyun stood, easily laying Wendy in her bed, and crossed the room, slow movements to keep from scaring her
Yeri trembled as she opened the door, knowing she's been caught seeing something she wasn't supposed to, but she couldn't help but want to stay, wide eyes gazing innocently up at Joohyun
Joohyun gently took her arm, leading her into the room
Wendy smiled at her, taking her into her arms as Joohyun pressed her onto the bed
Yeri was confused, completely out of her depth, but she didn't struggle out of Wendy's hold
She moaned as Joohyun kissed her neck, fingers grasping at Joohyun shirt, trying not to squirm at the feeling of Wendy's teeth on her neck
Between the two of them, she was bare in seconds, clothes thrown haphazardly around the room
Joohyun leaned back to look at her face, making sure Yeri was focused on her before she spoke
"Are you okay with this? It's perfectly fine if you're not."
Yeri nodded, trying to pull Joohyun down to kiss her again
Joohyun giggled, missing Yeri's lips and kissing down her jaw and throat, kissing Wendy over her shoulder for a second before getting back to Yeri
Wendy's hands are on her breasts as Joohyun starts to eat her out, the feeling of their touch on her skin making her eyes roll back in her head.
They managed to make her come three times before she was pushing them away, over sensitive and twitching
They clean her up and tuck her in between them, stroking her sides and humming to her until she falls asleep
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insomniacandtired · 6 years
“I’m not her!”
Taeyeon drew short, all anger evaporating in an instant at the sound of her girlfriend’s choked yell. She whipped around, seeing Yuri backed against the wall, hugging herself.
“I’m not her. I can’t ever be her. But you chose me! Shouldn’t that count for something?”
With her eyes burning from unshed tears, Taeyeon approached her girlfriend, gathering her hands in her grasp. She longed to draw her into her arms, but didn’t dare at the moment.
“I swear this isn’t about you, baby,” she murmured, willing Yuri to see the truth in her eyes. “I love you. You’re the most important person in the world to me. No one could ever replace you.”
Yuri’s chin trembled, unable to look away from Taeyeon. “Then what is it? Please… I need to know.”
The tears escaped, tracing down her cheeks in burning rivers. She swallowed past the lump in her throat, trying to calm down enough to just breathe.
“I failed Jessica. I failed Tiffany. I failed Seohyun and Sooyoung. So what happens?” She paused, roughly clenching her eyes shut. She couldn’t break down yet. Not before Yuri understood. “What happens when I fail the others? What happens when I fail you?! What happens when I’m left here all alone, surrounded with nothing but my mistakes?! Wha-… I…”
Her mouth worked, but she couldn’t force herself to speak past the tears anymore. Her head dropped, and she pressed Yuri’s knuckles to her forehead, trying to derive what comfort she could.
Yuri crumpled, feeling herself start to cry as well. She had had no idea what Taeyeon had obviously been feeling since the split. All she had known was that Taeyeon had been ignoring her, constantly referencing Tiffany. Now that she knew…God, she felt horrible for being such an ass.
“I’m so sorry, Tae…” she murmured, pulling her in close and stroking her hair. She was shaking like a leaf, obviously doing her best not to bawl. “Listen to me, okay? I’m never going to leave. As long as you still want me here, I’m not going away. I’m with you. Now until forever.”
Taeyeon lifted her head, pausing only just long enough for Yuri to see her watery smile before she was surging forwards, pinning Yuri to the wall and savagely taking her lips. Yuri moaned, fingers tangling in Taeyeon’s hair.
Taeyeon pulled back for a second, breathing heavily into Yuri’s neck. “God I love you so much,” she breathed, sounding almost disbelieving.
Yuri panted for breath. “I love you too, unnie…”
Taeyeon huffed out a laugh, nipping at Yuri’s throat as she snuck a hand under her waistband. Yuri moaned throatily, her head knocking back against the wall. She writhe under Taeyeon’s touch, whimpering needily.
Yuri’s hands tried to reach for Taeyeon’s shirt, only to get smacked away. “None of that, baby. Be a good girl for unnie, alright?”
Yuri moaned, almost blacking out in pleasure. With how riled up she was, it took barely any time at all before she was squirming on Taeyeon’s fingers, desperately grasping Taeyeon’s shoulders, trying to keep from falling.
As she tried to catch her breath, Taeyeon smirked, nibbling at her ear. “Ooh, baby… we’re only just getting started…”
Yuri grinned, despite how breathless she was. “Bring it on!”
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insomniacandtired · 6 years
“I’m sorry.”
Choa had to hold back a snarl. She was the calm one, the level head when things got tense, but even she felt like tearing that asshole’s head off.
The only satisfaction they had was that he hadn’t left with anything he had come for. None of them had signed any of his things, nor even acknowledged him, really. Even Seolhyun, who he was an obvious fanboy of, had only looked at him like he was the dirt beneath her feet for a moment before ignoring him entirely.
She stroked Mina’s hair, letting the younger girl bury her face in her throat. Chanmi was on her other side, arms wrapped around Mina’s waist. Yuna was stroking her hair, but the others were too pissed to speak. They were out, trying to cool off.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about, baby. You didn’t do anything wrong. Don’t let some random nobody tell you what to do, alright? You’re perfect the way you are.”
She sniffled, pulling away to pout up at her. Yuna took the opportunity to pull her hair away from her face, ruffling it fondly. “But he was right, wasn’t he? I’m a singer, I should just be focusing on singing…”
Choa growled, grabbing either side of Mina’s face. “Listen to me! You! Are! Perfect!” Mina still didn’t look convinced, though. Choa wanted to go back in time and ban that guy before he had ever entered the venue. “Look, how long do you spend in the bathroom in the morning?”
Mina shook her head. “I don’t know…”
“That’s because you don’t. You barely spend any time on your appearance. Why are you on your diet right now?”
“Because the managers told me to.”
“Exactly! How does any of that say you’re obsessed with how you look?”
Yuna chimed in, bending over to press a kiss to Mina’s forehead. “Mina, you’re one of the most selfless people I know. You’re the only one who spends extra time every single day trying to get better. How could you ever think you’re not putting in the effort?”
“It’s just…”
“Unnie, don’t listen to what anyone says, okay? You’re the most hardworking of any of us, he doesn’t know anything.”
Mina twisted around to pull Chanmi into tight hug, laying back against Choa’s torso. Yuna settled herself beside them, throwing an arm over all of them.
They laid in silence, quietly pressing gentle kisses to Mina’s face until she was giggling and squirming against them. They smiling, glad they were able to break her out of that mindset before it became a bigger problem.
After a while, they heard noises from outside, before the door was kicked open. Jimin, Seolhyun, and Hyejeong stormed in, arms laden with food and drinks.
“Pizza night, bitches!” Jimin yelled, nearly throwing the food onto the table. She stormed over to the couch, jokingly pretending to shove them off. “Scoot! Goblin’s on in five, I am not missing this episode!”
Mina giggled, and the rest of the group couldn’t help but sigh in relief. She trotted over to get some food, followed by Yuna and Chanmi, but Jimin grabbed Choa’s arm before she could leave.
“Thank you,” she murmured. “I know it’s my job to help the others, but I’d never be able to do it without your help.”
Choa smirked at her, shooing her back to the tv. She walked over to the table and wrapped her arms around Mina’s waist, resting her chin on her shoulder. Mina just grinned, nestling back into Choa’s arms.
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insomniacandtired · 6 years
Finally. After sixteen hours, she could finally stop. Finally relax. Finally just...sleep.
Choa stood before her bed in her underwear, unable to help the satisfied purr she let out as she slid into the cool sheets. She was out like a light the moment her head hit the pillow, drifting off happily into dreamland.
Or she would have, had her phone not gone off right next to her ear, piercing the air with its shrill tone.
Without even bothering to glance at the caller ID, she answered, letting the silence speak her annoyance. It took a second before the other person said anything.
She frowned, a storm of mixed emotions curling in her gut. She recognized the voice. How could she not, really? But it wasn't like she and the other person were on the friendliest of terms at the moment. Certainly not enough to warrant a call at five in the morning.
“Yes, Mina?”
Just Mina. Not Mina-ya, not Minaring . . . not sweetheart. She hated that they had devolved so much.
“Unnie, I . . . I need your help. Please . . . something’s wrong.”
Choa sat up, brow furrowing. “Wait, tell me what's going on, I don't understand. Why do you need my help?”
“I think . . .” Choa could hear her laboured breathing, and a spike of worry made her feel cold. “I think someone spiked my drink. I feel all . . . dizzy, and nauseous. Please, unnie . . . I just want to go home.”
She didn't even have to think. Good terms or not, this was Mina. She couldn't just abandon her like that. “Where are you?”
“. . .”
“Mina . . .”
“I'm at his place. Second floor bathroom, I have it locked with the towel rack jamming it closed.”
Choa nodded, trying to fight back her frustration. “Good. Stay there, I’ll be there in fifteen minutes, alright? Wait for me where you are, don’t let anyone else in.”
Mina agreed, and Choa hung up, throwing on whatever she could find as she rushed out the door. Despite their spat, she’d never be able to forgive herself if something happened to Mina. The girl was easy too naive, too trusting. Despite Choa’s best efforts, she had somehow maintained that mindset well into their adult years, and Choa feared the day that all came crashing down.
If anything went wrong, that day may very well be tonight.
She had to hurry.
Somehow she managed to make it to the party in ten minutes, despite the drive normally taking twenty. She was lucky she hadn't been pulled over.
Choa rushed through the crowd, dodging drunks with practiced ease as she made her way up the stairs. She found him standing in front of the door, pounding on it aggressively. Thankfully, it didn't budge.
She grabbed her phone from her pocket, pressing record silently.
“Goddammit, Mina! Open this door, now!” When no response came, he kicked it, hard, making it rattle with a sound that seemed almost chilling. “I did not spend so much on that just for it to go to waste! Open up you bitch!”
Deciding she'd seen enough, Choa stepped out, phone held at the ready. “I think it's time for you to go,” she snarled, nearly laughing at the way he tensed up. He noticed the phone in her hands and she could tell that he knew he was fucked. He moved as if to come at her, but appeared to reconsider, turning on his heel and stalking off.
Choa waited a few moments to make sure he was gone before approaching the bathroom, knocking gently on the wood.
“Mina, it’s Choa. Open the door, we need to get out of here.” There was a moment of silence before Choa hear the rack being pried away from the door, the latch clicking open a moment later. Mina peered out, and Choa's heart clenched with worry.
She looked terrible, eyes glassy and red, with a slight sheen of sweat all over. She was sagging, keeping herself propped up against the wall next to the door. As soon as she saw Choa, she pushed off the wall, frantically wrapping herself around the older girl and burying her face in her neck. Choa’s hands instinctively caught her, one pressed to her lower back and the other cradling her head.
When they pulled away, Choa slung Mina’s arm over her shoulders, rushing her back to her car as quickly as she could. She didn’t let herself think about anything, especially not how relieved Mina had been to see her.
Would she have been that relieved for anyone who came to save her? Or was that smile reserved for Choa? She’d rather not find out.
The drive to the hospital was silent as Mina finally lost the fight against whatever she had been drugged with. She rubbed Mina’s thigh, trying to provide whatever comfort she could. The younger girl didn’t even twitch.
The scene at the hospital was chaos. As soon as Choa came in (carrying Mina since she wouldn’t wake up) doctors and nurses swarmed her, eventually getting Mina on a gurney to wheel her away and showing Choa where to sit to wait for her. She bought herself coffee, unable to stay awake otherwise. Even with it, she could feel herself drifting, and had to keep waking herself up. Eventually one of the doctors came back, a smile on his face that made Choa feel relieved.
“Your friend is going to be fine,” he explained, letting Choa finally relax. “We had to pump her stomach to get the drug out, so she’s sleeping now, but you’re welcome to go into her room to wait with her if you wish.”
Choa nodded gratefully. “Thank you, I’ll do that.”
Mina looked peaceful, she supposed. Still, she couldn’t help but worry over how pale and thin she was. She had always had a hard time taking care of herself, and Choa wasn’t pleased to know that no one bothered helping her when Choa was unable to.
Before she could even sit down, Mina’s eyes started to flutter open. She hesitantly reached out to Choa as she woke up, and Choa had to debate with herself before she took Mina’s hand.
“Unnie...” she whispered, tears filling her eyes.
A pang of sympathy rang through Choa’s chest, making her squeeze Mina’s hand. “You’re okay, I’ve got you,” she reassured, forcing down her anger to try and be a good friend.
Mina shook her head, breath hitching in sobs. “I’m sorry, Unnie! This was all my fault! I should have listened to you... You were right, he was scum... I never should have pushed you away.”
Choa just sighed, shrugging. “It’s fine, neither of us could have seen what was going to happen.”
Mina blinked up at her, eyes watery and begging. “Please...please let me make it up to you? Please... I just want things to go back to the way they were.”
She wanted to say yes. Desperately. And yet...
“Sleep, Mina. I’ll keep you safe.”
There was just too much left to say.
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insomniacandtired · 6 years
Anything about mina being seolhyun and hyejeong's baby?
Oh, you fuckin know it
She's so tiny compared to them that they can't help but tease her about it
One of their favorite things to do before getting together was walk into her and bump into her face with their breasts, saying that they didn't see her there
It never failed to leave her both annoyed and embarrassed (and also a little turned on) which resulted in her running off to pout
Eventually Jimin talked to them about bullying her, and they reluctantly stopped
Almost immediately, Mina started to miss it, but she didn't really want to admit that to them
Instead, she started to cuddle up to them a bit more
Whenever she had the opportunity, she'd sit next to either of them, or between them if she could
Nothing made her happier than when Hyejeong would sling an arm over her shoulders, or when Seolhyun would hug her with a delighted giggle
Basically, whenever they gave her attention
She knew it would never end well
Liking two people at once never did
But she couldn't help but want to be with them, in any capacity she could
When Seolhyun and Hyejeong got together, she was devastated
All she wanted was to be with them, but since she hadn't actually said anything about it, she couldn't do anything
It took her a few days before she could stand to be in the same room as them without bursting into tears
Eventually things got back to normal, but Mina started to sit by other members when she had the chance
Oddly, she noticed that Hyejeong and Seolhyun were paying her even more attention than before, even though most couples would be focused on each other
They would drag her to sit between them on movie nights, cuddling with her and making her feel all sorts of feelings
It all comes to a head one night when Seolhyun and Hyejeong get back from a night out, more than a little tipsy, and more than a little focused on Mina
She barely even has time to say hi before Seolhyun is lifting her by her ass, making her wrap her legs around Seolhyun's waist
She panics, not wanting Hyejeong to catch them and get mad
That is, until she feels Hyejeong press her body to Mina's back, pinning her between them
They whisper in her ears, the feeling of their bodies almost too much for her to handle
"Shh, baby..."
"Let us take care of you"
"Let us make you feel good"
She feels Seolhyun's lips against her throat, and her head falls back onto Hyejeong's shoulder
Hyejeong's hands come up to chest, caressing her through her pajamas, while Seolhyun gripped her ass, biting down roughly on her collarbone
"Do you like this, baby?" Hyejeong murmured in her ear, kissing it softly. "Do you want your clothes off?"
She doesn't even hesitate, doesn't even think of the others walking in, before she's nodding yes
Her pajamas are gone before she can blink, and she can't handle how small she feels between them, clutching at their clothes as if to make sure they're real
The grip transfers, until Hyejeong is holding her up by her thighs and Seolhyun is kneeling down, pressing soft kisses to her tummy and thighs
She gasps and squirms, but a gentle slap to her crotch makes her still
"None of that, baby," Seolhyun leers up at her. "Be a good girl for your mommies."
The comment makes her core clench, and a long whine slips from her throat
Hyejeong chuckles, nipping at her nape possessively
Mina doesn't know what to do with her hands, and ends up grasping at Seolhyun's head
Seolhyun smirks up at her, pinching softly behind her knee. "Is our princess impatient?"
She shakes her head, trying to turn and bury her face in Hyejeong's neck, only for Hyejeong to press a soft kiss to her lips
While she was distracted, Seolhyun took the opportunity to pounce, giving Hyejeong a front row seat to see Mina's face contort in pleasure, eyes scrunching shut
Seolhyun showed no mercy for her first time, grinding down on her clit with her tongue until Mina was trying to pull her head away, wailing
She only clamped down on Mina's hips, diving deeper until Mina was spraying all over her face
Only then did she pull away, letting Mina try to catch her breath until Hyejeong's fingers took over, piercing her easily
She was still so sensitive that it took barely a few minutes before she was coming again, once again soaking Seolhyun's face
Seolhyun finally stood up, pressing herself against Mina's front, with a laviscious smirk
"Clean me up, baby. Taste yourself..."
Mina blushed deeply, but complied, leaning forwards to lap up the liquid covering Seolhyun
They brought her to their bed, stripping down (which made her blush again) and flanking her, making her feel tiny and protected
There were some questions when they woke up, Seolhyun and Hyejeong not remembering the night before, but the truth very quickly came out
The only reason they had gotten together in the first place was because of how much they both loved Mina
They never came out and told the others about the new addition to their relationship, but it was pretty clear to see
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insomniacandtired · 6 years
Headcanons #2
Can you do another Irene/Seulgi/Joohyun?The first one was a banger, bro.👌
First of all, Irene and Joohyun love taking care of their princess
Anything she needs, she gets
Seulgi is the most spoiled princess ever
Or at least she would be, if she wasn’t who she was
All Seulgi cares about is making sure she was a good girl, and that her mommies never had a reason to punish her
They found reasons anyways, just so they could have fun with their baby
Seulgi’s only flaw is that she thinks too much about being a good girl, to the point where she ends up misbehaving
The twins feel really bad about it sometimes, since they’re both kinda scatterbrained
If they end up forgetting something, Seulgi automatically blames it on herself, and it takes a long time for Irene and Joohyun to convince her she didn’t do anything wrong
Would you please write an exid smut with dom!solji? Preferably lesol but you can choose the pairing if that doesnt work. Thank you!
Solji isn’t the kind of dom most would think her to be
With her mostly happy disposition, you’d think she was either a harsh sadist or not a dom at all
Instead, she’s the kind of dom that can make you feel guilty as hell about misbehaving with nothing but a look
LE’s the kind of person that isn’t normally a sub
Hell, she’s not even a switch
But when she’s with Solji, she can’t be anything else
She surrenders to Solji in an instant, laying back and letting her have her way
When Solji isn’t there, LE is the badass rapper we all know and love, but the moment Solji steps into the room, she transforms into a whiny lapdog
Behind closed doors, Solji likes to take LE and tie her to the bed, teasing her for hours before she finally takes mercy
By the end of it all LE’s whining and whimpering and can’t even remember her own name
As an experiment, Solji slips a collar around LE’s throat one time, and realizes LE likes it a lot more than she thought she would when she comes explosively with a scream
After that it’s hard to find LE without her collar on, even when Solji isn’t there
can i request sugarmommy!jihyo and babygirl!dahyun, please?
Jihyo owns the office building Dahyun interns at, and for a while, that was all there was between them
One day Dahyun is informed that her rent is going up, and when that was added to her student loans and the debt her father left her with, she realized there was no way she’d be able to afford enough food to stay alive
Swallowing her pride, she goes to the CEO in her best clothes with a resume and cover letter and begs for a job
Jihyo informs her that there aren’t any positions open, and Dahyun almost cries, before something she’d only ever read about pops into her mind, and she realizes it might be the answer to her problems
She’s already at rock bottom, she had nothing to lose
Proposing the idea to Jihyo, she’s surprised that the CEO accepts
At first Jihyo doesn’t ask for much besides her company, but Dahyun realizes the amount she receives is affected by how far they go
She still has some pride, so she doesn’t go further than kissing for a long time
When she and Jihyo finally grow closer, she decides that it’s not about the money anymore, and let’s Jihyo have her way with her
She cries when her ‘allowance’ goes up, convincing herself that Jihyo is only interested in her because she’s paying Dahyun for sex
It’s only when she calls herself a prostitute in Jihyo’s presence that the mistake gets addressed
Their relationship changes, but the biggest difference is Jihyo’s title changing from Sugar Mommy to girlfriend
hi, hope your days going well! can I request some nsfw viseul? love your page!
First of all, despite what it seems like, Vivi is definitely the “mother” of that relationship
She does her best to look after Haseul and provide for her, being the most supportive girlfriend ever
Most of the time they're soft as hell for each other, but every once in a while, Haseul decides she wants to be a bit bratty that day
And things get steamy
As supportive as Vivi is, she's just as strict
She does not approve of any rule breaking, even if it's just playful, and will always punish Haseul the moment she steps out of line
Haseul has long since figured out she's a low-key masochist, so the punishments aren't much of a deterrent
Vivi's favorite method is good ole fashioned spanking, but she occasionally strays to more exotic forms
Haseul is a big fan of shibari, even with the denial that goes along with it
Vivi was surprisingly into cockwarming
The sight of Haseul squirming on her lap, the long strap on nearly fully sheathed inside her, was almost too much to bear
Since we’re talking about girls being called daddy here, would it be okay to ask for Daddy!Seulgi and Babygirl!Yeri? Maybe something about Yeri cockwarming Daddy!Seulgi’s strap and being all super cute and whiny about it?
could you please write mommy!irene and daddy!seulgi with babygirl!wendy
i really, really love your works omg... maybe can i request a yermseul one? these two have been so close lately and we know the biggest crush yeri have on seulgi. So maybe a jealous!seulgi x yeri???
hello! do you have any yerene headcanons?? could you please say some of them please?
I can see a lot of you are on the same train of thought. I've decided to combine these asks, since they're pretty similar. Mommy Irene, Daddy Seulgi, babygirls Wendy and Yeri. I'm not sure where Joy would fit in. Maybe Yeri and Wendy's friend that Irene and Seulgi want to bring into their dynamic? Anyone has any thoughts, let me know, alright? So in this au, Seulgi and Irene are married. They seduced Yeri, an intern at Seulgi's firm. Yeri moved in with them and became their babygirl, never having to worry about a thing besides her schooling. Eventually she learned that her best friend, Wendy, was going through some financial troubles and persuaded Irene and Seulgi into letting her join them.
Yeri's been spending too much time with Irene lately, and not enough with her
At least, that's what Seulgi thinks
She watches as her lovely wife dances around the kitchen, tickling Wendy and peppering Yeri's face with kisses
It was a scene that she loved to come home to, their happy laughter washing away her stress and calming her down
That doesn't stop the dark pit of jealousy in her
She knew she was jealous, and she knew she really had nothing to worry about, but she couldn't stop herself from doing something about it
That evening, while she worked on the dishes with her baby, she set her plan to work
Unzipping her trousers, she pulled out the strap she had hidden and slipped it up the back of Yeri's skirt
Yeri froze, glancing over her shoulder and whimpering at the sight of Seulgi's scowl
Without a word, she slipped Yeri's panties to the side and sank into her, burying the strap in her lithe body
Yeri sighs out a weak “daddy…” as it enters her, but quickly realizes Seulgi's plan when she doesn't start to move
She whimpers, making Seulgi chuckle
“Such a good little slut, taking daddy so well. No moving, baby, I want you to feel me.”
She makes Yeri continue with the dishes, whispering filth in her ears the whole while, rubbing her sides and nibbling at her neck
Yeri can barely stand, but she keeps going, unwilling to be punished
By the time she finishes, Yeri's bent over the counter, desperately trying not to come
Seulgi, pulls out and turns to leave, just to be an ass, only to see Irene sitting at the table with Wendy in her lap, gently making their other baby come on her fingers
She has a dangerous look in her eye as she stares at Seulgi challengingly
“Don't let us stop you. Weren't you just about to finish?”
Seulgi grumbles, her plan ruined, but follows her wife's order, kneeling on the tile and hiking Yeri's skirt up to her hips
Yeri is squirming on her tongue in an instant, gasping for air as Seulgi pulls out every trick she knows
Irene watches smugly, kissing all over Wendy's face and neck
Wendy is trembling, but she lets Irene do as she pleases, too trusting to put up even the smallest bit of resistance
Irene cherishes that trust, doing her absolute best to make sure that all her girls are taken care of and happy, satisfying herself with their comfort
They manage to make Yeri and Wendy come at the same time, their babies collapsing bonelessly in the wake
They bring them to the master bedroom, the bed tere large enough to easily contain them all
They fall asleep together, content in the presence of their loves
hey, u write for momoland?
I do, as long as it doesn't involve Nancy.
Can you make a mihyo story for me? They're my favorite ship in twice. ^^
Jihyo was tired
It had been a long day at work, her boss yelling at her a total of five times (a new record)
All she wanted was to sleep
Instead, as she opened the door to her apartment she noticed an extra pair of shoes on the mat, shoes that she knew very well, considering she had bought them
Her bad mood vanished instantly, replaced with excitement as she rushed into the kitchen
Her girlfriend was there, dancing like a feather as she sang along with the radio
She paused in front of the stove, and Jihyo sighed happily at the sight of Mina's happy smile
Mina heard her, twirling over to her to wrap her arms around Jihyo's neck and plant a soft kiss on her lips, both of them smiling too much to kiss properly
“I thought you were in Japan, how are you here?”
Mina reveals that she managed to finish up a few days early and came back to surprise Jihyo
They eat cuddled up close, neither having room to use their utensils properly, but neither particularly cared, content in being close after a week of being apart
After finishing up and cleaning the dishes, they go to bed
They're both exhausted, but neither can fall asleep, letting out sleepy giggles and giving each other little kisses
“You have no idea how much I needed this today. I love you so much, baby…”
Mina chuckles, her eyes fluttering closed
“Mmm...love you too…”
can we get a teacher! momo and student! dahyun au/fic with subby dahyun): she baby
It's Dahyun's first year in university
She's nervous, she doesn't know anyone, she's away from home
It makes sense that she'd latch on to the pretty dance professor that's so nice to her
Even when she starts to make friends and go out more, she'll always choose Momo over any other plans, obviously infatuated
Despite what people say, Momo isn't stupid, nor does she take unnecessary risks
She explains to Dahyun that nothing can happen between them, since she's a student
Dahyun agrees, but doesn't change, continuing to prioritize Momo
When she finally graduates, she asks Momo out - impressed by her dedication, Momo agrees
Unsurprisingly, Dahyun likes to role play
Specifically, professor and naughty student
Momo isn't as into it, mostly just going along with it to make Dahyun happy, but she still has fun
Dahyun loves it when Momo brings her to functions
She likes to hang off Momo's arm, showing herself off as Momo's pretty little plaything
She's quite smart, but she likes to pretend to be vapid eye candy
Mommy!Yves taking care of sick Baby!Chuu? Super fluffy please?
Jiwoo doesn't get sick often, which is good, because when she does she can't really do anything for herself, she she really doesn't want to scare off Sooyoung
Sooyoung is always composed and serious, and Jiwoo is always trying to make herself more mature so Sooyoung doesn't get annoyed with her, so seeing her the way she gets when she's sick would probably make her break up with her
Unfortunately, she got sick
Even worse, it was a day that Sooyoung was supposed to come over to help her with her coursework, and Jiwoo had completely forgotten about it
Sooyoung let herself in with the key Jiwoo had given her
She found Jiwoo wrapped up in a blanket, sniffling, staring at her water bottle
Jiwoo is unresponsive until Sooyoung confusedly hands her her drink, brow furrowed as Jiwoo perks up immediately
Sooyoung puts on cartoons for her, doing her best to help her with everything she needs as she tries to figure out what's going on
She only finds out when Jiwoo tells her the next day
To Jiwoo's surprise, Sooyoung doesn't leave
She enjoyed taking care of Jiwoo, and didn't find Jiwoo's regression all that weird
After that, Jiwoo starts to be herself more, and finds that Sooyoung is actually a lot warmer to her when she's acting less mature
She liked to take care of Jiwoo, and since Jiwoo liked to be taken care of, it works out perfectly
im still thinking about seolbo relationship in pretty girl  more seolbo plz
Seola is the strictest dom ever
It's rare for her to be lax about anything, but when she is, Bona takes advantage of it immediately
She likes to tease Seola, which almost always leads to her being bent over and punished, wherever they are
Despite that, Seola takes care of her girl
Whenever Bona feels down, Seola is always there to cheer her up and make her feel better
Bona can never hide when she's feeling down, not from Seola
She knows her too well
Instead of trying to hide it anymore, she just goes to Seola, quietly sidling up to her in the middle of whatever she's doing and pressing her head against her, waiting patiently for Seola to finish up and pull her into her arms
They never have any of those sugary sweet moments that so many other couple have, but they don't need to
They know they love each other, and they're quietly content with that
hi! i love your headcanons and writing. if you’re okay with it and/or ever have time, would sunmi/yves be something you’d consider writing for?
Sunmi and Yves are rival CEOs for modelling company, constantly battling for photo shoots and cfs
Whenever they're seen in public together, they're either glaring at each other or passive aggressively bragging and trying to one up each other
In private, however…
Up against walls, against windows, over counters, over the back of the couch, against the door, even in the middle of the floor
They're constantly doing their best to wreck the other, fucking each other into next week
Neither of them bottoms or tops, instead turning it into a battle to see who can make the other beg
Eventually, it becomes normal to wake up next to each other, make each other breakfast, even start to find themselves thinking about each other
It takes them a long time to realize they don't actually hate each other
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