#I had forgotten how hot JPs lips and smiles/smirks are
castielmoriarty · 6 months
I'm not sure that I want JP and Carter together and happy more than I want more of JP's sarcastic comments, often mumbled close to C's ear so they won't be overheard, and his knowing little smirks whenever C goes off on one of his denial!rants.
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blackleatherjacketz · 6 years
Snake Charmer
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Negan (The Walking Dead) x Jake Peralta (Brooklyn 99)
Summary: Jake questions Negan about the death of a young pizza delivery boy and bites off more than he can chew.
Word Count: 1463
Notes: This is for @annablack1102 and her “Teeny Tiny Writing Challenge” My prompt was Crime AU, so I brought him into my favorite Crime show with my favorite bisexual male detective.
Warnings: MLM Flirting, Mentions of Glenn’s Death, Negan’s Mouth, Captain Holt, Sexual Tension, Manic Jake, My take on Negan’s Real Name
Tags: @genevievedarcygranger @letsby @negans-network @collette04 @mblaqgi
Captain Holt folded his arms across his chest, his tired lungs slowly releasing an exasperated sigh. “This is Nicholas Egan; owner of the night club on 4th Street known as ‘Honey Bunz’.” He looked over at Jake before bringing his gaze back to the handsome man in the interrogation room. “Boyle and Jeffords took him in for questioning after they found the mutilated body of a young pizza delivery boy in the dumpster of his establishment early this morning.”
“So why isn’t Charles on the case?” Jake asked, pointing to the man through the double-sided mirror.
“Detective Boyle said that the man was ‘scary, and reminded him of his mother’.” Holt uncrossed his arms. “I sent Sergeant Jeffords in there to pick up the pieces, but Egan kept complimenting him on his impeccable physique, and didn’t actually answer any of his questions.” He paused and looked at Jake. “The man is a charmer, Peralta, he hasn’t even had to ask for a lawyer yet because had Jeffords practically blushing, the snake.” Holt spat out.
“His physique IS impeccable, though,” Jake whispered, staring off into the corner while he thought about Terry’s arms. “Have you seen him in the battle gear of Return to Skyfire?!”
“Peralta,” he pointed to the man in the hot seat. “A young man was brutally beaten and then tossed in the trash like he was nothing!” Captain Holt’s voice rarely faltered, his emotions coming through only once in a blue moon.
“Right right right right, there’s a horrible monster of a man out there beating people to death, and you think it might be him? Good. Got it!” He bit his lower lip and nodded, taking the case file from his superior officer. “Time to charm the snake!” ——————-
“So, Mr. Egan,” Jake waltzed into the interrogation room with a spring in his step, hoping to throw the man off guard.
“Call me Negan,” he smiled, turning in his chair to face him.
“Oh! Okay,” Jake glanced at his file then back at the suspect, raising his eyebrows. “Negan.”
He could suddenly tell why Terry was charmed out of the interrogation room and why Charles was too scared to even attempt to approach the table. Negan’s hair was dark, complemented by perfectly tanned skin and glowing amber eyes, his smile electric. Jake was pretty sure it was just a tactic, but he felt himself wanting to get closer, even if that meant getting electrocuted. He was big, from only his seated position Jake could tell that he would tower over him if they were on a level playing field. His tall stature wasn’t the only grandiose feature on this man, though. Something about him, the way he looked, they way he spoke, the way he was simply projected an enormity of presence Jake couldn’t quite explain.
Get it together, Jake! You’re a detective, he’s a suspect! He probably killed this poor pizza guy! He thought to himself, sitting on the chair backward. He remembered that Charles had told him something about reversing bad Juju by putting your sock on inside out or sitting on a chair backwards.
“Well then you can call me JPeralta… JP… Jay…” he tried to think of something comparable before deciding to wave it off. “You know what? Nevermind, you can just call me Detective Peralta. You’re a suspect, you know this.” He scooted himself closer to the table, opening the file in front of him to display the grotesque photographs of the crime scene.
“Oh my God!” Jake shouted, closing it and wishing he would have seen the photographs when he was in the other room.
“Shit, you okay?” Negan leaned forward, folding his hands together as a smirk crept over his lips. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost!”
Jake paused as he kept his hand on the worn and overused folder, noticing the glee this man took in his fear and surprise. He smiled and didn’t even pretend to be shocked or sorry that something like this happened on his property. He didn’t seem to be sorry that something like this had happened at all.
“What can you tell me about Glenn Rhee?” Jake regained his composure, sitting up in his chair and clearing his throat.
“Who?” He licked his lips and smiled, a row of perfectly white teeth electrifying the air around him amidst the dark walls of the interrogation room.
“Glenn Rhee: 27 years old, loving husband and soon to be father was found beaten to death in the dumpster behind your establishment. That… sound familiar? Ring any bells?” His eyes widened as he looked for more reactions from him. The husband and father angle usually warranted at least a fake frown from most people, but not this guy; this guy was either really dumb or really smart.
“Sweetheart, I honestly can’t say I know who you’re talking about.” He smiled and rubbed the salt and pepper stubble on his chin before chuckling under his breath, a tell-tale sign of deceit.
“Sweetheart?! Eyes up here, Daddy... erm... buddy!” Jake pointed to his eyes. “Look, you’re a smart man, you know that a dead body on your property isn’t good for business. I just want to help clear everything up so you can get back to business as usual.”
“You like my line of business, Peralta?” He leaned into him, dark eyes covering him in a blanket of warmth as he touched his hand. “All the ass and tits you want, whenever you want, wherever you want it.” He licked his lips again, making Jake wonder what those lips might taste like.
“You kiss your mother with that mouth?” Jake felt a rush of warmth pulse between his legs, causing a familiar strain on his pants he only felt when Amy spoke Spanish in the bedroom. Wait a minute, what was happening?
“Not just my mother, and not only on the mouth.” His fingertips teased their way up Jake’s knuckles, sending another exciting rush up his arm and into his spine. “How about you?”
“Listen, I resent the derogatory way you’re speaking about your mother and women in general, but you’re kind of sending me mixed signals, and I’m not really sure how to handle it, so I’m just going to keep going with my questions, mmkay? Mmmkay!”
Jake pulled his hand away and started writing on the folder in front of him, stopping only as Negan took the pen from between his fingers and grabbed his hand. He smiled that snakelike smile Holt had warned him about and kept his eyes on him, holding him hostage as he massaged his palm before writing a set of characters on it.
“What kind of signals are those, darlin’?” He asked, letting go of Jake’s hand and clicking the pen shut.
“Darlin’?” Jake laughed and felt a bead of sweat drip down his forehead. The intoxicating smell of his cologne drowned out any linear thought process he might have had a second ago. “I bet you call all the girls that… I mean, do you know of anyone who might have enemies… or… that are bad at…doing things…?” Jake shook his head and stared at the man’s handsome features, his prominent jawline only accented by his well-groomed beard and thick lustrous lips. “Are you wearing Drakkar Noir, by chance?”
“Peralta!” A very angry Captain Holt opened the door. ————————— “Drakkar Noir?” Captain Holt’s eyebrows were high on his forehead.
“Awe, come on, Captain, I almost had him!” Jake defended, pointing back at him.
“You got less accomplished than Sergeant Jeffords! He at least talked about physical fitness and found out where the suspect goes to the gym! All you managed to do was bat your eyelashes like some hussy on the school yard.” He pointed an angry finger at him.
“Hussy?” Jake gasped, grabbing his chest with his palm. Sure, the man was distracting, and sure, it was hard to concentrate or do anything in his presence, but Jake wasn’t acting like a hussy when he walked in the door… was he?
“Show me your hand, Peralta,” Holt held out his own for Jake to put his in.
“My what?” He gripped his flannel shirt tighter in defense.
“Your hand, Peralta, what did he write on it?” He beckoned for him with his fingers.
Jake was so nervous when Holt burst into the interrogation room that he had forgotten to check what Negan wrote on it. Maybe it was a clue, maybe it was a smiley face, maybe it was the blueprints of his building, or an admission of guilt. He let go of his flannel shirt and lifted his palm up to his face, glancing at it briefly before defeatedly placing it in his captain’s hand.
“Well?” Holt asked.
“It’s his phone number.”
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
Shall We Dance 2/?
They spoke together and Lucy swore that she felt small parks going through her arms, all irradiating from her clasped hands. ‘How long is too long to hold someone’s hand during a hand-shake? Should I let go? Do I wait for him to let go? My god, look at that smile…’ thoughts ran wild in her mind before she righted herself and she started to let go of his hand.
“So, you’re the famous sister Lucy, uh?” his natural voice was a little higher than she was used to in the movies, and when he smiled the lines around his eyes crinkled, why didn’t Penny warn her beforehand? He grabbed Lucy’s hand and pulled her into a hug, pressing his whole upper body into hers and enveloping her with his arms. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!”
Lucy’s squeaked but hugged him back, looking sideways at Penny with a surprised expression. She discretely sniffed his chest and sighed, her favorite man’s cologne greeting her nose.
“I’d say you’re the famous one, and I’m not talking about your career,” she smiled while taking a step back, “Garret has told some amazing tales, including sky diving and the curious case of the missing underwear. Seriously, he used those exact words to describe it before he told us how you literally lost every piece of your underwear while shooting one of the Marvel movies. Just how did you do that?”
She was laughing so hard she didn’t realize they were still holding hands, their fingers now lingering together.
“I’m way too sober to answer that one, but ask me again some other time, preferably after a round of shots!” His face had gotten a little redder and he gave her a playful smile. “Penny talks about you all the time and you live in New York, right? How come it’s the first time we’ve met?”
“Life was pretty hectic up until this last July, her birthday in October was the first time I came up to Boston to visit her in the last four years,” Lucy’s could feel her insides doing somersaults the longer he held her hand. “With the studio and competitions, all my time was devoted to dancing. Sorry, Pen.”
He squeezed her hand with one of his own and pointed at a futon in front of the large couch nestled in the middle of the suite. She sat down and Chris sat in front of her, on the edge of the couch, she could feel his eyes on her breasts, and she looked up in time to see him licking his lips before moving his eyes to her face.
Guillermo and Dora were seating on a couple of chairs by the futon and Garret sat on the couch with Chris, pulling Penny towards him and onto his lap. Lucy missed the glance her sister shared with her own boyfriend, a small smile on her lips.
“Did you know Lucy’s won the National Championship five times, Chris?” Penny laced her arms around Garret before saying that.
Lucy’s eyebrows hit the top of her head and the look she gave her sister clearly meant to say, ‘what the fuck are you doing?’ before looking back at Chris.
“Competitions? You have awards and stuff?” he looked at Lucy when she nodded and she didn’t know why, but he looked proud and it made her blush.
“Couple of different ones, but yeah, five first places and a couple of seconds and thirds.” She knew she was a good dancer, she worked hard daily to make her routines fun and exciting for the judges and it paid off. “Two of them were for our couple’s routine, one for our duo and the last two were for uhm… Pole dancing.”
The last two words had been spoken so softly Chris had to repeat them to make sure he had heard right. When she nodded and looked back at him, his eyes were wide and her confidence faltered, of course he would doubt her, who in their right mind would give a pole dance award to a fat girl like her. She hurried to explain.
“That was before… uhm… I was…” she exhaled loudly and squared her shoulders, dropping his hand and crossed her arms around her abdomen, trying to hide her midsection. “I was very much in shape when I won those awards, I’ll let you know that.”
Lucy grimaced at the tone of her voice, looking down at her crossed hands.
“Hey, hey, that wasn’t what I meant at all,” his large hand gave her knee a pat, pressing down a little to make her look at him, “I’ve seen my fair share of girls on the pole in the past and albeit I wasn’t paying much attention to the physics involved with the dance, that has got to be hard to learn, especially at competition level.”
“It totally is, Lucy had bruises on her shins, feet, and thighs for quite a long time before she got the hang of it.” Penny’s foot nudged her sister’s leg, making the other girl look up. When she did, Penny chuckled, “Remember when you came home with that bruise on your inner thighs and JP was so mad because he thought that some boy had given you a hickey there?”
“Lucy, so scandalous… I like it!” Garret gave her a huge smile.
“Well, JP didn’t”, she laughed, her previous bout of shyness and self-doubt forgotten, and went to explain “It wasn’t really a hickey you know, but I was still learning, entered the move on the wrong rotation and smacked the pole pretty hard. That shit hurts and you can get some serious contact burns when you do it wrong. Anyway, he got into my face when we’re at the pool, saying that ‘no sister of him should allow a boy to do that’. We had a screaming match because just the day before he was bragging to his friends about Debra Kempton, remember her Penny, and how he got to third base with her. I asked him if she wasn’t someone’s sister and he spluttered, huffed and called mom, who also scolded him.” The small group laughed, the girls within earshot exclaiming about double standards. “Gosh, that was an old memory, I almost forgot about that, how old was I, sixteen?”
“Nineteen-Ninety-Six, yes, right before JP left for college.” Penny agreed.
“Wait, you’re thirty-five?” Chris stared at her “I knew you’re the older sister, but I didn’t do the math till now. You don’t look thirty-five, you don’t even look thirty!”
“Why thank you, Mr. Evans, flattery will indeed get you everywhere.” Lucy patted his hand still resting on her knees with a wicked grin on her face, which he returned.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep sweetheart.” He had a full-on grin now and his eyes once again descended to her breasts, the hand on her left knee now traveling a little higher to her thighs.
Penny had warned about his flirting, but she didn’t say he had one of those panties-dropper smiles. That coupled with the greenish-blue eyes and the beard was a fatal combination for Lucy. But she was known to keep up the banter, always quick with a response.
“But I always keep my promises Chris, I’m the poster girl for the girl scouts.” She gave him a mock salute, two fingers touching her forehead.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and call me Captain?” he licked his lips slowly before turning his smile into a smirk, his voice now an octave lower and closer to her ear. His fingers on her jeans traveled higher again, his palm getting dangerously closer to her bum. “Obey all my commands?
When did he move so close to her? Her neck felt hot and her palms sweaty, she could feel her nipples hardening at his words and just what he would command her to do. I’d kill for a drink right now…
“I’m going to get some beers before the kick-off, who’s with me?” ‘did Guillermo actually read her mind?’ She wondered as he got up, clapping his hands excitedly.
Her little bubble with Chris exploded and she had to blink a few times to clear her head while he moved back. Lucy could see he was breathing a little harder and she chanced another glance at him. He gave her a huge smile before saying he’d go with Guillermo.
“Can I have a glass of wine instead? Cabernet is preferable, but I’ll take anything as long as it’s not overly sweet.” Lucy broke away from Chris stare long enough to reach her purse and grab a fifty-dollar bill.
“Your money’s no good here, sweetheart, keep it.” Chris rubbed his hands on his thighs almost like he was drying them, before clapping them and getting up. “So red wine, 4 beers, how about some chips and queso?” he looked around the group getting nods from everyone. “Alright, let’s go.”
On their way out Dix joined Chris and Guillermo, the three of them making their way to the door.
Lucy looked around and decided to peek into the outside seats, where they would congregate to watch the game. She had been to plenty of games at the Met Life Stadium but never inside one of the owners’ suite. She couldn’t deny she was impressed with the Patriots stadium, not that she would ever admit that out loud.
She shivered when she opened the door and the cold air hit her. Lucy knew her thick green wool sweater and jeans wouldn’t be enough to withstand the cold and wind bellowing outside the door.  She let Penny know she would grab their coats and went back inside, making her way to the coat hanger by one of the sofas on the other side of the room. She got her coat, putting it on, then grabbed her gloves from one of the pockets along with a thick black scarf and hat from the other. She was almost all bundled up and was buttoning up her coat when Samuel approached, leaning on the wall and giving her the once over.
“Hi.” She offered him a small smile, her fingers rapidly working on the last button.
“Hi there.” The dirty blond man had an easy smile but something about him bothered her. She understood why when he continued. “So, you’re a stripper? I gotta say, with a heck like that you oughta make some money, even if you’re on the heavy side.”
Lucy seethed and looked at him with contempt.
“I’m sorry, I barely even know your name, what’s your problem with me?”
“Come on baby, you’re gonna play hard to get because I’m not the movie star? I saw you getting all chummy with Chris not five minutes ago. You think he’s gonna make a move on ya’ when he has the pick of the litter?” His hand moved as to touch her hair and she smacked it down with hers.
“Do not touch me without my permission,” she said through gritted teeth, standing tall like JP had taught her all those years ago. ‘Stand your ground and look menacing Lou, you have to make them see you’re not afraid and won’t tolerate their shit.’ She looked straight at Samuel and counted on her hand. “Number one I’m not your baby and whomever I get chummy with is not your business. Number two I’m not a stripper, I’m a dance instructor who teaches not only pole dance but at least five more dance styles. And number three if me being heavy is such a problem, why are you talking to me? Now, if you excuse me.”
She tried to move past him, but he pushed from the wall and blocked her path with his body.
“Hey, Samuel. Lucy… The game is about to start, why don’t you bundle up Sam, I’m getting the girls outside.” Garret was out of the couch and next to the two people in less than three steps, having heard how agitated Lucy sounded. Trying to defuse the situation without getting the attention of everyone else seemed like the best idea and he offered Lucy his arm, which she gladly accepted while he gathered his and Penny’s jacket.
Garret gave the other man a hard stare before moving away, Lucy looking down the whole time.
“You good Lucy?” Garret had an imposing figure and at almost 6’5, he towered over everyone in the room and even had her 5’9 sister looking small and dainty next to him. But the light dark-skinned man was one of the sweetest men she knew, and his presence had always soothed Lucy whenever they met in New York City or at her parents’ house.
‘Man, they’re gonna make some beautiful babies together.’ Lucy thought back to the last serious conversation they had, tucked away in his and Penny’s kitchen after her birthday party. He confessed he would propose during Christmas’s Eve, after talking to Mr. Seabrook. Lucy was giddy and even helped him with the engagement ring, stealing one of Penny’s ring so he could take it with him to the jewelry store. The ring was now tucked away in one of Lucy’s travel bags and she promised she wouldn’t peek. She looked up to him and smiled. “Yeah, he’s being a shithead but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before you know?”
“But you shouldn’t have to deal with that Lucy, I don’t understand my own kind sometimes, men are pigs.” He opened the door to the outside area, motioning her to go. “I mean, I get it that being friends with Chris makes you a second option and if you’re not secure with yourself that must suck, but that’s no reason to treat a woman with anything but respect.”
“Was I flirting too much with Chris? Will he think I’m a groupie?” the last sentence was more meant for herself than for her friend, but Lucy needed to know.
“My god woman, no!” he threw his head back in a hearty laugh, hugging Lucy sideways. “If anything, he’s the one who upped the volume back there, even I did a double take when he mentioned you calling him captain because he usually shies away from that part of his life when talking to girls. Hot as hell if I might say so!” he nudged her with his shoulder. “And believe me, you might be Penny’s sister but if I didn’t know you and didn’t think you’d be a good fit with our little group, you wouldn’t be invited. We’re very protective of the guy, especially when he’s in Boston and believes no one will take advantage of him. But Guillermo likes you, Dora likes you. Samuel’s a dick but that’s nothing new. And I, I really like you. You’re one of those girls who doesn’t take shit from anyone and can actually hold a conversation about anything… plus you treated my boy like he was just another guy you met.”
Lucy smiled at Gar and hugged him tightly, murmuring her thanks.
They sat next to Penny right as Chris, Guillermo and the rest of Chris’ friends made their way outside, passing drinks and appetizers around.
But even after Garret’s pep talk, Samuel’s words had her reeling and her feelings of inadequacy came back up with a vengeance. Why would Chris make a move on her when he could have anyone he wanted?
‘You’re just a fat girl Lucy, who would want you now?’ the voice inside in her mind now sounded like a man and years of being belittled made her feel unwanted. Who indeed would want the fat girl? Her own voice echoed.
She asked Penny to change places with her and she tried to make herself as small as she could next to the wall, her wine glass firmly clasped on her hands.
Lost to her own thoughts Lucy didn’t see the look Chris sent her way, his smile turning to a frown when the vibrant, boisterous girl of twenty minutes ago now looked meek and subdued.
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