queeniewritesce · 5 years
Shall We Dance 1/?
Chris Evans rolled out of his bed and ran a hand down his face, scrubbing the last remaining traces of sleep. It was good to be home even if his break was coming to an end after forty-five days. Having wrapped up filming for Captain America: Civil War in late August, he had been happy to get some rest and visit his friends and family in Boston before heading down south to work on his next project, Gifted. He was looking forward to working with Octavia Spencer again and the script was solid, a good departure from the explosions and green screens this last few years provided.
Last night had been his last full night at home and Chris and some of his friends went to Mccreedy’s Pub for beers and pool. He arrived home around four A.M, his pockets lighter and highly drunk.
He groggily made his way to the bathroom of his en-suite, bending down to grab his checkered boxers from the floor. After relieving himself he looked himself in the mirror while washing his hands and face. Yes, it was good to be home, no fake fights to learn, no need for a daily shave and no places he had to b...
“SHIT!” His voice was loud, and it echoed in the empty bathroom. “Shit, shit, shit...”
He raced back to his bedroom and grabbed his phone from the nightstand. The black and white Patriots logo blinked to life and right above it the clock read eleven fifty-two A.M. Groaning, he sat back on the edge of the bed and pulled his contacts app, quickly dialing finding and dialing the number he was looking for.
The call connected after three rings and before he was able to say anything the sound of giggling and laughter reached his ears. He was missing a great time with his friends judging by the background noise.
“…and you’re a crazy woman! Your danger Will Robson button must’ve broken when you’re born!” came Garret’s voice on the phone followed by more laughter. “Chris my man you’re fucking late!” Chris heard a feminine voice saying ‘Fuck you Gar’ on the background followed by “Silence woman, I’m on the phone!” from Garret.
“Yeah, ‘bout that…” Chris could hear the stadium music playing, welcoming everyone to the Gillet Stadium, home of the New England Patriots. “I’ll probably won’t make it today bro, I just woke up and I feel like someone drove a tank over my head.”
“You sound like crap as well bro…” Garret sighed on the phone. “Listen, you want us to leave? It’s not fair that we’re using your suite and you won’t even be here.”
Chris felt like a jackass, Garret had come up to him a few days after he had been home and asked if Chris would be okay with him borrowing his suite at Gillet Stadium and taking a few friends to watch the Pats play. It would be Garret’s girlfriend’s birthday on the 31st and the game was the start of one long birthday weekend culminating with a special Halloween party.
“NO, no, come on man, I’d never make you leave!” He groaned when he got up, pacing the room. “We’ve made these plans like a month ago, it’s part of Penny’s birthday celebration and you shouldn’t have to halt your plans because I fucked up. I’ll let the suits known I won’t be in but you’ll stay put and enjoy the game, ok?”
He leaned on the window pane with his right arm, soaking up the sun and watching life go by on the streets below his old townhouse. He had purchased the house in late March and there was still so much to do to restore the house to his former 1900 glory. It excited and terrified him, but Chris was adamant he would do the renovations himself.
“You sure you can’t swing by halftime? We’re gonna kill some Delphinus ass and you’re root to watch the game with.”
Chris could hear Guillermo in the background screaming ‘kill the fish, kill the fish’ while the same woman's voice from before laughed and corrected him saying dolphins were mammals and calling him a dumbass. She had a hearty laugh, loud enough to be heard through the phone call but not high-pitched and he could’ve sworn he heard her snort during his conversation with Garret. Adorable... the thought crossed his mind for a second.
“Nah, I don’t think I will. I’ll just take some Advil and go back to bed, commiserate over my own drunk ass. My flight is at nine P.M. and I really don’t want to flight while hangover and football is only football when there’s beer involved. Put Penny on the phone though, I wanna wish my future wife a Happy Birthday.” Chris laughed knowing he’d get a rise out of his friend.
“Fuck you, Evans, she’d never leave my ass for yours, you’re too pretty for a man, she likes them rough and…“ Garret was interrupted by what Chris deduced was an elbow to his side.
“I actually like my man without a potty mouth, Mr. Haywood… Hey Chris! Thank you so much for the surprise!” Penny sweet voice came through the speaker.
“Well babygirl, then I’m definitely not the man for you, am I?” Chris laughed with Penny. “Listen, I’m sorry I can’t make it today, I have no excuses but I’m a drunken fool.”
“Yes, yes you are!” she laughed before getting serious, her nurse voice on “Are you drinking plenty of water? Have you taken some ibuprofen? Order some greasy food and try not to stay on your bed all day, alright?”
“Yes Nurse Seabrook, no Nurse Seabrook.” He chuckled and made the way to the kitchen to find the Advil bottle. Penny was a nurse at Christopher’s Haven and had met Garret when both Chris and his friend had gone for a visit. Garret left saying she would be his girl one day and true to his world he had won her over not a month later. That was two years ago and Chris was sure a proposal wasn’t far off in the distance. She made his best friend happy and for that he loved her.
“Oh, shut up with the Nurse Seabrook nonsense would ya? I’m just sad you won’t get to meet my sister, she flew in last night and I was looking forward to introducing you two.” Penny said while he opened the bottle and got two pills.
“Are you trying to set me up with your sister, Penny?” he opened a cabinet door and got a glass.
“I do not set people up Christopher, I find pieces of a puzzle that are supposed to go together and let destiny take its course.” She giggled. Yeah, she was totally trying to set them up.
“You’re something else Penny!” he sighed after drinking a full glass of water. “Listen I gotta try and get some more sleep, but happy birthday you little cupid, I hope it’s a great one. I’m sorry I couldn’t be there, and I promise to make it up to you somehow.”
“There’s no need to make it up to me, dear. You’re a great friend and a busy man. We’ll see you when you’re back ok?”
“I love you both very much, I’ll call you when I have a chance.” Chris made his way back to his bedroom, closing the blackout curtains and sliding into his bed before disconnecting the call.
His dreams were discombobulated images of football, his friends and a laugh that he couldn’t place a face to, but warmed him whenever he heard it.
Chris looked back to the stadium and he could see people filling the seats around the suites. A soundproof glass kept the noise at a normal level inside his, but the excitement was palpable. Families donned Patriots jerseys and Santa hats, the jumbotron showed a man dressing head to toe like a giant Christmas’ tree and then the image changed to a couple of girls dressed like sexy elves. Man, they must be freezing in this weather… It was December 20th and the temperature had dropped dramatically the night before, right now it was 26° but the weatherman talked about it getting as low as 15° during the game.
He was glad he had purchased a season suite. It wasn’t cheap but it was heated, had leather seats in the inside area, four HD TVs playing the other games of the day as well as the one being played on the field below and it came with their personal bar down the hall, tucked away from the crowd. Chris wasn’t against meeting fans and taking pictures, but sometimes he just wanted to have fun with his friends, let his guard down and enjoy himself.
Some of his drinking buddies were already there, a beer bottle on their hands and talking shit about a lot of things.
“Chris, thanks again for the invite brother, it’s not every day you get to watch the Pats kick some Titan’ ass from the 50-yard line,” Samuel said while raising his beer bottle in a salut.
“Here, here, let’s hope they freeze on their socks. Tennessee might be cold, but this Foxborough man! It’s our territory.” Another man, Dix, clinked his bottle to the first ones and they drank, Chris, following with their own salut and drink.
He turned his attention to the door when it opened, revealing Guillermo and his girlfriend Dora, Garret, and Penny. She had her head turned back and was speaking with someone just outside the door.
“I know right, she looked like you pissed on her Cheerios, she was so mad!” Penny laughed while fully entering the room.
And then he heard it, the laugh that had accompanied his dreams those past two months got louder when it entered the room.
“It’s not my fault she’s wearing stilettos in this weather. It’s fucking freezing and she had on fifteen-inch hills, a dress, and no tights! Who does that for Pete’s sake? Anyway, if she had moved when I said excuse me she wouldn’t have gone down like a sack of potatoes. My ass needs space to move around, you know that!” the girl finished and closed the door behind her, already unbuttoning her jacket. “Gosh, so warm, I love this place, I really do.”
“Yeah, like your ass is really that big Lucy.” Penny also removed her jacket, taking both and handing them over to Garret. “CHRIS!”
Penny sauntered to Chris with open arms, her small frame easily being engulfed by his.
“Welcome back big shot, how’s my favorite Captain?” she said hugging him with all her might. Penny really gave the best hugs he thought while hugging her back.
“I’m the only Captain you know Pen, of course I’m your favorite!”
“Actually, you’re not, our brother JP is also a captain”, she shrugged and moved her eyes to Penny, a smirk on her lips “and I’m telling him you said that!”
“Lucy, don’t you dare!” Penny was smiling while hugging Chris sideways. “Ok, so you’re my favorite fake Captain, JP is my favorite real Captain. How’s that?” she showed her tongue to Lucy before remembering that introductions were in other. “Chris this is my big sister and an even bigger pain in the ass, Lucy Seabrook. BabyBoo, this is the dorkiest man on earth, Chris Evans.”
In the few seconds that it took for Lucy to walk the three steps between them, Chris finally took a good look at the girl. Around 5’4”, she had a full hourglass figure, bigger than what usually attracted him but something about her called to him. A round face with amazing green eyes stared back at him, her full, kissable lips on display sporting a reddish-pink hue. Her red hair had shades going from strawberry blond to mahogany, but the main portion was a deep burnt orange, reaching past her waist and brushing the top of her ass cheeks. While her breasts looked gorgeous on that sweater, he had always been an ass man. And what a great ass that was, all round and perky. His cock twitched at the thoughts running through his mind.
She had dimples when she smiled and he caught himself smiling back with the same intensity, before enveloping her small hands with his.
‘I guess when people talk about feeling a shock going thru them when they meet someone they click with, this is the feeling they’re talking about.’ Chris laughed to cover the shiver that ran through his body.
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ce-vans · 6 years
Ah yes, the whole reason why ISTLDFY exists. I’ve might watched this video on repeat for hours when it first appeared on my dash!
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
An update on my works
I Saved The Last Dance For You - Chapter 7 will be posted no later than Monday, it’s being beta’d right now.
Have a Magical Day - Chapter 2 is almost done, I hope to have it up by no later than next Wednesday.
Recommendations - one shot, writing challenge - it’s finished and I’m tweaking a few things. I’m shooting for a Saturday update.
Thanks for following me and I hope you guys enjoy the new stuff!
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
Shall We Dance 4/?
It had been a hot minute since Lucy had laughed so hard.
The group had decided, much to Chris objections, that it was still too early to part ways and they headed back to Boston, a lively discussion happening via facetime while they drove. In the end, they all had agreed on Cure, a bar lounge on the theater district. For an early Sunday night the place was quite full but a look of recognition crossed the hostess' face and she quickly found them a place a near one of the two bars that divided the place in two, one side with a dance floor surrounded by vinyl couches and the other a little more subdued, leather couches and chairs, lights deemed and people drinking and mingling.
That had been two hours and many beers and glasses of wine ago, with tales being shared left and right, a recount of the game and its highlights leading up to a heated debate about Tom Brady being the greatest quarterback of the league.
“Oh come on, the guy is just that good, he doesn’t need to deflate the damn ball to throw a perfect pass,” Chris said from his spot on the couch next to Lucy. He had his left arm resting on the back of the couch while his hand played with the nape of her neck, his thumb gently stroking the hair there. His legs were spread out and a little while ago he had grabbed both her legs and draped them over his left one and she was now sandwiched between the arm of the couch and Chris’ body. “He’s the hardest working man on the league, that’s why he’s so good. Did you know he doesn’t eat dairy or flour products?”
“You know, if it wasn’t for the boner you’ve been toting around since halftime and the pissing match you had with Samuel at the end of the game, I’d swear you had the hots for Brady.” Guillermo said and laughter erupted, Dix and Garret, letting out an ‘oooooh’. “How do you even know these things, man?”
“Fuck you, Gui,” Chris’s hand lifted from Lucy’s neck and flipped his friend the bird before resuming its place. He finished the beer that was left on the bottle and set the bottle at the low table in front of him. “Samuel was being a prick, he had no right to talk about Lucy like that. He’s being stupid since whatshername dumped his ass, but after today I don’t blame her. And stop looking at my dick you pervert.” Chris shifted in his seat, bringing his now free hand to cover his crotch.
“Do make note he didn’t deny his attraction to Brady.” That earned Lucy a dirty look and a playful slap on her thighs.
“The mouth on you,” Chris exclaimed, and his fingers tightened on her neck, bringing her face closer, his mouth lingered for a moment, eyes locked and his breath hot on her face. They’ve been like that since they arrived, relaxing and enjoying the exchange between their friends at a moment and slowly kissing on the next, bodies close and hands wondering. “I really like when it’s pressed against mine.”
This kiss was harder than the earlier tentative kisses they shared. Like a sensual slow dance, Chris’ full lips caressed hers with pecks soft as a butterfly, gently coaxing her mouth to open while his left fingers stroke her neck, his right hand sliding from her thighs to cup her waist, keeping her from moving. She left a soft moan escape and her mouth opened, giving him a chance to touch her tongue with his own. Chris groaned and closed his mouth around hers, his tongue touching every corner it could reach, the roof of her mouth, sliding against her tongue, her teeth, then coming back to kiss her bottom lip and starting it all over again. Lucy’s hands had taken residence around his neck, fingers twisting on his hair, tugging at the dark strands and she was rewarded with a purr that made her insides clench with want. He broke the kiss and dragged his lips across her jaw, nipping his way up to the shell of her ear. One of her hands left his hair, her fingers gently tracing downwards his nose, caressing his cheek. Their eyes locked and a small sigh escaped her lips before they smiled at each other.
“You make me gag a little, just so you know,” Penny’s amused voice reached them from the leather chair in front of them before she popped a french-fry on her mouth.
“Consider it payback for all the times I had to put on music to drown the sounds coming from my guest bathroom.” Lucy looked at her sister, happy to dish as hard as she got and grinned before continuing, “I had to rearrange the whole bedroom because the headboard kept hitting the wall, there’s just so many times one can handle being jostled awake because her sister is getting her freak on.”
Chris threw his head back in laughter, his hand grabbing his left peck and sliding a little on the sofa cushion.
“Bitch!” Penny laughed, shrugged and pecked Garret’s red cheek, murmuring something that made him grin back at her.
“Love you too, skank,” a bright smile contradicted the harshness of her words. “You’re welcome to rock the walls now if you want, the dude on 4B is a tool.”
“He totally is, did you know he told Garret delivery guys should wait downstairs?” The smile vanished from her face. And she shushed her boyfriend when a small ‘Baby…’ left his lips. “No, I should’ve have told Lucy right there, it’s not the first time either.”
“The fuck you saying?” all traces of laughter left Chris’ voice when he looked at Garret’s chagrined face.
“You should’ve clocked him, bro,” Dix said from the opposed chair, knuckles white around his beer bottle.
“I’ll have his ass on the next tenants' meeting, I’m so tired of his racist, misogynist hogwash. He’s the worst kind of human being.”
“Let it go, guys, there’s nothing we can do it about now.” Garret’s voice had a hint of resignation and he shrugged. “We’re here having a good time and he’s probably at home watching porn alone.” Chris went to say something, but a shake of Garret’s head silenced him. “I’m going to the bar, anyone wants something?”
“Water please, I need to sober up a little.” Lucy patted Chris’ knee before getting up. “Penny, where’s the bathroom?”
“I’ll go with you.” She kissed Garret again, whispering I love you to him before joining Lucy.
They silently made their way through a narrow tunnel illuminated by purple LED lights behind the bar. Reaching the bathroom, they each headed for a stall, meeting a few minutes later at the sink. Lucy watched her sister’s reflection while she dried her hands
“Why didn’t you tell me Pen?” Lucy’s voice was soft. “It’s not the first time he’s seeing sputtering out that racist bs, Doctor Harris confided in me Brian once told her that he was glad her apartment was on the level floor, as he’d never share the elevator with the likes of her. Doctor Harris!! She’s the sweetest lady ever, always helping everyone, she handles Morris like he’s a kitten instead of a twenty-five pounds monster.”
“He’s a monster alright, tried to kill me twice now,” the smile never quite reached her eyes and she sighed. When she spoke, her eyes shone with unshed tears. “I… I forget sometimes you know? I forget what he goes through daily because I don’t look at him and think ‘here’s my black boyfriend’. He’s just my Garret. But some other times he comes home and I just know some shit went down or we’ll be having dinner at a restaurant and people look at us funny and… I hate it what it does to him when that happens. Hate it.”
Lucy closed the space between them and hugged her sister.
“I can’t even imagine what that must feel like and I’m sorry you have to go through that. You’re my favorite person in the word and I love you.”
“Thank you Babyboo. I love you too.” Shaking her head, Penny exhaled and gave her sister a sly smile. “Sooo… You and Chris hit it off well���”
“Yeah… From the moment he took my hands I was smitten. And then he pulled me into a hug and it was like this fire erupted within me.” The amber inside her burned brighter when she remembered the way his arms felt around her. “He’s funny, smart, and has the sharpest tongue of anyone I know except maybe for JP.” She reapplied the reddish-pink lipstick. “There’s something about him, he’s all man you know, not afraid to go after he wants. And to think he wants me? That’s both ridiculous and incredible.”
“Don’t start with the self-deprecating bullshit Lucy, you’re gorgeous, full lips, toned legs, boobs I’d kill for and an ass that Chris can’t seem to keep his hands off. So you’re not a size four, who the fucks care? Certainly not the man out there with a bulge in his pants just from kissing you.”
The muffled sound of the music coming from beyond the walls was the only sound in the bathroom for a while before Lucy sighed, capped the lipstick and put it away.
“You guys have an unhealthy obsession with Chris’ penis.”
The sisters looked at each other and burst out laughing.
“The last time I had a one-night stand was two years ago, he probably had one last week. What if I suck?”
“I don’t think he’ll have any problem with you sucking, babyboo.” Penny laughed and ducked when Lucy sent a balled paper towel at her head. “Look, he’s not a saint, but he isn’t a whore either. He had a fling with Jenny something from his last project, burned red and hot and sizzled in four weeks, she sold him out to the papers and he’s been licking his wounds ever since. Has he been with someone else between then and now? I have no idea, but Chris’ a good guy Lucy and I know he’s not two-timing anyone else by being with you.”
She nodded, that would be enough for now.
With linked arms, they made their way back to the bar.
“I was ready to send a search party after you,” Chris and Garret were waiting by the end of the bar, right by the exit to the dark tunnel. He handed a small bottle of water to Lucy, plucking it out of her hands when she was finished. Chris extended his hands and circled her waist, turning her around and bringing her close to his hard body.
“We’re talking about you.” The mirth on her voice gave away to a soft moan when his lips closed on the point where shoulder and neck met, taking advantage of the one shoulder sweater she was wearing.
“Good things I hope,” soft bites followed by a lick of his tongue had her head spinning and she grounded against him, swaying her hips to the rhythm of the music surrounding them. “Damn woman, you don’t play fair.”
Give it to me, I’m worth it Baby I’m worth it Uh huh, I’m worth it Gimme gimme I’m worth it.
“But where’s the fun in playing fair Chris?” she rotated again, reaching behind her to grab his strong hips, fingers sinking on his thighs, making him move with her. Jade eyes sparkled on her tilted head, lips procuring his, sweeping it with her tongue. Time stood still for a second, eyes locked, lips barely touching. Her breath hitched and she closed her mouth around Chris’, tongues dancing together to the beat of the song.
“Dance with me, Lucy.” It was not a request. His eyes were dark as the sky in the morning right before the sunrise, not a trace of the green specks she saw earlier that day. She shivered at the intensity she saw there, desire pooling at her lower half.
Penny and Garret went with them to the dance floor, the music becoming louder as they got closer to the other side of the club, the DJ playing a remix of hip-hop and pop songs.
Chris swayed with Lucy, hands low on her hips, thumbs hooked to the belt loops of her jeans, chests pressed close together, not a single inch separating them. They were surrounded by other bodies but only had eyes for each other. Fingers twisted around the hair on the nape of his neck while the other hand traveled up his arms slowly, the white t-shirt outlining every muscle, and Lucy reveled at the thought that those arms would hold her in a much more intimate embrace later on.
Oh don't you dare look back Just keep your eyes on me" I said, "You're holding back" She said, "Shut up and dance with me!" This woman is my destiny She said, "Ooh-ooh-hoo Shut up and dance with me
We were victims of the night The chemical, physical, kryptonite Helpless to the bass and the fading light Oh, we were bound to get together Bound to get together
“I love this song,” Lucy laughed, throwing her hands in the air, hips sashaying back and forth, back arched, feet apart, waiting for the chorus, singing together when it started.
Chris laughed and twirled her around, bringing her back to his wide chest, voices mingling together while grounding against each other.
“You’ll definitely be the death of me.” The whisper was followed by a nip of her earlobe. She pushed away from Chris, giddy, happiness seeping of every pore as they spiraled around each other.
A deep bass replaced the guitar riff and the next song started, a different mood taking hold of them. Lights swirled and the air heavy became with want. He brought her back towards him, one hand closing on her upper thighs pulling her ass down against his hard length, the other moving up her rib cage, skimming her breast, nipples hardening with his ministrations.
With her wine-stained lips, yeah, she nothing but trouble Cold to the touch but she's warm as a devil I gave her my heart but she wanted my soul She takes 'til I break and I can't get more
She turned around, her fingernails skittering his chest, grazing his nipples, her mouth closing on his throat, sucking lightly. His palms reached her bottom, big hands squeezing her cheeks and bringing her impossible close, sliding a knee between her legs, making her moan when the inseam of her jeans hit all the right places. She felt his hot breath on her ear, lips leaving a trail of fire till her mouth, a bruising kiss that made her head spin.
You got me in chains You got me in chains for your love But I wouldn't change No, I wouldn't change this love You got me in chains You got me in chains for your love But I wouldn't change No, I wouldn't change this love
“I believe it’s time to get out of here before I snap and have my wicked way with you in front of everybody.” Chris stared at her like a caged animal ready to pounce, a thin layer of perspiration on his brown.
Not trusting her words, she nodded and took his outstretched hand, fingers intertwined, almost running to keep up with his pace.
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
Shall We Dance 2/?
They spoke together and Lucy swore that she felt small parks going through her arms, all irradiating from her clasped hands. ‘How long is too long to hold someone’s hand during a hand-shake? Should I let go? Do I wait for him to let go? My god, look at that smile…’ thoughts ran wild in her mind before she righted herself and she started to let go of his hand.
“So, you’re the famous sister Lucy, uh?” his natural voice was a little higher than she was used to in the movies, and when he smiled the lines around his eyes crinkled, why didn’t Penny warn her beforehand? He grabbed Lucy’s hand and pulled her into a hug, pressing his whole upper body into hers and enveloping her with his arms. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you!”
Lucy’s squeaked but hugged him back, looking sideways at Penny with a surprised expression. She discretely sniffed his chest and sighed, her favorite man’s cologne greeting her nose.
“I’d say you’re the famous one, and I’m not talking about your career,” she smiled while taking a step back, “Garret has told some amazing tales, including sky diving and the curious case of the missing underwear. Seriously, he used those exact words to describe it before he told us how you literally lost every piece of your underwear while shooting one of the Marvel movies. Just how did you do that?”
She was laughing so hard she didn’t realize they were still holding hands, their fingers now lingering together.
“I’m way too sober to answer that one, but ask me again some other time, preferably after a round of shots!” His face had gotten a little redder and he gave her a playful smile. “Penny talks about you all the time and you live in New York, right? How come it’s the first time we’ve met?”
“Life was pretty hectic up until this last July, her birthday in October was the first time I came up to Boston to visit her in the last four years,” Lucy’s could feel her insides doing somersaults the longer he held her hand. “With the studio and competitions, all my time was devoted to dancing. Sorry, Pen.”
He squeezed her hand with one of his own and pointed at a futon in front of the large couch nestled in the middle of the suite. She sat down and Chris sat in front of her, on the edge of the couch, she could feel his eyes on her breasts, and she looked up in time to see him licking his lips before moving his eyes to her face.
Guillermo and Dora were seating on a couple of chairs by the futon and Garret sat on the couch with Chris, pulling Penny towards him and onto his lap. Lucy missed the glance her sister shared with her own boyfriend, a small smile on her lips.
“Did you know Lucy’s won the National Championship five times, Chris?” Penny laced her arms around Garret before saying that.
Lucy’s eyebrows hit the top of her head and the look she gave her sister clearly meant to say, ‘what the fuck are you doing?’ before looking back at Chris.
“Competitions? You have awards and stuff?” he looked at Lucy when she nodded and she didn’t know why, but he looked proud and it made her blush.
“Couple of different ones, but yeah, five first places and a couple of seconds and thirds.” She knew she was a good dancer, she worked hard daily to make her routines fun and exciting for the judges and it paid off. “Two of them were for our couple’s routine, one for our duo and the last two were for uhm… Pole dancing.”
The last two words had been spoken so softly Chris had to repeat them to make sure he had heard right. When she nodded and looked back at him, his eyes were wide and her confidence faltered, of course he would doubt her, who in their right mind would give a pole dance award to a fat girl like her. She hurried to explain.
“That was before… uhm… I was…” she exhaled loudly and squared her shoulders, dropping his hand and crossed her arms around her abdomen, trying to hide her midsection. “I was very much in shape when I won those awards, I’ll let you know that.”
Lucy grimaced at the tone of her voice, looking down at her crossed hands.
“Hey, hey, that wasn’t what I meant at all,” his large hand gave her knee a pat, pressing down a little to make her look at him, “I’ve seen my fair share of girls on the pole in the past and albeit I wasn’t paying much attention to the physics involved with the dance, that has got to be hard to learn, especially at competition level.”
“It totally is, Lucy had bruises on her shins, feet, and thighs for quite a long time before she got the hang of it.” Penny’s foot nudged her sister’s leg, making the other girl look up. When she did, Penny chuckled, “Remember when you came home with that bruise on your inner thighs and JP was so mad because he thought that some boy had given you a hickey there?”
“Lucy, so scandalous… I like it!” Garret gave her a huge smile.
“Well, JP didn’t”, she laughed, her previous bout of shyness and self-doubt forgotten, and went to explain “It wasn’t really a hickey you know, but I was still learning, entered the move on the wrong rotation and smacked the pole pretty hard. That shit hurts and you can get some serious contact burns when you do it wrong. Anyway, he got into my face when we’re at the pool, saying that ‘no sister of him should allow a boy to do that’. We had a screaming match because just the day before he was bragging to his friends about Debra Kempton, remember her Penny, and how he got to third base with her. I asked him if she wasn’t someone’s sister and he spluttered, huffed and called mom, who also scolded him.” The small group laughed, the girls within earshot exclaiming about double standards. “Gosh, that was an old memory, I almost forgot about that, how old was I, sixteen?”
“Nineteen-Ninety-Six, yes, right before JP left for college.” Penny agreed.
“Wait, you’re thirty-five?” Chris stared at her “I knew you’re the older sister, but I didn’t do the math till now. You don’t look thirty-five, you don’t even look thirty!”
“Why thank you, Mr. Evans, flattery will indeed get you everywhere.” Lucy patted his hand still resting on her knees with a wicked grin on her face, which he returned.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep sweetheart.” He had a full-on grin now and his eyes once again descended to her breasts, the hand on her left knee now traveling a little higher to her thighs.
Penny had warned about his flirting, but she didn’t say he had one of those panties-dropper smiles. That coupled with the greenish-blue eyes and the beard was a fatal combination for Lucy. But she was known to keep up the banter, always quick with a response.
“But I always keep my promises Chris, I’m the poster girl for the girl scouts.” She gave him a mock salute, two fingers touching her forehead.
“Are you gonna be a good girl and call me Captain?” he licked his lips slowly before turning his smile into a smirk, his voice now an octave lower and closer to her ear. His fingers on her jeans traveled higher again, his palm getting dangerously closer to her bum. “Obey all my commands?
When did he move so close to her? Her neck felt hot and her palms sweaty, she could feel her nipples hardening at his words and just what he would command her to do. I’d kill for a drink right now…
“I’m going to get some beers before the kick-off, who’s with me?” ‘did Guillermo actually read her mind?’ She wondered as he got up, clapping his hands excitedly.
Her little bubble with Chris exploded and she had to blink a few times to clear her head while he moved back. Lucy could see he was breathing a little harder and she chanced another glance at him. He gave her a huge smile before saying he’d go with Guillermo.
“Can I have a glass of wine instead? Cabernet is preferable, but I’ll take anything as long as it’s not overly sweet.” Lucy broke away from Chris stare long enough to reach her purse and grab a fifty-dollar bill.
“Your money’s no good here, sweetheart, keep it.” Chris rubbed his hands on his thighs almost like he was drying them, before clapping them and getting up. “So red wine, 4 beers, how about some chips and queso?” he looked around the group getting nods from everyone. “Alright, let’s go.”
On their way out Dix joined Chris and Guillermo, the three of them making their way to the door.
Lucy looked around and decided to peek into the outside seats, where they would congregate to watch the game. She had been to plenty of games at the Met Life Stadium but never inside one of the owners’ suite. She couldn’t deny she was impressed with the Patriots stadium, not that she would ever admit that out loud.
She shivered when she opened the door and the cold air hit her. Lucy knew her thick green wool sweater and jeans wouldn’t be enough to withstand the cold and wind bellowing outside the door.  She let Penny know she would grab their coats and went back inside, making her way to the coat hanger by one of the sofas on the other side of the room. She got her coat, putting it on, then grabbed her gloves from one of the pockets along with a thick black scarf and hat from the other. She was almost all bundled up and was buttoning up her coat when Samuel approached, leaning on the wall and giving her the once over.
“Hi.” She offered him a small smile, her fingers rapidly working on the last button.
“Hi there.” The dirty blond man had an easy smile but something about him bothered her. She understood why when he continued. “So, you’re a stripper? I gotta say, with a heck like that you oughta make some money, even if you’re on the heavy side.”
Lucy seethed and looked at him with contempt.
“I’m sorry, I barely even know your name, what’s your problem with me?”
“Come on baby, you’re gonna play hard to get because I’m not the movie star? I saw you getting all chummy with Chris not five minutes ago. You think he’s gonna make a move on ya’ when he has the pick of the litter?” His hand moved as to touch her hair and she smacked it down with hers.
“Do not touch me without my permission,” she said through gritted teeth, standing tall like JP had taught her all those years ago. ‘Stand your ground and look menacing Lou, you have to make them see you’re not afraid and won’t tolerate their shit.’ She looked straight at Samuel and counted on her hand. “Number one I’m not your baby and whomever I get chummy with is not your business. Number two I’m not a stripper, I’m a dance instructor who teaches not only pole dance but at least five more dance styles. And number three if me being heavy is such a problem, why are you talking to me? Now, if you excuse me.”
She tried to move past him, but he pushed from the wall and blocked her path with his body.
“Hey, Samuel. Lucy… The game is about to start, why don’t you bundle up Sam, I’m getting the girls outside.” Garret was out of the couch and next to the two people in less than three steps, having heard how agitated Lucy sounded. Trying to defuse the situation without getting the attention of everyone else seemed like the best idea and he offered Lucy his arm, which she gladly accepted while he gathered his and Penny’s jacket.
Garret gave the other man a hard stare before moving away, Lucy looking down the whole time.
“You good Lucy?” Garret had an imposing figure and at almost 6’5, he towered over everyone in the room and even had her 5’9 sister looking small and dainty next to him. But the light dark-skinned man was one of the sweetest men she knew, and his presence had always soothed Lucy whenever they met in New York City or at her parents’ house.
‘Man, they’re gonna make some beautiful babies together.’ Lucy thought back to the last serious conversation they had, tucked away in his and Penny’s kitchen after her birthday party. He confessed he would propose during Christmas’s Eve, after talking to Mr. Seabrook. Lucy was giddy and even helped him with the engagement ring, stealing one of Penny’s ring so he could take it with him to the jewelry store. The ring was now tucked away in one of Lucy’s travel bags and she promised she wouldn’t peek. She looked up to him and smiled. “Yeah, he’s being a shithead but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before you know?”
“But you shouldn’t have to deal with that Lucy, I don’t understand my own kind sometimes, men are pigs.” He opened the door to the outside area, motioning her to go. “I mean, I get it that being friends with Chris makes you a second option and if you’re not secure with yourself that must suck, but that’s no reason to treat a woman with anything but respect.”
“Was I flirting too much with Chris? Will he think I’m a groupie?” the last sentence was more meant for herself than for her friend, but Lucy needed to know.
“My god woman, no!” he threw his head back in a hearty laugh, hugging Lucy sideways. “If anything, he’s the one who upped the volume back there, even I did a double take when he mentioned you calling him captain because he usually shies away from that part of his life when talking to girls. Hot as hell if I might say so!” he nudged her with his shoulder. “And believe me, you might be Penny’s sister but if I didn’t know you and didn’t think you’d be a good fit with our little group, you wouldn’t be invited. We’re very protective of the guy, especially when he’s in Boston and believes no one will take advantage of him. But Guillermo likes you, Dora likes you. Samuel’s a dick but that’s nothing new. And I, I really like you. You’re one of those girls who doesn’t take shit from anyone and can actually hold a conversation about anything… plus you treated my boy like he was just another guy you met.”
Lucy smiled at Gar and hugged him tightly, murmuring her thanks.
They sat next to Penny right as Chris, Guillermo and the rest of Chris’ friends made their way outside, passing drinks and appetizers around.
But even after Garret’s pep talk, Samuel’s words had her reeling and her feelings of inadequacy came back up with a vengeance. Why would Chris make a move on her when he could have anyone he wanted?
‘You’re just a fat girl Lucy, who would want you now?’ the voice inside in her mind now sounded like a man and years of being belittled made her feel unwanted. Who indeed would want the fat girl? Her own voice echoed.
She asked Penny to change places with her and she tried to make herself as small as she could next to the wall, her wine glass firmly clasped on her hands.
Lost to her own thoughts Lucy didn’t see the look Chris sent her way, his smile turning to a frown when the vibrant, boisterous girl of twenty minutes ago now looked meek and subdued.
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
That brief moment of panic when you delete your whole work by accident and have no idea what just happened.
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
Shall We Dance 3/?
“You okay over there?” Chris asks her during halftime, the Patriots opening a three-drive advantage over the Tennessee Titans and making Chris feel good about the game. Lucy was seated by the wall and Chris had to cross over five chairs to get to her, moving to sit by her side. Most of his friends left for the bathroom or the bar, leaving him and Lucy when neither of them didn’t move after the whistle. “You’re being oddly quiet and Penny’s worried.”
He watched Lucy worry her bottom lip, her teeth moving back and forth over the plump lower lip. He was sure she was debating over giving him a feeble excuse or talking freely with him. He wished for the latter, Chris was tired of girls using headaches or that time of the month to justify their moods.
“I have a…” well, here comes the excuse then he gazed at her disappointed while she made to look at the field to avoid him. The next second he could feel something inside her snapping back in place, her eyes meeting his. “You know what, no, I do not have a headache. I feel perfectly fine health-wise, but I do have a lot on my head. I don’t appreciate being treated like a piece of meat, a fat piece of meat at that, and some of your friends are pig heads.”
Chris stared at her, somewhat pleased she was forthcoming with him and at the same time getting mad someone he considered a friend mistreating another.
“What Samuel said to you?” his stare was hard when he got up, never breaking eye contact. “He can be an ass sometimes, I’m sorry.”
“You don’t need to apologize for something you didn’t do Chris,” Lucy offered him a smile, stilling his walk when she grabbed his hand. “As I said, I do have a lot on my mind and sometimes I let a bad memory filter through the forefront and that freezes me for a moment. Most of the time though I’m a tough cookie, I can dish back whatever I receive.”
She gave him her meanest face, dissolving into laughter right after.
“Oh right, that was terrifying, I’m shaking in my Nikes.” He sat next to her, his half-full cup of beer in his hand. He brought the cup to his lips, finishing it all at once. “Seriously though, I’ll talk to him, he knows I hate when he pulls that shit. If there is one thing I don’t tolerate is disrespecting women.”
“He called me a stripper!” she giggled and downed whatever little wine was left inside her own plastic cup and grabbed his, getting up and throwing both on the can next to the wall before resting her bum on the rail in front of him.
“He what?” Chris was on his feet so fast he swayed a little. “I’m kicking him out right now.”
“Calm down Chris, seat your ass back down and relax,” she pushed him back gently and he was dumbfounded, a confused expression on his face his free hand raised in a ‘what’ question at her. “He’s not the first and certainly won’t be the last to call me that or even worst. Guys don’t usually understand that you can pole without taking off your clothes, as stripping is ordinarily their introduction to the craft.” She got comfortable, leaning a little lower on the rail, her legs stretched in front of her between both of his. She had on brown boots that reached almost to her knees but no heels, she was dressed for comfort he noted, but even she wasn’t trying to impress him, she already had. He closed his legs trapping her and oh why he loved that laugh so much?  “Not that there’s anything wrong with stripping, it’s hot as hell when you know what you’re doing.”
The temperature around them was board line freezing, but Chris felt warm at her words. He had been to his fair share of strip clubs, some raucous trips to Vegas coming back to him.
“Have your ever? I mean, did you ever… God, don’t answer that, I sound just like a pervert, I have no right to ask you that.” He ran a hand through his hair and face, exhaling to right his mind. Calm down man, what are you, nineteen?
“I don’t mind answering to be honest, we’re just talking.” Her right foot moved back and forth with the music filtering down from the speakers. Lucy gathered her hair to her left side and brought it forward to rest over her ample chest and Chris was undecided if he wanted to gently run his hand through the tresses before resting it on her breast or grab it to pull her towards him and run his nose between the valley of her bosom. In the end, he chose neither, his hand flexing and opening again to try and release of the tension his body was feeling. She grinned; “Ask whatever Chris.”
“Who usually chooses the pole dance classes?” he tried a safe question first even though he knew exactly what he wanted to ask.
“You’d be surprised!” she sounded like she had a secret and he made a mental note to ask why later. “We have housewives who want to plus their sexual lives, executives who want to let go of their everyday lives for a couple of hours, surgical doctors who want the limberness and the dexterity pole dance offers. And of course, we have the girls working the poles for money, either pros who need to learn something new or a beginner who can barely bend and reach her toes. And the best thing is that anyone can do it you know, they can be as small as Kate Moss thin or as big as Tess Holiday, it doesn’t matter, as long as you have core strength you can do a routine.”
Her passion shinned while she spoke and Chris couldn’t help but smile with her.
“And do you do personalized routines for the working girls?”
“Sometimes we come up with stuff together, sometimes they just want help with an angle or how to go from one move to the next seamless and as graceful as possible. And when I say graceful, I mean sexy.” Lucy explained. “Sometimes I go to their club so I can see the space they have to work with it. Some routines use chairs or the floor and not only the pole itself.”
An image of her on the floor, legs encased in black stockings and heels flashed in his mind and a small moan crossed his lips. He scooted over the chair, and his crotch made contacts with her calf when he hugged her legs with his own, hands on her knees.
“For some reason, I can’t see you performing in a club…” he playful tapped the side of his face. “I mean, not that you wouldn’t be amazing, but… No, you’d want a captive audience for that.” He tilted his head and looked at her a little sideways, an eyebrow raising and giving her a heat look when a beautiful blush tinted her cheeks, his cock twitching at the thought of her braless in front of him, her ass rotating with the rhythm while she grounded herself on him. His hands went grazed over the backside of her knees, going up till they rested near her buttocks to hold her in place, fingers sprawled on the backside of her thighs, squeezed lightly when he looked up at her. “I bet you have a routine for each of your favorite songs, don’t you? Outfits picked and everything.”
She licked her lips and nodded, unable to form words at his forwardness. The hand that previously combed through her own hair trailing down her body, giving her own breast a squeeze before coming to a rest on his biceps. The green of her eyes was brighter, her pupils dilated.
“I don’t see a question in there Chris.” Her voice was low and raspy, and it did things to his cock.
“You’re a flirty little thing, aren’t ‘ya?” he chuckled and sighed right after when her other hand took hold of his chin, caressing lazily through his beard. Chris looked her straight into the eyes before posing his question, “Are you gonna dance for me, sweetheart?”
Chris turned his head slightly and captured her thumb with his lips, sucking lightly before nipping at the pad of her finger, still holding her gaze and winking before sucking more of her thumb into his mouth. She shivered and moaned softly, and he was glad there were quite a few seats empty, guaranteeing their privacy. He didn’t want anyone hearing her moans but himself.
Lucy righted herself and her blush intensified when her movements put her mound right near his face but he was holding her gaze waiting for an answer. The hand that holds his arm moved and she cupped his chin with both hands.
“Yes, I will."
This had been the longest second-half of any Patriots games in recorded history. It was like Tom Brady knew that he wanted to leave as soon as possible so he could fuck the soft, beautiful girl seated next to him and decided that all snaps would end up with the ball out of bounds. He was favoring short passes over big plays and advancing yard by yard. Brady was a cockblocker, Chris was sure of that.
After their exchange during half-time, Chris moved places, seating himself next to the fiberglass wall that separated all suites and pulling Lucy on the seat next to him. He took a hold of her hand and didn’t let go even when Guillermo handed him three cups of beer stating he wasn’t going back to the bar. He also brought Lucy two plastic cups of wine and she drank half the contents of one almost immediately, saying her mouth felt dry.
Chris had Garret kindly ask Samuel to seat as far from them as possible going as far as to say that he was welcomed to stay if he kept his mouth shut. The blonde man skulked but went on to chat with a brunette that was friends with Dix’s brother. Looking around he realized he knew no more than ten people milling about and he made a mental note to reevaluate who should be invited next game.
The third quart was over and he looked at his watch, three thirty p.m. With some luck his team would get it together and don’t let the Titans score again and for fuck’s sake, stopping punting on every drive.
He threw his hands up and cheered when Malcolm Butler intercepted the ball, high-fiving his friends, but the Patriots had to punt after a penalty stalled them near the forty-yard line. He groaned and picked on the skin of his pinky finger, almost ripping his nail off when the Titans scored a touchdown in a drive that lasts less than 15 seconds.
“FUCK THIS.” Chris chugged the rest of his second beer, cursing loudly. He sat with a huff, grabbing her hand again. “Not a word from you woman,” a stern look on his face. “This is what happens you bring a Giants fan to the temple. And don’t you roll your eyes at me.”
She did just that while taking a sip of her wine. Penny and her big mouth had disclosed Lucy was a diehard Giants fans, with season tickets to prove it, while they went to get drinks and Garret almost gloated when he informed Chris he was consorting with the enemy.
“You Bostonians are way into this team. It’s like a religion… better yet, a cult!” her empty cup was back on the ground, a smirk on her lips. “At least I admit when my team does something wrong you know. You people worship Brady like he was a goddamn gold idol, even after deflate-gate.”
“Don’t you go spouting heresies inside the temple! Are you insane?” Chris gave her an exasperated look before softening his features; he was feeling the tiniest bit drunk after so many beers, enjoying this time with his friends and the girl by his side. But now she’s talking crazy!
Lucy threw her head back and laughed out loud, mirth dancing in her eyes.
“You guys are so easy to rile up,” turning her body to him, she placed a hand on the inside of his thighs, rubbing small circles there. “I’m sorry I offended Boston’s number one boyfriend, is there any way I can make it up to you?”
Chris should’ve been offended by her dissident comment about Brady, but her apt fingers reached the inseam of his jeans, pausing there for a moment before making they way back to his thighs and all thoughts quickly left him.
He dropped his gaze to her curved mouth, getting as close as possible without touching her. He wanted to kiss her badly, run his lips down her jaw and pull at her lips with his owns lips, but he refused to have their first kiss where thousands of cell phones would surely capture that intimate moment. They both wetted their lips at the same time and the gesture drove Chris nuts. Fuck the cameras, I need to taste her.
Just then the Patriots scored a field goal and people all around them went nuts. Getting out of their seats and jumping, flags clasped in their hands.
Chris seized the moment and captured her lips in a kiss, moving slowly, first her heart-shaped upper lip and then her full bottom lip, his teeth pulling and drawing a moan from her. His tongue followed where he teeth pulled, soothing the bite. Lucy opened her mouth a little, welcoming the exploration of his tongue. She tasted like an opulent wine, and it warmed him in the freezing weather.
Their mouths moved together till air become imperative. Opening his eyes Chris was met with the most beautiful sight of her face almost flush with his, her cold red nose touching his cheek, red lips turned into a blissful smile. And when her eyes opened, he felt something running all the way from his head down his back and up to his chest, settling content near his heart. They took a few seconds looking into each other’s eyes before he brought his hands to her neck and the side of her head, pulling her into him again for one more taste.
He'd do anything to get back home as soon as possible, game be damned.
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queeniewritesce · 5 years
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ce-vans · 5 years
Any chance I could be added to the tag list for I Saved The Last Dance For You? I am absolutely obsessed so far 💜
I sure can! I’ll be posting all new chapters on my side blog, so make sure you follow that as well: @queeniewritesce
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